BY .
File No. 1�+431
Voting In the Matter of �rp� p� �� �� �ytis sttNt EO l�l�h�! Il�d.
Ward !� eo�stsectiaa aq arnw�rwtsl strset lifhtias srt�.
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under Preliminary Order approved
, 'd
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �A� ^ 8 ��7
Yeas]yrEy Nays
tiCp�is Certifie sse y Council Secretary
- tsttwo
% $�ibel � In Favor By
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?�,M,�p Against
�tillOS ' N ' 8 198�'Iayor
P���l!��i�D JAN 17 1987
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. PRiL�iABY O�DB�r _ _ _ _.
, •��.�-, , . ;
;,/ Couneil�?ile No.86-1604--B` lf � . , '
Y�, ic<ts� . '
�n;#�e�iatt�r;af improvu�Q��is Jkveiii�e Eustis Sireet-t9�1h�sri$'l�rd ;
by constructia�an-,cirnameflt�st�,p4t�ig����i�a Votfrsg'V�aix�:�•.
. ,,
The.�ounefi:oi��he Gity,af Sa�t.Paul 2�lstiztiq�,�+eipei�tt�e�rl-ot f�� ,,,
uPoai the above, improvemen�.`and<havi�`-c�sideretl said r�orE. .��bY
1. That the said report and the same.is .I�ereby�. aDg�ved :�t�h,;tio � <.
alternatives, and that the estimated cost t$�reoi-is_,�48,pOp fiaancbd�y
assessments�10,998.17 and,�pit�l I�nprovement$orids�7,Od1,83:
' 2. That a public k�earing be had on said�improvement on the 8th da o
JAnuaryg, 1�'1,at 10;00_o�1�k a.m..in the Council Chambers'o t e ity
Hall and'C-- ouse•Building in the City of Saint Paul.
.3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and ia the
manner provided by t1��Gbptrter,st�ti�►g t��and place oi hearing.
the nature ot the improvement and the total cost thereoi as estimated.
File No. 18451 . .
. .
� Adopted by tk►e Council Decenal�er,4.,l�.
Approved i�mber Q,1�86. :
: '<Deoaosbrr.IShc4.�19iB1, , . _ .