87-110 wHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G�TY OF . SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR - FIIC NO• � �a Cou cil Resolution � - ,. Presented By � ,-- � Referred To f'-� �����—� Committee: Date ��3 � Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of Real Estate Risk and Facilities Manager in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the title of Real Estate Risk and Facilities Manager be paid at the rate set forth in Grade 20, Section I D 4, Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval and publication of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � �_ RSONNEL OF Rettman � �n Favor � � Scheibel �„ ._ Against B '�`'e Tedeseo � Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 2 9 t987 For Approve b 'ty Attorney . Certified Vas• by uunc.il Se tar BY B}� Approved by : avor: ate 1���1 ��� � � B�PPro d by Mayor for Sub si to Council By _ � — PUBIISNED F E B 7 - 198T r . - . �''7 -//O�T A Personne2 Office DEPARTMENT ` � j1� _ �S�`�� � John Shockley ^� CONTACT 4221 PHONE � 12-29-86 � - DATE ��� Qr �r � ASS NUN�ER .FOR ROUTIN6 ORDER Cli Al1 .Locations for Si nature : - Depar�ment Director � Director of Management/Mayor F'nance and Management Services Director � 4 City Clerk udget Dire.ctor � City Attorney WNAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The establishmen.t of this new title will result in abolishing the old titl.e of Real Estate Supervisor in Grade 15, of. the P'�of�'ssion�i �mp2oyees Supervisory Group. The new title pf Real Estate Risk & Facilities Manager Classification is in G�ade 20 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Group. �"�-�1�y° COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �� �— RECENED GRADE 15 u�C � � A B C D E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. 3 : 1100.89 1146.02 1191 .38 1250.55 1314.55 1380.35 1450.29 1495.40 1539.�9 MAYOR'S otticf GRADE 20 1278.37 1330. 16 1383.58 1453.48 1526.57 1603.88 1684.39 1734.60 1786.43 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGfT ACTIVITY NUhBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- . ture not re- Total Amount of'Transaction: quired if under � $10,000) � : Funding Source: Activity Number: • � RECEiVED ATTACHMIENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : �F� Z 9 � , . Res°luti°n � C�TY ATTORN ' 2. Copy for City Clerk - DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW Yes No Cnuncil Resolution Required? ' Resolution Requir�d? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 • , �7 `-//U , . CODE: 18273 • ' B.U. . 02 EFFECTIVE: TITLE OF CLASS: PROPOSED SPECIFICATION ' REAL ESTATE RISK AND FACILITIES MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional administrative and supervisory work in the acquisition, disposition, development, leasing, property management and insuring of properties; creates and facilitates appropriate communications networks to serve City departments, business and community councils having an interest in the real estate transactions of this department; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general direction of the division or department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general supervision over technical personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Administers, develops, coordinates, implements and supervises real estate acquisitions, disposals, property risk management, leasing and other transactions. Supervises and participates in the preparation of real estate � sales summaries and contact sales in order to develop comparable property values. Coordinates with City departments a city—wide lease management system. Supervises and develops property risk management programs for City buildings and associates personal property contents. Develops and implements reconstruction values for City—owned buildings and determines actual replacement value for associated contents. Identifies risk exposures in property and liability situations; determines methods of handling risks. Analyzes and supervises the preparation of insurance coverage specifications; recommends the successful bidder and policy funding program. (continued on reverse side) REAL ESTATE RISK AND FACILITIES MANAGER REAL ESTATE RISK AND FACILITIES MANAGER � � (continued) TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (continued) � Administers, develops, coordinates, implements and manages the City-Wide Real Property Facility and Internal Energy management programs. Administers, coordinates and manages the division general fund and performance budget reports. Administers and supervises the review and selection of parcels for City needs; and represents the City regarding tax forfeit land activities. Represents the Division at the City Council, City Council Committee meetings, Community Councils, etc. , regarding pro�ects of the Real Estate Section. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of ordinances, laws, rules and regulations relating to all phases of real estate acquisitions and dispositions. Knowledge of real estate practices, procedures and techniques relating to development, leasing, risk management and insurance, aT� r�al estate appraising and assessment. Knowledge of banking practices, accounting skills and tax incentive potentials. Knowledge of building construction techniques, proce.sses and operational sequencing. Arility to plan, supervise and evaluate the w�rl, of o*.he�s. Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, with public and private individuals and with groups. Ability to establish and coordinate City-wide programs such as Risk Management, in order to protect corporate assets. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from college with a degree in business or urban planning or related field; and three years of experience in real estate valuation and assessment, risk management or related real estate functions; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. REAL ESTATE RISK AND FACILITIES MANAGER . . �7 -ii� . � THIS-CLASS SPECIFICATION WILL BE ABULISHED Title of class: ' REAL ESTATE SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs the adminfstrative and supervisory uork fnvolved in the direction of the real estate, relocation and property management operation; solfc3ts developers and negotiates the sale of real estate; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the adm�nistrative direction of the division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit administrative and tecbnical direct�on over technical, cler�cal and other assigned personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples map not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Dfrects the implementation of real estate, relocation and property management and maintenance programso Participates �n the formulation and supervises the implementation of real estate, relocation and propertp management goals, ob�ectives, policies and procedures. Negotiates or superv£ses t�ie negot�ation of real estate transactions; both acquisition and d3�positiono � Supervfses relocation staff; directs the preparation of relocation plans that meet standards; estimates relocation costs. Negotiates and administers agreements with other agencies for the provision of relocation serv�ces and for serv�ce� necessarp to maintaining land and structures possessed bp PoEoDo/HaRoA. Negotfates leases for P.EoDe/H.R.Ae o�med propertpo Provides informat�on and tec�nical support to developers, the public and the Planning Councfls regard�ng real estate, relocat�on and property maintenance activft3es and serviceso Acts as a liaison to the Department of Hou�£ng and Urban Development regarding all matters relating to real estate and relocation guidelines, regulations and policies. Supervfses all record keeping and report preparation pertaining to the above activft�es, superv3ses and trains all staff and manages the section's budget. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Consf.derable kno�rledge of the real estate market and real estate procedures in acquiring, managing and disposing of property. Considerable knowledge of property management techniques and procedures. Considerable knowledge of relocatfon regulations, gufdelines and procedures. Consfderable abflftp to organ�ze, plan and direct the work of others. (cont3nued on rever�e �ide) Effective June 3, 1982 REAL ESTATE SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE SUPERVISOR (continued) Considerable abilitp to cumsnunicate clearly and effectfvely with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to cooperate and coordinate work effectively with otl�er managers, prfvate developers, and public officials. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and tWO years' experfence involving negotiating real estate transactfons in the field o£ rene�ral and/or com�unity development or six pears of progressively more responsible work researching and negotiatfng real estate transactions in the field of renewal and/or co�nunity development. i . . �I,,�-�7- ��� POSITION AUDIT REPORT � POSITION: Real Estate Supervisor INCUMBENT: Dave Nelson AUDITOR: John H. Shockley BACRGROUND The position was audited by the HCA Consultants in June 1984. At that time it was recommended that the position be entitled Property Risk Management Supervisor. It was also recommended that an HCA grade of 14 be assigned. An HCA grade 14 is equal to the Professional Supervisor grade 18. Since the HCA audit, additional responsibilities of management of facilities and internal energy usage were added. In May 1986 the Department of Finance and Management Services requested that we establish the Property Risk Management Supervisor Classification. On June 2, 1986 our office received a request to delay action in processing the previous request. On July 23, 1986 we received a J.A.Q. describing the position and scheduled an audit. It appears that the main issue involved is whether or not this position is properly graded, especially when compared to the Property Manager position held by Miles McGinley. The Property Manager Classification is an exempt titlee It is assigned to grade 2G of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. DESCRIPTION The position performs responsible professional, administrative an� superyis^�y �ao�;k in the acquisition, disposition, development, leasing, property management ��nd insuring of properties. The position is �lso responsi�hle for the Valuation and Assessment Division's annual general fund ar�d gerformance budget administration. In addition, the position facilitates appropriate communications networks to serve CiCy departments, business and Community Councils having an interest in the real estate transactions of the Finance and Management Services Depart- ment. General supervision is received from Bill Donovan, the Division Head, as well as the Department Director, Gene Schiller and the Risk and Employee Benefits Manager, Ron Guilfoile. One Valuation and Assessment Technician II and two Valuation and Assessment Aides are supervised. \ The position does not have authority to hire new employees but does make recommendations on hiring and firing. Authority to reward and discipline assigned personnel is exercised. The position assigns all work to such employees and evaluates their job performance. J � � � ��-��� -2- � Some of the duties included in managing the city-wide real estate operations are: 1. Administers, develops, coordinates, implements and supervises real estate acquisitions, disposals, property risk management, leasing and other transactions. 2. Supervises and participates in the preparation of real estate summaries and contact sales in order to develop comparable values. 3. Coordinates with City departments a city-wide lease management system. 4. Administers and supervises the review and selection of parcels for City needs and represents the City regarding tax forfeit land activities. 5. Represents the Division at City Council, City Council Committee meetings and Community Councils regarding pro�ects of the Real Estate Section. . Some of the duties included in Risk management are: 1. Supervises and develops risk management programs for City buildings and personal property contents. 2. Develops and implements reconstruction values for� City-owned buildings and determines actual replacement value for. associated contents. 3. Identifies risk exposures in property liability situations and determines methods of hand�.ing risks. 4. Analyzes and supervises the preparation of insurance coverage specifications and recommends the successful bidder and policy funding program. Some of the duties included in administering City-wide Real Property Facilities Management and Internal Energy Management are: 1. Planning, programming and budgeting for improvements of existing as well as new properties. 2. Oversees day to day physical maintenance/management operation of City's facilities. �7���� -3- � 3. Collects and analyzes internal energy usage of the City's facilities and identifies energy usage problems. 4. Conducts specific facility improvement project energy cost/ benefit analyses. SUMMARY Interviews were conducted with the incumbent, Dave Nelson and his supervisor Bill Donovan. Dave presented the information outlined in the description. He stated that he believed his job to be undervalued. He also stated that a more appropriate title for his position should be Real Estate, Risk and Facilities Manager, Bill Donovan supported Mr. Nelson's position description. He stated that he does not assign specific projects to Mr. Nelson but assigns his work as objectives to be met. He also stated that Mr. Nelson's work toward those objectives is reviewed quarterly. He then stated that the risk management aspects of Mr. Nelson's work are new and that Dave now has central control of all leases entered into by the City and that such had been standardized by Dave. Regarding any errors that Mr. Nelson could make, Mr. Donovan; stated that the worst error would be appraisals that could cost the� City money and lose the City credibility. COMPARISONS The position description for the audited position was compared with the J.A.Q.s of positions allocated to the Property Manager, Risk and Employee Benefit I�anager and Risk Analyst Classifications. It was revealed that the aud�ted position performed some duties similar to all the classifications. The same was true for comparise�ns of the described� duties with the class specifications for Risk and Employee Benefit Manager and Risk Analyst. The Property Manage� position is an exempt title and therefore, no comparisons could be made with the specification as one does not exist. Regarding, specifically, comparison of the audited position with the J.A.Q. for Property Manager, it was revealed that the Property Manager performs duties in managing the City Hall Annex facilities and budget. That position supervises one Operating Engineer. The audited position performs facilities management for $177,000,000. in real property and supervises three F.T.E.s. . . � ��-��� -4- � Q.E.S. EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS HCA Evaluation Level Points Knowledge Required 7 295 Effect of Actions 4 320 Mental Effort 4 285 Amount of Discretion 4 265 Impact on Policies and Procedures 3 175 Consequence of Error 3 170 Hazard and Stress 2(0) 115 Contacts 4 130 Physical Effort 1 45 Surrounds 1 30 Personnel Authority 3 170 Units Supervised 1 10 Total 2510 J.H.S. Evaluation ' Level Points Knowledge Required 7 295 Effect of Actions 4 320 Mental Effort 4 285 Amount of Discretion 4 " 265 Impact on Policies and Procedures 4* 230 Consequence of Error 3 170 Hazard and Stress 2R* 130 Cor.tacts 4 130 Physical Effort 1 45 Surroundings 1 30 Personnel Authority 2* 110 Units Supervised 2 25 ' Total 2535 The points assigned the position by HCA placed it in HCA grade 14 which is equal to grade 18 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. The current evaluation places the position in HCA grade 15 which is equal to the Professional Supervisory Standard Range of 20. The point difference between the two evaluations was only twenty-five points but such was enough to place the position in the next higher grade. The points given for the factor of Impact on Policies and Procedures were the most important in determining the grade assignment. , . � �,- �� �i� -5- , The Q.E.S. manual defines the four level for the Impact on Policies and Procedures factor as, "General policies are established but specific procedures are lacking or do not cover many aspects of the work. The employee is required to develop or establish procedures, or to propose or introduce new policies." The incumbent's supervisors stated that the position has established policy and procedure in the development of a lease inventory control system and standard lease design as well as in instituting building preventive maintenance programs. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the class specification for Real Estate Supervisor be revised to include the duties as described and that the class title be changed to Real Estate Risk and Facilities Manager. It is also recommended that the new classification be assigned to grade 20 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. � �::��;��,f �.`:'��:�.,.- � , - � �7-ii o �-���^, � . CzTg oF S ,� � ....—,,-;,� e� .aI_ T P�T'.,L :ii,r.t�tn OB'�*IC� OF T$.Fs. CITY;COII�TCIL �ammittee R��art �"�.anca. 1�:�a�e�e�t. � F�r�an��j C��ms�te� r V• JANLIARY 27, 1987 ' 1• 9pproval of minutes from meeting held January 15, 1987. a�proved 2. Report by Finance Director Gene Schiller regarding review of several financial management issues (laid over from January I5, 1987) . discussed 3. Letter of the Mayor transmitting Planning Commission recommendations on the report entitl.ed "Committee Report on the Findings and Recommendations of the Citizens Commission on Bonding and Financing Practices.". laid over to 2/12 4. Letter of the State Department of Revenue traasmitting Application No. 328587 of Barton Enterprises Inc. for reductian of certain real estate in the city of Saint Paul. discussed • � ��• �8°��� ��'�'��g �h� r��e� of pa�r for title of B.eal -Estate. Risk and . :$a�il:i.tie�.-,�ansg#� in Grade Z0,`-.Sectioa-� D 4, Professione.l Emploqees Sugemisory _ Standard Range of the Salary P�aa and ga,tes of Compeasation B.esolution. � �approved 6. Resolution changing the grade for Civil Service Trazisaction Clerk II from Grade 34 to Grade 36, Section I D 1, of the Salary Plan and Ra.tes of Compen- sation Resolution. auproved 7. Resolution amending the 1987 budget bq transferrin , , Reserve to Civic Organization Partnershi Pro ramsgand�anthorizinontangent � various organizations for contractual services. approved at 1/15 meet ng t to . 8. Resolution adopting the 1988-1992 Program for Capital Improvement as part of . the Comprehensive Plan, and for use in the Unified Capital Improvement Program ' and Budget Process. approved � 9. Resolution adopting the 1988-1992 Program for Capital Improvement as part of the Comprehensive Plan, and for use in the Unified Capital Improvement Program and Budget Process, annroved 10. Resolution directing the Department of Finance and Management Services to prepare for 1987 General Obligation Bond sale. avproved 11. Administrative Order: D-8241: Additions of $800 to the Fuel Service Station Canopq Construction - Project (laid over from January 15, 1987) . laid over• to I/29 C�� �I' S��TFi FLOOR S�1.INZ'PAUI,b�p-i-�SSI02 __,._.......�.�..�r.� ____ .� _ �