99-369oR���NA�. - RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r ; , 2resented Hy � Referzed to Council File # �� - 3Gq creen sheet � G37 G 3 Committee: Date �� 1 WHEREAS, `I'he Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation holds both z 3.2 Malt On Sale and Wine On Sale licenses for the City's Como Lakeside 3 Pavilion; and 4 WHEREAS, Section 19, Chapter 554, Minnesota Laws 1990 pursuant to 5 Minnesota Statutes 1988, Chapter 654.021 allows the Division of Parks and 6 Recreation, with City Council approval, to sell 3.2 beer at events � sponsored by the Division of Parks and Recreation; and a WHEREAS, The Prom Management Group by agreement operates all 9 concessions for Como Lakeside Pavilion in 1999. 10 I30W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Prom Management Group may use ii the Division of Parks and Recreation licenses to sell 3.2 Malt and Wine at iz the Como Lakeside Pavilion in 1999 under the following terms and i3 conditions: 14 1 is 16 2 i7 i8 3 L9 �o That prudent care will be taken to insure that all sales are made to persons age 21 and over. That prudent care will be taken to insure that no sales are made to individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated. That the Prom Management Group shall, at a11 times, comply with the State of Minnesota and City of Saint Paul ordinances, laws, and statutes pertaining to the sale of 3.2 Malt and Wine. i 5. That the Prom Management Group sha11 provide liquor liability 2 insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,00�,000.00) 3 for the term of their Agreement with the City. A certificate of 4 insurance naming the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured s shall be provided to the City Attorney's Office prior to any sale > of 3.2 Malt or Wine. ' �}9-3`q ORIGI�UA�. r -_____, - _ _ Benanav Blakey sostrom Coleman xarri s Lantry _ Reiter Ye� l� Nays Absent I � �� 8 �� a 9opted by Council: Date ��\�i�c� 'option Certified by Council Secretary A by: of P BY: �(�� Approval RecommendedG Services Director: Sy: ('�. 6 Form Approved by City Financial �roved by Mayor: ➢ate: 'A f� �y r./ ( Approved by`�Iayor �',or Submission to Counc�,d. � , / ( , �/ _ .......rn � t V FFICE(COIINCI� Parks and Recreation COMACT PERSON AND PHONE Howard Bell 266-6415 MUST BE ON WUNGL ACaENDA BY IDATE) � qR - 34' DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 62763 March 22, 1999 �, � INIf1AL1DATE MRIAL(DATE a �'� � DEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CffVCOUNCIL ;; NUMBER FOF Z CITY ATTORNEY �J CITY C(.ERK ��^^ Aounwc _F�rvarvan� seavices o� 6 Parks & Rec 3�� CHA ORDEft � 3 MAYOR (OR ASSI5f _ TOTAI p �F SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIY ALL L�CATIONS POR S16NATllRE) AGTIDN REQUESSED: Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, City Attomey and Mayor for approval by City Cou�cii of the attached Resolution allowing the Prom ManagemeM Group to use the City's Wine and 3.2 Maft Licenses at Como Lakeside Pavilio�. PECOMMENDATIONS: Approve fA) or Re�ect iR) _PLANNWG WMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMM�SSION qB COMMRTEE _ A S1AFF DISTFICT COUNCIf. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATWG PRQBLEM, ISSUE. �PPORTUNITY (W�o, 4Vhat, When, Where, Why�: PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QOESTIONS: t, Has tNS personitirm eve� worketl antler a wnRac[ For t0is depaRment? YES NQ 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee� YES NO 3. Ooas Mis persoMfirm possess a skill not normalfy possessed by any current city emploVee� YES ND EMplain aN yes answe�s on separate sheet antl anach ro 9�een shee[. The City of Saint Paul holds the Wine and 3.2 Maft license for Como lakeside Pavilion. The Prom Management Group operates the Pavilion and holds the Pavilion's concession rights. An approved Resolution 6y the Saint Paul City Councii is necessary for the Prom Ma�agement Group to use the City's Licenses. aDVAMAGES IF APPROVE�: Nine and 3.2 Malt will be availabfe to those of age at the concession stand during open hours and for groups renting he banquet hall tor private events. The City will receive revenue from these sales as outfined in the Agreement etween the City and the Prom Management Group. '-�= ' . , ADVANTAGESIP APPROVED. ne �� �. � . ., _ � �u•�°c�',�."?O��Fg�;a �n.�}�r NANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: P,P;' � a ���� of service to the public and loss of revenue to both the Prom Management Group and the City. 1MOUMOFTRANSACTION $ 6,000.00 fapproximatelvl sounce Como lakeside Pavilion Fund - Sqeciaf Services COST/FEVENUE BUOGEiED (CIflCLE ONE! YES NO ACTIVtlY NUM6ER 23125 l INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� �ceives varying perce�tages of Prom Ma�agement Group's gross sales. _ oR���NA�. - RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r ; , 2resented Hy � Referzed to Council File # �� - 3Gq creen sheet � G37 G 3 Committee: Date �� 1 WHEREAS, `I'he Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation holds both z 3.2 Malt On Sale and Wine On Sale licenses for the City's Como Lakeside 3 Pavilion; and 4 WHEREAS, Section 19, Chapter 554, Minnesota Laws 1990 pursuant to 5 Minnesota Statutes 1988, Chapter 654.021 allows the Division of Parks and 6 Recreation, with City Council approval, to sell 3.2 beer at events � sponsored by the Division of Parks and Recreation; and a WHEREAS, The Prom Management Group by agreement operates all 9 concessions for Como Lakeside Pavilion in 1999. 10 I30W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Prom Management Group may use ii the Division of Parks and Recreation licenses to sell 3.2 Malt and Wine at iz the Como Lakeside Pavilion in 1999 under the following terms and i3 conditions: 14 1 is 16 2 i7 i8 3 L9 �o That prudent care will be taken to insure that all sales are made to persons age 21 and over. That prudent care will be taken to insure that no sales are made to individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated. That the Prom Management Group shall, at a11 times, comply with the State of Minnesota and City of Saint Paul ordinances, laws, and statutes pertaining to the sale of 3.2 Malt and Wine. i 5. That the Prom Management Group sha11 provide liquor liability 2 insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,00�,000.00) 3 for the term of their Agreement with the City. A certificate of 4 insurance naming the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured s shall be provided to the City Attorney's Office prior to any sale > of 3.2 Malt or Wine. ' �}9-3`q ORIGI�UA�. r -_____, - _ _ Benanav Blakey sostrom Coleman xarri s Lantry _ Reiter Ye� l� Nays Absent I � �� 8 �� a 9opted by Council: Date ��\�i�c� 'option Certified by Council Secretary A by: of P BY: �(�� Approval RecommendedG Services Director: Sy: ('�. 6 Form Approved by City Financial �roved by Mayor: ➢ate: 'A f� �y r./ ( Approved by`�Iayor �',or Submission to Counc�,d. � , / ( , �/ _ .......rn � t V FFICE(COIINCI� Parks and Recreation COMACT PERSON AND PHONE Howard Bell 266-6415 MUST BE ON WUNGL ACaENDA BY IDATE) � qR - 34' DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 62763 March 22, 1999 �, � INIf1AL1DATE MRIAL(DATE a �'� � DEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CffVCOUNCIL ;; NUMBER FOF Z CITY ATTORNEY �J CITY C(.ERK ��^^ Aounwc _F�rvarvan� seavices o� 6 Parks & Rec 3�� CHA ORDEft � 3 MAYOR (OR ASSI5f _ TOTAI p �F SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIY ALL L�CATIONS POR S16NATllRE) AGTIDN REQUESSED: Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, City Attomey and Mayor for approval by City Cou�cii of the attached Resolution allowing the Prom ManagemeM Group to use the City's Wine and 3.2 Maft Licenses at Como Lakeside Pavilio�. PECOMMENDATIONS: Approve fA) or Re�ect iR) _PLANNWG WMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMM�SSION qB COMMRTEE _ A S1AFF DISTFICT COUNCIf. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATWG PRQBLEM, ISSUE. �PPORTUNITY (W�o, 4Vhat, When, Where, Why�: PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QOESTIONS: t, Has tNS personitirm eve� worketl antler a wnRac[ For t0is depaRment? YES NQ 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee� YES NO 3. Ooas Mis persoMfirm possess a skill not normalfy possessed by any current city emploVee� YES ND EMplain aN yes answe�s on separate sheet antl anach ro 9�een shee[. The City of Saint Paul holds the Wine and 3.2 Maft license for Como lakeside Pavilion. The Prom Management Group operates the Pavilion and holds the Pavilion's concession rights. An approved Resolution 6y the Saint Paul City Councii is necessary for the Prom Ma�agement Group to use the City's Licenses. aDVAMAGES IF APPROVE�: Nine and 3.2 Malt will be availabfe to those of age at the concession stand during open hours and for groups renting he banquet hall tor private events. The City will receive revenue from these sales as outfined in the Agreement etween the City and the Prom Management Group. '-�= ' . , ADVANTAGESIP APPROVED. ne �� �. � . ., _ � �u•�°c�',�."?O��Fg�;a �n.�}�r NANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: P,P;' � a ���� of service to the public and loss of revenue to both the Prom Management Group and the City. 1MOUMOFTRANSACTION $ 6,000.00 fapproximatelvl sounce Como lakeside Pavilion Fund - Sqeciaf Services COST/FEVENUE BUOGEiED (CIflCLE ONE! YES NO ACTIVtlY NUM6ER 23125 l INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� �ceives varying perce�tages of Prom Ma�agement Group's gross sales. _ oR���NA�. - RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r ; , 2resented Hy � Referzed to Council File # �� - 3Gq creen sheet � G37 G 3 Committee: Date �� 1 WHEREAS, `I'he Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation holds both z 3.2 Malt On Sale and Wine On Sale licenses for the City's Como Lakeside 3 Pavilion; and 4 WHEREAS, Section 19, Chapter 554, Minnesota Laws 1990 pursuant to 5 Minnesota Statutes 1988, Chapter 654.021 allows the Division of Parks and 6 Recreation, with City Council approval, to sell 3.2 beer at events � sponsored by the Division of Parks and Recreation; and a WHEREAS, The Prom Management Group by agreement operates all 9 concessions for Como Lakeside Pavilion in 1999. 10 I30W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Prom Management Group may use ii the Division of Parks and Recreation licenses to sell 3.2 Malt and Wine at iz the Como Lakeside Pavilion in 1999 under the following terms and i3 conditions: 14 1 is 16 2 i7 i8 3 L9 �o That prudent care will be taken to insure that all sales are made to persons age 21 and over. That prudent care will be taken to insure that no sales are made to individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated. That the Prom Management Group shall, at a11 times, comply with the State of Minnesota and City of Saint Paul ordinances, laws, and statutes pertaining to the sale of 3.2 Malt and Wine. i 5. That the Prom Management Group sha11 provide liquor liability 2 insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,00�,000.00) 3 for the term of their Agreement with the City. A certificate of 4 insurance naming the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured s shall be provided to the City Attorney's Office prior to any sale > of 3.2 Malt or Wine. ' �}9-3`q ORIGI�UA�. r -_____, - _ _ Benanav Blakey sostrom Coleman xarri s Lantry _ Reiter Ye� l� Nays Absent I � �� 8 �� a 9opted by Council: Date ��\�i�c� 'option Certified by Council Secretary A by: of P BY: �(�� Approval RecommendedG Services Director: Sy: ('�. 6 Form Approved by City Financial �roved by Mayor: ➢ate: 'A f� �y r./ ( Approved by`�Iayor �',or Submission to Counc�,d. � , / ( , �/ _ .......rn � t V FFICE(COIINCI� Parks and Recreation COMACT PERSON AND PHONE Howard Bell 266-6415 MUST BE ON WUNGL ACaENDA BY IDATE) � qR - 34' DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 62763 March 22, 1999 �, � INIf1AL1DATE MRIAL(DATE a �'� � DEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CffVCOUNCIL ;; NUMBER FOF Z CITY ATTORNEY �J CITY C(.ERK ��^^ Aounwc _F�rvarvan� seavices o� 6 Parks & Rec 3�� CHA ORDEft � 3 MAYOR (OR ASSI5f _ TOTAI p �F SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIY ALL L�CATIONS POR S16NATllRE) AGTIDN REQUESSED: Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, City Attomey and Mayor for approval by City Cou�cii of the attached Resolution allowing the Prom ManagemeM Group to use the City's Wine and 3.2 Maft Licenses at Como Lakeside Pavilio�. PECOMMENDATIONS: Approve fA) or Re�ect iR) _PLANNWG WMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMM�SSION qB COMMRTEE _ A S1AFF DISTFICT COUNCIf. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATWG PRQBLEM, ISSUE. �PPORTUNITY (W�o, 4Vhat, When, Where, Why�: PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QOESTIONS: t, Has tNS personitirm eve� worketl antler a wnRac[ For t0is depaRment? YES NQ 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee� YES NO 3. Ooas Mis persoMfirm possess a skill not normalfy possessed by any current city emploVee� YES ND EMplain aN yes answe�s on separate sheet antl anach ro 9�een shee[. The City of Saint Paul holds the Wine and 3.2 Maft license for Como lakeside Pavilion. The Prom Management Group operates the Pavilion and holds the Pavilion's concession rights. An approved Resolution 6y the Saint Paul City Councii is necessary for the Prom Ma�agement Group to use the City's Licenses. aDVAMAGES IF APPROVE�: Nine and 3.2 Malt will be availabfe to those of age at the concession stand during open hours and for groups renting he banquet hall tor private events. The City will receive revenue from these sales as outfined in the Agreement etween the City and the Prom Management Group. '-�= ' . , ADVANTAGESIP APPROVED. ne �� �. � . ., _ � �u•�°c�',�."?O��Fg�;a �n.�}�r NANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: P,P;' � a ���� of service to the public and loss of revenue to both the Prom Management Group and the City. 1MOUMOFTRANSACTION $ 6,000.00 fapproximatelvl sounce Como lakeside Pavilion Fund - Sqeciaf Services COST/FEVENUE BUOGEiED (CIflCLE ONE! YES NO ACTIVtlY NUM6ER 23125 l INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN� �ceives varying perce�tages of Prom Ma�agement Group's gross sales. _