87-86 �-- oG� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI NO. 'O FI"NAL ORDER f �,� By �67-�-�3 File Na Voting In the Matter of CO°s���i � ���� As'+�+N St��s l�Ss Ward � �! tht �ast b� C�=�ss to �. i�a�re�ti� Strart, 6 � 7 s• �� s�t to ♦tLetic a�i atls�tie to tia a�rtti; o� tL! aorti� b� C�ok to tor�st, ��r�st sa�sth to flell� s�w iI•l ls w�c eo r.�w w.+.o�; o.� c�t .�s c bj l�.� L�we aoct�i to 1l�ssa sa� ow tw sortb � '�oarth str�t eo tiw poiot o! De�� �; s ,��` — ��a 13 /�-- °?3°-�''�' under Preliminary Order v approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date JAN 2 7 1987 Yeas�� Nays �ic�� Certified sed y Council Sec tar �tt C�fi 1 Sel�eibtl In Favor B SO� _��� `� Against yi�'w JAN 2 9 1987 Mayor PUBLISNED FEg 7 - �g87 V 1'1'Y V 1�` ►.�7�A 1 V'1' t'A U L �anica Ketcman i�ii�f ii° OB`FICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �ki Soanea ' Jolia Drsw (Alt) . - .� �+'�7-�° Date: January 21, 1987 . Com mlttee l� e art p To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair Hear-ing Date 1. 1/27/87 VACATION: Petition of the State of Minnesota for the vacation of COLUMBUS AVENUE between John lreland Blvd. and Wabasha 5treet for the purpose of landscaping improvement to Capitol Grounds area. Recommended approval on 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Rettman votinq "NO". 2. 1/27/87 FINAL pRDER: Uecidinq on constructinq the SEVENTH/FRANK STREET AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Also improving parts of the followinq streets by constructinq concrete curb and � .yutter, bituminous pavinq, street lighting system and do all necessary work to complete said project: Ross, Bush, Reaney. Beech, Margaret, Frank, Duluth, Newcomb, Atlantic, East and West Johnson Parkway Service Road, and Clarence. Also constructing sanitary storm and water connections if requested bv the property owner. All to be known as the SEVENTH/FRANK STREET AREA PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJEC7. Recommended approval on 3-0 vote with amendment that service lane on Johnson Parkway be left at 18 ft. 3.� 1/27/87 FINAL �ROER: Decid"inq on constructing the ARC,�t�/14��HA�iA AR�f4'' ST�f1! S�WER PI�OJECT. A 1 so i mprov i ng the fo 1 1 ow i ng streets by constructinq concrete curbs and qutters, bituminous p�vinq, conr_rete driveways and outwalks, plant trees and do all necessary work to complete said pro.ject: Part of Sims, Frank, York, Mendota, �auquier Place, Bush, Weide, Reaney, Sinnen, Hope, Eichenwald, Maple. Marqaret, Qellwaod, and Greenbrier. Also constructing sanitary storm and water cor�nections, if requested by the property owners. All ta t�e known as the ARCADE/I�tIdNEMAHA AREA STREET P1�1�I NG AND L 1 GH7 I NG PRd.�€Cl!. R+�qNnendec# eppr�va� on 2-0 vote, Counc i l woman Sonnen had left meeting prior to this discussion. 4. 1/27/$7 FINAL ORDER: Condemninq and takin.y_ a temporary slope easement in the raising and reconstruction of the alley in Block 16, Fairview Addition (bounded by Jenks, Edgerton, Case and Jessie) in con,junction with the PAYNE/ARCADE WEST STURM SEWER PRO�IECY� (order to be amended} . Recommended approval on 3-0 vote with amendment to a�d to the Final Order the words "chanc�ing grade". C� ���� 5. 1/27/87 RATIFICATION OF ASSE55MENTS: For qradinq and paving, • construction of a sanitary sewer, storm water drainage facilities, and an ornamental lightinq system. Also, construction of sanitary service connections on BIRCH STREET from BONNIE LANE to BOXWOOD AVENUE and on BONNIE LANE from the cul-de-sac west of BIRCH 5YREET. Also, ratification of assessments for constructinq a wat�er main and service cannections on E3irch Street and on Bonn9e Lane. Recorrnnended approval on 3-0 vote. 6. 2/3/87 RA�TIFICATION UF ASSESSMENTS: For the construction of 2 sewer service connections and 2 water service connections on tl�e nortf� side of ARLINGTON AVENUE between BRAULEY and EDGERI�ON, �ots 18 thru 21 , Block 4, Farrar's Addition. Recommended approval on 3-0 vote. 7. 1/27/87 FINAL ORDFR: Constructinq a new 5-foot wide sidewalk frorn LARF2Y HO DRIVE to LONUIN LANE on West side of MC KNIGH7 RUAD. RecommendPd approval on 2-0 vote, Councilwoman Rettman votinq "No". 8. RESOLUTION: Authorizinq proper officials to execute an �mendrnent to the Consolidateci Cooperation Agreement bPtween tF�e City and the Public Housinq Aqency for the purpose of redur_inq the PIL.07 payrnent to benefit the low- income housinq program in Saint Paul . Resolution withdrawn - should not have been sent to Public Works Committee. 9. ORDINANCE: pertaining to One-Way 5treets and amending by adding tf�e followinc� Section l : ROY STREET northbound from ST. ANTHONY to UNIVERSITY ( laid over from 1-7-87) . Recomrnended approval on 3-0 vote. (12-23-86) 10. RESOLIIl�I UN: autrior i z i nq a qu i t c 1 a i m deed to tFie State of Minnesota for property on ELEVENTH STREET for highway purposes. Recommended resolution be referred back to City Council without recoirxnendation. (1-8-87) � t • RE501_UTION: authorizing abatement of street maintenance assessment for property leqally described as Lot 13, Binck 2, Coleman Park (cii:y propertv an Wheelock Parkway) . _ Recommended approval on 2-1 vote. (1-6-87) 2 � ��-�� 12. RESOLUTION: authorizinq stipulation of settlement between � Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and the City of St. Paui that triere are no damages to the City's easements as a result of takinq of easements by the MWCC for the Middle Beltline Sewer. Recommended approval on 2-1 vote. (1-13-87) 1.9, RE50LUTIOPJ:- authori�ing execution of stipulations as to val�?s reached betwPen tfie City and Metropolitan Waste Control Commission r?qardinq candemnation of easements at the intersections of Oranqe, Hawthorne and Maryland, Jessamine and Burnquist, and at Highway 61 between Burns and Warner Road. RPCOmmended apE�roval on 2-1 vote witt� stipulation that compensation is to be used to buy replacement property or to retire outstandinq debt. (1-6-87) 14. RESOLUTION: waiving retain utility easements as c�ntained in C.F. 251087 whicf� vacated alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como and Pfialen Avenue Addition. Recommended approval on 2-1 vote. (1-6-87) 3 SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL C,��� CI�'� ��. r '���'**o• � �/' 0 7-4 � PUBLIC HEARIN6 NOTICE ;��e PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION City Council District 6&7 ,... � District Planning Councils 4&5 Dear Property Owner: File No. 18454 and X87-S-8022 To decide whether to proceed with construction of a storm sewer to P U R P 0 S E be known as the ARCADE/MINNEHAHA STORM SEWER PROJECT, bounded on the east by Cypress to E. Seventh Street, E. Seventh Street to Atlantic A N D and Atlantic to the north; on the north by Cook to Forest, Forest south to Wells west to Payne Avenue; on the west by Payne Avenue extended to Maria and on the south by Fourth Street to the point of L� C a T��N beginning. Also, to decide on whether to proceed with the Arcade/Minnehaha Paving Project including concrete curb and gutter, bituminous � paving, concrete driveways, concrete outwalks, and lights on the streets listed on the back of this notice. H E Q p � N G Tuesday, January 27, 198�, at 10:00 A.M. R City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will be assessed against benefitted properties after ratification. The estimated assessments for this pro,ject are as follows: , .W.� 00�6 �E LOL �oo� uT L86T 'TZ ��pnuer '�epsaupaM uo 6ut�aaw siq� o� aneq �Cew no�L suaaauo� �Iue bui�q aseatd •6vi�aaw ZZ �ienuer s�i �e tt�uno� �L�t� ZTn3 aq� o� uoi�Qpua�un�o�a� e doTanap pue n�a� t siq� ss'n�stp TTZM Tt�uno� d�i� aq� 3o aa��tn��uo� S��oM �ZTQ�d aq� �Eu� 3SON �ISK�I'Id ZOTSS E�osaauiW � Tned �u�gS saain=ag �uaa�a6eusW pue aausut� ;o �uam�lQdaQ �uotstntQ �uamssass� pue uot�enTpA au� �4 'L86T '6 �=pnuer �uas a�i�oN 'tZt+S-86Z �p �O�STATQ �aMaS aq� TTe� 'uot�en�zo3u� aiom zo�I •�a�eT patTe�su� �t aneq o� �so� zaqbtq dtTp;�uE�sqns e p�one o� ami� s�q� �e �I� iado�d aq� o� �a�►as uiem aq� u[oi3 q��s uota�auvo� a �sanbai pTnous no� pue uot��auuoa saMas m�o�s a�Q.�edas r . . Senior Citfzens may defer their assessments until the property is sold. We will send further details at the time of the ratification of assessments or you may call 298-5125 for information. J � � . � �J u 1--J J� � �u YI`J .7 ![M�YI�! �IL�. ��'� 0 0 C�C��"/�/CCM' � � ' �J . �'0 0:�=� 0�-��� '',-,►� •`u":' ' � � /� � St�rm s � � ��_,�0<��; ._:;. : , . ,1�:'i; G V�r ����� � ���� U��s m ou resa r�1 S rvat;f;Gdt;o�n �1re� �� �o a� �. � . s: .� , �'� C�7��O � � — '*� � � r h�� '�� Stnect.s to be. , .. tP, ('ow� �rt.r I��� S!' ImPf OVe.d ` �� �J� U � '.r�. ro�R N+c �W� � = ��. . � . J W� " r.'.. � w,���1, � / �v Y,,��', � /: s^w' �V[. r� � , .� ip st �� '°f�e��.�C���I�0� � � O�a !�0�� � ,� MINNE A 3 �YE. � '��r M ��� �`��� • r ^ , ,-:� ' �do ..... �r�� .����. � �r��v W�� '�cao U /+� < ' / �l�;iw��_ ../� � �ru�n �r. , ��,� . N��a U�9G � t. e_6" r�t.�� ���� v� SCN� O ` �* t� ��LJ�.` �r 1 R � �,� ��� W+�; �, r y �y ,TM � �r � t;. 4 3 •' I �I p O ��Y�' R i ��' • �uw� w. _ ��i, �IJO S?REESS 't0 BB P11VED: `.. e ' `����][� •�� � ,.. 4 ;�OnO�- - j �U°0/C ���.� , t +.Jff f`N ^ ,�,��� � _ � ' �,.:?� 3 /� p'•,:9��. �� a��—r����'�r '1���� / /..�� .�\ I 1 I� �raYeu����r�* GI 1 A_"� :I 1 SIMS STREET from Barl Street to Frank Street FRANK STREET from York Street to Case Street YORR STREET from Earl Street to Frank Street MENDOTA STREET from E. S.ixth Street to Beech Street FAUQUIBR PLACE from Arcade Street to Bush Street BUSH STREET from Fauquier Place to Stroh Drive WEID$ STREST from Bush Street to Reaney Street RBANSY STREET from Arcade Street to Stroh Drive SINNEN STREET from B. Sixth Street to E. Seventh Street • HOPE STREET from E. Sixth Street to E. Seventh Street EICHENWALD STREET from E. Sixth Street to E. Seventh Street MAPLE STREBT from E. Fifth Street to E. Seventh Street MARGARET STREET from E. Seventh Street to Greenbrier Street DELLWOOD PLACE from Greenbrier Street to Marqaret Street GREENBRIER STREET from Dellwood Place to Marqaret Street To insure an effective sewer separation program and to comply with state and federal mandates , all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building's rainleaders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an underground pipe or if your roof draina throuqh the interior of your building. Some apartments , commercial and ind�astrial buildings will reauire a . . ' �- ���� PU6LIC INFORMATION MEETING WHEN� WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 - ?:00 P. M. WHERE� SACRED HEART SCHOOL CAFETER IA 835 EAST FIFTH STREET. DISCUSSION: PROPOSED SEWER AND PAVING WORK IN SUM(ViEf� 1�87. (SEE MAP ON REVERSE SIDE FOR SPECI FI C STREETS) AGENDA: PRESENTATION OF PLANS, FINANCIAL INFORMATION t INCLUDING PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS) QU EST 10 NS /ANSWERS PARTICIPANTS: PU6LIC WORKS STAFF -(CITY OF ST. PAUL) TKDA I NC. -tCONSULTi NG ENGI NEERS) R ES I DENTS /6USIN ESSPERSONS CO- SPONSORED 6Y THE DISTRICT 4 & 5 PLANNING COUNCILS FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 774 -5234 OR 772 -2075 . . � ., �_--� � nvE l _ _ � .�-°J SC~� ---- -• ----. i � � ----, �oax_ �_ -.--� _ , . .� r � : „ � � I 1 , �v E o ,�, AwsoN � . . �---— -- • / r -�y —-�—� -�•---- -. � � --, �� � � .. .� L - -- a- -- _ F - . , � o :� _ . ' � � ` , i, — .J �� C•vE .� _ _ ._ . JENKS_ —--- � — ' �:� = � ' —� � _l � , ' ( � r I 1 , �; � --�� _ -�1S E - _ - .� �--- ---� I ' ! �� ! —J C� � � ----- — ' _ �` � �- �� �� -w �, i� t `-- --' �-� ~ � -� �----- ::� � r. , � r--- °vE i i .. . -- �-SiMs., �. . i �:�....,.....�.; � . I • ' ��• � � a � � -- ° -- �—J w � 4: �. �/� . _1��PR^ � __ AVE — - - " � • '� ��' � . � �� � ! � _ � _ , �� ---�� f .�__ � , _wELIS � ST �...: ° � . " ���-� � Z • � wAOENA � • ' `�- - �,. �� � -- ---- --! —,\ � , _, I �� ��.L; � a�� -.� � �� •, � E 7�� : : r` •�� l h^ 1. ..`_�_�_1_.-.. +.I'� � � r � —� ���r � � - ROSS � AvE. � I T • � USHwy 4 �� �� •�J � � BUS•1 '�a '" �r-- �vE . '" 1 ' �.i:. ' a � 61 ' I v _ — s-+� -� �---- � : z �� � ��� , � � �� [ � ..:�.::::: __ �� ' f ■ _ � (�•r'� � �! T— — �� ���' IhNEHAHG � � � -�..�.� t'a �; =� � � � � L� C� - � � - - t ^�i �N ^ Z�`t�F��' . / 11 11 11 . _ . .�:yy� ``N � :L�JI� � ._.l � ,� ♦ •' `, `— .�I • Y��G��( - ��^ . .i' , $T � ,� � L--J J ~l� ,�, D a � : � � � (� � C-� C o�� ::�,,,�:•.� ^., ; � � � .:, /� + � � _ � L � . .� _ - , � � . , � r-- , _,� � �; ��_� �.__ ���! � --. a ^/11lrOrt >� �v( � I • ��+ � �4 ��, �� � � . ' � � ♦ / � . ..�— o � . l ` -�% �'' .� •' '� ° -- , ; r l "(� �� � ' lU � / \\ a+ � `, NWA7 c- %`'✓� �•'��!� � �� � J �� �� r ARCADE / MINNEHAHA � � �-� A�°��"_�°••_•_`•':••°�°° OILED STREETS TO BE PAYED IN '87' 1.3 MIIES OILED STREETS -- PAYINO DELAYED 0.4 INILES r��� SEINER CONSTRUCTION 12/3/86 , " �%,� ��—�� _ . � �F� - =����� , - �.� . a� � _ '�-:. � �� � � a 1 �,; i�rA� .i!r��+ �. �'_�t � � � �y ` y `r 3;: r �-. e>: .. J[��N �� �_\r4�k�4�"' .: . �: q,.�.--, ?�.._ Iu '�e.�t�:�'l°��.� ? ' ;�y� � ��►n t�te � b�'`�3►��r,:$ .�te�►'�t�.��°l�eltE��- ."�#��� �� �� �;�t3�.xo:fL�;�h.oettlieao�b�,1'.Cc�te��#,��b�s��dii�'=�o °`' f8���:!��:P�:!°►,ve�in�;era ;th��e.bg'1's'yeejs��inil�iY�ta�'::_. l�a_�d.m.�t�}�kh bff:�.'�utb�reet'tn=�ps�►t e �1Varc�8`anc��. �, ,: - ��,.���t��'..��` �e'CQUn�ai t�e£it��f Saiin�hui� . ,� �'�` ';�t� � � �+rovem�t� and r�at►��,'...•ca�si�� ���.� , r�escih�es: t .��:- - °' „, , , `. �:� .�d #�e sa�o;e #s � t� �b , � ����t#�f't1�e��fic�tc�-�� � ` - Slate snd�b�k'al C�rda'�S'#�;I�_ ,w�����, .�'�fQe 'f;harge�504�: <; ; ,: r � 'E�a'���'1ic��s ha�a��i�e�t-o�i� �° , � � �,� :OR��.+�Iat�a.m,��r���o�ci�� � �. � . ���,-. ,.� : �n ti�e CfEyc af-Saint I�"sui�'s`i`�"''' , = - .' a :.�t.�Eit�°o��sn��'�iila�.�nt be vea:�o�}��e�'sd�t t���i!� ` : ����•Q�rter,s+t�"'�'�tr�,�ttpd pI�4 0!�, � ' the nat�pvs'�'�fasprovexnent�d�°�ot�l,co�st thereo�'a�eat#m�tecl 'Fiie Na:3t8't-S�t22 �� ,, � � _ , . ,' �,1?�-��o<u�ca1 .., x; r �1�;�i.1S8�6; � ;i :����26,i�& >� --• , s..'.,7 _-:t•s:�3�n. rCC:! 2 f'�":y '?: _+.�����.�+�Y�� .. - y, ' '� . I__. _ ..___. _ ..�..��k .'? `Y._ a ' - - -. - t . . _ . .. .. _. .. . . .iX"#-t, - t;�`'� b''i—�(° . . � � .. p�'A;SY BBb� ; ,,.. �. � Cou�c�l���le-�i8'a $6-16�3-=&Y Chtis I�Iicc�,ia— "• � ; ,_-„ ;.. In the�Matter;of coasxructi�g.tiie i�rcade��innehai�a � �����. (bounded�oa �i+e esst by.Cy�r�s,s:ta E.'.�evet�h Sl�..E..;�e�;th S�q�,tq`> AtlatsMc and�tlantict�the nofth;:o�t�ua�rn�tk�by Cookto�ore�t;,�'�t sonth ts,". •Wei�s aad Wells west to P,ayna�A�enue�-�r'the-��t bjr:Aa�e.A,�re�'�t,p ;-4. Maria and on the s�outh b�* Fourth Str�et to the point pf i�►arcis 6 si�d T, ��.`�'�� . r;� , ;,� �he�ouncil af the City�o€Ssiat Paul�aving,received�e report�:the��[e upon the above improveme�t, and haiving considered said rept�rt, �� resolves:= �. . • _ �"; , �1.;•That the ara�id.report and ti�e-'ssme i� heneb `�-� ,. �-.aPq�roved.with no � a�ternatives,and t�at the�s�itnsted cost thereof�a i1,4Btf,OOi#inaticed by State and Federal Grants ana Loans$980,000 and;8ta�:8�wee�Sen,ice ,- Chak'Se_��OOD. , 2.-•�at a pnblic hearing be;�ad o�-sa� i������� d331uarv. 19$�_�at n�}O'C1�OC��i�i.,3�2fi�ie Caa�s¢ii. Y '� Hgll and Court Hou��$ui��g.�n the Cih'�Saii1�F,s�1: �.: 3, q'l�at notice of said iwbiic„hea�ing �e.�iv�m to�the pers�:anc} in the , � - aian�ser provide+d b3•the:t;har`tet�,.siating'the time aad P�oe o#�earing, � the nature of the impravement and the total cost therac�_as:�asti�atec�, . : ;, File No.X87-�-8022 - Adopted by the Council December 23, 1g86, ' _ ApP�ved December 26, 1986. ;. (Jannary 3-10. 198� _ '