87-25 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � w ^� BLUE - MAVOR File �O. �l COZt12CZ� SO tZ ,.- ' .'.'""� Presente y �- o � Referred To Committee: Date 1/� � � — �� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment and reappointments by the Mayor of the following-named persons to serve on the City of Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission: Mark Farnam - Three-year term to expire December 31, 1989 Robert Frame III - Three-year term to expire December 31, 1989 Nilgun Tuna - Three-year term to expire December 31, 1989 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia [R F8v0[ Rettman Scheibel Sonnen � _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson JAN - 8 1987 Form Ap ve City At r � Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Va: • uncil Sec y BY B}� Approved by Ylavor: Date �� �`a� ' }� �ppro e Mayor for Subm' i n t Cou il gy -��'7'��_� � PUk��i;���� �. '- . � - ,;, , • � CITY OF SA.INT P�UL � �- o� ��' e�.��. OH'FIC� OB' THE CZTY COIINCZL w•u.s...... . . ��=�-='�� � D 4 t e ; December 12, 1986 � � CoMM �TTEE REPORT TO � Satnt PQUi Cifiy Councit . � F R O M = C o m m ir t e e O h R�JLES AND PO�ICY of'"flecemtier 12, 1986 . • � C H a(R c Victor Tedesco The Rules and Policy Committee recommended to the City Council� i�pp�r�l .�f all of the following Mayor's appointments: Item before Agenda Item #1-- - , �, Resolution approving the appointment by the Ma or of Sus Y an E. Kimbe to the position of Assistant to the Mayor. rly - 1 . Resolution regar.ding appointments of Mayor Latirrer to the, Saint Paul Human Rights Commission of Robert Avina, Sharon Day, Steve Clark and . -. Dede-Wolfson, and the reappointment� of Marge Chsrmoli. "-- -- � . - - 2. Resolution regarding .reappointments by the Mayor of Dennis Osborn � �and William Peterson to the Board of Zoning Qppeals. , _ ' 3. Resolution regarding�reappointments by the Mayor of. Bill Tilton ' ' � `:'��-r: . and Harold D. Knutson to the Board of Appeals & Review �for Housing, Bu.il�ding and F'ire Prevention Codes, and the appcintment of David Andrew Schultz. . . � . � 4. Resolution re ardin rea � � Stan Fishman and Allen HesterttonthebOvernight��heltertBoard,Banks, 5 .�ies�o�t��Qn re��adsn9 app�ointment and reappvar►tmi�nts b�r the Nayar °'b#'���rk ��irnaa�:, �Rabert Fra�e III, and Nilgun Tune to the City o,f S�� R�1 Herit�e Preservatiort Conan�s8ion. lc CITY HALL � SEVENTH FLOOR SAIIVT PAUL.MINNE50T�1 SS102 , .�.�a . _ .__. _-- ___..__.�....__...—_..-,,..__.__-.____,...,.,,.,�._