D00752CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR •Approved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accounting Division ��� r L - Requesting Dept. Na J Date: -� 1� -(�— -- ADMINISTRATIVE 6RDER, Consisientwith the autliwity granted to the Mayor in Seetion 10.07.4 of We City Charter and based on the request of the Director of tl�e Departrnent of Finanee and Management Services to amend tfie 1995 8udget of the Generel fund, tfie Director of the DepartrneM of Finanee and Management Services is authorfzed W amend said budget in the following manne�: • DEPARTMENT 8 DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Finance and Management Services Treasury Division GL 001-01200-0111 Fu41 Time Permanent GL 001-01200-0368 O�ce Supplies GL 001-01200-9531 Petty Casfi Advance GL 001-01200-0813 Duplicating Equipment GL 0 01-0 7 200-0 857 Data Processing Hardware All Other Activity Spending CURRENT BUDGET 175,927 1,343 0 APPROVED CHANGES (14,650) 1,000 150 AMENDED BUDGET 161,2T7 2,343 150 0 10,000 10,000 0 3,500 3,500 27,762 - 27,762 205,032 0 205,032 (� _ _ _.i w. 1�-�-.X � � ^2`� -1 S'' Ms ».�.-.. Ap ved by: Mayor Date ��52 N_ 32389 GREEN SHEET 7 O DEPAHIMEM DIRECTOfl FOR � CIT'ATTORNEY � BUOGEf DIREGTOR . � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAlin TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CLtP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) — cm couxci� iromama� CITY CLERK FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. This�Administrative Order amends the 1995 Budget. to provide funds for a copy machine and computer for the City Treasury. There is no net increase to spending as a result of this revision. _PLANNMGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ SfAFF _ _ DISTAICTCAUflT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTiVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEN THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has this persoMirtn ever worKed under a conhact for this departmeM? � YES NO 2. Has Nis person�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO F�cplain all yas answero on separote sheet and anech to green sheet 'IATING PAOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNIN(Who. What. When, Where, Why): The copy machine in Treasury is inefficient and costly. Presently, any copies necessary, above a few, are either printed by an outside source (such as bond counsel) at a high cost, or Treasury staff must use a copy machine out of the work area. The computer is a replacemenC. This expenditure provides technology to do the job more effectively and efficiently (technology vs. people). The funds are available because of unfilled or underfilled positions in the division. . None RECEIVEG� DEC -11995 CITY CLERK Treasury will continue to pay outside printing costs and Treasury staff will continue to eat up valuable work hours at off-site copy machines. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIFIG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER I FlNANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIM � �