87-95 � � �
FIle No. S 1147!
Votin In the Matter of a`�
Ward9 Mrsts+�stln� a �r fiw (.�} �i �dM sl�w�I1t M Mr
. wst af�M �t Il�at�t fr� lsrs Lss1 � ttl�t q ��wit� f�r. �
� any su�h construction would be not more than fifteen feet to the front
o�.,s''idewalk whe�ever .possible towards the property Iine from -the current
any such construction would be not more than fifteen feet to the front
of sidewalk wherever possible towards the property line from the current
� 1987 roadway curb line. Whereas, the construction of sidewalks is for
the safety of pedestrians. The Council of the City of Saint Paul goes
� on record supporting Ramsey county constructing a new five-foot wide
� pedestrian walkway or bike path on the east side of McKnight Road, from
- Larry Ho Drive to Londin lane, and in the event Ramsey County proposes
to widen McKnight Road at any subsequent future date, any and all such
widening should be constructed on the east side of McKnight Road, from
f Larry Ho Drive to Londin Lane.
., ,
�; ,
under Preliminary Order �� —���� approved /� —�� —��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
�ar� 2 � lssl
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas �!'�I Nays
1�iCOii� Certified P ed b Council Secretary
Scheib�l � In Favor t
Sonaee �
Tedea�! Against
iTil�oa JAN 2 9 1987 Mayor
PUB�ISHED FEQ 7 - 1987
1 w �'1�2 Y.f J S2�
s � ,�C�p�.4 � ,
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:�o€•�c o'�strttz't tag..s -n�w�--f�v2'='fv�t~���-s�e�-�ic�"��i"""� e
- L-erry--�e�- °fia-T��-'�- T a��-, any such construction would
be not more than fifteen feet towards the property line from the current 1987
roadway curb line. Whereas, the construction of sidewalks is for the safety
of pedestrians. The Council of the City of Saint Paul goes on record supporting
Ramsey County constructing a new five-foot wide pedestrian walkway or bike path
on the east side of McKnight Road, from Larry Ho Drive to Londin Lane, and in
the event Ramsey County praposes to widen McKnight Road at any subsequent future
date, any and all such widening should be constructed on the east side of
McKnight Road, from Larry Ho Drive to Londin Lane.
any such construction would be not more than fifteen feet to the front
of sidewalk wherever possible towards the property line from the current
1987 roadway curb line. Whereas, the construction of sidewalks is for
the safety of pedestrians. The Council of the City of Saint Paul goes
on record supporting Ramsey county constructing a new five-foot wide
pedestrian walkway or bike path on the east side of McKnight Road, from
Larry Ho Drive to Londin lane, and in the event Ramsey County proposes
to widen McKnight Road at any subsequent future date, any and all such
widening should be constructed on the east side of McKnight Road, from
Larry Ho Drive to Londin Lane.
any such construction would be not more than fifteen feet to the front
of sidewalk wherever possible towards the property line from the current
any such construction would be not more than fifteen feet to the front
of sidewalk wherever possible towards the property line from the current
1987 roadway curb line. Whereas, the construction of sidewalks is for
the safety of pedestrians. The Council of the City of Saint Paul goes
on record supporting Ramsey county constructing a new five-foot wide
pedestrian walkway or bike path on the east side of McKnight Road, from
Larry Ho Drive to Londin lane, and in the event Ramsey County proposes
to widen McKnight Road at any subsequent future date, any and all such
widening should be constructed on the east side of McKnight Road, from
Larry Ho Drive to Londin Lane.
�i 1'1' Y V r' ►�A 1�V'1' t"L3 U L �natca ecaciman
�ut�uiq $!ki Soanea
• ' Date: .Tanuary 21, 1987
ltte e l� e ort
C o mm p
To: Saint Paul City Council
From: Committee on Public Works
Chris Nicosia, Chair
Hearing Date.
1. 1/27/87 VACATION: Petition of the State of Minnesota fior the
vacation of COLUMBUS AVENUE between John lreland Blvd. and
Wabasha Street for the purpose of landscaping improvement
to Capitol Grounds arPa.
Recommended approval on 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Rettman
votinq "NO".
2. 1/27/87 FINAL ORDER: Ueciding on constructinq the SEVENTH/FRANK
STREET AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Also improving parts of
the following streets by constructinq concrete curb and
� .yutter, bituminous pavinq, street lightinq system and do
all necessar,y work to compl�te said project: Ross, Bush,
Reaney, Beech, Margaret, Frank, Duluth, Newcomb, Atlantic,
East and West Johnson Parkway Service Road. and Clarence.
Also constructing sanitary storm and water connections if
requested by the property owner. All to be known as the
Recommended approval on 3-0 vote with amendment that
service lane on .lohnson Parkway be left at 18 ft.
3. 1/27/87 FINAL ORDER: Decidinq on constr�acting the ARCADE/MINNEHAHA
AkEA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Also improving the foliowing
streets by constructinq concrete curbs and gutters,
bituminous paviny� concrete driveways and outwalks, plant
trees and do all necessar•y work to complete said project:
Part of Sims, Frank, York, Mendota, Fauyuier Place, Bush,
Weide, Reaney, Sinnen, Hope, Eichenwald, Maple, Marqaret,
Dellwood, and Greenbrier. Also constructinq sanitary
storm and water connections, if requested by the property
owners. All ta be known as the ARCADE/MINNE.HAHA AREA
Recommended approval on 2-0 vote, Councilwoman Sonnen had
left meeting prior to this discussion.
4. 1/27/87 F1NAL ORDER: Condemninq and taking a temporary slope
easement in the raisinq and reconstruction of the alley in
Block 16, Fairview Addition (bounded by Jenks, Edgerton,
Case and Jessie) in con,junction with the PAYNE/ARCADE WEST
STORM SEWER PROJEC�f (order to be amended} .
Recommended approval on 3-0 vote with amendment to add to
the F i na 1 Order tF�e words "ct�anq i nq grade".
(� � �7-q.5
5. 1/27/87 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For qradinq and paving,
� construction of a sanitary sewer, storm water drainage
Facilities, and an ornamPntal lightinq system. Also.
construction of sanitary service connections on BIRCH
LANE from the cul-de-sac west of BIRCN STREET. Also,
ratification of assessments for constructing a water main
and service connections on E3irch Street and on Bonn9e
Recormnended approval on 3-0 vote.
6. 2/3/87 RATIFICATIUN UF ASSESSMENTS: For the construction of 2
sewer service connections and 2 water service connections
on tlie nortf� side of ARLINGTON AVENUE between BRAULEY and
EDGER70N, Lots 18 thru 21 , Block 4, Farrar's Addition.
Recommended approval on 3-0 vote.
7. ' i/27/87 F1NAL ORDER: Constructin� a n�vr �rfaot wide s�dewalk �a-om
LARRY HO DRIVE to LONOIN LANE or► k�est gide a�' ME KN�GHT
Reco�tmendecf appraval on 2-0 vote, Councilwom�n Rettman
votinq "No". -
�• RESOLUTION: Authorizinq proper officials to execute an
arnendrnent to the Consolidated Cooperation Agreement�
between the City and the Public Housinq Agency for the
purpose of reducinq the PILOT payment to benefit the low-
income housing proc�ram in 5aint Paul .
Resolution withdrawn - should not have been sent to Public
Works Committee.
9• ORDINANCE: pertaining to One-Way Streets and amending by
adding the followinq Section 1 : ROY STREET northbound
from ST. AN7HONY to UNIVERSITY ( laid over from 1-7-87) .
RecommendPd approval on 3-0 vote. (12-23-86)
10. RESOLUT�IUN: autFiorizinq a quit claim deed to the State of
Minnesota for property on ELEVENTH STREET for highway
Recommended resolution be referred back to City Council
without recorrunendation. (1-8-87)
11 • RESOLUTIQN: authorizinq abatement of street maintenance
assessment for propertv leqally described as Lot 13, B)nck
2, Coleman Par-k (city property on Wheelock Parkway) .
. Recornmended approval on 2-1 vote. (1-6-87)
� ��- �-�
12, RE50LUTIUN: authorizinq stipulation of settlement between
� Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and the City of St.
Paul that triere are no damaqes to the City's easements as
a result of takinq of easemeni:s by the MWCC for the Middle
Beltline Sewer.
Recommended approval on 2-1 vote. (1-13-87)
1.9. RESQLUTIOM:- authorizing execution of stipulations as to
values reactied between the City and Metro�olitan Waste
Control Commission regardinq condPmnation of easements at
the intersections of Oranqe, Hawthorne and Maryland,
Jessamine and Burnquist, and at Highway 61 between Burns
and Warner Road.
RPCOmmended apc�roval on 2-t vote with stipulation that
compensation is to be used to buy replacement property or
to retire outstandinq debt. (1-6-87)
14. RESOLUTION: waiving retain utility easements as contained
in C.F. 251087 whicFi vacated �Iley in Block 12, Dawson's
Lake Como and Pt�alen Avenue Addition.
Reconu��ended approval on 2-1 vote. (1-6-87)
�,:.� �r��
+ � � � ST PA UL C ITY COU NCIL � �.�_q�
File No. S-11479
City Council District ��
Dear Property Owner: District Planning Council �1
To consider the construction of new five (5) foot wide sidewalks
P U R P 0 S E at the following location:
A N p The West Side .of �lcKnight Road from Larry Ho Drive to Londin
L�C H 1 � Q N Lane
H E A R I N G Tuesday, January 27, 1987, 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof), a
portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against
I N F O R M ATI O N benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this pro3ect
are as follows:
construction along an Aid Street (McKnight Road), the cost is
50% of $13.00 per front foot or' $6.50 per front foot.
Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the
first 150 feet of sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of
the property.
COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential)
100� of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.25 per sqiiare
foot of walk constructed. ;
Q U E S T I 0 N S Please call 298-4255 (Construction) or 298-4513 (Assessments)
with any questions. Also, City staff will be available to
answer any last minute questions on this project in the C�ty
Council Chambers from 9:30 to 10:00 A.M, the same day as the
Notice sent January 9, 1987, by the Valuation and Assessment Division
Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 City Hall - Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
' � d 7".7✓�
� P�:EWIIZI11fA83'(�t,I�$: " ' _
COUn�il FiI�Ns�,<Af-1742'=�y�liiis Nico�a-.' - ' "' �`, - �
-%I�r-#�e:�A¢at#�r;a#�cozistr,Exc�ing a nev��f�ve,(5���oot v►�a��wa,l����'�Fl�`,
• side-�#9�e�I��h;t�d fro�n F,a�ry,Ha Dr�vetQ�I�nd►`l4�e imV'o#ii��it�rd.�,
'�ated�ori5#r�iction Costs�rid Rate�
Residential Rate(Single to Three•Family) f'`�
� Neta�3oiastr►tc�'E9on oa.en Aid St�t�,McbCnight i�oad)t�%�eti3�fl8-pqt-f�n�,i�'';
or=�8.�t?�per front faot corner lats v��h+the�io�ig>-si�ste abutfa��e�1�.:.
wi11�IIO�be�ssessed fc�.the tiraL�fSEI-#eef: - , �...�. ; . �... „ ..;�
1 Cotrimere}al�Rate 1i00% of actual cost •
� L''����!�$rS'�i'¢�':St11}�'rE'fAOt. . � > a :_ r t �. J+E-
� uP+����boue��npYO�emerit,cand_hainag consxiei'�d_s�tti� �:�t,.�by,
i re�_��i;v���s�do.K''�"nCS� E?;s �•�' �� ' ��°= ��=� �, .-' ���� �
� •Zt�, � (�#,� .�report el� �l�e�»sam��-i5` hertb� 'apP�ev+ed'�v�itl�•=ttb'`.
� -o •alterr�atives,.�.t�nc?'t�ia� the estie�a#�d +co�t'"thene�t=3�. '� lA�a�t��'�,►g�_
�f,c} ��4�°�i5�ge���oye�fer a�aessm�it ra��" � ' � ' - t
m `-� -- �
• 2, -'�aE a ��}�-he��g b�had'aii sa3d'i�►��ro�remel�t o�� -,nij
�T� 'clock a.m,in�he taouxictlChambeisc t5
'and C�ourt House ui mg in he�fy of;Ss�G�i�---f �.;�:�� .� .
3.. .That notiee of said public he�ririg be-'gi�en it� I�t�:}�er�ry�i=a�a.�rt�#2�e• .;
, manner provided by the Charter, s��ting t���i�;arttk p�ee.s�1�e�g, :
Lhe n�ture of the improve.x�nt,�the.total co,st thereof as estimated. ''
Fil�No.S 11479 " - ` , .
Adopted by th�_C�oUnci�December 30, 1986,
Approved�atiu��']►,�,15$.7. ..,x : �-.� ,
_. _ .•'(January IO.l�i... � _'
_ �. __.