D00751�bri�jnal—`e^,ity Clerk Copy—Finance Depar[ment Copy—Department i CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADI�IINI$TRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION $369,82b.00 $156,259.30 $10,990.00 $1,634.00_ E��.S�A��' DI��� Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor ia Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services to amend 1995 budget of the General fund, the D'uector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budeet Chanee Budeet Finance and Management Services Risk and Employee Benefit lvlanagement • GL 001 01370 0111 (Full Time Petmanent) GL 001 01370 0219 (Fees, Prof Services) GL 001 01370 02A1 (Printing--Ontside) GL 001 01370 0389 (Other Misc Supplies) GL 001 01370 0857 (Data Processing Hardwaze) GL 001 01370 (All Other Spendinp� � Requested by: Deparhnent Director -0- 94 455.00 $633,16430 No.: i�� ($8 ($16,400.00) (S10 $7,750.W $27 � .� �D00 '15 i iZ-y- $361,226.Q0 5139,859.30 $990.00 $9,384.00 $27,250.00 $94.455.00 $633,16430 �.. , � ��..:.,. .�.,,' . tb ��S ��� Date a--�....� _� ��a��9 s a � vi anager TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DAlE1WTiATED ���� N� � 31340 10/19/95 GREEN SHEE . . __. - INRIAWATE INITIAVDATE � DEPARIMENT DIRECTOR � CfiY COUNdL ASSIGM Q CiT'ATTORNE`/ � C1TY CIFRK ROU71 G� � BUDGEi OIRECTOR � FIN. & MG7: SEpVICES DIR.ACCtQ ORDER O MpYOR (ORASSISTMIT) � T.nTi T.aa (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Amend budget in Risk and Employee Benefit Management Division. MP�o'/e (A) or Releti lR) _ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SER�ICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMIfTEE _ _ STAFF _ __ DISTRICTCqURT _ SUPPORTS WMICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this persoMirm ever worked under a contract for Mis departmeM? - VES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city emp�oyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possase a skill not normally possessed by any current ciy empioyee? YES NO Explain all yes answen on seperate sheet antl attach to green sheet �ITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOATUNITY (N11q. Whe[. Whon. YJhere. Why): City Safety/ADA Coordinator was hired, but no funds were allocated for computer equipment for this individual. Other division computers and software are outdated and can't run necessary software programs. CIS requests individual divisions purchase necessary software to upgrade from WP Office to GroupWise. 'All division sCaff would be able to use the same software programs and moxe easily share files. The Safety/ADA Coordinator and Claims Manager would be able to more effectively use software relevant to their program objectives. Software upgrades are necessary because obsolete software programs no longer offer support to customers. Staff will be able to take advantage of new technology> which is especially important with the addition of claims management. IFAPPRWED: None RECEIVE� DEC - 11995 ClTY CLERId Some tasks/projects will not be able to be accomplished, or they will be done less efficiently. Costs for repair of existing equipment will increase and not be feasible. AMOUNT OG TRANSACTION $ 3S OOO. OO COS7/HEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE GL OOZ AC7IVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFOqMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��