87-83 WHITE �- C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council p,��� CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. d 3 �9LUE - MAVOR Counc 'l Resolution ---� , / _� Presented By � l .� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date EdHER�l�S, trie 1��37 dc�o�t�:c1 �uc�get includeci t�ie i�'iayor 's recoi�uaenctation to trdnsfer the o�.�eratinc� aucaget for the iiunici�al ut�aiurn, Oxford 1'001, and Outuoor Swimrnirir� �ools iroin tiie Gei�eral Func� �cU s��ecial iunds, ar�a to have thc: Ge�nerai Funu contrii�ute 75% of tY�e antici�ateu o�eratinc� loss �or ti��e three ��roc�ram5 in 1�87 anc+ c�ecreasing �raounts tYiereaiter, ar�u t�,1HERE�IS, tiie ParKS and P.ecreation Divi�ion has �reparec� a iour year i�ue�c.�et estiruate ��iiich incluae� a ���iase: out o= Gener�I Func� o�erating �ur�siciies anu siyni�icant fee ii�creases, and uaseci u�on tlieir analysis t�ie �1c�rninistration iinus tY�e financial L�lan as reflec�eci in the 1987 uu�I��et to ue un4�orka�le, and t•�1HEREkS, the I�arks ana F.ecreation �ivision re�uests the Gen�ral Fur�u continue to iinanc� the oL,erar:ing losa after �ees are raisecl to acce��able levels, because raisir7� fees i�ore tnai� 25% will resul� ir1 a loss of rever�ue b�cau�e of loss o�' custorlers, anci ti�7hereas the Parks anc� Recr�a�ion Division feels the service ��rovideu i�y these activiLies carz not b� }�rovi��� �y tne �arivate sector for all resiaents of t'tie City of Sairi�� Paul, anu Paye 1 of 2 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays N"os'e [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen _ AgeitlSt BY Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY gy. A�pproved by lNavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy _ _ — sy -.W.r.r-- wHITEi - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �,j �3 � �C4NARV - OEPARTMENT �, ' BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date V3�3EREAS, Tlze �Ia�or, Pursuant �o Sec�ion 10. 07 .01 of t'rie City Charter , cloes cretify that tnere is availabl� for appro�riation total revenue in excess o�: thos� estin�ated ior the 1987 �ua�e�; anc� I�JHEREAS� The mayor recoinrnenas the iollowin� clzanc�es to the 1��7 uuclget: CUF.P�UT CHf1P1GE Ai�i�;TlI3ED �EFARTtiEI�tT OF COC�1T�lUTdT'�'Y SERVICES BUDGET OXFOF� POOL SPECIAL FUI�� F I NANC I idG PLfiit:� --------------- 332-23170-7299 TRANSFER F120t�1 136,97� 24,3�5 161,36� GE:wtLR1�L FUNl� 332-23170-4301 FE�S, SALES � S�P.VICE a9,934 (18,335) 70,9�9 ---------- ---------- ---------- [226,90& 5,4�0 232,36� SPEP1DItJG PL�AT 334-23170-0111 SALARIES 29,82� 5, 460 35,2�30 334-23170- ALL OTHER SP�I�d,7IT1G 1�7,O80 0 197,0£30 ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL BUDGET REVI5IOT1 226,903 5,460 232,3G8 N06�, TH�;R�FORE, 3E IT RESOLVED , That �he City C�uncil aclol�t�s tlie a�ove ac]aitions to tne 1987 k�ui��et. APPROV AS TO FU�lDIPJG • APPROV�� --------- -----�-�— -- — --- — — — !�_/L���.r!,�-- L Director, inance and 1•Zanager�ient �1�,� � Budc�je D ector Services �- � Page 2 of 2 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � � , Nicosia � 1- �i� Rettman Itl FBVO[ Scheibel sor,�eo � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson JAN 2 2 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa� • d C uncil S r t BY By App y Mavor: Date _ � N 2 J 1987 Approve by or mission to Council sy _ _ PUBIISHED �j�i� � � 198� i CommunitX: 5ervices DEPARTMENT � 7��3 Np ��7 Vi c Wi ttaenstei n CONTACT - 7 409 PHONE 1 -8-87 DATE 1 Q,/�� Q, � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING O�DER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : vr Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor 3 �.inance and Management Services Director 7 City Clerk i '�Budget Director 6 Chai r , Fi nance Commi ttee , 4 City Attorney ; WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ ; The attached resolution revises financing and spendingRationale) : budgets for the Uxford Pool special revenue fund in 1987 . RECEIVED J A N 13 1�g7 MAYOR'$ �FFf�f COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: 1 . Spending - increased salaries due to comparable worth settlement . 2 . Financing - increased contribution from the general fund , and revised revenue projection based on the operating department ' s best estimates . FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction; 2 4, 39 5 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: General fund transfer . Activity Number: 332-23170 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 . Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW XYes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 i _ . . � � G, -,� � ���, , _ . • � �� �.3 �� t CITY OF S�.I�7T PAUL ;�itiii�ttl I ��j +�� �� Tg�i'. +�'�Y Ci��v�.'u. � i � .Committee Repart �`�. l�ana�eme�.t, � Fersannel �ommittee. v � ��� JAiWARY 15, 1987 = 1. Approval of minutes fron meeting held January 8, 1987. approved as amended 2. Resolution amending the 19�7 budget by transferring $5,106 from Contingent Reserve to Civic Organizati.on Partnership Programs and authorizing payment to various organiza�ions for contractual services. approved � 3. Letter of the St1;:e Departne:�t of Reven,ue t2'1IL��i�ting zpnl�cation no. 328521 - of Steven C. Ophe�_a ror the reduction of ce�tai: rea� e�tate in the city of Saint Paul. discussed 4. Resolution ane�di:,g the 1987 budget and adding $89,911 to the Financing Plan . . . and to the Spencling. Plan for.•JTPA Title II-A 37 Older Workers.• approved � S. Resolution authorizing a lease agreement with 0'Neil and Associates for the - _ .. _�._,: _. . -- - purpose oi operating amusement rides in Como Park for the years 1987 through 1992. aPproved ' , 6. Resolution approving appropriation of �295,000 MSA funds to participate in the construction costs of a project located at West Seventh Street from Snelling Avenue to Saint Paul Avenue (T.H. �5) . approved 7. Administrative Orders: D-8206: Authorization of payment in the amount of $450.00 to Alison Watase to attend workshop on Adolescent Obesity (laid over from 1-8-87) . � discussed D-8212: Approval of payment for vacation of Congress Street by HRA (laid over from 1-8-87) . discussed D-8239: Budget revision in the Public Works - Street Maintenance Fund. discussed D-8241: Additions of $800.00 to the Fuel Service. Station Canopy Construction Project. laid over to 1/22 8. Report by the Mayor and Finance Director Gene Schiller regarding their review of several financial management issues. laid over to 1/22 � C'n HAI'L' SEVE�1i TH Fi.00R SAII�iT PAUL,:�1II�i�tESOTA SS IO2 ��..� COMMITTEE REPORT , . �`� - � � r INiNC�, -i�IAI+IAGEMENT & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE January 15, 1987 Page 2 ADDENDUM 9. Resolution transferring $49,689 from Contingent Reserve General to Oxford Pool and Municipal Stadium through Parks and Recreation Administration General Fund Activity. _ apprn�P� 10. Resolution a�ending: financing and spendin,g buc�,�ets for Oxford Poo1 Sgeci�;l. - Reve�e Fuad in 1987. �AAr!'�""� -_ 11. Resolution amending spending and financing budgets for Municipal Stadium Special Revenue Fund in 1987. approved �