99-37Council File # ry � � 7 Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 24'168 0 Referred To: Committee Date: � 2 3 ` 4 5 � s WHEREAS, the 1993 Minnesota Legislature (Laws of 1993, Chapter 375, Article 9, Sec. 46) . � authorized the City of Saint Paul to establish a 1/2 perceM sales ta�c on sales within the City ofi e Saint Paul; and 9 10 N '12 �a WHEREAS, on June 29, 1993 the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approved a 1/2 percent +a sales tax (CF 93-783) in accordance with state law; and �s 16 77 t8 �s WHEREAS, state law requires an odd number year reporting of the use of the sales tax zo proceeds by the City of Saint Paul for the preceding two years; and z� zz za za zs WHEREAS, 30-year HRA Revenue bonds were issued for Civic Center construction and zs renovation purposes; and z� ss 29 30 a� WHEREAS, sections 5-4(2) and 5-11(3)(4) of the bond indenture allow the transfer of sales tax sz proceeds received by the City of Saint Paul to various accounts established by a trustee of as the Saint Pau{ Housing and Redevelopment Authority; now therefore be it aa 35 36 37 sa RESOLVED, that the 1/2 percent City of Saint Paul sales tau proceeds are accounted for as 39 summarized on the attachment: 40 41 42 Requested by Department of: saaopnon �,emnea ny �ouncn By: ApprovetL6' a or. S . �/�S � `( � BY� _ y �����"� A I y2 \ Financiat Services Office - Budget Office By: C � - �S �h- YF � o A ai Recommended by Budget : (� � A _ �/ �\ \ Form BY�� Approved ayor for Sub ission to Council: BY' �'� �d�� 'SauacaNaw9e�Omice(FWrersw t33�rewnuan�9Ammtwkal Adopted by Council: Date v�,,,� _���, �qqq 99-.� y City of Saint Paul Sales Tax Report - 1999 For the Period : January 1997 through December 1998 RECEIPTS : Cash basis Gross Sales Tax coliected; Dept. of Revenue less deductions by Dept. of Revenue less refunds and adjustments Net to the City of Saint Paul EXPENDITURES : Cash basis Pending City transfer to bond trustee (NW) City transfer to bond trustee (NW) (`) TRUSTEE TRANSACTIONS ; Debt Service Interest payments Principal payments Reserve for debt payments (NW) Interest Earnings Trustee Fees Civic Center allocation (1) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city *` Loan repayments - city *' Expenditures Neighborhood account allocation (2) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city " Loan repayments - city �• Expenditures Cultural Arts account allocation (3) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city ** Loan repayments - city '� Expenditures $19,851,481 ($226,793) $3,038 $19,627,726 $0 $19,627,726 ($7,529,195) ($1,460,000) ($1,710,338) $89,262 ($7,000) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,569,196 $60,484 $1,593,515 $828,547 ($9,017,291) $1,513,895 $12,153 $245,672 $4,179 ($1,197,888) Current period cash available for projects & debt (') The amount can be greater than current period collechons based on prior penod, year end payments due to the trustee (") The interest may be in accrual rather than cash basis for some accounts. (t) The Civic Center allocadon is 40% of the proceeds. The proceeds aze currently used for the Debt Service paymenfs. 'ILe 40% is insu£ficient m cover debt service, and other pro�rnms are not fWly funded (2) The neighborhood allocafion is SU % of the pmceeds, netof Debt sernce veeds a6ove ihe CC 40 % share. (3) The C�1Nre1 Arts allocation is t0% of Ne proceeds, net of Debt Sernce needs abovc the CC 40% share $19,627,726 ($10,617,271) ($6,534,745) ($935,884} $1,539,826 CRC \wsfilalrymalV d9Ap[ DEPAR]MENLOFFICPICAUNCrt. DAIEIM'N.TCD y�—� � Mayor'sOffice 01-05-99 GREEN HEEl' NO. 24168 CONTACfPERSON&PHONE OI OEPARIMEN]'DIXECfO � CfIYCAUNCO. SoeReid, 266-8553 ���, 0 cavwrrowuer � cnvc�..exic MUSTBEONCOUNCWAGFNDABY(DA'[E) � Q2 BIIDGECDRECiO � FIN.&MG[.SERVICFSDIX. �6 MAYOA(ORASSIS]' �6 CF1@FACCAfINTANI' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACItON REQUFS'IID Approve submission of sales tax report to the State of Minnesota aeconumvnwnoNS: w�o.�<(w> o�nqa� (a> PERSONAL SERVICE CON"I'RACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QIJESTIONS: tLawtrwGLOMmusioN _cNn.SE¢viCecon�nsstoN I.HUilvspersonlfumeverwmkedimdeiacontrnctfort6isdepaz�ent? cm comMm� �S NO _w_S'rnpe _ 2. Has t6is person/5m ever been a city employee? nisrwcrCOUxr 1'ES NO sureoxrs wFUCFtcouNCa oe�emea 3. Does this persodfum possess a sldll not no=mally possessed by any ewrent city employee? YES NO (Explain a11 yes answers o� separate sheet aud at[ach [o green sheet.) QJfCIAI'INGPROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORiUNITY (Whq WIU4 Whcq Whv4 Why): State enabling legislation requires the city, in odd number years, to report the use of the sales tax proceeds for the preceding rivo years. ADVAN[AGESQ�APPROVPA� The report will be submitted as required by law. DISADVANlAGPS ff APPAOVED None DISADVAN"fAGPS OF NOT APPROVED: The cfty will be out of compliance with state laws. �iU°��3 ��v��� v� °�u� s��� � JAN � w ���� TOTALAMOLIN'!'OFiRAIV$AGTION_ O COST/REVFWEBUOGETED(CIRCLEONE) l YES ) NO �J a`mnnvcsovace n/a ncrmS GL - xxx - xx� oc -�o a FRIANCIALINFORMAtIpN�(E%PLAIN) Saint Paul Butlge[ Office (F:\useRl6utlgetlt2348so11cran499sbcrptwk4) Council File # ry � � 7 Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 24'168 0 Referred To: Committee Date: � 2 3 ` 4 5 � s WHEREAS, the 1993 Minnesota Legislature (Laws of 1993, Chapter 375, Article 9, Sec. 46) . � authorized the City of Saint Paul to establish a 1/2 perceM sales ta�c on sales within the City ofi e Saint Paul; and 9 10 N '12 �a WHEREAS, on June 29, 1993 the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approved a 1/2 percent +a sales tax (CF 93-783) in accordance with state law; and �s 16 77 t8 �s WHEREAS, state law requires an odd number year reporting of the use of the sales tax zo proceeds by the City of Saint Paul for the preceding two years; and z� zz za za zs WHEREAS, 30-year HRA Revenue bonds were issued for Civic Center construction and zs renovation purposes; and z� ss 29 30 a� WHEREAS, sections 5-4(2) and 5-11(3)(4) of the bond indenture allow the transfer of sales tax sz proceeds received by the City of Saint Paul to various accounts established by a trustee of as the Saint Pau{ Housing and Redevelopment Authority; now therefore be it aa 35 36 37 sa RESOLVED, that the 1/2 percent City of Saint Paul sales tau proceeds are accounted for as 39 summarized on the attachment: 40 41 42 Requested by Department of: saaopnon �,emnea ny �ouncn By: ApprovetL6' a or. S . �/�S � `( � BY� _ y �����"� A I y2 \ Financiat Services Office - Budget Office By: C � - �S �h- YF � o A ai Recommended by Budget : (� � A _ �/ �\ \ Form BY�� Approved ayor for Sub ission to Council: BY' �'� �d�� 'SauacaNaw9e�Omice(FWrersw t33�rewnuan�9Ammtwkal Adopted by Council: Date v�,,,� _���, �qqq 99-.� y City of Saint Paul Sales Tax Report - 1999 For the Period : January 1997 through December 1998 RECEIPTS : Cash basis Gross Sales Tax coliected; Dept. of Revenue less deductions by Dept. of Revenue less refunds and adjustments Net to the City of Saint Paul EXPENDITURES : Cash basis Pending City transfer to bond trustee (NW) City transfer to bond trustee (NW) (`) TRUSTEE TRANSACTIONS ; Debt Service Interest payments Principal payments Reserve for debt payments (NW) Interest Earnings Trustee Fees Civic Center allocation (1) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city *` Loan repayments - city *' Expenditures Neighborhood account allocation (2) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city " Loan repayments - city �• Expenditures Cultural Arts account allocation (3) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city ** Loan repayments - city '� Expenditures $19,851,481 ($226,793) $3,038 $19,627,726 $0 $19,627,726 ($7,529,195) ($1,460,000) ($1,710,338) $89,262 ($7,000) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,569,196 $60,484 $1,593,515 $828,547 ($9,017,291) $1,513,895 $12,153 $245,672 $4,179 ($1,197,888) Current period cash available for projects & debt (') The amount can be greater than current period collechons based on prior penod, year end payments due to the trustee (") The interest may be in accrual rather than cash basis for some accounts. (t) The Civic Center allocadon is 40% of the proceeds. The proceeds aze currently used for the Debt Service paymenfs. 'ILe 40% is insu£ficient m cover debt service, and other pro�rnms are not fWly funded (2) The neighborhood allocafion is SU % of the pmceeds, netof Debt sernce veeds a6ove ihe CC 40 % share. (3) The C�1Nre1 Arts allocation is t0% of Ne proceeds, net of Debt Sernce needs abovc the CC 40% share $19,627,726 ($10,617,271) ($6,534,745) ($935,884} $1,539,826 CRC \wsfilalrymalV d9Ap[ DEPAR]MENLOFFICPICAUNCrt. DAIEIM'N.TCD y�—� � Mayor'sOffice 01-05-99 GREEN HEEl' NO. 24168 CONTACfPERSON&PHONE OI OEPARIMEN]'DIXECfO � CfIYCAUNCO. SoeReid, 266-8553 ���, 0 cavwrrowuer � cnvc�..exic MUSTBEONCOUNCWAGFNDABY(DA'[E) � Q2 BIIDGECDRECiO � FIN.&MG[.SERVICFSDIX. �6 MAYOA(ORASSIS]' �6 CF1@FACCAfINTANI' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACItON REQUFS'IID Approve submission of sales tax report to the State of Minnesota aeconumvnwnoNS: w�o.�<(w> o�nqa� (a> PERSONAL SERVICE CON"I'RACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QIJESTIONS: tLawtrwGLOMmusioN _cNn.SE¢viCecon�nsstoN I.HUilvspersonlfumeverwmkedimdeiacontrnctfort6isdepaz�ent? cm comMm� �S NO _w_S'rnpe _ 2. Has t6is person/5m ever been a city employee? nisrwcrCOUxr 1'ES NO sureoxrs wFUCFtcouNCa oe�emea 3. Does this persodfum possess a sldll not no=mally possessed by any ewrent city employee? YES NO (Explain a11 yes answers o� separate sheet aud at[ach [o green sheet.) QJfCIAI'INGPROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORiUNITY (Whq WIU4 Whcq Whv4 Why): State enabling legislation requires the city, in odd number years, to report the use of the sales tax proceeds for the preceding rivo years. ADVAN[AGESQ�APPROVPA� The report will be submitted as required by law. DISADVANlAGPS ff APPAOVED None DISADVAN"fAGPS OF NOT APPROVED: The cfty will be out of compliance with state laws. �iU°��3 ��v��� v� °�u� s��� � JAN � w ���� TOTALAMOLIN'!'OFiRAIV$AGTION_ O COST/REVFWEBUOGETED(CIRCLEONE) l YES ) NO �J a`mnnvcsovace n/a ncrmS GL - xxx - xx� oc -�o a FRIANCIALINFORMAtIpN�(E%PLAIN) Saint Paul Butlge[ Office (F:\useRl6utlgetlt2348so11cran499sbcrptwk4) Council File # ry � � 7 Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 24'168 0 Referred To: Committee Date: � 2 3 ` 4 5 � s WHEREAS, the 1993 Minnesota Legislature (Laws of 1993, Chapter 375, Article 9, Sec. 46) . � authorized the City of Saint Paul to establish a 1/2 perceM sales ta�c on sales within the City ofi e Saint Paul; and 9 10 N '12 �a WHEREAS, on June 29, 1993 the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approved a 1/2 percent +a sales tax (CF 93-783) in accordance with state law; and �s 16 77 t8 �s WHEREAS, state law requires an odd number year reporting of the use of the sales tax zo proceeds by the City of Saint Paul for the preceding two years; and z� zz za za zs WHEREAS, 30-year HRA Revenue bonds were issued for Civic Center construction and zs renovation purposes; and z� ss 29 30 a� WHEREAS, sections 5-4(2) and 5-11(3)(4) of the bond indenture allow the transfer of sales tax sz proceeds received by the City of Saint Paul to various accounts established by a trustee of as the Saint Pau{ Housing and Redevelopment Authority; now therefore be it aa 35 36 37 sa RESOLVED, that the 1/2 percent City of Saint Paul sales tau proceeds are accounted for as 39 summarized on the attachment: 40 41 42 Requested by Department of: saaopnon �,emnea ny �ouncn By: ApprovetL6' a or. S . �/�S � `( � BY� _ y �����"� A I y2 \ Financiat Services Office - Budget Office By: C � - �S �h- YF � o A ai Recommended by Budget : (� � A _ �/ �\ \ Form BY�� Approved ayor for Sub ission to Council: BY' �'� �d�� 'SauacaNaw9e�Omice(FWrersw t33�rewnuan�9Ammtwkal Adopted by Council: Date v�,,,� _���, �qqq 99-.� y City of Saint Paul Sales Tax Report - 1999 For the Period : January 1997 through December 1998 RECEIPTS : Cash basis Gross Sales Tax coliected; Dept. of Revenue less deductions by Dept. of Revenue less refunds and adjustments Net to the City of Saint Paul EXPENDITURES : Cash basis Pending City transfer to bond trustee (NW) City transfer to bond trustee (NW) (`) TRUSTEE TRANSACTIONS ; Debt Service Interest payments Principal payments Reserve for debt payments (NW) Interest Earnings Trustee Fees Civic Center allocation (1) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city *` Loan repayments - city *' Expenditures Neighborhood account allocation (2) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city " Loan repayments - city �• Expenditures Cultural Arts account allocation (3) Interest on balances - trustee Interest on balances - city ** Loan repayments - city '� Expenditures $19,851,481 ($226,793) $3,038 $19,627,726 $0 $19,627,726 ($7,529,195) ($1,460,000) ($1,710,338) $89,262 ($7,000) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,569,196 $60,484 $1,593,515 $828,547 ($9,017,291) $1,513,895 $12,153 $245,672 $4,179 ($1,197,888) Current period cash available for projects & debt (') The amount can be greater than current period collechons based on prior penod, year end payments due to the trustee (") The interest may be in accrual rather than cash basis for some accounts. (t) The Civic Center allocadon is 40% of the proceeds. The proceeds aze currently used for the Debt Service paymenfs. 'ILe 40% is insu£ficient m cover debt service, and other pro�rnms are not fWly funded (2) The neighborhood allocafion is SU % of the pmceeds, netof Debt sernce veeds a6ove ihe CC 40 % share. (3) The C�1Nre1 Arts allocation is t0% of Ne proceeds, net of Debt Sernce needs abovc the CC 40% share $19,627,726 ($10,617,271) ($6,534,745) ($935,884} $1,539,826 CRC \wsfilalrymalV d9Ap[ DEPAR]MENLOFFICPICAUNCrt. DAIEIM'N.TCD y�—� � Mayor'sOffice 01-05-99 GREEN HEEl' NO. 24168 CONTACfPERSON&PHONE OI OEPARIMEN]'DIXECfO � CfIYCAUNCO. SoeReid, 266-8553 ���, 0 cavwrrowuer � cnvc�..exic MUSTBEONCOUNCWAGFNDABY(DA'[E) � Q2 BIIDGECDRECiO � FIN.&MG[.SERVICFSDIX. �6 MAYOA(ORASSIS]' �6 CF1@FACCAfINTANI' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACItON REQUFS'IID Approve submission of sales tax report to the State of Minnesota aeconumvnwnoNS: w�o.�<(w> o�nqa� (a> PERSONAL SERVICE CON"I'RACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QIJESTIONS: tLawtrwGLOMmusioN _cNn.SE¢viCecon�nsstoN I.HUilvspersonlfumeverwmkedimdeiacontrnctfort6isdepaz�ent? cm comMm� �S NO _w_S'rnpe _ 2. Has t6is person/5m ever been a city employee? nisrwcrCOUxr 1'ES NO sureoxrs wFUCFtcouNCa oe�emea 3. Does this persodfum possess a sldll not no=mally possessed by any ewrent city employee? YES NO (Explain a11 yes answers o� separate sheet aud at[ach [o green sheet.) QJfCIAI'INGPROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORiUNITY (Whq WIU4 Whcq Whv4 Why): State enabling legislation requires the city, in odd number years, to report the use of the sales tax proceeds for the preceding rivo years. ADVAN[AGESQ�APPROVPA� The report will be submitted as required by law. DISADVANlAGPS ff APPAOVED None DISADVAN"fAGPS OF NOT APPROVED: The cfty will be out of compliance with state laws. �iU°��3 ��v��� v� °�u� s��� � JAN � w ���� TOTALAMOLIN'!'OFiRAIV$AGTION_ O COST/REVFWEBUOGETED(CIRCLEONE) l YES ) NO �J a`mnnvcsovace n/a ncrmS GL - xxx - xx� oc -�o a FRIANCIALINFORMAtIpN�(E%PLAIN) Saint Paul Butlge[ Office (F:\useRl6utlgetlt2348so11cran499sbcrptwk4)