87-19 , � 1 � , 1 CITV� OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F E NO. d -�`""`� FINAL ORDER r ' - By ' File No. i�'� Voting In the Matter of CalsttYeti�tg Nettts�, sto�w aMi wt�r ccwws�rti�rs, if Ward ralwstd h�► ths ptop�rt' oMw�er, for tre ea�Dised �a�r �rstioa � project io�s is tbs O?If s3�1 S�it't �9 �s! �i►YI�: 1/D LI�lI�6 ?iiQJn.T. � j , i i � � � � under Preliminary Order O j° ����� approved �O2�� �� ° �i The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. . COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date `�A�V � $ �7 Yeas Dr�t Nays w��� Certified ed b Council Secretary Zlttiii 3C�i�1 � In Favor By Seaos� � 'tldeseo � Against Nilioet JAN — S �987 Mayor e��r �;�� �i "' ":�8 7 F�, .�; , �' '� -� � � r �� � � =� ; '✓ Couneil File�o.86-i6dZ'--�by 1C�r4s`�f�at=` . - - : I�i tbe�Idatte� of.construc� �its�+..,�tctl�n;suW water cx�nueCtio.ns,�ii , �quested 1iy the propertq a�ti►iier, ior'�`ie ec:riDiiped�vt;r�ep�tf'ation,prp knaro¢n as the OTis 3�'QRM SEqi�i:ANl'�STRL,�E'�F!'A�iI�G�FD�LI(3��>� PRO�EC'P�fn Vo�ing Ward#:" - . The Couacil oi the City oi Saint Paul��`ieLei'Ved the�repoYt bf tl��8yor upon the above improvement, and ha�►ing cbnsi`deied-said r�ri. hereb'Y resolves: 1. That the said report a,nd the.sau►e is. hereby approved witl� ao � alteraatfves, and that the estimated cost thereoi is per �onnection,. � � financed by assessments.Sanita�aq,�mm�axidnrrater�ron�p�t�s sssesaed , �t aast. _ . . .. , ., �. , . :2. `Th�t�a public heart�eg be hac� oY�.tsai� irr�protrelnent'��n t8e t�i a ' t .; 3anuary, �98-4;_�it ' �{EYbck s.m.,it�;the�Cot�i�l�ha�tb��y 'i ;an ourt.I�o�8uilcling.i�n tlie Cit;[�.if�i��,Pa�.� . � 3: ,T�at notic�`of said public. hea�ng �=glv�tac t�re persor�s�id iti #�ie-j d manaer provided bythe Qtartsr,sta�t,he.ti�e.#sd P1ac�P#.i�1!r�tB� : the nature of the img�avement aad the xotal cost:thereof as est�a"ted.- << File No:18446-3 - �< : . . - '� . ��![�dp�ed�Dy-tfie Coux�cil Deoember 4, I986: . , _ • , Approved December 8,"1986. ' i , ' ' (Dreeember 13-?b. 1� _ .