87-65 WMITE - CITV �LERK ��JJJ // PINK - FINANCE COUACII D/ � / CANARV - DE�ARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � �.r 8��E - MA�oR , File NO. �/ Y� . C cil Resolution ,; � Present d By l � � 3 �� Referred To � � � Committee: Date 1/��0�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, rec�nt elections show a trend toward increased negative, libelous, and slanderous campaigning; and WHEREAS, current election law allows a candidate for public office to libel and slander another candidate with wreckless disregard for the truth; and WHEREAS, the lack of legal protection accorded candidates for public office could have a chilling effect on candidates wha otherwise would refuse to seek public office because they would not want to subject themselves to libel and slander without a reasonable means af legal redress; and WHEREAS, candidates for public office are not held to the same standards as other citizens with respect to truth, liable and slander; and WHEREAS, it is important to hold candidates for public office to as high, if not higher, standard than the general public; therefore, be i t RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council goes on record in sup- port of a change in state legislation altowing the laws of libei and slander to apply to political campaigns and candidates who intentionaliy participate in the preparation, dissemination, or broad- cast of paid political advertising, campaign material , or a letter to the editor with respect to the personal or politicai character or acts of a candidate whether or not defamatory or with respect to the effect of a ballot question, with wreckless disregard for the truth which the person knows or has reason to believe is false and which is designed or tends to elect, injure, or defeat any candidate for nomination ar election to a public office or to promote or defeat a ballot question as they apply to all citizens. COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � N"os'e [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen � __ Ag7lllst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 2 0 198� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yas• b uncil Secr ry BY sy Approved by Mavor: Date _ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B Approved without the signature of the Mayor Y pursant to Section 6.08 of the City Charter p IISNED J A N � 1 198 l� � . �'�'- �3 . i '��. �K CTTY OF SgINT PAUL �: � ,,,, ;:;;:s OB'FIC� OF THE CZTy COII�TCZL ........-n �:: �+1,••.x.�•�•e n •�r-.�!" D a f e ; �anuary 12, I987 COMMfTTEE RE PORT 7"�0 = Sa�n�t PQU t City Counci� � FROt�I : Comr�nitte� Qn LEGISLATION C e�a I R : JOHN DREW . . r t. Approval of minutes fran the meetings held December 8 and December 15, t985. APPROVED. , . __ _ _.. ' 2: � An ordinance setting forth a ciassificatian system for establishments which serve liquor, wine and/or beer. Councii File No. 84-1592. COMMITTEE RECOMMENOS THAT THIS ORQINANCE BE WITHDRAWN. 3. � #o�s��,,,� � �� � �.�.���� � �� �.; a�" . .�,� . , . _���- � ����:. � �r�€ t�cor�n�t�s ��va�. CIT„ HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SALNT PAIIL,MiNNESOTA SSIQZ . ��.�. ' , _, e....:.,_.�_.-.-..,,...a�_� , � ...��,..�,�.,__�___.d�._......_z...s._.,_