87-84 WHITE - CITV �LERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT - �j BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� Council Resolution f� �P Presented By / � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the 1987 General Fur�d Budget: TRANSFER F�: General Government Accounts Contingent lteserve General 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out -49,689 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER T0: Department of Coim�unity Services Parks & Recreation Division 03100 Parks & Recreation Administration 03100-0537 Operating Transfer Out 0 +49,689 49,689 ($24,395 to 332-23170, Oxford Pool) - ($25,294 to 334-23175, Municipal Stadium) 03100 Al1 Other Spending 11,194,651 0 11,194,651 11,194,651 +49,689 11,244,340 1�T CHANC� 0 RESOLVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 budget. Financing is Availabl : Approval R,ecommended - �=� - -- �Lf�� Direct r of Finan \,��,:� Budget i tor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia De artm�ent of Com�nunity Services Rettman IR FBVOi � Scheibel � Sonnen __ AgalpSt BY Tedesco W`��°� JA N 2 L 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas- ncil Sec t BY By� Approv y lNavor. Date _ � �� �� t��� Approved Mayo for m ion to Council BY – — PUBLISi�ED �i-t��i c; � I JO( Community 5ervices DEPARTMENT ��-�� N� 3�96 Vi� Witctenstein CONTACT 7409 PHONE �� 1/12/87 DATE � ee ASSTGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : L Department Director 5 Director of Management/Mayor 4 Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk 2 Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : $49,689 will be transferred from Contingent Reserve General to Oxford Pool (332-23170) and Municipal Stadium (334-23175) through the Parks & Rec Administ�a- tion General Fund Activity. Two addition resolutions amending the spending plans and financing plans for Oxford Pool and Municipal Stadium are in process; I � ; ; COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � Due to revised cash flow estimates for Oxford Pool and Municipal Stadium, , decreasing Fees/Sales & Service Revenues, the General Fund contribution needs to be increased to meet spending plan needs. RECENED ' JAN 13 1�g7 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's �WW�Y�'s AFF(C� ture not re- � Total Amoun� of' Transaction: $49 �689 quired if under $T0,00�) Funding Sourc�:` Contingent Reserve General Activity Number: 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Resolution 2 . Contingent Reserve General Status Report DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . ' ; , � , ��- �� Ca[7NCIL ADpPTF� 1987 BUDGEP GIIJII2AI, (�NTING�ENT RF.SmVE (09060-0537) as of January 12, 1987 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted ---------- ---------------- 1987 Council Budget File Date Amount Available Beginning Balance 206,000 Civic Organization Partnership Program pending (5,106) Police Assessment Center pending (22,000) Oxford Pool/Munic Stadium Support pending (49,689) Ending Balance 206,000 (76,795) 129,205 pending - Pending action by the Finance Comnittee or identified but not yet submitted by the department. withdrawn - Request withdrawn before council action ON�S/jeanetta 700/GRESRV87 1/12/87 , ' � � ��1 � C..� l� �� ::� "�,� . CITY OF SAI,TT PA.UL _ �,!_,;;;;�r � _ �.fit ill.til . � ���Ci�i �� T$�. +��.�Y Ci��lY(r'� . � 1 Com�aittee Repart ��an��. Mana�eme�t. & F�rsannel Committee. � � JANUARY 15, 1987 =- 1. Approval of minutes fron mPeting held January 8, 1987. approved as ameaded � ', 2. Resolution amending the 19�7 budget by transferring $5,I06 from Contingent ! Reserve to Civic Or�;ani�ation Partnership Programs and authorizing payment to various organiz4tions for contractual services. approved " 3. Letter of the Sta�e Departnent of Reven,ue trr.n��i*_tiZg �pnlication no. 32$521 of Steven C. Ophe�_� ior the re�?uction of certai: reai e;,tate in the city of Saint Paul. _ discussed ' 4. Resolution ane:�di:,g the 1987 budget and adding $89,911 to the Financing Plan . . and to the Spencling. Plan for�JTPA Title II-A 3' Older Workers.• approved ' 5. Resolution_authorizing a lease .agreement with 0`Neil-and�lssaciates for the _ ,... ---__ _ _ _ _ _ __ purpose of operating amusement rides in Como Park for the years 1987 through 1992• apnroved ' . 6. Resolution approving appropriation of '$295,000 MSA fun.ds to participate in the construction costs of a project located at West Seventh Street from Snelling Avenue to Saint Paul Avenue (T.H. �5) . approved . 7. Administrative Orders: D-8206: Authorization of payment in the amount af $/+50.00 to Alison Watase to attend workshop on Adolescent Obesity (laid over from 1-8-87). � discussed D-8212: Approval of payment for vacation of Congress Street by ARA (laid over from 1-8-87) , discussed D-8239: Budget revision in the Public Works - Street Maintenance Fund. discussed D-8241: Additions of $800.00 to the Fuel Service Station Canopy Construction Project. laid over to 1/22 8. Report by the Mayor and Finance Director Gene Schiller regarding their review of several financial management issues. laid over to I/22 � C`n HP'Y'I' SEVENTH FLOOR Sr1Il�iT PALJL,:4III�iNESpTA SSI02 ��.., CO:f�iTTTEE REPORT �7` �/ =I\TANC�, 1�AIIAGEMENT & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Jarivar; 1S, ,ig87 ?age 2 ADDENDUM 9• �,x�����t,transferrf�g $k9,689 from Contingent Reserve General tio ('hcfcrd Poo � and l�huticipai 3tadium through Park�''aiid Re�reatian Adm�.uts�tratton Ge�eral Fu�d ActivitY• _,gpn cwPa 10. Resolution amending financing and spending budgets for Oxford Pool Special � Revenue Fund in 1987. _;nv nve - 11. Resolution amending spending and financing budgets for Municipal Stadium Special Revenue Fund in 1987. approved P