87-61 � WHITE - CiTV CIERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��e � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT , F1IC NO. BLUE - MAVOR un il Resolution _. ,. Presented By . / '-- r- V Referred To �� �/� � � �� � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul pursuant to Section 38.07 of the Administrative Code and pursuant to the provisions of Laws of Minnesota for 1975, Chapter 261 , and pursuant to the provisions of applicable City Labor eontracts that in respect to each item of severanee pay provided to be paid by said provisions on aceount of separation from employment with the City whieh oecurred in the years 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 and 1986 save any such separation whieh may have oecurred in anq of the said years by reason of death of any el igibl e empl oyee, the same may be paid either in ful l or paid upon a deferred annual installment payment plan, and that the determination of the manner of payment of such severanoe pay shall be at the eleetion of the separated employee; and, be it FURTHER RESOL9ED, that should the separated employee eleet to receive the severanee pay by deferred payment, sueh deferred payments shall be made annually in the amount of one-fifth of the total amount of severance paq granted under the provisions oF Section 38 .07 of the Administrative Code ; and, FINALLY RESOLVED, that sueh payments be made on or after Februarq 20, 19$7, or as soon thereafter as it may be oonvenient for the proper City officsials to make sueh paqments thereon, and in the case of the deferred payment method the sueeessive annual installments not in exeess of one-fifth of the total amount of severanee pay granted shall beeome due and payable on or after the 20th day of February in each succeeding year to the extent, and only to the extent, that it shall be necessary to effect the payment of the total severanee pay amounts in eaeh partieular case without interest. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � C N��oS�e , 1��1 Rettman In Favor Scheibel Sonnen �__ Against BY � Tedesco L1Fil�enr- Adopted by Council: Date JAN 15 1987 Form Approve y City Attor y Certified Pas e cil Secr ry BY By. Approv � avor: Date o�14� 2.� 1�$,� Appro Mayor Eor Sub ' io o Co B � — gY aiis�EO �;�,k � �; i��� � � �� �� N° 0'7 6'7'7 Fi�ance .and Management#Services DEPARTMENT _ _ R _ • Robert J. Vanyo CONTACT 292-b753 PHONE ` �z,��,86 QATE reen eQ , . � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Siqnature) : 1 Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � �r, City Clerk Budget Director 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEYED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE A1'TACHED NlATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This allows those_ employees resigning in 1986 who qualify for serverance pay the option of receiving the severance pay due in full, or in five equal installments payable on or after� February 20, 1986 and on or after February 20th of each year following until total severance has been paid. This election is to be evidenced by resolution of the Council not later than January 20th of each year, as specified in Chapter 38.07 of City Administrative Code. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: C �, `-_] �,..�._ � `���' The severance pay due has been provided for in the 1987 budget. �'z� � FINANCING SOURCE ANO BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of "Transaction; quired if under � $10,00Q) Fundi.ng Source: 717-50065 Severance Pay Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : . RECEIVEp� Council Resolution � - D E C 12 1986 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF F�1�ANCE . �D MANAGEMENT SERVIC DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REViEW xYes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ; � ���C� C�'���-� � • � 7�- � �" �� CITY OF S.AINT PgUL - ...,�:,:�. • ��ii u�.�u ' OFB'ZCE OF TH� CITY COU�TCIL Committee �e�art F:i�.ance. Ma�a�en�e�t� & Persannel Conlmi�tee. JANUA.RY 8, 1987 1. Approval oi L:inutes from meeting held December 23, 1986. avproved 2. Resolution authorizing renewal of rate stabilization agreement with Northwestern Bell. withdrawn - sent to Energy Committee 3. Resolution establishing rate of pay for the title of Emergency Preparedness Coordinator in Grade 43, Section I D 6, Fire Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. approved 4. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Fire Marshal in Grade 46, Section I D 6, Fire Supervisory Standar.d Range in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. approved . � 5. Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for House Custodian I in Section II B, - _ _„ Special�mployments in the_Salary._ Plan. and Rates of �omgensation ResolutiQn. _- - avproved . 6. `itesolution app�rov�ng method of disbursing severance pap atzd allowimg,,.,the opt^�crccs of p�ymet�t in full or in five yearly instal]:mQn,ts. appro�ed 7. Administrative Orders: D-8206: Authorization of payment in the amount of $450.00 to Alison Watase to attend workshop on Adolescent Obesity. Iaid over to 1/15 D-8210: Authorization to purchase repair parts and dealer services without advertisement and competitive bids from MacQueen Equipment Company. discussed D-8211: Authorization to purchase repair parts and dealer services without advertisement and competitive bids from Itasca Equipment Company. discussed D-8212: Approval of payment .for vacation of Congress Street by HR.A. laid over to 1/I5 D-8216: Authorization to purchase without advertisement mechanical sign stripper from Simon Machinery Sales, Inc. discussed D-8224: Budget Revision in PED - PED Operations fund. discussed D-8225: Authorization to execute extended lease agreement for use of city's Valley Recreation Center. report requested 8. Resolution approving 1986 �Iemorandum of Agreement between the city and the city of Saint Paul Classified Con�idential Employees Association. _._-..,.r�.�..�_.�________ _ —_s------ — --- - ---- -- ----------� -----