PINK - FINAN�E G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council �7 V ��,,/.
C uncil Resolution �
Presented By
�^ �
Referred To /'�'� N���� Committee: Date ����� �
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative Resolution changing the
grade for the classification of Civil
Service Transactions Clerk II in the Salary
Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution.
RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title of Civil Service Transactions
Clerk II be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 34, Section I D 1 to Grade
36, Section I D 1 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force
on the first pay period after the passage, approval and publication of this
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Drew Nays �
Rettman In Favor
Sonnen � __ Ag81[lSt
Adopted by Council: Date �AN 2 9 1987 Form pprove by 't Attorney
Certified Vas• d ounc.il Se tar BY '
By �
Approved by Mavor: Date
��� �j � � ��$ Appro y Ma or for �mi n to Council
By ���� —
PUBIISNED F�� 7 - 1987 �
Personnel�Office ��`//� lr� OS 44
, � .
' h.Tn n Sh�,�;.__ , CONTACT
4221 PHONE
12-29-86 DATE � � . e�
RSSIGN NUNBER FOR RQWi'ING ORDER Cli Al1 Locations for Si ature : _
� Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor
,� Finance and Management Services Director - 4 City Clerk
Budget Director
� City Attorney : -
Rationale) :
See attached position audit report.
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$1 ,926.34 annual ly RFC���
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ture not re-
Total Amount of'T:r.ansaction: quired if under
� �10,000)
Fuading Source:
Activity Number: • ,
ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) :
1 . Resolution '
2. Copy for City Clerk '
- . �
Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached:
_ _ . . . .
Revised 12/84
� 7- //�
POSITION: Civil Service TransactionsClerk II
AUDITOR: John H. Shockley
Recently an audit was conducted of the Civil Service TransactionSClerk
II position held by Marlene Krupich. Such was done at the request of
the Personnel Director. .
The position performs supervisory and technical work in the auditing of
City and Board of Education payrolls and in the maintenance of personnel
records in accordance with the Civil Service Rules. The position
supervises an average of seven full time employees. General supervision
is received from the Personnel Director.
Some of the duties performed by this position are:
1. Assigns, supervises, reviews and evaluates the work of employees
involved in payroll and records auditing.
2. Interprets and assists employees in applying Civil Service Rules
and bargaining agreements in the audit of payrolls and personnel
3. Verifies reports of personnel transactions, such as certifica-
tions, appointments, layoffs, leaves of absence, reinstatements,
resignations, transfers, reductions, salary changes, etc. , for
compliance with Civil Service Rules, and maintains records of
such transactions.
4. Maintains a current Civil Service eligible, reinstatement and
transfer register and certifies to the appointing authority
candidates for position openings.
5. Prepares reports of personnel transactions.
6. Maintains records of inedical examinations of new City employees;
transmits medical records to City Attorney for review; and
schedules employees special medical examinations as requested by
department heads.
7. Maintains records of judges used in City elections; assists
Election Bureau in certifying judges in accordance with current
8. Supervises and participates in the distribution and recording of
probation reports and annual evaluations for new appointments
and present City and Education employees; assists in follow-ups
for unsatisfactory evaluations.
. �. , ��-ii�
9. Handles inquiries and complaints from citizens or employees.
10. Participates in the interviewing and hiring of subordinate
clerical employees.
Interviews were conducted with the incumbent, Marlene Krupich and her
supervisor Rafael A. Viscasillas, Personnel Director. Ms. Rrupich
provided the information presented in the description and stated that
she felt her position was undervalued. She also stated that when her
position was audited by the HCA consultants, the auditor spent only ten.
minutes interviewing her. She further stated that she advises Payroll
Supervisors in the different divisions and departments and they received
an upgrading to clerical grade 32 while her classification remained a
grade 34. Mr. Viscasillas supported Ms. Krupich's statements. He
stated that Ms. Rrupich's position was one of the more valuable mana-
gerial positions in his unit.
The position as described was compared with the J.A.Q.s of positions
allocated to the Clerical Supervisor, Office Manager, Clerk IV and Civil
Service Transactions Clerk I and Payroll Supervisor Classifications. It
was revealed that the position as described is performing duties similar
to those of Office Managers and Clerical Supervisors except that the
position as described, advises the positions in such classes as to .
proper application of Civil Service Rules. The interpretation of such
rules and the maintenance of the certification process are unique to
the Personnel Office and to the Civil Service Transaction Clerk class
Comparisons of the duties as described with the specifications for the
aforementioned classifications revealed that the duties are, again,
unique to the Personnel Office.
Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analysis
HCA Evaluation
- Level Points
Knowledge Required 5 470
Effect of Actions 3 245
Mental Effort 3 220
Amount of Discretion 3 205
Impact in Policies and Procedures 3 175
Consequence of Error 3 170
Hazard and Stress 2(0) 115
Contacts 2 80
Physical Effort 1 45
Surroundings 1 30
Personnel Authority 2 110
Units Supervised 2 _2�
Total 1890
� . �- . � � �- ��y
Q.E.S. Evaluation and Analysis (Continued)
JHS Evaluation
Level Points
Knowledge Required 5 470
Effect of Actions 3 245
Mental Effort 3 220
Amount of Discretion 3 205
Impact on Policies and Procedures 3 175
Consequence of Error 3 170
Hazard and Stress 2R* 130
Contacts 3 * 100
Physical Effort 1 45
Surroundings 1 30
Personnel Authority 3 * 170
Units Supervised 2 25
Total 1985
The HCA evaluation resulted in 1890 points which places the position in
grade 34 of the Clerical Standard Ranges. The Civil Service Transactions
Clerk II class is currently in grade 34. The current evaluation re-
sulted in 1985 points which places the position in 36 of the Clerical
Standard Ranges. This is equivalent in compensation to that of a
Personnel Technician III which is in Technical Standard Ranges grade 38.
The factors that lead to the additional points and consequently an
upgrading were Hazard and Stress, Contacts and Personnel Authority. A
level of two regular was assigned the factor of Hazard and Stress
because the position must meet regularly recurring payroll deadlines and
handle emergency situations which meets the regular two level defini-
tion. Regarding the factor of Contacts a three level was assigned
because the position has daily contact with payroll people, finance
people, personnel representatives and department heads that involves
instructing, advising and directing those individuals in compliance with
Civil Service Rules and regulations. This meets the three level defini-
tion. As to the factor of Personnel Authority, the position meets
the three level definition because the position makes effective de-
cisions on hiring, firing, suspension, promotion, assignment, disci-
pline, reward and work direction.
It is recommended that the Civil Service TransactionsClerk II classi-
fication be assigned from grade 34 of the Clerical Standard Ranges
to grade 36 and that the corresponding class specification be revised
and updated.
� � ���� �����:�������
� Title of class;
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, in the Civil Service Bureau, to supervise and
perform the work involved in the checking of a11.City payrolls,
the keeping of personnel records of all City employees, and the
clerical work in connection with personnel transactions; to
assist in the administration of the City's Health and Welfare
program and to be responsible for the related clerical work;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check the payrolls of all City employees for compliance with
appropriate ordinances and Charter provisions.
To check reports of personnel transactions, such as certifications,
appointments, layoffs, leaves of absence, reinstatements,
resignations, transfers, reductions, salary changes, etc. , for
compliance with rules and regulations, and appropriate ordinances
and Charter provisions; and to record such transactions.
To keep Civil Service eligible and reinstatement registers up to date. '
To certify from eligible and reinstatement registers.
� To keep records of current and cumulative sick leave of Civil
Service employees.
To keep up a scrap book of all Civil Service ordinances as published.
To answer inquiries over the telephone. '
To prepare periodic reports of Civil Service transactions and
related information.
To supervise employees doing related work.
To check the insurance billings with the payrolls to verify the total
amount of the billing.
To maintain a record of all employees on probation and process all
probationary reports.
To maintain a record of all retirees.
To meet with individuals about to retire and explain, to them, the
City's Health and Welfare program for retirees.
To prepare the Health and Welfare budget.
To assist in planning the Health and Welfare Committee meetings
and to take notes and prepare the minutes of the meetings.
To meet with insurance company representatives.
To answer inquiries regarding the City's Health and Welfare program.
To write reports.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' experience as a Civil 5ervice
Transactions Clerk I; or seven years' experience as a Clerk III,
or equiva.lent.
Effective November 30, 1968
. � � CODE: 36763 �7 ���
� B.U. . O1
TITLE OF CLASS: �'�- �: . �''.�I�'�C,��'IONc
General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory technical work
in the certification of eligibles, the maintenance of Civil
Service transaction records and in the auditing of the City and
Board of Education payrolls; and performs related duties as
Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of the
Personnel Director.
Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general to moderate
supervision over clerical workers.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all
positions in this class.
Assigns, supervises, reviews and evaluates the work of employees
involved in payroll and records auditing.
Interprets and assists employees in applying Civil Service Rules
and bargaining agreements in the sudit of payrolls and personnel
Verifies reports of personnel transactions, such as
certifications, appointments, layoffs, leaves of absence,
reinstatements, resignations, transfers, reductions, salary
changes, etc. , for compliance with Civil Service Rules, and
maintains records of such transactions.
Maintains a current Civil Service eligible, reinstatement and
transfer register and certifies to the appointing suthority
candidates for position openings.
Prepares reports of personnel transactions.
Maintains records of inedical examinations of new City employees;
transmits medical records to City Attorney for review; and
schedules employees special medical examinations as requested by
department heads.
Maintains records of �udges used in City elections; assists
Election Bureau in certifying judges in accordance with current
(continued on reverse side)
Supervises and participates in the distribution and recording of
probation reports and annual evaluations for new appointments and
present City and Education employees; assists in follow-ups for
unsatisfactory evaluations.
Handles inquiries and complaints from citizens or employees.
Participates in the interviewing and hiring of subordinate
clerical employees.
Knowledge of numerous agreements for bargaining units, Civil
Service Rules, City Charter, Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation,
salary schedules, severance pay ordinances, Judge of Election's
Rules and Supervisor's Manual.
Knowledge of office policies, procedures and office equipment
including computer terminals.
Ability to supervise and evaluate the work of others.
Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, with
employees and the public.
Ability to maintain a variety of records and to prepare a variety
of reports.
High school graduation and four years of experience as a Civil
Service Transactions Clerk I.
_ � _ � � �7-���
. ..
DATE: December 29, 1986
T0: Rafael A. Viscasillas
Personnel Director
Theodore Massey, President
St. Paul Classified Confidential Employees Assn.
FROM: John H. Shockley ��_
Personnel Of f ice�
RE: Civil Service TransactionSClerk II Classification
It has been determined that the Civil Service TransactionSClerk II class
specification be revised to reflect some changes in duties. Therefore,
please review the attached specification and notify us within 20 days of
receipt of this notice if you wish to discuss the matter. If we here no
objections, we will establish the new specification in our files in lieu
of the old specification.
We will also be processing a resolution placing the Civil Service
TransactionsClerk II class in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation
at Clerical Standard Range grade 36, section I D 1. It was in grade 34,
section I D 1.
Grade A B C D E F
34 939.36 981.80 1028.41 1075.05 1125.81 1180.76
10 yr• 15 yr. 20 yr• 25 yr.
1213.21 1247.34 1256.84 1266.34
Grade A B C D E F
36 991.79 1039.25 1085.87 1138.31 1193.26 1248.19
10 yr. 15 r. 20 yr. 25 yr.
1284.82 1 21.43 1330.93 1340.43�
, c�:. ;��.f ����- �
� � � ! � � -� ��
' '=^ CITY OF' S32VT P3�L
- "�!i , OB'�'IC�. OF TH� CZTY'COUYCIL
�Qmmi�tee Re�art ,
�`�anc�. l��a�e�e�t � F�r�an��j Ca�rni�ten .
� �.
JANtTARY 27, 1987
1• Approval of minutes from meeting held January I5, 1987. avnroved ,
2. Report by Finance Director Gene Schiller regarding review of several financial
management issues (laid over from January 15, 1987) . discussed
3. Letter of the Mayor transmitting Planning Commission recommendations on the
report entitled "Committee Report on the Findings and Reco�rmendations of the
Citizens Commission on Bonding and Fiaancing Practices.". laid over to 2/12
4. Letter of the State Department of Revenue transmittirig Application No. 328587
of Barton Enterprises Inc. for reduction of certain real estate in the city
of Saint Paul. discussed
5. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for title of_ Real Estate Risk and
, Facilities-..Manager in Grade-20, Section I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory �
Standard Range of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. � approved
6• ���;. ��tng the grade„for Civil Service Transaction Clerk II fro�
�� � � � �i', $actioa'�`*'b I, o� the Salarp Plan aad Rates of Ce>mgan-
�i`�o1u'�la�. �''�iil�d
7. Resolution amending the 1987 budget by transferring $5,106 from Contingent
Reserve to Civic Organization Partnership Programs and authorizing payment to �
various organizations for contractual services. approved at 1/15 meeting � �
8. Resalution adopting the 1988-1992 Program for Capital Improvement as part of '
the Comprehensive Plan, and for use in the Unified Capital Improvement Program
and Budget Process. avvroved �
9. Resolution adopting the 1988-1992 Program for Capital Improvement as part of
the Comprehensive Plan, and for use in the Unified Capital Improvement ProgXam
and Budget Process. annroved
— ,._,__ .
10. Resolution directing the Department of Finance and Management Services to
prepare for 1987 General Obligation Bond sale. anproved � ,
11. Administrative Order:
D-8241: Additions of $800 to the Fuel Service Station Canopy Construction -
Project (laid over from Januazy 15, 1987) . laid over• to 1/29
C'� �'L' � SEV�i'I�3 FLOOR
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