99-367Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR��1�lAL RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presen[ed By Referred To Council File # Q -3 (�� Green Sheet # L3�15 � �S Committ¢e: Date WHEREAS, since 1976 the City has, originally through L.ease Agreement CS/30 and subsequently through Lease Agreement PR/10 leased from the State Department of Transportation a parcel of land adjacent to the Cayuga Playground which it has incorporated into the said playground; and �o �i WAEREA5, said Lease Agreement PR/10 will expire on April 30, 1999; and WHEREA5, it is the intention of the garties to the said L.ease Agreement PR/10 to extend the term of the lease through Apri130, 2002 as expressed in the attached sample copy; TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Lease Agreement PRl10. Requested by Department of: Technolo= v & Mana�ement Services By: ��'�/'i'q li���t �� Dire�� Approved by City Attorney `t` �� W Ey: � ��u.v+a-- �/-/l- °f5 B y : —�—� Approved by By: Approve by Mayor for u missi n to Council By Adopted by Council: Date * �� a x�°�1y AdoptiRn Certified by Council Secretary � - � T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Agri115,19 Green Sheet Number: 63756 ontacLPersonandPhoneNumber: �PARTMENTD 4 CPf4COIINCA, Dave Nelson 266-8850 '�� 1 T "`" TO � �'�` DDGETDII2ECfOR FFTCEOFF7L�ANCfALSVCS � ost be on Comcil Agenda by: 3 yOR (OR ASS7STAi 5 ESTATE DIVISION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To approve an amendment to Lease Agreement PR/10 of a parcel abutting and incorporated into the Caynga Piayground to extend the term through Apri130, 2002. Ref: 1. Council Resolution to approve lease; 2. Sample copy of Amendment I to Lease Agreement PR/10. COMMF.NDATiONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.,TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST AATSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the yerson/£vm ever worked �mdu a conttaM for this departrnent? YES NO PL9NMNGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has this person/Hrm ever been a C}ty employee? YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSiON —_ . Does this person/Srm powess a skill notnormally possessed by any YES NO c� comnurrae �'�t City employee? E Iain all YES aoswers on a se ate sheet and attach. UPPORTS �VHICH COUNCIL B]ECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) r, DISTRICT PLANIVING COUNCIL 6 NTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, w,, ECEIVED Lease Agreement PIt�10 will expire on April 30,1999. A��' ����t� VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��9Sd��yi �:, �. _ ., . . , . .. Cayuga Playground will continue to operate as before. "' g"J rsnnvnivzncESS�ArrxovEU: �Pf� «� ?°�� None ��� :=.� � _ � > � r. '< �-� ; , - :_ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVCD: The area of Cayuga Playground wili be diminished. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �1 ,561.54 COST/AEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: � ACTIVITY NIIMBER: INANCSAL IlVFORMATTON: (EXPLAIl� To be paid in annual installments of $520.18. �"� �"��"`� ��`�'� ,.�� � � i��� Minnesota Department of TranspoRation Office of Land Management Transoortation Suiiding Mailstop 63'I 395 John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-�899 651 296-3245 S.P.: PARCELS: 6235 (10=� 13) 901 103, 103A, 104 and 105 AMENDMENT OF COMMERCiAL LEASE No. � qy•3`? LEASE NO.H-05895 (62D003) THfS AGREEMEP7T, is made by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation ("Landlord") and The City of Saint Aau1 ("TenanY'), and shall be an amendment a�d addition to Lease No. H-05895. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Landiord and Tenant entered into Lease No. H-05895 involving the rental of commercial land; WHEREAS, the parties deem certain amendments and additional terms and conditions mutually beneficial for the effective continuation of said Lease; and NOW THEREFOR, Landlord and Tenant agree to substitution and/or addition of the following terms and conditions which shali become a part of the Lease No. H-05895, effective as of the date set forth hereinafter. 'r� 3. This Lease includes improvements, if any, and is in effect for the term of 36 months commencing on May 1, 1999 and ending on April 30, 2002, w+th the right of terminafion in both Landlord and Tenant as hereinafter set forth. Section 1 of the Lease is deleted and the following is substituted therefore: RENT. Tenant shall pay to Landlord as rent for the Premises the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty One and 54./100 Dollars ($1,561.54) in annual payments of $520.1 S due and payable prior to May 1 of each year during the term of the Iease. Rent payments are to be mailed or delivered to Landlord's finance office as foliows: Department of Transportation Office of Financial Management Accounting Department 395 ,lohn lreland Boulevard - Maitstop 215 St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Make checks payable to: Commissioner of Transportation Except as modified by the provisions of this Amendment, said Lease is ratified and confirmed as originaily written. S AN�.��.� � N �� TENA.�1T CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its Mayor Date Sy Date By Director, Deparhnent Management Service� Date By Director, Date � LANDLORD,STAT� OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT O#f TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION ° - � G7 Approved as to form antl eacecution e Assistant Ciry Attomey Date V 1 � on — V Approved as to fortn and execuhon FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL By Merntt H. Linzie, Director Office of Land Management Date ['� Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR��1�lAL RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presen[ed By Referred To Council File # Q -3 (�� Green Sheet # L3�15 � �S Committ¢e: Date WHEREAS, since 1976 the City has, originally through L.ease Agreement CS/30 and subsequently through Lease Agreement PR/10 leased from the State Department of Transportation a parcel of land adjacent to the Cayuga Playground which it has incorporated into the said playground; and �o �i WAEREA5, said Lease Agreement PR/10 will expire on April 30, 1999; and WHEREA5, it is the intention of the garties to the said L.ease Agreement PR/10 to extend the term of the lease through Apri130, 2002 as expressed in the attached sample copy; TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Lease Agreement PRl10. Requested by Department of: Technolo= v & Mana�ement Services By: ��'�/'i'q li���t �� Dire�� Approved by City Attorney `t` �� W Ey: � ��u.v+a-- �/-/l- °f5 B y : —�—� Approved by By: Approve by Mayor for u missi n to Council By Adopted by Council: Date * �� a x�°�1y AdoptiRn Certified by Council Secretary � - � T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Agri115,19 Green Sheet Number: 63756 ontacLPersonandPhoneNumber: �PARTMENTD 4 CPf4COIINCA, Dave Nelson 266-8850 '�� 1 T "`" TO � �'�` DDGETDII2ECfOR FFTCEOFF7L�ANCfALSVCS � ost be on Comcil Agenda by: 3 yOR (OR ASS7STAi 5 ESTATE DIVISION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To approve an amendment to Lease Agreement PR/10 of a parcel abutting and incorporated into the Caynga Piayground to extend the term through Apri130, 2002. Ref: 1. Council Resolution to approve lease; 2. Sample copy of Amendment I to Lease Agreement PR/10. COMMF.NDATiONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.,TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST AATSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the yerson/£vm ever worked �mdu a conttaM for this departrnent? YES NO PL9NMNGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has this person/Hrm ever been a C}ty employee? YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSiON —_ . Does this person/Srm powess a skill notnormally possessed by any YES NO c� comnurrae �'�t City employee? E Iain all YES aoswers on a se ate sheet and attach. UPPORTS �VHICH COUNCIL B]ECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) r, DISTRICT PLANIVING COUNCIL 6 NTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, w,, ECEIVED Lease Agreement PIt�10 will expire on April 30,1999. A��' ����t� VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��9Sd��yi �:, �. _ ., . . , . .. Cayuga Playground will continue to operate as before. "' g"J rsnnvnivzncESS�ArrxovEU: �Pf� «� ?°�� None ��� :=.� � _ � > � r. '< �-� ; , - :_ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVCD: The area of Cayuga Playground wili be diminished. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �1 ,561.54 COST/AEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: � ACTIVITY NIIMBER: INANCSAL IlVFORMATTON: (EXPLAIl� To be paid in annual installments of $520.18. �"� �"��"`� ��`�'� ,.�� � � i��� Minnesota Department of TranspoRation Office of Land Management Transoortation Suiiding Mailstop 63'I 395 John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-�899 651 296-3245 S.P.: PARCELS: 6235 (10=� 13) 901 103, 103A, 104 and 105 AMENDMENT OF COMMERCiAL LEASE No. � qy•3`? LEASE NO.H-05895 (62D003) THfS AGREEMEP7T, is made by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation ("Landlord") and The City of Saint Aau1 ("TenanY'), and shall be an amendment a�d addition to Lease No. H-05895. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Landiord and Tenant entered into Lease No. H-05895 involving the rental of commercial land; WHEREAS, the parties deem certain amendments and additional terms and conditions mutually beneficial for the effective continuation of said Lease; and NOW THEREFOR, Landlord and Tenant agree to substitution and/or addition of the following terms and conditions which shali become a part of the Lease No. H-05895, effective as of the date set forth hereinafter. 'r� 3. This Lease includes improvements, if any, and is in effect for the term of 36 months commencing on May 1, 1999 and ending on April 30, 2002, w+th the right of terminafion in both Landlord and Tenant as hereinafter set forth. Section 1 of the Lease is deleted and the following is substituted therefore: RENT. Tenant shall pay to Landlord as rent for the Premises the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty One and 54./100 Dollars ($1,561.54) in annual payments of $520.1 S due and payable prior to May 1 of each year during the term of the Iease. Rent payments are to be mailed or delivered to Landlord's finance office as foliows: Department of Transportation Office of Financial Management Accounting Department 395 ,lohn lreland Boulevard - Maitstop 215 St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Make checks payable to: Commissioner of Transportation Except as modified by the provisions of this Amendment, said Lease is ratified and confirmed as originaily written. S AN�.��.� � N �� TENA.�1T CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its Mayor Date Sy Date By Director, Deparhnent Management Service� Date By Director, Date � LANDLORD,STAT� OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT O#f TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION ° - � G7 Approved as to form antl eacecution e Assistant Ciry Attomey Date V 1 � on — V Approved as to fortn and execuhon FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL By Merntt H. Linzie, Director Office of Land Management Date ['� Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR��1�lAL RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presen[ed By Referred To Council File # Q -3 (�� Green Sheet # L3�15 � �S Committ¢e: Date WHEREAS, since 1976 the City has, originally through L.ease Agreement CS/30 and subsequently through Lease Agreement PR/10 leased from the State Department of Transportation a parcel of land adjacent to the Cayuga Playground which it has incorporated into the said playground; and �o �i WAEREA5, said Lease Agreement PR/10 will expire on April 30, 1999; and WHEREA5, it is the intention of the garties to the said L.ease Agreement PR/10 to extend the term of the lease through Apri130, 2002 as expressed in the attached sample copy; TFIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Lease Agreement PRl10. Requested by Department of: Technolo= v & Mana�ement Services By: ��'�/'i'q li���t �� Dire�� Approved by City Attorney `t` �� W Ey: � ��u.v+a-- �/-/l- °f5 B y : —�—� Approved by By: Approve by Mayor for u missi n to Council By Adopted by Council: Date * �� a x�°�1y AdoptiRn Certified by Council Secretary � - � T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Agri115,19 Green Sheet Number: 63756 ontacLPersonandPhoneNumber: �PARTMENTD 4 CPf4COIINCA, Dave Nelson 266-8850 '�� 1 T "`" TO � �'�` DDGETDII2ECfOR FFTCEOFF7L�ANCfALSVCS � ost be on Comcil Agenda by: 3 yOR (OR ASS7STAi 5 ESTATE DIVISION OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: To approve an amendment to Lease Agreement PR/10 of a parcel abutting and incorporated into the Caynga Piayground to extend the term through Apri130, 2002. Ref: 1. Council Resolution to approve lease; 2. Sample copy of Amendment I to Lease Agreement PR/10. COMMF.NDATiONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.,TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST AATSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the yerson/£vm ever worked �mdu a conttaM for this departrnent? YES NO PL9NMNGCOMMISSION A STAFF Has this person/Hrm ever been a C}ty employee? YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSiON —_ . Does this person/Srm powess a skill notnormally possessed by any YES NO c� comnurrae �'�t City employee? E Iain all YES aoswers on a se ate sheet and attach. UPPORTS �VHICH COUNCIL B]ECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) r, DISTRICT PLANIVING COUNCIL 6 NTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, w,, ECEIVED Lease Agreement PIt�10 will expire on April 30,1999. A��' ����t� VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��9Sd��yi �:, �. _ ., . . , . .. Cayuga Playground will continue to operate as before. "' g"J rsnnvnivzncESS�ArrxovEU: �Pf� «� ?°�� None ��� :=.� � _ � > � r. '< �-� ; , - :_ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVCD: The area of Cayuga Playground wili be diminished. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �1 ,561.54 COST/AEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: � ACTIVITY NIIMBER: INANCSAL IlVFORMATTON: (EXPLAIl� To be paid in annual installments of $520.18. �"� �"��"`� ��`�'� ,.�� � � i��� Minnesota Department of TranspoRation Office of Land Management Transoortation Suiiding Mailstop 63'I 395 John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-�899 651 296-3245 S.P.: PARCELS: 6235 (10=� 13) 901 103, 103A, 104 and 105 AMENDMENT OF COMMERCiAL LEASE No. � qy•3`? LEASE NO.H-05895 (62D003) THfS AGREEMEP7T, is made by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation ("Landlord") and The City of Saint Aau1 ("TenanY'), and shall be an amendment a�d addition to Lease No. H-05895. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Landiord and Tenant entered into Lease No. H-05895 involving the rental of commercial land; WHEREAS, the parties deem certain amendments and additional terms and conditions mutually beneficial for the effective continuation of said Lease; and NOW THEREFOR, Landlord and Tenant agree to substitution and/or addition of the following terms and conditions which shali become a part of the Lease No. H-05895, effective as of the date set forth hereinafter. 'r� 3. This Lease includes improvements, if any, and is in effect for the term of 36 months commencing on May 1, 1999 and ending on April 30, 2002, w+th the right of terminafion in both Landlord and Tenant as hereinafter set forth. Section 1 of the Lease is deleted and the following is substituted therefore: RENT. Tenant shall pay to Landlord as rent for the Premises the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty One and 54./100 Dollars ($1,561.54) in annual payments of $520.1 S due and payable prior to May 1 of each year during the term of the Iease. Rent payments are to be mailed or delivered to Landlord's finance office as foliows: Department of Transportation Office of Financial Management Accounting Department 395 ,lohn lreland Boulevard - Maitstop 215 St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Make checks payable to: Commissioner of Transportation Except as modified by the provisions of this Amendment, said Lease is ratified and confirmed as originaily written. S AN�.��.� � N �� TENA.�1T CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its Mayor Date Sy Date By Director, Deparhnent Management Service� Date By Director, Date � LANDLORD,STAT� OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT O#f TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION ° - � G7 Approved as to form antl eacecution e Assistant Ciry Attomey Date V 1 � on — V Approved as to fortn and execuhon FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL By Merntt H. Linzie, Director Office of Land Management Date ['�