88-1975 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT COUI�CII _ C� BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL N0. � / �� city attny/PSB . . ,ri'�'� � � , Cou c�l Resolution, 3 � } , Presented By � ,�..__.....�.---- � �� Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopts and accepts the Findings , Conclusions and Alternative Recommendation of the Administrative La�v Judge in the Matter of the Licenses of Lou' s Market, as set forth in his Report dated November 14, 1988 , a copy of which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein; nrovided, however, that the Amended Findings proposed by the attorney for t e License Division (Nos . 15 and 18) are adopted as amended in lieu of those made by the ALJ. A copy of said �mended Findings Nos . 15 and 18 are attached hereto . FURTHER RESOL�IED, that the Alternative Recommendation of the ALJ is modified by adding a time limitation of one year, and with such moclification is hereby imposed as follows : All the licenses held by Louis J. Lepsche dba Lou' s Market for the nremises at 119°i ��h�te Bear Avenue North in Saint Paul are hereby suspended for t}.zree (3) days , but that said suspension is stayed for a period of one y�ar, until December 1 , 1939 , upon condition that the licensee not engage in or Permit any illegal gambling activity on the licensed premises . FURTHER RESOTV�D, that a copy of this Re�olution shall be sent by first class mail to the Administrative Law Judge and to the licenseholder. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ` � �ng in Favor Gosw►tz Rettman B Scheibet A gai n s t Y Sonnee�'—� Wilson p�C 1.� � Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ f[/ Certified Pa-� Council cre r By �2 f� ab By, �_ V, �_ ��_..__, /,�_,_ /� � �� � G �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .� � , . � i� �.1 ^ �t; r;�''� !' ' I 1 '4�E ( j r Z,`,t � . . 'iun'•;� � - � :;s�.°----��i � . _ . � :� �. ,1�i� � - = _ � �� _ �:;�:� STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FIFTH FLOOR,FLOUR EXCHANGE BUILDING �����1;�ry 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH '� t_� � MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 c6,2,3".,6°° N Q V 1 �� 1988 r November 14, 1988 , vi�� ,'�1 ! ����i`� �� � f St. Paul City Council � Attn: Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall - St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � Re: .In the Matter of the Licenses of Lou's Market; OAH Docket Nos. CITY-88_03;6-HK and 5-2101-2525-6. ' Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed and served upon you by mail, please find the Findings of Fact, . Conclusions and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the above-entitled matter. I also enclose the official record, and I am closing our •file in this matter. � Sinc rely, OWARD L. . JR. � Administratzve Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7608 HLR:vh � Enclosures • cc: Philip B. Byrne Alan D.� Margoles f. � � / CITY-88-036-HK � (�� � 5-2101-2525-6 �� lJ` STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA In the Matter of the FINDINGS OF FACT, Licenses of Lou's Market. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION The above-entitled matter came on for hearing before Administrative Law Judge Howard L. Kaibel , Jr. , on October 14, 1988 in the City Hall Annex, St. Paul , Minnesota. The hearing record closed on October 14, 1988, at the close of the hearing. �. Philip B. Byrne, Assistant City Attorney, 647 City Hall , St. Paul , Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City licensing staff. Alan D. Margoles, Margoles and Margoles, Suite 223,�79p Cleveland Avenue South, St. Paul , Minnesota �5511b, appeared on behalf of the Licensee. This Report is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Paul City Council will make the final decision after a review of the record which may adopt, reject or modify the Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations contained herein. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.61 , the final decision of the City Council shall not be made until this Report has been made available to the parties to the proceeding for at least ten days. An opportunity must be afforded to each party adversely affected by this Report to file exceptions and present argument to the City Council . Parties should contact Albert B. Olson, City Clerk, 38b City Hall � St. Paul , Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for filing exceptions or presenting argument. STATEMENT OF ISSUES (1) Should disciplinary action be talcen against Respondent's grocery store, cigarette and/or non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses as a result of admitted violations of state gambling laws? (2) If so, what is an appropriate sanction against those licenses under the circumstances? Based upon all of the proceedings herein, the Administrative .Law Judge makes the following: � FINOINGS OF FACT 1 • Licensee has owned and operated a small previously owned and operated by his 9rocery store which was White Bear Avenues since he was honorablyndischarged fromethefNavyyatnthe�end of World War II. 2. He is a 61-year-old lifelong resident of St. Paul , married for over 40 years, father of 2 children and grandfather of another. � ��- t9� s 3• The store has provided a modest income of $20,000 to $30,000 per year which has been Licensee's sole source of income for raising his family and putting the children through college. 4• Beginning in 1981 , sales at the marfcet were severely curtailed because of road and bridge construction that limited vehicular access to the establishment. White Bear Avenue was closed during the construction season for 5 of the succeeding 7 years. The cross street, Maryland, was closed for 2 of those 5 years, limiting patronage to pedestrian customers willing to walk to the market and carry back whatever was purchased. Business was cut in half. 5- Licensee was forced by this curtailed patronage to lay off most of his employees and assume operating responsibilities himself on a full—time basis, 15 or 16 hours per day for 7 days a week. 6• These hours required that all social interaction with his friends and close associates take place at the market, where the decreased patronage also left Licensee more time for such recreation. 7. The market consequently became a community gatherin of these friends and associates. He 9 place for many to 6 or 7 f riends on a regular basis whoVga�theredein�theemarketatorsocializep and watch sporting events on TV. 8. These friends increased the vicarious pleasure they derived f rom watching these sporting events, by wagering among themse]ves on the outcomes. 9. The amount and frequency of the wagers gradually increased between roughly 1984 and January 1988. 10. Increasingly, �icensee and some of his fr.iends were willing to wager more money than any of the others were willing to cover at what they considered to be reasonable odds and/or they all wanted to put their money on the same side. 11 . Consequently, Licensee and his f riends increasingly paid a •commission (if they lost) to a sports "bookmaker" who offered weekly odds on various sporting events that they recorded on "line sheets" and "parlay cards. " 12. Licensee and hi5 friends usually used his office phone to arrange these wagers. Payments were frequently exchanged in the market parking lot or in a deserted aisle in the store. 13. In January� of 1988, in response to an anonymous complainant, law enforcement authorities obtained and executed a search warrant, confiscating written notations of wagers on basketball , football and 1988 World Series baseball outcomes, in amounts ranging f rom �5 to $100, totalling over $5,000. 14• Licensee was immediately arrested, ultimately pled fined and sentenced for the gross misdemeanor of recording andlforwardingsbets in violation of Minn. Stat. § 609.76, subd. 1 (6) . 15. No def�nitive records of organized exhaustive search of the premises identifyingaany�bettors bycnameeor�codee .a �� �g-19�� The notations are sketchy indications of the friendly wagers of Licensee and his associates. The January 1988 listing of teams to win the World Series" with odds� for example, has the Yani�ees circled at "8/lu and the Red Sox circled at N30/1 ". (No one circled the Dodgers at "35/1 ") . ' 16• Licensee admits that he and his f riends probably wagered an estimated roughly $5000 plus based on the notations, either among themselves or with the professional bookmaker. One of his f riends wagered proportionately more than everyone else and there are no specific records of the total amounts of these largely verbal stakes, however, Licensee and the others likely shared more or less rateably in this sports speculation. 17. Neither Licensee nor any of his friends ever got any commission or other kind of kickback or "juice" for recording or forwarding any bets. Licensee never profited personally in any way from the wagering. 18. Licensee initially schedu7ed a meeting with law enforcement authorities after his arrest and release to help them investigate the professional bookmakers involved, but later cancelled it on the advice of his attorney who was involved in plea bargaining negotiations with those authorities. 19. There has never been any other complaint filed against Licensee or his business in over 40 years by other government inspectors or the general public. He has never sold cigarettes or 3.2 beer to anyone underage or otherwise failed to comply in any way with his grocery and other licenses. He has never been personally charged with any other misdemeanor other than traffic tickets . 20. Licensee was voted "8usinessman of the Year" in his east side . community and has been an active respected participant in civic betterment for many years. 21 . Licensee's neighbors and customers spontaneously organized a petition drive on his behalf, collecting 487 names and phone numbers in two days� urging the City Council "not to shut down the store for any length of time" because it will "not on7y be an inconvenience to the neighborhood, but we will lose a friend who has been a positive asset to our community.° 22. Several community leaders and business associates submitted letters to the Council (Ex. B) vouching for his integrity and outstanding citizenship; including Congressman Vento, Councilman Goswitz and clergy who cited his extensive record of charitable contributions. 23. Licensee is not a gambling addict. There was no evidence that he has engaged in any kind of speculative activity for monetary gain since his arrest in January of this year, other than buying and marking up groceries. 24. There is no evidence on this record that anyone in the community has ever been harmed or inconvenienced in any way by Licensee's activities. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: CONCLtJSIONS . /'�� �D�I��`• l./! 1 . That the St. Paul City Council duly acquired and now has jurisdiction over the within proceeding. 2. That the Notice of Hearing is all respects proper with regard to f orm, content, execution and filing. 3. That the City has complied with all other substantive and procedural requirements of law and ru]e. . - � . 4. That Licensee has admitted to engaging in illegal conduct which would permit the City Council to impose restrictions upon his licensed business activities at the establishment where the illegal conduct occurred. 5. That allowing Licensee to continue his licensed activities in this case would not present any threat to the public health or safety. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: . RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: that the St. Paul City Council take no action against the licenses involved in the operation of Lou's Market� for the reasons discussed in the attached Memorandum; IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED IN THE ALTERNATIVE: that the Council impose a suspension of not to exceed three (3) days, staying execution of the penalty, � conditioned upon avoidance of any further illegal gambling activity at this �\��_ locat�on. \� Dated: � . November _ �� , �ggg, � � A D L. KAIB�E , , Administrative Law Judge NOTICE Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.62, subd. 1 , the St. Paul City Council is required to serve its final decision upon each party and the Administrative Law Judge by first class mail . Reported: Taped. -4- .. . � �g��9 �-� MEMORANUUM : Leqal Precedents ' Reported decisions relating to actions against licensees for allowing gambling on their premises are sparse, stores. However, the closely related appellateadecisions9are instructive. No case has been cited by either side, or been uncovered in research, dealing with an attempt to revoke or suspend a grocery store license for knowingly permitting gambling on the premises, in Minnesota or in any of the other 49 states where the question could potentially have arisen. All of the cases and most of the statutes reviewed involved beer or liquor licenses, mostly in on—sale establishments — e.g. , Minneapolis v Olson, 76 Minn. l , 78 N.W.877 (1899) . Public authorities have historically been particularly attentive to gambling in bars and pubs because alcohol could impair patrons abilities to limit their gaming to fair and appropriately parsimonious stakes. As Licensee's counsel stresses, this proceeding is the opposite situation. Licensee and his friends� did their gambling soberly� over coffee and rolls. These related cases and statutes also indicate a changing official attitude toward applying criminal and licensing sanctions to citizens that engage in games of chance. Older statutes typically prohibited gambling and other immoral activities" in mostly licensed liquor"prostitution, establishments and in reviewing applicants ' backgrounds. Today in Minnesota, "charitable" gambling for civic betterment occurs regularly in bars and Minnesota citizens have adopted constitutional amendments to allow bettingbat racetracks and most recently, to allow state sponsorship and promotion of a _ lottery. The Minnesota Supreme Court recognized in State v. Sharich� 209 N.W.2d 907 (1973) — 15 years ago, that betting is a "consensual " crime "where the victim, if any" is willingly participating in actions that do not pose .any threat to the health or safety of others. � Noting this trend in the laws and court decisions should not be . misinterpreted herein as condonation of the criminal activity that Licensee engaged in. Minnesota law still unequivocally makes certain kinds of betting illegal , including recording or forwarding bets to sports bookmakers. Licensee and his friends knew they were breaking the law and did so surreptitiously with a basement office phone and in deserted aisles and parking lots. Neither Licensee nor anyone else has suggested that these violations of the law should be excused. - � However, Licensee has been prosecuted and fully and fairly fined and sentenced by the court for his crime. No one questions the wisdom of the judge's proscribed penalties. They include a 2—year suspension of a potentially much more severe sentence which will doubtless deter further betting of any kind at Licensee's place of business. As Licensee's attorney notes, he has also paid a relatively severe and painful price in responding to that criminal personal and financial prosecution and this licensure action. This proceeding asks the City Council whether some further penalty should be added and if so, what it should be. Again, the law on the precise question is limited but instructive. The recommendations herein attempt to fairly implement this evolving body of law. � � �� 1�� � First, there are a great number of license sanction decisions throughout the country over the years, but none of those reported decisions anywhere suggest that admitted violations of gambling laws have anything to do with a licensee s'ability to se]] groceries, particularly under the circumstances herein. There are two decisions, discussed subsequently, relating to whether beer licenses (not "non—intoxicating malt liquor" or 3.2 licenses as herein—involved) should be granted to grocers with gambling records, but no cases reviewed have suggested a logical nexus between gambling records and ' fitness to purchase,� price and"resell groceries: � Second, there is no record here of past license violations or other special circumstances or dangers to the public health, safety or welfare involved in allowing uninterrupted sales of 3.2 beer or other groceries by Licensee in this establishment. In contrast, in Tippit v. Obion County, 651 S.W.2d 211 _(S.O.Tenn. 1983) , the court upheld denial of a beer license to a grocery store because it had violated laws related to both beer sales and gambling and because it was 35 miles from the nearest police authority. Note� as discussed above, that there was no attempt to apply any sanctions against the rocer license of the licensee. The court upheld the sanction limited to the beer license, based mostly on past violations of licenses regulating beer sales. The court reasoning stressed the dangers involved in allowing a licensee with a record .of violating liquor laws to sell beer at a location 35 miles from the nearest police authority. There are no comparable dangers involved here in permitting the uninterrupted sale of off—sale 3.2 beer and other goods at Licensee's grocery store at l�aryland and White Bear. The Licensee has scrupulously observed all the laws reiating to the sale of beer� cigarettes and groceries at this location for over 40 years. Police oversight occurs at this location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week �and the record shows that city and cbunty law enforcement capability there is certainly not lacking in vigilance. Third, the courts vigorously scrutinized actions by licensing authorities where an occupational license is denied or restricted, where they interfere with licensee's attempts to demonstrate his rehabilitation. A 38—year—old . judicial precedent in another jurisdiction is the most directly applicable case encountered in research. The New Yorlc Supreme Court held in 1950 in Baird v. State Liquor Authoritv, 98 N.Y.S.2d 298 that a previous fine for bookmaking bore no relationship to applicant's fitness to sell beer in a grocery store operated at the same location for 16 years. This legal logic is applicable in this case with more force, 38 years later. Here, applicant was not a boolcmaker and never profited in the least from his contacts with the people who were. He has previously paid a fine for recording and forwarding bets to such people, which bears no relationship to his fitness to sell 3.2 beer or other groceries in a grocery store that has been operated at the same location for over 40 years. - The Minnesota Legislature has specifically adopted this logic and principle in the Rehabilitation Act, Minn. Stat. § 364.01 et seg. That law specifically requires that persons (including convicted felons and gross misdemeanants who have served their time and been released) should be treated like any other applicant for an occupational license unless there is a "direct relat�onship" between the crime and the license rights sought. It adopts the following "policy": e. � � ��=i� �� The legislature declares that it is the policy of the state of Minnesota to encourage and contribute to the rehabilitation of criminal offenders and to assist them in the resumption of the responsibilities of citizenship. The opportunity to secure employment or to pursue, practice, or engage in a meaningful and profitabie trade� occupation, vocation, profession or business is essential to rehabilitation and the resumption of the responsibilities of citizenship. The attached decision interprets the law generally and the polic of statute particularly as requiring municipal licensing officials and the courts to take action to protect the public from persons wishing to hold themselves as "licensed" to sell groceries if those directly related to grocery sales, for examppee repeatedlyCSellingdexpiredmes goods or shortchanging customers. However, that is not the case here where the admitted crime has a remote relationship to Licensee's fitness to sell groceries. Precedential Limitations � The recommendations herein are emphatically ]imited to the uni ue s ' interrelated facts and legal conclusions involved in this case. AnothepeWayic of saying this is to note what this case does not invoive. This is not some � fly-by-night grocery operation owned by some out-of-state chain with no roots or record in this community. It is not a store with a record of repeated serious violations of municipal licensing or other laws. It is not a mere grocery store f ront for a basement full of bookies. Licensee was not an employee of illegal "non-charitable" gamblers and derived no compensation f rom the recording and forwarding of bets that took place on his premises. The license here is not an on-sale liquor establishment where unscrupulous non-charitable gamblers might prey on unwar even a significant focus of St. Paul illegal sportssbookmaking�activityJor or Though there are no specific formally adopted guidelines, other than for liquor licensees, it should be clear that occupational licensees are subject to disciplinary action for criminal activity, especially when it is committed on the premises. Each appeal must be considered on its own unique merits. Alternative Recommendation The City Council and licensing officials have considerable discretion ' regulating licensed trades. The courts have been explicitly very reluctantnto supervise, interfere in or second-guess day-to-day administrative decisions in this area. Licensees are consequently often reluctant to appeal or challenge such decisions. However, there are limitations. The courts, for example, would probably overturn a City Council decision to close a licensee's grocery store even for a few days solely because he had admitted to and paid a fine for jaywalking, even if he did it in the street adjacent to his licensed establishment. The alternative recommendation was consequently included in the attached Report. It will doubtless have the same practical impact on Licensee as the Judge's suspended sentence: placing and recording bets on sporting events in this neighborhood wi17 be done elsewhere. -7- �= �S-/���' The alternative recormnendation is less sound legally, as discussed above, but would doubtless not be appealed by Licensee who has �asked only for a stay of imposition in final arguments. Adopting it would however be a quite different message to City licensing staff: they should continue to expend the City's resources prosecuting licensees in the same or similar circumstances. : The Counci] must make this decision. Procedural Suqqestion An unavoidable aspect of modern jurisprudence is that formal judicial and/or administrative resolution of disputes is usually expensive and time consuming. Legal representatives on both sides usually counsel some sort of "mutually unsatisfactory" compromise of disputes as the most logical resolution, where one side or the other is not bent on "having his day in court". This was a case where a stipulated sett]ement might have made emminently good sense. The factors to be weighed were all heavily on the side of a compromise resolution. First, the facts were not really at issue. In the end, nearly all of the probative evidence on the facts was provided by Licensee instead of the City inspection staff who had the burden of proving the case. What happened is basically clear and indisputable. Doubtless; neither counsel .has any significant disagreement with nearly all of the Findings of Fact in the � attached Report. Both counsel would probably like to add nuances, tone and emphasis; but there was no dispute here on who did what, where, when or even WhY. There was no crucial fact issue here where one side honestly felt the other side's witnesses were lying, calling for swearing them in and looking them in the eye. Either attorney could probabl have Council with a short written or verbal summary of the relevant factslthat the other could "sign off" on with minimal embellishment. Secondly, the parties were never far apart here as to what was the most appropriate sanction under the circumstances. Inspection staff conceded in final arguments that revocation was only mentioned in the Notice of �Hearing because it was the maximum legal sanction available. The only real questions were whether there should be a short suspension and if so, whether it should be imposed consecutively or non-consecutively. There are no prescribed presumed penalties for allowing gambling in grocery stores. The presumed penalty for a first offense of allowing gambling on the premises of a bar or pub in section 409.26 of the St. Paul Legis]ative Code is a three (3) days consecutive suspension. The City Council reserves the right to impose a greater or lesser sanction, based on unique circumstances and specific findings. This was not, of course, a bar. There are no aggravating circumstances. Something less than three consecutive days of closure is likely the maximum penalty, if any, that should be tacked on to the Judge's criminal sent2nce. A realistic, fair and legally supportable closure would be one or two days or at most three served non-consecutively, Perhaps Licensee would have agreed to close his store on a couple of Sundays or holidays or would have preferred a couple of consecutive low-traffic weekdays. In any case, the differences here over what would be the most appropriate sanction, given an admitted violation, were hardly insurmountable. -8- � 'Y vT� �O - l� �J ' Thirdly, the financial and psychological costs of litigation, at least for the Licensee. doubtless exceeded the potential value of settling the dispute. Audited financial records were received without objection. The lost profits in two or three days of closure (or some creative acceptable settlement agreement such as a longer suspension of the 3.2 beer license) would have be less than the legal expenses involved in fully prosecuting this appeal of then : proposed revocation of the license. Only the Mayor and City Council can ultimately evaluate whether the City attorney expenses, staff time and hearin costs that might have been avoided by an early settlement, might have been 9 better spent elsewhere. However, prior to the hearing, the Assistant City Attorney was in a unique position to mafce such an initial judgment and preliminary recommendations to the Council . A fourth major factor entering into settiement decisions is alwa s w the case might estab]ish an important precedent or new principle of law. Y hether Sometimes, regardless of how easy it might be to compromise a lawsuit and how expensive it might be to try it; it is nonetheless in the long term public interest to have city authorities and appellate courts give direction where reasonable people differ as. to the law. There was none of that here. Neither side has identified any significant legal issue worthy of briefing which needs to be "taken up". The City attorney was understandably reluctant to appear to "ste Council toes" by negotiating a settlement on their behalf. It is respectfull suggested that the City Council consider specifically formally or informall y authorizing and/or encouraging the City attorney's office to negotiate withy � licensees whenever in the attorney's professional judgment such negotiations might eliminate unnecessary litigation. If such negotiations produce an accord which the City attorney believes is legal , fair and potentially acceptable to a majority of the Council , he could take the proposal to them for their approval . Nothing would be lost if a majority .of the Council disagreed. The matter would still be fully and fairly heard by an independent - Administrative Law Judge on the merits. Final decisionmaking authority of the elected Council would not be diminished in the least. Full and efficient exercise of professional responsibility by the City's legal staff would be enhanced. Such settlement authorizations and successfuily by state agencies, boards and commissionssregularlyn forlmany yea rs. H.L.K. , ��-, _g_ s-.�Y.�s�se r . K` �L``�, �'``+ � C� ��l�7�,` APP— E—_Ix I• Proposed Amended Findings of Fact A• Amended Findiii No. 15 : "15 . No definitive records of uncovered in the exhaustive searchnofeahg�blin identifying any bettors b g Were . Q�e 9�e�ek code, e premises �' �a�}e$�}eas e� name or �I�e A6�g��6A9 b�eeaeee ax� ��s assee�e�es��e ��}ea��y �ege�s e� e€ �eaFxs '-'�e �}x �ke We��d Se�.�es_3aat�e�Y �988 �}s�}xg �ias ��.e �ax�ees e��e�ed a� '_' �� ���k. edds- a� '-'�g����_ �f�'-` aad �ke Red�Se�� e�ax�g�e; The o ��e ese e��e}e� �ke Bed e}�'e�ed �_p lic�e seized evidence �establishin9 $� �����}��3- wa-ers urin t e 83 se arate Januar 3-dav perio roIIi Januarv .5 8 to inn. Stat. T'�ese Fia ers tota e ' sec, � � s orts oo ma in � ' Su • � re uires p_dav 5 c7a ers tota iri °r e on eriod.` Evidence o over ,50 . wa ers , charac�teristic o re etitious an in a evi ence bookmakiri sel -de eatin shows ' �ou ed with the admissions oas °una. Such t e existence o the de endant , rivate ettin �rimina con uct as o� ose , socia to B• Amendin� Findin g No. 18 : ��18� Licensee initiall enforcement authorities afterahisdarresttand r to help them investigate the � With law involved, but later caricelledPitfonS1Onal bookmakers attorney who T,,�as .involved in the advice of his tiations with those authoritiesea bargainin bar aiii �and �favorable� dis ositiori o g nego- A�ft�er hi�s� plea case, icensee the� criminal meetin - �• 1d not� come orwar wlth �the olice or tO ° °W u on investi atioris o to assist �th�em �in further Cities ro essiona am in in �t e Twin - area. �irr e� � ��— / / / "� �'' � • CITY OF SAINT PAI . ,�� � ��=�ro �� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORN y��4�,��.'� � ��, ,-`'`'���- EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTOR� �� � r�(_.! ' 6 4 7 C i ty H a l l, S a i n t P au l, Minnesota 5° GEORGE LATIMER ' 612-298-� MAYOR v��" November 15, 1988 RECEIVED NOV 16 1988 Mr. Louis ,T. Lep s che CITY CLERK Lou' s Market 1199 White �ear Avenue North Saint Paul , P�IN. 55106 RE : Lou' s Market Dear Mr. Lepsche : Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning the above-mentioned establishment has been scheduled for 9 :00 o ' clock a.m. , December 1, 1988 , in the City Council Chambers , Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. You or your attorney have the opgortunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours . You may also present oral or written argument to the Council at the hearing. No new evidence will be received or testimony taken at this hearing. The _ Council will base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgment and discretion. Very truly yours , PHILIP B. BYRNE Assistant City Attorney cc : Alan D. Margoles , Esq . Attorney for Lou' s Market Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector Lt. Donald S . Winger Vice Unit Albert B. Olson City Clerk � � � ( ) ���,�.- �"` tt�� � � GL-� �..� �.,.,, ` C� ~�� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; �; s= 'I� =� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ;., e ��`"°�:� EDWqRD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY GEORGE LATIMER 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOR 612-298-5121 November 22 , lggg �ECEIVEQ NOV 2 ; 1988 To : Albert B. Olson '��r� CLERF( City Clerk From: Philip B . Byrn Assistant City At orney Re : License of Lou' s Market Enclosed please find the written Excentions and Amended Findings of Fact submitted on behalf of the City License Division. Please distribute them to the members of the Council prior to the December 1 , 1988 , hearing in this matter. Thank you. Enc. cc : Jose�h F. Carchedi License Insnector Lt. Donald S . Winger Vice Unit Alan D. Margoles , Esq . Attorney for the Licensee '`'�� ` ,�� �= ; OFFICE OF ADM�NISTRATIVE HEARIN No. City-88_036-HK; 5-2101-2525-65 In the Matter of the Licenses of CITY LICFNSE DIVISION Lou's Market EXCEPTIONS TQ FINDINGS , — — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONCLUS IONS AND — — — — — — — _ _ RECOMMF;NDATInNS The City of Saint Paul, acting through counsel for i License Division, files the following exceptions ts Stat . 1986 pursuant to Minn. , section 14. 61 , to the Report of the Administrative Law Judge (hereafter "ALJ") in the above matter, whic November 14, h was dated 198$, and filed with the City Cler� thereafter. BACKGROUND The Report of the Administrative Law Judge in this c detailed and len th ase is � y, and nrovides the Council with a thorough discussion of the reasoning behind the Reco ALJ. There is little dispute as to the ba �endation made by the rise to the proceedin slc facts which give g, although amendments to the Findings of Fact are suggested. There is much room for deba recommended te on the penalty. These c�ritten exceptions set out two considerations either not dealt �,�ith in the ALJ's Re ort more or less emnhasis than seems a P or glven - ppropriate under the evidence. I• Exceptions to Findings of Fact A• Findin No 15 • This finding, as the only one summarizing the evidence seized and introduced at the hearing, is sketchy. To the extent it conveys the impression that the whole thing �eas -3- on the premises welfare , or T^'ould not harm the sel 1 demonstrate unfitness Public health and groceries . The issue tO be licensed to pre�---�s, not his home here is that the licensed were used to conduct ' °r an unlicensed an immediate and the criminal locatio`,n licerise and direct connectionactivity. There is the crime. between the ItE COr�NDATTON There i s sufficient evidence in significant S the record to support a uspension of the license . Consistenc penalties fo r g�blin Y with past � violations would seem to support a sus- nension, des pite the fact that there are some different here. First , the penalt elements y matrix applies at present only to intoxicating 1� ?quor establishments . in past cases jas Second, the gamblin ,, involved to a g in bars p atrons 8nd � greater or lesser degrees the � ustomers of ret the bars , while here the gambli carried�n �r � 1tiously and ng was N�t hidden from �rocery store hele S S cus tomers . � the evidence here shows a violation sports oZcmakinR (in which the li ' of felony gross �e censee pled to , mean.or� � j,,hich the lesser-included occurred on the licensed premises us ' variouecilities and locations ing licens�ie on the licensed w �e was violatin Premises . The �; the law, but continued nonetheless . ,'7 r, �� �,, �.. �� . • .// S`,' " �+.J �4� The under�igned urges the Council to adopt the two amended Findings of Fact contained in the attached Appendix. Dated this `22 day of November, 1988 . EDWARD P . STARR City Attorney �-�ILIP . BYRNE Assistant City Attorney 647 City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, MN. 55102 (612)298-5121 Atty. Reg. No . 13961 , i APPENDIX I. Proposed Amended Findings of Fact A. Amended Finding No . 15 : "15 . No definitive records of organized gambling were uncovered in the exhaustive search of the premises identifying any bettors by name or code. �ke ae�a��eas a�e s�e�e�� �a�}ea��eas e� ��e ��}ea��y �age�s e� ��ee�see a�� ��s assee�a�es- ��e 3a��a�y �988 ��s�}�g e� �ea�s '-'�e �}� ��e We��� Se��es'-' ���� e��s; �e� e�a���e; �.as �ke 3�ax�ees e}�e�ed a� '-'�f�" axd �k.e Re� Se� e��e�ed a� '-'�A��"- {p1e eae e��e�ed ��.e Be�.ge�s a� '-'3��}'-'}- The police seized evidence establishing 83 separate wa .ers durin the 3-dav period rom Januarv S , 1Z3$8 to January , . T� ese wa ers tota e , . 0 . Minn. tat. sec. , su , re uires or e on sports oo ma ing wa" ers totaling over ,500 . in a 30-dav period. Evidence o repetitious and sel -de eating wagers , characteristic o bookmakin , was ourid. Such evi ence, cou led with the admissions o the de enc�ant , shows t e existence o crimina con uct as ov ose to private, socia etting. B. Amending Finding No. 18 : "18 . Licensee initially scheduled a meeting with law enforcement authorities after his arrest and release to help them investigate the professional bookmakers involved, but later cancelled it on the advice of his attorney who was involved in plea bargaining nego- tiations with those authorities . After his plea bargain and favorable dispositiori o� the criminal case , licerisee i riot come orwarc� t�ol�ow up on meetiri� with the �olice o–r to assist them iri further -investigation—� rro iorial gam�ling in t�Twin Cities area. j-.-. r"' r�"',� i � � .- i �,, ... �,, �_.{ ��...� f ° � �.� ' �,� f � � F � Y }� � � �m • -¢to��en�N�� � � �� 1 � _� _ �;� - - _ _ :� �...:.-..:..�� '�fl&�i8} STATE O F M I N N ESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FIFTH FLOOR, FLOUR EXCHANGE BUILDING 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 (612)341•7600 ��.cE�v�� November 14, 1988 �OV 1. 5198� �CyTY ��.El�6� St. Paul City Council Attn: Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: In the Matter of the Licenses of Lou's Market; OAH Docket Nos. CITY-88-036-HK and 5-2101-2525-6. Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed and served upon you by mail, please find the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in the above-entitled matter. I also enclose the official record, and I am closing our file in this matter. Sinc rely, OWARD L. A , JR. Administrat ve Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7608 HLK:vh Enclosures cc: Philip B. Byrne Alan D. Margoles w�� r���. i ....��_—"'--- � � � �y - l j �- �"�' ��` � �# f ,,,G'`- C�'" ' / °��d G� � P �'��`s.3 � � r°�;f, � ' � CITY-88-036-HK 5-2101-2525-6 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA In the Matter of the FINDINGS OF FACT, Licenses of Lou's Market. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION The above-entitled matter came on for hearing befare Administrative Law Judge Howard L. Kaibel , Jr. , on October 14, 1988 in the City Hall Annex, St. Paul , Minnesota. The hearing record closed on October 14, 1988, at the close of the hearing. Philip 6. Byrne, Assistant City Attorney, 647 City Hall , St. Paul , Minnesota 55102, appeared on behalf of the City licensing staff. Alan D. Margoles, Margoles and Margoles, Suite 223, 790 Cleveland Avenue South, St. Paul , Minnesota 55116, appeared on behalf of the Licensee. 1'his Report is a recommendation� not a final decision. The St. Paul City Council will make the final decision after a review of the record which may adopt, reject or modify the Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations contained herein. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.61 , the final decision of the City Council shall not be made until this Report has been made available to the parties to the proceeding for at least ten days. An opportunity must be afforded to each party adversely affected by this Report to file exceptions and present argument to the City Council . Parties should contact Albert B. Olson, City Clerk, 386 City Hall , St. Paul , Minnesota 55102, to ascertain the procedure for filing exceptions or presenting argument. STATEMENT OF ISSUES (1 ) Should disciplinary action be taken against Respondent's grocery store, cigarette and/or non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses as a result of admitted violations of state gambling laws? (2) If so, what is an appropriate sanction against those licenses under the circumstances? Based upon all of the proceedings herein, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1 . Licensee has owned and operated a small grocery store which was previously owned and operated by his parents, at the corner of Maryland and White Bear Avenues since he was honorably discharged from the Navy at the end of World War II. 2. He is a 61-year-old lifelong resident of St. Paul , married for over 40 years, father of 2 children and grandfather of another. 3• The store has provided a modest income of $20,000 t which has been Licensee's sole source of income for raising his30am�� par year putting the children through college. � Y nd 4• Beginning in 1981 , sales at the market were severely curtailed because of road and bridge construction that limited vehicular access to establishment. White Bear Avenue was closed during the construction seasohe for 5 of the succeeding ) years. The cross street, Maryland, was closed of those 5 � years, limiting patronage to pedestrian customers willing to walk 2 to the market and carry back whatever was purchased. Business was cut i half. n 5• Licensee was forced by this curtailed patronage to lay off most of his employees and assume operating responsibilities himself on a full—t' basis, 15 or 16 hours per day for 7 days a week. ime 6• These hours required that all social interaction with his friends an close associates take place at the market, where the decreased patrona e left Licensee more time for such recreation, d 9 also 7• The market consequently became a community gatherin � of these friends and associates. He provided free coffee and place for many to 6 or 7 f riends on a regular basis who gathered in the marketatorsocialr up and watch sporting events on TV. ize 8• These f riends increased the vicarious pleasure they derived f rom watching these sporting events, by wagering among themselves on the outcomes 9• The amount and frequency of the wagers gradually increased between roughly 1984 and January 1988. 10• Increasingly, Licensee and some of his friends were will ' more money than any of the others were willing to cover at what they t� Wa9er considered to be reasonable odds and/or they all wanted to put their mone o the same side. y n 11 . Consequently, Licensee and his friends increasin 1 (if they lost) to a sports "bookmaker" who offered weekly9oddsaon variousssion sporting events that they recorded on "line sheets" and "parlay cards. " 12. Licensee and his friends usually used his office phone to arran e these wagers. Payments were frequently exchanged in the market arkin in a deserted aisle in the store. g P 9 lot or 13• In January of 1988, in response to an anonymous complainant, law enforcement authorities obtained and executed a search warrant, confiscati written notations of wagers on basketball, football and 1988 World Series baseball outcomes, in amounts ranging from $5 to $100, totalling over 5 ng 14• Licensee was immediately arrested, ultimately pled �• $ �000. fined and sentenced for the gross misdemeanor of recording and�forwardi�as in violation of Minn. Stat. § 609.76, subd. 1(6) . g bets : 15• No definitive records of organized gambling were uncover exhaustive search of the premises identifying any bettors b nam ed in the Y e or code. _Z_ �,��� �j;:��� The notations are sketchy indications of the friendly wagers of Licensee and his associates. The January 1988 listing of teams "to win the World Series" with odds, for example, has the Yankees circled at "8/1 " and the Red Sox circled at "30/1 ". (No one circled the Dodgers at "35/1 ") . 16. Licensee admits that he and his friends probably wagered an estimated roughly $5000 plus based on the notations, either among themselves or with the professional bookmaker. One of his friends wagered proportionately more than everyone else and there are no specific records of the total amounts of these largely verbal stakes, however, Licensee and the others likely shared more or less rateably in this sports speculation. 17. Neither Licensee nor any of his friends ever got any commission or other kind of kickback or "juice" for recording or forwarding any bets. Licensee never profited personally in any way from the wagering. 18. Licensee initially scheduled a meeting with law enforcement authorities after his arrest and release to help them investigate the professional bookmakers involved, but later cancelled it on the advice of his attorney who was involved in plea bargaining negotiations with those authorities. 19. There has never been any other complaint filed against Licensee or his business in over 40 years by other government inspectors or the general public. He has never sold cigarettes or 3.2 beer to anyone underage or otherwise failed to comply in any way with his grocery and other licenses. He has never been personally charged with any other misdemeanor other than traffic tickets. 20. Licensee was voted "Businessman of the Year" in his east side community and has been an active respected participant in civic betterment for many years. 21 . Licensee's neighbors and customers spontaneously organized a petition drive on his behalf, collecting 487 names and phone numbers in two days, urging the City Council "not to shut down the store for any length of time" because it will "not only be an inconvenience to the neighborhood, but we will lose a friend who has been a positive asset to our cormnunity." 22. Several community leaders and business associates submitted letters to the Council (Ex. B) vouching for his integrity and outstanding citizenship; including Congressman Vento, Councilman Goswitz and clergy who cited his extensive record of charitable contributions. 23. Licensee is not a gambling addict. There was no evidence that he has engaged in any kind of speculative activity for monetary gain since his arrest in January of this year, other than buying and marking up groceries. 24. There is no evidence on this record that anyone in the community has ever been harmed or inconvenienced in any way by Licensee's activities. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: ����._<�� ��.-- CONCLt1SI0NS 1 • That the St. Paul City Council duly acquired and now has jurisdiction over the within proceeding. 2. That the Notice of Hearing is all respects proper with regard to form, content, execution and filing. 3. That the City has complied with all other substantive and procedural requirements of law and rule. 4• That Licensee has admitted to engaging in illegal conduct which would permit the City Council to impose restrictions upon his licensed business activities at the establishment where the illegal conduct occurred. 5• That allowing Licensee to continue his licensed activities in this case would not present any threat to the public health or safety. Based upon the foregoing Conclusions, the Administrative Law Judge makes the following: RECOMMENDATION IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: that the St. Paul City Council take no action against the licenses involved in the operation of Lou's Market, for the reasons discussed in the attached Memorandum; IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED IN THE ALTERNATIVE: that the Council impose a suspension of not to exceed three (3) days, staying execution of the penalty, conditioned upon avoidance of any further illegal gambling activity at this location. Dated: November �_ � 1988 A D L. KAI Administrative Law Judge NOTICE Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 14.62, subd. 1 , the St. Paul City Council is required to serve its final decision upon each party and the Administrative Law Judge by first class mail . Reported: Taped. -4- ��� �;.� . , .-. l L.� � .,��ww�.,_ MEMO---- R--AN�.�M Legal Precedentt Reported decisions relating to actions against licensees for allowi gambling on their premises are sparse s to res. However, the closely related�aparticularly in regard to groceryg ppellate decisions are instructive. No case has been cited by either side, or been uncovered in resear dealing with an attempt to revoke or suspend a knowingly permittin grocery store license for� g gambling on the premises, in Minnesota or in any of the other 49 states where the question could potentially have arisen. A11 of the cases and most of the statutes reviewed involved beer or licenses, mostly in on-sale establishments Minn. � , 78 N,W 8�� 1899 - e.g. , Minnea�olis v. Olson, �76uor pa rticularly attentive to)gamblbngcinubars�ands ubve historically been impair patrons abilities to limit their gaming to fair and a ro r' P s because alcohol could pa rsimonious stakes. As Licensee's counsel stresses, this pp p �ately opposite situation. Licensee and his friends did their gambl�ngesoberis the coffee and rolls. 1y, over These related cases and statutes also indicate a changing official attitude toward applying criminal and licensing sanctions to citizens engage in games of chance. Older statutes t icall that gambling and other imm�a� activities" in mostly licensed�liquor"prostitution, establishments and in reviewing applicants ' backgrounds. Today in Min "cha ritable" gambling for civic betterment occurs regularly in bars Minnesota citizens have adopted constitutional amendments to allow b nesota, racetracks and most recentl and pubs. lottery. The Minnesota Supreme�CourtWrecogniZednin Statea�� etting at N.W.2d 907 (1973) - 15 ears a o promotion of a the victim, if an �� y 9 � that betting is a "consensualarcrhme20where threat to the healthlorWSafetylofpotherspating in actions that do not pose any Noting this trend in the laws and court decisions should not be misinterpreted herein as condonation of the criminal activity that L' engaged in. Minnesota law still unequivocally makes certain kinds of be illegal, including recording or forwarding bets to sports bookmakerslcensee Licensee and his friends knew the tting surreptitiously with a basement offWCeephonekand inedeserted aisles a parking lots. Neither licensee nor anyone else has suggested that thed violations of the law should be excused. se However, Licensee has been prosecuted and fully and fairly fined and sentenced by the court for his crime. judge's proscribed penalties. No one questions the wisdom of the potentially much more severe sentencenwhich willydoubtlessndetn of a betting of any kind at Licensee's place of business, er further notes, he has also paid a relativel severe and ainfujs Licensee s attorney price in responding to that criminal p Personal and financial prosecution and this licensure action. This proceeding asks the City Council whether some further penalt be added and if so, what it should be. is limited but instructive. p9ain, the law on the Y should implement this evolving body ofelawcommendations herein attemptrto1faiQ�ystion -5- First, there are a great number of license sanction decisions throughout the country over the years, but none of those reported decisions anywhere suggest that admitted violations of gambling laws have anything to do with a licensee's ability to sell groceries, particularly under the circumstances herein. There are two decisions, discussed subsequently, relating to whether beer licenses (not "non-intoxicating malt liquor" or 3.2 licenses as herein-involved) should be granted to grocers with gambling records� but no cases reviewed have suggested a logical nexus between gambling records and fitness to purchase, price and resell groceries. Second, there is no record here of past license violations or other special circumstances or dangers to the public health, safety or welfare involved in allowing uninterrupted sales of 3.2 beer or other groceries by Licensee in this establishment. In contrast, in Tippit v. Obion County, 651 S.W.2d 211 (S.D.Tenn. 1983) , the court upheld denial of a beer license to a grocery store because it had violated laws related to both beer sales and gambling and because it was 35 miles from the nearest police authority. Note, as discussed above, that there was no attempt to apply any sanctions against the rocer license of the licensee. The court upheld the sanction limited to the beer license, based mostly on past violations of licenses regulating beer sales. The court reasoning stressed the dangers involved in allowing a licensee with a record of violating liquor laws to sell beer at a location 35 miles from the nearest police authority. There are no comparable dangers involved here in permitting the uninterrupted sale of off-sale 3.2 beer and other goods at Licensee's grocery store at Maryland and White Bear. The Licensee has scrupulously observed all the laws relating to the sale of beer, cigarettes and groceries at this location for over 40 years. Police oversight occurs at this location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the record shows that city and county law enforcement capability there is certainly not lacking in vigilance. Third, the courts vigorously scrutinized actions by licensing authorities where an occupational license is denied or restricted, where they interfere with licensee's attempts to demonstrate his rehabilitation. A 38-year-old judicial precedent in another jurisdiction is the most directly applicable case encountered in research. The New York Supreme Court held in 1950 in Baird v. State Liquor Authoritv, 98 N.Y.S.2d 298 that a previous fine for bookmaking bore no relationship to applicant's fitness to sell beer in a grocery store operated at the same location for 16 years. This legal logic is applicable in this case with more force, 38 years later. Here, applicant was not a bookmaker and never profited in the least from his contacts with the people who were. He has previously paid a fine for recording and forwarding bets to such people, which bears no relationship to his fitness to sell 3.2 beer or other groceries in a grocery store that has been operated at the same location for over 40 years. The Minnesota Legislature has specifically adopted this logic and principle in the Rehabilitation Act, Minn. Stat. § 364.01 et seg. That law specifically requires that persons (including convicted felons and gross misdemeanants who have served their time and been released) should be treated like any other applicant for an occupational license unless there is a "direct relationship" between the crime and the license rights sought. It adopts the following "policy": -�- � c�'%` .�%^J��- The legislature declares that it is the policy of the state of Minnesota to encourage and contribute to the rehabilitation of criminal offenders and to assist them in the resumption of the responsibilities of citizenship. The opportunity to secure employment or to pursue, practice, or engage in a meaningful and profitable trade, occupation, vocation, profession or business is essential to rehabilitation and the resumption of the responsibilities of citizenship. The attached decision interprets the law generally and the policy of this statute particularly as requiring municipal licensing officials and the courts to take action to protect the public from persons wishing to hold themselves as "licensed" to sell groceries if those people have been convicted of crimes directly related to grocery sales, for example, repeatedly selling expired goods or shortchanging customers. However, that is not the case here where the admitted crime has a remote relationship to Licensee's fitness to sell groceries. Precedential Limitations The recommendations herein are emphatically limited to the unique specific interrelated facts and legal conclusions involved in this case. Another way of saying this is to note what this case does not involve. This is not some fly-by-night grocery operation owned by some out-of-state chain with no roots or record in this community. It is not a store with a record of repeated serious violations of municipal licensing or other laws. It is not a mere grocery store front for a basement full of bookies. Licensee was not an employee of illegal "non-charitable" gamblers and derived no compensation from the recording and forwarding of bets that took place on his premises. The license here is not an on-sale liquor establishment where unscrupulous non-charitable gamblers might prey on unwary patrons. This is not a major or even a significant focus of St. Paul illegal sports bookmaking activity. Though there are no specific formally adopted guidelines, other than for liquor licensees, it should be clear that occupational licensees are subject to disciplinary action for criminal activity, especially when it is committed on the premises. Each appeal must be considered on its own unique merits. Alternative Recommendation The City Council and licensing officials have considerable discretion in regulating licensed trades. The courts have been explicitly very reluctant to supervise, interfere in or second-guess day-to-day administrative decisions in this area. Licensees are consequently often reluctant to appeal or challenge such decisions. However, there are limitations. The courts, for example, would probably overturn a City Council decision to close a licensee's grocery store even for a few days solely because he had admitted to and paid a fine for jaywalking, even if he did it in the street adjacent to his licensed establishment. The alternative recommendation was consequently included in the attached Report. It will doubtless have the same practical impact on Licensee as the Judge's suspended sentence: placing and recording bets on sporting events in this neighborhood will be done elsewhere. -7- The alternative recommendation is less sound legally, as discussed above, but would doubtless not be appealed by Licensee who has asked only for a stay of imposition in final arguments. Adopting it would however be a quite different message to City licensing staff: they should continue to expend the City's resources prosecuting licensees in the same or similar circumstances. The Council must make this decision. Procedural Suqqestion An unavoidable aspect of modern jurisprudence is that formal judicial and/or administrative resolution of disputes is usually expensive and time consuming. Legal representatives on both sides usually counsel some sort of "mutually unsatisfactory" compromise of disputes as the most logical resolution, where one side or the other is not bent on "having his day in court". This was a case where a stipulated settlement might have made emminently good sense. The factors to be weighed were all heavily on the side of a compromise resolution. First, the facts were not really at issue. In the end, nearly all of the probative evidence on the facts was provided by Licensee instead of the City inspection staff who had the burden of proving the case. What happened is basically clear and indisputable. Doubtless, neither counsel .has any significant disagreement with nearly all of the Findings of Fact in the attached Report. Both counsel would probably lilce to add nuances, tone and emphasis; but there was no dispute here on who did what, where, when or even why. There was no crucial fact issue here where one side honestly felt the other side's witnesses were lying, calling for swearing them in and looking them in the eye. Either attorney could probably have provided the City Council with a short written or verbal sur�nary of the relevant facts that the other could "sign off" on with minimal embellishment. Secondly, the parties were never far apart here as to what was the most appropriate sanction under the circumstances. Inspection staff conceded in final arguments that revocation was only mentioned in the Notice of Hearing because it was the maximum legal sanction available. The only real questions were whether there should be a short suspension and if so, whether it should be imposed consecutively or non-consecutively. There are no prescribed presumed penalties for allowing gambling in grocery stores. The presumed penalty for a first offense of allowing gambling on the premises of a bar or pub in section 409.26 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is a three (3) days consecutive suspension. The City Council reserves the right to impose a greater or lesser sanction, based on unique circumstances and specific findings. This was not, of course, a bar. There are no aggravating circumstances. Something less than three consecutive days of closure is likely the maximum penalty, if any, that should be tacked on to the Judge's criminal sentence. A realistic� fair and legally supportable closure would be one or two days or at most three served non-consecutively. Perhaps Licensee would have agreed to close his store on a couple of Sundays or holidays or would have preferred a couple of consecutive low-traffic weekdays. In any case, the differences here over what would be the most appropriate sanction, given an admitted violation, were hardly insurmountable. -8- �'� - � �'%� Thirdly, the financial and psychological costs of litigation, at least for the Licensee, doubtless exceeded the potential value of settling the dispute. Audited financial records were received without objection. The lost profits in two or three days of closure (or some creative acceptable settlement agreement such as a longer suspension of the 3.2 beer license) would have been less than the legal expenses involved in fully prosecutin this a proposed revocation of the license. Only the Mayor and Cgty Councilacanf the ultimately evaluate whether the City attorney expenses, staff time and hearing costs that might have been avoided by an early settlement, might have been better spent elsewhere. However, prior to the hearing, the Assistant City Attorney was in a unique position to make such an initial judgment and preliminary recommendations to the Council . A fourth major factor entering into settlement decisions is always whether the case might establish an important precedent or new principle of law. Somet�mes� regardless of how easy it might be to compromise a lawsuit and how expensive it might be to try it; it is nonetheless in the long term public interest to have city authorities and appellate courts give direction where reasonable people differ as to the law. There was none of that here. Neither side has identified any significant legal issue worthy of briefing which needs to be "taken up". The City attorney was understandably reluctant to a Council toes" by negotiating a settlement on their behajfeari�olss�eppectfully suggested that the City Council consider specifically formally or informally authorizing and/or encouraging the City attorney's office to negotiate with licensees whenever in the attorney's professional judgment such negotiations might eliminate unnecessary litigation. If such negotiations produce an accord which the City attorney believes is legal , fair and potentially acceptable to a majority of the Council , he could take the proposal to them for their approval . Nothing would be lost if a majority of the Council disagreed. The matter would still be fully and fairly heard by an independent Administrative Law Judge on the merits. Final decisionmaking authority of the elected Council would not be diminished in the least. Full and efficient exercise of professional responsibility by the City's legal staff would be enhanced. Such settlement authorizations and practices have been utilized successfully by state agencies, boards and commissions regularly, for many yea rs. H.L.K. , Jr. -9- �'�'�' ' / `! �°'' STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COiJNTY OF HENNEPIN) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL Virginla R. Halling, being first duly sworn, hereby deposes and says that on the 14 th day of November � �ggg� at the City of Minneapolis, county and state aforementioned. she served the attached FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSTONS �ND RECOMMENDATTON OF THE ADNII T2VE LAW JUDGE; OAFI Docket Nos. CTTY-88•-036-HK and 5-2101-2525- by depositing in the United States mail at said City of Minneapolis, a true and correct copy thereof. properly enveloped, with flrst class postage prepaid, and addressed to the individuals named on the attached mailing list. v . . ' � 1� . Subscr bed and sworn to before me thi s / �it. day of`���,; 1988. �2�G�-'�� ) �f ����,cQ�� Notary Public x�nnnnnnnnnn_v�:�.�,�n,v�nnnnnnnr nnnnnn. �„ °:� SAtJDR:4 n. hiAVEN �� �r� NG7tiNY FI;3I_�,,-p1�NNESOTA � `�`•1�� H�.>:^,�:�� ���rarr /YIY COMMiS�+s:N cSr^iRES AUGU57 21, 1990� J[WYVVVVW V�'4�'.L"tiV`�V V VV�NV W'V Vb'V Wy�l`!ll �U�, � � � x �✓ ���� Service List CITY-88-036-HK 5-2101-2525-6 November 14, 1988 St. Paul City Council Attn: Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Philip 6. Byrne Assistant City Attorney 647 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Alan D. Margoles Attorney at Law Suite 223 790 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul , Minnesota 55116 BRUCE F. VENTO T HOUSE COMMITTEE ON 11H DISTRICT,MINNESOTA Z� � INTERIOR AND I ULAR AFFAIRS V /'± 2304 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUI�DING � Q � H IR AN:� , WASHINGTON.OC 20515 �on�r�,�,� of th� �nited �tate,� SUBCOM ND PUBLIC LANDS L PARKS �202)225-6631 DISTRICT OFFICE: �,OU�` O� �Q�`Q,gQJIt���e� HOUSE COMMITTEE ON AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING BANKING,FINANCE AND 5TH AND MINNESOTA STREETS UHBAN AFFAIRS ROOM 905 �a.�hin�ton� �� ZOS�s ST.PAUL,MN 55101 (612)224-4503 HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON AGING ��cE�vED April 8, 1988 NOV 15 1988 To Whom It May concern: GlT�' CLERi( I am writing to request that the judgement and decision regarding Mr. Louis Lepsche include the cp�,�itur�ity for treatment for compulsive gambling. I have known Lou Lepsche for at least the past 30 years. Lou has had a strong local presence in the East Side community through his involvement in athletics and numerous other community activities. Lou's Market, a small business, fias filled an important role for the area. He has provided employment for our youth and quality services for those who are unable to shop elsewhere. Those services and that positive role should be recognized and considered in the current circumstance. Our society, led by social science findings, is becoming more aware of the fact that compulsive gambling is an illness for some and that the best way to treat such behavior is through organizations such as "Gamblers Anonymous". Lou is aware of the nature of his problem and is actively seeking the necessary treatment and counseling. I hope that you will assist him in his effort to get the counseling and treatment so important. • Si 'c�rely, � �� � � � ^ C � ��lL C` ` !(. �� Bruce F. Vento i' Member of Congress BFV/lj r � ■ � • , � MILK COMPANY, INC. 2080 Rice Street • St. Paul, Minnesota, 55113 . (612)487-1471 M�RCH 18 , 1988 " TO WHOM IT ?1�iY CONCER�; I HaVE I�NOWN LOli LEPSCHE AS A FRIE'VTD AVD AS �, CliSTOh1ER FOR T4►ENTY THREE YEARS . AS A FRIEA�D HE H?�S BEEN liNDERSTA!VDI. ALW�Y� THE SAME, GENEROLS WITH HIS � �G A�D HELPFGL, � WARM PERSON, POSSIBLE. AS FL'RTHER COri_MENT ON HZSICHARACTERSIOEIAVETSEEti THEDM�IVy pE�PLL WHO ARE LOU'S FRIENDS AND HAVE SEEN THE AFFECTION_ WITH WHICH THEY REGARDLHIM AtiD THEIR CONCERN FOR HIS WELFARE. LOL' HAS E�RNED THIS REGARD BY HIS CONCERN FOR HIS FRIENDS AND HIS REPliTATION FOR F�3'R�V'ESS AZD INTEGRITY. AS A CliST0�1Ek HE HAS BEEN HONEST AND FAIR IV ALL CiliR DEALI?�'G UP TO ALL OBLIGATIOATS IN T4VE�TY THREE YEARS OF Bt';;INESS DEALINGSE HgE ��SED NEVER RESORTED TO "SHARP" PRACTICES StiCH AS CLA�?rI�_NG EXCESSIVE CRFDITS OR DISCOUATTS, WHICH WERE NOT NEGOTIATED. LOG'S WORD IS HIS BOVD AND HE IS PRO�D TO BE REGARDED AS A SKILLED FAIR BLSINESSM.�,N, ^ PLEaSED TO BE ASKED TO STaTE My HIGH REGARD FOR LCi7 LEPSCHERASH�`1FROIENDDAAD AS A VALUED CGSTOMER. , . -Lu--�t� ROBERT J. SCHRCEDEP, PRt,SIDE:vT SCHROEDER NIILK COMPA?VY Enjoy - O D° 0 � o D Oo Midwest Coca-Cola Bottiing Company a division of lohnston Coca-Cola Bottling Group,Inc. Twin City Marketing March 29 , 1988 To Whom It May Concern : I am writing this letter on behalf of Lou Lepshe of Lou' s Food Market, 1199 White Bear Avenue , St. Paul , MN. On behalf of the Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company and the Twin City Marketing Division , we acknowledge forty years of doing business with Lou' s Food Market . I personally, Merle G. Biggs , a key account manager for Coca- Cola , have really appreciated doing business with Lou for over twenty years . Lou has been more than fair to deal with and I judge him as a man with a lot of integrity , honesty, and char- acter . I have also noted over the years that Lou has a great customer following and has created a lot of good will . It has certainly been a pleasure for me to know Lou and to have been associated with him on a business as well as a personal basis . Sincerely, MIDWEST COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY `��� � . ��� Merle G. Biggs Key Account Manager MB/dc � p First Bank Consumer 8anking Group 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 612 291-5231 May 2 , 1988 To whom it may concern: First Banks has had a business relationship with Louis Lepshe for five years . His account relationship has been handled in a very professional manner , It has been a pleasure to do business with both his business and him personally. We welcome any additional business he may have. Sincerely, Michael R. Olhauser Personal Banking Officer (612) 291-5239 MRO: rlg NORTHWESTERN FRUIT, INC. FRUITS & VEGETABLES 616 PINE ST., ST. PAUL, MN 55101 224-4373 May 2 , 1988 . To Whom It May Concern: I have dealt with Louie Lepsche in business for over 35 years and have found him to be a man of integrity and honesty. If you have any questions and would like to talk to me personally please feel free to contact me . Very truly yours , Harry Meyers � , � � � ��� ���� �� � G , � v � ��'" _- � ����' CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1801 La Crosse Avenue,St. Paul, Minn. 55119 Telephone: 735-3707 Aqril 29, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: I have know Louis Lepsche to be an honest man and a community minded individual . He has hel�ed many poor families by providing them with food. I have known Mr. Lepsche for four years and I have not seen any irregular behavior on his part. Sincerely, ��, i�O"� = Fa±her Kenneth L. 0'Hotto Associate Pastor _ � :.3..� - " . H c+ ¢� O � O O V� F-h H �-3 � 'ti7 � � � rt A� � c+ rt O O 'd N � � ' � � ►-'' �' �' � � �i �i P� � � n F„i � (p � Cp � ti F-�• �+ � � F., O �-i c-t tn t-h C� N Oq � � � o ri (D N �i � ."� I--� `�' ►i � • � N • Ct F"� 00 � a+ �a ,� `� � a o �,� �• � � A b ` `� � �' v�i � o cn � � �• � (D c+ A� �' H rh Q� � � rt c+ o � N. � N. � � r3 rn � w co o `< °O a n � �, �� � �+ � ac� � o � � � lV rr�n o � C � y �, `� p ° mv � o � �' � � �� H, � �+ � � � � � � �K N � � � �' � w cD P-` � � o � �i . � � cn rr� �' � a `C cn rh c� �D �' • �A a, �t �� �-+ r N `� .� �' `+ ° m o �• o W cp cn ct � � � ��—+ � y � co �' �" � �' r J � ��� oo � w � � � � � � '� c+ r. o cn �' cn cn � � � � � � N � � y N ¢, N. f.,.b N• cD �A cn c-r ¢' � ' to _ . _ . _ = -- - . � �•� �' � '�i cD � OO�Q � �n � � N ~ Fy �x F'•F.'. F"3 fn t� - (!� (D F-'• N :j V1 (D �' �+i o aw � `� ° �+aa <-+ w � r rn �, cu �t N. � o i .5 M . = r � ''- N � tn O (D A� � C 7C' _ - F,, N. � y �i ct � � � � f,. r} t�t O _ ¢t QQ � � � �' �� � � (�p F-h � N� � � p �' tn (D N � � � � `� � F�'b �i tn �' C o �� � f�D c�-h v�a t�. CaD (�D '.� � � r} ¢� tn �` � ►i N t'S � � i--' c'f ¢t fD A� f''' � � rh`C Q' ct � P� F- .� o cn C c+ N• ao a�n o �i N r* 0 � rt, � � � H �. � cD w �'' � c�o �� �' � � `� ~� . � � � ,.� ¢, � N ��11j �i `C •Q �' O ' � �'�— ��;�� �.?�, � ; ,y���-� �� Gf.1���r'�.1 .� /�a C��,f?�.�J � � Q-� /..�J .,"`,��✓ G�.- �..r.,��1 � �� ,f , � �1.�� -/--�-ti-c..t:.C.�/ ✓�'�-.C/ c�,-�G,� ��..,c�,,'�e.�/Y� .a.-L- O�l�.�� �c_� �r���,�'.,�.� ��, �.�� ���, ��/`..z I//../�' v � X� ,�.� ��.� J�,,�� ,, � ' . . ������ ��� --C'���i �y.� ,� / � ��Nt6r��///�C1� �.��/J_� � / .P�G.J � '�''�u-� Gc�- ._.�.�.J ����, __�__cJQ,/ �..�i ,�/ .���-�..L/ , i��j �l � : - .�:..�,�:�,� �� �-�-���,�9` �° � �C�.--f —�'�-u� ��r�J . �'�t1 �'�..�1 c�=� c.�� ��.��,��'/.(�� - ���...����,� ���.� . ��.�.1 �� �� �������- � . �.�� ��, �, �- ����� ,�..,..c�` „r��� .�'��.,,�� ,,�,� �-���`'�'--�� J �� -����%� }'- �pf � �. .. .. .. , � .. � � . . ' �. , ... � . . ,. � b b �+ U1 fp Cd �"i • r-� N � H r-� � •rl � 'O O t� • cC U a+ C � m 1-� p.� . c� O • � 'L7 � O y ,� .� o a � . w �+ •� v� � � �n 0 0 ,� v o �n � w �, G 3 m �..+ w �+ O •-� •� o � •o m .0 O L O •� ,L L 1J N m o cn 3 r-i � v : •� w D, c0 O •� C cd D, • ..o cn •.1 N v� N � N � � v7 �+ •.� D +-.� � a� .� � 3 U .o a�i ro .c u cn c� s� v � � -d" �,•� �s a m �.+ .� v u v v� v •� ,� � � c0 O G U � L � u a ro °' �o �,~ � �� ro � o � h � � � � � u � v � � rn � � •�+ O G � N '' •� `' �N 1�-� m N A. �°n �V '� _ L � 4► � 00 ',� L�. � O ',� N fA Rf Q e o rn a•�+ ,�+ a a .c a+ � �e o ,� �n co cd �+ y.. V °; '� 8 �, - . . �. . `' - �n � 4-+ D, G • +-� � C N a�.� u u � N 7, � 7, � � O N �7 v] f-+ U � W t� •� N cU ^C7 v O t0 O � � e r� � a'.� s o�'o � ai a �u a . _ � ' o, V a � ; C �A � o � ,� _ � W ^ � � � 1a .G u� '�j � .F+ u7 N �tl O � 'v► � w° ►-+ �°' v o a a� � 'c � Q� • � ,.., w � � h � N a� � � o3aki � .00 '•� ` d � � ` E .. y � u o a�i o u ro a •v c� � a a aai � v a�i ��.+ � m •o u : x ° w a a �+ •� >, -o '-+ G ; ,c� ° c� o �+ - v. �+ •� v �. � o � 7 c�n o•� � � � �� `t ;� •� 3 1� �+ '^� iW � o ° �n a � �+ �+ ,� a � � - - � a a •� o a, a � x •� � �,a oo +.� ,� v �,�� A 3-i G cC u \ 1`�'� H � .� � N ro � OD L� p >+ � Q,' ; ,� m rn N •� O ,..7 ��� � � N C1 w � .0 O v� v� W \ O v U •� H O t� z O �+ C� y G'.., x 9 •� � �+ 3� a W � W 3 .� � � G o p a' 2 � vHi ° r-a �-�i w o�0.� 0°10 e c�n��+�'v t: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���"iIi i�� OFFICPL OF TAE CITY COIINCIL w KATHY GELAO ROGER GOSW I►Z Legislati��e Aide Councilmember May 13, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to personally attest to the character of Lou Lepsche. I have known Mr. Lepsche for 30 years. He is a fine individual, good family man, upstanding citizen, and an individual of high morals. Throughout our long friendship, I never had any knowledge that Mr. Lepsche was ever involved in bookmaking type of gambling activity. It was shocking for me to learn of Mr. Lepsche's arrest and that charges were filed against him. I strongly feel that the charges against Mr. Lepsche must be in error. Sincerely, �����"�~zj���Zc, � ROGEP. J. GOSWITZ Councilman, Ward Six SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3102 512/298-447� CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR _ GITY OF SAIti T I�AUL e�i"i ii'i OFFICE OF TFiE CITY COIINCIL ROGER GOSWITZ KATHY GELAO Councilmember Legislati��e Aide May 13, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to personally attest to the character of Lou Lepsche. I have known Mr. Lepsche for 30 years. He is a fine individual, good family man, upstanding citizen, and an individual of high morals. Throughout our long friendship, I never had any knowledge that Mr. Lepsche was ever involved in bookmaking type of gambling activity. It was . shocking for me to learn of Mr. Lepsche's arrest and that charges were filed against him. I strongly feel that the charges against Mr. Lepsche must be in error. Sincerely, c-����,� >-� � . i-i� ` �- ROGER J. GOSWITZ Councilman, Ward Six , ;. � b b G a� � � � r"� 41 �tl H rl .� C+ L � � vo �+ • ro us� cG � � w • o � ro a� o cn o •• v a o w �+ •� � � .oc a.� ' 0 0 � v o m W L C. 3 fA L 4� 1-1 p .r{ .,.� � N 'L7 v� ,� O +� o •�+ ,� u �, a v� o �n g H � �o •�-+ �-+ D, ctf o •� � cd �, • � m •�+ v �n v ,� a� ro 6 m s-+ •� > � «3 O N U O V1 �n v .� +-� 3 .n v ro � � v" >,•� `� c�o °1 a v ,.+ ,� v � v cn N •�I 1.� ,� ,� N O p U � u �..� +-� C c0 p, " H s.+ •� C ..0 G -- b � � ro �, o h G +-r � O v ,q h ro •� r-+ � ,� �, v � � � •� o c v a�i '� `c_ �+ i, ,� v o •a � � •. � ap aroi o a�i u a' � o u - � Q � ' ao o, a � o �, a� �n cv m o a� a•� ,.� a a � v ,� � o ,� �' 6 >, ca � w � y„+ T C • t� r � O h � � .� O S-� �q . � - � � � cr .t v� � 1-� U G W u•� � C ch N c�',� 8 00 � aJ q �U p � � a � ` � `�" � a u � G �A � o � '� � '^ ¢ cv u� a� �a •.� a �+ �n � L+ � m � r-+ 1-� m N cC . �. � � y O N 41 � 4J u ,� � � � , ) W H � O O. N 1� �j y ma � „ � 03 � �' � o `� � ` � � u c�n o �+ 3.�.� � `� � r tA •�-I u O � O u ro � a =s x � p � aai c�'a v aLi +�-+ � m -d c�i ': x o w a a � •� >, v � c � c� °-°- z y �+ � a cn � � �� � - ` � O •� 7 m O •� u 3 A ��+ �•�, %W _ U � O 1a '� � o �n a � s� � u a. ` � ►a � •.� o v v ro �e . � � � � �`� G � u v �`x H o a'�i ro � ro .c � >,� \ �I�; - H a .c a, on+� a � ��� - � � v ai w � ,C o �ai v�, �? �. O G1 U •� H O � Z O L+ � y p4 x � •,� � v S a�i a. � \j ``' 3 �1 u •� ' H � � �"� h W OD..� Ct0 � � , v H c � i'-' y��� � ; ,y�� �� L�.1���"�.1 � �-,�,�� C�o.��?�.�J �i'-� /�'..1 :�"'.�1�.1 Cc�u7`.1 �..�j.,C�'1 �Q �1.�.Z.1� -/ ",`� ✓�C'��'-�/ `�7 J--��� �r-'���' �� � O�th-tA�` �G� ��?/�!-C-�-� �-r-�� G.,�c.t�t% ����_,L.I//�/'�U�� �J � � �� �� �/� / � � J._.iyi�-/k�J1°��..�/��..1'c�J� ��y� —'������ /� h ,� / (/ ��'`1/�f�'X1 //r�Cl � /.�-El J�� / / .�-/G.J � ��-1 �`�..,��� �GG.� i� , ������� , .�.-�; �,�` , _ _ � .�.�'�.�:�� �',-� ��,�l�,�,�� �;, - �� ,��� '`�.� ��-yJ , ��c1 7`'7`�.�f �=' � ���v�l�.�-J ��.-t��—a—�1.� . ��.�c.c� C.—'`�'`��fiu.l:�.iJ_.I'B�IL/ --P�/--2-G � �`--�J ��-�--�...�.���' � . , / .�a�� �-c�,.� .� �-� /'�.��� ��i�'.,C�� ,Q.�l''/.�1 .���t-/J� i� �-� . �'-'��'��i�._.�',./� � J / �7�`_`'� 1,_ � �?�". - � ' 0 . � N � � ,� � P+ � � � • � •� � � � cd N .� � � •� cd N � d-� � � � � � ~ NO � 'd �/I O O +-� t-+ O v1 �'.., CO •r1 +� � N O P+ •r� cd L: +� A ?.4-I � � •rl ciS � c� +� i—I � � i-i tn Fa r� ''d N c0 +-� N O r� � � � •r-I bD� N cd cC � 'ty N � +� .� N U O •rl � � � � v� f-� Q.+r1 � O O •ri tti rl � � +� a a� ,.� � a� �n ,� o � � .� •� � w a� � � U .� +-� 3 0 •� •� � +� � bo cu o +� +� •�-t a> � +� _ � +� F+ �+ +� •,� •� � `' a� a° � a•�� � a�i � , . _ . . : _ � � � o `� +' �+' o +., . - ' `� v1 ..[ a� v� � cn •� a� �n - � H t� � .� � c� � b0 O _ . 0� � � � .� � cd •�-I � �,S • +� cd +� tn U O � _ _ _ - - �� � �� N �''�''-� �rd � U td N � O O N N � .�," N O �l �F-� r--I � a� � a� � a a, - � � ca � o o +� �+ a � +� � >. � � � � � �+ +�-� � � 3 +�-� u�i � M o �� o a� � .� �1 a 3 a eo o +.� •�+ >. � � +� U .� i-+ 'd 4a v� y. 'd �. cif N N O S-+ r-i � T-. tn 4�1 tn ..[ � cd � '� � cd +� +� C . � F+ r� � � � ' Z-+ �" � � � .Y, N cd +� � � cd +� � 4a � � U .� � O � � O � � N � � �—i O U �. F Q � O .� � ''d c�d +� ��� � t� �j ,� � oo ?� O N cd � � � 4-�1 � W •� � O� � bA+� S�r ~ ,.� cd +� � � +� � � +� •� � � o � � aNi 3 � ^ n�. •�+ +� �. •� � +� 9,,��� o N •ri +� tn � F-+ �" r"� � 'd � �+ � .� • cd O • O O ciS � � O � .� b4 c/� U 4-� t� +� U F+ � � i-+ r-i ,� +-� •rl i-� U S-+ b0 F-+ O '� � � cd N O � � � C,'' H U .. � � �+ cd i-+ t-i .� ? .� � •� p �•- �'� 7 v� ¢� O O +� +� � cd +� .fl ,� �;-a •ri N cd Q H H �+�+ v� o o ,-� o c� +.> �-, v� rx a CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1801 La Crosse Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 55119 Telephone: 735-3707 April 29, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: - I have know Louis Leosche to be an honest man and a community minded individual . He has helped many poor families by providing them with food. I have known Mr. Lepsche for four years and I have not seen any irregular behavior on his part. Sincerely, _ _ ,_ ����i��^''���/ ., -� .� _; :,.� � - Fa±her Kenneth L. 0'Hotto P.ssociate Pastor "` y .Y _ _, c ...y'`a � ; _ . > �:. _ .. — .u......., .,Y . NORTHWESTERN FRUIT, INC. FRUITS & VEGETABLES 616 PINE ST., ST. PAUL, MN 55101 224-4373 May 2 , 1988 � To Whom It May Concern : I have dealt with Louie Lepsche in business for over 35 years and have found him to be a man of integrity and honesty. If you have any questions and would like to talk to me personally please feel free to contact me . Very truly yours , Harry Meyers i � �,, ����, ,; � -;�� �� � , ����' -r�%,�� � � First Bank Consumer Banking Group 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 612 291-5231 May 2, 1988 To whom it may concern: First Banks has had a business relationship with Louis Lepshe for five years . His account relationship has been handled in a very professional manner. It has been a pleasure to do business with both his business and him personally. We welcome any additional business he may have. Sincerely, Michael R. Olhauser Personal Banking Officer (612) 291-5239 MRO: rlg Enjoy O � �D° 0 Q o D Oo Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company a division of Johnston Coca-Cola Bottling Group,Inc. Twin City Marketing March 29 , 1988 To Whom It May Concern : I am writing this letter on behalf of Lou Lepshe of Lou' s Food Market , 1199 White Bear Avenue , St . Paul , MN. On behalf of the Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company and the Twin City Marketing Division, we acknowledge forty years of doing business with Lou' s Food Market . I personally, Merle G. Biggs , a key account manager for Coca- Cola , have really appreciated doing business with Lou for over twenty years . Lou has been more than fair to deal with and I judge him as a man with a lot of integrity, honesty, and char- acter . I have also noted over the years that Lou has a great customer following and has created a lot of good will . It has certainly been a pleasure for me to know Lou and to have been associated with him on a business as well as a personal basis . Sincerely, MIDWEST COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY `����- /.� � � � Merle G. Biggs Key Account Manager MB/dc ■ � � � � � MILK COMPANY, INC. 2080 Rice Street • St. Paul, Minnesota, 55113 • (612)487•1471 �I�RCH 18 , 1988 TQ 4�'HOM IT �'!�Y COtiCER�1; I H�VE KNOWN LOG LEPSCHE AS A FRIEND AND AS a CliSTOMER FOR TfnrENTY THREE YEARS . AS A FF.IEND HE HAS BEEN li?vDERSTA?VDiNG AND HELPFliL•, A iRiARM PERSON, �LWAYS THE S��IE, GE�TEROGS WITH HIS TIi1E AND RESPOP�iDS TO MY NEEDS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE . AS FL'RTHER COrL'�'IENT ON HIS CHARACTER I HAVE SEEN THE ;�1?�NY PEOPLE WHO ARE LOU' S FRIE1�'DS AND HAVE SEEN THE AFFECTION. WITH WHICH THEY REGARD HIM AtiD THEIR CONCERN FOR HIS 6aELFARE . LOU HAS E�RNED THIS REGARD BX HIS CONCERN FOR HIS FRIE\TDS A�D HIS REPliTATION FOR F:3TRNESS A�D I�TEGRITY. AS A C[;STC�IER HE HAS BEEN HONEST AND FAIR IN ALL CiliR DEALI�GS, HE HtiS LIVED LP TO A�L OBLIGATIONS IN T6VENTY THREE YEARS OF BUSINESS DEALINGS . HE HAS 1�EVE� RESORTED TO "SHARP" PRACTICES SliCH AS CLAIM�NG EXCESSIVE CREDITS OR DISCOUNTS, WHICH WERE NOT NEGOTIATED. LOU'S WORD IS HIS BOND AND HE IS PROLD TO BE REGARDED AS A SKILLED FAIR Bi:S?`ESSNL�N. I REGARD HI*�i SO AND AM PLEASED TO BE ASYED TO ST�,TE MY HIGH REGARD FOR LCJ LEPSCHE AS � FRIEiVD AP1D AS A VALL'EII CliSTON1ER. � � vj-�'--��C`� RU2ERT J. SCHRCE�EP. F�RESIDEtiT SCHROEDER N1ILfi CO�1PAtiY BRUCE F. VENTO HOUSE COMMITTEE ON OTH DISTRICT,MINNESOTA INTERtOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS , 2304 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING CHAIRMAN: WASHINGTON,DC 20515 �on�r�,�,� of the �nit��. �tat�,� SUBCOMMITTEE ON NATIONAL PARKS (202)225-6631 AND PUBLIC LANDS DISTRiCT OFFICE: �OU�Q O� JItQ�C`�litl�ll�UC� BANKING P NANCE ND AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING URBAN AFFAIRS 5TH AND MINNESOTA STREETS ROOM 905 �a,�hin�ton� �� Z�S�S ST.PAUL,MN 55101 HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE (612►224-4503 ON AGING April 8, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to request that the judgement and decision regarding Mr. Louis Lepsche include the cp�,�r�unity for trzatment for compulsive gambling. I have known Lou Lepsche for at least the past 30 years. Lou has had a strong local presence in the East Side community through his involvement in athletics and numerous other community activities. Lou's Market, a small business, has filled an important role for the area. He has provided employment for our youth and quality services for those who are unable to shop elsewhere. Those services and that positive role should be recognized and considered in the current circumstance. Our society, led by social science findings, is becoming more aware of the fact that compulsive gambling is an illness for some and that the best way to treat such behavior is _ through organizations such as "Gamblers Anonymous". Lou is aware of the nature of his problem and is actively seeking the necessary treatment and counseling. I hope that you will assist him in his effort to get the counseling and treatment so important. Si "c�rely, � � t '�=-r � � f � �1���� r ��L C� ' Bruce F. Vento % Member of Congress � BFV/lj r � � � First Bank Consumer Banking Group 332 Minnesota Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 612 291-5231 May 2 , 1988 To whom it may concern: First Banks has had a business relationship with Louis Lepshe for five years . His account relationship has been handled in a very professional manner . It has been a pleasure to do business with both his business and him personally. We welcome any additional business he may have. Sincerely, Michael R. Olhauser Personal Banking Officer (612) 291-5239 MRO: rlg NORTHWESTERN FRUIT, INC. FRUITS & VEGETABLES 616 PINE ST., ST. PAUL, MN 55101 224-4373 May 2 , 1988 To Whom It May Concern: I have dealt with Louie Lepsche in business for over 35 years and have found him to be a man of integrity and honesty. If you have any questions and would like to talk to me personally please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours , Harry Meyers I �/ '� /, ��rr� � �� fi� r ��r - /� �� CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1801 La Crosse Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 55119 Telephone:735-3707 April 29, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: . I have know Louis Lepsche to be an honest man and a community minded individual . He has helped many poor families by providing them with food. I have known Mr. Lepsche for four years and I have not seen any irregular behavior on his part. Sincerel T y� �:Y //^����� f - " Fa±her Kenneth L. 0'Hotto � Associate Pastor F " +�I ��-���� � ` ��b�r� �. �rd,� C scu�u.r�y 1 �Z. O��s � s . � � 2. �'GU,IsCrc��((1�taFS�tl�.) 1'�. ' SVG� 3. �� �lu�c� 1 a� 1�it',�/I�tt lovt rP,4G�'� � , �. �-,�r��,-f�d��'f� N��r�c�d is�. l��e,ua¢ �v. ne�ords s p��. �� � b�ol��.I,r� 1, ��P�u►�v S�G�Gct- 14. �ri��t�, � �Ik�,�-�x w�r� g. (e� �i ,a-Z �eElvul S�eet�C z) e . _ CP� w��ic�;Ps �o ��(wv� -�w�- �►- bi�u,t.s� ►�- bG,,,i,,�,P,e� CG,,�/ n- � �- ��— �- ���c s�� ►� - , ,, �� - bpa�(ou,G( ��vt�•vs�ca� �i_ �� n- � o d�Cs ��c.e�f ��- �0��(-S��c�c� . r�— , �Oti,, �,P�f ,�_ ,l H f �, 6��v��s ��-� � -�' D�� �� �� -� ��,l,lr�v ��,�' ��-� �v�IG �� ��., � 11 � �� � ,� t` �f _� �?� William J. Thompson Jr. DOB 041849 Sergeant - Ramsey County Sheriff' s Dept. , Assigned as Special Operations Investigator to the Sheriff w/in the Administration Division. Minnesota P.O.S.T. License # 1633 . Tra�� Minnesota B.C.A. (Bureau of Criminal A pprehension) - Gambling Investigat� M.O.C.I.C. (Mid-States Organized Crime Intelligence Center) - Gambling Investigations . ANACAPA Sciences - Analytical Inves�tigations. Hennepin County P.T.A.C. - Gambling Investigations. A.T.O.M. (Association/Training Officers/Minnesota) - Video Gambling & Charitable Gambling. FonDuLuth -Gaming Casino, Duluth, Minnesota - Internship in Bingo & Charitable Gambling. (Enforcement) . F•B• I• Academy, Quantico, Virginia - Gambling Technology. W.H. Harris & Associates, Las Vegas, Nevada - Gambling (Advanced) Technolc Broward County Sheriff' s Office, Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Advanced Gambling Technology/Investigations; Syndicate & Organized Crime Gambling. Minnesota B.C.A. / Minnesota Racing Commission (M.R.C. Parimutuel Gambling. � - Horserace & � Minn. P.O.S.T. Approved Instructor in Gambling Investigations. Have instructed classes in Gambling & Sportsbookmaking to Ramsey County Sheriff' s Dept. and St. Paul Police Dept. personnel. r v� � p � � O � � � � •,..� O +' -� w � � v � a � .� � H vv � � ~ � � p� ^ � v V O� • � � � .,.,�i v `� N � U .,..{ � pa U � �� N � u1 N � � � � � � � � � � O � � � � � � � �' � v x � a � U � � p�', � b w ' .0 O � � � � � � � � -� U . � � �O .,.�r p �„i V ,,.� � � � N '. � � 1'i '� RJ '�J � o v � ,� v ,� w u u, �,-� a' p �„� -I.� V .4 ',.� a a1 .��-I � '_' • +� U°, H H � °' � � � � � � �-1 RJ � '"� �r H v � � �' � � . �' � � � � O p � � tr� N �' o �, ro ., �, .. o o �n � H 'rl t1� �'i a-► ;..1 � Rf v � ••i ,� .4 f-1 � v � � � u�i v '� � � � u�i '� +� � .� •�' ►� v � � � v a � � m o . � /�� �' � � z ,1 b � .a^ +/�� I V � � � �-�y O � � r.� O � V, A� • V/ F.I �� �� /V`�! � � �� (�,� � � � O '�-' •� � M_I N ►1 � � ,�W ',i bi �`' � � � Oi N •�-1 ,..,� � b� +� `' •�-I 'J� � 'J U O .�-�I .,,,V1 RJ � N � � c� .� t;, � d, �' v, .�� a � � o �' N � , ,�.� A � � a � �, � � � � a •'� 4-+ b� +� 00 � U �A o� ` ` � � o � N �ry � � •.i E+ � � '� 0 tn � u� .-a � � aJ 41 +.� � ' � Rf .,..� rC V v _ � N .q H �^� t� rtf b� � � O � � � � � w .0 � � Z7 tr� . t� � I �,-�j (� v � ••i .,i � •r1 � � v a-► � �n �, w b ,o �,A � o v H �,� o n `� v�., � � � •� �; � �a a � .[ b, �, � � ,R'�, ,,� � �H -r. �,; � '� �.,.+ � a�i �.,.�+,� ,� .1-, � U �U ' .,.�.� O v1 RJ � � � W �A r-I � � '� � � � u �� � .� .� � � � � u -� E.; � a � V rt! •�-1 O C 7 � � � � � � H a -� � �. ,� � u � � a `� � A : � � � � � H � � ° a � w } � � H Q , r[f � � � � � QO x 0 � � �.�1 , c�, w 3 � � � � � � x � , � � � � � � � ' P�I� � ; ,� � � � L. � , obd . � �: � � r �o� , l � L � �., � � 97�� - � �. . 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N � � � � z. z � .. � . � rp '� C� � '� � '� CD � � -< o � a - � o � c1 ,� 3 0, c+ p, •• •.� p ,, � �' � (D C �' _S D `� �-.r � �G "S � -h �--,. � (� (n � .-.. r �- ' �p r_, � ...• � � p '—' C S � �..t N � �G � � C cC G p Q � (n �p N .-.. � "C7 (p � p� , O � �..+ O tn � � v� O � �'�' �G O � � 'S �+ � p C N C., c� � C � � � O � �- � �-.. (/� ,. � �p (D � cn � f r °- � ca p a .... n, °i c C -+� �+ c+ O lp � I— � '_'' (p � �.. C �- ... CD N '""' -h N c-f a -� N `} V� v � � � `'� � �G �} ? C_.I � � n pi V Q. O (p Q �' r} d � �- (D � � � � � N N N N N N I-' F-+ I-� 1-+ t-+ F-+ f.+ t.+ f.+ f.+ CJ1 �P (,i iV 1-+ O c0 W �7 � U1 rP W N F-+ O c0 0� �7 Q� Ul D .O D .O � .O � .O D .O D -< �,• r+ D Z O a � —i sL a � -< � � � o � S -G tn � o, � � o c � o � � � ru o m O � a m -s VI �. (D d .. c'F �G t"F (D CL] (D �. N C Vl (n N G N O ' � �--� (n 'S 'S � .. � (� .. �G . fD � Vl C7 a � �..• c-F Cl CD O a c-F (p p N �--� O O O O Q � W N 3 �.. � � � � � 'S C � fD 'S � �• (n c+ (D c+ �. p� (D � C "'S �G CD (D CD tn � C� a. C � ,�. > > c+ O O fl, � CD Q .-•. � tn O � c� G� tn �. O C SL -1� �+ d o� ..• N c+ ... �+ tn Q � cn n O v� w �-- � a O < �. c+ t� !D � (D (D 'S •J tn C c-+ O fn d � C , C � 'S lD � N � A� � O C O fD nr � -S � N cn fD c-f c+ a �--� ►-,. �S c-+ � -S (D (D c-F c+ c+ (D � SL 3 fD �-' N Vl (D (a � •J C d � CD � � � � � -a � o a � c-r � � � � o °- cn � � o � � ,. � n o -s ' � � m o c �n o ... � �. `� °' `° o �-+ cn �+ � cn �-+ � o �- cn �• � --�'s a � � � � �• o. �+ cn o � cn o �--• � a = p � � ° �• m �• n. -o � � c-+ �+ � a, Z N � a cn � �. o n, � -s � a < p � c+ � c+ cn C� � W t-+ (p .+. (p lD � � N (D �• � � �-+ (p �p ..,5 � � n Q � O A� c+ c+ cn -fi tn Q � a (D �G W � a. p �. �p a c+ O II� O n � (D � •� lD O W � c+ f� (n C� d C � � n c� a �. � O O � � � . o � ... � c+ a o � w � � ,�. �„ C °- � o •.. �-r � � �+ o o m c+ m a � � (D cn �--� � � -+i C � . (D t 37 � � N �G � LL CL (N c+ � � � a , � o o c Q � � o m � -s �-r �-+ , -,, -i, c �+ � -� ... ro o � � o �-+ � cn �+ -a v, � ,�. f � � (D cn '� (n (D N � � � W O 0. ►r. c+ < �D si, n, a -o cn oo cn o < � a c+ �+ � < 'S O CD C� �--�. (D O � �G (D O N O (7 C � � (� S lD f� f/� c+ 7� C . � (a •J C -S O 7c c+ fD A� � c+ (D � - c .... � n �+ p, . _ � m r `� � � � c rD � o c-+ -o � � o cn n � �-+� n ... � c � � ._. � " .� �+ < � o o � cQ � �-* � � � � � � � .-• � o cn �D -S c+ .-. Q, �, c �' � fD a CD O �--� r+ c+ � � � O � O - O c+ r+ � N .... CD C N Vl .J N � � � Saturday, January 9, cont. Saturday, January 9, cont. COLLEGE BRSKETBALL Sun� COLLEGE BASKETBALL NBA P � Z F TIME•2W$S: P�Pattlic C-CarAwl E=Earl�rn 1 2 f 97 IOWA 127 NEW MEXICO STATE '.(N)(C) S:OOP 7:OOC B:ODE . (N)�C) 6:30P 8:30C s:3oe �t NEW JERSEY N 98 PURDUE 128 UTAH STATE �,:3oP ,:3x �9 CENTRAL MlCHIGAN 129 WYOMING � 2 MILWAUKEE BU �rHy,�c� s:ooP �:ooc e:ooe �fOO TOLEDO (N)(C) 6:35P 8:35C s:3se 3 SEATTLE SUPEf ;i01 MINNES�TA 130 NEW MEXICO � a+� 6:90P a:ooc 131 SAN DIEGO STATE � 4 SAGRAMENTO h ;(N)(C) S:OOP 7:pOC B:OOE . . �-:'0�.�.MICH(GAN �� � cN��c� 6:35P - 8:35C 9:35E COLLE ;03 ST. JOHN'S 132 B.Y.U. 133 AIR FORCE `.(N)�C) S:OOP 7:OOC B:QOE (N�(C) 6:35P e:35C 9:35E 5 WAKE FOREST ��04 PITTSBURGH wwo�.rv 134 7EXAS-EL PASO cc� 10:30P ,z:aoc �105 IOWA STATE 135 LONG BEACH STATE 6 GEORGIA TECH ' (N) S:OOP 7:OOC B:OOE � {N)(C) 7:30P 9:30C 1030E 1 RICE �106 DAYTON 136 SAN JOSE STATE �c� �i�ooa ,:ooc =107 BOWLING GREEN 137 CAL:SANTA BARBARA 8 TEXAS ;�wl tc� 5:OOP �:ooc e:ooe �N��c> >�sr s:asc 10:35E 9 CLEMSON iD8 EASTERN MICHfGAN 138 FULIERTON STATE t�> >:oov s�ooc C109 AUBURN 139 CAL:IRVINE 10 ViRG�NIA `(N)(C) S:OOP 7:OOC B:OOE (N)-(C) B:OOP � 10:OOC 11:OOE C 11 RUTGERS 110 KENTUCKY esrw 140 NEVADA-LAS VEGAS cc� ,:ooP a:ooc 111 T.C.U. 12 PENN STATE �N„�, 5:OSP 7:OSC e:oSE NATIQNAL HQCKEY LEAGUE �3 o�E�oh ' 112 ARKANSAS i Z 3 F cc� 4:OOP s:ooc 113 ALABAMA 141 PITTSBURGH PENGUiNS 14 U.C.L.A. (Nj(C) 5:30P 7:30C B:30E . . (N) - 0:35P 6:35C 7:35E � 114 MISSISSIPPI STATE t42 NARTfORD WHALERS 115 TEXAS TECH 143 YANCOUVER CANUCKS (N��(C) � 5:30P� 7:30C 8:30E (N) -1:35p - ��6:35C 7:35E 116 HOUSTON 144 QUEBEC NORDIQUES NATIONE$L ij1 ALA:BiRMINGNA�I 145 PHIIADELPHIA FLYERS (N)�C) 5:30P 7:30C 8:30E (N) 5:05P fiDSC e:ose 15 IVEW YQRK RA�r1i 118 WESTERN KENTUCKY 146 MONTREAL CpNADIENS t►+) a:osa s�osc 119 LS.U. 147 NEW YDRK lSLANDERS t 16 BUFfALO SA2r�t� (N}(C) 5:30P 7:30C 8:30E (N) ' S:OSP 7:OSC B:OSE t 17 NEW JERSEY UE� � 120 MISSISSIPPI 148 EDMONTON OILERS tN� 4:05P s:osc 121 NOTRE DAME 149 BOSTON BRUINS 18 PNILADELPHIR FL (N) 5:30P � 7:30C 8:30E (N) 5:35P 7:35C e:3se - 19 PfTTSBURGH PE� 122 MARQUETTE I 150 ST. LOUIS BLUES �N► 4:OSP 6:05C 123 SOUTHERtv IlLIN01S ' 151 NEW JERSEY DEVILS 20 DETROIT REG WI - (N}(C) �:35P 7:35C 8:35E (N) 5:35P 7:35C 8:35E 21 TCRONTO MA?LE 124 DRAKE 152 MiNNESOTA NOP,TH STARS ��+� s:osP �:osc 125 CALIFORNlA � 22 WINNIPEG JETS (N)(C)�-' 6:30P 8:30C s:3oe . � � 23 WASHlNGTON CAI 126 ARiZOhA STATE �N� S:OSP �:osc 24 CAIGARY FLAMES , 25 lOS ANGELES KIII . � � " (N) �5:35P 7:35C ' 26 CHICAGQ BIACKH � Friday, January 8 Saturday, January 9 NBA PRO BASK€TBALL NBA FRO BASKETBALL Wednesc i�AEdOAgS:P=PURie C=Central E=Esctern 1 2 3 4 F TIME•ZONES:P=Pacilic G=Cenual E=Ess�ern 1 2 3 4 F `-'O�L. t CLEVELAND CAVALIERS t LOS ANGELES LAKERS �) �:30F 6:30C 7:30E ._Z ATLANTA HAWKS tN> 4:30P 8:30C r.3oe - 33 WIIIIAM & M 3 WASHINGTON BUILETS 2 INDIANA PACERS �k��c� .:aoP e: .y� l:30P 6:3DC ,:aoe 3 CLEVELAND CAVALIERS 34 NAVY 4 BOSTON CELTICS cN� �:30P 6:30C r.soe 35 KENT STATE � 5 NEW YORK KNICKS 4 PHILADELPHIA 76ers ° �r,��ct 5:OOP r. ;Nt +:soP 6:30C 7:30E�� � 5 LOS ANGE�ES CLIPPERS 36 OHIO U. 6 NEW JERSEY METS (►+� 4:30P 6:30C r.3oe 37 DRAKE 7 LOS ANGELES CUPPER 6 WASHINGTON BULLETS �N��c� s:ooP �: :N� .:aoP 6:30C ,:3oe 7 BOSTON CELTICS 38 WICH(TA STAT 8 PHILADELPNIA 76ers �N� t_30P 6:30C r.soe 39 MIAMI.OHIO '�9 lOS ANGELES LAKERS B NEW YORK KNICKS �►,>�c� 5:OQP r.� ��r+� s.00P 7:ooc B:OOE 9 DENVER NUGGETS 40 BOWLING GRE iD DETROIT PISTONS wrss�v < <Nt 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E 41 TOLE00 7 UTAH JAll 10 ATLANTA HAWKS cN►tc� 5:OOV r.� .tN� s:ooa e:ooc 9:OOE 11 UTAH JAll 42 EASTERN MI `12 MI!WI+UKEE EUCKS cN1 5:30P ' r.aoc e:3oe 43 VANDERBILT '` 13 SACRAMENTO KINGS 12 CHICAGO BULLS (N)(C) S:OOP �7 ' tN► 7:30P �:3oc ,o:soe 13 PNOENIX SUNS 44 MISSISSIPPI ` 14 PORTLAND TRAILBLAZERS (N) 5:30P r.aoc e:aoe 45 GEORGETOWN 14 HOUSTON ROCKETS �r,��c� 5:OOP r.� COLLEGE BASKETBALL 15 saN aNTONio sPURS 46 PROVIDENCE � �N) 7:30P 9:30C ,o:3oe � 47 KANSAS � TUISA � Z F 16 SEATTLE SUPERSONICS cN�t�� s:ooP r� � qa��c� s:ooa �:ooc e: e 11 DALLAS MAIIERICKS 48 IOWA STATE � i6 llllNOIS STATE �Ni e:ooP �o:ooc n:ooE 49 CONNECTICUT i7 AIR fORCE 18 GOLDEN STpTE WARRIORS �Ntcc� s:oov r.i 1 ,rN)�C) 6:35P n:3sc 9:ase 50 PITTSBURGH �;_ �e NEw MExico � COLLEGE BASKETBALL f 51 BAII STATE l9.WYOMING j �, 19 PROVIDENCE tkt rc� 5:OOP r.� ;N)(C) 6:35P 0:35C 9:35E 52 WESTERN MI[ J20 TEXAS•EL PASO � (c► ,o:oor ,z:ooc ,:ooe 53 TEXAS A&M 20 CONNECTICUT�at Harttord �N��c> s:aor �:: Friday, danuary 8, cont. 21 WICHITA STATE 54 BAYLOR ti �c� ao:oaP is:ooc i:ooe 55 ARKRNSAS ` NATIONAL �-iOCKEY LEAGUE 22 BRaoiEY ,N„�, 5:30P �:: i 2 3 F 23 GEORGIA ' 56 S.M.U. 21 HARTFORD V�HAIERS ��� ����P 12�00C 7i0°E 57 FLORIOA , (N) 4:35P 6:35C ,:3;e � 24 FLORIDA � 25 CIEMSON �N►�c� 5:30P r.s ' 22 BUFFALO SABRES 58 MISSISSIPPI S 23 LOS ANGELES KINGS ��► 10:30P ,s:3oc 7:30E 59 SOUTH FLORI[ 26 MARYLAND �r,��c� 5:35P r.< ,�n� 4:35P 6:35C �:ase 21 MENPHIS STATE �?4 DETROIT RED WINGS �c� ,o:�ov ,s:soc 1:30E 60 ALA:BIRMINGt 25 NEW YORK RANGERS 28 VIRGIMIA TECH 61 T.C.U. ,N) S:OSP 7:OSC 8:05E 29 ST. PETERS (N)(C) 5:35P 7:; 26 WASHINGTON CAPITALS wwon�v �c� n:oov ,:ooc 2:ooe ` 62 RICf 27 EDMQNTON OILERS 30 IONA �N� 5:35P r.3sc 8:35E 31 BAYLOR 28 WfNP11PEG JETS �c� ,,:ooP �:ooc 2:ooe 29 TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS 32 S.M.U. (N) 5:35P 7:35C 8:35E 30 CHlCAGO BLACKHAWKS 31 NEW YORK ISLANDERS (N) 6:35V 8:35C 9:35E 32 CALGARY FLAMES Wednesday, January f cont. Wednesday, January 6, corrt. COLLEGE B � ETBALL� COLLEGE BASKETBALL Thursd; ' � ` F � � F NATIQNE �3 MISSISSIPPI STATE 61 L.S.U. N)(C} •:30P 6:30C 7:30E (N)(C) 5:30P 7:30C 8:30E 4 KENTUCKY 62 VANDERBILT ° 67 MONTREAL C, =5 FORDHAM 63 MARYLAND t►+� •:35P 6:35 �N) 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E (N) 5:30P 7:30C e:soE _ 68 BOSTON BRUI `"o NORTH CAROLINA�at GreenzGuro �� E4 MISSOURI .a 69 BUfFAlO SABI 7 XAVIER �� 65 S.M.U. �N� �:35P 6:35 N) I:OSP 6:45C 7:65E (M)(C) 5:JOP 7:30C 8:30E 70 PHIlAOEIPHIA :8 WESTERN MICHIGAAt - 5fi TEXAS A&M 71 QUEBEC NOR[ ' +' S7 A6�ERICAN U. �w� 5:05P r.os� . C B:OpE iN) 5:35P 7:35C e:3se 72 NEW YORK ISI — OHIO U. 69 KANSAS � 13 HARTfORD WI 1 EASTERN MICHIGAN 69 CINCINNATI r►+t s:ssQ �:3s, .�)�c► s:oov r.00c e:ooe Y2 CENTRAL MICHIGAN iN� s:ssa �:asc 6:35E ,_ �'4 ST. LOUIS BLU 70 EVANSVILIE �3 FLORIOA 71 BRADIEY _i!J)(C} S:OOP 7:OOC B:OOE �(N) 6:OOP. B:DOC 9:OOE Fri� '` 72 N.C:CNARLOTTE ��„ �:5 M�CHiGAN �' .,� ''' '°°°� :�E y NATIONAL HOCKEY LFAGUE NBA F `�-6 NORTHWESTERN � 2 3 F i1ME•10NES: P=PSCMit c� „��7 CLEMSON 13 ST. LOUIS BWES 1 NEW YORK KA ,.tN}{C) S:ODP 7:OOC B:OOE -(N) ♦:35P 6:35C � T:35E � (N) 4:30P . 63W '�39 N.C. STATE 74 DE7ROIT RED WINGS 2 PHILADELPNIA ��� GEOR6IA TECH 75 MINNESOTA NORTH STARS 3 SACRAMENTO �1t��N) 5:OSP 7:OSC B:OSE ?✓0.LQUISVIIIE fN) �:35P 6:35C 7:55E . (N) 4:30P 6:30( 7b TOROtY?0 MdPLE LEAFS d BOSTON CELTI �' =,1 T�XAS 77 EDMONTON OILERS 5 CIEVEIAND CR iTi)(C)-' S:OSP 7:OSC � B:OSE (N) 4:35P .6:35C 7:35E (N) 4:30P 8:30t i�' 78 HAFTfORD WHALERS 6 DETROIT PIST( �,.s DIkNA � 79 VANCOUVER CANUCKS 7 INDIANA PACEI f '� 7:0� 8:05E (H} 1:35P 6:35C 7:356 � (N) 530P 7:30C •54 IOWA y� 80 NEW YORK RANGERS 8 SAN ANTONIO ��5 WEST VIRGINIA 81 BUffALO SABRES 9 UTAN JAll �(N�(C) 5:05P 7:OSC B:OSE (N)� �:3iP 6:35C T:35E (N) 7:OOP 9:OOC f 5o ST. JOSEPH'S 82 MONTFsEAI CANADIENS i� SEATTLE SUPE �57 BAYLOR - 83 QUEBEC NORalQUES 11 LOS ANGELES �{H)(C) 5:30P 7:30C 8:30E ,„ cr+� 5:35P �:3sc e:ase �12 GOLDEN STATE ��8 T.C.U. 84 CNICAGO B1l!C?4HAWKS �5� RICE B5 WINNIPEG JETS CvLL� �+N)(C) 5:30P �:30C 8:30E (N) 6:35P 8:35C 9:35E 60 TEXAS TECH 86 CAL ARY FLAfi1ES 13 NARVARD {N)(C) 4:3QP 6:3 `� 14 COLU�BIA `U�� 15 DARTMOUTH � �`� \ (N)(C) 4:30P 6:3��� ` � � _ I V 16 CORNELL ' �� 17 B.Y.U. I� l (N)(C) 8:30P 70:31 "-G N✓� �� '� 18 WYOMING � �'. . �v� � �ii � Monday, January 4 Monday, January 4, cont. NBA PRO BASKETBALL COLLEGE BASKETBqLL Satur iIME�Olff3: P=PaeHie Cftentr�l E=EasMn 1 2 3 4 F �`OL i 1 DENVER NUGGETS 33 UTAH STATE � 2 F I (N) 1:30P 6:30C 7:30E TIME S:P:pKp 2 CLEVELAND CAVAUERS �►+�tc� 7:30P 9:30C ,o:aoe ' 67 ARIZONA � 3 PHOENIX SUNS 34 FRESNO STATE ��� �� � tk� <:30P 8:30C �:aoe 35 COLORADO STATE 68 OREGON S' 4 PHIIADELPHlA 76ers �"� �'3QP 9�� 10:30E 69 MARYLANO 5 DALLAS MAVERICKS 36 SOUTHERN CAL'„ .M ,�, c,n�� 4:00� tr+� s:aoa r.3oc s:3oE 37 CAL:SANTA BARBARA 70 DUKE 6 NOUSTON ROCKETS � tNt cc� 7:30P 9:30C ,o:aoe 71 HARVARD 7 BOSTON CECTICS 38 CAL:IRVINE tN��c� .:ao� tn) 6:30P a:soc 9:30E 3� HEyApA-LAS VEGAS 72 CORNEII 8 UTAH JAll �N��C) ���P 8.30C 70:30E 73 CENTRAI h 9 SAN ANTONIO SPURS 40 LONG BEACN STATE'.,�.a�,�„a � �N��c� •:wn cN► r.saP s:soc ,o:3oe 41 SAN'JOSE STATE ---- 74 KENT STATI 10 LOS ANGELES IAKERS ��nt�► 7:35P 4:35C 10:35E I 75 TEMPLE 42 PACIFIC � �N��c� .aon C�JLLEGE BASKETBALL 43 �aNSas . �s st soNavE - � 2 F (►+) e:aoP ,o:3cc t1:30E 77 BROWN ii WiLLIAV! & MARY 44 WASHINGTON ESPN (N)(C) �:3oP `k' ':'°P 6:'°� ':'°E NATIONAL HOCKEY L�iGUE �e raiE 12 DUKE 79 AMERICAN I T.3 RUTtiERS � 45 E�MONTON OILERS � 2 3 F tN)tc� s:3or (Nj(C) 4:3pp 6:30C r.soe . 80 N.C.•WILMINI 14 TEMPLE iro •:asa 6:35C 735E 81 GEORGE MA i5 U1ti.�thOYA 46 80STON BRUIKS �N��c� •:�o� cHa�c? l:3pP 630C r.3oe 41 YANCOUVER CANUCKS 82 RICHMOND i6 ST. JONhI'S {"� •:35D a:3sc r.ase 83 ALA:BIRMIN EsP" 48 TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS il RICHMOND �N� ,:� 6;; �N> �:36P 6:37C 7:30E 49 LOS ANGELES KINGS ' 84 SOUTH CARI i8 YA. CONlNiONWEALTH cN> s:asa e:asc r.ase 85 DARTMOUTH 19 WESTERN KENTUCKY 50 NEW JERSEY DEVIIS �N��c� 4:�or , t�:��c� s:ooP r.00c a:ooe 51 ST.; LOUIS BLUES 86 COLUMBIA 20 OLD DOf�lN(ON �"� `:'�P g:3� �:3sE 87 JAMES MAD 21 SGUTHERN MISS. - 52 NEW YQRK RANGERS _1 �N��c� •:�oP , (N)(Cj S:OSP 7:OSC e:ose - � � - . - � � 88�WILLIAM & ! 22 ClNClNNATI 89 L.S.U. 23 SQUTH ALABAAIA �N��cy 1:30P e (e+� s:osa �:osc e:ose � � �O� 90 GEORGIA 24 I�JUfSVIILE 91 fQRDHAM 2� M{$$�URI (►+1(c? ♦:� 6 t!i) 5:35P ):35C e:3se � . 92 ST. PETERS 1.6 SOUTHERN IlllNOfS J�p 93 VA. COMMON 21 illIP1015 STATE �N��c� �:asn e (k��c� s:osP e:osc 9:ose �Gr� ,���y S4 OLD DOMINIO 28 BRnDIEY .�, � ��r}� 95 DETRQIT 29 fUIIERTON STATE ��. ��"" 3�� t►+►ic� l:35P e: �►a)�c� s:aov e:3oc 9�30E + � `` 96 BUTLER 30 hEW MEXICO STATE cj�� ^,�- 97 FLOR►DA STAT 31 Pt�RDUE — '�n�" (N) l:35P 6:35 (N)(C) 6:30P 8:30C 9:30E 98 SOUTH FIORII 32 ILL!NOIS EsP„ 99 JACKSONVILIE (M)(Ly l:35P 8:. 1Q0 N.C:CHARLOTI � ".�,W � � .-�°� � " _ � ` � .. �(Jpg2 r3pWI, XY,I?' PFtOPOSITIOIJS � -- � �, NO PAR.�,YS ! ! ! �� •�0� FIRST 'I'F.1�2 TC r,CORE 425 Broncos -140 - ��;��`�� ����; �� �• 426 Redskins ��ren �` �""`N'°,, g,� �. ��,���� � , � ;. LAST TF.F�vi TO ;�CORE 427 Broncos -150 428 Redskins +110 , � TOUQ�OWI.Q PR03:'OSITION BY EITHER TF�1 429 First Score is a Touchdown -19� 430 Fisst Score is not Touchdo�m +15� TE',A1�2 TO SCORE LAST IN FIRST HALF 431 Broncos -140 432 Redskins E�en � � � SCORING IN LAST TWb ��[�FI'ES OF FIRST HALF' i __,�.___ 433 Scoring will Occur by Either or Both Teams in Last 2 Minutes of lst Half -� 434 Scoring will not Occur by Eithex� �or Both Teams in Last 2 Minutes of lst Half +� FIRST TQUCfIDOWN OF Tf� GAt�� (BI' Lither Tea.�n) 435 Passing ��5 43 6 lh.isning Even ' 437 Punt Return or Kick-off Return 10/1 438 Ftiunble or Interception Returned for Touchdawn 15/1 439 Othez' (Blocked Punt or Blocked I�'ield Goal 20/1 geturned for Touchdown) PLAYER TO SCC)RE FIRST TOLTCEIDOiaN 440 S. ��7;.nder 3�1 441 K. B?_yant ��2 " 442 ���. Johnson _ �/? �. _ _ _ 443 G. Clark 5/1 444 G. Rogers 5/1 445 A. P4onk ��l 446 R. T•lattiel 8�1 447 S. Sewell 10/1 44 8 P•1. Jackson 10/1 449 S. Watson 10/1 450 R. Sanders 10/1 451 G. Lang 12/1 , 452 J. Elway 12/1 453 T. S�nith 12/1 454 D. Williams 15/1 `} 455 D. Green 15/1 456 Field (All Other Players) 5/1 _.. - �� � :,,c SUPER BC7�+�:�:; �I PROPOS�TIONS NO P�:RLAYS ! t ! _ TOTAL FIEI,D G(aP,T� BY BOTfi TEANLS 457 ��' 2� -150 458 Under 2� +110 7.�'�M TO MAKE L�ONGEST FIELd� GOAL* ,,� �•59 Broncos -13G 460 Redskins -110 ' _— _�..._ _..::. .,___ �r._ .�... � �� , TEAM TO M�I�i FIRST FIELD G.)AL* 461 Br.�oncos -130 462 Redskins -110 TEAt'� TO I�L.T�' i'�(JST FIEI� GOI�LS* 463 Broncos -130 ' 464 Redskins -110 *NIONIES WILL BE REF'UNDID Ol`1 'I� THE2EE AB0�7E PROPOSITIONS IF THERE ARE NO FIELD GOA.L�S TOTAL IlVTF.I��C.FrPTIONS BY B(7.C'd TEANIS -. _____._ .__, _ __ -- _ --- . ... _ _ __ _ __ 4�.`.i Over 2 2 -120 466 Under 2� -120 SCORING BY t;�UAR'I*ER 467 Broncos lst Quarter -'.3Q 468 Redskins lst Quarter �.;.1G 469 lst Quarter Over 7� -?20 470 lst Quarter Under 7 2 --::"1.0 471 Broncos 2nd Quarter -•�::60 472 Redskins 2nd Quarter +a.20 473 2nd Quarter Over 14 -��1� 474 2nd Quarter Und�r 14 -130 _... ._. ''7`.; Brc:cos :;r� Yu�-�ter -1�.:� �r�o Redskins 3rd Quarter -1:.0 477 3rd Quarter Over 10 -•1''0 ' 478 3rd Quarter Under 10 -i','-� 479 Broncos 4th Quarter -1"0 480 Redskins 4th Quarter �T;�•n 481 4th Quarter Over 13 -1"�'� 482 4th Quarter Undex 13 -1.3:,i t �`: � k ';� � , .. . � . ' ' � � '..�... ,...,. ,. :...., ,.....':;uw yc„� . �y_�':� M.y......_. . . . � . � 7 1 Q Is everything on the document true and accurate to the 2 best of your knowledge? 3 A Yes . 4 MR . MARGOLES : Your Honor , I ' d submit 5 the document . g MR. HOLLIHAN : I have seen it and 7 I have no objection . 8 THE COURT : Received . Proceed . 9 BY MR . HOLLIHAN : EXAMINATION 10 Q Sir , would you state your full and legal name , please? 11 A Louis John Lepsche . 12 Q Have you gone by any other names? . 13 A No , sir. 14 Q Your date of birth is August 28 , 1927? 15 A That ' s correct . 16 Q Where were you born , sir? 17 A St . Paul . 18 Q Have you lived here all of your life in St . Paul ? 19 A Yes , sir . 2p Q What is the last school you attended? 21 A Cretin High School , St . Thomas College , one year . 22 Q I see . Did you graduate from St . Thomas? 23 A No , I did not . I went in the war then . 24 Q Sure . How far did you get through college? 25 A One year. � DISTRICT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT � 8 1 Q Have you ever attended any school which would equip you 2 with a trade or a skill ? 3 A No . 4 Q Are either of your parents alive? 5 A Neither . 6 Q Do you have any children? 7 A Two . 8 Q And would you give the Court their names and ages? 9 A Yes , ummm , Deborah my daughter , she ' d be 37 . My son 35 , 10 Mark . 11 Q Are you married? 12 A Yes . � 13 Q What is the name and present address of your wife? 14 A 1813 East Orange , St . Paul . 15 Q Her name? 16 A Elizabeth . 17 Q And how long have you folks been married? 18 A 40 years this August . 19 Q And you have been self-employed , Lou ' s Market? 20 A That ' s correct . 21 Q How many years have you been self-employed? 22 A Since the end of the war , 1946. 23 Q Do you belong to any clubs , groups , unions , associations 24 or anything like that? 25 A VFW Club , American Legion . � DISTRICT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ' �� ___ � 10 1 Q What branch of the service were you in? 2 A Navy . 3 Q What type of a discharge do you hold? � 4 A Honorable . 5 Q You are a citizen by virtue of your birth in this country'? g A Yes , I am . 7 Q Have you developed a problem with the use of alcohol or 8 drugs? 9 A None at all . 10 Q You haven ' t had any alcohol or drugs before coming to 11 Court? 12 A No . � 13 Q Have you ever been treated for any kind of a mental 14 condition? e 15 A None at all . 16 Q And since your 18th birthday , have you been convicted of 17 any other offenses excluding traffic? �r 18 A None whatsoever , not even that . 19 Q You have had an opportunity to talk this over with Mr . 20 Margoles? �ts 21 A Yes , I have . 22 Q Are you satisfied that he spent enough time on this 23 matter with you so that you understand what is going on? time , 24 A Yes , very much I understand . 25 Q And do you have any questions about the situation now � DISTRICT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT � 12 1 January 1 to January 28th , you were taking bets and 2 making bets with friends and forwarding them , is that 3 correct? 4 A That is correct . 5 MR . HOLLIHAN : I have no further g questions , Your Honor . 7 MR . MARGOLES : No questions , Your 8 Honor . 9 THE COURT : The plea of guilty 10 is accepted . A presentence investigation is ordered 11 and the matter is continued for disposition to July 12th 12 at 1 : 30 in this courtroom . � 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 � DISTRICT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT � 13 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT 2 COUNTY OF RAMSEY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT 3 - - - - - - - - 4 State of Minnesota , 5 Plaintiff , 6 vs . File No . 4282337 �' Louis John Lepsche , Sentencing $ Defendant . 9 - - - - - - - - 10 The above-entitled matter came on 11 for sentencing before the Honorable David E . Marsden , 12 Judge , on the 12th day of July , 1988 . � 13 Mark Ponselle , Assistant County 14 Attorney , appeared on behalf of the State of Minnesota ; 15 Alan Margoles , Esq . , appeared as counsel for the 16 defendant , Louis Lepsche , who is present in person . 17 Whereupon , the following proceedings 18 were held in open court : 19 MR . MARGOLES : For the record , my 20 name is Alan Margoles and I represent Mr . Lepsche . 21 THE COURT : What would you like to 22 say? 23 MR . MARGOLES : Your Honor , I have 24 read the PSI . I find it to be an excellent PSI . I don ' t 25 disagree with any of its conclusions , its facts , and I don ' t � DISTRICT COURT , SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT 14 � 1 disagree with the recommendation . I think that the 2 Court should follow the recommendation of the PSI , which 3 is in accord with the negotiation as well . 4 THE COURT : Mr . Lepsche , what would 5 you like to say? 6 THE DEFENDANT : Well , I don ' t know 7' if I want to say anything . 8 THE COURT : Pardon? 9 THE DEFENDANT : I don ' t know , Your 10 Honor , I ' m -- I am pleased with everything that the 11 -- Mr . Clifford said to me . I feel as though I did wrong . 12 I don ' t know if I realize it . � 13 TNE COURT : When you watch sports 14 on television now ; do you get that terrible urge to get 15 some money on it? 16 THE DEFENDANT : Not since I have 17 been down here , I haven ' t . 18 THE COURT : Anything from the 19 prosecution? 20 MR . PONSELLE : No , Your Honor. 21 THE DEFENDANT : Judge , there is 22 something I ' d like to say . 23 THE COURT : Go ahead . 24 THE DEFENDANT : When I was arrested , 25 they took $500 . That was truly my own . If I ' m not to get � DISTRICT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT 15 � 1 that back , I would like to have it go to the Dorothy Day 2 Center where it is going to help somebody out . 3 THE COURT : That is not in front of 4 me and I can ' t make any disposition on that . 5 You , Louis John Lepsche , having in g open court entered a plea of guilty to the crime of 7 Gambling , as a gross misdemeanor , pursuant to an amended 8 complaint made in open court when you entered your plea , 9 and that was May 20th , 1988 , now therefore , 10 You , Louis John Lepsche , are hereby 11 adjudged and determined to be guilty of said crime of 12 Gambling as a gross misdemeanor , and it is the sentence � 13 of the law and the judgment of this Court that as 14 punishment for said crime your sentence is stayed 15 in this matter for two years , and that action is taken 16 by reason of the circumstances of this case , and of 17 finding that it will be in the best interest of society 18 and justice that the imposition of sentence be stayed , 19 and during that period of time you are placed on 20 probation under the supervision of the Ramsey County 21 Department of Court Services , under the usual and 22 customary terms of probation . In addition thereto , 23 pay a fine of $500 within 30 days of this date or 24 serve a sentence of 30 days in the workhouse . There is 25 a recommendation that the defendant be required to attend � DISTRICT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT � 16 1 regalar meetings of Gamblers Anonymous . I don ' t know 2 enough about the effectiveness of that organization so 3 I am not going to impose it as a specific condition . 4 5 REPORTER ' S CERTIFICATE 6 7 I , Barbara A . Peterson , an Official Court Reporter for 8 the County of Ramsey , State of Minnesota , do hereby 9 certify the foregoing 16 pages of typewritten material 10 to be a true and correct transcription of my stenograph 11 notes taken in this matter . 12 � 13 ;�C��ez'��� ��_,!f'��-� -� . TE�� 14 15 DATED : October 7 , 1988. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 � DISTRICT COURT SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT _ � '.�'� �'J�..� , � y.r� ., State of M i n nesota _ Co u nty of RA M S E Y D I S T R I C T �ou rt ICCT SECTION/Subdivision U.O.C. GOC �TY•ATTY.F1LE� CONTROL.AGENCY CONTROL# ' 1 609 . 76, Subd. 1 (6) G2999 N 39391 0620900 88011864 COURT F7LF:# DATE RECEIVED 4282337 • AMEND D , Comp�a�n� ❑SUMMONS ��/ if rrxxe than e c�unts(see attached) ❑ORDER OF DET NTION t��CEfifED State of Minnesota PLAINTIFF, NOV 15 1988 �GROSS MISDEMEANOR VS. CITY CLERK NAME:first,middle,laat Date of Birth SJIS COMPLAINT NUMBER Louis John Lepsche 08/28/27 62-11-4-042402 DEFENDAN'I5. AMENDED The Complainant, being duly sworn, makes com.plaint �o the above-named court and swears to the best of his knowledge and belcef that the cnformatron contained cn the attached exhibits,consisting of pages,is true and correct and establishes probable cause to believe that the defe�tdants committed the off�nsF/s) descrabed herein. WHEREFORF,. ��uur Co�nplai��ant allPg<�s that the defendant�ilt���sASt�v.'�t�xxxxx���,�txxxx xxxxxxxxxx�xxxxx�xxx during the period from January 1 , 1988 to January 28, 1988 i�r Ram s e y Courtty, ai�ing end-abc�ttireg-a�-being-cri�eaLa�zd-a�iettea��iq{eaefe}(-cmeX�an�t�herl (-u�ttireni�efs}}Fparty-or�zrties ttnkno�rh►did wrongfully, unlawfully, receive bets with intent to forward same , 11010—�ANN OIVIiION.fTUART-NOO►tR CO,.MN � _ _ . . _.,.�.--v—:...—.?^——���,..�..—y....r—..�-_...._..���_,T.__ . . .�+�'.aG.. AMEND E D COMPLAIINT SUPPLEMENT CCT SECTION/Subdivision U.O.C. GOC — —�Q�II�F�f.S PAGE 2 DF 3 , _ _.��� RMOTI _ SJIS COMPLAINT NUMBER(S): i — b2-11-4-04240� ; . .E � �'. ;.,�, � _ � 9 Said acts constituting the offense of.• GAMBLING in violation of Minnesota Statutes: 609 . 76, Subd. 1 (6) Maximum sentence: 1 year or $3 , 000 . 00 , or both THEREFORL', Complainant requests that said Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release be: (1) arrested or t{tat vther lawful steps be taken to obtain defendant's appearance in court;or (?) detained, if already ir� custody, pending ft�rther proceedings� and that said DeJendant otherwise be dealt with according to law. COMPLAINANT'S NAMI:: COMPLA ANT'S SIGN T RE Daniel J. Hollihan / " I�G.G� Being duly authorized to prosecute tite offense(s)cl�a , I reb �prove this Com laittt. DATI•:: PROSECUT G ATTORNF 'S SIG T May 25 , 1988 „ / „ ;; PROSECUTING A7TORNEY: �C'�'� / - NAMI•:: Daniel J. Hollihan A RESS: 350 St . Peter , Suite Assistant Ramsey County Attorney St . Paul , MN 55102 TITLk:: TELEPHONE: 2 9 8-5 2 6 5 rnRM i_� ` Court Case #: PAGE 3 of 3 From the above sworn facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I, the Issuing Officer, Itave determined that probable cause exists to support, subject to bail or conditions of release where appli- cable, Defendant(�arrest or other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defei�dant(�appearance in Court, or his deten- tion, if already in custody, pending further proceedings. The Defendant�s/a�:e thereof charged with the above- stated offense. ��� THEREFORE You, THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S, ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear on the day of , 19 at AM/PM befure the above-named court at to anstiver tlzis complaint. IF YOI/FAIL TO APPEAR irt response to this SUMMONS, a WARRANT FOR YDUR ARREST shall be issued. X EXECUTE I!'�'MINNESOTA ONL Y To tTre slteriff of tlte above-named county; or othe.r person authorized to execute this WARRANT; I hereby order, in the name of the State of Min�zesota, that the above-named Defendarat(y1�be appreliertded artd arrested with- out delay ancl brought promptly 6efore the above-named Court (if in sessio�a, and if not, before a Judge orJudicial Officer of stich Court �vithout unnecessarv delay, and in arty event not later than 36 hours afrer the arrest or as soo�z thereafter as si�ch Judge or�Iudicial Officer is availablel tc, be dealt with according to law, Since tlze above-�zamed Defe�idmit(s) is/are already ira custody; 1 hereby order; subject to bait or conditions of release, tlzat the above-�zamed Defer2daftt(s) continue to be detai�aed�erading fisrther proceedirigs. � � � � Buil: Conditioris of Release: . AMENDED This COMPLAINT.-���8, WARI�ANT> (�II&,���9�?�'��9�f�Fi' was sworn to subscribed before, and. issued by the urtdersigned authoriaed Issuing Judicial Officer this 2 5 t Klay of M aY , 19 8 8. JUDICIAL OFFICER: ���Q»��� Signature: Titic�: Sworn testitnony has been giveri before the.7udicial Officer by the follotiving witnesses: This Complaint is filed pursuant to Rule 15 . 08 � � . . � � � � - � �r ta � � � � �� �� � ��.>�` ���E ���� ..<... _ .. ,. .. ,.�.. .,� .� a.. . STATl� OF.111:V.'�ESOTA COU:'�'TY of Clerk's Si�rtature or File Stamp: RAMSEY �` State of Minnesota P[airrti.f.f, � RETZIRI�'OF SER VICE � 1 hercby Cerfifv ai�id Rettr�•n that I havc� sc�rvec! ns. a cc���� of t/tis� C0�IPLAINT - SU;II,llO.A-S, l�'.�1R- R.-�:'�'T. ORDf�R OFDE�TL-'.\�TIO.� trpc�n th�D��,/Pn- ''clant(sl l�rrc�in-�ta►ned. LOUIS JOHN LEPSCHE, Sign�rlurc� ofAutltorized Sc�j���ice ARen�: De.fc�ndurrt� h �'�`�� �A°�-� � � � . � � � � ��, , � , � � � � � � ��� M M M M M M � � M M M M M M � f-+ U � I N U M I ~ � 00 . � ! t}.{ H . �D �O �D �O �D�D � � �� � � � �� � � � � � �ri rl r-I rl r-1 e--1 " i ,�.�..� � � � « � � � � ,-.� � a ¢ . � � Y � � � �-- s ••� 'b � :r-� -� ; -. �. •� a� � �. � °o r-�i.�, r,� � *-+ U j �„*'„i �+ � � � � �vv� � W � i � .. �.' � � t/1 � '-�1 O O r-�1 � � � U I ,� t� i-7 rl W D F+ i. ; ,� � c� Qr-�� b�0�(7 C.�'� � br10 � ►-� •� � � U �d U �1-1 N N 4�1 U � � Q� W � ''�d r-1 O Q Q O r-i ' � 'p p �--� W a� c'7 �a � � �a ; .�, � �a _ ' a '� av�i � •u.� � a � � N . � ti � � a� � � . M � "� rl ��-1 '(��w�� :. � � ��''O� � O h G; � ` �y. µ. .. �r �, o w° � � � ' . . o � U O � � � � �O �O � 00 00 � 00 90 00 00 00 • . � �O , ,�,yx.,,.,. . M M r-1 ri , . � ,"'� r"� M M M M M M -- _ � c�d �`+.A n � `� D r„� ---�.p„i ' '= �:i � �' � � oMO � � ~" = - ' 'i' 4' � � ' � Q O� C1 � , � �cd , � � M M ; ' H r-1 r-1 ^ O d �O �O �O I � y..� � �-�1 �N-1 1-i �D rN„�� [� [� l� ' .� p � X '-1 i�O O N ri �-1 r--I I . � ,.. a� c/� N � . � � ,s4 � I cn +� � � '' ,� � � I .� U ,� f _, % O i.► b },1 � � " `` , �o N �� w � $v� � �� .� � � "' � Q - u a� h +' �"' . +' F� .. o � o 1 v�i; o t� f � a�i �n � � '� � � j x 4-+� � � :` �.7 � V� a � .� � � � � 0 P'� \� � tY3aCs:.i�'v,<�� ' °0 a°e•� ,�,a a a� 3� cd • �r t� cn a '' Q b Q O � V cd � O .a o�Oc� 4-r +�` o U •� � 'Li d � u .� � �i�¢ � � � r� cn � R, � c�} 'c�7 � 'v °�' "' a `� aai � � a � r., . ,a ,a � � 3� ~' '� ti ti i � N y� N ,r„� .,� � a � •o �� '� � i .-� a a o 'o , i ,�" a-- _ _ . � ►-a � � � io° ��y,0 rn � ' �r . �WO� . . . , w . . . � �"� _ ` � � �r/ �� �� §329.05 LEGISLATNE CODE ted under this section,the license inspector A1 Grocery, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 90.00 may commence revocation prceeedings im- A2 Grocery,frozen foods and/or butcher mediately pursuant to Section 310.05. (Ord. No. 17184, 11-20-84; Ord. No. 17357, § 2, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • 125.00 5-27-86) A3 Groce ry, confectionery, frozen foods and/or butcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135.00 Chapter 330. Florists A4 Grocery, "food shelf' operation, so called, where packaged food which Sec. 330.01. License required. has been donated for charitable pur- No person shall engage in the business of flo- Poses is distributed without charge rist or nursery in Saint Paul without a license.A to the recipients;provided,that the retail florist shall be defined, for the purposes of fee shall be waived if the applicant this chapter, as any person engaged in selling to registers with the city health de- the ultimate consumer cut flowers,flowering and P�ment as directed by the inspec- decorative plants, green plants and annual and tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 perennial plants for outside planting. Class B Bakery, outlet for bakery prod- (Code 1956, §§ 383.01, 383.02) ucts,butcher,caterer,confectionary store, food distributor, manufacturer, proces- Sec. 330.02. Fee. sor,wholesaler and/or warehouser . . . . 75.00 The fee required is forty-five dollars ($45.00), Class C �testaurant; food establishment, plus an additional fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for selling and servicing: each vehicle used in the operation of the business $75.00 for restaurants with 25 or fewer -�- in Saint Paul. seats and open for business fewer than � (Code 1956, § 383.03) 9 hours per day. Chapter 331. Food License* $150.00 for restaurants with 99 or fewer seats and open for business fewer than Sec. 331.01. License required;ezceptions. 14 hours per day. $250.00 for restaurants with 99 or fewer No person shall operate a food establishment as seats and open for business more than de�ned in Section 331.07 within the corporate 14 hours per day. limits of the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of dealing in or selling food for human consumption $300.00 for restaurants with 100 or more without �rst obtaining a license. This chapter seats and open for business fewer than shall not apply to Chapter 341 of this Code deal- 14 hours per day. ing with milk and milk products. $500.00 for resta�.u�ants with 100 or more (Code 1956, § 291.01(lA);Ord.No. 16938,6-29-82) seats and open for business more than 14 hours per day. Sec. 331.02. Applicable license;minimum fees. Class C restaurants shall not be charged Any person operating a food establishment within an additional fee for square footage under the City of Saint Paul must obtain a license of the Section 331.03. applicable type hereinafter provided. The licen- Class D Food establishment other than ses and annual minimum fees shall be as follows: those covered under Class A, B and C Class A Grocery: selling only foods bought pre-packaged or in original containers and sold at •Cross reference—Vending machine licenses,Ch.363. retail for consumption off the premises . 1�.�0 2056 � ...-.�, -`�`:�`��. LICENSES $331.05 r����'� .�t�: :..�-• Class E Beverage manufacturer or whole- Sec. 331.03. Additional fees. saler distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 75.00 In addition to the annual license fee as pro- Class F Ice plant (Deleted by Ord. No. vided in Section 331.02,each licensee(except Class 14061, adopted November 27, 1968) C restaurants)shall pay an annual fee determined by the area used for selling, processing, packag- Class G Itinerant food establishment . . . . 50.00 ing, serving and cold storage used in connection Class H Slaughter house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 with the business carried on at the premises as follows: � Class I Vending machine location (as pro- vided in Chapter 363) (1) Area of not more than 1,000 square feet,no Class J Vending machine operator(as pro- additional fee. vided in Chapter 363) (2) Area of more than 1,000 square feet, but Class K Food vehicle used in connection less than 2,500 square feet,the sum of$10.00. with any other class license . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 (3) Area of 2,500 square feet, but less than Class L Food establishment operated in 5,000 square feet,the sum of$30.00. any public, private or parochial school � (4) Area of 5,000 square feet, but less than including nursery school,prekindergarten 7,500 square feet,the sum of$70.00. school, elementary school, junior high school,high school,academy,college or (5) Area of more than 7,500 square feet, but university which serves meals or lunch- less than 10,000 square feet, the sum of - es, whether in connection with or in $110.00. „ �-:��" addition to the education, training or (6) Area of 10,000 square feet or more, the ``�-,.;:;';u care of persons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 sum of$200.00. r Class M Food establishment operated in (Code 1956, § 291.01(1C)) any rest home, sanitorium, hospital, boardinghouse or day care center which Sec. 331.04. Other procedures. serves meals or lunches,whether in con- Nothing in this chapter shall affect licensing nection with or in addition to the edu- procedures covered elsewhere in the Legislative . cation,training or care of persons . . . . . 1.00 Code except as specifically provided. Class N Mobile food service food estab- (Code 1956, § 291.01(D)) lishment: Includes mobile food prepara- tion vehicles and trailers,human-powered Sec. 331.05. Application,procedures,require- mobile carts for packaged food service, ments,etc. and human-powered mobile carts for mo- (a) Application. Any person desiring a food li- bile food preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 cense shall file with the inspector a written ap- � Class O Food establishment operated in plication for such a license,giving in the applica- any bed and breakfast residence, as de- tion, in addition to other required information, fined in Chapter 378,which serves meals the full name and place of residence of the appli- in connection with the provision of sleep- cant, the exact location of the building or build- ing accommodations only . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 ings, the part of the building, including the area (Code 1956, § 291.01(1B);Ord.No. 16816,8-11-81; in square feet, or any other location including Ord. No. 16839, 10-20-81; Ord. No. 16883,2-11-82; vacant lots, parking lots, open areas or the busi- Ord. No. 17018, 5-17-83; Ord. No. 17058, 10-18-83; ness premises of another, intended to be used in Ord. No. 17111, 2-23-84; Ord. No. 17397, § 1, the conduct of the business and under such li- .-:u�;�, 9-4-86) cense, the dates and times the facility will be in Note—Fees are subject to annual increase pursuant to § operation, and whether or not the applicant has e,=:�-'%�:�*�i<� 3�o.is. at any previous time been engaged in a food han- ��;: • 2057 . �331.05 LEGISLATNE CODE ''• ���" dling business within the City of Saint Paul and, (fl Posting of license. Each licensee shall keep if so, when and where. The applicant shall state his license prominently posted on the premises, in the application the nature of the business to be or if posting is impossible, available for inspec- conducted. If he proposes to operate more than tion at the location of the food establishment. one such business,he shall so state in his applica- tion and shall describe the part or portion of the (g) Refund of fee. If the application for the li- building or place wherein he proposes to conduct cense is not granted, the applicant shall be re- each of the businesses. the application shall in- funded the fees paid by him,less ten dollars($10.00) clude a written lease or rental agreement or the for processing the application. written consent of the owner of the property in- tended to be used in the conduct of the business,if (h) Expiration o f license. Each license granted the applicant is not the owner of said property. under this chapter shall expire one year from date of issuance. Said application shall be signed by the appli- cant in person and, when received by the inspec- (i) Revocation for violation Any violation of this tor, shall be placed on file by him. The name of chapter shall be grounds for revocation of license the applicant shall be registered by the inspector on the premises where the violation occurred. in a book of registration to be kept in the office of - said inspector. (j) Disorderly operation. The conduct of any food establishment in a disorderly manner or permit- (b) Determination of area The following areas ting any immoral conduct or practices therein or shall be used for the purpose of fixing the license the violation of any of the rules or regulations of fee to be paid; all areas used for selling, process- the division of public health, department of fire _ ing, packaging, serving and cold storage used in and safety services, or department of police, or connection with the business carried on at the any other city agency, shall be sufficient cause . . _ premises. for the refusal of license or the revocation of any � license already issued to the keeper or owner thereof. (c) Inspection by division of public health A copy of all food license applications shall be re- (k) Bakery and bakery outlets. Bakeries and bak- ferred to the director of the division of public ery outlets shall comply with the rules and regu- health or his authorized agent for review. After lations promulgated by the State of Minnesota the report and recommendation of the director Commissioner of Agriculture. have been received by the inspector,he may then grant or deny such application in accordance with (1) Prior inspection. Every person who applies these chapters. for or holds an A2 Grocery license under this chapter and a peddlers license under Chapter 345 (d) Single fee for manufacturer and distributor. of this Code, and intends to sell or sells any read- If the applicant is both a food manufacturer and ily perishable food or any food consisting in whole distributor and is manufacturing and distribut- or in part of fish, shellfish or shrimp or other ing the same product or products from one place edible crustacea, shall not make any sale or hold . of business,he need obtain only a manufacturing such food out for sale unless and until the direc- license for both types of business and pay one fee tor or his authorized agent has approved the source therefor. of said food and inspected the food establishment with all its equipment and found the same to be (e) Manufacturer or distributor includes wlzole- in conformity with applicable health codes and sale and retai� A duly issued license for a food regulations. Such licensee shall give the two (2) manufacturer or distributor shall authorize the days' notice before a change in the location of the licensee to conduct either a wholesale or retail food establishment. business at the same establishment and for the (Code 1956,§291.01(2-13);Ord.No. 17003,3-22-83; sale of the same product or products. Ord. No. 17097, 1-5-84) �`'' - - �-=---'� 2058 ���1 �� � � W ^ u � � � a ,aj � i � r�J._.� �. c1 � �, � � a �. v �V� N3 �-+ �' � .� � _ �W: . � � F �.�r�•�.,.' . ' Z . . . � �'` I^�,i N � � � � � y W W � V W`1"� � � � � J U � � �� �y X � �n o a, �d � � 3 � � "� �d J . �d u � l� O r - ��. 0.:�,e 'p• nC� � .�"+ �+ (� �} � � r1 � � � � � � J p op � !.>; �}..,. 1 � , j: �"• .1 J 3-t c� O � cn a cC !,-i a..� 3 N a.+ < o Z � 'd O G +� c0 � O o CO N O c�f o u r-I u ' o � 'd }-� O N • GO fn d0 P�+ � oo +� r-i � t� .� „ ; = o .�c c�i a�•� cn � G v �y N � v� � o •�.��-( d z t .W Q .4.1 �1 (� •f� Q) V }.� {"� � d'J V u 3 O Z � 0 `b � � ^� .l.J ',.� r-� �'b � � V `` •� pp � � W �--1 � � G +� N � cd O O N r--1 N � � cU •rl � Z . � Q � c� r-�I v G G � 1a � G •ri c� cC cn \1 � u o � � v� � .SG N O N W � W +� G N u� N � � w 41 GJ c� cA tn � N N .C'+ O.L" •r-I .0 Y J w r-1 �..� i-� � c6 C� .0 b !a N A N U +� N p F � Y Y 0 C) � O (� N rl � I �.� f+ F� 3 1-� 1-I � 'b � > > a •rl .�',. 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LICENSES §310.02 ?� nity services, or the off`icial charged with respon- If a license is issued, renewed or transferred be- sibility for enforcement of the zoning code. cause of the existence of an agreement as described (Code 1956, § 510.41;Ord.No.17303, §3,10-29-85; in subsection (1) above, the license may be re- Ord.No. 17569, § 1,6-7-88) � voked if the licensee defaults upon such agreement. Sec. 310.02. Application. (c) Additional information. The inspector shall prescribe the information requirec� to be submit- (a) Form. All applicants for licenses or permits ted by each applicant in his application, in addi- issued pursuant to these chapters shall make both tion to that required by specific sections in these original and renewal applications to the inspector chapters, as may be necessary to carry out and on such forms as are provided by the division. enforce any provision hereunder. He shall require Such applications shall not be received by the in every case the applicant to submit his name; inspector until completely filled out, accompanied business or�corporate name; names of partners, by all fees, insurance policies, bonds, deposits, officers,directors,shareholders or trustees involved sureties, and indemnifications or certificates re- in the business; age; address; description or blue- quired by these cHapters,together with the certi- print of the premises,if any,and the owner thereof, fication required in paragraph(b)below. and locations and addresses of other business lo- cations in Minnesota. (b) Taxes. No person shall be granted a license, � � a renewal of a license or transfer of a license (d) No reapplication within one year after de� required by the Saint Paul Legislative Code un- nial or reuocation. No person may apply for any less, prior to and in addition to any other require- license within one year of the denial or revoca- ments,rules or ordinances heretofore or hereafter tion of the same or similar license by the city ,.:':��,-.�';�. required,the Ramsey County Department of Prop- council, if such denial or revocation was based erty Taxation certifies that said applicant has solely or partially upon misconduct or unfitness � paid any and all taxes, real or personal, before of the applicant, evidence of violations of law in- said taxes become delinquent, on any property, volving licensed premises, evidence that the ap- real or personal,situated within the City of Saint plicant had been involved in the operation of a Paul and used in connection with the business nuisance, or fraud or deception in the license ap- operated under said license. plication. Denial of a license, as used in this para- graph, shall include a refusal of permission to Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the transfer a license to the applicant. A license is council, the director or the inspector may issue, "similar,"within the meaning of this paragraph, renew or transfer a license if it is found that: if the basis upon which the revocation or denial of the original license was made would have been a (1) The applicant has made an agreement sat- relevant basis on which to deny or revoke a li- isfactory to the Ramsey County attorney to cense of the type subsequently applied for. pay deIinquent taxes in periodic installments; (e) Reupplication after denial; "interest" of alr (2) The applicant has properly commenced a plicant in revoked license. An application by a proceeding to contest the amount of tax person ha��ing an interest in,or whose sharehold- due or the valuation of his property, and ers or officers have an interest in, any premises has made all partial payments required by ar enterprise whose license has been revoked or law in connection with such proceeding;or {��,�,hich a license has been denied shall be treated (3) The business property with respect to which as an application by the person whose license was taxes are delinquent is not owned by the denied or revoked. The term "interest," as used applicant, but by a lessor, and it would be in this paragraph, includes any pecuniary inter- inequitable to require the lessee to pay such est in the ownership, operation, management or taxes. profits of an establishment, but does not include: �:.- �:� '�-�'' Supp.No.4 2029 �:310.0'l LEGISLATNE CODE '?''�''�� _;i:.. bona fide loans;bona fide rental agreements;bona priate, the assistance of other city divisions or fide open accounts or other obligations held with departments in making additional investigations or without security arising out of the ordinary for the purpose of determining whether the appli- and regular course of business of selling or leas- cant is or will be in compliance with all applica- ing merchandise, fixtures or supplies to such es- ble ordinances and statutes.The approval of such tablishment; an interest in a corporation owning other divisions or departments is not required for or operating a hotel but having at least one hun- issuance of a license unless otherwise required by dred fifty (150) or more rental units holding a specific sections in these chapters. All new appli- license in conjunction therewith; or ten (10) per- cations shall be reviewed by the zoning adminis- cent or less interest in any other corporation hold- trator or his designee for compliance with all re- ing a license. � quirements of the Saint Paul Zoning Code, and no new license shall be granted without full com- (fl Prohibition on reapplication; exception. The pliance with said requirements. All new applica- prohibition on reapplication herein provided shall tions involving a premises, location, building or not apply in cases where it is otherwise expressly structure shall be referred to the director of the provided by statute or ordinance. department of fire and safety services and to the (�;) Wuiting period nfter filing of petition. Any building official for investigation and recom- petition required to be filed with the application mendation. for any license shall not be considered as offic- (Code 1956, § 510.03; Ord. No. 17361, § 1, 6-5-86) ially �led and irrevocable until seven(7)working days after a petition is received in the inspector's Sec. 310.04. Levels of approval;recommenda- office. During the seven-day waiting period, any tions. signatc�r of any petition may withdraw his name (a) Class 1 licenses. Where an application for - therefrom by written request, and such request the grant,issuance,renewal or transfer of a Class shall be appended to the subject petition and made I license meets all the requirements of law, and � �� a part thereof. After the seven-day waiting peri- there exists no ground for denial, revocation or od, signatures may not be withdrawn unless it is suspension of,or the imposition of conditions upon, shown they were obtained by fraud or duress. such license,the inspector shall grant,issue,renew Signa�ures withdrawn or obtained by fraud or or transfer said license in accordance with the duress shall not be counted in determining the sufficiency of the petition. This subdivision shall aPPlication. apply in any case where the applicant for a li- (b) Class II licenses. Where an application for cense or license transfer must present a state- the grant,issuance,renewal or transfer of a Class , ment in writing signed by a specified number or II license meets all the requirements of law, and percentage of persons that they have given their there exists no ground for denial, revocation or consent to the grant of the license or license transfer. suspension of,or the imposition of conditions upon, (Code 1956, § 510.02) such license,the director shall require the inspec- tor to grant, issue, renew or transfer said license Sec. 310.03. Investigation and review of new in accordance with the application. applications,etc. (c) Class I and Class II Zicenses, if denied by The inspector shall determine the sufficiency inspector or director. In the event the inspector, and accuracy of each new application and obtain in the case of Class I licenses, or the director, in such criminal history information as may be used the case of Class II licenses, determines that the under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 364, and is application for grant, issuance, renewal or trans- otherwise available by law. The inspector shall fer of the license does not meet all the require- make reasonable and appropriate investigation ments of law or that there exist grounds for deni- of the premises or personal property, vehicles or al,revocation,suspension or other adverse action facilities, as may be involved in or related to the against the license or the licensee, the inspector - licensed activity, and shall request, where appro- or director shall recommend denial of the applica- "_ Supp.No.4 �� 2030 � � ��- _ i ��,.� -'"��� §310.01 ,:.:;��r::_:>� LICENSES _"�:;:�' _;;`,; SUBTITLE A.IN GENERAL ��Ib�1 �atioe �e Chapter 310.Uniform License Procedures Class I Li� �ter Automobi: Sec. 310.01. Definitions. Body Sh�r 315 Animal Foods Manufacturing and For the purposes of this chapter,any chapter of Distributing 316 the Legislative Code pertaining to licenses as here- Amusement ftides 317 inafter mentioned, and subsequently enacted ordi- Mechanical Amusement Devices 318 nances establishing or relating to the requirements Bill Posters 319 for Class I, Class II and Class III licenses under Bituminous Contractors 320 authority of the City of Saint Paul, the terms Boarding and Roominghouses; defined in this section shall have the meanings Dormitories 321 ascribed to them: Bowling Alleys; Pool Halls 322 Christmas ZYee Sales 323 Adverse action means the revocation or suspen- Cigarettes 324 sion of a license, the imposition of conditions upon �� Close-Out Sales 325 a license,the denial of an application for the grant, guilding Contractors 326 issuance, renewal or transfer of a license, and Dry Cleaning and Dry Dyeing any other disciplinary or unfavorable action taken Plants;Laundries 327 with respect to a license,licensee or applicant for Electrical and Appliance Repair 328 a license. Fire Alarm—Telephone Devices; �°:;-',`=,~� Apparatus Installers 329 �`�,;��;:z'' Bond means a bond meeting the requirements ' 330 � of Section 310.07 and indemnifying the City of Florists Food License 331 Saint Paul against all claims,judgments or suits Fuel Dealers—Liquid Fuel 332 c�used by, resulting from or in connection with Fuel Dealers—Solid Fuel 333 " any licensed business, activity, premises, thing, Fumigating—Pest Control 334 facility, occurrence or otherwise under these Gasoline Filling Stations 335 chapters. Private Fuel Pumps 336 Building official means the supervisor of code Hardware Stores 337 enforcement in the department of community House Sewer Contractors 338 Ice Cream Processing and Distrib- services. 339 - uting Chapters and these chapters shall mean this Mercantile Broker 340 Uniform License Ordinance, any chapter of the Milk 341 Legislative Code pertaining to licenses as here- Oil—Bulk Storage 342 inafter mentioned, and subsequently enacted ordi- Opticians . 343 nances establishing or relating to the requirements Pawn Shops 344 for Class I, Class II and Class III licenses under Peddlers 345 authority of the City of Saint Paul. Soliciting 346 Pet Shops 347 Class I licenses means those licenses which can R,adio and Television Repairs 348 be approved and issued or denied by the inspec- Rental of Clothing 349 tor, subject to the procedures required by th�se Rental of Hospital Equipment 350 chapters. The following licenses are so classified, ftental of Kitchenware 351 and the numbers shown opposite them correspond Rental of Trailers 352 -'�T�`�� to the chapters in the Legislativ�Code pertaining Roller ftinks 353 '�•'y-�'��'.�`�" Sanita Dis osal 354 �;..;���;�� to each license: I`Y P �:::° Supp.No.4 ' 2027 $310.01 LEGISLATIVE CODE :�::•.: . Legislative Legislative Code . Code Class I Licenses Chapter Class III Licenses Chapter Secondhand Dealers 355 Auctioneers 400 Sidewalk Contractors 356 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer 401 Solid Waste 357 Bingo 402 Sign and Billboard Construction 358 Bingo Halls 403 Sound Trucks and Broadcasting Private Clubs 404 Vehicles 359 Dance Halls 405 Public Swimming Pools 360 Game Rooms 406 Tow ZYucks—Service Vehicles 361 Hotel 407 �ee�imming 362 Junk Salvage and Scrap 408 Vending Machines 363 Intoxicating Liquor 409 Veterinary Hospital 364 Nonintoxicating Liquor 410 Window Cleaning 365 Entertainment 411 Block Parties 366 Massage Parlors and Saunas 412 Tattoo Parlors 367 Conversion Parlors 413 Wrecking of Buildings 368 Masseur-Masseuse 414 Building�ades Business Licenses 369 Motion Picture Theatres 415 Building Trades Certi�cates of Motion Picture Drive-In Theatres 416 Competency 370 Parking Lots 417 Finishing Shop 371 Taxicabs 418 Tire R,ecapping Plants 372 Gambling License 419 �ansient Merchants 373 -, Director means the director of the department Class II licenses means those licenses which of finance and management services, unless oth- must be approved or denied by the director, sub- erwise defined in the specific chapter, section or ject to the procedures required by these chapters. subdivision referred to. The following licenses are so classified, and the . numbers shown opposite them correspond to the Division means the division of license and per- chapters in the Legislative Code pertaining to mit administration in the department of finance each license: and management services. Legislative Class II Licenses Code Fee means and includes both the license fee and application fee unless otherwise provided. Auctioneers—Short Term License Chapter 390 City Gambling Permit Section 402.06 License means and includes all licenses and Soliciting Funds—Tag Days Chapter 391 permits provided for or covered by these chapters. Temporary On-Sale Beer Section 410.10 Person means and includes any person, firm, Temporary Wine and Liquor Section 409.25 corporation, partnership, company, organization, Class III licenses means those licenses which agency, club or any group or association thereof. can be approved or denied only by the council, It shall also include any executor, administrator, subject to the procedures required by these chap- ��e,receiver or other representative appointed ters. The following licenses are so classified, and by law. � the numbers shown opposite them correspond to Zoning administrator means the supervisor of . the chapters in the Legislative Code pertaining to code enforcement in the department of commu- each license: � . � Supp.No.4 � • � "2028 � . , __��__�,....:__...�._,.n.:...�._..,�..,.H.�-�. ...... _._..._._.._.. . .;:.-:.:y.-L-_ ' . i9 � . �'� � .:=:��''�, LICENSES $310.05 tion and follow the procedures for notice and hear- determination that the decision was based on an ing as set forth in Section 310.05. error of law.The filing of an appeal shall not stay -- (d) Class III licenses. Upon receipt of a fully the issuance•of the license. completed application and required fees for a Class �Code 1956, § 510.04; Ord.No. 17455, § 1, 5-21-87; Ord.No. 17551, § 1,4•19-88) III license, and after the investigation required, � . . the inspector shall notify the council. A public hearing shall be held by the council's committee �c. 310.05. Hearing procedures. designated to hear license matters on the grant, (a) Adverse action; notice and hearing require- issuance or transfer of all Class III licenses. The ments. In any case where the council may or in- council's committee designated to hear license mat- tends to consider any adverse action, including ters may hold a hearing on the renewal of any the revocation or suspension of a license, the im- Class III license. In any case where the inspector position of conditions upon a license,or the denial recommends denial of the grant,issuance,renewal of an application for the grant,issuance,renewal or transfer of a Class III license, or where the or transfer of a license, the applicant or licensee council's committee designated to hear license mat- shall be given notice and an opportunity to be ters believes that evidence might be received at heazd as provided herein. The council may con- the public hearing which might result in action - sider such adverse actions when recommended by adverse to the application, the inspector or coun- the inspector, by the director, by the director of cil's committee designated to hear license mat- �y executive department established pursuant ters shall follow the procedures for notice and to Chapter 9 of the Charter, by the city attorney hearing as set forth in Section 310.05.Where the or on its own initiative. application for the grant, issuance, renewal or _ transfer of a Class III license meets all the re- (b) Notice. In each such case where adverse ac- quirements of law,and where there exists no ground tion is or will be considered by the council, the "-_ for adverse action, the council shall by resolution council shall in writing notify the applicant or direct that the inspector issue said license in ac- licensee that adverse action may be taken against cordance with law. the license or application, and that he is entitled (e) Appeal; Class I or Class II licenses. An ap- to a hearing before the council. The notice shall peal to the city council may be taken by any be served or mailed a reasonable time before the person aggrieved by the grant, issuance,renewal hearing date, and shall state the place, date and or transfer of a Class I or Class II license;provid- time of the hearing. The notice shall state the issues involved or grounds upon which the ad- ed,however,that the appeal shall have been filed verse action may be sought or based.The council with the city clerk within thirty (30) days after may request that such written notice be prepared the action by the license inspector or director. and served or mailed by the inspector or by the The only grounds for appeal shall be that there has been an error of law in the grant, issuance, city attomey. renewal or transfer of the license. The appeal (c) Hearing. Where the cause for the adverse shall.be in writing and shall set forth in particu- hearing is based upon a violation of law and there lar the alleged errors of law. The council shall is no dispute as to the facts underlying the viola- conduct a hearing on the appeal within thirty(30) tion, the hearing shall be held by the council's days of the date of filing and shall notify the committee designated to hear license matters.Oth- licensee and the appellant at least ten (10) days erwise the hearing shall be conducted before a prior to the hearing date.The procedures set forth hearing examiner appointed by the council for in Section 310.05, insofar as is practicable, shall that purpose. The applicant or the licensee shall apply to this hearing.Following the hearing,the be provided an opportunity to present evidence council may �rm or remand the matter to the and argument as well as meet adverse testimony inspector or director,or may reverse or place con- or evidence by reasonable cross�xamination and _ ditions upon the license based on the council's rebuttal evidence. The committee or hearing ex- _.✓� Supp.No.4 2031 3 310.05 LEGISLATNE CODE aminer may in its discretion permit other inter- (fl Council action; resolution to contain findings. ested persons the opportunity to present testimony Where the council takes adverse action with re- or evidence or otherwise participate in such hearing. spect to a license, licensee or applicant for a li- (c-1) Procedur�hearing examiner. The hearing cense,the resolution by which such action is taken examiner shall hear all evidence as may be pre- shall contain its findings and determination, in- sented on behalf of the city and the applicant or cluding the imposition of conditions,if any. licensee, and shall present to the council written (g) Additional procedures where required Where findings of fact and conclusions of law together the provisions of any statute or ordinance require with a recommendation for adverse action. additional notice or hearing prceedures, such pra The council shall consider the evidence contained �Sions shall be complied with and shall super- in the record,the hearing examiner's recommended �e inconsistent provisions of these chapters.This findings of fact and conclusions, and shall not shall include,without limitation by reason of this consider any factual testimony not previously sub- sPec�c reference, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter mitted to and considered by the hearing examin- 364,and Minnesota Statutes,Section 340A.415. . er. The council at a public hearing shall provide (h) Discretion t4 h,ear notwithstanding withdrawal the applicant or licensee an opportunity to present or surrender of application or license. The council oral or written arguments alleging error on the may, at its discretion, conduct a hearing regard- part of the examiner in the application of the law ing revocation or denial of a license notwithstand- or interpretation of the facts, and to present tes- ing that the applicant or licensee has attempted timony related to the recommended adverse ac- or purported to withdraw or surrender said license tion. Upon conclusion of the hearing, and after or application, if the attempted withdrawal or considering the record, the examiner's findings s�ender took place after the applicant or licen- - and recommendations together with such additional see had been notified of the hearing and potential - arguments and testimony presented at the hear- adverse action. - _ ing, the council shall determine what, if any, ad- verse action shall be taken,which action shall be (i) Continuances. Where a hearing for the pur- by resolution. The council may accept, reject or pose of considering revocation or suspension of a modify the recommendations of the hearing ex- license or other disciplinary action invoIving a aminer or committee. license has been scheduled before the council, a continuation of the hearing may be granted at (c-2) Ex parte contacts. If a license matter has the request of the licensee, license applicant, an been schedule for an adverse hearing,council mem- interested person or an attorney representing the bers shall not discuss the license matter with foregoing,only as provided herein: each other or with any of the parties or interested persons involved in the matter unless such dis- (1) Where the request is made at least twenty- cussion occurs on the public record during the four(24)hours prior to the scheduIed hear- public hearings of the matter or during the coun- � ing,the president of the council or the coun- cil's final deliberations of the matter. cil may continue the hearing upon a show- ing of good cause by the party making the (d) Licensee or applicant may be represented request. The licensee or applicant,may represent himself or choose to be represented by anather. (2) Where the request is made less than twenty- four(24)hours before,but not on the day of (e) Recorc� evidence. The council shall receive the scheduled hearing,the council may con- and keep a record of such proceedings, including tinue the hearing upon a showing of good testimony and eachibits, and shall receive and give cause by the party making the request. weight to evidence, including hearsay evidence, which possesses probative value commonly accepted (3) Where the request is made on the day said by reasonable and prudent persons in the conduct hearing is scheduled,the council may grant of their affairs. a continuance on the condition that the _ . ti��1'�:4:. � Supp.No.4 , � 2032 � � i ��`, LICENSES §310.07 .:,:: party requesting the continuance pay to (7) The activities of the licensee in the licensed the City of Saint Paul the city's actual costs activity create or have created a serious for the court reporter and witnesses who danger to the public health, safety or wel- appeared for the hearing, or one hundred fare, or the licensee performs or has per- dollars($100.00),whichever is the lesser. formed his work or activity in an unsafe (Code 1956, § 510.05; Ord. No. 17551, § 2,4-19$8; manner. Ord. No. 17559, §§ 1, 2, 5-17-88) (g) Failure to keep sidewalks or pedestrian ways reasonably free of snow and ice as required Sec. 310.06. Revocation; suspension; adverse under Chapter 114 of the Saint Paul Legis- actions. lative Code. (a) Council may take adverse action. The coun- (9) The licensee or applicant has shown by past cil is authorized to take adverse action against � misconduct, unfair acts or dealings, or by any license or permit, licensee or applicant for a the frequent abuse of alcohol or other drugs, license,as provided in and by these chapters.�Such that such licensee or applicant is not a per- ' actions shall be initiated and carried out in ac- son of the good moral character or fitness cordance with the procedures outlined in Section required to engage in a licensed activity, 310.05. � business or profession. (b) Basis for action. Such adverse action may (Code 1956, § 510.06) be based on one or more of the following reasons, �c. 310.07. Termination of licenses; surety which are in addition to any other reason specifi- bonds;insurance contracts. cally provided by law or in these chapters: � - (1) The license or permit was procured by mis- �a� Automatic termination, reinst¢tement; re- sponsibility of licensee All licenses or permits which . representation of material facts, by fraud, must,by the provisions of these chapters or other by deceit or by bad faith. ordinances or laws, be accompanied by the filing (2) The applicant or one acting in his behalf and maintenance of insurance policies, deposits, made oral or written misstatements or mis- guarantees,bonds or certifications shall automati- representations of material facts in or ac- cally terminate on cancellation or withdrawal of companying the application. said policies, deposits, bonds or certifications. No licensee may continue to operate or perform the (3) The license was issued in violation of any licensed activity after such termination. The li- of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning censee is liable and responsible for the filing and , Code. maintenance of such policies, deposits,guarantees, (4) The license or permit was issued in �iola- bonds or certifications as are required in these tion of law, without authority, or under a chapters, and shall not be entitled to assert the material mistake of fact. acts or omissions of agents, brokers, employees, attorneys or any other persons as a defense or (5) The licensee or applicant has failed to com- justification for failure to comply with such filing ply with any condition set forth in the li- and maintenance requirements. In the event the cense, or set forth in the resolution grant- licensee reinstates and files such policies, depos- ing or renewing the license. its,bonds or certifications within thirty(30)days, (6) 1'he licensee or applicant has violated any � of the provisions of these chapters, or of , any statute, ordinance or regulation rea- - sonably related to the licensed activity,re- • gardless of whether criminal charges have or have not been brought in connection - therewith. ,�:::�' Supp.No.4 . � 2032.1 � ;,� LICENSES $310.09 �; - the license is automatically reinstated on the same (d) Expiration date to be concurrent with term � terms and conditions, and for the same period as of license or permi� The expiration date of all originally issued. After thirty (30) days, the ap- such policies, bonds, guarantees or certifications plicant must reapply for a renewal of his license shall be concurrent with the expiration date of as though it were an original application. the license or permit. (Code 1956, § 510.07) (b) Bonds and insurance requirements: (1) Surety Companies: All surety bonds rur_- �c. 310.08. Terms of licenses;uniform dates. ning to the City of Saint Paul shall be writ- (a) All licenses or permits shall be valid for a ten by surety companies authorized to do period of one year from the date of issuance by business in the State of Minnesota. All in- the inspector, except as otherwise provided herein surance policies required by these chapters or in these chapters or in cases of revocation, shall be written by insurance companies suspension or termination under Section 310.06. authorized to do business in the State of (b) Licensees may continue to operate their busi- Minnesota. ness after the expiration date of their license; provided, that the licensee has filed with the in- (2) Approved as to Form: All bonds filed with spector on or before the expiration date the ap- the City of Saint Paul in connection with � propriate license application, license fees, insur- the issuance of licenses for whatever pur- ance and bonds. The inspector shall process the pose, and all policies of insurance required renewal application in the manner provided for to be�led with or by the City of Saint Paul in this Code. in connection with the issuance of licenses -. for any purpose whatsoever, shall first be �c) Whenever any licensee is the holder of the approved as to form by the city attorney. two (2)or more licenses of the City of Saint Paul - which expire on different dates, the inspector is " - (3) Uniform Endorsement: Each insurance po1- authorized, at the request of the licensee, to de- icy required to be filed pursuant to these termine a uniform date for the expiration of all or chapters shall contain the endorsement set any number of such licenses,notwithstanding the forth in Chapter 7 of the Saint Paul Legis- ��and expiration dates of such licenses as origi- lative Code. nally issued, and notwithstanding any provision as to term of license of any ordinance of the city (4) Conditions:All bonds required by these chap- heretofore or hereafter enacted. The provisions ters shall be conditioned that the licensee hereof shall govern the issuance of any new li- shall observe all ordinances and laws in cense to one already holding a license. relation to the licensed activity, business, (d) In order to conform to the foregoing provi- premises or facilities and that he shall con- sions, new licenses may be issued for a term of duct all such activities or business in con- less than one year, and the license fee therefor formity therewith. Such bonds shall also ghall be prorated for the period of issuance. indemnify the City of Saint Paul against (Code 1956, § 510.08; Ord. No. 17360, § 1,6-5-86) all claims, judgments or suits caused by, resulting from or in connection with the �c. 310.09. Fees. licensed business, premises, activity, thing, (a) Application charge: facility, occurrence or otherwise licensed under these chapters. (1) Amount: In addition to the license or per- mit fees set forth in each chapter of this (c) Termincztion of bonds and insurance required Code, each applicant shall pay, at the time by city. Termination of bonds and insurance re- of filing, a two dollar fifty cent($2.50)pro- quired to be filed with the city pursuant to these cessing charge for each and every applica- chapters shall be in accordance with the require- tion for a license or permit to be issued by � ments of Chapter 8 of the Saint Paul Legislative the inspector, director or council of the City t� `- � �`+` Code. of Saint Paul. ��_::..: ;. �:;:��;�:,;,�r • 2033 � _ ���� , �'<� 4 310.09 LEGISLATNE CODE /;�°.'.�';:.> (2) Refunds: Said two dollar fifty cent ($2.50) met when the license has lapsed by reason of processing charge shall not, under any cir- expiration. cumstances,be refunded. (Code 1956, § 510.09; Ord.No. 16884,2-11-82) (b) Fee schedule. The council may by ordinance �c. 310.10. Refunds of fees. determine and establish one fee schedule for any or all licenses and permits issued pursuant to (a) Refund where application withdrdwn or de- these chapters, and a separate fee schedule for niec�seruice charg� Unless otherwise specifically applications for such licenses and permits, which provided by the particular licensing provisions may include fees to cover costs incurred by reason involved, where an application for any license is of the late filing. Such fees, in either schedule, withdrawn or denied, the inspector shall refund shall be reasonably related to the costs of admin- to the applicant the license fee submitted less a istration incurred in connection with each such service charge to recover in part the costs incurred application, license or permit. Costs of adminis- in processing the application in the amount of tration shall mean and include,but without limi- twenty-five(25)percent of the annual license fee. tation by this specification, both direct and indi- �� Limitation on refun� other cases. In all other rect costs and expenses, such as salaries, wages, cases as provided in paragraph (c), the inspector benefits and all personnel costs including train- may�refund not to exceed one hundred dollars ing, seminars and schooling, expenses of investi- gations and inspections, handling of inquiries and «100.00) of fees received in connection with any requests for assistance, telephone and communi- license, permit or application therefor; provided, cations, stationery, postage, paper, reproduction, that he certify in writing that the amount of the office capital equipment and all office supplies. refund represents a sum over and above the rea- Such fee schedules as adopted by ordinance and sonable costs of administration incurred up to - - posted in the office of the inspector shall super- that time in connection with said license, permit -_ - -- sede inconsistent fee provisions in these chapters or application. The director may refund not to - ,_ or in other ordinances or laws. exceed two hundred fifty dollars($250.00)of such fees upon a like cert�cation by the inspector. (c) Fee for one year; may be prorated Unless The council may by resolution authorize all re- otherwise spec�cally provided,the license fee stated funds upon a like certification by the inspector. is for a period of one year. Such fee may be pro- (c) Bases for refunds. 8efunds under paragraph rated where a license is issued for a period of less (b)may be made to the licensee or his estate: than a year. (1) Where the place of business of the licensee (d) Late fee. Unless otherwise specifically pro- or his principal e�quipment is destroyed or vided by the particular licensing provisions in- so damaged by fire or any other cause that volved, an applicant for the renewal of a license the licensee ceases for the remainder of the who makes application for such renewal after the licensed period to engage in the licensed � expiration date of such license shall be charged a activity or business; late fee for each such license.The late fee shall be �2) Where the business or licensed activity ceases � in addition to any other fee or payment required, by reason of the death or illness of the and shall be ten(10)percent of the annual license licensee or the sole employee or manager; fee for such license for each thirty-day period or or portion thereof which has elapsed after the expi- ration date of such license. The late fee shall not (3) Where it has become unlawful for the li- , exceed fifty(50)percent of the annual license fee. censee to continue in the business or licensed If any provision of these chapters imposes more activity other than by revocation, suspen- stringent or additional requirements for the issu- sion,denial or any criminal activity on the , ance of an original license than would be the case part of the licensee. .,..�;,�-:,:. for mere renewal, those requirements must be (Code 1956,as amended, § 510.10) . �`�:"-=�'�::�'- ��'.-;`: �+:;::,- 2034 • , . , - --- _ _ _ _._ _ ._ . ... . �__....__.. .-- .__._-_, ,.....�._L=.,.�..,..���:,.,.d,..,.� , :�,-�..�.,,,y..:���::�.z;.�:k.�-..�..�t...,.;o LICENSES §310.11 ._,:;;.. Sec. 310.11. Transfers;general. is provided for on the part of the transferee before (a) License a privilege, not property. All licen- any transfer of license is made effective by the ses or permits issued by the City of Saint Paul action of approving the transfer. pursuant to these chapters or other ordinances or (fl Transfer; definition. "Transfer," as used in laws confer a privilege on the licensee to engage these chapters, shall include a transfer from per- in the activity or occupation so licensed, and do son to person,or from place to place,or a transfer not constitute property or property rights or cre- of stock in a corporate licensee, or of shares or ate any such rights in any licensee. No such li- interests in a partnership or other legal entity. cense or permit may be seized, levied upon, at- «�ansfer," as used in these chapters, shall not tached,executed upon,assessed or in any manner include the instance where a license is held by an taken for the purpose of satisfaction of any debt individual or partnership and the transfer is by or obligation whatever. said individual or partnership to a corporation in (b) Licenses transferable; conditions. All licen- which the majority of the stock is held by said ses issued by the City of Saint Paul shall be trans- individual or by the members of said partnership. ferable unless the specific chapter of the Saint (g) Assignment and bond to accompany appli- , Paul Legislative Code pertaining to each specific . cation. In the case of a transfer from person to license shall specifically prohibit the transfer of � person, the application for transfer shall be ac- such license. No transfer of any Class III license companied by a written assignment of all rights issued by the City of Saint Paul shall be effective of the original licensee in and to the license and until the council of the City of Saint Paul has shall be accompanied by a surety bond in amount approved the transfer following a public hearing and in form required of an original licensee. by the council's committee designated to hear li- cense matters and a resolution approving said (h) Public corporations. Notwithstanding other transfer is passed, approved and published. Both provisions of this chapter, publicly owned corpo- the transferor and transferee shall make applica- rations whose stock is traded in the open market tion for transfer of a license on such forms as may may comply with the transfer requirements per- be prescribed by the division, and in accordance taining to stock ownership and stock transfer by with Section 310.02. furnishing the inspector on request with the names (c) Transfer tax. In all cases of transfer of a and addresses of all stockholders of record upon license from a present licensee to any other per- each renewal of the license. son, there shall be a tax on said transfer in the (i) Affidavit of transferor. No license transfer amount of twenty-five (25) percent of the annual shall be effective unless the transferor submits license fee charged for said license, said tax to be an affidavit of such transferor,taken under oath, paid by the transferee. stating the following: (d) Transfer tax; deposit retained or returned (1) That in the case of Class III licenses, the Whenever an application is made for transfer of a transferor-affiant has posted notice to all license, the amount as set out in paragraph (c) employees in a conspicuous place on the , shall be degosited with said application. If the licensed premises notifying all employees transfer of license is approved,the amount depos- of the time,place and date of hearing of the ited shall be retained by the city.If the transfer is transfer of the license to be held before the � denied,the amount deposited shall be returned to Saint Paul City Council; the party depositing the same,in accordance with (2) That said notice specified in subparagraph � the requirements and conditions in Section 310.10. (1)above was posted continuously for four- (e) Transfer tax; exception. Paragraphs (c) and teen(14)days; (d)shall not apply in any case when,by the terms (3) That transferor has paid all wages due and � of these chapters, payment of the full annual li- owing the persons employed by the trans- , censee fee or a prorated yearly annual license fee feror or that an agreement has been reached : �'�:i�: Supp.No.4 • 2035 �'� /� i-�� �'�.1' _ 4 310.11 LEGISLATNE CODE :`` � _ �:_..,:;.:: -�__:.-.;:: . between transferor and all employees as to (Code 1956, § 510.11;Ord.No. 16822,9-3-81;Ord. the payment of wages due and owing; No. 17551, § 3,4-19-88) (4) That transferor has made payment to all employees in lieu of vacation time earned Sec. 310.12. Inspection of premises. by said employees or in lieu thereof an The premises, facilities, place, device or any- agreement has been reached between trans- thing named in any license issued pursuant to feror and all employees as to payment in any provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code lieu of vacation time earned; or other law shall at all times while open to the (5) That transferor has satisfactorily and com- public or while being used or occupied for any • pletely complied with his contractual obli- purpose be open also to inspection and examina- gations pertaining to employer contributions tion by any police, fire, or health officer or any to employee benefit programs which include, building inspect�or of the city,as well as the inspector. but are not limited to, pension programs, (Code 1956, � 510.12) hospital,medical and life insurance programs, profit-sharing programs and holiday pay Sec. 310.13. Renewal. benefits. Every license renewal under these chapters may (j) Deceased licensee. Notwithstanding any other be denied for any licensee who is delinquent in provision of these chapters, in any case where a any payment or contribution to a health and wel- liquor license is held by a person not incorporated fare trust or pension trust, or similar program, and where the license would, by reasbn of the established for the benefit of his employees. death of said licensee, lapse to the city in the (Code 1956, § 510.13) absence of this paragraph, the authorized repre- _ sentative of the estate of the deceased licensee �c. 310.14. Savings clause. - may consent to and seek to transfer said license �a) If any provision in�these chapters is held to the surviving spouse of the licensee.The trans- unconstitutional or invalid by a court of compe- fer shall be subject to all applicable requirements tent jurisdiction, the invalidity shall extend only of these chapters and existing law. to the provision involved and the remainder of (k) No approval under certain conditions. The these chapters shall remain in force and effect to council shall not approve any transfer where ei- be construed as a whole. ther party has not complied with the terms of any �� �e repeal of any ordinance by ihis ordi- contract or agreement regarding employee bene- nance (which enacts the Uniform License Ordi- fit or fringe benefit programs; including, but not nance) shall not affect or impair any act done, limited to, pension, hospitalization, medical and any rights vested or accrued,or any suit,proceed- life insurance, profit-sharing or holiday pay pro- ing or prosecution had or commenced in any mat- grams; provided, that any person or organization ter,prior to the date this ordinance became effec- objecting to a transfer because of failure to pay tive.Every such act done or right vested or accrued employee benefit or fringe benefit programs shall shall remain in full force and effect to all intents file a written notice of objection with the license and purposes as if the repealed ordinances had inspector seven (7) days prior to the scheduled themselves remained in force and effect. Every public hearing on the transfer, and said notice such suit, proceeding or prosecution may be con- shall contain a complete itemization of the objec- tinued after repeal as though the repealed ordi- tor's claim. nances were fully in effect. A suit, prceeeding or (1) Transfer of more than one license if one is prosecution which is based upon an act done, a Class III. If an application is made to transfer right vested or accrued, or a violation committed more than one license at the same time, the in- prior to repeal of the repealed ordinances, but spector may, if one of the licenses is a Class III which is commenced or instituted subsequent to license,handle all said licenses as Class III licenses. repeal of the repealed ordinances,shall be brought `'`:::;_;:,:;:,_ .�.,;; Supp.No.4 2036 ;.:r;;�;_,: LICENSES �310.15 ;•Y��?.:::�:.: �.�;: :< pursuant to and under the provisions of such re- pealed ordinances as though they continued to be in full force and effect. (Code 1956, § 510.14) � Sec. 310.15. Penalty. Any person who violates any provision of these chapters, or other ordinances or laws relating to licensing, or who aids, advises, hires, counsels or _Y4. . ��YJ:F'�� .`.� �:�::.:i•'.�i/ �'��=✓ Supp.No.4 ' 2036.1 ; i i �;-�. LICENSES �318.01 conspires with or otherwise procures another to Sec. 316.02. Fee. violate any provision of these chapters or other ordinances or laws relating to licensing is guilty The fee required is forty-five dollars($45.00). of a misdemeanor and may be sentenced in ac- (Code 1956, § 384.02) cordance with Section 1.05 of the Saint Paul Leg- islative Code. The term "person," in addition to Chapter 317.Amusement Rides the definition in Section 310.01, shall for the pur- pose of this section include the individual part- �c. 317.01. License required. ners or members of any partnership or corpora- tion,and as to corporations,the officers,agents or No person shall engage in the business of pro- members thereof,who shall be responsible for the viding amusement rides,for charge,to the public violation. in Saint Paul without a license. (Code 1956, § 510.15) (Code 1956, § 411.01) Sec. 310.16. License fees,annual increases. $ec. 317.02. Fee. Effective on January 1 of each calendar year, The fee required is one hundred dollars($100.00) all license fees, except building trades business - for each lceation at which such person will oper- license fees and fees for building trades certifi- ate and maintain the business of providing such cates of competency, shall increase by the per- rides. centage increase in the budget for the division of (Code 1956, § 411.02) license and permit administration of the depart- ment of finance and management services. Prior �ap�r 318.Mechanical Amusement Devices to November 1 of each year, the director of fi- - ; nance and management services shall �le with �c. 318.01. License required;definitions. the city clerk a notice of the percentage increase, if any, in license fees. No person shall own and allow to be operated (Ord.No. 16885,2-11-82; Ord. No. 17059, 10-20-83; for business purposes any coin-operated mechani- Ord. No. 17303, § 4, 10-29-85) cal amusement device without a license. A coin- operated mechanical amusement device is hereby Chapters 311-314. Reserved defined as any machine which,upon the insertion of a coin, token or slug, operates or may be oper- SUBTITLE B. CLASS I LICENSES ated by the public for use as a game, entertain- ment or amusement, which amusement device Chapter 315.Reserved* contains no automatic payoff device for the re- turn of money, coins, checks, tokens or merchan- dise, or which provides no such pay-off by any Chapter 316.Animal Foods other means or manner. The term"coin-operated Manufacturing and Distributing mechanical amusement device" shall include so- called pinball machines; music machines; coin- Sec. 316.01. License required. operated television units;motion picture machines; amusement rides, excepting those provided for No person shall engage in the business of the �der Chapter 317,pertaining to amusement rides manufacture or distribution of animal foods in of the type used at carnivals; table shuffleboard Saint Paul without a license. games or similar games of amusement for which (Code 1956, § 384.01) a fee is charged to players for the playing thereof; and all other machines which,by the insertion of 'Editor's note—The licenses under this chapter, derived from§§ 345.01-345.03 of the city's 1956 Code,were redesig• a coin or token, operate for the entertainment or nated as Class III licenses by Ord.No.17207,adopted Jan.31, ��ment of the player,except weighing machines. 1985,and recodified as Ch.423. (COde 1956, §§ 412.01,412.02) 2037 WMITE - CITV CLERK . � PINK - FINANCE �� ' � COt1IICII . 9lUERV-MAVORTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� ���'�'�-� City' Att?ZV/P�ti • � r• �{ Ord�nance Ordinance N�. � �-f � " Present�ed By ' � . . a ! . : r `. ,. �;� Referred To � .T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ar. ordirance �o a�e�nd section 31c�.�5 � of the Saint Paul Legisla�ive Code by `" addin� c�arifpin,; lan�ua�;e conc�rnin; the im�osi�io:� o� conditions. 3�_E COTT`3CIL t3^ .�'Hy CI'I'Y dt� SEIIi�T �'AUL 'JOES CtRJAIi�I: _:i;�; '{ .''tG,�c . � ..,��. S�ctiou 1 . _ Section 3IO.Ob of tne Saint �aul Legi.siative Co�e is her�bp a�c:ended b�� adciir_g the fol.lawa..ng r.ew subseetion. (c) : "(c) T�r:�n a reasonable �as�s is zoun.d to i�r�o�e reasona'�:.p condit?ons an.dlor restYictions �or s �icense i��ued or lield u�der these ci?ar��ers, a:s� vne or mo�e sucli reasona�ale corditions and/vr rAstrictions �ra� b� i�osed �*�on such licen:,e for the �ur*�ose of aro��oti�g r�uh?ic h�alt'r�, sa�etv and %relrare, oft advaZC�ng t�� �u'ulic peace and the eli�aination of co��iiti�ns or �ctions i�xh3.ci� constitu�e a �uis�-�ce or a �etrirner.t to the neaceful enjo�ri.ent af urba� life, or proiuQting securit� and safety zr. nearby nei�l�borhoods. �uc�� r�asonable condi�ions and/or restrictia�s �.a� include or per�aia to, but are not 1i�itec� to. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t By Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . _ . : • . , � ���,� _ . . � � � ,, ��� �i ��. ..�r � ;� . . . -2_ . : (1) a limitation on the hours of. operation of the licensed business or establishment, or on particular types of activities con� ducted in or on said business or establish- ment; . _ . (2) a limitation or restriction as to the location within the licerised business or establishment ��hose particular type of . activities may be conducted; . (3) a limitation as to the means of ingress or egress from the l�icensed �-�- - -�-- - - � �- establishment or its parking lot or - immediately adjacent area; (4) a requirement to provide off-street parking in excess of other requirements of lat�; (5) a limitation on the manner and means of advertising the operation or merchan- . dise of the licensed establishmerit; (6) any other reasonable �condition or restriction. limiting the operation of - ----��- ----=the licensed business or establishinent - to insure that the said business or establishment- will �harmonize �with the � � -- - - - -- - -�--� -- ====eharacter of the area_ in which it is � - _ ---�.-.-- � located, or to prevent_ the. deve�lopment .: _- ...:_ . - - -- _ _ _ _ __ . ._. ._ _ _. ._ __ ._. _�or continuation of a iiuisance.� The inspector may .impose such �conditions on Class I licenses with the consent of the licenseholder, or may. reco�end the imposition of such conditions as an adverse action against the �license �or licenses ; the �director has the same power with respect to Class II licenses . The council may impose such - � - - -conditions on C1assIIl licenses with the consent of the licenseholder, or upon any class of license as an adverse action against the license or licenses �2 il�.�c% WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 ' /X I,/� .l � BI.UEa4 - titAVOqTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. X .i � • ^ �r �indnce Ordinance N 0. �T�y=`� � �%T-- ; .�' � ` . , r �� , , � �r' � _ ,��,�,.�'`�' Presented By ;' _ .._ :�._i ,' � . ..4. -�-• • - • �`y — Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- =o11cJw-�ag notice and Y�earing a3 �nay be required. Such co:�di�iores *?�3y �@ i�,vo�ed on a license or licer.ses upon issu�.nce, renewal or transfer t�ereof, or unon and as �a�t of anT� advzrse a�tion a�ai�st a license er Iicenses, includir.g suspensio:z. Section 2 �Ieith�r t;�is or�inance �ar anp e�ist3..�g or iuture ar�.in�ce ��onted bv the Cit� of Saint �auZ to re.gulate a.nd/or license any occupations , busine3ses or activitie� shaEl be construed to Ii�3.t or Yestrict its ;nherer;t �olice gower to re�ulate and Iicense, �or to �.�.mit or re��rict an� po�aer conferred on it by the LTnite� Stat�s or '��'zmesota� Constitutioas or 3t3t11t�8 (or re�ulations �ro��sl3at�d tt�.ereunder) �o so re;ulate and/or l;c�nse. Section 3 Thi� ordina�c� shail ta?{� �ffect �and be in fQrce thirt� (3Q) �?ays ��ollcrwin� its �assage, a;�urora3 a�d �•.�blication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays .�-f� Dimond �ng � In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t y Sonnen Wilson QU�'j ` � '�9�8 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By _ _ .. . .: . ...-,,;;-r. in;��-� Approved by Mayor. Date ��,��•' ' S ��1"`� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY .-'�= _ � ,�E�, ,�,.. .�� ..., " � ARNO PEREL �� Licensed Public Accountant 790 SO. CLEVELAND AVE., SUITE 219 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 Telephone: (612) 690-5478 RECEIVED October 13, 1988 N OV 151988 CITY CLERK TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I have known Louis Lepsche for over twenty-five years as his friend and accountant. I have found Louis to be an honest, upstanding citizen, who is very generous when it comes to charities and is well liked by the people in his neighborhood. He is a very caring person who had a printed message on his business envelopes and a picture of a child on a bike: watch out for my little customers. That picture was also painted on the side of his building. Louis has been struggling ,in his business for the last few years because the brcidge on White Bear Avenue was closed for a long time and both streets, Maryland Avenue and White Bear Avenue, were closed for street repairs. These two events caused great harm to his busi- ness. He has never regained the level of business he enjoyed in previous years. , L ` LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AP:km �'�'-�9��' ARNO PEREL Licensed Public Accountant 7'90 SO. CLEVELAND AVE., SUITE 219 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55116 Telephone: (612) 690-5478 October 13, 1988 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The enclosed grafts for Lou's Food Market, St. Paul , Minnesota were prepared by me. 1 . GROSS SALES: This gra'� reflects the following sales: 1987 - $ 671 ,064. 1986 - $ 671 ,725. 1985 - $ 759,150. 1984 - $ 873,551 . 1983 - $ 899,022. 1982 - $ 862,305. 1981 - $ 905,912. 1980 - $ 917,974. 1979 - $ 814,598. 1978 - $ 666,392. 2. GROSS PROFIT: This gra�{� reflects the follo�ing gross profits: 1987 - $ 119,245. 1986 - $ 117,779. 1985 - $ 130,167. 1984 - $ 163,584. 1983 - $ 154,739. 1982 - $ 142,929. 1981 - $ 157,892. 1980 - $ 145,303. 1979 - $ 128,163. 1978 - $ 117,770. LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTA�VT STATE OF MINNESOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged ) ss. before me on this �3°t'�•_, day of RAMSEY COUNTY ) (Q�,�-o�� , 19 y n�'� KATHLEE(�d D. Mf.i HES ��,����.�,�° �NOTARY PUE3LIGPdINNESOTA + • 4" ' �� RAh.tScl' COUNTY O l.aY� �C MY COMMI6SION CXPIR[G.I U N. ZS� 1991 � - c��/ 9�f' : i _ o t , _ . � s ,G�bl � . � n . � s w , � �6� p � ` r�n � } n V1 tr .,� .� �'$a/ � �; � .� hsSl � . . o � . � a F�/ � • � � � n � . ��/�/ , � . � . �; 0 �- � 1��� � � � ? � r � � N tA �. � � 0�5/ °` � : � h . T Q dp � �+ ���� � � n � � � M � � . � ' � � �b� '' • ° � � o � o g � _ ° � - o a o 0 0, � o 0 0 0' o (? a �- Q. �. r° "� � �' o � �" � � �. °g y � y4 � � � , _._,..... ._..,.r.�_.�w.._.ar.�,---•---l--�`--Y._.,..._�t,_.�._.�._.�.�.�,_ �- • p- �.-a-v._..�__..k� . , _.. ,......_ .... . ._ . _ ._ ...._ ... . - • • _ .. • . �_. ___v�... �_. , , • � K o,� � � Ldl� � � � �sl/ �`. , � � � � � . � �' ,,,sd 6I �- � � M . 9 . � I�N6✓ � � � w £16/ � • � � . 1 t°�I �t �' . � ' � � . _ , /�6/ � � ti' I� � �' � � � n./�I . . � � , � . � — ' q o0 � � ~K . �Lbl �1� � R _ � � , ,� . ^ ��6� � _ _ . _ , o . . . 8 � � � 9 � � o � � o � � o �� o � 0 9 � � �` ��'� 0� M� ��y' � � ° �� ` ` � � � � � � , � � ' �, ��'- / �I.��' E O�pfrbeae�t ot tM Tnasury—InNmel Rwenw S�rvic� ���� I . � 1040 o.s. i.���i i� T� R�. fM Ad fN 3 0�(II3�YC�ORi Fa tM year Janwry 1-0�umb�r 31, 1978, a otha��u betinni� , 1976,sndin` 19 Vy� Yau Nrst n�uN�sd initial if joint return,�I�s eiw�poup's nam�and mitial) Last nam� Your social security number � LG�ii.l' T. �',T.e,� � C��Z�e� ��.rcHC� �+-�0 9�"i7 ��, P�nnt Aan��ddr (Numbw and sUaet,includinQ ap� nt number,a runl route) � SpOUS!'3 fOtiil Setu�ity f10. � /�/� � �,e,�,/6f �iFNv'E �7.Z;�.z�z �S6� � Ciqr,Eo�m or t oRu,Shts an ZIP cod� �� Your occupation • �hm�. LST, L �/ ��/ E�C�,9•✓r- . , Do you want=1 to Qo to the Presiden�ial Election Gmpaign fund? Yes j No N�e� Checking Yes will Spouse's xcupation —)j — not increass your tax If joiM retum,does your spouse want=1 to go to this fund?. . Yes No or reduce your refund. I �nEm.�� Fili11� StBtlli 1 sing�e 2 arried filing joint retum(even if only one had income) Check ony Married filing separate retum.If spouse is alw filing,give spouse's social security number one box. g in the space above and enter fuil name here ►.------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Unmarried head of household. Enter qualifying name�________________________________ See page 6 of Instructions. 5 uali in widow(er with dependent child ear s ouse died ► 19 ). See page 6 af Instructions. Ell8�pt16q W Yourself 65 or over � Blind Errter number of Always check boxes checked a the box labeled � � ❑ on 6a and b � Yourself. b Spouse 65 or over Biind Check othe� Enter number c First names of your dependent children who lived with you� ---------------------------------- boxes if they � of children app�Y• ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� listed � d Other dependents: t3>Numn.r or (4)Did dep�nd• (5) Did you provida (1)Name (2) Relationahip monMs livsd ant have irrcom� morc than on�-half of Enter numbe� � in your home of 5750 or�re? d�pmdanYs auppoR? of Othe� dependents � r Add numbers � entered in 7 Total number of exemptions claimed . boxes above � �IIC01�8 8 Wages, salaries, tips. and other employee compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Interest income (It over a400,attach Schedule 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 �� i Please attach l0a Dividends(If over;400,attach Schedule B)............. ° .._..., lOb Exc�usion......_._;...___ �� ��������� �� Copy B of your ••- Forms W-2 hero. l0e Subtract line lOb from line l0a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1� If you do not have 11 State and local income tax refunds(does not apply a W-2,see unless refund is tor year you itemized deductions). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 page 5 of 12 Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Instructions. 13 Business income or (loss) (attach Schedule C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 14 Capital gain or(loss) (attach Schedule D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 15 Taxable part of capital gain distributions not reported on Schedule D(see page 9 of Instructions). 15 16 Net gain or(loss)from Supplemental Schedule of Gai�s and Losses (attach Form 4797) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 f Please 17 Fully taxatrle pensions and annuities not reported on Schedule E. . . . . . . . , 17 �—V__ attach chetk 13 Pensions,annuities, rents, royalties,partnerships, o�money estates or trusts, etc. (attach Schedule E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 order here. • 19 Farm income or(loss)(attach Schedule F). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ZO Other income (state naturo and source—see page 10 of Instructions) �_________________________ 20 21 Total lneoms.Add lines 8.9,and lOc through 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .► 21 .S O O '� 22 Moving expense(attach form 3903) . . . . . . . . . � � �� %� �%��'� �� Adjust�eat� —� ��'% � to Inco� � Employee business expenses (attach Form 2106) . . b _ � ��%' / —� ��i�/,! ' � 24 Payments to an IRA(see page 10 of Instructions). . . . . 24 Q�� �//;% / 25 Payments to a Keogh (H.R. 10) retirement plan . . . � �iy �� ������ � Z6 Interest penalty due to �ry withdrawal of savings � _�'� �/� �i , jj/, j 27 Alimony paid (see page 10 01 Instructions) . . . . . . . . n i:� �/���/��,% 2i Total adjustmertb.Add Nnes 22 th h 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 2s �j�� 29 Subtract line 28 from line 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ���0 Q s� ��� 30 Disability income exclusion (attach Fo�m 2440j . . . . . . . . . . . . . � _ __ 31 Adjustad gross income. Subtract line 30 trom line 29. It this line is�less than s8,000, see page 2 ot lnstructions. If you want IRS to figure your tax, see page 4 of Instrudions ► 31 �-� 4 it Ys.covmNnon mprtuw ors�:t�g-283-304 . � �E_x,:,,�� Form 1040 (1978) . . . . � . � , � Fo.�,+ iao ci9�e� ' asQ. 2 TaX 32 Amourrt from line 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 a�o���� C0�0- � �f you do not itemiza dedudions, errter zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ��0� If you itemae,compiate Schedule A(Fomt 1040)and eMer tha amourn from Schedule A.line 41. . . . � 33 � �� Caution: If you have unearned income and can be claimed as a dependent on your j parenYs retum, check here► �and see page 11 of the instructions.Also see page I1 of the Instructions if: • You are married filing a separste►eturn and your spouse iiemizes deductions, OR � • You file Form 4563, OR • You are a duat-status alien. 34 Subtract line 33 from line 32. Use the amount on line 34 to find your tax from the Tax � �f��jJ �3 � Tables, or to figure your tax on Schedute TC, Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o /�-/ Use Schedule TC, Part I,and the Tax Rate Schedules ONLY if: � j • The amount on line 34 is more than s20,000($40,000 if you checked Filing Status Box 2 or 5),OR • You have morc exemptions than those covered in the Tax Table tor your filing status, OR • You use any of these forms to figure your tax: Schedule D, Schedule G, or Form � 4726. Otherwise,you MUST use the Tax Tabies to find your tax. 35 Tax. Enter tax here and check if from�Tax Tables or�Schedute TC . . . . . . . . 35 �� 02, 36 Additional taxes.(See page 11 ot Instructbns.)Enter total and check if from�Form 4970,.� � Form 4972, � Form 5544,� Form 5405,or�Section 72(m)(5) penatty tax . � 37 Total. Add lines 35 and 36 � 37 � Credits � Credit for contributions to candidates for public office . . � 39 Credit for the elderly (attach Schedules R&RP) . . . . . . 39 40 Credit for child and dependent care expenses�Form 2441� . � 41 Investment credit (attach Form 3468) . . . . . . . . . . . 41 _/ 42 Foreign tax credit (attach Form 1116) . . . . . . . . . . . u 43 Work Incentive(WIN)Credit(attach Form 4874). . . . . . 43 44 New jobs credit (attach Form 5884) . . . � 45 Residential energy credits�see attsch Form 5695t1ons,�,� . � � j 46 Total credits. Add Jines 38 through 45 46 �p S 47 Balance.Subtract line 46 from line 37 and enter difference(but not less than zero) . ► 47 / a / Q�r 48 Self-empfoyment tax (attach Schedule S� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ��.3.3' _Q_, T�� 49 Minimum tax. Check here► � a�d attach Form 4625 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 _ 50 Tax from recomputing prior•year investment credit(attach Form 4255). . . . . . . . . 50 51 Social security(FICA)tax on tip income not reported to employer(attach Form 4137). . 51 52 Uncollected employee FICA and RRTA tax on tips(from Form W-2) . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 Tax on an IRA(attach Form 5329) . 53 54 Total tax. Add lines 47 through 53 � y� �� pay�eQts 55 Total Federal income tax withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 _ j j 56 1978 estimated tax payments and credit from 1977 return. � _ / Attach 57 Earned income credit. If line 31 is under a8.000,see page 2 Forms W-2, s� � W-2G,and of Instructions. If eligibk,enter chiW's name►........................... W-2P 58 Amount paid with Form 4868. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � o�ODD to fro� 59 59 Excess FICA and RRTA tax withheld(two or more employers) _ 60 Credit fo�Federal tax on special fuels and oils�Form 4136� . � _ 61 Regulated Investment Company credit(attach Form 2439) 61 / 62 Total. Add tines 55 through 61 . ► 62 �ODC� Refund � �f line 62 is larger than line 54, enter amount OVERPAIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► � _ or Due � Amount of line 63 to be REFUNDED TO YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► � 65 Amount of line 63 to be credited on 1979 estimated tax. ► ( � � � �� ��������� �� '� 66 If line 54 is larger than line 62,enter BAL.ANCE DUE Attach chnck or money order for full amouM r/ � payable to"Internal Revenue Senice."Write pour social security number on check or money ordet. . � � /S (Check► � if Fortn 2210(2210�is attached.See page 14 of instructions.) ►$ � Under penakies of perjury, 1 d�el�re that I haw �xamin�d thls ratum, including accompanyinQ schedules and statemenb, snd to th� bes! of my m knowledge and belief, it is tru0. wmct, a� complat�. D�elaration of propanr(other than taxpayery is based on al�information of which prepsror � has any lcnowled�a � , I, p Your siQnaturs � Spaw's siQnatun (if NIf�joiMy, BOTN must siQn w�p if oey on�had ineom�) � Preparer's Preparers social secu�ity no. check ff self- � �� signaturo ' employed � � Plepsfll''! ' s InfomlatlOrl �rm's name(w yours, E.1. No. � if self-employed), address and ZIP tode Dats � `'� . , , , ;� � sc�uu� c� Proflt o� tl.oss� From Business or Professlon . i �� �°�, `�" � ' 9978 : i o...�o.�..c.e�.T�.«.�, _ �..�o�e v.atares.etc.. Mad�e Fo�m �osa. <� i.� �...w.t«.w. ► � fs l�nw IWOw ►.SN Instruetlons tor SeMduN C (Fam 1040). � ;; ��� ,.�' �- T� .C,Ei°sctf �G��D� 9 �' A Main businas sctivity(see Inst►uctions) ►------------ - -� -----(_�----------.� Produd ►---- -.�4 _O__r_�.__i4?1___�._—�_------------- � � B Business name ►.----------�.�ld--�------1C-Q_p12--•-----/_!_�� _ _/_'��.T------------•-----------•------------------------------------ - C Employer identification number ►-------------�-��- - --$-Q�Q�-�----- ------ -------° -------------------------------------- � D Business.addr�ess(number and�reet) ►..------���------�.[�.�rI�----�/_Q__ ��/_�!���---------------------� . City. State and ZIP code ►.--------•----'��,1"'r--•-�r7__��.,�---/YI_/V____,�S/D10------------------ ---------------------------------- E Accounting method: (1) � Cash (� � Accrual (3) � Other (sPecifY) ►--------------------------------------------------------• F Method(s) used to value closinQ imrantwy: _ (1) � Cost (2j � Lower of cost or market (3) � Other (if other, attach explanation) y� � G Was thero any major change in determining quantities,costs,or valuations between opening and closing inventory?. . � If "Yes," attach explanation. ��/��� H Does this business activity invotve oil or gas, movies or video tapes, or leasing personal (section 1245) property to �/ othersi (See page 25 of the Instructions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /� t Did you deduct expenses for an office in your home? . X � Income 1 a Gross receipts or sales. . . . . . . . . . . . la -----r�lr� �Z� �� j / / -- -�- - ----I------• j b Retums and allowances . . . . . . . . . . ., lb / // c Baiance(subtract line lb from line la). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le (Q (��� ��� l� . 2 Cost of goods sold and/or operations (Schedule Crl. line 8) . . . . . . . . . . . Z � 3 Gross profit(subtract line 2 from line lc). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 _____.�_b__f�f1�;{ (p 4 Other income (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Total income (add lines 3 a�d 4) . . ►' 5 ��J�i��� a (� Deductions 6 Advertising . . . . . . . . 1�_Q�0 �_9 28 Tele hone n . . . . . . . .��� �l_ ------------- -- - p --------------�- ----- - 7 Amortization . . . . . . . 29 Travel and entertainment. . . •-------------------------- ------• 8 Bad debts from saies or services- --------------------------• ------• 30 Utilities . . . . . . . . ----------- ✓�' -------------------------- ------ , _ _.J��_ ;-�-. 9 Bank charges . . . . . . . 70� �__ 31 a Wages . . . _ �J �.----.�/� !�' ------------------- - -- __ ,5�_ �///////,. / 10 Car and truck expenses . . . . �}��� _2__ b New Jobs Credit. -------------- il Commissions . . . . . . . _____ c Subtract line 31b from 31a . _________`�._�_�i_�_�! _. � _ --------------- ----------- - - 12 Depietion . . . . . . . . ______ 32 Other expenses(specify): •------------------•------- - 13 Depreciation (explain in schedu�e a .__�L[�Cl_N_G_---- _F_ ��------ ------------��.-STD_ .DL?_ ---- n �7 C�2� - - - - - - - - - - -------------�-g�_o_�_�_ -�.5_ b ---�!�r_yT�,sl.rtl�l�------- ------------!�-�..�!. _.[_ 14 Dues and publications - - - - ---------------------�zJ��Q-. � ---�.���'�L��(f.�-------------------7Q_���- 15 Employee benefit programs. . . ------ d ---'------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------- --------------------------• - 16 Freight (not i�cluded on Scheduls e -----------------------------------------• - ------------------------- ------- C-1) . . . . . . . . .. . �-------------------------- ------- f -----------------------------------------� --------------------------- ------- 17 Insurance . . . . . . . . •-------------.�i�_Q� .�.�_ � ------------------------------------------•-------------------------- ------- 18 Interest on business indebtedness --------------!��_��'-� �-J--- h ----------------... --------------------------------------------------------- 19 Laundryand cleaning- - - - - ------------------3_�'r._��9_. i ----------------------------------------...-------------------------- ------- 20 Legal and professionai services . --------------�11/�� �� 1 -----------------------�----------------- ------------------------- ----• 21 Office supplies- - - - - - - ------------------f��•=3� k •----------------------------------------- - - -- .__ --------------------------�•-- 22 Pension and profit-sharing plans . �-------------------------�------ � -----------------------------------------••-------------------------- ------- �, 23 Postage . . . . . . . . . ---------------- m•---------------------------------------- ------------------------ - - ----- -- ---•-- -•------ 24 ReM on business property . . . --------------------7--��Q- " --------------------------- �- - - ?3 Repairs . . . . . . . . . ___-------.�i.��,�i .2__ o --------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- -- -- -- ---- 26 Supplies (not included on Sched• �� � p .---------- uleC-1) . . . . . . . • -----•--... - -- 4 --------•------------------------------- ---------------------- - ---� - -- -- ------- --- - - -- - - 27 Taxes D D r 33 Total d�duetbns (add amouMs in columns for Iines 6 throuah 32r) . . . ► 33 � � 34 N�t proAt or(lo�)(w6rthd tin�33 tio�lin��.EnM►hero and on Form 1040,lin�13.I1L80 enter , on Schcdule SE Fortn 1040 line 5a. For"�t risk" �t �25 M Instructions.). , 3� I� � _ . � � � � . . .: .r:�..W:•. � . .: . , , � ad�.a�r. c c�, ip�o� i�s r,�e.Z SCHEDULE �it-Cost of Goods Soid and/or Operstiot�s (See Schedule C instructions f� Part I� Une 2) � ,� 1 Imtinbory at b�innir�ot year(H diffinrK irom last y�r's closi imr�ntory.atmch explanation).� i ....��.�QQ ; 2 a P� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � _ ,�fa.� Q g�l�,�. j � ----- �----- - • - `: b Cost d fEfms v�ithdrawn for personat us� . . . . . , ,� . e Balancs(wbtrsct lin�2b trom lins 2a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ._..,��/_�_��9 Qa.d 3 Cost of tabor (do not fncfude salary paid to yoursel� . . . . . . . 3 4 Materisls and wpptt�s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 _------------____.._ 'S Other cosls (attach schadule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �r r . � 6 Add lirbs 1,2c,snd 3 through !!. . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . ._______�_7__,?�.�.�_.�' 6 7 ImroMory at end ot year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 3a�. D 8 Cost at sold and/or o (m6ttid liae 7 from lirro 6).Enter here anG on Part 1,line 2. ► 8 SOHEDULE Cr2.—De.p�eciation (See Schedule C Instructions for li�e 13) If you need maro sPace. Please use Form 4562. DeDneiatbn M�thod of p�pnelation to► ���a�°�� aequimrad ptlnr asi� allow�d or albwabl� eomputin� or r�at� thb y�ar in prior yqrs d�preeiation w cs� c� t�u w m � 1 Total additional first-yeac depreciatlon (do not include in items below ............._._..._ 2 Other depreciation: Bnildin�s - - - - - - - ---------------- --------------------- ----------------------- ------...-------- ...-- --------------- -- Fumitun and flxtures- - - - -------------•- ------------•-------- ---------------------- ----------._---- ---- ---------------- ----- Transportatfon equipment . . --------------- --------------------- --------------------- ------------------ ----- ---------------- ---- _..____ - -- --.-- Machineryand othe�equipmeM- ------------------- ------------------------• ____-----_--------------• ._------------------ --------�-------------------•------- Other(Speci(�►) ._.._.._.....-•-•-- ----------------- ---------------- --------------------- ----------------. .� ._._.---------- ---- --------------___.__._�--°---------- ------------- �C C------� __�}__�%`1_�E�----- ��:Q� ---- _°------�- N� 8 Totats . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Depreciation claimed in Schedule �1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 S Balanee(wbtract line 4 from lina 3). Enter here and on Part II, line 13. . . � S SCHEDULE C--3.—Expense Account information (See Schedule C instructions for Schedule C-3) Er�ter informaUon for yourseM and your five highest psid employees, In datermiMng ths fiw h1�f�est f av�s �p� tl�i�rrr�atlon�tor a�ma lo�jree� �rhan thee�nbirbd am�is I��n i�.000.or tor yourseN ii�►our expsnse aocourK apawance plus Ifna 34.Pa�e 1.is less than�5�000. Nsm� E�fsns�xcount Salari�s�nd W�es W (b) (ea owner C� � ,//% , /' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -------- ----- ----------------- �� 1 --------- --------__----- _---___-- _ ____---- -----------------_�._---- -------------------- ----• '� 2 --_------------- ---__ ____------•-------------__ ----------------•------ __._. s --_ _.__________---_------ -------- . ------------_._._ ._------------------- ----- � __.. w______ ---______ ------ ---------------------- ----------------------- ----- Did you claim s dedudion for expensas conneded with: ' Yes Ns A EMe�ainmsnt hcllitY (boat. rosort. ranch, etc.)T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � B Uving aoca�nmodations(sxC,(rt em�loyeas on 1loslness)1! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Emplayws' tsmllies at oomentions or rr�ed�sT . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . If"Y�s„"wsrs stry of th�conver�tlora or m�stings oublde th�U.S.or ib pos�ssionst(See psae 26 o�f Instructions.). O Yacatians for em or their famillas nat rc on Form VY�,2T. O U.S.GOVERMMENT PRINTIN6 OFFICE:1978-4ffi3-313 E.I/36-26903/6 • � 04—O7—T071 632b 12 � �. , . ' „ . . � . . ���, ._ / t:;.,�� � Q�.�r��n\OI 111r Trrdsu�y—Inlerr131 RrVEnun$e�vrf.e � LL ��4� U.S. bdividual Income Tax Return ��'79 For Privaty Att Notite,sae pape 3 of(nstructions For the year January 1—December 31, 1979,or other tax year bepinning , 7979,endinp , 79 � Your first name and mrtial (if joint return,also give spouse's name and initial) Last name Your social security number �� 011IS J JFi � ElIZABETN EPSGHE 468i 20 +9897 C= Present home address(Number and street, including apartment number,pr rural route) Spouse's social security no. ' 813 E ORAN6E AVENI�E �►T2i 22 4673 �� ¢�° City,town or post office,State and ZIP code Your occupation� �a T PAUI, MN 5 5119 Spouse s occupation Presidential 'Do you want$1 to go to 2his fund? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes No ; Note:Checking"Yes"will Election —� not increase your tax or Campaign Fund if joint return,dces your spouse want$1 to go to this fund? . . . . �I Yes No ; reduce your refund. 1 ' J Single Filing Status � 2 .X ; Married filin9 joint retum leven if only one had income) CheCk only 3 ��,' Married filing separate return. Enter spouse's social security number above and full name here�.________________________________________ one box. a ❑ Head of household, (See page 7 of Instructions.) If qualifying person is your unmarried child,enter child's name� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 �' Qualifying widow(er)with dependent child (Year spouse died � 19 1.See page 7 of Instructions. 6a � Yourself �J 65 or over �_J Blind Enter number of� ExBmpUOns 1 boxes checked� b � Spouse L� 65 or over � Blind � on 6a and b � Always check c First names of your dependent children who lived with you �___________________________________________ � Enter number ❑ the box labeled of children � Yourself. ------------------------°------------------------------°-----------------------------°-------------------------- listed d Other dependents: t�iw.,wx uiowrr.,w.��c�orr..r.•��••n Ch@Ck Other (2) Relat�onship �...a��.r ....�......, n.�...+.n.� Enter number (11 Name ��...�.+�.. n.wo....�� YFe�n'�qyp�7 � boxes if they of ocher � apP�Y dependents Adtl numbers entered in 7 Total number of exemptions claimed • • • . � boxes above , � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . InCOmB8 Wages,sataries,tips,etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Interest income/anach Schedule B if over$4001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s `� _ Ple2se ett2Ch -10a Dividends(aitach Schedu/e 8 if over$4001_______________________, 10b Exclusion_____________________________ Copy B of your c Subtract line 10b from line 10a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10C Forms W-2 here. �� State and local income tax refunds(does notapply un/ess refund is for year you itemized deduciions—see page 10 of instructionsl 11 If you do not . ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' have a W2,see �Z Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 page 5 of 13 Business income or (Ioss) (arrach Schedule CJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 � 6• Instructions. 14 Capital gain or (lossl (attach Schedule D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 15 Taxable part of capital gain distributions nct reported on Schedule D (see page 10 of Instructions) . . . �5 16 Supplemental gains or (losses) (aitach Form 47971 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 _ � 17 Fully taxable pensions and annuities not reported on Schedule E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� 18 Pensions,annuities,rents,royalties,partnerships, Please estates or trusts,etc. (attach Schedule E) . . . . . . . �8 attach check � � ' � ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' � � ' ' of mOney 19 Farm income or(loss) (attach Schedule F/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ofdef hefe. �a Unemployment compensation.Total amount received_____________________________________________________________. b Taxable part,if any,from worksheet on page 10 of Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z�b 21 Other income (state nature and source—see page 10 of InstructionslR__________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 22 Total Ineome. Add amounts in column for lines 8 through 27. . � 22 30135• 23 Moving expense(attach Form 3903 or.R903F) . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Adjurtments 24 Em�loyee business expenses(attach Foim 21061 . . . . . . . . . . 24 t0 111COme y5 Payments to an IRA(see pag�e 11 of/nstructionsl . . . . . . . . . 25 QOB� Z6 Payments to a Keogh/H.R. 10/retirement plan . . . . . . . . . . 26 27 Interest penalty on early withdrawal of savings . . . . . . . . . . . 2� 28 Alimony paid(see page 71 of lnsrructionsl . . . . . . . . . . . . � 29 Disability income exclusion (anach form 24401 . . . . . . . . . . � 30 Total adjustments.Add Iines 23 through 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 30 10a8. Adjusted 31 Adjusted gross income.Subtract line 30 from line 22.tf this line ia less[han $10,000,see page?of/nstructions. !f you wani lRS to figure your tax,see Gross Income psge 4 of lns[ruciions . . ,� 31 2412 7. Form ��� (1979) �04-08 21 22 6326 112 636 12 IEPSGME O�r-07-7Q71 �b-07-70T1 y 632b 12 � Form 1040 (1979) p�2 T�x 32 Amount from line 31 fad%usred gross income/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Z 2912 T� COmpu• 33 If you do not itemize deductions,enter zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : � 33 ��— Ltlon �f you itemize,complete Schedule A iForm 1040)and enter the amount from Schedule A,line 41 . . (See Gutwn�i��w nave unea.neo�ncome ane ca�DP c�a�m W es a tleueneen�on�w, pi�Pnt's retu.n,cneck ne�e► and aee pa¢17 0�tne Inslrucl�ons Also iee{yqe 11 Instruc- °+�"�'^°,�°«�°^°�' � •You are msrne0 l�nnq a feparare rerurn antl vour�pu�e�rem�ep daduct�ons.ON tions on •YOU/�le Form 156J,OR •vo�„�,a„�-,�.��,a„e„ Pege �2� 34 Subtract line 33 from line 32.Use the amount on line 34 to find your tax from the Tax 34 24931• Tables,or to figure your tax on Schedule TC,Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Use Schedule TC,Part I,and the Tax Rate Schedules ONLY if: • L rne 34 rs more than$20,000($40,000 if you checked Filing Scafus Box?or 51,OR • You have more exemptions than are shown in the Tax T�le for your filingstatus,OR ' • You use Schedu/e G or Form 4726 to figure you�tax. Otherwise,you MUST use the Tax Tab�les to find your tax�. 35 Tax.Enter tax here and check if from LJ'Tax Tables orfw I Schedule TC . . . . . . . . . 35 3391• 36 Additional taxes. (See page 12 of Instructions.) Enter here a�d check if from �Form 4970, � 36 Form 4972, , Form 5544, �,Form 5405,or Section 721m)15)Penalty tax . 37 Total. Add lines 35 and 36 .� 37 339i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Credit5 38 Credit for contributions to candidates for public office . . . . . . . 38 39 Credit for the elderly (attach Schedules R&RP/ . . . . . . . � 40 Credit for child and dependent care expenses � Fo m�aiaer�. . . . . . . � 41 Investment credit (anach Form 3468) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2T9� 42 Foreign tax credit (attach Form 11161 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 43 Work incentive (WIN)Credit lattach Form 48741 . . . . . . . . . . 43 44 Jobs credit lattach Fo�m 58841 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 45 Residential energy credits(anach Form 5695/ . . . . . . . . . . , 45 46 Totai credits. Add lines 38 through 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2 Tg� 47 Balance.Subtract line 46 from line 37 and enter difference (but not fess than zero) . .� 47 3I 12• Other 48 Self-employment tax (artach Schedule SEl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 S • TexeS 49a Minimum tax.Attach Form 4625 and Check here� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 49b Alternative minimum tax.Attach Form 6251 and Check here� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �b (Including 50 AdVanCe 50 Tax from recomputing prior-year investment credit(attach Form 4255) . . . . . . . . . . . . . EIC 51a Social security (FICA) tax on tip income not reported to employer/anach Form 41371 . . . . . . . 512 Payments) 51b Uncollected employee FICA and RRTA tax on tips lfrom Fo�m W-21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51b 52 Tax on an IRA(atiach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 Advance earned income credit payments received ifrom Form W-21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 54 Total. Add Iines 47 through 53 . . . . . . . . . � rj4 fr9fj7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payments 55 Total Federal income tax withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 56 1979 estimated tax payments and credit from 1978 return . . . . . , 56 AttaCh 57 Earned income credit. If line 32 is under$10,000,see Forms W-2, 57 W-2�,and Pa9e 2 of Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W.2P 58 Amount paid with Form 4868 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 to front. 59 Excess FICA AND RRTA tax withheld (two or more employers) . . . . � 60 Credit for Federal tax on special fuels and oils (attach Form 4136 or 4136-T) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 61 Re9ulated Investment Company credit (anach Form 24391 . . . . 6� 62 Total. Add IinES 55 through 61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 62 Refund 63 If line 62 is larger tha� line 54,enter amount OVERPAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 63 or Balance 64 Amount of line 63 to be REFUNDED TO VOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � DUe 65 Amount of line 63 to be credited on 1980 estimated tax . . . . . . . � 65 . 66 tf line 54 is larger than line 62,enter BALANCE DUE.Attach check or money order for full amount payable to"Internal Revenue Service."Write your social security number on check or money order . . � 66 ti4b 7• (Check�;� If Form 2210(2210F) is attached.See page 15 of Instructions:) �$ Under penalUes oi perjury,I declare that I have examineU[hrs recum,includmg xcompany�ng uhedules and statements,and to the besi of my knowledge and belief, rt is true,eorrect,antl complete.Declarauon of preparer lo�her ehan[axpayerl�s baced on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. 0 � e c � , vour s�pnacure Dste ' Spouae's sipnsture(it ldinp�oinnY.BOTH must a�pn sven H on�v one had mcome) N � Pnp�•er'� ' e »� sipn�ture Ch�ck if Prpero�'f foci�l f�cur�ty no and tl+te ��f� � •�.� p�o�•� ► 469E 38 1648 ;�o F,.m��,,.me,o, Ait NC F Eit EL s .A. �= vo�rs.1f�eH-emDloY E.1.No. W)sntl�fareu , SQ • �L V l AY � Z�PCOOe ST. Pl�Uls N ►04-08 21 22 631b 1 6 8 - - SCHEDULE C Profit or �Lossj From Bus�nes� or Profession o (Form 1040) (Sole Prpprietonhip) 9��g aw�c or n»Th.wa Partnerships,Jant VeMures�etc.�Must Flk fam 1065. �"e""i R""'w sw�' ►1lttsth to Form 1040 or Foni1 1041. 8M ImbvCtions for 8eMdu1�C Forn�1 � Name of proprietor g������ < <.r�. � ��: o Py� A Main business activity(see Instructions) ► : product ► D s B Business name ► �� C Employer identification number D Business address (number and street) ►__� _ __q__�,���__��?__ _�/� � O d p City,State and Zip Code ► � � �G C b 7 D I L" 1 �� E Accounting method: (1) � Cash (2) � Accrual (3j � Other(specify) � F Method(s) used to value ctosing inventory: °----------------------------------------------- Q (1)� Cost (2) � Lower of cost or marlcet (3) � 9ther (ff other, attach ptplanation) Yq No G Was there any major change in determining quantities,costs,prvaluations between opening and closing inventory?. . If"Yes,"attach explanation. - �� H Did you deduct expenses for an office in your homet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Did you etect to claim amorti2ation (under section 191) or depreciation (under section 167(0)) for a rehabilitated certified historic structure (see Instructions)1 . . . . . . . . . (Amortizable basis (see Instructions) ► � ) � • • . � � � � � � � � � � �/jj� � Income 1 s Gross receipts or sates . . . . . . . . . . . b �-----�1�..���,3 j / % .. �- - -�-•���� b Returns and atlowances . . . . . . . . . . . j��� ��� % c Balance (subtract line lb from line la) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le ._.____.�/�_� ___ �� 2 Cost of goods sold and/or operations (Schedule C-1, line 8) . . . . . . . . . . . 2 _� ��'" 3 Gross profit (subtract line 2 from line lc) . . : . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . 3 ------�e���- --��.�,� 4 aher income (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Total income (add lines 3 and 4) . , � � �����6� �j� • .�� Deductions 6 Advertising - - - - - - - - ------------11_�Q_.��l.__ 31 a Wa�es . . ��.�Ql_ � / 7 Amortization . . . . . �. . •----• b Jobs erodit ' ---------------------------•- ---_--_-------- ---- 8 Bad debts from sales or services. _ _________ � MryN �� ------------- ---�-• j/ - --- _ — 9 Bank charges . . . . . . . ------------11_P___7_.2_ l��)'_ - a Totei �►«i�cs 10 Car and truck expenses _ _ _ _ ___________�1_�_�1_�':t__ e Subtract line 31d from 31a . ____.__S-�i__�D 9 _,,�.3 11 Commissions . . . . . . . 32 Other expenses(spscify): --------------------------••------� --- -- 12 Depletion . . . . . . . . - D --------------------------� --___ � P uy���'���___ �2_Q o0 / _____ _ 13 Depreciation (explain in Schedule F2) . •-----------,t�_Kt_�� 3�_ b._��� ��---_ ---•-____.�_��._� 14 Dues and publications . . . . _.__.__ e _��(.jrE�,�-��'(� �� �--�--_���y �� 15 Employee benefit programs . . ------------------------- -- d-----------------___-------------- -------------------- � 16 Freight(not included on Schedule�1)- --------------------------•----w � -- _ � ____-_�------�--��- 17 Insurance . . . . . . . . •----------�_.�1i1 �- t -------------- ----- -----•. 18 Interest on business indebtedness __________�Q g��j- _�. � ._____�_____ �______�_ __ �___ 19 Laundry and cleaning . . . . --------------�,�7_ ,Q.�. h_____.__ ._ ._.____w_._____----- ------- 20 Legal and professional services . 1�1_�D QD � 21 Office supplies . . . . . . --------------------�.�� 1 �______ -- ^------°°°------- ^____ 22 Pension anA profit•sharing ptans _ ___________________________ k � 23 Postage . . . . . . . . . 1 ______�M � -------- ------------ ---- 24 Rent on business property . . . _________ _��Q. � m _ ' 25 Repairs - - - - - - - - - ------------�1.��Q ��` � ------------�----__ '_____ ' 26 Supplies(not included on ScAeduk C-1) -------------� o�S�/�� _1_ a______�- - - --------------- 27 Taxes - - - - - - - - - -------------�-°---°��Tp`r-=f -� p ------------�__._ 28 Tetephone . . . . . . . . ----------------�1__!_..�E�_ 4 --�_ _._____ ___. 29 Travel and entertainment . . . __.__ _ r _ � 30 Utilities ---------- - - -- �- s --- -� 33 Totsl deductions(add amounts in co�umns for lines 6 th►ou�h 32s). . ► 33 34 Net profrt or(loss) (subtroct line 33 from line 5). H a profl��ntsr on Fom� 1W0,Bnt 13,and / on Schedule SE, Part II, line 5a or Fplm 2041 line . N s bsf, on LD N�N 35. . � ...3�J��(p � 3S If you have a loss, do you have amounts fo►which you aro eot"�t risk"in this pusinps(sN Imtrudio�)T. . � Y�i � NO ' ' • Seh�dul�C(Foren 304W 19T9 � ___ Psse 2 SCHEDULE C-1.—Cost of Goods Sold and/or Opentions(See Schedule C Instructions for Pa�t I, line 2) 1 Inventory at beginninQ of year(if differont from last yeat's c�os� inverrtory,attach�xpisnstion). i _____„��,�_�QQ_ QQ_ 2 a Purchases . . . . . . . . . . . . � . --•---° . . . . . .------------------------ b Cost of items withdrawn for persooai use . . . . . . � � e Batance (subtract line 2b from line 2a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ?�_,��_.� ---- ----- - --- -- 3 Cost of labo� (do not include salary paid to yourself) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ---------------------•----- ------- 4 Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 4 • ---------------------------•---.._. 5 Other costs (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g ,, 6 Add lines 1,2c,and 3 through 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .-----7C! 1_ 3 7 Inventory at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � Q �� 8 Cost of goods sold and/or rations(subtract line 7 from line 6).Enter here and on Part I,line 2. ► 8 SCHEDULE �2.—Depreciation (See Schedule C Instructions for line 13) H you naed moro sPaee� Please use Form 4'562. Deprecistion MMhod ot Description of property Date Cost or ���pwed or a11ow�We eoenputinY �f� Depreciation for aequired other basis in prior yaan depmciation ar nte this year (a) (b) (� (d) (N (n W 1 Total additional first•year depreciation (do not include in items below 2 Other depreciation: �������������������/%/����������/%//�����������%%G!%%��G!�%%� BuildinQs . . . . . . . •------------------ ------------------------�- Fumituro and fixtures . . . •------------------.------------------------ --- ------------------------ ---------------------�--------• -------------------••-•---- Tnnsportation equipment . . ' •------------------�----------------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------- -------------------- ------- Machinery and other equipment - ------------------•�----------------------- --------------------------- -------------------- --------- -------------------•- Other (sPec fi�) .......................... ...............�- ------------ _---------------------------r •- ---- --- ------------•-- ------ ---- ---- -- -----� -- -- _ ----------------------------------------------------�� --------��7 ���-----..�_ _f.��P_11.��------------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------------- �------------------------�-------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------��-----------------------�----------------------------------------------- --------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------- �------------------� ---------------------------•------------------------------------------- --------- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------�------------------�--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------,------- •------ 3 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Depreciation claimed in Schedule G-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Balance (subtract line 4 from line 3). Enter here and on Part I1, line 13 . . . ► 5, SCHEDULE �3.—Expense Account Information (See Schedule C Instructions for Schedule C-3) Enter information for yourself and your five hi�hest paid employees. In daterminin�the flve highest psid employees. add expense account allowanoes to the salaries and rra�es. However, you don't have to provide the i�ormation for any employee for whom tt�e combined anaunt is less than �5�000,or for yourself if�rour expense ae�uM albwance plus line 34,paQe 1,is less than Z25,000. Name Erzpsns�aecount Salaries and wages W (e) (e) Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........-----------------------------------------����������������/ i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------ 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ---_. . � -------------------•------------------------------------------------------------- -----•-------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------- ' 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __.._wM---------------------•---- --------------------------- ------- 5 Did you claim a deduction for expenses connected with: Yes No � A EnteRainment facility (boet, resort, ronch. etc.)1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Living accommodations (axcept employees on business)7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Conventions or meatings you or your employees attended outsids the U.S.or its possessionsT(Se. Instructions) . . O Employees' families at conventions or meetinqst . . . . . . . .� . . . . . . If"Yes,"wero any of these eomrentions or meeLinQs outside the U.S.or its possissionsi. . . . . . . . E Vacations for employees or their famities not repoKed en Fortn W-2?. . .u.s.a�o:�sRa�.ws �:i.aona� �b-02-40Q9 6326 86 400�� � , � _ + - ! ' ' �, � • ' _ !�.../'%,.�� .. o ��O Department of the Treasury —Internal Reve�ue Service O �� '� �``°'� LL U.S. Individual hcome Tax Return ��$� Fo�Privacy Att Notic�,ss�inst►uetionf Fw tM r�hn+wY 1—O�amWr 31.19�0.or aMr�sx v�ar O�pnninp .1980,mding ,19 � Your social sscuriry numb�r sa GUIS J ,lr� C El [ZASETH lEPSGHE 468i 20i 9897 o= Svouse's:ocial xcu.iev�o. �� 1823 E LRAN6E AVENUE 4T2 i 22� �473 a� ��,.��;�, ��rac�+at�� �a T PAUI• P!N 55119 �•�•����«� ►HL�MEMAKEi� PreSideDtial Do you want$t to go to this fund� . . . . . . . . . . . Yes No Note: Checking "Yes" will not EleCtion ► increase your tax or reduce your Campaign Fund if joint return,does your spouse want$1 to go to this fund7 . . Yes No refund. A Where do you live factual location of B o....r..�r.e..r C In what cou�ty do you live? D In what township Requested by residencel? (See page 2 of Instructions.) K"`�""'•'i"�"'1 do you Iive7 Centus Bufeau for,State City,village,borough,etc. RevenueSharing iN ; ST. PAt1L X �- N AMSEY St. P/tU� 7 Single For IRS use onfy Filing Status 2 x Married filing joint return (even if only one had income) ChBCk Only 3 Married filing separate return.Enter spouse's soc.sec.no.above&full name here►______._________________________________________ One bOx. 4 Head of household.ISee page 6 of I�structions.) If qualifying person is your unmarried child,enter child's name�-----------------------------°-------------°---------------------------------------------------°--- 5 Qualifying widowler)with dependent child(Year spouse died � 19 l. (See page 6 of Instructions.) � x Yourself 65 or over Blind � Er,�er number of � Exemptions boxea checked b x Spouse 65 or over Blind on ea and t� 2 Always check c First names of your dependent children who lived with you�_____________________________________�___________ � Enter number a the box labeled of children Yourself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------°--- --------------------------------------------- iiscea on sc► d Other dependents: ia�N�mn.�o+ 161 Oid de0andmt 151 O�E you o�a��e. Check other mantM lived hav�incam�of more rhm one����f ol (1) Name (2) Relationship �nyourhome S1.00Oarman? d�pmeanie:uppor�t � bOXBS!f ih@�I Enter number of other 2ppIY. deuendenn � Add numbsrs enterW in � 7 Total number of exemptions claimed toxe:above� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IncOme $ Wages,salaries,tips,etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g 9 Interest income(attach Schedvle B if over$4001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 • Please attaCh 10a Dividends/atrdch Schedule B if over$4001 _________________________., 10b Exclusion____________________ COpy B Of y0uf e Subtract line 10b from line 10a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �a Forms W-2 here. � � � � � � � � 11 Refunds of State and local income taxes (do not enter an amount un/ess you deducted those If y0u d0 not taxes in an earlier year—see page 9 of lnstrucrions/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » have a W-2,see �Z Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �Z page 5 of �3 Business income or (loss) (attach Schedvle CJ 13 312�U • Instructions. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 14 Capital gain or(loss) (attach ScheaFiJe Ol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 15 40%of capital gain distributions not reported on line 14 (see page 9 of Instructions) . . . . . 15 � 16 Supplemental gains or (losses)(attach Form 4797) . . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 16 17 Fully taxable pensions and annuities not reported on line 18 » ��3�• Please attaCh �$ Pensions,annuities,renu,royalties,partnerships,etc. (attach Schedule EJ . . . . . . . . . 18 CheCk of mOney 19 Farm income or (loss) (atbch Scheatile FI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 o�def hefe. 20a Unemployment compensation (insurance).Total received ______________________________________________ b Taxable amount, if any,from worksheet on page 10 of Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . Z� 21 Other income (state nature and source—see page 10 of Instructions)� ______________________________ -----------------------------°----------------------------°------------------------------------------------------- 21 22 Total ineome.Add amounts in column far�ines 8 through 21 22 .)3 l4 • Adjuftltlentt 23 Moving expense(aitach form 3903 or 3903FJ . . . . . . . . 23 'r t0 InCOms 24 Employee business expenses(attach Form 2f�J . , . . . . . 24 25 Payments to an IRA(entercode from page 1Q______________1 . � ($eE 26 Payments to a Keogh (H.R.10)retirement plan . . . . . . . 28 InSt�UC• 27 Interest penalty on early withdrawal of saving . . . . . . . 27 tIOnS On 28 Alimo�y paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � page 10) 29 Disability income exclusion(attach Form 2440) . . . . . . . 29 30 Total adjustments.Add lines 23 through 29 . . � gp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . adjYfL� luste gross incoms. btract line rom line . f �s �ne�s esa an Gross lncom� $�0,000,see"Eamed lncome Craai["(line 57)on pages 13 snd 14 of/nstrucrrons. lf you �nt/RS ro fi ie your tax see 3 of/nstructions . � 31 3 j j47• Form 1040(19801 ►b-02 21 !4 6326 l�1712�i� �6 IEPSGHE J6-02—��09 Ob-02-4QQ� 6326 gc �0048 � • • - . I fo.��ao��MOi r.p.2 32 Amount from line 31 (ad%usted gross intomel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ,3�1�►7 • T�x : t s3 484 Compu- � �f You do not itemize de�ctions,enter zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � • titi0n �f you itemize,complete Schedule A(Form 1040)and enter the amount from Schsdule A,line 41 Caution: If you have unearned income and can be claimed as a dependent on your parent's return, ��8 check here� �and see pa9e 11 of the Instructions.Also aee page 11 of the��atructio�t if: �flStfUC- •You sro mrri i my a sspawtr r�tum and Y�rtpoua itsmlzw drd�eNont.OR tI011S Ofl •r�R�s Form 4563,OR •You ue��dstetus rien. pegB 11) 34 Subtract line 33 from line 32. Use the amount on line 34 to find your tax from the Tax Tables,or to figure your tax on Schedule TC,Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 g 06� Use Schedule TC,Part 1,and the Tax Rate Schedules ONLY if: •Line 30 ir mon thn,f?0,000 lSt0,000 i�vou cMcMd fiNnp Saas 8ar?or bl,OR •You hwre monr sxemp�ons then are sAown in tlro Tix Tadl�/or youi fl/inptbtus,OR r •You use ScfrW/e G or Form 1716 to fipure your b+. � Otherwise,you MUST use the Tax Tables to find your tax. 35 Tax. Enter tax here and check if from �Tax Tables or � Schedule TCf'� . . . . . . �` �► 36 Additional taxes. (See page 12 of Instructions.) Enter here and check if from I�Form 4970, � � Form 4972, Form 5544, Form 5405,or Section 72(m)15)PenaltY tax 37 Total.Add lines 35 and 36 , � 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Credit for contributions to candidates for public office . . . . . . � Credits 39 Credit for the elderly (attach.Schedu/es R&RPI . . . . . . . . 39 (See 40 Credit for child and dependent care expenses(attach Form 2441/ . 40 InStrUC- 41 Investment crediY(attach Form 34681 . . . . . . . . . . . 4� 122• ti0ns on 42 Foreign tax credit(artach Form 1116/ 42 Pa9e 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . � 43 Work incentive (WIN)credit(atrdch Form 4874) . . . . . . . 44 Jobs credit(anach Form 58841 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 45 Residential energy credits (attach Form 56951 . . . . . . . . . � 46 Total credits.Add li�es 38 throu h 45 46 Zb.�• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Balance.Subtract line 46 from line 37 and enter difference (but not less than zerol , � 47 �32� • Othef '� �If-employment tax (attach Schedu/e SEl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 20�$• 49a Minimum tax.Attach Form 4625 and check here�❑ . . 4� Texes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49b Alternative minimum tax. Attach Form 6251 and check here� ❑ . . . . . . . . . . . . � _ (I�Cludlrlg 50 Tax from recomputing prior-year investment credit (atteCh Form 42551 . . . . . . . . . , 50 AdVBnCC 51a Social security (FICA)tax on tip i�come not reported to employer(attach Form 41371 . . . . 5ta EI� 51b Uncollected employee FICA and RRTA tax on tips (from Form W-2/ 51b Payments) . . . . . . . . . . . 52 52 Tax on an IRA(attach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Advance earned income credit (EIC) payments received(from Porm W—Z/ 53 54 Balanee. Add lines 47 through 53 . � 5q • Peyll�entS 55 Total Federal income tax withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 56 1980 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 1979 return . � AttaCh 57 Earned income credit. If line 32 is under $10,000,see FOfmS W-2, pages 13 and 14 of Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � W—ZG,and 5g Amount paid with Form 4868 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sg ;a�0� W—ZP 59 Excess FICA and RRTA tax withheld (two or more empioyers) . 59 to front. 60 Credit for Federal tax on special fuels and oils (attach Foim 4136 or 4136—T1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 69 Regulated Investment Company credit (attach Form 24391 61 62 Total.Add lines 55 through 67 . � � ���• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 If line 62 is larger than line 54,enter amount OVERPAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � Refund or Be180CB � Amount of line 63 to be REFUNDED TO YOU , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 64 Due 65 Amount of line 63 to be applied to your 1981 estimated tax , . , � 65 66 If line 54 is larger than line 62,enter BALANCE OUE. Attach check or money order for full amount payable to"Internal Revenue Service."Write your social security number on check or money order� 66 2y 7 7• (Check� if Form 2210(2210F)is attached.See page 15 of Instructions.l►$ Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have ezamined this retum,including accompanYinQ tchedula md sutsme�b,and to the best of my knowledge snd �a� belief,it is true,corrsct,a�d complete.Declaretion of preperer(other than wcpayer)is bated on all information of wAich prepsrer has any knowledge. He e � � rVour sipnawre Datt . SPOUY's siproture(i1 filinp pintlY.BOTM mwt sip�w�o if only one had incom�) Pnp�r�.'s CDKk if Prepanr's social wcuritV no. upnatu re s�M-�m� ��d antl date WoY�d. �69; �8; I648 Pnp�ter's • • . • E.i.No. � IJs�Only F�•m••,,,�,,. , Io•vw+rs. • w 21P eoM it M�1-�mploy W 1 �nd adtlress • � 06-02 2i 1� b3�6 1�1T1244 66 IED:;�#+E 06-02-4D�� SCHEDULE C Profit or �Loss� From Business or Profession o (Form 1040) (Sole Proprietorship) � ��80 Dp�rtment et tM Treawry Pa�tnerships,Joint Ventures,etc.,Must File Form 1065. Internsl Revenua S�rvice �Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1041. ►See Instructions for Sehedule C(Form 1Q40). � Name oi proprietor Social sewritp number o}proprietor � � ' ao 9�9�' A Main business activiry (see Instructions) ► ; product ► B Business name ► ,�D U �5 FDO� /���E?— C Employer identification number D Business address (number and street) R___,�/_Q_9__�f_�/_T�__�R__1Q!l�eChlf� ; c�ri, State and ZIP Code � �T. /vi�c.�.L. /Y)it1 55/DG� � i / : 0 i 8 i 8 i 9i D �( c�i '� E Accounting method: (1) � Cash (2) � Accrual (3) � Other (specify) � .___________________________________________________ a F Method(s) used to value closing inventory: (1) �, Cost (2) � Lower of cost or market (3) � Other (if other, attach explanation) Yes No G Was there any major change in determining quantities,costs,or valuations between opening and closing inventory?. . If"Yes," attach explanation. ��� �`%�' H Did you deduct expenses for an office in your home? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X 1 Did you elect to claim amortization (under section 191} or depreciation (under section 167(0)) for a rehabilitated certified historic structure (see Instructions)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x (Amortizable basis see Instructions � �i"%"��;' ( � ► ) %/,:;; ,; � Income 1 a Gross �ecei ts or sales . . . . . . . . . , la jj//���� � % ' � �j; P • ----�_l_�--- _9_�.��5__9__ %�,;:; ,; �; ;% �,;; b Returns and allowances . . . . . . . . . . . lb !!;;i;,%;z..�;;:;,�;;i�;";i,i�;;i;ri,i c Balance (subtract line lb from line la) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le �/?' �7� p ---- ---- i- - - - -- 2 Cost of goods sold and/or operations (Schedule C-1, line 8) . . . . . . . . . . . 2 �� 7� � 3 Gross profit (subtract line 2 from line lc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 /y��_„�f1.�_ /,� ---- --- - -- — 4 Other income (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Total income (add lines 3 and 4) . � � 5 �/�/S 3Qa? �� � Deductions 6 Advertising - - - - - - - - -------------------8Q5�O3_ 31 a Wages . . _�,j 7,�� o�J j/j j�j . - - - ,---- - -- - //,i 7 Amortization . . . . . . . b Jobs credit _________________ ____. / /� -------------------------- ------- _// ��/� 8 Bad debts from sales or services . _ _ _________f__ �_j __. c WIIV credit '';��/; 9 Bank charges _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________�c_°�_-��__J_?_`_4__ d Total credits �/ //%�/'. 10 Car and truck expenses _ _ _ _ ____________y_��ot_ �1__ e Subtract line 31d from 31a . ._______���._7��_ _ _�_ 11 Commissions . . . ":. . . . ____�___._________________ ______. 32 Other expenses (specify): 12 Dep�etion . . . . . . • • -------------------------- ------ e _�B_ur1N__�--!�E�—�-------- - -�-?_OQ lD__. ----------- 13 Depreciation (explain io Sch�dule F2) . -----------�-�,�1--!��j-- ---Q b_/_�1f11A�_T�t!/���-------. ------------e�i_O_.��.�� 14 Dues and publications - - - - -----------------��D QD c _l11l.5_'L��__R _N_F.0_l1�--- ----------------�Q B_.._'1�.� 15 Employee benefit programs - - --------------------------- ------- d •-------------------------------- - ---- - -- --- - 16 Freight(not included on Schedule C-1). ------------------------p--- ---�--/- e ------------------------------------- ------------------------- -----° 17 Insurance - - - - - - - - ------------�1_��L_ _I)-- f -------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------• 18 Interest on business indebtedness ----------..�r_?&.G ��P 8 ----------------------------------- ------------------------- ------- 19 Laundry and cleaning . . . . =------------- -�J7�it_ Q�_ h------------------------------------------ •-------------------------- ------- 20 Legal and professional services . _____._______1_��p_ __Q__ i � O ---------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------ 21 Office supplies . . . . • - -----------------1 d-�c.��. I �---------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------ 22 Pension and profit-sharing plans . .__________________________ _______ k_________ ------------------------------- -------------------------- ------- 23 Postage - - - - - - - - --------------------------- ------ � ---------- ------------------°------- --------------------------- ------- 24 Rent on business property . . . 7�� Q_. m._________ ----------------°- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------ • 25 Repairs - - - - - - - - - -------------��-g64- -po- "------- ------------------------- -----�--------------------- ------ � 26 Supplies(not included on Schedule Crl). .-------------11_?�Q °t_4__ o______-------------------------- - -------------------------- ------- 27 Taxes - - - - - - - - - --------------2i_LL�� �Q- P---- ------------------------------------------ ------ 28 telephone - - - - - - - - --------------��--��-�-1-�J--- 4 ---- 29 Travel and entertainment . . . __� a _____ r �___�_____ ----�-------- ---------- --------------�---------- --- 30 Utitities . 7 ( �5 �� s 33 Total deductions(add amounts in columns for lines 6 through 32s). ► � I /0 3 �L. 34 Ndt profit or (loss) (subtract line 33 from line 5). tf a profit, enter on Form 1040, tine 13.and on Schedule SE, Part 11, line 5a (or Form 1041, line 6). If a loss, o on to line 35 . 34 �I o�IOD ��J 35 If you have a loss, do you have amounts for which you are not "at�isk" in this business (see fnstructions)? . .. � Yes � No Schedule C(Form 1W0) 7980 . _ • _ p��� 2 SCHEDIlLE C-1.—Cost of Goods Sold and/or Operations(See Schedule C Instructions for Part I, line 2) ' 1 Inventory at beginning of year(if different from last years closing inventory,attach explanation). 1 ____:._�,���QQ__ �Q 2 a Pu�chases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a ----- ------i' ------------------- - � b Cost of items withdrawn for , , , , I 2b /j personal use . . / c Balance (subtract line 2b from line 2a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c _____,7?� 7?�__T�_ - -- �- -- - -- 3 Cost of labor (do not include salary paid to yourself) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 --------------------------- ------- 4 Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . 4 --------------------------- ------ 5 Other costs (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5' � 6 Add lines 1,2c,and 3 through 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ____. ._�1,_.�_7Q_ _�`__ 7 Inventory at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � Q $D� Q„(L S Cost oi goods sold and/or operations(s;:btract line 7 from li�e 6). Enter here and on Part t, line 2. � 8 7�Ja�[ �JQ �/ SCHEDULE C-2.—Depreciation (See Schedule C Instructions for line 13) If you need more space, please use Form 4562. Depreuation MetAod of � Destription o1 property Date Cost or allowed ar altowa6le �omput�ng Lite DeDreciation tor acpuired ather basis �n prior rears dep�e� or nte Uis year ciaLOn (a) <b) (y (� , , Lef Kl. . ' tEY 1 Total additional first-year depreciation (do not include in�tems be(ow) (see mstructions iefFi�ita#ion)—� -- �� %i� i/ � � � �� �._ � , �� �� � �i/��� � . �,,: /% i /"'. /�/ � �� � i; -- i ;,�,;,y 2 Other depreciation: �%�///..///ii�,.,.ii;;;i/��,�./„iii/�. ,i;ri/,:�ii"/,�,�.i;,�i,i�i/%:�'/r,%ii�%.��'�i.���is's:�/i G � `1c /� `-- � ,/�7 ---------°°-'--------°-°'------------'-------- -- -�.CLC�i_----- - -T�f��wCJ_�"` �----Sl.�l1LQ�. . _-----� ----------- ----'fj�'X_l_. �_Q_ "-""'-"""'------------°-'---'----------- '----'°-"-------- --'---°----------"--' '-'----'-°"--'--'------ -"'--"-'- "-'-'----- -"'---'-'---------� -"""' '------'-'°-°-'----"-"---------------------- �-----'--"'---"-'- °-------'-••-"'------- ----°-----'--------'-". "'----'--' -------'--- --°---'-'--""-"' '--"-• '-'-"---'-----'-'--'-°'-----'---'----'-----'---- '---°----------'-• -"'-'---------------'--- -'-"-----'-----"'------ -"-'-----' --"-----'- °--°---'-------'-•--'-'-' """""-"'---'------'-----"-"-•------------ --"--'-----'-'--" .------'--'---------'-'-- '---'--'---°---"'---"- -'-"------ '--------'- -------""""'-"' .'-'--'• "'--""'----°---'-'-'---°-"------"-'-"-----•-'-'-"'-'-"""'- -""-'-"'------""'--' '-'--------'----"------'�---"'-"-_ -°-------' -------------"--'-- "-'-" ... ._ , - _ ..r.. _ .. r '-°-'----""----'-'-'-°'-"'----"-"---'-'---- _"""""""""' """" " ' ' " ' " " '.. " '— 'i;' �""�"""""""""""'"""_""""""__""'"�""""""""'""""""'""'""'""' '_"""""""""""""'�"""" ""'_""""'�"" . .. "�'_»"" """' .,�1�..�c; �'�'� � """""""""""""""""""""""""" "�""""""""_ ""'_""_""""""""' """"""""""""" """�"""""""" """""""""" """' """"""'��""""""_'_"'_"'_"'_"":'"""' ""�'�""""""''"""'_""_""""""' """"""""""""' """""' """"�""""_""_'"""'"' "�""' 3 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . .3 ._� �, --� - --"'--""-F.--'f,-- '"".A 4 Depreciation claimed in Schedule C-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t'-.�' `'�` - � ' - 5 Balance (subtract line 4 from Iine 3). Enter here and on Part II, line 13 . . ► 5 5, 3�7 �L�� SCHEDULE C-3.—Expense Account Information (See Schedule C Instructions for Schedule C-3) - Enter i�formation for yourself and your five highest paid employees. tn determining the five highest paid employees, add expense account allowances to the salaries and wages. liowever, you don't i have to provide the information for any employee for whom the combined amount is less .tAan. , _ _ . ;25,000,or for yourself if your expense account allowance plus line 34.page 1,is less than�5,000. ' � ' Name Expense aceount Salaries and weges � U) (b) -- . : (e) '. _ _. . . _ Owner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------- �����'�//////////l"/////////.��% 1 ------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------•------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------� 2 �---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------ -- -- - - -•- 4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- -----------------------------�------- 5 Did you claim a deduction for expenses connected with: � Y� � A Entertainment facility (boat, resort, ranch, etc.)? . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . B Living accommodations (except employees on business)? . . . . . . . . - - -. --.- . , . � C Converrtions or meetings you or your employees attended outside the U.S.or its poss�ssioast(�s lnstructfons�`: :" ' ' D Employees' families at conventions or meetings? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If"Yes,"wen any of these tomentions or meetings outside the U.S.or ita possessions?. . . . . . . . . . E Vacations for employees or their families not reported on Form W-2?. �tU.i.OrO:tf�0�0-31�@3 E�M�Oit�i �'� _��� �- 1� � . . . , ,% �-' , .. �Ssp�Km�M of the Trossury—IMamal RsvMw� Ssrric� € 1040 n.a. i.aiY�a�� ia�o� T� a��. 9�81 � �o> � - For the yNr January 1-O�cemb�r 81, 19l1,or oth�r tax�ar b�innins , 1961,�ndins ,19 . � OME IN. 1345-00�4 � � Your first a�nN aed ieitial (i1►oint Murn.�Iw�iv�fpowr's�Md fsltiat) Last nsme T011f fOtlil NWfitr flYrtlblf �� ,� ,� u� s r T�: � �,c�zA�,��� ,��v_lr�.�� yd���r� : q�97 �.��. �r• Praa�t hom�sdd�as (NumMr a� strrt. ineludin`�partawN euinb�r. a runl roYt�) Spouse's soebl s�writ�r no. ,�... /�/� �. D i��-:.;,� �T F �4d�,��u� ���� ��� � ���2 � Ciqr,tam a post oMiee, SbU and 21P eode prir,t rour occupation ► ;r, c T ,� a bPe• Spouse's occupation � PfaidElltlil Do you want sl to go to this fund? . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y� % No �' ��n8 ��Yes•• wi►� not inerease your tax or re- ,� Election C�mp�ign ,If joint return,does your spouse waM;l to go to this fund.�. . Yesl j No duce your rotund. 1 � Single For Privacy Act and Paperwork Rsduction Act Notice,see Instructions. Flli�g Statoa 2 Married filing joint return(even if only one had income) Check oniy 3 Married filin se arate retur�. Enter s use's social securi no. abovc and full name here one box. — H D P� tY �-------------------------------- 4 Head of household (with qualifying person).(See paQe 6 of Iratructions.)If he or she is your unmarried child, enterchild's name ►•---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S Qualifying widow(er)with dependent child (Year apouse died� 19 ).(See pa�e 6 of Insttuctions.) � Yourself 65 or over Blind � ^umber of Exe�ptiona b I� � boxes ehecked Spouse 65 or over Blind on 6a and b � .2- Aiways check � p��t names of our de ndent children who lived with ou Enter number the boz labeled Y Pe Y �•-----------------------------------� M children � Yourseli. •-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------°--------------------• �isted on 6e � Check other d Other de ndents• c3) numar or (1) Did dpsnd�M (s)ow rou woria. boxes if they ��� • (2j pdatiomhip month: liwd Mw lneom.of aas tAsn on�-Ia1f ot �r number •PWY• in your ho� i1.000 or mont d�p�nd�nt'a mpport7 pf pther D dependents Add numben• entered in � Total number of exemptions cFsimed boxes above � a1- �IICO�B 7 Wages. salaries, tiPs, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � attach Seheduls B if owr s400 or � � 8� Int�mst ineome�you have sny Alt-Savers interest J• . . . • '�• o?95•�� Please attach b Dividends (attach Schedule B if over j400) . � Copy B bf your Forms w-2 herc. e Total.Add lines 8e and 8b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �95 �� if you do not have d Exclusion (See page 9 of Instructions) . . . . . . . . � � a w-2, see • Subtrect line 8d from line 8c(but not less than zero) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � page 5 ot 9 Refunds of State and local income taxes (do not enter an amou►►t unless you de- Instructions. ducted those taxes in an earlier year—see page 9 ot Instrudions) . . . . . . . . . 9 10 Alimony receivsd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 Business income or (loss) (attach Schedule C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 11 ��3��5,g� 12 Capital gain or(loss) (attach Schsdule D). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t2 13 40% of capital gain distributions not roportad on line 12(See paQe 9 of Instructions) . 13 14 Supplemental gains or(lossss)(attach Form 4797). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 15 Fully taxable pensions and annuities not roported on line 16. . . . . . . . . , 15 s 0 � (_ 1W Other pensiona and annuRies.Total received . . . . . � 1� � • � �� b Taxable amount, if any,from wo�lcsheet on page 10 of Instructions. . �� �ease 17 Rents, royalties, partnerships, �,trusts, etc. (attsch Scheduk E) . . 17 attach cheek ' ' ' ' or money la Farm i�come or(bss)(attach Schedule F). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ► la order hare. 19� UnemploymeM compsnsation (i�suanee).Total roceived ( 1� ( � �� b Taxable amount,if any,from worksheet on page 10 of Instructions. . . . . . . . . 1� ZO Other income (atate nature and �pa�e 11 of Inxtructions) ►_________________________.��� ------------�if�_-_��r:_�!�z��!__F__!�Qm---t_[r�5_�.Hr�ID"s.__$us!��s�---------- � /a, yoo a0 21 Total income.Add amourrts in cdumn ior lines 7 through 20. . . ► 21 � '4 Adjost�ents � Moving expense(attach Form 3903 or 3903F). . . . . � • t, `�� 23 Employee business expenses(attach Form 2I06) . . . p ' 24 Payments to an IRA(enter coda�rom page 11 ........) . u ��� 2S Payments to a Kaogh (H.R. 10)retirement plan. . . . � tions on Z6 Interest penalty on sarly withdrswsl of savings . . . . � pap 11) 27 Alimony paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 2i Diaabllity income exclusion(atE�ch Form 2440) . . . . � 29 Other adjustments-�ee psQe 12 ►------------------------- � / �0 Total ad m�nts. Add lines 22 throu 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ���� �1 Adjlabd gross income. Subtracf line 30 trom Iine 21. It this Nne is Nss thm s10,000, see "Earned Income CrediY' (line 57) on page I5 of Instruetions. �iPaS �KM! I H u wsnt IRS to fl um r fsx, see 3 of Instructrons . . 31 � �93 9 �'q at1.5.GOVEfM1MENT PfANTING OFFICE-1981-0.343-401 E.I.�36�2705514 .�43-057-1 � ,y ' � � � . , • . Fo►m 1040 (1981) � pi,p 2 32� Amount from line 31 (adjusted gross income) . � _3'7 �93 1� T� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � yo �_ 326 If you do not itemize deductions, enter zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . , . . : .� �� ��On If you Kemize,comPlete Schedute A(Form 1040)�nd enter tAe�rtrount from SeMdut�A,IiM�I . . �'�/U// Caution: If you have unearned income and can be claimed as a dep�ndent on you� � (See parent's return,check here► �and see page 12 of tha Instructions.Also se�paQe 12 / Instruc• of the Instructions if: � tions on � p�e 12� • You..re msrried filing a separste return ind your spous�k�mirs d�duCttont,OR • You hl�Form 4563, OR / • You are�duil-siatus alien. 82e Subtract line 32b from line 32a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32� _3�. '7�87 / ,, 33 Multiply ;1,000 by the total number of exemptions claimed on Form 1040, line 6e . . � a ODD 4� 34 Taxable Income. Subtract line 33 from line 32c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ,�G,'f p7 ,� 35 Tax. Enter tax here and check if from �Tax Table, B Tax Rate Schedule X, Y, or Z, ' � Schedule D, �Schedule G, or a Form 4726 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 �,D7� ��� 36 Additional Taxes. (See page 13 of Inst�uctions.) Enter here and check if from�Form 4970, 36 � Form 4972, �Form 5544,or Q Section 72(m)(5) penalty tax. . . . �� 37 Total.Add lines 35 and 36 . ► 37 6,0!7 fT Q� Credita � Credit for contributions to candidates for public office . . . � G� 39 Credit for the elderly (attach Schedules R&RP) . . . . � �� attsen � � y� (�e 40 Credit for child and dependent care expenses�Form 2441�• • �� Instruc• 41 Investment credit (attach Form 3468) . . . . . . . . . . 41 ��� 9� � tions on �� vs• 13) 42 Foreign tax credit(attach Form 1116) . . . . . , . . . . � �� 43 Work incentive (WIN) credit (attach Form 4874) . . . . . 43 44 Jobs credit (aitach Form 5884) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �� 45 Residential energy credit (attach Form 5695) . . . . . . '� � . �16 Total cradits.Add lines 38 through 45. � ��2 f p 47 Balance.Subtract line 46 from line 37 and enter difference(but not less than zero). ► 47 � 79</ �� �r 48 Self•employment tax (attach Schedute SE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � a, �a� ,� 49a Minimum tax. Attach Form 4625 and check here► �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49a TBXOi 49b Alternative minimum tax.Attach Form 6251 and check here► �. . . . . . . . . . . 49b (Inciuding gp Tax from recomputing prior-year investment credit(attsch Form 4255) . . � A d v a n c e ' ' ' ' ' ' ' EiC 51� Social security(FICA)tax on tip income rtot reported to�mployer(attach Form 4137j. . 51a Payments) 52b Uncollected employee FICA and RRTA tex on tips(from Form W-2) . . . . . . . . . 516 52 Tax on an IRA (attach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 �`�00 � 53 Advance earned income credit (EIC) payments received (trom Form W-2) . . 53 � 54 Total tax.Add lines 47 through 53. S� `' � '9r��� 55 Total Federal income tex withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 56 1881 estimated t�x peyments snd amount�pptied from 1980 rotum . `� h!.500 �_ Attaeh 57 Eamed income credit. If Iine 32a is under ;10,000, sse Forms W-2, 57 w-2G, and pa8e 15 of Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W—ZP 5i Amount paid with Form 4868 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � to front. 59 Excess FICA and RRTA tax withheld(two or more employ�rs) � i0 Credit for Federal tax on special tuels a�d oils (atbch Form 4136 or 4136—T) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � il Regulated lnvestment Company credit (attach Form 2439) 61 � 62 ToW.Add lines 55 through 61 . . ► i2 Q Rl�Ypd Or 63 If line 62 is larger than line 54.enter amount OYERPAID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► � 64 Amount of line 63 to be REFIJNDED TO YOU. . ► � �sleaee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,�e 65 Amount of line 63 to be�pplied to your�982 estimated t�c. . . ► 1 � � � �� i6 If Ilne 54 is lar�er tfun line 62,enter BAtAMCE DUE Attach d�eck or monhr ad�r for fult�mouM�• �y/J/ . �ble to"Intemal Revenue Service"Write�rour soci�l security numDer snd"1881 Form 1040"on iL,� 66 3 g��a� (Check� �N Form 2210 (2210� is aiheh�d.See paQe 16 of I�tructla�a.)�; I� � Under pensfties of perjur�, I declare that I havs azsmin�d this rKum,ineludin�aceompanyin��ch�dut�s�nd st�t�ments,a�d to th�b�st '�� of my knowled��and bel��f, it is tru�,eornet,�nd complste. D�cl��tbn oi pnpsnr(odnr tfun hxp�y�h is b�s�d on alt info►matfon of � which pnp�r�r hss any knowlsd�s. � �re Your sl�nsture Dat� S u�'t n f flll ei tl utt d n�wn It�nl om lad ineom� � Pnparor's I p� Check if npanr's�octd s�curky no. S�s�.t�rc ' "�' ►� '�!o i 3�_/� 2' �= Firm's name (or � E.I. No� � �f/ ; (�/o��71c� (�Q�� yours, if ult-employed) and address r- ZIP code ( r� . , � . SCHEDULE C Profit or �Lossj From Business or Profession �e. No. lu��� (Form 1040) (Sole Proprietorship) �(pl�� D�Wrtm�nt of Ne Tnawry Partnerships.JoiM Yentures,etc.,Must Fite Form 1065. ��� iae.r�.i rt.w��.s«wu co) �Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1041. ►See instructions for Scheduk C(Form 1040 . 08 Name of proprietor Sociat sewrity numbx of proprieLor ,Gouis .T �TR, � ,��PS��F y� 8 : �D � �97 A Main business activity(see Instructions) ► F_TA/.C, ; product ► R/J -R/ S B Business name ► ,[pU 'S ��D� /Y/ARt�E T C Employer identification number D Business address (number and street) ►_l�yj___�f�ll�___C?F�4/2__1�1�f.�1!/_�_____ ; City, state and Z�P Code ► u /� / � D i �, P 9� o , �(o , E Accounting method: (1) � Cash (2) � Accrual (3) � Other (specify) � .. _____________________________________________________a F Method(s) used to value closing inventory: (1) � Cost (2) � Lower of cost or market (3) � Other (if other, attach explanation) Yes No G Was there any major change in determining quantities,costs,or valuations between opening and closing inventory?. . �IT �� If "Yes," attach explanation. ��'////��%//,: H Did you deduct expenses for an office in your home? . �/ � Income 1 a Gross receipts or sa�es . . . . . . . . . . . 1a 905�_9// 9y -------------- - -- -- � / b Returns and allowances . . . . . . . . . . . lb ( /� c Batance (subtract line lb from line la) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ic __ ___ ��,�� 9// p� 2 Cost of goods sold and/or operations (Schedule G-1, line 8) . . . . . . . . . . . 2 %�/�f /D 9 � 3 Gross profit (subtract line 2 from line lc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � _______��7�_�Da? .Q�Q_ 4 a Windfall Profit Tax Credit or Refund received in 1981 (see Instructions) . . . . . . . � b Other income (attach schedule) . . /NT�/�E$T, JN,GQ/j?� , , , , , , , 4b �� � 5 Total income(add lines 3,4a,and 4b). ► s /57 �9/ G� , � Deductions 6 Advertising . . . . . . . . .......------1_��a_�1_�_ �z7_ 29 a Wages . . ---��-7g7�- j j 7 Amortization - - - - - - - --------------------------- ------- b Jobs credit ----------------- ----• j 8 Bad debts from sales or services . _ c WIN credit j j --------------------------• --- --- — 9 Bank service charges. . .- . . _____.______��_a_(2 �o�_ d Total credits � 10 Car and truck expenses _ _ _ _ _____________!�1p�/_7_��_ e Subtract line 29d from 29a . _______.___���.__7g7 �e� 11 Commissions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________________________.._______ 30 Windfall Profit Tax withheld in 12 Depletion - - - - - - - - ----------- - 1981 . . . . . . . . . ------------------------- ----- - ------------- - ----- - -- 13 Depreciation (see Instructions) . ._____________yl a 3� fa__ 31 Other expenses (specify): __________________________._______ 14 Dues and publications - - - - -----------------�Q_Q__ .QQ_ a 111Ffc�'Ets�'r�s_![A(z�5:_�!�� -------------���y�r.Gd__. 15 Employee benefit programs - - --------------------------- ------- b_L��_`fl_N�__��.�`------------ --------------��_�f1Q�11-- 16 Freight(not included on Schedule Fl). --------------------------- ------- � __1_21!��r�_T�N A�1_G_�--------- ------------�_!_5_�_ �a_�- 17 Insurance - - - - - - - - --------------�i�r����� d __ml_�_C��.!C!�.C�!F11 u s---- --------------__•1'i��'c�'_ �Q__. i - 18 Interest on business indebtedness _______________��?'7�15� e ______________________________________ _ 6 50 � -- --------------------------- ------- 19 Laundry and cleaning - - - - --------------------------- •--�- f ------------------------------------------ -------------------------•- ------- 20 Legal and professional services - ----------------��_�'y�_C��_ 8 ----------------------------------------- - ------------------------- ------ 21 Office supplies and postage. . . ---------------------�ai. Q3-- h•----------------------------------------- --------------------------• ------ 22 Pension and profit•sharing plans . �-------------------------- ------- � ----------------------------------------- ------ -------------------- ----- 23 Rent on business property . . . ------------ q-7gpQ Q� - j ----------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------- 24 Repairs . . . . . . . . . ------------�=yl- - ` . k------------------------------------------•-------------------------- ------ -- �j�7 25 Supplies(not included on Schedule F1) . --------------3.t�'.�� _7_:T_. I .----------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------ 26 Taxes (do not include Windfall m•----------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------- . Profit Tax, see line 30) . . . . ---------------7c_�9.�.I_�- °---------•------------------------------ -------------------------- ------- • 27 Travel and entertainment . . . ---------------------------------- �--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 28 Utilities and telephone . /D 'y 9a .�a P J 32 Total deductions (add amounts in columns for lines 6 through 31p) . . ► 32 /3-5! 0 05 � 33 Net profit or (loss) (subtract line 32 from line 5). tf a profit, enter on Form 1040, line 11, and �g5 �� on Schedule SE, Part II, line 5a or Form 1041, line 6 . If a loss o on to line 34 . 33 � 34 If you have a loss,do you have amounts for which you are not "at risk" in this business (see Instructions)? . . � Yes � No If you checked "No," enter the Ioss on Form 1040, line 11, and on Schedule SE, Part II,line 5a (or Form 1041, line 6). For�aperwork Rsductfon llct Notice,see Form 1040 I�tructions. � . . Schedule C(Form 3040) 1981 �e 2 SCHEDULE C-l.—Cost of Goods Sold and/or Operations (See Schedule C Instructions for Part I, line 2) 1 Inventory at beginning of year(if different from last yaars ciosin inventory,attach explanation). 1 ��,�,�Op_ � 2 a Purchases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � -----•- --------------------------•-------� - b Cost of items withdrawn for personal use . . . . . . � j c Balance (subtract line 2b from line 2a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � _____��j!yt,���._�� 3 Cost of labor (do not include salary paid to yourself} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 --------------------------- ------- 4 Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ---------------------------.---... 5 Other costs (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 6 Add lines 1, 2c, and 3 through 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ________7��„�?� _,_��'. �' 7 Inventory at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ��/, 750 00 8 Cost of goods sold and/or operations(subtract line 7 from line 6). Enter here and on Part 1,line 2. ► 8 J</ , /0 9 ��J SCHEDULE C-2.—Depreciation (See Schedule C Instructions for line 13) � Complete Schedule G-2 if you claim depreciation ONLY for assets placed in service before January 1, 1981. If you need more space, use Form 4562. If you claim a deduction for any assets placed in serviee after Decem- ber 31, 1980, use Form 4562 to figure your total deduction for all assets; do NOT compkte Schedule C-2. Dspreeiation Method of Deseription of propsrty Dste Cost or illowed or allow�ble �omputing Life Deprxhtion for scQuired oMer basis in prior ysars depre• or nta this y�r eiaUOn (a) (b) (e) (d) (�) (A (p 1 Depreciation (see Instructions): ������������������%/ ����������������,���������������� -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------ ----------� ----------• ------------------------°- -------------------------------------------------- •------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------•------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------� ------------------------- -----------------------•----------- ----------- -------------------- ------- •-------------------------------------------------- -----------------°------------------------- •----------------------------------- ----------- -------------------•------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------� ---------- ------------------------------ ------• -------------------------------------------------- •------------------ ------------------------- •------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------- -------------------------------------------------- �------------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------•------------------�------------------------- -------------------------°-------------------- ------------------.. .----°• -------------------------------------------------- ------------------•------------------------- ------------------------- ---------°----------- ------°------------------ •------------------•------------------------------- •------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------°-°--------------- •------ -------------------------------------------------- •-------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------- -°---- .. --------�=---------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- - -------- . _ . 2 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I�,�J . . . . . . . . . 2 -------------------- ------- 3 Depreciation claimed in Schedule C-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Balance (subtract line 3 from line 2). Enter here and on Part II,line 13. . � 4 SCHEDULE C-3.—Expense Account Information (See Schedule C Instructions for Schedule �3) Enter information for yourself and your five highest paid employees. In determining the five highest paid employees, add expense account aflowances to the salaries and wages. However� you don't have to provide the information for any employee for whom the combined amount is less than ;50,000,or for yourself if your expense account allowance plus line 33,page l, is less than=50,000. Name Expense account Salaries snd ws��s W (b) (c) Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............-:-----------------------------------����������������/ 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------•------------- ----- Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----- -•- - -- ---- 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- �-----------------------------..�---• � 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------•�------------------------------------ ' S Did you claim a deduction for expenses connected with: Yes No A Entertainment facility (boat, resort, ranch, etc.)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Living accommodations(except employees on business)?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Conventions or meetings you or your employees attended outside the North American area?(see Instructions) . . . D Employees' families at conventions or meetings? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If"Yes,"were any of these conventions or meetings outside the North American area?. . . . . . . . . . . E Vacations for employees or their families not reported on Form W-2? . �U.S. GOVERNNEtiT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981-343-410 E.I. 43-0787287 . _ , , `r~�;' ' ��':'�.�"r^ � D�partment of the Treasury—IMernal Revenue Servite I � � �4� n.S. ladividnsl Ipc� T�x Ret�e 9 °�82 �, For the year January 1-December 31, 1982,or other tsx year beginnin¢ , 1982, ending , 19 . ONB Ne. 15�5-0071 Ufe Your first name and initial (it joint retum,�Iso�ivs spoux's n�me and initial) Lest name Tour social �Wf� fltlrtlbEf �� ,� n u�S ✓• <Ti� e� �,L� Z A Br Tff L �,ps C H C— ����O ;p�97 anei. ���. Present Aome addnas (Number tnd strset, includin� apfrtmant number, or runl route) $ppuSE'S SOCNI flCUfi�y n0. ""x� /� �.'� E. D�r'A�t/CrF /'�t/E , y'/o?: e2� �(073 �� City, town a post offiee, Sbte and ZIP eode prirn � � Your oaupation � °�bPe• T A C �' ���� Spouse's acupation ► _/y -- E PraldC�ttie� Do you want$1 to go to this fund? . . . . . . . Yes No �� Checking �ryea'� win nof intrease your tax or re- ;� Election Campaign ,If joint return,dces your s use want sl to o to this fund?. . . I Yesl�I No duce your refund. i Single �for Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction llct Notice,see Instroctions. Filiag Status 2 T l� Married filing joint return (even if only one had income) Check only 3 Married filin se arate return. Enter s use's social securi no.abwre and full name here one box. — 8 P Do tY �-------------------------------- 4 Head of household (with qualifying person). (See paQe 6 of Instructions.) If the qualitying person is your un- _ married chitd but not your dependent,erKer child's name ►_________________________________________________________ 5 Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child (Year spouse died ► 19 ). (See page 6 of Instructions.) � Yourself 65 or over Blind Enter number ot Ex�ptions b �) P �I I� � boxes cneck: � S ouse 65 or over Blind on 6a and b Always check . Enter number c First names of your dependent children who lived vinth you ►_________________________________ the box labeled � of children Yourself. __________________ listed on 6t � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------°--------------- Check othe� (3) Number of (4) Did dapendent (5) Did you proride boxes if tl7ey d Other dependents: �y� Relationship months lired Mve ioeome of more than one•half of Enter number a epP�y (1) Name in rour bome =1,000 a moro? dependeM's wpport? of Other dependents � Add numbers � entered In e Total number of exemptions claimed boxes above � 7 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. . � lacooe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Interest income (attsch Schedule 8 if over j400 or you have sny AllSavers interesU • • • � 8 �7� iL_vt Please attach ' � % Copy B bf your 9a Dividends(attach Schedule B it over a400).____.______________ 9b Exclusion___________:____ ��, Forms w-2 here. c Subtract line 9b from line 9a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � It you do not have 10 Refunds of State and local income taxes (do not enter an amount unless you de- a w-2, see ducted those taxes in an earlier year—see page 9 of Insiructions). . . . . . . . . 10 page 5 of 11 Alimony 'received 11 Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Business income or(loss) (attach Schedule C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 12 �� 13 Capital gain or (loss) (attach Schedule D) . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 14 40% capital gain distributions not reported on line 13 (See page 9 of Instructions) 14 15 Supplemental gains or (losses) (attach Form 4797) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 Fully taxable pensions, IRA distributions,and annuities not reported on line 17. . 16 i 17a Other pensions and annuities. Total received . . . . 1�a � � �� b Taxable amount, if any,from worksheet on page 10 of Instructions. . . . . . . , 17b 18 Rents, royalties, partnerships,estates,trusts,etc. (attach Schedule E) . . 18 19 Farm income or (loss) (attach Schedule F). . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 19 �— attaehe check �a Unemployment compensation (insurance). Total received � � �• � ��� or money b Taxable amount,if any,from worksheet on page 10 of Instructions. . . . � order here. 21 Other income(state nature and sour�page 10 of Instructions} �_____________ _ _ _ _ _ ��, ------LrJ��C----(�o��?t?E�cJ5.9rie�t/__fii'BlYI__/ft���!3�1Q_S_�4!:[�!�S 21 00 00 22 Tatal income.Add amounts in column for lines 7 throu h 21 . . . � 22 i�[,l 23 Moving expense (attach Form 3903 or 3903F) . . . � �j Ad)Yt�111611tS 24 Employee business expenses (attach Form 2206) . . � j t6 ��CO�C 25 Pa yments to an IRA. You must errter code from p a ge j • � 11 (.-1-•-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �' QQ/ • Instrue• - � payments to a Keogh {H.R. 10) retiromerrt plan . . . � j tions on � �% �s�e 11) 2 7 P ena l t y on ea r l y with drawa l of savings . . . . . . . . j� 28 Alimony paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � 29 Deduction for a married couple when both work (at- tach Schedule W) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 30 Disability income exclusion (attach Form 2440) . . . � � 31 Totsl adjustmerKs.Add lines 23 throu h 30. Sl o? � �O ���� I 32 Adjusted gross incoma. Subtract line 31 from line•22. tf this•line is.l�ss tha� s10,000, see "Esrned Income CrediY' (�ine 62) on page 15 of Instrnrtions. CPi� ��CM� N ou want 1RS to fi ure ur tax,see ps e 3 of fnstructiorts. . . . ► 32 �� �9 �'r' �U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1982-363-301 E.1. 43-0787287 �j f � • • Form 3040(1982) �� 2 T� 33 Amount from line 32 (adjusted gross income) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � /�.�D 9 �,_ 34a If you itemize,comptete Schedule A(form 1040)md enter the amouM irom gd�eduw A,Ihw 3p, , , , 34a �j'��7 � Caution: If you have unearned income and can be claimed ss a depend�nt on your ��0� parenYs retum, check here ► � and see page 12 of the Instructions. Also ses � �� page 12 of the Instructions if: ' �� InStruc• • You are msrried filing a separate return and your spouse itemiz�s d�ductions,OR �� tions on • You Tile Form 4563,OR • You�re a dusl•statua alisn. wQe 12) 3�qb If you do not itemize, complete the worksheet on page 13. Then enter the albwable / part of your charitable contributions here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34b 35 Subtract line 34a or 34b, whichever applies, from line 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 /�,�4/ � , 36 Multiply$1,000 by the total number of exemptions claimed on Form 1040, tine 6e. . 36 i, �00�_ 37 Taxable Income. Subtract line 36 from line 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 �_ 38 Tax. Enter tax here and check if from (�(Tax Table, �Tax Rate Schedule X.Y, or Z, ____ I or � Schedule G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 �d_�I�� 39 Additional Taxes. (See page 13 of Instructions.)Enter here and check if from�Form 4970, 39 � Form 4972, � Form 5544, or �section 72 penalty taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . � �j —I 40 Total. Add lines 38 and 39 . � � � � Credits 41 Credit for the elderly (attach Schedules R&RP) . . . . 41 � ! 42 Foreign tax credit (attach Form 1116) . 42 �� (� 43 Investment credit (attach Form 3468) . . . . . . . . . '� �a �L/ Instruc• � / tions on 44 Partial credit for political contributions . . . . . . . . . page 13) 45 Credit for child and dependent care expenses�Form�2441�• '� 46 Jobs credit (attach Form 5884) . . . . . '� � 47 Residential energy credit (attach Form 5695) . . 47 . . . . 48 Other credits—see page 14 ►---••--••-•••••----••....._...-•••••---... � � 49 Total credits.Add lines 41 through 48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4g �_ 50 Batance.Subtract line 49 from line 40 and enter difference(but not less than zero) . ► 50 --_�.�D �r 51 Self-employment tax (attach Schedule SE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 8�/S� T��: 52 Minimum tax (attach Form 4625) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 Alternative minimum tax (attach Form 6251) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (�neluding 54 Tax from recapture of investment credit (attach Form 4255) . . . . . . . . . . . . � Advance • EiC 55 Social security(FICA)tax on tip income not reported to employer(attach Form 4137). � Payments) � Uncollected employee FICA and RRTA tax on tips (from Farm W-2) . . . . . . . . . -`� 57 Tax on an IRA (attach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 58 Advance earned income credit (EIC) payments received (trom Form W-2) . . 58 06 S9 Total tax. Add lines 50 through 58 . � gg � G � Pay■811t8 � Total Federal income tax withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . � �� � 61 1982 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 1981 return . 61 _� � Attach � �med income credit. If line 33 is under �10,000, see Forms W-2, W-2G, and page 15 of Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � W-2P 63 Amount paid with Form 4868 . . . . . . . . � / to front. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � �� 64 Excess FICA and RRTA tax withheld (two or more employers) . 6b Credit for Federal tax on special fuels and oils (attach Form 4136) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � 66 Regulated Investment Company credit(attach Form 2439) 66 67 Total. Add lines 60 through 66. ► 67 , �DD D� Ref��d or � �f line 67 is larger than line 59,enter amount OVERPAID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 66 a, /59 � 69 Amount of line 68 to be REFUNDED TO YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► � Y� �e 70 Amount of line 68 to be applied to your 1983 estimsted tax. . . ►.�•�. � o,?•�S��.� �/ 71 If line 59 is larger than line 67,enier AMOUNT 1►�I OMIE Attact►chsck or mone�r order for fuH amamt /� , pryable to Intemal Revenue Serviu.Write your aocial security number u�d"1982 fo►m lOW"on it ► 71 , (Check ► � if Form 2210(2210� is attsched. See paQe 16 of InstniMiona.)►s �' /% � Under penalties of peryury, 1 declare that I have examined this rotum, includins aewmpanyin�schsdules snd statements,and to the best � of my knowledQe and belief, it is true,cornet,and eomptets.D�elaratlon of prp�nr(otM►th�n taxp��rer)is bassd on all inform�tion of � whieh praparer has any knowledQe. �e 'Your si��turs I� ;��� � Propsrer's ' Dats �dc if eparer's soekl security � s����m �� ► b �"i G Rrm's nsme (or �� youn, ff setf•employed), ( EI. No. � 1 and address �p�e � SCHEDULE C Profit or �Loss� From Business or Professton� oMB.No. 15�5-0074 (Form 1040) (Sole Proprietorship) �[O�Q� Mp�Rment of tha Trawry partnerships�Joint Ventures,etc.�Must Fi{e Form 1065. NJV i�.m.i R.wnw s.ry�a�p� ��ch to Form 1040 or Form 1041. ►See instructlons for Schsduk C(Form 1040). 08 Name of proprietor Socisl a�auRy numba�of propri�Eor �o��,s Z. «rl `����.p_ y�e �� gR4`1 A Main business activity(see Instructions) �Q� d�\ ; product ► Lrn«�� �ac B Business name ► Lo�'b FooA C'1c,r�ce� C Employer identification number D Business address (number and street) ►.__�\`_1_`�___W1n��_�£sar______�.X1�L____. � c�ty,State and ZIP Cods � s� � , ,� c�„ �s�o cr, y i \ = n $�R i� i 0 i C�i G E Accounting method: (1) � Cash (� � ccrual (3) � Other (specify) ►______ ,, ---------------------•------------------------� F Method(s) used to value closing inventory: (1) � Cost (2) � Lower of cost or market (3) � Other (if other, attach explanation) Yes No _ G Was there any major change in determining quantities,costs,or valuations between opening and closing inventory?. . �� If"Yes,"attach explanation. /�%✓, H Did you deduct expenses for an office in your home? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Did you operate this business at the end of 1982? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ✓ J How many months in 1982 did you actively operate this business?► �'� � Income 1 a Gross receipts or sales . . . . . . . . . . . I la I----8-��---�0�__.I y�.� b Returns and allowances . . . . . . . . . . . 1� � /�//� c Balance (subtract line lb from line la) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1c ____�(��_�A�__..'�� 2 Cost of goods sold and/or operations (Schedule C-1, line 8) . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 / 9 '�S 3 �� 3 Gross profit (subtract tine 2 from line lc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � _______f_y a__��1__.._7_�2 4 a Windfall Profit Tax Credit or Refund received in 1982 (see Instructions) . . . . . . . 4s b Other income . . .-�n��r��. . �.hto�s,G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4b �1Co Za 5 Total income(add lines 3,4a,and 4b). ► � �ya 9�� $� � � Deductions 6 Advertising. . . . . . . . ___.______1 1�j y 1.L___ 25 Taxes (Do not include Windfall i--- --- ------ 7 Bad debts from sales or services Profit Tax here.See line 29.). . ._________1}��(a__1_� (Cash method taxpayers, see In- 26 Travel and entertainment _ _ ___________________________ _ structions) . . . . . . . . --------------------------- ------- 27 Utilities and telephone . . . ;-- - -L- --• !�_ -- 'L - 8 Bank service charges. . . . . -----------3�iZ�----��L 28 a Wages . . I�ta7_��lJ__I�l-G���///�j j 9 Car and truck expenses. . . . ___________�5,.�1_`1___..b.�. b Jobs credit / 10 Commissions . . . . . . . .---------------•----------. ------- c Subtract line 28b from 28a . -----------�:f t,�,ZQ_ ql-- 11 Depletion . . . . . . . . .__________________________ ______ 29 Windfall Profit Tax withheld in 12 Depreciation, including Section 1982 . . . . . . . . . .________________________._______. 179 expense deduction (from 30 Other eacpenses (specify): Form 4562) . . . . . . . .-----------�y��---•� a _�ns+.c�Qr__�.S�i�s ----__�__`_�.Q'L`---..AQ. . V 13 Dues and publications . . . . _________________3`c�.C?__. _C�. b _����4�5___________. _________�U!_S�S�1C1__..i21�_. 14 Employee benefit programs . . --------------------------- .------. c ._`�� �_ lr�x�S�S.._�----- .-------------���`1_.._�_(�n. 15 Freight(not included on Schedula Fl) . ---------------------------•--_--• d--�i�L���4►ritlau�_---�__-------------�D�.-�lo. 16 Insurance . . . . . . . . ------------`_1�_1�-----�--�- • -------------------------------_ ---_-------------••------ 17 Interest on business indebtedness ,_____________3_��__._1� f __ww____�___.__________W______ _.�w_______ _______ 18 Laundry and cleaning . . . . ,________________Z(�,�_.__\_�_ g __ ------W_______�-- - - 19 Legal and professional services . _____________�__y,_yA__ �_ h._ __�__w -- --------------------------• ---•-- 20 Office supplies and postage. . . -----------------1_`_�_ �',S.a. 1 ___�---_-_________ --�._•-------------------------- -- 21 Pension and profit•sharing plans . ---------------------------•----_. ) ______w_w_____________ ------------------- .------• � 22 Rent on business property . . . .---------------lQiS�•�;1� k_-- -------------------------------- 23 Repairs . . . . . . . . . -----------�-y.S�_ .d�.s � _____ ._._--------------- ---_ 24 Supplies(nM included on Schedula Fl) . � 5 3\� p n m 31 Total deduetlons (add amounts in columns for lines 6 through 30m) . . . ► 31 �3 3 S8g � 32 Net profit or (loss) (subtract line 31 from tine 5). If a profit, enter on Form 1040. line 12,and on Schedule SE, Part I, line 2(or Form 3041, line 6). If a loss, o on to line 33. . 32 � 01 33 If you have a loss,do you have amounts for which you are not"at risk" in this business(see Instructions)?. . � Y�s � No If you checked "No" enter the loss on Form 1040, line 12,and on Schsdule SE, Part I, line 2(or Form 1041, line 6). For Paperwork Rsduction Act Notlte,sse Form 1040 Instruetions. L , � . . . . ScMdul�C(Form 3040) t9E2 p� 'Z SCHEDULE C-1.—�ost of Goods Sold and/or Operations (See Schedule C Instructions for Part I, line 2) 1 Inwntory at beginninQ of year(if differont from last year's closinQ inventory.attach�xplanation). i ________�`�_�50__ Q Q_ 2 Purchases (less cost of items withdrawn for personai use) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 _____7 s��_���..G,� 3 Cost of labor(do not include salary peid to yourself) . . $ �� 4 Materials and supplies. . . 4 � Other costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 6 Add lines 1 through 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ._.._.��$_=l��.!G!S 7 Inventory at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � a9 `'�SD _� S Cost of goods soid and/or opentions(subtract Une 7 from line 6).Enter here and on Pert I,line 2. ► 8 �/y �/S 3 (o S� e U.8.aP0:1982-0�363�310 E.I.t 430811378 . • ' � ' - _ ` ' ' � ,��'C .` �' ��''''�- D�p�rtment ol the Treasury--Internsl Revenw Sernce � 1 04� U.S. Individusl Income Tax Return ��° 83 co, Fa the yur Janwry 1•December 31,1983,a other tsx ywr beginnir�g ,1983,ending .19 OMB No.1545-0074 U�e Vour first name snd inital(if joirrt retum,slso give spouse's name and inkial) Last nsme Yeur tocisl s�curky numMr IRS --r._ ._- _ _ � t'�'� �..'r " �- t- i z r? - s /'E l'�=. r �P' : o�a :9�=�7 I�bei. - a�r- Praent home addreu(Number and strcet,including ap�tmerk number,w ruroi route) $pouse's tocfal sscu�lty nu�e► ��. iP�� = �� _,;,„� r�-�J_ y�a � av y6!'s ��� � � , ,, _ p►int City,town a post offite,State,a�d ZIP code 1'aur ottupation �E- ;A,✓; p�t�lp!• UT, .?r:..' ;i ,, �r,. q $p0U5l�S OCCUpEUOrI xJO n"C;Y',^-`K f� hesidenti�l ' Do You want 1 to go to this fund? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes No otr ecking�•ves �wiii El�ttion C�m i n If joint return,does your spouse want S1 to go to this fund? Yes No o°t�c�easeyrefunU ', 1 Single For Priracy Act and Pape►work Reduction Act Notiu,see Instructions. Fling Status 2 k Married filing joint return(even if only one had income) Check only 3 Married filinQ separate seturn.Enter spouse's social security no.above and full name here. one box. 4 Head of household(with qualifying person).($ee page 6 of Instructions.)If the qualifying person is your unmarried child but not your dependent,write child's name here. 5 Qualifying widow(er)with dependent child(Year spouse died ►19 ).(See page 6 of Instructions.) 6s Yourself 65 or over Blind Enter number ofi Exem tions p �C } boxes�f�ckad p Spouse 65 or over Blind on W and b ► a e First names of your dependent cfiildren who lived with you Enter number � Always check of children the box labeled listed on 6c ► Yourself, d Other dependents: (3)Number d (4)Did depeibent (5)Did you provide Check other (�RelitionsAip monda fived Iiwe i�maie of mae tlpn onrh�H d boxes if they (1)Name ia your nome i1,000 a iame? d�pendenYs wpport? Enter number of other ❑ apply. dependents ► Add numbers entered in • Total number of exemptions claimed. . . boxes above ► °C- 7 Wages,salaries,tips,etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Ineome 8 Interest income(also attach ScheEtule 8 if over;400 or you have any AM-Savers interest) . . 8 S�i n 7 9a Dividends(a/so attach Schedule B if maer s400) ,9b Exclusion Please attach c Subtract line 9b from line 9a and enter the result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c Copy B of your 10 Refunds of State and local income taxes,from worksheet on page 10 of Instructions(do not Fwms W2,W-2G, enter an amount unless you deducted those taxes in an earlier year—see p�e 10 of and W-2P here. Instructions) . • . • "" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 d,�s ��+. If you do not have 11 Alimony received . . . . 11 . � .. , �. P B 5 of 12 Business income or(loss)(attacb Schedule C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Instructions. 13 Capital gain or(loss)(attach Scf�Oele D) 13 14 40%capital gain distributions not reported on line 13(See page 10 of Instructions) . . . . . , 14 18 Suppleme�tal gains or(losses)(atiach Form 4797) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 Fully ta�ble pensions,IRA distributions,and annuities not reported on line 17. . . . . . . . . 16 17a Qther pensions and annuities,induding rollovers.Total received 17a b Tazable amount,if any,from worfFSheet on page 10 of Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17b � 18 Rents,royalties,partnerships,estates,trusts,etc.(attach Schedu/e f). . : : : . : : : . . . . 18 19 Farm income or(loss) (attach Schedule � . . ► 19 20a Unemployment compensation(�urance).Total received . . . � Please 20b attach check b Taxable amount,if any,from waksheet on page 11 of Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or money 21 Other income(state n�ture and sowre—see p�e 11 of lashuctions) order here. o; a,,;,�- ��� - ,,c�s 21 �.7i (=?.— �'0�-r. i nJ.SI"•-�o�..� r��o�.�`. .�..:.� !C� S�OO o0 22 Total fncome.Add amounts in cdumn for lines 7 through 21 . . . ► 22 ? !' : ' 23 Moving expense(attach Form 3903 or 3903� . 23 Ad'ustments ' � � � � � � � 24 � 24 Employee business expenses(aftach Form 2106). . to Income 2� IRA deduction,from the worksheet on page 12 . . . . . . . . . 2� � G�� ' �` t��ruc- b Enter here IRA payments you made irr 1984 that are included in ' tions on line 25a above ► � d� f f G�G C � page 11) Q6 Payments to a Keogh(H.R.I D)�e2iremeM plan . . . . . . . . . 26 27 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2a Alimony paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 29 Deduction for a manieG couple+Mun beM work(stbdi Sd►e�d+�fe N� � 30 Disabiliry income exclusion(stbdi Form 2440I. . . . . . . . . � 31 Totsl ad�ustm�ets.Add lines 23 thraigh 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 31 �j�� 32 Adjust�d poss Ineome.SubVact lirre 31 from line 22.H this line is kss than s10.000,s�e "Earned Income Credit"(line 59j on p�e 16 of lnstructions.If you want/RS fo fq�ura rour 2 6fOSi�1IC011lA bx,see 3oflr►sfructror►s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 32 .:�', /�.3 � Form 1040 1983 'Z T�X 33 Amount from line 32(adjusted gross income) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 � 1 34s If you demine,compkte Schedule A(f orm 1040)and enter the amourd hom Schedule A.line 26. . . . . . . . 34a ��. Csutlon: H yrxi have urkamed income and can be claimed as a dependertt on your psrenYs rotum, check here ► � and see page 13 of the Instructions.Also see page 13 of the Instructions if: �� •You are married fi�ing a separate return and your spouse itemizes deductions,OR Instrua •You file Form 4563,OR tions on •You are a dual-status alien. page 13) 34b If you do not itemize deductions on Schedule A(Form 1040),complete the worksheet on page 14. Then enter the altowable part of your charitable contributions here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �b 35 Subtract line 34a or 34b,whlchever applies,from line 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ^ G� 36 MuRiply s1,000 by the total number of exemptions claimed on Form 1040,line 6e. . . . . . . . . 36 „�, �i�G� �• ' 37 Tazable Income.Subtract line 36 from line 35 . . . . . . . . 37 2 r' Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tax. Enter tax here and check N from �Tax Table, � Tax Rate Schedule X,Y,or Z, or � Schedule G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ? 39 Additional Taxes.(See page 14 of Instructions.)Enter here and check if from �Form 4970, � Form 4972, � Form 5544,or � section 72 penalty taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 40 Total.Add lines 38 and 39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .► 40 �< / � , C��1� 41 Credit for the elderly(attach Schedules R&RP). . . . . . . . . . . 41 42 Foreign tax credit(attach Form 1116) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 (See 43 Investment credit(attach Form 3468) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 �?9/' Instruc- q4 Partial credit for political contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 tions on /O O o page 14) 45 Credit for chitd and dependent care expenses(attach Form 2441) 45 I6 Jobs credit(attach Form 5884). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 47 Residential energy credit(attach Form 5695) . . . . . . . . . . . 47 48 Total credlts.Add lines 41 throu h 47 . . 48 �a �r✓ 49 Balanee.Subtract line 48 from line 40 and enter difference(but not less than zero) . . . . . .► 49 a i ' `' �tnef 50 Self-employment tax(attach Schedule SE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 � ,�l^ Taxes 51 Alternative minimum tax(attach Fam 6251) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 52 Tax from recapture of investment credit(attach Form 4255) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 (Including 53 Sociat security tax on tip income not reported to employer(attach Form 4137) . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Advance EtC 54 Uncollected employee social security tax and RRTA tax on tips(from Form W-2) . . . . . . . . . . 54 Payments) 55 Tax on an IRA(attach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 � 56 Total tsx.Add lines 49 through 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 56 �, � g � Payments 57 Federal income tax withheld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 58 1983 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 1982 return 58 �' /j r � 59 Earned income credit.If line 33 is under$10,000,see page 16. . 59 Attach 60 Amount paid with Form 4868. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 � Forms W-2, 61 Excess social security tax and RRTA tax withheld (two or more W-2G,and W2P emp�oyers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 to front. 62 Credit for federal tax on special fuels and oils(attach Form 4136) 62 63 Regulated Investment Company credit(attach Form 2439) . . . . 63 64 Total psymeMs.Add lines 57 through 63 • • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .► 64 % � 65 ff line 64 is Iarger than line 56,enter amount OVERPAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .► 65 � .� Refund or 66 Amount of line 65 to be REFUNDED TO YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .► 66 Amount 67 Amount of line 65 to be applied to your 1984 estimated tax . . . . .► 67 YOU Ow� 68 H line 56 is larger than line 64,eMer AMOUNT YOU OWE.Attach ct�eck a money o►der fo►full amount payable to"Internal Revenue Senrice."Write your social security number and"1983 Form 1040"on it . . .► 68 � (CheGk ► � if Form 2210(2210F)is attached.See page 17 of Instructiwu J s Under penafties of perjury,I declare that I have examined this retum and accompanying schedules and ststemerrts,and to the best of my krwwledge and Please belief,they are true,correct,and complete.Dectaration oi preparer(other than taxpayer)a based on all infamation of which preparer has any knowledge. Sign � Here ' Your pgnature Date ' Spouse's s�ature(it filing jaMly,BOTH must si�{n) Preparor's ' �� Preparer's social security no. r�id � signature sCe�t�m-e ployed ❑ tn�rtr s Firm's name(or E.�,p�p. U����r yours,if self•empbyed) and ac3dress Z�P code G U.S.60VERNMENT PRINTIN6 OiFICE:liO43WO�S E.t.NO.:i42Y�YQ6� M . , , � SCHEDULE C Profit or (Loss) From Business or Profession � «�►�.l�,s.00�. (Form 1040) (Sole Proprfetonhip) Departme�n oi tne rrcasury Partnershfps,Joint Ventures,etc.,Must Flle Fwm 1065. � �J 8 3 nrtemal Revenue Serv�ce�p� � Attach to Form lOtO o►Form 1041. � Sa�Iraductions fo►SCINdult C(Form 1040). � Name of proprietor SocW f�writy numba of prop►I�ta � � �-Du _ �, (�R. ��P.<^_HE (oP �a.7o ; 9l?7 A Main business activity(see Instructions) � �T�,` ;p���� /^ LT l 0:E�;tES B Business name and address �_.,�G u s__F_o c rn A r��Er C Employer identification number ....•---• •--- /!9' LJ.:,T� :t -k b: —..��� Ad� M�l ss�a� D Method(s)used to value closing inventory: y � ; O p' 4 D � � , (1) � Cost (2) ❑ Lower of cost or market (3)❑ Other(attach explanation} E Accounting method: (1) ❑ Cash (2)� Accrual (3) ❑ Other(specify) �____________________________________ Yes No F Was there any major change in determining quantities,costs,or valuations Detween opening and closing inventory? . . . . . . . ✓ If"Yes,"attach explanation. 6 Did ou deduct ex nses for an office in our home? . PART I.—Income 1 a Gross receipts or sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a 9 a'� /� b less:Returns and allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb c Subtract line lb from line la and enter the balance here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t ` �a /�' 2 Cost of goods sold and/or operations(Part III,line 8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 � r' '�� 3 Subtract line 2 from line lc and enter the gross profft here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 a Windfall Profit Tax Credit or Refund received in 1983(see Instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . � b Other income . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4b 5 Add lines 3,4a,and 4b.This is the ross Income . . . � 5 �C � ,2� PART II.—Deductions 6 Advertising . . . . . . . . . . �� 23 Repairs . . . . . . . . . . 7�' a 7 Bad debts from sales or services(Cash 24 Supplies(not included in Part III) . . / O method taxpayers, see Instructions) . 25 Taxes (Do not include Windfall D O 8 Bank service charges. . . . . . . � �1 Profit Tax here.See line 29.) . . . 9 Car and truck expenses . . . . . . 'S o 26 Travel and entertainment . . . . 10 Commissions . . . . . . . . . 27 Utilities and telephone . . . . �6 0� 11 Depletion . . . . . . . . . . 28 a Wages / 9/ �! 0 7 12 Depreciation and Section 179 deduction b Jobs credit from Form 4562(not included in Part c Subtractline28bfrom28a . . / ��y D III). . . . . . . . . . . . . -—- �ys� �O 29 Windfall Profit Tax withheld in 1983 13 Duesandpublications . . . . . , yo 00 3p ptherexpenses(specify): 14 Employee benefit programs . . . . a�u Y�_n!c�__ FL�S'._..._____._ 80 0 00 15 Freight(not included in Part III) . .. . b _�P�N TE NA�k^.�._..__.____ a2/ 16 Insurance . . . . . . . . . � c ]���CF?-�rr��o�c5.--•--••- /� i! 17 Intereston business indebtedness . . 58 ^1 d rl'1Hn1AGF/' _ !�}AGtS__ lJrFG Q yoo ca 18 Laundry and cteaning . . . . . . �� �° e --------------------------•--- 19 Legaland professionalservices . . . ' f ______________________________ 20 Officeexpense. . . . . . . . . � �y � --------------- .............•- 21 Pension and profit-sharing plans . . . h _ ----------•-------------•---- 22 Rent on business ro ert . �U �o I 31 Add amounts in columns for lines 6 through 30i.These are the total deductbns . . . . . . . . . � 31 �?S 7 9� 5�7 32 Net profit or(loss).Subtract line 31 from line 5 and enter the result. If a profit,enter on Form 1040,line 12, and on Schedule SE,Part I,line 2 or Form 1041,line 6 .tf a loss, o on to line 33 . 32 �� 9�,�' 33 If you have a loss,you must answerthis question:"Do you have amounts for which you are not at risk in this business(see Instructions)?"Q Yes ❑ No If"Yes,"you must attach Form 6198.tf"No,"enter the toss on Form 1040,line 12,and on Schedule SE,Part I,line 2(or Form 1041,line 6). PART 111.—Cost of Goods Sold and or Operations(See�hedule C Instructions for Part III) • 1 Inventory at beginning of year(if different from last year's closing inventory,attach explanation) . . . . . i o�9 �+ o0 2 Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Cost of labor(do not include salary paid to yourself) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 S Other costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Add lines 1 through 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Less: Inventory at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 3 0 0 0 i Cost of�oods sold snA/o►op�ratlor�s.Subtract line 7 from line 6.Enter here ar►d in Psrt I,line 2,above. . 8 Fa Psps�rork R�dudion Act Notka,s�e Fonn 10401nstructions. SchMule C(Form 1040)1983 Q U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1984-764-051/505 . . . : . �' �' �9r�� , _ , _ �,- , . � � O�O D�pa .me�t of the Treasury—Int�rnal Revsnue Servics . U S indfvidual income Tax Return � °�84 �o> l�or tlx yesr Jenuary 1•December 31,1984,or other tax year begimm�g ,1984,ending ,19 01�No.1545-0074 � � Your first name snd initial(if jwnt return.also give spouse's name and initisl) Lest name Your tocisl sscurity number � ,C- sR. � Z EP� : v �9 �.�. ��_ Present home address(Number and street,including apartment number,or rural route) Spouse's soetal sacurity numbsr '�°. /P�3 ti y7,2 : a � �� . � CRy,town a post ice,State,and ZIP code YOUr OCCUpatiOn x�� r. �u�, , /I;�J .Ssi� s�,��s��v��, a��-�c� Ptesidential ' Do you want 1 to go to this fund? . . . . . . . . . . ya No �ot°= ner�c'"8"�es""�� , Elettion Campaign If joint return,does your spouse want$1 to go to this fund?. . Ya No ro�d,�ce�u retun�`a.� 1 Single Fw Privacy Act md Paper�k Reduction Act Notiu,see Instructions. Filing Status 2 Married filingjoint return(even if only one had income) Check only 3 Married filing separate return.Enter spouse's social security no.abare and full mme here. one box. 4 Head of household(with qualifying person).(See page 5 ot Instructions.)If the qualifying person is your unmarried child but not your dependent,write child's name here. 5 ualif in widow(er)with dependent child(Year spouse died►19 ).(See e 6 ot lnstructions.) 6a Yourself 65 or over Blind Enter number ot � Exemptions b Spouse 65 or over Blind � on 6a and b�► c First names of our de endent children who lived with ou j Enter number � Always check y p Y the box labeled 1 oi childrai 1 listed on 6c ► Yourself. d Other dependents: (3>Number� (4)Did depeneent (5)Did yon provide Check other (1)Name (Z)Relationship monMs ti�ed have i�ot more than onNulf o� boxes if they in your home 51,000 a mord dependenPssrpport? Enter aumber apply. M other � dependents ► Add numbers �tered in e Total number of exemptions claimed(also complete line 36). . , y�xa app� � 7 Wages,salaries,tips,etc. . � � Ineome 8 Interest income(also aftach Schedule B if over;400) . . . . . . . . . 8 7 9a Dividends(a/so attach Schedule B if over s400)�_,9b Exclusion Please attach � Subtract line 9b from line 9a and enter the result. . � Copy B oi your . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forms W2,W-2G, 10 Refunds of State and local income taxes,from the worksheet on page 9 of Instrudions(do not enfer and W-2P here. art amount un/ess you rtemized deductions for those taxes in an earlieryear—see page 9) . . , . 10 � If you do not have 11 Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 a W2,see 12 Business income or(loss)(attach Schedule C). . 12 / page 4 of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Instructions. 13 Capital gain or(loss)(attach Schedule D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 40%of capital gain distributions not reported on line 13(see p�e 9 of Instructions) . . . , 14 15 Supplemental gains or(losses)(attach Form 4797). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 Fully taxable pensions,IRA distributions,and annuities not reported on line 17 . . . . . , 16 17s pther pensions and annuities,including rollovers.Total received i�8 b Taxable amount,if any,from the worksheet on page 10 of Instructions . . . . . . , , 17b � 18 Rents,royalties,partnerships,estates,trusts,etc.(attach Schedule E) : : : : : : . : i8 19 Farm income or (loss) (aftach Schedule F) . . . 19 20a Unemployment compensation(insurance).Total received . . 20a Please ' �b attach check b Taxable amount,if any,from the worksheet on page 10 of Instructions. . . . . . . . or money 21a Social securit benefits. see 23a order here. y ( PaBe 10 of Instructions) . . . . b Taxable amount,if any,from the worksheet on page 11 of Instructions. . . . . . . . , 21b Z2 Other income(state nature and souru—see p�e 11 of Inatructans 22 23 Add Iines 7 throu h 22.This is your tobl inwme . . � p3 24 Moving expense(attach form 3903 or 3903F) . . . . . 24 . Ad justments 25 Emptoyee business expenses(aftach Form Z106) . . . . 25 . to Income 26a IRA deduction,from the worksheet on page 12 . . . . . 2� (� b Errter here IRA payments you made in 1985 that are included Instruo- in Iine 26a above ► � -?. D G C�D D � tions on page 11.) 27 Peyments to a Keogh(H.R.10)retirement plan . . . . . . 2� t� Penalty on early withdrawal of savings . . . . . . . . 28 2! Alimony paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �0 Deduction fa a married coupk when both woric(atboh ScheaYelr ii� � 31 Add lines 24 thro 30.These are ur totsl , � 31 0? 9 $ Adjusted btratt tine 31 from line 23. Tha is your�diust�d poss Mcon�.!f this line a less thm ;20,000,see"famed Income Credit'Qine 59)ar pu�gr 16 of Instructions.Nyrou warrt!RS 6ross Income r� � re ,raX,� �zof�►�mKc;�s. . . ► u g a C + n . . � � Form 1040(1984) 2 Tax 33 Amount from tine 32(adjusted gross income). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � a✓`�D 9 COIIIpII- 34a H you itemize,attach Schedule A(Form 1040)and eMer the amourrt from Sdieduk A,Gne 26 . . � �1011 Caulioa H you have uneamed income and can be daimed as a deperWerd on your parent's�et�rn, check here ► ❑ and see page 13 of the Instructions.Also see page 13 ff: •You are rt►anied filing a separate retum and your spot�se itemras deductans.OR (See •You file Form 4563,OR •You are a dual-status al�n. Instruo- �b ff �do not itemize deductans,and tions on y you have charitable contributions,oomplrte the waksheet �b page 13.) on page 14.Then enter the allowable part of your cor►tributioru here . . . . . . . . . . 35 Subtract line 34a or 34b,whichever applies,from line 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 0 � Muttiply 51,000 by the total number of exemptions claimed on Fam 1040,line 6e . . . . . � � 37 Taxable Income.Subtract line 36 trom line 35. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 D S ' 3g Tax. Enter tax here and check if from �Tax Table, ❑ Tax Rate ScF�edule X,Y,or Z,a � ❑ Schedule G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � af. 5 Q 39 Additional Taxes.(See e 14 of Instructions.)Enter here and check'rf from ❑Form 4970, ❑ Form 4972, or � Form 5544. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 40 Add lines 38 and 39.Enter the total. . . ► � 41 Credit for child and dependent care expenses(attach Form 2442) 41 Credits 42 Credit for the elderly and the permanently and totally disabled (attach Schedute R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 (See 43 Residential energy credit(attach Form 5695) . . . . , , 43 t ons on � Partial credit for political contributions for which you have receipts � page 14.) 45 .Add lines 41 through 44.These are your total personal credits . . . . . . . . . . . , 45 46 Subtract line 45 from 40.Enter the resutt(but not less than zero) . . . . . . . . . 46 n � D n 47 Foreign tax credit(attach Form 1116) . . . . . . . 4T 48 General business credit.Check if from0 Form 3800,� Fam 3468, ❑Form 5884.❑ Fomi 6478 � � �0 49 Add lines 47 and 48.These are your total business and other credits . . . . . . . . . . 49 � 0 SO Subtract line 49 from 46.Enter the resuft(but not less than zero. . . ► 50 Other - s� Self-employment tax(aftach Schedule SE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2 Taxes sz Akernative minimum tax(attach Form 6251). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 Tax from recapture of investment credit(attach Form 4255). . �3 (Including ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � Advance '.N Social security tax on tip income not reported to employer(attach Form 4137) . . . . . . . Payments) 55 Tax on an IRA(attach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S5 � 56 Add lines 50 throu 55.This is our totsl tax . 56 g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payments 57 Federal income tax withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 58 1984 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 1983 return. g8 59 Earned income credit.If line 33 is under s10,000,see page 16 . . 59 Attach (p Amount paid with Form 4868 . . . . . . . . . . . . � D 00 Forms W-2, 61 Excess social securit tax and RRTA tax withhefd two or more W-2G,and y � W-2P employers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 to front. � 62 62 Credit for federal Ux on Qasoline and spaial fuels(sttxh Fam�136), , , 63 Regulated Investment Company credit(attach Form 2439) . . � 64 Add lines 57 throu h 63.These are our total meMs . 64 65 If line 64 is larger than line 56,enter amount OVERPAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 65 Refund or � qmount of line 65 to be REFUNDED TO YOU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � Amount 67 Amount of line 65 to be applied to your 1985 estimated tax . . .► 7 You Owe � ff line 56 is larger than line 64,errter AMOUNT YOU O1ME Attach dteck w maiey order ta fuA amount / payabk to"Internal Revenue Service."Write your social security number and"1984 Fortn 1010"an it . . ► � b • Chetk ► H Form 2210 2210F is attached:See 17 ot Instnxtiwaa. s • Under penaRies of perjury,1 declarc that I have sxamined this rctum and aaamp�nying schedules and statertroMs.md to the best of my krwwkdQe and Pleau ee��iet.tner sre t►ue,ca►ect,ana comp�ete.Dedarstion of preparer(�ttrn ta�psyer)is D�see on���ormstion ot rrhicn peparer nas u►y traw�sAQe. Sign I Here , YoursiQnature Date ' Spa�tt'ssip�hne(ff ��.���� Preparer's ' Date Propsrcr's social security ra. r�id si�rwture �,�� : � 1f8 hep�rer's Uf!�II� Firm's nsme(a E.I.No. /��1 sr�id sdd.ess�v�) / LP cade aU.3.(iPO:tY04�0�73 oE1.N30tt�! , . . . . . SCHEDULE C Profit or (Loss) From Bustness or Profession �� 1�.��. (Form 1040) (Sok Proprktorship) � ���T��ry Psrtn�nhips.JoiM V�ntuns.etc.Must Flle Form 1065. ��8 4 �m.,tt.venue snv�or co, ► Aeba,tc Fonn lao o.Fam 1a1. ► s..l�atructlons+o.sd�dul.c cForm lao). 09 N�rtrc ot propnetor ����� � c A Msin business activity(see Irtstructions} ► � Product a Service ► S Business name and sddress �._,G Q/,t.�j_. �/J�_ �9ii> E r...... _ . .. . .. C Employer ID number L � . ,� D Method(s)used to va{ue closmg inventory: � � � (1) � Cost (2) ❑ lower oi cost or market (3) ❑ Othe.(attach ezptanation) E Accountmgmethod: (1)❑ Cash (2) �l Accrual (3)❑ Other s � Y�s �'�O ( D��fY) �.....-•..................•--••-••--- F Was there any change in determming quantiUes,costs,or valuations Detween openi�g and closing inventory?. . . . . . . . . . � If"Ves."attach explanation. ���� G D�d ou deduct ex nses for an office in our home? Income 1 s Gross receipts or sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la , �o,r� ��.��_�. � b Less:Returns and allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb ��– �- c Subtract fine lb from line la and enter the balance here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1t 5 2 COSt of goods sold and/or operations(from Part III,line 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Subtract Ime 2 from line lc and enter the�ross proHt here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �3 — 4 � Windfall Profit Tax Credit or Refund recerved in 1984(see Instructions) . . . . . . . . . 4' a b Otner mcome . . . . . . . . ./��TE iPE s T ./!�J��.n.%E . . 4b � y0 5 Add hnes 3,4a,and 4b.This is the ross income . � 5 � � Deductions 6 Advertismg . . . . . . . � 23 Repairs . . . . . . . . � 7 Bad debts from sales or services(Cash 24 Supplies(not included in Part III below) �,� ' method taxpayers, see Instructions) 25 Taxes (Do not include Windfall 8 Bank serv�ce charges. . . . . Profit Tax here.See line 29.) . 9 Car and truck expenses . . . . . 26 Traveland entertamment . . 10 Commissions . . . . 27 Utilrties and telephone . . . . 'S� 12 Deprec'ation and Section 179 deduction 28 b obe credit —�' /, ,� // �� from Form 4562(not included in Part c Subtract Ime 28b from 28a . . lo✓�� I�1 below). . 29 Wmdfall Profit Tax withheld in 1984 13 Dues and publ�cations . . 30 Other expenses(specify): l4 Employee benefit programs . • __�L.yJy C�c..ff�S._..._.. !" 15 Freight(not included In Part 111 below) . b ___/7J��NT�n/y��E___..._.. a� // 16 �nsurance . . . . � c ..!'17�SCE1�9.N�O.uS..... �'l/ 17 Interestonbusinessindebtedness . d _h).�/�_./�f�_�F$_-Wl�E.. /jj fj 18 Laundryandcleaning . � ----•--••-•----••-••---••-•••• 19 Legalandprofess�onalservices f .............................. 20 Offlce expense. . . . . . . � ` ---------:••--•------•••-•..._ 21 Pensionandprofit-sharingplans . . . h -------------------•-•-•••-•-• 22 Rent on business ro rt i 31 Add amounts�n columns tor{ines 6 through 30� These are the total deductlons . . . . . . � 31 ,[�! , �6� 32 Net profk or(bss).Subtract line 31 from Ilne 5 and enter the result.If a profit,eMer on Form 1040,Ilne 12, and on Schedule SE,Part I,Ilne 2 or Form 1041,line 6 .If a loss, u MUST on to line 33. 32 33 H you have a loss,you MUST answer this queshon:"Do you have amourtts for whrch you are not at r�sk in this business(see tnstructans)?"❑Yes ❑ No If"Yes,"you MUST attach Fwm 6198.It"No,"enter the loss on Form 1040,line 12,and on Schedule SE.Part I,Iine 2(or Fprm 1041,line 6). Cost of Goods Sold and/or Operations(See Schedufe C lnstructions for Part III) 1 Inventory at beginning of year(if different from last year's cbsing irnentory,sttath ezplanation) . . . . . 1 4 fJ 2 Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 � 3 Cost of labor(do not mclude satary paid to yourseH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Materials and supplles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '� S Other costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S i Add 6nes 1 throuQh 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 7 Less: Inventory st end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � o� � i Cost ot�uoda soM�nd/a op�►atb�.SuDtract Ime 7 from line 6.Enter here and in Part I,line 2,above. . . a � Fa P�perwork R�dudbn Ac1 Notkt,s�t Form 10A01nstructions. ScMdule C(Fam 1040)19� •c.s. er:;. :is�.�:� :.et. i... ►�. �>-i:u�.;�c r f' . �;� - /�,`�� +� � _ , �. _ Dlpertment of the Treasury—Inte�nal RevenuC Serv�t2 n � 1 Q�Q U.S. Individual Income Tax Return ��J85 ,,, For the year January 1•December 31,1985,or other tax year beg�nn�ng ,1985.end�ng .19 OMB No 1545-0074 V� Your f�rst name and�imUal(If�oint return,also g�ve spouse's name and md�al) Last name rau sxisl securky numper IRS 0 U/ ./, .T . 9�- Z < ���. � O ' 9 Othe�• Present home address(number and street,mcluding apartment number,or rural route) Spous�'s social sscurity numper ��. � ' .�a y�� please w��t C�ty.town or post ot�ce.state,and ZIP code Your acupation or type. T A �}'�/� ✓�j�// $pouse•s«cuoat�on �- Presidentiai , Do you want$1 to go to this fund? . . . . . . ves No �te: hecking"Yes"will not change your tax or , Elettion Campaign If joint return,does your spouse want$1 to go to this fund?. . Yes No reduceyourrefund. 1 Single for Pnvacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice,see Instructions. Filing Status p X Married filing joint return(even if only one had income) 3 Marned tiling separate return.Enter spouse's saial security no.above and full name here. Check only one box. 4 Head of household(with qualifying persan).(See page 5 of Instructions.)If the qualifying person is your unmarried child but not your dependent,write child's name here. 5 Qualifying widow(er)with dependent chifd(year spouse died ►19 ).{See pa e 6 of Instructions.) 6a Yourself 65 or over Blind Enter number of Exemptions b Spouse 65 or over Blind � on 6a and b�► � c First names of your dependent children who lived with you Enter number ❑ Always check � of children the box labeled listed on 6c ► Yourself. d First names of your dependent children who did not live with you(see page 6). Enter number ❑ Check other �f re-1985 a reement,check here ►❑ .) } of children boxes if they listed on 6d ► apply. e Other dependents: (3)Number ot (4)Did dependent (5)Did you praide (I)N2me (�)RelaSonship moaths lived have income ot morc than onchaN ol in your home t1,040 or more? dependent's wpqort? Enter number � ot other dependents ► Add numbers entered in f Total number of exemptions claimed(also complete line 36). pox�a�� ► 7 Wages,salaries,tips,etc.(Attach Form(s)W-2.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � OD Income $ Interest income(also attach Schedule B if over$400) . . . . . . . . . . . 8 � Please attach 9a Dividends(also attach Schedule B if over$400) � ,9b Exclusion Copy B of your � Forms W-2,W-2G. � Subtract line 9b from line 9a and enterthe result. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and W2P here. 10 Taxab�e refunds of state and local income taxes,if any,from the worksheet on page 9 of Instructions. 30 � � If you do not have 11 Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 a W-2,see 12 Business income or(loss)(attach Schedule C). . 12 � page 4 of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Instructions. 13 Capital gain or(loss)(attach Schedu/e D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 40%of capital gain distributions not reported on line 13(see page 9 of Instructions) . . . . 14 15 Other gains or(losses)(attach Form 4797) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 Fully taxable pensions,IRA distributions,and annuities not reported on line 17(see page 9). . 16 � � � � 17a Other pensions and annuities,including rollovers.Total received 17a b Taxable amount,if any,from the worksheet on page 10 of Instructions . . . . . . . . 17b � 18 Rents,royalties,partnerships,estates,trusts,etc.(aKach Schedu/e E) . . . . . . . . 18 19 Farm income or(loss)(attach Schedu/e F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 20a Unemploymentcompensation(insurance).Totalreceived . , 20a Please b Taxable amount,if any,from the worksheet on page 10 of Instructions. . . . . . . , 20b attach check Zla Social security benefits(see page 10).Total received. . 21� or money Taz-exempt 21b order here. b Taxable amount,if any,from worksheet on page 11.{ interest } . . . . 22 Other income(list type and amount—see page 11 of Instructions) 22 23 Add ti�es 7 throu h 22.This is our total income. . ► Z3 ' 24 Moving expense(attach Form 3903 or 3903F) 24 � Adjustments 25 Emplayee business expenses(attach Form 2106). . . . . 25 to Income 26 IRA deduction,from the worksheet on page 12 . . . . . 26 27 Keogh retirement plan deduction . . . . . . . . . . Z� (See 28 Instructions 28 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings . . . . . . . . on page 11.) ?9 Alimony paid(recipient's last name ,� soci�l saurity no. ) . . . 29 30 Deduction for a married couple when both work(ithchScheduk W) � 31 Add Ilnes 24 throu h 30.These are our total ad ustments . . ► 31 Adjusted 32 Subtract line 31 from line 23.This is your sdjust�d`ross intome.If this line is less than 512,000 and a child lived with you, see "Earned lncome Credit"(Irne 59)on page 16 of Gross Income Instructions If u want 1RS to fi ure our tax see e 13 of Insfructions . ► 32 ^8 6 n . �, � . , _ �; . , , ' form 1040(1985) p e'Z 33 Amount from hne 32(ad�usted gross mcome). . 33 TaX 34s If you�temlze,attach Scheduie A(Form 1040)and enter the amount from Schedule A,line 26. . �� ° CORIpU- Csutbn: tf you have unearned income and can be claimed as a dependent on your parents' tation return,check here ► ❑ and see page 13 of Instructions.Also see page 13 if you are ma►ried filing a separate return and your spouse itemizes deductions,or you are a dual•status alien. (See b If you do not itemize but you made charitable contributions,enter Instructions your cash contributions here.(If you gave$3.000 or more to any on page 13.) one organiution,see page 14.) . . . . . . . . . . �b c Enter your noncash contributions(you musf attxh Fwm 8283 Nover i500) �� d Add Ilnes 34b and 34c.Enter the total . . . . . . . . . . � / , e Divide the amount on line 34d by 2.Enter the result here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 35 Subtract line 34a or line 34e,whichever applies,from line 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 36 Multiply E1,040 by the total number of exemptions claimed on line 6f(see page 14) . . . . . 36 D 37 Taxable income.Subtract line 36 from line 35.Enter the result(but not less than zero) . . . . 3� ? 'y' 38 Enter tax here.Check if from�Tax Table, ❑Tax Rate Schedule X,Y,or Z,or ❑ Schedule 6 � � ✓�� 39 Add�tional taxes. (See page 14 of Instructions.)Enter here and check if from ❑ Form 4970, ❑ Form 4972, or ❑ Form 5544. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 40 Add lines 38 and 39.Enter the total. . • ► 40 � ,> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Credit for child and dependent care expenses(attach Form 2441) 41 Credits 42 Credit for the elderly and the permanently and totally disabled (attach Schedule R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 (See 43 Residential ener credit attach Form 5695 43 / Instructions BY ( )� • • • • • • on page 14.) 44 Partial credit for political contnbutions for which you have receipts � 45 Add lines 41 through 44.These are your total personal credits . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 46 Subtract line 45 from line 40.Enter the result(but not less than zero). . . . . . . . . . 46 .3 47 Foreign tax credit(attach Form 1116) . . . . . . . . . 47 48 General business credit.Check if from ❑ Form 3800, , ❑ form 3468, ❑ Form 5884, ❑ Form 6478. . . . . 48 49 Add I�nes 47 and 48.These are your total business and other credits . . . . . . . . . . 49 50 Subtract line 49 from line 46.Enter the resutt(Gut not less than zero) . . ► 50 51 Self-employment tax(aftach Schedufe SE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4 Other 52 Alternative minimum tax(attach Form 6251). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Taxes 53 Tax from recapture of investment credit(attach Form 4255). . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 54 Social security tax on tip income not reported to employer(attach Form 4137) . 54 Qncluding ' ' ' ' ' ' � Advance EIC 55 Tax on an IRA(attach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 a Payments) 56 Add lines 50 through 55.This is your total tax . . ► 56 � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Federal income tax withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 � O Payments 58 1985estimatedtaxpaymentsandamountappliedfrom1984return 58 59 Earned income credit(see page 16) . . . . . . . . . . 59 Attach Forms yy.2 yy.2� 60 Amount paid with Form 4868 . . . . . . . . . . . � and W2P 61 Excess social security tax and RRTA tax withheld (two or more to front. 61 emptoyers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Credit for Federal tax on gasoline and special fuels(aMxh fam 1136) 62 63 Regulated Investment Company credit(attach Form 2439). . . 63 64 Add lines 57 through 63.These are your total psyments . . . . . ► 64 � Q 65 If line 64 is larger than line 56,enter amount OVERPAID . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 65 Refund or 66 Amount of line 65 to be REFUNDED TO YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 66 Amount 67 qmount of line 65 to be applied to your 1986 estimated tax . . . � 7 You Owe 68 If Iine 56 is larger than line 64,enter AMOUNT YOU OWE.Attach check a money order for full amount . payable to"Internal Revenue$ernce."Write your sot�al setunty number ar�d"1965 Form 1040"on rt. . ► 68 �� ✓� 6J� • ChCCk► ❑ it Form 2210 2210F is attzched $ee e 17. Pens : S UnOe�penatt�es of Qer�ury.I declare that I have examined tha retum and accompanying schedules and statements,and to the best of my knowledge and Please De�Kf,they are true,carect,and complete.DeclaraUon of preparer(other than Uxpayer)is bssed on a11 infamation of which preparer has any knowkdge. Sign � Here ' Your s�gnature Date , $pouse's s�grNture(rt fili�g jointly,BOTH must sign) Preparer's , Date Preparer's social secunty no. P�id s�gnature Check if p � seH-em ed �'� ;30 ; �� Prep�rer s Firm's name(a ' E.1.No. // � �pa US!DII�y yours,If self-employed) �~ � and address 21P code � � _ � SCHEDULE C Profit or (Loss) From Business or Profession OMBNo.l545-0074 (Form 1040) (Sole Proprietorship) �^�� Department of the Treasury Partnerships,Joint Ventures,etc.,Must Fik Form 1065. �� internai Revenue Serv�ce (o� � Attsch to Form 3040 or Form lal. � See Inttructfa�sfa Stheduk C(Fwm 1040). 09 Name of propnetor � SociN secu►Ity numb�► �o� �, —1 . EPscr�E y;� e' �o : q�';, � A Principal business or profession,includi product or service(see Instructions) B Principal business code from page 2 f�,ET�31 L p i[. �o�/D C Business name and address � ' f{211 E'T D Employer ID number �----. �U.S---�G2�?,Q.••1r1'\--•- ----• -------- l T ERR A�tlE, — � �v� ��•--SS/0 r/ p � E Method(s)used to value closing inventory: 'I ' �� � 0 9 � � �O (1)� Cost (2) ❑ Lower of cost or market (3) ❑ Other(attach explanation) F Accounting method: (1) ❑ Cash (2) ❑ Accrual (3)❑ Other s i Y�s No ( P�fY) �..•••-••••-••........•••--••••--•... G Was there any change in determining quantities,costs,or valuations between opening and closing inventory?. . . . . . . . . . If"Yes,"attach explanation. � H Did ou deduct ex enses for an office in our home? • • Income 1 a Gross receipts or sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1� `� b Less:Returns and allowances , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ib e Subtract line lbfrom line la and enterthe balance here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1e 5< /c/�"' 2 Cost of goods sold and/or operations(from Part III,iine 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 q'� � 6 3 Subtract line 2 from line lc and enter the�ros:profit here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 i` 4 a Windfall Profit Tax Credit or Refund received in 1985(see Instructions) . . . . . . . . . . 4a b Otherincome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./!V7E/�-ES.T, ,I/NCuIY1� , 4b ��// 5 Add lines 3,4a,and 4b.This is the ross income . . � 5 D /(o G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deductions 6 Advertising . . . . . . . . . . D o� 22 Pension and profit•sharing plans . . 7 Bad debts from sales or services (Cash 23 Rent on business property . . . . Q �g method taxpayers, see Instructions) 24 Repairs . . . . . . . . . . Sa��r 8 Bank service charges. . . . . . . 8 25 Supplies(not included in Part III below) -�� 9 Car and truck expenses . . . . . . � � 26 Taxes (Do not include Windfall 10 Commissions . . . . . . _ . . Profit Tax here.See line 30.) . . . �/ 7 � 11 Depletion . . . . . . . . . . 27 Travel and entertainment . . . . 12 Depreciation and section 179 deduction 28 Utilitiesandtelephone • • • • • v� D/� a 0 from Form 4562(not included in Part III 29 s Wages . . 7 7>/ a 7 below) . . . . . . . . . �°�°2 0o b Jobscredit . � � 13 Dues and publications . . . . . . �-Sd �� c Subtract line 29b from 29a . . . ��� d 14 Employee benefit programs . . . . 30 Windfall Profit Tax withheld in 1985 15 Freight(not included in Part III below) . 31 Other expenses(specify): 16 Insurance . . . . . . . . . . �No2 (00 a _13u.�11 N6_�Es---------- �o 00 17 Laundry and cleaning . . o� �J b _l�A(n/'7'�N R/!!�C�___..._ pZ a/ 18 Legal and professionat services . . . 80 0 0 � _m I$_C.�t{, r��/EU�t,�...... �3 SD 19 Mortgage interest paid to financial d ••----•-••---•--•-•---•••••••• institutions(see Instructions) . . . . � •••-••-•--•---•---••••••••••-- 20 Office expense. . . . . . . . . �3� f ......................•••---.. 1 Other interest . i L�AG ES P�i D %0 L.��Ff, /D o 0 0� 32 Add amounts in columns for lines 6 through 31g.These are the total A�ductlons . . . . . . . . . � 32 �p Q 33 Net proflt or(lou).Subtract line 32 from line 5 and enter the result.If a profit,enter on Form 1040,line 12, and on Schedule SE,Part I,line 2 or Form 1041,tine 5 .If a loss, ou MUST o on to line 34 . 33 C/,.�7� . 34 If you have a loss,you MUST answer this question:"Do you have amounts for which you are not at risk in this business(see Instructior�)1"Q Yes � No If"Yes,"you MUST attach Form 6198.If"No,"enter the loss on Form 1040,line 12,and on Schedule SE,Part I,line 2(or Form 1041,line 5). Cost of Goods Sold and or Operatfons(See Schedute C Inatructlons for Psrt III) 1 Inventory at beginning of year(if different from last year's closing inveMory,attach explanation) . . . . . 1 O o20 0 00 2 Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Cost of labor(do not include salary paid to yourself) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Other costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Add lines 1 through 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 a / 7 Less: tnventory at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � y D c� vC 8 Cost of oods sold snd or o rstions.Subtract line 7 from line 6.Enter here and in Part I,line 2,above. . 8 � For Paperwork Reduction Act Notke,see Form 10401nstructions. Sch�duk C( orm 1040)19a5 � � - ` ��' _ /�/� Department of the Treawry—Internal Revenue Serv�ce ��\��I (0) � � 040' U.S. Individual income Tax Return ``�� � ' �� For the yeai January 1 DecemDer 31,1986,or other tax year beginning ,1986.endmg ,�9 OMB No 1545-0�74 �J� Your first name and�nrt�ai(rf�omt retum,also gwe spouse's name a�tl miUal) Last name Your social security number �RS �o� � T �.:�,� r E"zA�t�.� �� ', �� �y ��i. 0 1,EP��ti E y% Q- - Othe�• Present home address(number and street or rura�route).Qf you have a P.O.Box,see page 4 of Instructwns.) Spousds social securiry number wise, �� � � pleaSe ' �!.?, Er� r �'r��/i�E �"�'JLN✓E �f��Q' o'f a 4 0 7� ���t City,town or post office,state.and ZIP code If thls address is different from the one or type. i � '�,a.v 4 .,�_�' c�;r> shown on your 1985 return,check here ► Presidential Do you want$1 to go to this fund? . Yes No Note: hecking"Yes"w�l! EleCtion Campaign ' if joint return,does your spouse want$1 to go to this fund?. . Yes No red��e ou�refund or � 1 Single For Privacy Att and Paperwork Reductio�Act Notice,see instructions. Filing Status 2 Married filing�oint return(even if only one had mcome) Check only 3 Marned fil�ng separate return.Enter spouse's social security no.above and fu�l oame here. � one box. 4 Head of household(with qualifying person).(See page 5 of Instructions.)If the qualifying person is your unmarried child but not your dependent,enter chitd's name here 5 ualifyin widow(er)with dependent child(year spouse died ►19 ).(See pa e 6 of Instructions.) 6a Vourself 65 or over Bl�nd Enter number ot Exem tions } �z��n�k�a � p b Spouse 65 or over Blind on 6a and b ► c First names of your dependent children who lived with you Enter number � Always check of children the box labeled listed on 6c ► Yourself. d First names oi your dependent children who did not live with you(see page 6). Enter number �, Check other of children � � boxes if they (If re-1985 a reement,check here ►❑ .) listed on 6d ► �_1 apply. e Other dependents: (3)Number ot (I)Did dependent (5)D�d rou prouide (1)Name (2)RelationShip months Nved hare income oi more than onehaN ot m your home f1.080 or more? dependenPs support? Enter number ❑ of other dependents ► Add numbers entered in � f Total number of exemptions c�aimed(also complete line 36). . boxes above ► 7 Wages,salaries,tips,etc.(attach Form(s)W2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � i r'e o0 Ineome g Interest income(also attach Schedule B if ove�$400) . . . . . . . . . . . 8 `��- �'� Please attach 9a Dividends(also attach Schedule B rt over$400) � ,9b Exclusion Copy B of your 9� Forms W-2,W-2G, c $ubtract�ine 9b from line 9a and enterthe result. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and W-2P here. 10 Taxable refunds of state and local income taxes,if any,from the worksheet on page 9 of Instructions. 10 a�°" °", If you do not have i l Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . i l a W-2,see 12 Business income or(loss)(attach Schedule C). . 12 /%' `'��' k� page 4 of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Instructions. 13 Capital gain or(loss)(attach Schedu/e D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4096 oi capital gain distributions not reported on line 13(see page 9 of Instructions) . . . 14 15 Other gains or(losses)(attach Form 4797) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 _ 16 Fully taxable pensions,IRA distributions,and annuities not reported on line 17(see page 9). . 16 17a Other pensions and annuities,inciuding roilovers.Total received 17a b Taxable amount,if any,from the worksheet on page 10 of instructions . 17b � 18 Rents,royalties,partnerships,estates,trusts,etc.(attach Schedule E) . 18 ( 19 Farm income or(loss)(attach Schedule F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . �9 20a Unemploymentcompensation(insurance).Totalreceived . . 20a Please b Taxable amount,if a�y,from the worksheet on page 10 of Instructions. . . . . . . . 20b attach check 21a Social securit benefits see a e 10). . 21a or money y � p g � • • • • � • Tar-ezempt •11 b order here. b Taxable amount,if any,from worksheet on page 11. { mterest } . . . . 22 Other mcome(list type and amount—sce page ll of Instructions) 22 23 Add the amounts shown in the fa�ri ht column for lines 7 throu h 22.This is our total income . ► 23 `''� �t n 3 G 7 24 Movmg expenses(attach form 3903 or 3903F) . 24 � Adjustments 25 Employee business expenses(attach Form 2106). . 25 � to Ineome 26 IRA deduction,from the worksheet on page 12 . . . . . 26 27 Keogh retirement plan and self-employed SEP deduction . 27 ��e 28 Instructions 28 Penatty on early withdrawal of savings . . . . . . . . on page 11.) 2g Alimony paid(recipknt's I�st name � social security no. ) . . . 29 30 Deduction for a married couple when both worlc(atUchScheOuk N� � / a o 31 Add lines 24 throu 30.These are our total sd ustmeMs . , ► 31 c� pp Adjusted 32 Subtract line 31 from line 23.This is your adjusted grost income.ff this line is less than 511,000 and a child lived with you,see "Eamed Income Cred�t"(line 58)on page 16 of Gross Ineome Instructions.!f ou want IRS to fi ure our fax see e 13 of Mstructions . . ► 32 �3� 3o u c�7 � t _ Form 1040(1986) . P� 2 33 Amount from line 32(adjusted gross income). . . . . . 33 0°�3 30 �' � Tax 34s If you itemize,attach Schedule A(Form]040)and enter the amount from Schedule A,line 26. . � 3 � �� �y CORIpU- Gution: If you have unearned income and can be claimed as a dependent on your parents' tati0f) return,see page 13 of Instructions and check here ►❑ .Also see page 13 if you are maRied filing a separate return and your spouse itemizes deductions,or you are a dual-status alien. �� b If you do not itemize but you made charitable contributions,enter Instructions your cash contributions here. (If you gave$3,000 or more to any on page 13.) one organization,see page 14.) . . . . . . . . . . . �b c Enter your noncash contributions(you must attxh form 8283 ilo�,f50pj �� � d Add lines 34b and 34c.Enter the total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �d '� 35 Subtract line 34a or line 34d,whichever applies,from line 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 C � 3 ! t' 36 Muttiply$1,080 by the total number of exemptions claimed on line 6f(see page 14) . . . . . 36 �' '�o °� 37 Taxsble income.Subtract line 36 from line 35.Enter the resuR(but not less than zero) . . . . 37 ' � "%i 4�' 38 Enter tax here.Check if from ❑Tax Table, ❑ Tax Rate Schedule X,Y,or Z,or ❑ Schedule G � 01 c o 1, o 0 39 Additional taxes (see page 14 of Instructions). Enter here and check it from ❑ Form 4970, ❑ Form 4972,or ❑ Form 5544 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 40 Add lines 38 a�d 39.Enter the total. . . . . . . . , , ► qp � �� v �p 41 Credit for child and dependent care expenses(attach Form 2441) 41 Credits 42 Credit for the elderl or for the y permanently and totally disabled (See (attach Schedule R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Instructions 43 PaRial credit for political contributions for which you have receipts 43 on page 14.) � 44 Add lines 41 through 43.Enter the total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Subtract line 44 from line 40.Enter the result(but not less than zero). . . . . . . . , 45 � .>�� �� 46 Foreign tax credit(attach Form 1116) . . . . . . . . , 46 47 General business credit.Check if from ❑ Form 3800, ❑ Form 3468, ❑ Form 5884, ❑ Form 6478,or ❑Form 6765 47 48 Add lines 46 and 47.Enter the total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 49 Subtract line 48 from line 45.Enter the result(but not less than zero) . . . . . . . . . ► 49 �, c�o cn �o Other - so Self-employment tax(attach Schedule SE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `� �0 9 �� Taxes 51 Alternative minimum tax(attach Form 6251). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 52 Tax from recapture of investment credit(attach Form 4255). . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 Social securit tax on ti income not re orted to em lo er attach Form 4137 . 53 (Including Y P P P Y ( ) . . . . . . Advance EIC 54 Tax on an IRA(attach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Payments) 55 Add lines 49 through 54.This is your total tax . . ► 55 ^ y,S b� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Federal income tax withheld . . 56 .3 Co c e C c Payments 57 1986 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 1985 return 57 58 Earned income credit(see page 16) 58 Attach Forms ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' � � W.2,W-2G, 59 Amount paid with Form 4868 . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 �De o� and W-2P gp Excess social security tax and RRTA tax withheld (two or more to front. employers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 61 Credit for Federal tax on gasoline and special fuels(attach form 4136) 61 � 62 Regulated investment company credit(attach Form 2439) . . . 62 63 Add lines 56 through 62.These are your total payments . ► 63 �1 �t �OG cJ 64 If line 63 is larger than line 55,enter amount OVERPAID . . . . . . . . . . . . ► � ��" �� Refund or 65 Amount of line 64 to be REFUNDED TO YOU . . . . . � 65 Amount � pmount of line 64 to be applied to your 1987 estimated tax . . ► � � � � YOU �W@ 67 If line 55 is larger than line 63,enter AMOUNT YOU OWE Attach check or money order for full amount payable to "Internal Revenue Service." Write your social security number, daytime phone number,and"1986 Form 1040"on it . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► 67 Chetk► ❑ if Form 2210(2210F)is attached.See pa e 17. Penatty: s • Under penalt�es of perjury,1 declare that I have examined this retum and accompanying uhedules and sWtements,and to the best of my knowkdge and bel�ei,they are true,correct,and complete.Declaration of preparer(other than taxpayer)is based on all infamation of which preparer has any krawkdge. � Please ' Your si nature Sign g Date Yourxcupatan /"I�E.�C�i i5n�T Here ' Spouse's signature(if joint return,BOTH must sign) Date Spouse's occupation p�F�c� Preparer's Date Preparer's social security ra. P�id � signature �� ��� :��I; ��,�rQ Preparer s F�rm's name jor USE Dll�y yours,if self-employed) ' E�•� f ; ��)7 and address Z�p� ♦U.S.OPO:t�88-o-�93-381 scr,:���E c � Profit or (Loss) Fram Buslness or Profession � �.F�: .L� Y z (Form 1040) (�k P►o�Kto�hro) ' (�' Q o+v.R�«++o�+�t.�.�w�, �h�.JNM lhntw�.�tc..�Wst f�Fa�n IOiS. ��t1 V 6 r�w.n.�Mr+ue srKS ro, ► �b r«t�10�0,i«,.lwl,.r Fwn 1�t 3i ► s..�..r�efi�w U.r ts./i/�t t►r.1M�►, s�.�s qo 0! Nrnt d r�►a1o� rs�r��rrrr �.ou « J �.�.Pse�,� 1. . �!�8' � a� � 9�9J I � M+c'�n�b"s'^as�°'p'o�^,,�,�y�,�oroeuet a se►vK,e(�e rstruct+a+�) � 'einc�t Ousr+es eo0t ���:. ��,z�::�,z C 8usmess narne ano stltlras� I�y_u's Fo o p �'1,a�cxET �1rpn p�2��� ....................... ... , , 9 wai� ,—� a . ...............• 3 a % o £,?2 ---...... . '?,�E — S- � ;�..� �..s;�,� � 0 Err�p�oye�ID numeet E Mletnoo(sl useC to a�ue cbs�r►�mventory � v ^ d. y��, �, �� (1! � Gast (21_ �owe•ot cost o�nart�t (�� Otf+e�(attach arofsrytwn) I F ACtount�r,�rnit'�Od !1)� GSh f2)� ACCrw1 G Was Me�!sr.y n�e determ�rn (3)� QtNer(sp�cdY) �•--•-••-•----•-• ---•---••• �K ; N� cna �^ ^B Owntrt�es.costs.a qlwtara ertween open:r��nd cios�r��nventory? '---••-•-- � H 'Y!s"attath��pianit�on . . . . . . . � , ,� N D�d u Cetl:,ct aaenses fo�a�oN�ce�� ou•home� "`"" �,.;t�: � r!tn�s scnecuK mc�uaes a�oss.c�ed�:.oeCuct�o� �ncome.a pther t�xper,e�rt rsaat� to a ts,sturter r . . . , �(v0.:C ec► +±, � Nwrep l0 b!r��itrlC.Ct►![k hKl. � ^ ' s Da. =-MUST stta;h Fo�r►a2�1 iiiCOT! �s G�os:rece�pts or ss+es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 7! a s�r 7 b Less Ret�rns and sllpwsnces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1� , t Subtratt Irt�e 1 D trom hr�t la snQ enter the balante here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i� �o�%, ��-=-.r ��7 2 Cost o'gooas sotC snQ/or operatrons(from Pa.�ni i�•,e B). . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 S`�-/---r— . . . . � s s !:� � 3 SuStrar.une 2 tra���ne lc sne ente'!�E�IOtf p/01h h!�! . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 !i 7 1� :, '��;' 1� W+rc`a�'�roh*ta,cretl;t or re�und rece�vea�r 1986;see�nstr�ctrons) . . . . . < <+ �— b �?he• �n:;^+e/I'',':C.. i✓¢_^,nf— uo.�o . . . . . 9 � _ J�° ./!�T42£';'r. �NC�r�;•.r- �V, � b I �jC) c •7� 5 A�;���s 3 4a a�d 4h T�,�,�r�,e poss income . . . . . ► S� i '7 � s � .o �Deductions ' � 6 Aave�!s+ng . ' i o ' 3�' '— . a'° Ip Off�ce eapense . . � /E?��;�,,-� 7 BaC oebts tror- sa+es o•5l�+iCQS (CaSh ! � { 21 Pe�sion snd protd-s►+armg plarts . � r+etn� ta■�eyers. see Inst�uct�ons > i i -� 22 Rent on busmess D'oDtRY . ( ?i?O' .�� -- a 6an�se�v�ce c�arges � 3�q;�S s . . i _�; 23 Re�si.s . . . . ,�z i . ' 9 Ca,a^��•Jc�expe�ses � ��3u���( -� . . . . . . .'o�'�n:e — ., 21 5«aa.ies(not mUutleC m Par'!t;below) `f�'��y:'o — 10 L�—^�ss_�s � 25 Taxes � no; ,nclu0e w�nc'sl' profrt � 13 De��e�o- ( 12 Dec��� a• -a�:se:t�e '9 de��: ta:here See Ime 25+) (p ar�.3 3 — 'c^ ••.�—.F��•-,djE�t^p+�r,C��=Etl i�.?2r I}i � �Z6 Travei a�d e�te'a�-.me�: . i be'�»� _ � 30s�.3�., � , 27 Ul��Rres snD tekDhone . . . / 3� 3,�o v y � 13 D_es a^.0�,�D�.at�ons a S� .�o ?'2aa Wages . . .I 3� YG k � r uili;,���r,� l� EmP�o yceoene',;aro grams '' � e J o�c r e d R. . ��i��" ii/��;�i��/i i.,:;.:z.,:,.,;,;; 15 F�e�Q'+T(nOt mtlutle0�n PaR 111 p�low . � � t Subtract Ime 28b trom 28a . . . �;� � ' s'" — I6 i�su►snce S�r� ,i � W���� protR taa wRhhe�d in 1986 17 ntere52 � � ���e��� � (sDK'�Y) ( � Mo•tgagelGD�tl l0 f�r12�G2��rt5!�1L•1i0^s) � �wAcES 4�is�� 'r� w s Fc. /L� Uoo 'oo d Ot'+er � Sv?3�r,3 �. iAUY�n�: � lE Lau^.d�ya.^CC�ea^�n «— �io27�� e �Jw, ----•••£t,.. �..... f =r eiCC oo — •-•-• B ! � � � /�i �'JTE^�r'n,!`G � -��� �y .......---•-••---•••-•••.. I9 .e�a a^:a•c�ess�o-.z se•.�ces q ...-.. �� _ ; / � � 'a� a i'i1��eE< =cai+ i s`8 3 — 31 �e..a^iou.s r co.,,.,es?o,��nes 6,r..a *3:►C Tn � � .� ex are tne taL�d�Quctions � j� � ;J ' i- l07 32 Ket p.otn a(bss).Suet;sct�me 3; trw-�tme 5 s��e�tr.the raurt Ms proht.erm�on Fo.rn 1W0.�me 12., � sn�r.Sc�ed_ie SE.!me 2 io�I�ne 5 0'Fo•m IOei o�Fa�* 10e1S �s bss �MNST oc to n�e 33 . � 32 / l� `/ (� t ��� 33 �*yo.,ave r wss yo:MUST s^swe-tr.�s OuesLO� .Do yo_nsrt�riounts 1or NMM Jrp�;srt nOt at rsM m t'+�s�us+++ess(see Mstructons)�' . - ❑�es ❑No " �es �e:.MUSTs^r_*Fo.n�61f�.�' No"e^*.r•!nebssonfar+lWO.brxl2.�ndonStnetl�kSE,l�ne2(a�6ne5oiFonrlOtlo�Foir'�2;rt;S) Cost of Goods Sold snd/or Operstions(See Schedule C{nstructbnt for Psrt t!1) 1 inve�:o�y st DeQ�nn�r,�ot ycs�(tt��+ferent 1�om tast pea�s cbar�m.e+ROry.sttsc�sapta►ytan.) . . . . ' �.�� ��o 2 P,��c�ases kss cos'Of RtT.i Mr'lhQt�wn t0�oenons�use . . . . . . . . . . 2 " Y S� '�� 3 Cos!o!yoa(Do nor��duoe s�u7 Atb ta yourseH� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1 �Aster��tslnosuppl�lS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Otnr tosts ' i Aoc unes 1 tnrouQn S . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . S9�o �/SS �.: 7 lets Mrentory at enQ o�y�s+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � o.• 'c o • C�st e�hoes�.ia�nd�a oP���ti�wa.Surs•x•rme 7 No�+h++�b Ee+tr eere�e►C M Part 1 nne 2 abcwe • , ��*-/ —s 3� Fa Pa�nerM RNucta�Act Net�ce,sM i�rw,10�01nstr„ny� ��(fMw�10�0)1!K . - �' r � ; � ,n � • ' • . , �, ':' ' r� .�.,°' Department of the Treasury—Intemal Revenue Service {� € 1 04� U.S. Individual Income Tax Return U � �7 �o� for the year Jan.—Dec.31,1987,or other tax year beginning ,1987,ending ,19 . OMB No.1545-0074 Label Your first name and initial(rf joint return,also give spouse' name and initial) Last name Your social sacurky numbtr Lo�� .T T�e, � � .'z4�e s c�, e S�(�: �.o : 9�9� USe IRS labei. present home address(number and street or rural route).(If you have a P.O.Bar,see page of Irutructions.) Spouse's sotla�s�eurFty number Otherwise, please print or �/J? EQSt Ol�Ct,n/ L° /�t�e • y'J�; ,2,Z ; �/109,3 ��� City.town or post o/ff�ice,state,and ZIP code For Privaty Att and PaperwMh Re .S� !'"4 cc� �!7 a/, ss//9 duction Act Notice,see Instructans. Presidential ' Do you want$1 to go to this fund? . . . . . . . . . . Yes No NOte'no�a8 Y� w��� • Election Cam ai n � : �ro�•raXO. P 8 If'oint return,does our s ouse want$1 to o tothis fund. Yes No reduceyourrefund. 1 Single Filing Status 2 � Married filing joint return(even if only one had income) Check only 3 Married filing separate return.Enter spouse's saial security no.above and full name here. one box. 4 Head of household(with qualifying person).(See page 7 of Instructions.)If the qualifying person is your child but not your dependent,enter child's name here. 5 uatif in widow(er)with dependent child ear s ouse died ►19 ).(See e 7 of Instructions.) Caution:If you can be claimed as a dependent on another person's tax return(such as your parents'return), No.of boxes a EX@Ii1pt1011S do not check box 6a.But be sure to check the box on line 32b on page 2. an 6b on 6a ► Z � (See 6a � Yourself 6b� Spouse Instructions � Dependents (2)Cneck No.of children ❑ on page 7.) if under �3)H age 5 or over,dependenYs (S)No.of months on 6t who lived� (1)Name(tirst,initial,and last name) aQe 5 �'al ucurity number (4)Relationship lived ip 987home Wjth you No.of children on&who didn't ❑ live with you due to divorce or � If more than 7 separation dependents,see No.of parents Instructions on listed on 6c ► page 7. ❑ No.of other dependents listed on 6c � d if your child didn't live with you but is claimed as your dependent under a pre-1985 agreement,check here. .►❑ Add numDers entered in Z e Total number of exemptions claimed(also complete line 35) . boxes above ► 7 Wages,salaries,tips,etc.(attach Form(s)W-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 S.Z S Income 8 Taxable interest income(also attach Schedu/e B if over$400) . . . . . . . . . . 8 303 Please attach 9 Tax-exempt interest income(see page 10).DON'T include on line 8 9 Copy B of your 10 Dividend income(also attach Schedule B rf over$400). . 10 Forms W-2,W•2G, . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 39 and W-2P here. 11 Taxable refunds of state and local income taxes,if any,from worksheet on page 11 of Instructions. . If you do not have 12 Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 a W2,see 13 Business income or(loss)(attach Schedu/e C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2 y30z page 6 of 14 Capital gain or(loss)(attach Schedule D) . 14 Instructions. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 15 Other gains or(losses)(atiach Form 4797) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16a Pensions,IRA distributions,annuities,and rollovers.Total received 16a � I b Taxable amount(see page 11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16b �I� 17 Rents,royalties,partnerships,estates,trusts,etc.(attach ScheduJe E) : : : : : : : : 17 18 Farm income or(loss)(attach Schedu/e F) . 18 19 Unemployment compensation(insurance)(see page 11) . . . . . . . . . 19 Please 20a Social security benefits(see page 12) . . . . . . . . 20s ' attach check b Taxable amount,if any,from the worksheet on page 12 20b or money ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' order here. 21 Other income(list type and amount—see page 12) 21 22 Adtl the amounts shown in the far ri ht column for Imes 7,8,and 10-21.This is our total Incane ► 22 3/ 5'b 9 23 Reimbursed employee business expenses from Form 2106 . . 23 � Adjustments 24a Your IRA deduction,from applicable worksheet on page 13 or 14 24a � to Income b Spouse's IRA deduction,from applicabk worksheet on page 13 or 14 . . 24b 25 Self-employed health insurance dedudion,from worksheet on pa�e 14 . 25 26 Keogh retirement plan and self-employed SEP deduction. . 26 (See 27 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings. . . . . . . . 27 tnstructions 2g Alimony paid(recipient's last name on page 12.) and social security no. � , 2 29 Add lines 23 throu h 28.These are our totsl ad ustm�nts. . . ► 29 Adjusted 30 Subtract line 29 from line 22.This is your adjusted�ross Income.H this line is less than s15,432 and a child lived with you,see "Earned lncome Credit"(Irne 56)on Qnge 18 of 3/�SG9 6ross Ineome the Instructions.If ou want IRS fo fi ure our fax see 15 of the Instructions . ► 30 Form 1040(198� Page 2 31 Amourrt from line 30(adjusted gross irxome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3/ S6. TaX 32s Check if: ❑lfou were 65 or over ❑ Blind; ❑ Spouse was 65 or over ❑BIinA. Compu� Add the number of boxes checked and enter the total here. . . . . . . . ► 32s tation b If you can be claimed as a dependent on another person's return,check here. . ► 32b ❑ c If you are married filing a separate retum and your spouse itemizes deductions, or you are a dual-status alien,see page 15 and check here. . . . . . . . ► 32c ❑ 33a Itemized deductlons.See page 15 to see if you should itemize.It you don't itemize,enter zero.If // , you do itemize,attach Schedule A,enter the amount from Schedule A,line 26,AND skip line 33b . 33a 7 ��.� Caution: r b Standard deduction.Read Gution to left.If it applies,see page 16 for the amount to enter. If ou If CauNon dcesn't ( Sin e a Head of househotd,enter$2,540 l 33b checked any apply and your filing S Magried filingjointly or Qualifying widow(er),enter$3,760 1• • � • • box on line status from page 1 is: � Married filing separately,enter$1,880 32a,b,or c � Subtract line 33a or 33b,whichever applies,from line 31.Enter the result here . . � z� �s and you 35 .� 800 don't 35 Multiply$1,900 by the total number of exemptions claimed on line 6e or see chart on page 16 . . itemize,see 36 Taxable income.Subtract line 35 from line 34.Enter the result but not less than zero 36 .73 33�7 page 16 for � � • • • • the amount Cautlo�:If under age 14 and you have more than$1,000 of investment income,check here ►❑ to enter on and see page 16 to see if you have to use Form 8615 to figure your tax. line 33b. 37 Enter tax.Check if from �Tax Table, ❑Tax Rate Schedules, ❑Schedule D,or ❑form 8615 37 -j,3 8�0 38 Additional taxes(see page 16).Check if from❑ Form 4970 or ❑Form 4972 . . . . . . 38 39 Add lines 37 and 38.Enter the total . . . .► 39 3 �g� 40 Credit for child and dependent care expenses(attach Form 2441) 40 � Credits 41 Credit for the elderly or for the permanently and totally disabled ' �� (attach Schedu/e R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 �' Instructions 42 Add lines 40 and 41.Enter the total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 on page 17.) 43 Subtract line 42 from line 39.Enter the result(but not less than zero) . . . . . . . . . . 43 8 44 Foreign tax credit(attach Form 1116) . . . . . . . . . 44 45 General business credit.Check if from�Form 3800, ❑ Form 3468, , ❑ Form 5884, ❑Form 6478, ❑Form 6765,or ❑Form 6586 . . 45 46 Add lines 44 and 45.Enter the total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4b 47 Subtract line 46 from line 43.Enter the result(but not less than zero) . • � 47 3 3�G �the� 48 Self-employment tax(attach Schedule SE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2 98 9 Taxes 49 Alternative minimum tax(attach Fwm 6251) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 50 Tax from recapture of investment credit(attach Form 4255) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 (Including 51 Social security tax on tip income not reported to employer(attach Form 4137) . . . . . . . 51 Advance EIC Payments) 52 Tax on an IRA or a qualified retirement plan(attach Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 Add lines 47 throu h 52.This is our total tax . � 53 37s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Federal income tax withheld(including tax shown on Form(s)1099) 54 3�OD Payments 55 1987 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 1986 return 55 �ff Attach Forms 56 Earned income credit(see page 18) . . . . . . . . . . 56 � W2,W-2G, 57 Amount paid with Form 4868(extension request). . . . . . 57 a�d W-2P 58 Excess social security tax and RRTA tax withheld(see page 19) 58 � to front. 59 Credit for Federal tax on gasoline and special fuels(attach form 4136) 59 60 Regulated investment company credit(attach Form 2439). . . 60 ��/ ` 61 Add lines 54 through 60.These are your total paymeMs . . .► 61 a a 7` 62 If line 61 is larger than line 53,enter amount OVERPAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 62 Refund or 63 Amount ot line 62 to be REFUNDED TO YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .► Amount � Amount of line 62 to be applied to your 1988 estimated tax . . ► gq YOU �We 65 If line 53 is larger than line 61,enter AMOUNT YOU OWE Attach check or money order for full amount payable to"Internal Revenue Service."Write your social security number,daytime phone number,and"1987 Form 1040"o�it . . , . . . . . 65 0�, 09 � CheCk ► ❑if Form 2210(2210�is attached.See pa e 20. Pana . $ Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have examined this return and accompanyfng,schedules and statemerrts,and to the best of my knowledge and Please ���ef,they are true,correct,and complete.Declaration of preparer(other than taxpayer)is based on all information of whicfi preparer has any knowledge. Sign ' Your signature Date Your occupation Nere `r�-�►�'4'�'" ' Spouse's signature(if joirtt return,B07H must sign) Oate Spouse's occupation �FFieE Preparer's ' Date Preparer's sociat security no. Paid signature Check if � ��: /_u� self-emP�oYed Iv� Preparer's Use Onl Firm's name(or �t y yours if self•empbyed) E.I.No. and address ZIP code au.s co..r,��e wbw�a offie.: 1�-�e3aes :sos,•�so SCHEDULE c Profit or (Loss) From Business or Profession OMBNo �545.��4 (Form 1040) (Sole Proprietorship) {�(ol Q� Partnerships,Joint Ventures,etc.,Must File Form 1065. ��0 Department of the Treasury Attachment Internal Revenue Service �0) � Attach to form 3040,Form 1041,or Form 1041S. ► See Instrudions for Schedule C(Form 1040). ���e No.�9 Name of propr�etor Social xcurity numDer(SSN) Lou%3 T. ,L��sc�e , S. ��� : zo : 989� A Principal business or profession,including product or service(see Instructions) B Principal business code /Pe�u i� �iQO C (from Part IV) ►I �� zI/ ID I C Business name and address � _�u�S �D d �QRTef____________________ D Employer ID number(Not SSN) ; �------- -----��:���- ,�, ss�o yl � : 0 8'1819 0l6 I�v I � E Method(s)used to value closing inventory: (1) �Cost (2) ❑ Lower of cost or market (3) `� Other(attach expianation) F Accounting method: (1) ❑Cash (2)�Accrual (3) �Other(specify) � Yes No G Was there any change in determining quantities,costs,or valuations between opening and closing inventory?(if"Yes,"attach expianation.) x H Are you deducting expenses for an office in your home? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x I Dld you file Form 941 for this business for any quarter in 1987? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x J Did you"materially participate"in the operation of this business during 1987?(If"No,"see Instructions for limitations on losses.) . . X K Was this business in operation at the end of 1987? . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X L How many months was this business in operation during 1987? . . � /z M If this schedule includes a loss,credit,deductior,,income,or other tax benefit relating to a tax shelter required to be registered,check here. . �❑ If you check this box,you MUST attach Form 8271. � Income la Gross receipts or sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �a (o�/OloS/ b Less:Returns and allowances . . . � � . � . . . . . . . . . ib c Subtract line lb from line la and enter the balance here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , lc �7/ D!o 5� 2 Cost of goods sold and/or operations(from Part III,line 8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 s3z �7� 3 Subtract line 2 from line lc and enter the gross profit here . . . . . . . . . . . 3 /1�' 993 4 Otfier income(including windfall profit tax credit or refund received in 1987)/r1.�'st•-zf!3..T.✓!�.-9 . . . 4 .ZS.Z 5 Add lines 3 and 4.This is the ross income . � 5 //9 Z y.S � Deductions 6 Advertlsing . . . . . �-3�.3 23 Repairs . . . . . . . . . ���� 7 Bad debts from sales or services (see 24 Supplies(not included in Part III) . . Z• 9�� Instructions.) . . . . . . 25 Taxes . . . . . . . ��08 8 Bank service charges. . . Sz�9 26 Travel,meais,and entertainment: � � � /�� 9 Car and truck expenses . . . �9z a Travel . . . . . . . . 10 CoP missions . . . . . . . . b Totai meais and �/// ��� 11 De letion entertainment. // /� 12 Depreciation and section 179 deduction �Enter20%ofiine / �. � 26b subject to from Form 4562(not included in Part III) /, z 8 /� limitations(see / // �� 13 Dues and publications . . Z3� Instructions} . i /, 14 Employee benefit programs . . . d Subtract fine 26c from 26b . . . . 15 Freight(not included in Part III) . . . 27 Utilities and telephone . . . . 9�3 16 Insurance . . . . . . . . S2z5 28a Wages . . 2- -�'� � 17 Interest: / i/ � b Jobs credit . . - %�%��� a Mortgage(paid to financial institutions) c Subtract line 28b from 28a . . . . z9 3 b Other . . . . . . . 7 6 z0 29 Other expens/e�s(list type and amount): 18 Laundry and cieaning S�0 Bsc , 7Gt3 ' f!800 . . --�,'�---. ._._._. ' - - •-••-------- 19 Legal and professional services . � �30 /�'la%�✓7�E.�t,!e.e'_.�_S66__.____ , 20 Office expense. . . . . . . . ��8 /YJ�S��Q�veo�cs- z97 -------•----------------••------ 21 Pension and profit•sharing plans . . . �sr�3ide__lrt�_- 260 22 Rent on busmess ro ert '784 �rJc� es �s�:d r� a�:+�-S�c�o /3 /.23 30 Add amounts in columns for Imes 6 through 29.These are the total deductions . � 30 ,3 31 Net profit or(loss). Subtract line 30 from line 5. If a profit,enter here and on Form 1040, line 13; and on $chedule SE,line 2 or line 5 of form 1041 or Form 1041S .If a loss, ou MUST o on to line 32 . 31 Z�ii-3�'Z 32 If you have a loss,you MUST answer this question: "Do you have amounts for whfch you are not at nsk in this business?"(See tnstructions.) ❑Yes ❑No If"Yes,"you MUST attach Form 6198. If"No,"enter the loss on Form 1040,line 13,and on Schedule SE, Ifne 2(or line 5 of Form 1041 or Form 1041S). For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice,see Form 1040 Instructions. Schedule C(Form 1040)1987 Schedule C (Form 1040) 1987 Pa e 2 Cost of Goods Sold and/or Operations(See Schedule C instructions for Part 111) 1 Inventory at beginning of year.(if different from last year's closing inventory,attach explanation.) . . . . 1 y�.9�0 2 Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 S53 ��/ 3 Cost of labor.(Do not include satary paid to yourself.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Other costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Add lines 1 through 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 �.�/� 7 Less: Inventory at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 �,� /OD 8 Cost of oods sold and/or operations.Subtract line 7 from line 6.Enter here and in Part I,line 2 . . 8 SsZ D�/ � Codes for Princi al Business or Professional Activit Locate the ma�or business category that best describes your activity(tor example,Retail Trade,Services,etc.).Within the major category,select the activity code that identifies(or most closely identifies)the business or profession that is the principal source of your sales or receipts.Enter this 4-digit code on line B on page 1 of Schedule C.(Note:ff your prrncipal source of income is from farming activrties,you should iile Schedu/e f(Form 1040),Farm Income and Expenses.) Construction code code code Code 2634 Agent or broker for other firms— 4697 Sporting goods and bicycle shops 7690 Management,consulting,and 0018 Operative buitders(building for own more than 50%of gross sales on 4812 Boat deaiers public relations account) commiss�on 4838 Hobby,toy,and game shops 7716 Advert�sing,except direct mail Nondurable oods,includin 4853 Camera and photo supply stores 7732 Employment agencies and General contractors g g 4879 Optical goods stores personnel suppiy food,fiber,chemicals,etc. 4895 Luggage and leather goods stores 7757 Computer and data processing, 0034 Residential building 0059 NonresidenUat bu�ldmg 2659 Selling for your own account 5017 Book stores,excluding newsstands including repair and leasing 0075 Highway and street construction 2675 Agent or broker for other firms— 5033 Stationery stores 7773 Equipment rental and feasing 3889 Other heavy construction(pipe more than 50%of gross sales on 5058 Fabric and needlework stores (except computer or automotive) laying,bridge construction,etc.) commission 5074 Mobile home dealers 7914 Investigatfve a�d protective 5090 Fuel dealers(except gasoline) services Building trade contractors, Retail Trade—Seiling Goods to 5884 Other retail stores 7880 Other business services including repairs 0232 Plumbing,heating,air conditioning �ndividuals and Households Perwnal services 0257 Painting and paper hanging 3012 Setling door-to-door,by Real Estate, Insurance, $110 Beauty shops(or beautician) 0273 Electrical work telephone or party plan,or from Finance,and Related Services 8318 Barber shop(or barber) 0299 Masonry,dry wall,stone,tile mobile unit 8334 Photographic portrait studios 0414 Carpentering and flooring 5512 Real estate agents and managers 0430 Roofing,siding,and sheet metal 3038 Catalog or mail order 8516 Shce repair and shine services 5538 Operators and fessors of buildings 0455 Concrete work 3053 Vending machine selling 8532 Funeral servfces and crematories (except developers) g714 Child day care 0471 Water well drillin $Elling F►om Sto►e, 5553 Operators and lessors of other real B 8730 Teaching or tutoring Showroom,or Other Fixed property(except devetopers) 0885 Other buildingtrade contractors 8755 Counsel�ng(except health (euavation,glazing,etc.) LoGation 5710 Subdividers and developers,except prectitioners) Food,beverages,and drugs cemeteries g771 Mirnsters and chaplains 5736 Insurance agents and services Manufacturing, Including 3079 Eating places(meais or snacks) 6882 Other personal services 5751 Security and commodity brokers. Printing and Publishing 3095 Drinking places(alcoholic dealers,and investment services Automotive services 0612 Bakeries selling at retail beverages) 5777 Other real estate,insurante,and 0638 Other food products and beverages 3210 Grocery stores(general line) financial activities 8813 Automotive rental or leasing, 0653 Teztile mill products -0612 Bakeries selling at retail without driver 0679 Apparel and other textile products 3236 Other food stores(meat,produce, 8839 Parking,ezcept valet 0695 Leather,footware,handbags,etc. candy,etc.) Transportation, 88� 6eneral automotive repa�rs 0810 Furniture and fixtures 3251 Liquor stores 8870 Spedallzed automotive repairs 0836 Lumber and other wood products g CORIRIUI11C8t10(IS,PUbIIC 3277 Dru stores (brake,body repairs,paint,etc.) 0851 Printing and publishing Automotive and service stations Utl�Iti@5,and Related Services 8896 Other automotive services(wash, 0877 Pa r and allied roducts towing,etc.) Pe P 6114 Taxicabs 0893 Chemicals and allied products 3319 New car dealers(franchised) 6312 Bus and limousine transportation Miscellaneous repair,except 1016 Rubber and lastics roducts 3335 Used car dealers P P 6338 Trucking(except trash collection) computers 1032 Stone,cla and lass roducts 3517 Other automotive dealers Y• B P 6510 Trash collection without own dump 1057 Primar metal industries (motorcyctes,recreational vehicles, 9019 N and audio equipment repair Y 6536 Public warehousing 1073 Fabricated metal products etc.) 9035 Other electrical equ�pment repair 6551 Watertransportation 1099 Machine and machine sho s 3533 Tires.accessories,and parts 9050 Reupholstery and furniture repa�r ry P 3558 Gasoline service stations �19 Air transportation 2881 Other 1115 Electric and electronic equipment 6635 Travel agents and tour operators eQuipment repair 1313 Transportation equipment Generai merchandise,appa►el, 6650 Other transportation and related Medical and health services 1339 Instruments and relateG products and furniture servlces 1883 Other manufacturing industries 3715 Variety stores 6676 Communication services 92ll Offices and clinics of inedical 3731 Other general merchandise stores �92 Utilities,including dumps, doctors(MD's) Mining and Mineral Extraetion 3756 Shce stores snowplowing,road cleaning,etc. 9Z33 Offices and clinics of dentists 1511 Metai mining 3772 Men's and boys'clothing stores 9258 Osteopathic physicians and 1537 Coal mining 3913 Women's ready-to-wear stores surgeons 1552 Oil and gas 3921 Women's accessory and specialty Services(Providing Personai, 92�4 Chiropractors 1719 Quarrying and nonmetallic mining stores and furriers Professional,and Business 9290 Optometrists 3939 Family clothing stores $efVlt@S 9415 Registered and practiwl nurses Agricultural Services,Forestry, 3954 Other apparel and accessory stores � 9431 Other ticensed heatth practitioners 3970 Furniture stores Hotels and other lodging places �56 Dental laboratones and Fishing 9472 Nursing and personal care facilities 3996 N,audio,and electronics i917 Soil preparation services 7096 Hotels,motels,and tourist homes 9686 Other heatth services 3988 Computer and software stores 1933 Crop services 7211 Rooming and boardmg houses 4119 Household appliance stores Amuseme�t snd recrestional 1958 Vetennary services,including pets 4317 Other home furnishing stores �237 Camps and camping parks K�,��es 1974 Livestock breeding (chfna,fioor coverings,drapes, Laundry and elesning services . 1990 Other animal services etc) 8557 Physical fitness facilities 2113 Farm labor and management 7419 Coin•operated laundries and dry 9613 VWeotape rental stores 4333 Music and record stores services cleaning 9639 MoUon picture theaters 2212 Horticulture and landscaping Buiiding,hsrdware,snd garden 7q35 Other laundry,dry clea�ing,and %54 Other motion picture and N film 2238 Forestry,except logging wpP�y garment services and tape activitles 0836 Logging 4416 Building materials dealers 7450 Carpet and upholstery cleaning %70 Bowling alleys 2279 Fishing,hunting,and trapping 4432 Paint,glass,and walipaper stwes 7476 Janitaial and related services �� P�otessional sports and racing, 4d57 Hardware stores (building,house,and window including promoters and managers Wholesale Trade—Selling 4473 Nurseries and garden supply stores cleanin� 9811 Theatncal pertormers,musicians, agents,producers,and related Goods to Other Businesses, ane.reai�stores 9us�ness ana/a p.►sons� semces Government,or Institutions,ltC. 4614 Used merchandise and antique �kef 9837 Other amusement and recreatanal Dunble�oods,Including stores(except used motor vehicle 7617 L.egal services(a lawyer) services mschlnery,equipmeM,wood, parts) 7633 Income Wx preparation gggg Unable to classify metals,etc. 4630 Gift,novelty,and souvemr shops 7658 Accounting and bookkeeping 2618 SelGng for your own account 4655 Fbrists 7674 Engineering,wrveying,and 46�1 Jewet stores architectural �t U.S.6.P.0.: �9e7• 183-0% 4. ;�t� ,;. . :� '', �� _�91� -.� t� , � � ► : 9538 '� t ' � ;`' 9539 _ t `.r < CRIMINAL CODE OF 1963 6p9,7g ' i ther or not :'� . , : � than three ;;� 609.745 PERMTl'TING PUBLIC NUISANCE. � ' , � � Whoever having control of real ro ert ' � � P P y permits it to be used to maintain a public � � s. nuisance or lets the same knowing it will be so used is guilty of a misdemeanor. _ u � r:. : . � History: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.745; 1971 c 23 s 7S,• 1986 c 444 � � ��� . �; 609.746 IN'I'ERFERENCE WITH PRIVACy. t? 1 assembly �1 � } �� ;uilty of a =:" p ApY person who enters upon another's property and surreptitiousl " , , � s or ee s in the window of a house or place of dwelling of another with intent to intrude y gazes, stares, �� . , �. upon or interfere with the privacy of a member of the household thereof is guilty of a ; y" - t�� misdemeanor. T .. .[..� . � . . �:, History: 1979 c 258 s 19 rate�lace, ' ;;�. �°` ' irm,anger i- i; GAMBLING � '� ' disorderly y;;•• = � - ; � � �� 609J5 GAMBLING; DEFINITIONS. ,�: '- Subdivision 1. Lotte . f= ,"� of mone '�'• �a)A lottery is a plan which provides for ihe distribution T • �° ;, Y, Praperty or other reward or benefit to persons selected by chance from � and noisy '� among participants some or all of whom have given a consideration for the chance of j'� , � being selected. !•�,11 ►�� ' ,� •. �(b) An in-package chance promotion is not a lottery if all of the following are met: '�� • (1) participation is available, free and without purchase of the package, from the '�,�� � �; retailer or by mail or toll-free telephone request to the sponsor for ent or f '��s : , ..,:lni ° piece; I'Y or a game �c�. f S.v.•J. t; ' ' �;•� ,`. any m2ethod of partichpation and thes c eduled terminarion d dvertising clearly states �ort;does4 ¢_., ate of the promotion; (3) the sponsor on request provides a retailer with a supply of entry forms or game ':i��tr,ri�>'. �;; pieces adequate to permit free participation in the promotion by the retailer's cu .� grounds`� -� ers; stom- ` ing there;. ° ;�.r. , �. r . '�' (4) the sponsor does not misrepresent a participai,t's chances of winning any priZe• .`,' ` {"�'y� ` � -:. (5) the sponsor randomly distributes all game pieces and maintains records of lace open ,: ;� random distribution for at least one year after the termination date of the romoti • • a r rF ..c�:� f P on, a fortune °. and�6� all prizes are randomly awarded if game pieces are not used in the romo ' � .,#� ..,,... �; P tion; .-,.rF�►!��:` „���`R I ;�; (7) the sponsor provides on request of a state agency a record of the names and � . addresses of all winners of prizes valued at$100 or more,if the request is made within � '' � 1 f �` � one year after the termination date of the promotion. ` t. �. :..,a ,{-,� �.. �' ' (c) Except as provided by section 349.40 acts in this state in furtherance of a ' means of; lotte , i ; ,' „ �, ' ry conducted outside of this state are included notwithstanding its validity where �: zment�v: :conducted. � r ��u,y,�t r �,. yf� • ` :`Subd. 2. Bet. A bet is a bargain whereb the a ' I � �,�, .'loss by one to the other of specified mone Y p rties mutually agree to a gain or ;;; .� �z��, f;although the chance is accompanied by o�me element of sk�l.dependent upon chance , . �m 10 `� : _ �'subd: 3. What are not bets. 1'he following are not bets: ! ' ny of the :; . � y. -� � (1) A contract to insure, indemnif I G :for a y, guarantee or otherwise compensate another r ,� harm or loss sustained, even though the loss depends upon chance. � , :r�; • �Jura , �-{ �(2) A contract f o r t h e p u r c h ase or sa le at a future date of securities or other �mb� �. °rnmodities. I � i � r�aa � � J; �: , �.°'.;�.:�3) Offers ofpurses,prizes or premiums to the actual contestants in any bona fide ' g �;�j�c.b M :"contest for the determination of skill, speed, stren th endur :� `.bf�ona fide owners of animals or other property entered in such aecon e t lity or to the ' � , ,� °°�r 349 23 The game of bingo when conducted in compliance with sections 349.11 to � �� °'fts; �(5) A �',� �. � � �' i g ayste pn°ate social bet not part of or incidental to organized,commercialized,or I ; , matic gambling. �'�`. � ; � i : : ; +��'y � .� "����S�� I �; +".f,� q���I, �l,��I I� 3:. " �+. 'll i -.v.:� �r:, ''�,� �i ° �9` �;; 609.75 CRIMINAL CODE OF 1963 g� ; .�t �i� k . 'I I y •• :�6 t' j'; (6) The operation of equipment or the conduct of a raftle under sections 34g,��, ;;� • r.K � .: j �� to 349.22,by an organization licensed by the charitable gambling control board or an '�� - �` _ � ;' organization exempt from licensing under section 349.214. , f !�:�; �, x. n ,� , � � � .; (7) Pari-mutuel betting on horse racing when the betting is conducted under ;` *L f ��. chapter 240. ` �„ - ;. � �..: � r Subd. 4. Gambling device. A gambling device is a contrivance which for a r� � �` �� ' consideration affords the player an opportunity to obtain something of value, other � `�T �' than free plays, automatically from the machine or otherwise, the award of which is t��� q - t � `b ?. �`� determined principally by chance. � - ' ' ;,�� y�;::E � .� .I, ` �:;.� -:� Subd. 5. Gambling place. A gambling place is a location or struGture,stationary �y � '� �� or movable, or any part thereof, wherein, as one of its uses, betting is permitted or (�� r � ,:. � � �: '�; - ;�.; promoted, a lottery is conducted or assisted or a gambling device is operated: � �� : ; Subd. 6.. Bucket shop. A bucket shop is a place wherein the operator is engaged - � g ` � �' in making bets in the form of purchases or sales on public exchanges of securities, :",�� ; 4� F� commodities or other personal propeRy for future delivery to be settled at prices • ' .►�.; �" t ' �` dependent on the chance of those prevailing at the public exchanges without a bona fide ' �`� ��i purchase or sale being in fact made on a board of trade or exchange. '`� , i ''I Subd. 7. Sports bookmaking. Sports bookmaking is the activity of intentionally ' rr,� '` r:� .�� �,. . ; !� receiving, recording or forwarding within any 30-day period more than five bets, or r.� .; offers to bet, that total more than $2,500 on any one or more sporting events: � - "� � ; � '� ! �� r 1 s 609.75• 1971 c 947 s 1;1976 c 2 s 152; 1976 c 239 s 126; ` �� �' History: 1963 c 753 a t "` �r: �; 1976 c 261 s 14; 1978 c 507 s 4,5; 1981 c 126 s 3; 1983 c 214 s 34-36; 1983 c 216 art 2 . �� :� #��. � s 17 subd 3; 1984 c 502 art 12 s 2 2; 1 9 8 5 c 1 2 6 s 2; 1 9 8 6 c 4 6 7 s 2 9 ; "-� � ,�. .`. • '.�� . 4� .•_ '� 609.755 ACTS OF OR RELATING TO GAMBLING. a.� rt ;' Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a misdemeanor: ' � • '� `��4 (t) Makes a bet; or � ��- (2) Sells or transfers a chance to participate in a lottery; or � �"� �� (3) Disseminates information about a lottery with intent to encourage participa- � �A� � �� 4 tion therein; or r K '` g (4) Permits a structure or location owned or occupied by the actor or under the ,� ?�. ; actor's control to be used as a gambling place. � '� °� �; : History: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609J55; 1971 c 23 s 76; 1986 c 444 : i`� ��';� � 609J6 OTHER ACTS RELATING TO GAMBLING. ¢� Subdivision 1: Gross misdemeanors. Whoever does any of the following may be v:t * sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not a: ` more than$3,000, or both: (i) Maintains or operates a gambling place or operates a bucket shop;. � (2) Intentionally participates in the income of a gambling place or bucket shop; � (3) Conducts a lottery,or,with intent to conduct a lottery,possesses facilities for -` doing so; � , (4) Sets up for use for the purpose of gambling, or collects the proceeds of, any K; gambling device or bucket shop; � ; (5) With intent that it shall be so used, manufactures, sells or offers for sale, in ' whole or any part thereof, any gambling device including those defined in section � 349.30, subdivision 2,and any facility for conducting a lottery, except as provided by t: � d section 349.40; or - ; (6) Receives, records, or forwards bets or offers to bet or, with intent to receive, �� C record, or forward bets or offers to bet, possesses facilities to do sa • ;.- ; � S u b d. 2. F e l o n y g a m b l i n g. W h o e v e r e n g a g e s i n s p orts bookmakin g is guilty of + i � a felony. � � ,: F History: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.76; 1981 c 126 s 4; 1983 c 214 s 37,• 1984 c 628 art � p ; ; > 3s11 , _�: . . � � : ,, � -:i;� i:, n.J . .�f�' .��..?. ' '-�..I � �� � , 9540 '�� `� 9541 1 � -�` ' CRIMINAL CODE OF 1963 609J62 � � 349.11. y� Y 609.761 OPERATIONS PERMITTED. � 3 or an � � Notwithstanding sections 609.755 and 609.76,an or anization ' �` � ful gambling as defined in section 349.12 ' g may conduct law- � u n der =� " � �y m a y manu facture ,l f a u t h o ri z e d u n d e r c h a p t er 3 4 9 an d a �,: ,s e l l,o r o ff e r f o r s a l e a g a m b ling device to an organization authorized � '�' �ti � ��:. under chapter 349 to conduct lawful gambling,and pari-mutuel betting on horse racing � `� for a � ° �.:; may be conducted under chapter 240. � � h ch is LL�a.�,�y ^����,�' � History: 1978 c 507 s 6,• 1983 c 214 s 38,• 1984 c 502 art 12 s 23,• 1986 c 467 s 30 7 � .. y.?��si •��.�� ' i 609.762 FORFEITURE OF GAMBLING DEVICES,PRIZES AND PROCEEDS. �. �' a :ionary r�' � �.. Subdivision 1. Forfeiture. The following are subject to forfeiture: , � tted or t ' ='� (a) Devices used or intended for use, including those defined in section 349.30 � �`' � subdivision 2,as a gambling device,except as authorized in ? n�ged �:_ , : .�.°� and 349.40; sections 349.11 to 349.23 urities, - _� prices =� �) All moneys,materials,and other property used or intended for use as payment # na fide 4r`' �� to participate in gambling or a prize or receipt for gambling; � . � "- ��) B°o1�s,records,and research products and materials,including formulas,microfilm, � ionally "�, tapes, and data used or intended for use in gambling; and �ets, or �•. - ; (d) Property used or intended to be used to illegally influence the outcome of a �� •.��:n ,'` ' horse race. s:, , � �s 126; s,. Subd. 2. Seizure. Property subject to forfeiture under subdivision 1 may be 6 an 2 ,,i seized by any law enforcement agency upon process issued by any court having ��t � jurisdiction over the property. Seizure without process may be made if ;:{ �' � � ' ,,�; (a) the seizure is incident to an anest or a search under a search warrant; � t� •�fi �{ x (b) the property subject to seizure has been the subject of a prior judgment in favor ,e,5., J ; °,;: ,`S 4} of the state in a criminal injunction or forfeiture proceeding; or. � (c) the law enforcement agency has probable cause to believe that the property was j -=�"tg� :. ' used or is intended to be used in a gambling violation and the delay occasioned by the � ''� ' . necessity to obtain process would result in the removal, loss, or destruction of the f � #� ticipaM r, _ ,,,:a�r ¢� property. �t :K�; 3 ier the a� ,,: Subd. 3. Not subject to replevin. Property taken or detained under subdivision � � {'•tY?�; 2 is not subject to a replevin action, but is considered to be in the custody of ihe law ; �=;�, '� enforcement agency subject only to the orders and decrees of the court having jurisdic- J �{� *`` ' tion over the forfeiture proceedings. ''`� �� �.� -��rs,� � ► '� '" .- Subd. 4. Procedures. Property must be forfeited after a conviction for a gambling '' j t na f.�;� violation according to the following procedure: � ' y'"� ' I � of not= r . �a) a separate complaint must be filed against the property describing it,charging �) .�� its use in the specified violation,and specifying the time and place of its unlawful use; 'l��� " � � (b) if the person charged with a gambling offense is acquitted, the court s ' � shop,> ,� dismiss the complaint and order the property returned to the persons legally enti led � t t to it;and � ' vu��f � 'rr; � (c) if after conviction the court finds the ro ert ' � �: violation as specified in the complaint, it shall order� that he property be old or if,a°r ,, retained b ` - �.`' � y the law enforcement agency for official.use. Proceeds from the sale of � �otlo� foifeited property may be retained for official use and shared equally between the law � R: enforcement agency investigating the offense involved in the forfeiture � - secutin and the pro- � �� ' 8 agency that prosecuted the offense involved in the forFeiture and handled the ' 'forfeiture proceedings. • ��.� � � " • "` Subd. 5. Exception. Property may not be seized or forfeited under this section � � if the owner shows to the satisfaction of the court that the owner had no notice or ' �, j ly Y:knowledge or reason to believe that the property was used or intended to be used in , � :1tY•' �'iolation of this section. ' ti ` Histo � ;� ,y ��.�,�-.�:., rY: 1983 c 214 s 39,• 1986 c 444 . i �.�,J;;•,. i �``' , � �, . i � �_` i � ; , I _�� , . g- �i�''?� ��� �'� � �j{ �, v . � ' ****PLEASE NOTICE*** Lou was cited for a gambling violation last year. Because of this, t,he St. Paul Ci,ty Council will hold a hearing on October 14, 1988 to determine if the store will be closed down for a d�, a few days, or 'indefinitely. This�°�t only be an inconvenience to the neighborhood, but we all will lose a friend who has been a positive asset to our community. Will you please sign this petition to be presented to the St. Paul City Council for them not to shut down the store for � any length of time. Thank you. NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. 1. ,, 'OS3 0� w '7 'l G �- o �v 2. ���'/" e�� ��%����/�xi�,.��. l U S3 ��`�"�r� S� 7'u�- O 9�d 3. .�Uc ��n /►1. SCIt*9M�rS l�G// fl4�i-�uc'� 77�/��S'Z!6 4. !�` �'� /�f="N�.i�f�rt. %v�l ��.�'fi�C'6�'A�.� `7 7�' _�C:��/ 5. � I . � / aS� � �� ��f� � 6. ' ` ;`: . v- , � - �-l� � �. . �� � �_9���I s. < �5�j 1�, 9. ��� , � , � - '/��j � -"�" ..,;`' ,� �-, .�� -������ . , i, ' -� � io. �.C�� ��� �.����.��'_.l'�:/ 7�'��_U'��' , , ��. � �1 � :?l:�i ,, � , J _ � , j���j��. � �2. � � -�� �;�,��� � � >������� >�- � 13. �-i / �.. ! '�/f/l r'i✓, �i�' -�.�'..,�� 14. ', / .*� /,�l�.��-- �.s"� � ,������/ �'�,��. � .- 15. �li��YL,��� ��1`�� `�v1.�!''� � �?�c1�7/,� �6. � . � � �� �,� � ��� Gc�< - �- � �r �(��-� ' l ��. .�r d . �- ,. ��s- �rs-�- �- _ �h �ti ��. d - �l ? �- �y� _ . �y� ` ,..� �_ ��� �,-,..�. � - i r�n S mpI � � �►5 � B�-r�� /�1- `1-��t-`7 `.�� _ ; `a �� � �8= � ` �c��.�� /�7�� � � ��+ ���- _ ��,���� �-- � �5 S' �"�' � �7/—�' � ���:� -_ NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. 18. E � J'� �� L� -� 7�7�/S—S"Z- 19. r'l�? , ��fi' . -7��'��:3.:Z , �. 2 0. 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(.�u (JJ ` c� �z�-� ��,..�.�. �� ��,�� S����_ .;���e1,a- � i3sc7Y)'1 �Ub_�a S}: _ 557C�,ci `��� o� /.�25 _ �� /(�� �• �C$S��' � � ; � � � � � ; , 1 � � ��� � . �X � �� ����.:�'` _ � .;' ; . �� , CONTESTEO CASE HEARIN6 A6EHOA ANO 6UIOELINES This hearin9 is De1�g conducted py an ob�tctive Adwinlstrative law J�.d9e appointed and t�ploytd by tht State Office of Ada�i�lstrative Hearin9s. Me is not an employee of the agency that wi 11 be decidf�9 this contested aiatter and Aas not dlscusse4 the uerits of any Questions invotved wlth either the a9ency or with a�y oth�r interested parti�s, unl�ss there has been a preAsaring conference where atl parties had notice and an opportunity to participate. He will strive to conduct an i�nparttal, even-ha�ded hearing in a fair and expedltious fashion. After the hearinQ, he/she wi11 weiyh the evidence and arguments vithout any predlspositlon to either accept or reject the proposed agency action in preparing flndings of fact, concluslons and recanaendattons to the agency. The agency will then make 1ts .Qecisfon after waiting at least 10 days. during r+hich tiiae the findings of fact and recommeRdations will be available to affected persons. Smoking is prohibited in the hearing roaa. • I. A6ENOA . 1 . Hearing Convened by Administrative Law Judge 2. Explanation of Procedure 3. Appearances Noted on the Record r � 4. Introduction of Jurisdictional Oocuments 5. Presentation by Agency or Other Initiating Party 6. Respondents' Presentation 7. Presentations ar Staten�ents by Non-parties 8. Hearing Closed by Administrative Law Judge If any person is peculiar)y inconvenienced by the above agenda. such as having to get back to his employ�aent or vhatever, he should indicate this to the Administrative .Law Judge who will cons9der suspending the agenda to acconnwQate such special circumstances. II. 6UIDELINES 1 . The purpose of this hearing is to conslder whether the proposed agency action described in the �otice of hearing should be taken. All persons wishing to express their views will have an opportunity to do so. 2. Th1s hearing will be recorded on tape or by a court reporter. This record w111 be availabie until the ti�e for statutory appeal of final agency action expires and a transcript of the proceedings will be prepared at the request of any party. If you wish to request such a transcript. for which there is a charge. kinGly notify the Ad�inlstrative law Judge. 3. In order tq =�id tAe corrst�uction of a proper record.. it is requ�ested that witnesses obslt�'vE the fo1�'o��"ng rules.: (a� only one person sha71 be allowed to addres; the hearih¢ a� one time; (b) all answers a�ust be verbalized; (the cour! reporte�h ca�not record yestufes or the noddin9 of a head) and (c) all technical tera� anG proper names should be spelled out for the benefit of the person typing the transcript. 4. Attorneys unfa�lliar with administrative practice should be aware that the emphasis will be on finforn�allty; exclusionary rules of evidence will be interpreted 116�ra1�1y in tb� ��t�e of all presentations. Exceptions to any rulings are unnecessary and ul "f,l;uous. The AdAinistrative Law Judge will deterrnine what wei�C►�,f���uld� '��;sslqt�ed to evidence a�d the findings and recomnendations wi i�:�•�sed � � q�n sutrs�ar4t��} evidence. � fi �'�''' � < ,:� �.�'�. III. PROCEDURAL RULES 1 . The rules of procedure governing this hearing are set forth generally in the uniform rules of procedure governing contested cases before state agencies. particularly Minnesota Rule 1400.7800 Conduct of Hearin9. 2. All parties may present evidence and argument with respect to the issues and cross-examine witnesses. 3. All parties have a right to be represented by an attorney at the �r hearing. 4. The Administrative Law Judge may admit all evidence which possesses probative value, including hearsay, if it is the type of evidence on which reasonable prudent persons are accustomed to rely i� the conduct of their serious affairs. The Administrative laa Judge shalt give effect to the rules of privilege recognized by law. Evidence which is incompetent. irrelevant. immaterial or unduly repetitious may be excluded. � ��c AL� �� �.... � - .. _,�`.4C'TT.O,'ti". � _ _� � ;,: C l �� � � � _ d�� - � L_._ CITY OF SAINT PAUL :• , ..: OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY = i�ii� , ''�� "-'11�" �� � '1 S � EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY � .. - g - a-�a � -- a a� - . •• �••�,�:�' 647 City Hall, Saint Paul. Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATI��ER � ��'`IVED MAYOR (� � ��N 2 S �988 June 27, 1988 �� ^, � ��' � �� '`' Mr . Louis J. Lepsche NOTICE OF HEARING Lou' s Market ���� 1199 White Bear Avenue North saint Paul , MN. 55106 NOV 15 �988 RE: vou' s Market �ITY CLERK Bear Mr . Lepsche : . This is tc notify you that a hearing will be held concerning the licensed premises stated above at the following time, date and place : Date : August . l9 , 1988 Time : 1 : 30 p.m. Room 1503 , City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street , St . Paul , Mn. 55102 ""_;e �u�ee wil� be an Admir.� strative Law �u�^2 fro.;� the State ef �,. . r �,r_.. i _ _ _ ..�,. � � a. - ,- -,^c � . _ ..iic�� ._� �, _. _ _ _ ..... ..,..... _�: � -- -_ .. .._ 'c� .^.��.._ _ _ . ..r.... _ . ��t� . . .. .. . . i•��...,.._ .= . �� .. _�L.. .�_ `:i.J s","._;�i. = 4.. _. _ i ' ` — "'— —' ' � ri �th Flcor , Flour Exc�ange Eui�ding , 310 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis , Mn. 55415 � Telephone: 341=7645 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide for hearings concerning licensed premises, and for action against such licenses , under Chapter 319, including sections 310.05 and 310.06 , of the Saint Paul Leg � slative Code. In the ' case of licenses for intoxicating and n�n= intoxicating liquor , • authority is also conveyed by section 34P1A.415 of the Minnesota ` Statutes . Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse action against the license or licenseholder as follows : You have engaged in sForts bookmaking on the licensed prem i ses dur ing a per iod beg inn ing on or about January 5, . � • 1 1988 and ending January 27 , 1988. Sports bookmaking is a felony under Minn. Stat. 1986, section 6PJ9.76, subd. 2, and is defined in section 6Q9. 75 , subd. 7, as the activity of intentionally receiving, recording or forwarding within any 30 day period more than five bets , or offers to bet , that total more than $2, 5010 on any one or more sporting events. The evidence will show that you received , recorded or forwarded approximately 83 wagers on football , hockey, and basketball totaling at $5,A90 between January 5 and January 27, 1988. The foregoing is misconduct and improper activity . constituting grounds for revocation of your licenses , including but not limited to sections 3141.016 (b) (6) , (7) and � (9) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The undersigned will request that the Administrative Law Judge recom m end revocation of all of your licenses for the licensed premises at 1199 White Bear Avenue, known as Lou's Market . � You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and during the hearing if you so choose', or you can represent yourself. You May also have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not prohibited as unauthorized practice of , 1G'v�. r,.�—.C ..��... .. . _ w _ _ .. ...,. r`:...�. .-� ..a'.�. ' '. ... �.C...�G'�..::.' V: �. ..... ....;C' ._... .. _. _..:T_'' '" C'Cr . � , � _ . ._ _' � • ✓ . � V � . • r� `1_ � .._ `4 . ....E � � v .. ._. 4(. _ .. _ _� � . .� ... . � . � �� Ci: :. :,� TCCc� .:_' c... ,,...r �� S�C _." .,"' � r. r� � �. .... . .. � :�� ,. _ � :: i;� � � c� .e . _. ,._ LEgisiative Cocre as may be applicabie. At he'aring , the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties identify themselves for the record. Then the City will present its witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney - may cross-exam ine. The 1 icensee may then of fer in rebuttal any witnesses or evidence it may wish to present , each of whom the � City attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons • not presented as witnesses who have a substantial interest in the ' outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding. Conciuding arguments may be made by the parties. Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and a specific recomm endation for action to be taken. s � � You should bring to the hearing all documents , records anc3 witnesses you w.ill or may need to support your position. Subpoenas may be available to com pel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7P100. If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a formal hearing , please contact or have your attorney contact the undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to the facts , that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative Law Judge for incorporation into his or her recomm endation for Council action. If you fail to appear at the hearing, the allegations against you which have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true and your ability to challenge them forfeited. If non-public data is received into evidence at the hearing , it may become public unless objection is made and relief requested under Minnesota Statutes , section 14 . 60, subdivision 2. Very truly yours, . ,�,;� ,._ •-_. .-� ..,:c�,� _ � L�' r ��."?:� :.r"I (5?�' 1 �. .: " _.`' _ 'r.'_ �. ,'. i;� ; '.:o . l�y�� '_ . cc: Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector Lt. Donald. Wing�=r Vice Unit Albert B. Olson City Clerk Alan D. Margoles, Esq. ". Attorney for Lou' s Market ' Jon L. Lu�r�e ' Administrative Law Judge :�:. � `v�. ��'. ❑ � .� � �:�:� �' W a� � +� a L .�;,,;� °:>�. � Zg� � a� a� � . 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'k ' ih } , �� . ,z` ,Y T Y - . �n` . ^ti' ��, -���` i-. . . ..�''.- �y. �y � �` � - �.� � ' ��i ,. 7 ` + `�''M�E I.� .. � � � �.. F" � t- � M: M�f..F.��/ �V �r +. ;.�;...�.^� � . � � ` � �i.a ► � � � . ! `� F•r 4� �K`r. ;. si F � r a �t � = r �,, '�,:� � �. � �� �; ,', � * �"' 1- . � � � ;� --�.;-.<�w� . , .-F.' ��'s+l�a: S� .,r �. .�r �,�... �-.� ��.� ,.' . '�� ;i: • f : , � '�� ` �; � , ,,. t� + _� Sk���.t. k3 �i\N� -1 �y �� 'd i' �,�!' i '�i.'�.. _w...J«Y e ts��N;'� �:�''��:`.:,,'"�.r� '•,i:-�� - ,�� i .. � �� ' ;;L/7 Tuesday, January 5 Wednesday, January 6 NBA PRO BASKETBALL. NBA PRO BASKETBALL 1 2 3 4 F TIME�ZONES:P:p�ryie C=C�ntrai E=Easlern 1 2 3 4 F 1 PHOENIX SUNS 1 UTAH JAll (N) 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E (N) ♦:30P 6:�OC 7:30E � 2 NEW YORK KNI KS " 2 PHILADELPHIA 76ers - 3 NEW JERSEY NETS 3 LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS � (N) 1:30P .6:30C 7:30E (N) 1:30P 6:30C 7:30E �OI" 4 WASHINGTON BULLETS 5 ; 4 CLEVELAND CAVAUERS 5 DcTR01T P�STONS � 5 NEW YORK KNlCKS �i'� N) 5:OOP 7:OOC S:OOE N) 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E � ATLANTA HAWKS wrasrv � 6 BOSTON CELTiCS �� 1 LDS AN�ELES CLiPPERS � 7 �TLAPiTA HAWKS (N) 530P 7:30C 8:30E N) 4:30P 6:3QC 7:30E 8 MILWAUKEE BUCKS 6 8 DETROIT PISTONS ' 9 INDIANA PACEP,S 9 DEhVER hUG�ETS � (N) S:30P 7:30C 8:30E k; 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E .- '0 CHiCAf,O BULLS � - S ° 10 NEW JERSEY NETS � I 11 SE�TTLE SUPERSGNICS 11 DkLIAS MAVE�ICKS � � � (N) . 7:30P 9:30C 10:30E (N) 7:30P 9•3CC iC:30E ' 12 PORTLAN� TRAlLBLAZERS 12 lOS ANGEtES LAKERS I I i 13 SAN ANTQN�O SPLRS , 13 ��USTOfv ROCKETS � jk) 7.30P 9:30C 10:3QE (N) ?:30P 9:30C 1C:30E i4 (iOIDEh STATE WARRIORS � 1� �Et�TTLE SUPEt�CONI�S �O�IL�GE BASKETf�AILL C(J�LEGE BASKETSALL �/ 1 2 f 1 2 F 'S ?E�IV STkTc � � 1� TEf��PLE /, G; �N)(C) 4:30P 6:3C�C 7:30e' � �N) a;p;;p 6:OOC 7:OOE ( l� /_ � ;6 MASSACNUSE i TS �1 Z'Cl '.� FtiNSYL1�ANIA 17 ARh1Y ,7 Fi � .� � {N? 6:�OP 6:30C 7:30E • . � , 's8 CORhELI 18 GE GETOIh'N c :�oE ESPN (o i ?9 SYRACUSE � y � . 1� MIAMI•FLA . (N)(C) S:OOP 7:IWC B:OOE �. (NI 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E � / 20 BOSTON COLLEGE Z� [?UKE L, 21 HARt1AR0- 21 BGV�'UNG GREEN (Nj� 5:30P ):30C 8�30E , � � ' )(C) 1:30P 6:30C 7:30E �7� 22 MA":�iKTiA�J",�Mn^t!Sams nr �_ � y U ?Z BALL STATE �23 O�LAHOMA STATE 23 GEORGE WASuIPdGTON (N; 5:35P 7:15C 8�35E IN)(C) 3:30P 6:30C 7:30E �24 TULSA � 2; DtiC+UESPlE <�SJ k�� 25 COINECTICUT � -L!/ 25 J;�CKSONVILLE J V. '!N):C) 6:JOP B:OOC B:OOE C (N; S 30P 6:30C 7:30E �� ZF SETON HALL'Z�:,a„-: — ���__ �5 FLQRIDA ST.4TE Twe�d�y. Janu�ty 5, cont �! �cr,a � jNi 4:30A 6:30C 7:30E � tti'Azft�iN,�i. �C3CK�'Y LE�G�E 2� oavre!v �� �� h1i3SISS{PPI � 1 F �y:fC; 4:30C 6:30C �:30E -�%— Zi �'LISFIti��,:iCJr�� �.��,����.�5 �� f�:��v�ssL[ •./ ` " a�35P 5:75!: �.�SE �i �CI��7�.Tri�t � I Z° PHI�A�ELFHiA FLYcRS � ! :�, - :�ec �- '� •r C 7:30E ; �.� uS A.?�,;E1rS K.:u I ' 'v�i��v?I•C4�� i ..:. :.JSF ��JSI ',5< J.�_ � � _ —� �� �/�. � �S�i D!T j^•_^��iG-_ (•C�'��LI��v � � I / .. . 1 ^^�'.'�l�:�r�:..;ir'.,�{i,i`ii.. ';.GC �T—r � _ )i . ��-----._--._-- - - —��-�—=-------'------ ---1 ' f1/ C.� 33 L Wednesday, January�;�cont. Wednesday, January 6, cor�t. COLLEGE 1�ETBALL COLLEGE BASKETBALL 1 2 � F 1 2 F . �3 MISSISSIPPI STATE � 61 L.S.U. N)(C) 4:30D 6:30C 7:30E (N�(C) 5:30P 7:30C 8:30E - � J :?4 KENTUCKY 62 VANDERBIIT :5 FORDHAM E3 MARYLAND r., -N) 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E (N) 5:30P 7:30C 8:30E �.� '6 NORTH CAROUNA'.,GmensDuro 64 MISSOURI ` "7 XAYIER S5 S.M.U. • N) 1:45P 6:45C 7:45E (hl)(C) 5:30P 7:30C 8:30E �8 WESTERN MICHIGAtv 56 TEXAS A&M � +► zr7 AAIERICAN U. . OC B:OOE iN) 5:35P 7:35C 8:35E -• ONIO U. 08 KANSAS "�1 EASTERN MICHIGAN G9 CINCI�dNATi '+)(C) 5:00� 7:OOC B:OOE � ~ jN) 5:35P 7�35C N:35e �2 CENTFAI MICHIGAN 70 EVANSVIIIE ;3 fLORIOA 71 BRAD�EY '—� rrl)(C} S:OOP 7:pOC B:OOE (N) 6:OOP B:OOC 9:QqE � ' I ?2 N.C:CHARLOTTE `.SPM � ,:� MICNiGAN ,� Iyp,TI�NgL H4C�E�' �EAGUE � a . �:oa� :oa� y �`�s ni���hw�srEgh '� , � F ?�;i CLt4iSON � � 73 ST LGUiS ELUtS , ,iN?(C) S:O�C 7:O9C B.00E (N) �:35P 6r35C 7:35E ':�i3 tJ.C. SiATE �74 DE7R04T RE� W.IMGS ` {�'3 GEORGIA TECH � 75 MI?�tiESOTA N�nTN ST.4RS � � � � '�) S:OSP 7•OSC B�.OSF. � � (N) 4:35P 5:35C ::35c �•---,-' � !L� .ouisviuE � ;; re��r��o �.9dPi.E LEAFS I �� �I TEXAS - I 77 EDMONTON CI!ERS i � —� !dHl(C) 5�OSP 7�OSC � B:OSE � (N) d:3bP 6:35C ?;75F --•�; ' "? o K e' � 78 HA!TfORD WNA�ERS .: NDIkNA � �`�. � 79 VANCOUVER CANUCY,S � �--j �� 7�0 B:OSE (N) 4:35P 6:75C 7:]SE � — � ''i: �OYdA ,'yL 80 NEW Y�JRK RANGERS �:;5 WEST VIRGItvIH 81 BUF�ALO SABRES + };N;(C) S:OSV 7:OSC B•OSE . ' (N) i:35P 6:35C 7:95E i�--- � •'�c ST. JQSE;=H'S � 82 MOVTf�EAL CANAQlEtdS 7 BAYLQR � �3 QU�N.EC hORDlGIJES � 1 . f!'�;(C) 5:30P 7�30C B:30E � , (N) 5:3iP 7:35: d:35E � � � t' :3 LC.J. j � B�NI�AGO E!nf�1NkWKS � .�______ . ; =`� ?��E I 85 Wi�tiNIPEG JrTS � � ;�N�!C) 5:70P 7.JOC d:7DE (N� G:JSP 8:35C 9:35E i 5�.; r�.XAS T�CH _ 86 CALCZ�Y F!Ai_L�E� � � : -- s 5 � 't , ��� _ . 5� �, �� w ^(���J � 3 � o �� I . �^�o� ^+�. , i,� � '" � b, cont. Thursday, January 7 Thursday, January 7, cont. TBALL NBA PRO BASKETBALL C4LLEGE BASKETBALL � Z F rx�lE3oMFS:i=PacMle C�nl =Ewtp� 1 2 3 4 F 1 2 f 1 MILWAUKEE BUCKS 33 CAUFORNIA �� (N) 4:707 6:30C 7:30E (N)(C) 6:OSV l:OaC l:OSE � 2 INDIANA PACERS 34 ARIZONA us�uv -. � 3 DENVER NUGGETS 35 LONG BEACH STATE y (� C5�70P... 7:30C l:30E V I .`l (N1lC) l:30P t:30C f:30E • ..� 0 36 UTAH STATE 5 DALLAS MAVERICKS / � � 37 STANrORO (N)--E:� 9:30E N)(C) 0:70P l:30C 4:30E � 6 PHOENIX� SUN�S`'`. •�� - 8 ARtZONA STATE 7'ti0USi0N ROCKETS �}� [,' h ` 39 SAN DIEGO STATE t�1'7:�OP-�--Y:30C._..1D:30E �-T � 1(�I 6:�OP B:30G 9:30E �" 8 GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS 0 UTAH Q SAN ANTQNIO SPURS 41 HANiAiI - (N) 7:30P 4:;fOC 10:30E (N)(C) 8:35P l:�SC 9:3SE 1� SACRAME(VTO KINt�S ' " '— 42 @.Y.U. . 43 OnEG�JN STATE ` COLL�GE BASKETBAL-I. �� C 7• 4:30C 10:30E � ' t z F 4 U.C.1.A. — '�'J . L% � �..Et'�G U� . 11 VIRGthiA TECI� _W MEXICO STA?E (Nl fCl 4:OOP 6:00: 7:90E jN)(C} 7:30P 9:�OC t0:J0E ' '- F 12 SGUTN CARDLIN.� es� 46 SAN JOSE STATE 13 KARVARD 47 CAL:IRVINE - (N) �:30F 5:10C 7:�OE (N)(C) 7:35P 9:75C 10:95E 14 HOLY CRiISS 48 FULIERTON STATE i � 15 F.IANNATTAN 49 OREGON �� '~ i (N) 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E (N}(C) 8:00� t0:00C 11:OOE ' 16 Y".LE 50 SOUTHERN CAI. I I 17 RUTGEPS 51 CAt:SANTA BARBARA -t ! j (N�(C) 4:30P 6:30C 7:30E (N}fC) l:OOP t0:00C 11:OOE � 1a ST. BONAUFNiURE 5? NEVt,DA•lAS VEGAS I �—I ' 19 ONIO STATE �tATIONAL H�CKEY LEAGUE , . (N)(Cy 5:OOP 7:OOC 6:OOE 1 � _ 2� NURDIIE i 2 F ' 21 FENN STATE 53 BOSTON BRUINS �' i � (N)(C? S:OOP 7:UOC 6:O�E (N) 1:35P 0:35C 7:35E 22 RHODEISLANJ 54 PITTSBURGN PENGUINS ! � , 23):�UNOIS ��^� +�/ �c'�� ,� , 55 VAM1iCOUVER CANUCKS � � �' ��N?'�CT"S:OOP"'"... 7.00C 'B:O�E � (HI /3SG 6:35C 7:35E 2S MINNcSOTA � 5� NEW JERSEY DEYIIS i � � 25 OLD DOIv1!NIGN 57 ST. LOUIS BWES � (H1(C) S:OOP 7:OOC B:OOE � (N) 0:35P 8:35C 7:33E � • � 26 SOUTH F!ORl�A 58 PHtLADE�?FlIA FLYERS �17 NICHIGAN ST;�TE �h)�c� s:osP r.osc e:ose � ;� � io wiscoNS�ti � f 2s ��oiANa s7arE � �� S� Ik)lCl 5:35P� 7:35C B:35f .L' � 30 DRAKE �� , 31 GEORGIA -` ` (N)(C) 6:OCP B:OOC . 9:OOE `` � - 32 AL±9AMP. ESPN 1� . � `_� . (�, 3 S� :;�� � . � + I � '�7�.� - /�� �o?�9� : VOLUME 7, ISSUE 6 =� . January � 8 thru ��S�� �b��� � 2� -:.�_ ;�� � January 31 , 1988 �c �O�ke� �� � - -- . OFFICIAL NEVADA ROTATION ,=� . � _ �; � � , � DA�LA� .-� �: �� � ! � _ _ _� r SCO R ES .�� '� � rs = g= ' r� 498- 61 � 2 ��r�. _ . ,� _ . -=�� � ��.� - � _ . �� � '.-�_'`r �� , �� . t, �. ��-6..."p .:.: � � "-:..,:' `?�. � -e �'•R l i - :i _ .. . '�.< . . � � , �r _ . � �. a� � �_' - r:: � '�" _ � - E`.�. ; - ":� � ! �i. . i � • ��N'� (� �(61� �. . F_. �-1�_ .��E:.( � I�.`_�r ,1 ' �x � _-''w� �f"�'� ( F � -�� pc� s - -�t�� 1. �� � � � � ,.y_������ .� ,i��3 _ _ - I.' r -- .PO Box 485 'T .:L'�. Colleyville, Texas 76034 � � ' r ��_ � � Call for Rates & Details ..._ j; . _ �, 81 l • 498-6216 � - � :��-- � f_ � � - � M �y- R�'' . � � . �'. ' �� Y ��• � r - - -----.. � , �3i�. �., � - � -- Thursday, January 21 ; � Thursday, January 21, cont. � Thursdas NBA PRO BASKETBALL COLLEGE BASKETBALL NAT'IONAI i1ME•ZQNE : ►:► MI = �nenl f=EuMm 1 2 3 4 F ' iIME�20NE5.P=PacMlc C= �t! t ATLANTA HAWKS 33 TULSA 63 NEW YORK ISI� (N) I:�OP 6:30C 7:30E � �N)(C) S:�SP - 7:JSC 8:75E '!� 2 CLEVELAND CAVALIERS � ` n � 34 DRAKE � tN� .:asv e:�sc `�� 3 MIIWAUKEE BUCKS 64 HARTFORD WHR 35 U.C.L.A. 65 EDMONTON OILI (N) S:JOP 7:70C E:70E �N���) 6:OOP B:OOC 9:OOE (N) t:35P 6:35C 4 NOUSTON ROCKETS — ' 36 ARIZONA STATE 66 PHILAOEIPHIA f , ^� 5 lOS ANGELES IAKERS r„ 37 SOUTHERN ILlIN01S 67 MINNESOTA NO � J (N) 6:70P l:30C 9:30E (N��C) 6:OSV B:OSC 9:OSE (N) t:35P 6:35C 6 DENVER NUGGETS /+ -•EV 38 BRADIEY 7 68 BOSTON BRUIN; 1', COLLEGE BASKETBALL 3 9 F U L L E R T O N S T A T E 69 DETROIT RED Y (N)(C) 6:30P B:�OC 9:30E (N) �:35P 6:75C � 1 F 40 UTAH STATE ' � 70 NEW JEHSEY D 7 MASSACHUSETTS 41 SAN DIEGO STATE J(� 71 QUEBEC NORDII (N)�C) �:30P 6�JOC 7:70E- (N)�C) 6:JSP B:35C 9:35E 6 TEMPIE G �N� t:35P 6.35C 42 AIR FORCE 72 TORONTO MAP 9 PENNSYLVANIA 43 SOUTHERN CAI: 73 ST. LOUIS BLUE' (N) �:70P 6:]OC 7:70E (N)(C) 6�.�5� 8:35C 9.JSE (N) 1:35P 6:35C 10 NOTRE DAME {S' 44 ARIZONA 7� 74 MONTREAL CA� 11 DUDUESNE 45 HAWAII 75 LOS ANGELES N �N)�CI t�OP 6 70C 7 70E (N)(C� 6:35V 8:35C 9:75E (N) 6:35V 8.35C 12 WEST VIRGINIA , ' 46 WYOMING 76 CALGARY FIAMI 13 N.C.CHARLOTTE 47 gy.�. �N) �30� 6]OC 7 JOE CO M P I 14 VIRGINIA TECH I (N)(C) 6:35P 8:75C 9:75E 48 TEXAS�EL PASO i 15 IONA 49 UTAN (N�(C) <:70P 6:30C 7:30E (N)(C� 6�35G B.JSC 9 35E TH E l.� 16 FORDHAM '` 50 NEW MEXICO � i7 ARMY 51 MEMPHIS STATE � � �� (N) �:30P 6:�OC 7:30E �N)(C) 7:OOP 9:OOC 10'OOE v� 18 YALE 52 SOUTHERN MISS. �7 DALLA 19 GEORGE WASHINGTON 53 NEVADA lAS VEGAS i (N)(C) �:75V 6:JSC 7�75E (N)(C) 7:OOP 9:OOC 10:OOE 20 SL BONAVENTURE 54 SAN JOSE STATE � l�I 21 HOIY CROSS 55 CAL:SANTA BAflBARA • � �N)�C) S.00P 7:OOC B�.00E (N)(C) 7:JOP . 9:30C 10:30E � - 22 LASALLE 56 FRESNO STATE M i N N EA 23 WISCONSIN 51 OREGON (N)(C) S:OOP 7:OOC B:OOE (N)(C) 7:30P 9:30C 10:30E �� � I 14 MICHIGAN 58 WASHINGTON STATE 25 DUKE 59 OREGON STATE ,! . „� (N�(C) S:OOV 7:OOC B:OOE � (N)(C) 7:30C 9:30C 10:30� �f � 26 NORTH CAROIINA � 60 WASHINGTON ! 1 AIA:BIRMINGHAM ` � 61 CAL:IRVINE - ,,,,.;` 3 x �G.,J•. OMAHA-� (C� S:OSC 7:OSC B:OSE (N)(C) 7:35P 9:�SC 10:35E ' 28 SOUTH ALABAMA 62 PACIFIC ' 402 29 ILLINOIS iN��c� sosv rosc e:ose �UTN . . . . � ��� ��485�720� 30 IOWA � 31 LOYOIA CNI: ,", S'°° ,'� °'°E , �� � NORTN . . . . 1 612 639 1119 31 DEPAUI � � � � �� � n � MIDWEST . . . . �'�2-393-4611 _ ..NOeooy B, . r 1 .. SCORES UPC _6_ _ � �i8 0 1 , � t �S '4:'� h; Thursday, January 21, cont. Friday, January 22 ��Y NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE n1BA PRO BASKETBALL ��F� ���� i1MEdONES: P=PuMIC C=Cmtrd E=Erurn 1 2 3 F 1 2 3 4 F ;;M:'' 63 NEW YORK ISLANDERS '�— 1 ATLANTA HAWKS (N) 1:35P 6:�SC 7:35E (N� 4:70P 6:30C 7:30E � 64 HARTfORD WHALERS 2 BOSTON CELTICS � 65 EDMONTON OILERS 3 NEW JERSEY NETS j,� (N) I:�SP 6:35C 7:35E 66 PHILADELPHIA FLYERS 7� iN� s:oov �:ooc e:ooe 4 INDIANA PACERS• 67 MINNESOTA NORTH STARS 5 GOLOEN STATE WARRIORS (N) 135P 6:75C 7:35E 68 BOSTON BRUINS 4 iN� s:ooa �:ooc e:ooe 69 DETROIT RED WINGS 6 WASHINGTON BULLETS 7 PHOENIX SUNS (N) 4:35P 6:35C 7:35E � �H� S:�pp 7:�OC 8:30E 70 NEW JEHSEY DEVILS 8 CHICAGO BUIIS 71 UUEBEC NORDIQUES 9 LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS (N) �:35P 6:35C 7:35E � �N� 5:30P 730C 8:30E 72 TORONTO MAPLE LEAfS 10 DALLAS MAVERICKS 73 ST. LOUIS BLUES 11 SAN ANTONIO SPURS (N) �:35P 6:35C 7:35E �N� 6:70P B:30C 9:�OE 74 MONTREAL CANADIENS � 12 U7AH JAll 75 LOS ANGELES KINGS 13 �ENVER NUGGETS (N) 635P 8:35C 9:35E �N� ):)OP 9:30C 10:30E 76 CALGARY FLAMES '' 14 PORTIAND TRAILBLAZERS COMP SELECTIQNS� �5 NEW YORK KNI KS ' �N� 7:30P 9:30C 10:30E 16 lOS ANGELES LAKERS THE LATEST LIN�' 17 DETROIT PISTONS INi 7.JOP 9:30C 10:30E 18 SEATTLE SUPERSONICS DALLAS-FORT WORTH COLLEGE BASKETBALL 1 2 F 8� �-� _ 19 SAN OIEGO STATE �� ��o� (N�(C) 6:35P B:35C 9:JSE 2C COLORADO STATE MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE t 1 3 F 21 NEW JERSEY DEVILS 612 63 _ (h� 1:35P 6:35C 7 35E �3 � � � � 22 BUFFALO SABRES 9 � 2., LOS ANGELES KINGS (N) 535V 7:75C 8:35E OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS z4 w�NNiPEG JETS � 25 NEW YORK RANGERS � 402 393 461 1 (h� �'35P 9:35C 10 35E _ _ 26 VANCOUVER CANUCKS �REE SCOR�S COMP SELECTIONS,TH6 LATEST LINE, � EVERY MONDAY thru FRIDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2 P.M.to 6 P.M. CENTRAL on "NOBODY BETTER-NOBODY FASTER" . � ��� ����� 7ZO� SCORES UPDATED EVERY 15 MINUTES � __.,.y� 1� � 1 r � r---------�-___ �. aturday, January 23 Saturday. January 13, eont. I � �aturda�, .,A PRO BASKETBALL COLLEGE BASKETBALL � ; � _ �OLLEC ��► m = �nmi E=E inn 1 2 3 4 F � 1 ? F ' TiME�2�wS r.r�,,,��_;� 1 BOSTON CEITICS 35 EASTERN MICHIGAN � G3 JAMES MAU�S;,�. �Ml �700 6:]OC 7:30E ICl 11:1OP 1:]OC 2.30E S (NI Itl �0!'�r� �.�, 2 CLEVELAND CAVAUERS 3g gQLL STATE + 6A ARIER;Ck�; !, 3 G�IDEN STATE WARRIORS 31 OHIO U. � i 65 SETG^� HA;i �N� S:�OP 7:30C l:30E . ��) 11:70P 1:30C 2:30E INI(C) �C:: 4 CHICAGD BULIS 3g WESTERN MICHIGAN ��`� ss v!��a�,�n,... 5 MILWAUKEE BUCKS ;g FLORIDA 67 YAt� " �H� S:70P 7:30C E'70E (�) 12:70P 730C 3:JOE �' � (N��C) ���c- 6 DALLAS MAVERICKS 40 TENNESSEE 7 68 BR01i''; �� 1 LOS ANGELES CUPPERS 41 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS � 69 CULUMr.;. �N) S:]OP 7:70C E:70E ��� t2:70P 2:JOC )30E 1 (N11C1 �JC^� 6)i `� 8 SAN ANTONIO SPURS �-- ��� � 42 ILLINOIS STATE ' �n r,o��;�� 9 NEW YORK KNICKS 43 FORDHAM � 71 TO:Eu;. (N) 7:�OV 9:]OC 10�.30E ��� 12��OP 2�70C 3.70f (N)�Cj a�?^.� e�,v_ 10 SACRAMENTO KINGS 44 FAIRFIEID i 12 KEK� STATr 45 KANSAS STpTE N ' , � 13 fr.C.N'ILMING1i;'; COLLEGE BASKETBALL ,�, ,ooP �ao� <ooE �N„�, �J:' 6 3:- i 2 F 46 OKLAHOMA STATE '� i 74 N;IIlIAA1 �, Mw� 11 FLORIDA STATE 47 M�SSISSIPPI � 75 GEORGE h1:+SC`: �C) i0 00� �7 OOC 1 OOE _ (C) 1:OOP 3:OOC a:00E �i (N)(C� {�.]0� 6)s �12 CINCINNATI 48 ALABAMA < 76 N^!"' 13 OUKE 49 FULLERTON STATE l�f� , � :`, 1? =i:i_'i C�` IGI �0 JOP 12]OC �30E (C) 1:OOP 3�.00C <:OOE ��� ��`" ; �i ; (Nl l�l {�]OP •)a' 14 WAKE FOREST'.��,..�,�o.� 50 SAN JOSE STATE ` ' '� 76 `?T. PETERS 15 OHIO STATE 51 OREGOh STATE / �D�J I � _, �. 79 5�U i N FIORiu:. (C) 11.00P 1'OOC �:OOE . �C) 1 OOP l OOC �OOE � �j ��` � ' (N) ♦:3C:' 6 72t 16 MINNESOTA `� '� � 52 WASHINGTON STATE `�j j , ,,_._i 80 MIAfJ��Fl:: U NORTHWESTERN 53 PURDUi V . 81 WFSi�RiY KEt� (C) 1LOOP i:00C 2:00E - ,--�1 UD�� 'T0� �OOE . � (N)(C; ��1:?C' 6 J: 16 IllIN01S 54 LOUISVIILE . ' �-�` 82 VA. COMh"�ONWF � 19 TEXAS TECH -5jr GEORGi3C-TECH � � 83 R',iTGEh,� (C) t1:00P 1:OOC 2-OOE (C� 1:OOP 3:OOC aAOE (N)(C1 <:?°' 6: 20 S.M.U. 56 VIRGINIA � ���i 84 A'tASSi,CHii�'i 21 KENTUCKY 57 SOUTH CAROIINA (•� � 85 E�;Si CA�O:: (C) 11�OOP 1.00C 2 OOE (N) .2:OOP I:OOC S:OOE 6//� � (N)(Cj �'3C�� L•�.. 22 LS.U_.— --_ 58 CIEMSON � �,• I 86 RICHf�n;,;; .'2 3 P I T T S B U R G N _ . , : i 5 9 B.Y.U. '/, ; � 8 7 P E N t. S Tr,�: � �'—tt00�� 1 00[ � � i , (C) 2:OSP �:OSC S:OSE - 24 OKLAHOMA 60 NEW MEXICO ��� � �N���� ,��^ �� 88 ST. BOrdav��ti�;. 25 MANHATTAN 61 SOUTHERN CAL. �' 89 ST. JOSEPi;; �CI �t OUP 1 OOC ]OOE �C) 3:OOV S:OOC 6:OOE � )� 26 IASAIt E 62 ARIZONA STATE /�J ' �. �N��c1 s:oon rcc. 27 IOWA STATE 90 RHODE ISLAtd:: ici +i oov �ooc �ooe � l/l., 91 MAR�UETT't 28 ^^�SSO�R� F R E E S CO R E S U �(1 �N� s oov �.oc:- 29 AHMY 92 DAYTOh ici ,�oon +ooc �ooe � 93 CONNECTICUT � . , . SOUTH ...............�-8�7-485-72or! �N„�� S:�P �:o, ! 31 KANSAS � � � 94 ST. JOHN'S ` - +��oo �c ��o� � � , /� NORTH ....�'6�L-639'� � �9 � 95 PROVIDENCE � (H)(C) S'OOP 7:01 33 CENTRAIAM CHIGAN MIDWEST ............. 1'4�L-393-4611 -� 96 BOSTON COILE ici „�ov ,�oc z�oe 97 DARTMOUTH 34 MIAMI ONIO "NOBODY BETTER-NOBODY FASTER" �H� s:osv r.osc SCORES UPDATED EVERY 15 M/NUTES 98 IOWA —8— �, ���s� � i K y , • �. �T�y'., 7 /� � .— .. ' � '�' �i � _]� � � Saturday, January 23, cont. Saturday, January 23, cont. COLLEGE BASKETBALL COY.LEGE BASKETBALL i1MEdOMES: P=hcMtc C= Mtil E=EnMrn 1 2 F 1 2 F . 63 JAMES MAOISON 99 RICE _ �N)�C) �:OOP 6:OOC 7:OOE (N��C) S:70P 7:30C l:70E 64 AMERICAN U. 100 BAYLOR 65 SETON HAII •� , 101 VANDERBILT (N)(���1:OOP - �6:OOC 7'OOE i (N�(C) 5:30P 7:�OC l:30E -66 VILLANOVA �= — ��� �� 102 AUBURN 6 -YAt�€-' '- 103 BUTLER ' (N)�C) �:�OP 6:�OC 7:30E (N�(C) 5:30P �:�OC l:30E 68 BROWN 104 ST. LOUIS 69 COLUMBIA 105 GEORGIA (N��C) �:70V 6:JOC 7:30E (N)�C) 5:70P 7:30C l:�OE _ 70 CORNELL 106 MISSISSIPPI STATE , 71 TOLE00 107 DETR0IT (N)(C) •:�OP 6:�OC 7:30E (N)(C) 5:30P 7:30C 0:30E � 72 KENT STATE 108 LOYOLA•CHI. 73 N.C:WILMINGTON 109 INDIANA STATE (N)�C) 1:70V 6:90C 7:30E (H�(C) S:�SP 7:35C l:JSE 74 WILL�AM & MARY 110 CREI6HTON 75 GEORGE MASON lli XAVIER (N)�C) 1:J0� 6:70C 7:?OE (N►�:') 5:35P 7:35C l:35E 76 NAVY 112 EVANSVILLE „ ,� 77 HOLY CROSS 113 tC.U. ! �N)�r s:asv r.asc e:ase � �"� 7B(ST. PETERS 67� �'30E 114 TEXAS =, ( 79 SOUTH fLORIDA 115 WICHITA STATE J (N) �:30P 8:90C 7:30E (N)�C) 5:75P 7:35C 8:35E ;;__L 80 MIAMI•FLA ` � 116 ORAKE � , 81 WESTERN KENTUCKY 117 DEPAUL (Nr(Cf�130P--'8:30C� 7:�OE, (N) 6:OOP B:OOC 9:OOE 82 VA. COMMONWEALTHDG � �� ) v 118 OLD DOMINION 83'�RUTGERS----`�� , �� ' 119 N'YOMING (N)(C) ♦:�OP 6:90C 7:70E (N��C) 6:�SP S:�SC 9:JSE 84 MASSACHUSETTS � 120 COIORADO STATE 85 EAST CAROLINA 121 UTAH (N)(C) �:30P 6:30C 7�90E (N)(CI 6:75P l:JSC 9:35E 86 RICHMOND 122 TEXAS•EL PASO 87 PENN STATE 123 HAWAII (N)(C) •:�SP 6:3SC 7:35E (N��C) 6:�SP l:35C 9:35E 86 ST. BONAVENTURE 124 AIR FORCE 89 ST. JOSEPH'S 125 CAL:IRViNE (N)(C) S:OOP 7:OOC l:OOE (N)(C) 7:70P 9:30C 10:30E 90 RHODE ISIAND 126 FRESNO STATE 91 MAR�UETTE 127 NEW MEXICO STATE (H) S:OOP 7:OOC l.00E (H)(C) 7:90V 9:30C �0:30E 9Z DAYTON 128 LONG BEACH STATE 93 CONNECTICUT � 129 CAUFORNIA (N)(C) S:OOP 7:OOC�"� l:OOE (N�(C) 7:35P 9:35C 10:35E 94 ST. JONN'S 130 STAWFORD 95 PROVIDENCE 131 CAL:SANTA BARBARA (N)(C) S:OOP 7:OOC l:OOE (H)(C� 7:�SP 9:35C 10:75E 96 BOSTON COLLEGE',�eas�o�c,�a� 132 PACI�IC 97 DARTMOUTH �N� s:osv rosc e:ose � / �Qa 98 IOWA %�1%";,�.���,-� _ i , _9_ � # + - I�-- —_. _. - 23, cont. Sunday, January 24, con�. � � ��>nd� �' January � , ` urday, : _ j N E3A PH� .�tONAL HOCKEY LEAGU�F _COLLEGE BASKETBALL F . ,�ME to�S . ..�� ,. � �it-. -11 GEORGETOWN � �� - 1 Nf{��t,;,;;c•;�, x ;�,,. 133 CAIGARY FLAMES ��.�--9:oov' ii:ooc ,s:ooe � } '"' '''" � k- �oosv �z:osc +:ose 12 $YRACUSE ? �% WA',�N:�,',lr�, p:: 134 O E T R O I T R E D W I N G S ; ; ._, i.�—,��;; 135 PHILADELPHIA FLYERS :13 NORTH CAROLINA itry°yo:oow--,z�oc ,:ooe.� �J � ": , >, ,o:,sn ,::,sc ,:,se 14 N.C. STATE I� �i U!.;`� t , 136 BOSTON BRUINS 15 TEXAS A&M �'' '`-��"" .�`` `•' ; 137 EDMONTON OILERS ��� +�»-�,. _. �N� ♦:OSP 6:OSC 7:OSE (C) 11:OOP 1:OOC 2:OOE . G l�ll'�.i1i', '�,7�?t 'p 138 NEW YORK ISLANOERS 16 HOUSTON 17 MICHI6AN "+'� "`x' ' COLI.E'C 139 BUFFALO SABRES -�*�� (N) C 11:OOP--. 1:OOG . 2:OOE � /:35� 6:JSC 7:75E ( 1'� . / ' 140 WASHINGTON CAPITALS : 18 INDIANA ;�;,....,------- 19 WEST UIRGINIA � ' '""''" �'" 141 ST. LOUIS BLUES i�� � � � >:. (q) �:�SP 6:35C 7:35E (C) 1:OOV 7:OOC �:OOE ". . �_'.:' t:.-;-. . <;,'i 142 UUEBEC NORDIQUES 20 GEORGE WASHINGTON - =—�--. 143 MINNESOTA NORTH STARS 21 TEMPLE � , � � ` �I��, . ,w- (N) I:�SV 6:�SC 7:35E t:00P 3:OOC I:OOE i--- 22 NEVAOA�LAS VEGAS ��' �"� '��'���`�," 144 HARTFORD WHALERS z3 OREGON � '� � '��`� 145 PITTSBURGH PENGUINS ''` � •� � � • +e.�e (H) S:OSP 7:OSC l:OSE . (C) 1:OOP 3:OOC �:OOE - �:`,�,.� �2��WASHINGTON � �� � '"'�� 146 MONTREAL CANADIENS ' �:. � `� 141 CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS `; 25 U.C.L.A. = ' .,,_,. • ,, � �i jCj'~3:USP� S:OSC � 6:OSE _ � �� � �Nyt.sosP--»sc---e--..�— s• ��, la 5t 10 1 ��:` • 148 TORONTO MAPIE IEAFS r'� � �' fi ' 26 ARIZONA � ' �5 r,( cF�aH�Ot t'� -- NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE , ����� ,,.- Januar 24 � � � u; v,��.��f:�, �Eti' Sunday, 5► � z 3 F � �- �; --� ' , 27 lOS ANGELES KINGS i,N� . • � �,�� ���NBA PRO BASKE'TBALI. ,z:�SP �:�5� �:�SE �t_ ,v .� � '� n t,�•;,�__ .. _ ._ • '-';f?^�C: t 2 3 4 F 28 WINNIPEG JETS ' i 1':� .�.. � • � 1 NEW JERSEY NETS 29 DETROIT RED WINGS i i,N,;, • (N) �:OSP 6:OSC 7:OSE I i'(1. (11 P, r.��:;!!�y',��:� -{;o:oon---�::ooc----�:ooe �� 30 HAflTFOHD WHALEHS ,�•, - . -` �� `2 ATIANTA HA KS �=' � � 31 MINNESOTA NORTH STARS fi�� ! -�-`� �C � .. ..r 3 HILADELPHIA 76ers �N� .:osv e:osc �:ose ,u:ooa ,s:ooc ,:ooe �, 32 PHILADEIPHIA FLYERS i ; � •. 4 WASHINGTON BUILETS 33 MONTREAL CANADIENS ' `,/ <. � i,h : � �- 5 PHOENIX SUNS - �N� •:35P 6:35C �:ase i.�;� �,::i: �� ., :,,:- ,o:oov �s:ooc ,:ooe 34 QUEBEC�NORDIQUES -- INOIANA PACERS � . ��� ���� � 7 lOS ANGELES LAKERS 35 VANCOUVER CANUCKS ` ,�„�. _6�^�� • • � " I (N) 5:35P 7:35C •:95E 7l; �RI:,_i"._,I_.. .• t2:�� z:3oc 3:3oE 36 CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS 9 SEATTLE SUPERSO.NICS NATIONA' 9 OETROIT PISTUNS _ - (N) 7:QOP 9:OOC t0:00E � �. 10 P RTIAND TRAIIBLAZERS 17 E)U�F„�U SAfi,: �k� �)tif� {11�, �_ -- �. .� ZH ��'E;5 JEft,'Et :_ -�. s COMP ERS ON TAPE � 79 EDMONTON C: � / 1Nt ' ��1SC -�!4 t � �! Monda� - Frid.a. , 1 to 8 .m. � z� F��„y���� H,� y 9� :,� �.: ..� <<� � .�, . , ,' ' --- � 5 j �� ,nF�u�:,u ►.�._. �-_ _., 214� � 3 - 1 �. 4 : -. - . � . _ . , -, -- _ . . ._ �-�-� Y: � ..�.'__ : L� ? .�U � �� ��'� � ' `� 1 � �. � �� �.•/�/ ��'/ , /G�- --(.il f'.�C:/<a%L''.1 '� i� � REASON�VlIHY-�(UU SHOULD Mnnday, January 25 CNOOSE THE TEXAS PRO NBA PRO BASKCTBAL�. � FOR YOUR _. BASKETBALL PLAYS. TIME�IONfS P=P�clllc = Mnl E=ErWn 1 1 J 4 f � .�,,• 1 PHIIADELPHIA 76ers �_ - ��Z � � , ,", .'°° 6'°` ''°E 1. A PROVEN WINNER IN SPORTS 2 WASNINGTON BULLETS 3 CLEVEIAND CAVALIERS BETTING. - �H) 6 JOP 8 70C 9 70E ll t, ; 2. 67% WINS IN COLLEGES. MIIWAUKEE BUCKS .�- , (N) E s co�oEN sTarE waRRioRS 3. EfNPHASIS ON BANKROLL COLLEGE BASKETBALL MANAGEMENT. I , 1 E 7 SOUTH CAROLINA ,N„�, .�oP b�o� ��oE 4. 57% NBA WINNERS. . `4 8 FLORIDA STATE ` s PROVioENCE 5. CONVENIENT CALLING TIMES. (N)(C) ��70P 6:70C 7.30E �s 10 PITTSBURGH ii RHOOE isiaNO f. PLAYOFFS & TOURNAMENTS — � �12�MASSACHUSETTS "�E NBA 65°/0; COLLEGE 70%. � 13 XAVIER �14�ST. LOUIS '°°` '��E 7". NATIONALLY RANKED BY THE f 15 N.C.CHARIOTTE SPORTS MONITOR IN � . (J (N)�C) S�JOP 7 70C 8.30E v 16 wESTERN KENTUCKti' OKLAHOMA CITY, OK. 17 BUTLER ' �18�EVANSVILLE ''S` e:�SE g. giG PLAYS — NBA 22-10; 19 JACKSONVIIIE COLLEGES 3-0. ,. (N)(C) 5�5� 7.75C 8�75E �' 20 A A.BIRMINGHAM .� • .�` j� 21 ILLINOIS STATE , _ , 9. ORDER BASKETBALL AND ,N, 600o soo� 9OOE RECEIVE FOOTBALL AT NO 22 LOYOLA CHI. 23 CINCINNATI � ,N„�, 6OOP .:o� 9OOE ADDITIONAL CHARGE! MEMPHIS STATE 2510WA .` . � v e:a 9�OEI� - 26 WISCONSIN I��'�`O�i�, NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE I� ;� 7 as� 1 1 3 f \ � 21 BUFFALO.SABRES (N�_.-�'35P 6:JSC 7�.]SE v � 28 NEW JERSEY OEVILS �'� 3 � '29 EDMONTON OILERS— - —_-�— /--� � � �, ���� �� (Nj�.16R i�76C---�l5� 30 PITTSBURGH PENGUINS ��- 31 CALGAR�Lf1AMES _ ,N; �35P b�� ��SE ` 1 _g17-267-9636 �32 TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS 'i —___ i . . .•, ., _ ���. -- < :,y . -:� �� -- �- � ,�- . - . �. . _, . , , �� � � Tuesday. January 26 Tuesday, January 26, cont. ; , ` ; V�,�E���. , � ; 4 ' �/'�. ,, ' .iE sci,; .�.- � NBA PRO BASKETBALL NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAG ` � �)1.I.E � � t 2 3 a F � z � --1� : � �80Si0N CEITICS � 29 CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS , F �--- ___ � . TG� �)OP 6:�OC 7: OE (N) I:�SP 6:JSC 7:35E ' �'� �" , v 2 ATLANTA HAWKS a �� 30 DETROIT RED WINGS-�� � '' 7— ) i/ X �".'; � ` � 3 NEW JERSEY NETS 31 WINNIPEG JETS `= � � � : ,; �� � �N) I:�OV 6:]OC 7:70E (N) �:35V 6:JSC 7:35E � v �. I i,..,,,,,' ' 4 NEW YORK KNICKS , 32 WASHINGT�N CAPITAL � I 7 • �'��F , ;(' k!( H�, ,, ' ' � � (5/CHICAGO BULIS �-� 33 LOS ANGELES KINGS � „ -____ � (N) S:OOP 7:OOC l:OOE (N) 1:35P 6:JSC 7:JSE � � � � �� � '- � " � ,1,� 6 INDIANA PACERS 34 QUEBEC NORDI�UE9!��` — �' ' X '`h`�; . ' '., 7 LOS ANGELES CUPPERS 35 VANCOUVER CANUCKS l L �� �'���` � . 1►'0 5:30i 7:JOC l:30E I`r� . ' � -�.) ;,;..�;�•� ,� _ . 8 HOUSTON ROCKETS (N� 5:35P zasc E:35E� t✓ ; ; ,,. -`.:. 36 ST. LOUIS BLUES ' � � f �X 30 GE(��� •=�;:;;�Q 9 SAN ANTONIO SPURS (N) 5:30P 7:30C l:30E � =I l;n . --��------ 10 OALLAS MAVERICKS I�� � � ;,,,. . 11 UTAN JAll Wednesda January 27 --- �� (N) 7:90C 9:90C 10:30E yr j'_y' _ . .. LOS ANGELES IAKERS Jo� 19 NBA PRO BASKETBALL � • 13� EpTTLE SUPERSONICS - _ - _�_ � (N) 7:30P 9:30C 10:�0 TIM61 : P=P 11 = n I f=E n 1 z 3 d F , ,. .. . .'— � 14 SACRAMENTO KINGS �` � 1 INDiANA PACERS ''�' 15 MILWAUKEE BUCKS : «1--..;�p�6:3 E /�/ `' �'�•---�','�,.,;,:;. ,�V (N) 7:�OP 990C 10:30E 2 IT PISTON� "` i'! X � ' ''��' �� ..K.`. • 16 PORTlpNO TRAILBLAZERS _j 3 WASHINGTON BULLETS , �� � 3H Ct!,ih:` ��p�- (N) /:30P 6:�OC 770E 1 ":,., . COLLEGE BASKETBALL 4 BOSTON CELTICS ; �; � ; � .� � 1 F 5 CHICAGO BULIS I �u :, :.•, 17 COLUMBIA IN� ♦JOP 6�OC 7 30E - ---- �Hi 4:30P e:aoc 7:30E G PHILADELPNIA 16ers ,, .� 18 FORDHAM lb � CIEVELAND CAVALIERS � 19 KENT STATE iNi s�ov raoc e aoe / � , :r F: -- �N� •.35P 6:35C r.3se - -8 SAN ANTOMO`SP AD S� . �i 20 ST. BONAVENTURE i V , AlIA��'r71AVERfCKS - `-�� � ��� c. •;;,� ���j 21 VA. COMMONWEALTH ,H� 6:30P e:3oc 9:30E �-- i<::, r,:;.:�, . (N) s:ooa r.00c a:ooe 10 PHOENIX SUNS � �,, ��,,, "�� 22 RUTGERS 11 PORTLAND TRAILBLAZERS �' a!; !'�,;�, ;�;�,�r -� 23 LOUISVILIE ,N, �.3oP 9:]OC 1030E ���' h'��,�t���� �H� S:OOP rooc e:ooe 12 GOLOEN STATE WARRIORS � 24 DAYTON �4�c.,M� tu _ 25 saN �osE sraTE COLLEGE BASKETBALL ; .,:; ,.,�.„�,,,.y (H�(C) 6:OOP l:OOC 9:OOE 26 MEMPHIS STATE ' 13 ST. JOHN'S � Z F � �� � , �c'�_�t -�- - � 27 CLEMSON iN��c� �:oon e:ooc zooe � ,:.•;,—��. •�-'—_� .."""!�'� ��- l (N)(C) 6:OOP B:OOC 9:OOE �Z� 14 VILIANOVA : , , �_� j�_�_, � 28 GEORGIA TECH -- `; �15 JAMES MADISON ,. ;,,,;.,. �., ; �' fN��CI 030P 6�.JOC 7.JOE ` � .. ; ��•,... : �".. �- FOR FREE COII�P PICI�S ,H6 wA«oM $ MARY � �----� - =-� l I 6:30C Z90E .. ., � FROM STEVE TUi�NER 19 BUTIERAROLiNA , , ,,,� / ����a� INI ��JOP 6.70C 7�30E -. � O --___ _ -- _ �� 20 NOTRE OAME , ,� � � 1i 21 VIRGINIA �(.�{I'3� ^ �� � �� � �8� l2� ■ IN� �70P 6 JOC 7.JOE � I � ?2 VIRGINIA TE�H'.�M,.,,,,,. r — -_ - - -_-�., �..� �� —12— --�_ . � wti �, � � �r ,��� ,-�,��x f� � =:e�`y'd'�x `'"� .� r`s�,,s : .:,:r: . +�:., �, .� :� �����:r ��0� rn,�...�c 7r ��,' .�ic, �f ,�.i � �.,�</ �,, i . ` � . �� � I ;r � J 1:-�- � Wednesday, January 27, cont. Wednesday, January 27, cont. ; COLLEGE BASKETBALL COLLEGE BA�KETBALL � � 2 F '"-'_—__-- � � F , 23 FAIRfIEID 59 KENTUCKY --� , - �f (N)(C) �JOP 6:JOC 7:]OE (Nl t�%j-.�5!i0P--7'30C�� B:JOE•1 /�".:1 �� � 24 HOLY CROSS 60 VANDERBILT � _, � I 25 N.C.WILMINGTON 61 TEXAS A&M �H�(C) �70P 6:JOC 7:30E (N)�C) 5:30P T30C 8�70E 26 RICHMOND 62 TEXAS TECH 27 MISSI;SIPPI �� 63 TENNESSEE �N)(C) �.�OP 6:JOC 7:JOE (N)(C) 5:30P 7:30C 8:70E 28 GEORGIA �'°� ' f�.� 64 MISSISSIPPI STATE 29 BOSTON COLLEGE 65 ALABAMA �N)(C) S.00P 7:OOC B:OQE � ' (N)(C) 5:30P 7:JOC B:]OE 30 GEORGETOWN � � , �'• �?',' 66 AUBURN �`� 31 OHIO U. � • • 67 KANSAS (N)�C) S:OOP 7:OOC B:OOE (N)(C) 5:35P 7:JSC B:JSE:' .'� , 32 BOWUNG GREEN 68 NEBRASKA `�:. � , 33 I.S.U. 69 ARKANSAS - � � (N)(C) S:OOP 7:OOC B:OOE (N)(C) S:JS� 7:95C B:JSE �� .• � � 34 FLORIDA E 70 RICE � 35 AMERICAN U. � ` ✓, 11" RACU�`' -- " , ;,r �( (H��CI SAOP 7AOC B:OOE,-�� '(N�C')""S�OP l:OOC 9:OOE �� 36 GEORGE MASON - �; i,.� �C 72 SETON HALL 37 WESTERN MICHIGAN• � • •, 73 N.C. STATE (N)(C) S�OOP 7.00C B:OOE (N)(C) 6:OOP B:OOC 9:OOE � 38 CENTRAL MICHIGAN � 74 MARYLAND 39 ST. PETERS 75 KANSAS STATE I (N)�C) S:OOV 7:OOC B:OOE (N)�C) 7:OSP 9:OSC 10:OSE � 40 MANNATTAN 16 COLORADO 41 BAIL STATE ,N„�, S:oao ,:oo� B:ooE I�IATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE 42 TOlEDO � 2 3 F 43 MIAMI�OHIl7 77 MONTREAL CANADIENS (N)(C) S:OOP 7:OOC B:OOE � � iN) �:35P 6:�SC 7:35E 44 EASTERN MICHIGAN �`� 18 BUFfAlO SABRES 45 MIAMI•FLA ' � 19 WINNIPEG JETS (N) S:OOP 7:OOC E:OOE (N) 1:35P 6:35C 7:JSE `/ 46 PROVIDENCE BO PITTSBURGH PENGUINS '.-'" "' � E'i x 41 MINNESOTA 81 LOS ANGELES KINGS �OOE (N) �:JSP 6:95C 7:35E ' 48 MICHIG ,,,� � , ; 82 TORONTO MAPLE LEAfS � 1 83 NEW YORK ISLANDERS � : SP 7:05� l:OSE (N) 5:)SP 7:75C E:�SE 50 OHIO STATE �C 84 MINNESOTA NORTH STARS 51 IOWA STATE j• 85 HARTFORO WHALERS / J �'? x (N��C) 5:30P 7:�OC B�70E (N� 6:75P E:75C 9:75E , 52 OKLAHOMA � � 86 CAIGARY FLAMES 53 MARUUETTE � i (N) 5:30P 7:)OC 8:70E � 54 DEPAUL ,��. � 55 HOUSTON � � � ! (N)(C) S:�OP 7:30C 8:30E ` ��D 56 BAYLOR 57 TEXAS , �N)(CI 5�70V 7:�OC B:�OE .l 58 S.M.U. ' � {r���.,L- . —13— � :�C/ `� ,.� �f'► _ �� , .C[�-'-i , "� �-- — . J f ' _ // J,.� �" �'.'�� .J�� ..r . � - � �' � . � � �� J - -/� °� 9`9�0 / ��� / - �- _,\ ���, � � -,� � ;r�- `'f�` �/ , , ,' �� � _ /t�c w �, 3 �`� �— ( z--LL. ----- �` _ �, �_ _ _ ------.�. . ___/�°�< <u-. . � _ `7-�-�+-.cS�'� —__ 3 / D o '{�,c n-��__l'_.------- - ., . - . � : ,, —. -- -- - ---------- --.__ _-- : ��� I __ — - ----�'`!"'-'-' --- . . � __----- _ _. _ -- - ��� - _.__ --`.h�-� _ j `� --- �'"" ------. ,, _- -- - ` ' >( ` ; �c r _ �t �-� .- ° __. .. .----------__...(� .�'i !"� _ 0�� -_ �' _ . �� �. _ _ _ ----- - _ _. ____-- �---- , - _------ � _ ___ ;c � � —_ l� /`� �v� �..3 , 0 u..�.{ `f S �� � o e �> 7/'� _ � ____--- ._ _ _ 1;/ -------- _ �� I rJ J � �- .� _._ -_ - � - _ --- " --- \ j( /�ti ;.� ,� d..��t _ Y s�� 3 (_p�``' . ._ �-,�,•�.c� ��c,� e.� � �a 0 .. � ------_—_ . __. _ , __ _ _ _------ . ------- _ -------- _..-- � _. ---- ___... _ _. _ , --_�__.T ,� �a , . '__ _._. , d —_ ; - � . --- --- _. .___- - — ��0 ` U ., _ _. -- ---_.. _ I _-".=^'� ..... � �/ - ,�Gvx,.Q�� _,L �� e.tJ;dSl� � �, (�- r�° � v ti 4� T � ^ -- �J i'.s rr�¢-�c._� Gt,tSZ.t + � � _ -- - S- r `'" °-�/ ._ \ N G y��� _-- �. � , _. Z ` _ . .. _ _ . � � � . --�.� �s . � i � � � �0� _ �U� � � - z �-,-- X r .. , / � (���� _ C.S��� � � � o � . r�..',J �,�.� ,�r �r � i.� �.►'�.� ' �� �... �') J� Cl'�(./�� p�.e�ti y� � "� . a, ;, � v - c�� t.�..L , ._, . — , �� -- -- J � . �/: �'C%�`` ;- � , -- i _ �^i °�'�" ' � c O �-�' `� N � `�' ._ �`., � c,� � ` � � � ",�� ; � r� � M �i � � � � __..— -- -- —---- ---_ , ; --�--- _.. -- _-t- ----... _------ ----- - - --- i � � __- -- �-— _— _ �_ �,..- -�,,e: - ' �� 3-=—�. . . , , . - . _ ; G_��I'�� �u2<_ -�.�,�-�✓ - ?! C�;�v��. � : , _. _. _ _ -- - _ __ , - �( _ __.. .__________..._.. --- -- -- ----- - _ _ ___ _.___ _ _ . _ . ...._ _ .___ _. - _ __ ___ . . _.. ���2-� � . _ �-E �--�,�.� .��..-, � X X . _ .__. ____ ,r , _ ._ . _ \ ^� -- _. .. �-�-��� .__. /���;� ' � , _ _ ._. c�'�'V C�'ZI�-�-� . �``-�-z ` ��--Y_-�" ���Z. `7` , �C�1L?�vc-e� / �j- .._._--- • � � . .. G��1�- ��`�� l��� _ _. �_ _�._ � . .. _. _ . _ __--- x ,� . � _ � . - - - - , � � ;� .._. �„t.,,.,� �, .-- . . � _ � , .,� � , � ., � .. ��.�n/ ��-w--�-� ' � �� -- � � `; . ;�� ���---v�-�/ -- X _ � _ . . _�- .- --- __ _ _ - + � � �1V /�'�� °°y'"�`�° C TY OF SAINT PAUL $: ��*. o� - 3,�e� �°!, �; '�„����„ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY `'+ "—'�'u �.h�. EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,..� � '�"<<;,,,,«R ;� (�� I� 647 Ciry H .Sai�t Paul.Minnesota 55102 ..—. GEORGE LP � 612-298-5121 MAYC � � � RECEIV� � Se�tember 14, 1988 ��.�E�'��� �f'� I 3 i��$ .. �������T1VE N o� 1 � �9as � Mr. Alan D. Margoles c�-��y ���,RI�C Attorney at Law Suite 223 790 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul , MN. 55116 RE: Lou' s Market Dear Mr, Mar�oles : _ I will not object to your introduction of the letters you have attached to your letter to me dated September 8 , 1988 ' " ' hearing before the Administrative Law Judge. This ag: � ��'���d is subject to argument as to weight, cross-examinatio� � Mr. Lepsche; and I am not agreeing as to their accurac ,� h ��� �� � Enclosed are copies of the statutes and ordinances I ti d � have submitted to the Administrative T.aw Judge at the , � � � ' r o� Ver trul ours ? �\`r Y Y Y � # � �, 1 � � . L,• v C� � PHILIP B. BYRNE �v Assistant City Attorney (� ^ � � � ,�-, ;� ; a .��;,5 � �. � �r . � �� :, Encs . ��� � —Q S i_ ii '.- S �" y► s 1 � CC: �i�'ir��.� �r.vr-.�-�'Yf:�L3@.{.� ��• cp n� . �4dministrative La�� Judge .p Y � - � c� 1� ��l�1fEp ' � � ��'� � 1�88 �.�., � � §409.07 � ` I.EGISLA'I7VE CODE ��M1A'a�� . L a—r�=��IV� �`s1 provided, that the licensed establishment (2) No liquor shall be sold or furnisbed for aay is in conformance w-ith the Minnesota Clean purpose whatever to any person under Indoor Air Act. twenty-one (21)years of age or to one obvi- (2) It is unlawful for any such establishment, ously intoxicated or to any person to whom directly or indirectly,to sell or serve intox- such sale is prohibited by any law of this icating liquors as provided in subparagraph �� or ordinance. Proof of age for purchas- _ (1� above without having first obtained a ing or consuming alcoholic beverages may special license tberefor. Such special license be established only by a valid driver s li- may be issued by the council for a period of cense or Minnesota ident�cation card, or one year and for which the fee shall be two in the case of a foreign national by a valid hux�dred dollars ($200.00). Application for P�sport. A person who was born on or be- said special license shall be made to the fore September 1, 1967, may continue to ' council in the same manner as application P�'chase and consume alcoholic beverages • for other licenses to sell intoxicating liquor �d shall be treated for purposes of this are made. Legislative Code as a person who is twenty- one(21)years old. µ(c) No consumption or duplay u�hea.prohibited �3) No sale shall be made i.n any place or in -No person shall consume or display or allow con- � p��of a building where such sales are � sumption or display of liquor upon the premises proh;bited by state law or this chapter. of an on-sale]icensee at any time when the sale of . . � such liquor is not permitted. (4) No person under eighteen(18)years of age may be employed in a place where intoxi- , (d) Private Chrisimas parties. I�Totwithstanding cating liquor is sold for consumption on the � any other provision of the Legislative Code, the p=emicPC,except persons under eighteen(18) . license holder of premises having an on-sale li- years of age may be employed as musicians cense may once a year during tae Christmas sea- or in bussing or washing dishes in a res-� . � son have a private party at no charge to the guests taurant or hotel that is licensed to sell in- . after the lawful closing hours; provided, that a �xica+.ing liquor and may be employed as � written request for said party is submitted to the waiters or waitresses at a restaurant,hotel — license inspector thirty (30) days prior to the pro- or motel where only wine is sold;provided, • posed date oi the party; and pro�-ided further, �at the person under the age of eighteen that no sales as defined by law of intoxicating . {18)may not serve or sell any wine. liquors or nonintoxicating nalt liquor shall be ; � � made at or during said party.The inspector shall (5) Every licensee is hereby made responsible ' • notify the chief of police of the date of each pro- for the conduct of his place of business and posed party. required io�maintain order and sobriety in . (Code 1956, § 308.20; Ord. No. 16815, 7-23-81; such place of business. Ord.No. 17037, 6-30-83; Ord. No. 17162,9-27-84) (g} No licensee shall keep, possess or opera�e,.. Sec. 4�09.08. R.egulations generally. or permit the keeping,possession or opera- tion of, on a.ny licensed premises or in any All licensees hereunder are hereby required to room adjoining the licen.5ed premises any . observe the following regulations;provided,how- s�ot machine, dice or any gambling device ever that any such regulation which specifically or apparatus, nor permit any gambling � refers to an on-sale licensee shall not bind an therein(whether or not licensed by the state), off-sale licensee, nor shall any regulation which • nor permit the licensed premises or any specifically refers to an off-sale licensee bind an room in the same or in any adjoining build- on-sale licensee: ing directly or indirectly under his control to be used as a resort for prostitutes or (1) All sales shall be made.in full view of the other disorderly persons, except that pull- pubIic. . Supp.No.l 2178 F A � . • � IJCENSFS • �409.08 ' tabs and tip-boards may be sold on licensed tions until one hour after the parade, to premises when such activity is licensed by ensure that patrons do not enter or exit the state pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, with beer or intoxicating liquor. Chapter 349, and conducted pursuant to regulations contained in this Legislative (11) There shall be provided in all zoning dis- _ Code. This exception shall not apply to es- tricts, other than B� or B-5 Districts, off- tablishments licensed by the city for the street parking spaces for all on-sale prem- - sale of nonintoiacati.ng malt beverages,non- ises as provided herein: � - intoxicating malt beverages and wine, and a �ansfer or new issuance to a struc. noniritoxicating malt beverZges and wine �-e newly con.structed for that purpose, as menu items only. off-street pazking at the rate of one Notwithstanding other provisions of this space for each forty-five(45)square feet � Legislative Code to the contrary, the �oun- of patron area. cil may permit an on-sale licensee to per- b. Z4�ansfer or new issuance to.an exist_ - mit the holding of a single event,such as a ing struc�ture not previously licensed � banquet, that includes the sale of raffle for on-sale purposes during the twenty- � . � tickets as a pa.*f. of the e�ent activity; pro- four (24) months preceding the appli- . vided, that such events are separate from cation, off-street pazking at the rate of . the public areas of the licensed establish- one space for each forty-five (45)square rsent, nor open to the general public, and feet of licensed patron area minus the the raffle conducted by a charitable orga- number of off-street pazking spaces • nization licensed by the State of Minnesota. which would be required for the previ- (7) No dancing .��herein the public par'ticipates, ous use of the same azea under the and no dancing, singing or other vaudeville existing zoning code provisions. Exist- ing parking which previously served exhibitions or entertainment shall be per- the same area shall not be counted to mitted on the premises'of any on-sale li- meet the requirements unless any are censee unless such pre�ises are duly licensed in excess of what would have been re- • . f�r entertainment. quired for the pre�ious use. No addi- _ . (8) The license issued to said licensee shall be tional off-street parking shall be required posted in a conspicuous place in that por- • if the number of additional spaces re- • . tion of the premises for which the license , _ �quired is five (5)or fewei spaces. . � • has been issued. c. Expansion of licensed area, off-street (9) No person shall remain in or loiter in the • Paz'king at the same rate as transfer or � • ' parkirig lot of an on-sale licensee af�er the new issuance to an existing structure - lawful clpsing hour. not previously licensed for on-sale pur- poses, plus twenty-five (25) percent of � �(10) When a licensee is not�ed by the police _ any parking shortfall for the existing department that a parade will be beld within licensed area. "Parldng shortfall" shall one block of the licensee's establishment, mean the difference between one space all beer and all intoxicating liquor or liq- for each forty-five (45) square feet of � . . � uid of any type sold during the entire day patron floor area for the existing licen_� of said parade shall be sold only in plastic area minus the number of parking spaces or paper containers. In addition, upon re- actually provided for that azea. ceiving such notice,the licensee shall place d. "Patron area" shall mean to include . a person at each entrance and each exit of all areas used by the public, and ex- the establishment at least one bour prior cludes all areas u.sed exclusively by em- to the time of parade, and the licensee shall ployees for work,storage or offiee space. require a person to remain at those loca- Supp.No.1 . , 2179 : ��-- . . . r. . 306 � - �p7 LJQUOR ACT 140A.411 ;a.ti:' �,.� .: :st ��- � ,.,,(4) they are holders of temporary wine licenses issued under law. _ ���-- . . --:: .... �W -"' �°='History: 1985 c 200 s 2; I98S c 305 a�r 6 s 9; 1985 c 309 s 7-9; ISp198S c 16 art 2 hc �_, s 3.�bd 1: 1 Sp 1986 c 3 a�t I s 38 no :°; s_� , � _--�-�- h� }30A.410 LICENSE RESTRIC"TIONS; GEJ�IERAL. - �t_. . =;' � a -=� $ubdivision 1. Counties; town consent. A county may not issue a retail license he �.�� . ;..� . �_ � to sell any alcohotic beverage within an organized town unless the governing body of hc ���-: �e town has:consented to the issuance of the license. ���: `,� Subd. 2. Counties;recommendation and review of applicants. (I)No county may �'�*� issue or renew a retail license to sell any alcoholic beverage until the county board has • � isc ° = .�" , , .,� received a wntten recommendation from the sheriff and county attorney stating that ._ _. .. nn .�-�:'"• .:. . t a '�`�=� ��e best of their knowledge that the appiicant is eligible to be licensed under section : ��� ?��� . 340A.402. A copy of the statements must be given to the town board if a town's consent � ,,' is rcquired issuance of the license under subdivision 3. -_ ;' == �(2) The county board shall consider the recommendations of the sheriff and - .hc �� �►�tY attorney, the character and reputation of the applicant, and the nature and �': location of the business prior to issuance of any license. . ,�`:_ _-._''�' _ � �� Subd. 3. License extension; death of licensee., In the case of the death of a retail . � �� licensec to sell alcoholic beverages, the personal representative is authorized to contin- ' �- ur Y� ue operation of the business for not more than 90 days after the death of the licensee. . __� �= Subd.�4. License post ng. A retail license to sell alcoholic beverages must be - - r--- - 1O ��" posted in a conspicuous place in the premises for which it is used. . thc �s:�� •: Subd. 5. Gambling prohibited. (a) No retail establishment licensed to sell : '�: r alcorolic be�erages may keep, possess, or operate, or permit the keeping. possession, . .or ;;r�.^.�. . _ �;: or operation on the licensed premiscs of dice or any @ambling device as defined in _ �~`-''�. secti�n 34930, or permit gambling therein except as provided in this subdivision. -- on - �:^ ' . (b) Gambling equipment may be kept or operated and raffles conducted on licensed • ��" _ pRmiscs and adjoining rooms w�hen the use of the gambling equipment is authorized his t`rt'T �der chapter 349. � .. � � �{ �_ Subd. 6. Racial discriminadon;clubs. No retail license to sell alcoholic beverages - :�,�_ . . . . . �=-� may be issued or renewed by a municipality or county to a club which discriminates • isk � against members or applicants for mcmbership or guests of inembers on the basis of • ing raa. _ - , _��^' � Subd. 7. License limited to space speci6ed. A retail'license to sell any alcoholic '� � - -.. beveragc is only ef�ective for the compact and contiguous space specified in the � �h� �:;�� appr�ved license application. ' � , �� �: :Subd. 8. Copy of summons. Every application•fbr the issuance or renewal of : "St ' ��; intoucating or nonintoxicacing liquor licenses must include a copy of each summons � �;;, rzceivcd by the appiicant under section 340A.802 during the preceding year. � . _ cir ' . _: . - ��:J �;.,History: 1985 c 305 art 6 s 10; ISp1986 c 3 art 1 s 39 �., �f<: _�;: , . • _- aid �_'340A.411 LICENSE RESTRICTIONS; NONINTOXICATING M,�LT LIQUOR `�„:.� , ��^LICENSES. - _ • or- �' r.:,Subdivision 1. On-sale licenses. On-sale nonintoxicating liquor licenses may only _ be.issued to drugstores, restaurants, hotefs, clubs,and establishments used exctusively yA� :�� for t�e sale of nonintoxicating malt liquor with the incidencal sale of tobacco and soft �no — ��- drinlcs. . � . �:: - °�� Subd. 2. License duration. All retail nonintoxicating malt liquor licenses must ' �an �.��:' �issued for one year,except that for the purpose of coordinating the time of expiration • �:>•:= of licenses in general,licenses may be issued for a shor[er time,in which case a pro rata ian �'�':�: tian�fee must be charge�, , .3,.,,:.._ -_.:s.........: . . , ^sr-. ;: , History: 1985 c 305 art 6 s I1 . inc - _:�:. - . ;:I �% . ... .... , : .� . �_ . �+�-•• "'.' . . .:�r.�.. . -- - - - `, « : �^��, ' . .. � ' �_N� • . :�. ' �t�..�i. .• : <': .�•.._ 3�9.22 BINGO.GAMBLING DEVICES.AND VIDEO GAMFS OF CHANCE ;6886''',':•.- y-�:3.+.� . . � ' 349.22 PENALI'Y. � . � • .. � . � . . , _ : =�: - _ Subdivision 1. Gross misdemeanor. Any other violation of scctions 349.I l:to `.�. - 349.214 is a gross misdcmeanor. � �� .� _ � � • . .. • ... . _ . • = Subd. 2. .. Other action. 'I'his section does not precludc�civil or criminal'actions �, ~ . . under other applicable law or preclude any agenry ot government from investigating,�:._-�� ;�r or.prosecuting violations of the pravisions of sections 349.11 to�349.214.: County �'.�{� _ .;� .�. attorneys have primary responsibility for prosecvting violations of sections 349,1 l.to �° . " - �•';� 349.214, but the attorney general may prosecute any violation of those sections:.�-_::� .:� �'_�: • � • •. ' .: .••--�.. i� ',_.-: . History: 1976 c 261 s 12; 1984 c 502 ari 12 s 20 . . : �.,_,�. .'�'.� _. . ... ,�- :�� 349Z3 VALIDITY OF PRIOR AGREEMENTS. : . � _ � .' ._ . � �_:; l;:..:: ..s. -•N�' ;��.J::�.r._.. �+-k Nothing in sections 349.11 to 349.22 shall be construcd to affect the validity of ariy ��;:,.� �, ;� �� agreement or contract between an organization and any financial or lending institution,• . : -{7:.�� �. entered into prior to August l, 1976. . . , , � _ ,- , . , . �)'`�'"":' ��` - ^'y.i 1.V T'_ . _ - Histor}: 1976 c 261 s 13 . . .. . _. :�' s: r.; _,,;:; ?�� � 349.26 Repealed, 1984 c 502 art 12 s 25] . . . ._ �. � ,.�. '�� �=1;?�c=-� :.;N �tis . (� . . _. . ._. .-�. .��� . 34930 DEFINTTIONS. -. _ : - -.. - . c�. ,. s:�: . . �. � ' Subdivision 1. For the purposes of seaions 349.30 to 349.39, unless'a difFerent �• ���': � '�`� meaning is indicated by the context, the words, tcrms, and phrases de6ned in this . -s` --�., , � 'section shalt have thc meanings given thcm. . '`�� Subd. 2. "Gambling devices"means siot machines,roulette wheels,punchboards; �:%- ;, and pin ball machina which return coins or slugs,chips, or tokens of any kind,which _.'s . are rcdecmabic in merchandise or cash. � - � ' . � ;� Su�d. 3. "Person"means an individual,a copartnership,an association,a corpo-� • � � - ntion, or•any other entity or organization. _ : = ' '' - , ~ . Subd. 4. "Municipality" means any county, city, or town. _ - •,� r •._ Subd. 5. "License" includes permits of every kind, nature and description issued �.�z- - : pursuant to any statute or ordinance for the carrying on of any.•business, trade, � N: .e - : � vocation, commercial enterprise or undenaking.: �3: � Subd. 6. "Licensee" means any person to whom a license of any kind is issued, _ �= r ' • but does not include a comrron camer transponing, or a public warehouse oporator �� '� , ��i�--�— � storing,any gambling dcvice for hire,or a manufacturer or distributor of such devices �:Z�! .± = � keeping the same only for thc purpose of sale or distribution to others or repairing of x=,i : : : . same. ' °' . . . . � � � Subd. 7. "Licensed business" means any business, trade, vocation, commercial .��'.. ~ �� �- � cnterprisc, or undertaking for which a license is issued. � . . , ,..,,,_��,� ."��� _ .' z__ �.::� - • • Subd. 8. "Licensed premises" means the place or building, or the room in a .�=- ' '_ =:=': ' building, designated in thc license as the place where the licensed business is to be =_-�^>: � _.;�'= carried on, and all lan� adjaccnt thereto and used in conneaion with and in the _ operation of a licensed business, and all adjaccnt or contiguous rooms or buildings �' � - operated or used in connection with the buildings where the licensed business is carried ;;� �:' ' i � on. If no place is described in any license.then"licensed premises"means the building: .:; "-" or place whue the licensed business is carried on under such Iicense. :� .: :, .:. .,,, ��.- :; ; _ - Subd. 9. "Issuing authority"and"authority issuing the license"mean and include' - _ � the officer, board, bureau, dcpartment, commission, or agency of the state, or of any. _ of its municipalities, by Whom any license is issued and include the eouncils and� .:. 'r � ' � • governing bodies of all municipalities. . ,.;; ± ��-� _ ,;,c�,�. : • History: l947 c 586 s 1; 1973 c !13 art S s 7; J981 c 204 s 9; I986 c 444�.��.:��•_,,; :,� .� 349.31 GAh9BLING DEVICE; POSSFSSION OF. . . ... ��;;,- �� � Subdivision l. Intentional possession;w•illful keeping. The intentional possession . ;�-». ,:_ or willful keeping of a gambling device on a licensed premises is cause for the revoca- ;,:.�- :c' -��a� �" . ����� � - - � .s� �� : i • • � 6t87 �-'BINGO,CAA7BLINC DEVICES,AT�D VIDEO CAMES OF CHANCE 3.e935 '' �" • � �� ; f,'�. tion of any liccnse under which the liccnsed business is carried on u I :� • pon the premises wbere the gambling device is found, provided that possession of gambling cquipment as defined in section 349.12, subdivision 17, which is used for lawful gambling autho- ' ' ,� � rized by this chapter,and the manufacture otgambling devic�s for use in jurisdictions wficre use of the gambling device is Iegal as provided for by section 349.40 shall not ' .� � •�: bc cause for rcvocation of a license. - Subd. 2. Revocation of licenses. All licenses under which any liccnsed business � �s permitted to be carried on upon the licensed premises shall. be revoked if the intentional possession or willful keeping of any such gambling devices upon the . liansed premises is established, notwithstanding that it may not be made to appear ' tbat such devices have actually been used or operated for the purpose of gambling. � History: 1947 c 586 s 2; 1978 c 507 s I; 1981 c 126 s 1; 198I c 204 s J0; 1984 c S02 nr1 12 s 11; 1986 c 467 s 28 349�2 1SSUING AUTHORITY TO REVOKE. • � • • The proceedings for revocation shall be had before the issuing authority, which shall have power to revoke the license or lictnses invo)ved, as hereinafter provided. � Historv: 1947 c 586 s 3 � � 34933 PEACE OFFICERS TO OBSERVE A,�ID IIVSPECT PREMISES. . '� . �� r ',:.. �.. �S_ - Evcry sheriR, deputy sherift, constab)e, marshal, pol�ce officer, and peace officer - � ' � i= ���" ' � � °� . � .1, : s6a11 observe and inspect the prcmiscs where oecupations are carried on under license ;.; :,;�� �� �; � and ascenain whether gambling devices arc present thereon and immediately report the ��' j;.� :�. � finding thereot to thc authority or authorities issuing the license or licenses applicable �� !^ �f� �: to tbe premiscs in qucstion. . � ' r'• ��� �f :: �;� r History- 1947 c 586 s 4; l986 c 444 � ' . '�. , :� � ;: ;� ; 34934 PROCEEDINCS BEFORE 1SSUING AUTHORITY• ORDER TO SHOW � �. '.�' �� `` CAUSE. • � �� N �;;-; U . . ��: :� _ pon the rece�pt of such information fr�m any of the peace officers referred to in �:� = �I`: ;;;: sation 349.33, if an}• issuing authority is of the opinion that cause exists for the ��`�'� i�; ��°='�� .. �:. '��.;. re�ocation otany such license, then that authority shali issue an order to show cause "�,: ;.� �t,�: dir�ted to the liccnsec of the prcmises,stating the ground upon which the.proceeding !� ' :� �-?, �_ is based and requiring thc licensec to appear and show cause at a time and�lace,within '�, !� �- �i� t6e county in which thc licensed premises are located, not less than ten daysafter the 5�";(� �' � datc of the order,why the liccnse should not be rcvoked. That ordcr to show cause shall ��ii�=� : � b.e served upon the licensec in the manner prescribed by law for the service of summons. ���'�� � �� ' in a civil action, or by ccrtified mail, not less than eight days beforc the date fixed !or 'i'-.�u ' F � the hearing thereof. A copy of the order shall fonhwith be mailed to the owner of the � �,��4 °; 3 Dremises, as shown by the records in the office of the county recorder, at the owner's � I;` q „ �: � last k n o w n p o s t o f i'i c e a d d r e s s. A c o p y o f t h e o r d e r s h a l l a t t he same time be mai le d �` �� ��` � to any other issuing authority, of which the authority issuing the order to show cause !" �' �' " � �k n ow le dgc,by w hic h ot her licenx to that licensec may have been issued,and any ��':r •: ?�� n►ch other authority may participate in the revocation proceedings after notifying the � ��! �� '� � �� uanxe and the officcr or authority holding the hearing of its intention so to do on or � � L � ,;� bcfore the date of hearing,and after the hcaring take such action as it could have taken .��` _' � � ` h a d it instituted thc revocation proceedings in the first instance. ''F:. � �` � =- History: I94?c S86 s S; 1976 c J81 s 2; I978 c 674 s 60; 1986 c 444 :.���~ !, _ :;'�, ..�ti t. : �9-�S REVOCATION OF LICENSE. �'�� i ; . :- � ' Subdivision 1. Revocation;stay,appeal. If, upon the hearing of thc order to show !::� � i: �',�se, it app�ars that the Iicens�e intentionally possessed or willfull y ke pt u pon the :: �. � ; �. n s c d p r c m i s e s a n y g a m b l i n g d e v i c c, t hen t he license or 1��enses un der w hich the ��� -' � ��ccased busincss is operated on the licensed premises, shall be revoked. The order of '�° � � ��'ocation shall not be cnforced during the period allowed by section 349.39 for taking :;,� : �aPpeal. � •t . � " i �: �� .-. . _ . .. . -. -.. . _ .. .. . - . .. . . _ ..-,. �' : � r.� :i //?�. -� i� •� , � 'r . ( �'J 1: �,,. .+ t � � . 1 3�t935 BINCO.GAMBLINC DEVICES.AND VIDEO C.►MES OF CHANCE 688g � ,�.�� — . . r_: 1i .. . '` t'I ��:i` Subd. 2. Limitation as to issuance ot new license on premises. No new Iicense ,,. � ;� �;� or lianses for the same business upon thc same premiscs ahall be issucd for thc period � ': . of one year thereafter, except as hereinaftcr provided. � � History: 1947 c S86 s 6; 1986 c 444 . � ^v� 34936 DUTIES OF COUNTY ATTORNEY. .�. . . } � - The county attorney of the county in which the hearing is hcld shall attend the 3 • � hearing, interrogate the witnesses, and advise thc issuing authority. The county . ' attorncy shall also appear for the issuing authority on any appeal taken punuant to the '� provisions of section 349.39. ,� . � History: 1947 c 586 s 7; 1986 c 444 , 34937 WITNESSES. • Th�issuing�authority may issue subpocnas and compel the attendance of witness�s at any hearing. Witnesses duly subpoenaed and attending any such hearing shall be paid fees and mileage by the issuing authority equal to the fees and mileage paid� witnesses in the district court. ��`s; � History: 1947 c S86 s 8 � � ' � tii tn; �;,� tk• '�' :�� 34938 PROPERTY OWNERS LIABILITY. . ''� When a license is revoked under thc provisions of sections 349.30 to 349.39, the �; .�:: owntr of the premises upon which any licensed business has betn operated�shall not ��; be penalized by reason thereof unless it is established that the owner had knowledge ;��' . of the existence of the gambling devices resulting in license revocation. ,�; H;story: 1947 c 586 s 9; 1986 c 444 ....` ` . •;�;; 34939 APPEALTO DISTR7CT COURT;STAY;CONTINUANCE U\'DER BOI�iD; ��.��y: HEARiNG UPON ONE YEAR LIy1ITATION ON PREti1ISES. � . ' C, Any liccnsee,or any owner of liccnsed premises,aggrieved by an order of an issuing .j�� authority revoking any liccnse may appea: trom that order to the district court of the ;� county in which the licensee resides by serving a noticc of the appeat upon the issuing I:`�'. authority or the clerk thereof. The notice of appeal shall state that the person appcaling ;;�, takes an appeal to that district court from the order revoking the licenst or licensts, � " � describing them and identifying the order appealed from. This notice shall be served. ' ;��� - within 15 days from the date of xrvice of the order appealed from,and the same,with _ � ��:�� pruof of service thereof, shall be filed with the court administrator of the district court . 4 ; ;; of the proper county. The appeal shall stand for trial at the next term of the district , � : ��':' court following the filing of the notice of appeal, without the service of any notice of ' � trial, and shall be tried in the district court de no�o. The trial shall be by jury if the � ' '� � appetlant shall so demand. 'T'he licensee may continue to operate the licenxd business � ' ` �. or businesses until the 6na1 disposition of such appeal. If the district court upon the � � : ; ,: � � . ..� , appeal shall determine that any license involved in the appeaI should be revoked, it : :�. may, nevertheless, in its discretion permit the continuancc of the licensed business � � _ =� under a bond in the amount and in the form and containing the conditions prescribed ; ! ' � by the courc. The district court on the appeal,or in a separate procceding, may permit . � ` � �. the issuance of a new license to a difi'erent ticensee bcfore the expiration of the period � ` � � • of one ear s ecified in section 349.35,subdivision 2 u on such terms and conditions : � ; : -. Y P � P : ; ' : imposed by the court as will insure that no gambling device s;�al! thereafter be main- � tained upon the ]icensed premises. � � � � : � � History: 1947 c S86 s 10; 1986 c 444; ISp1986 c 3 art I s 82 349.40 G.a1�f BLIIVG DEVICES;MANUFACTURE FOR USE IN OTHER STATES. The manufacture in this state of gambling devices,or any component pans thereof, !or shipment, sale, and use in jurisdictions where use of the gambling device is legal �---- . - . • .. � i 9539 _ CRIMINAL CODE OF 1%3 609.75 � a__ . • • . - i 609J45 PERMITITNG PUBLIC NUISANC'E. �--::_ •. :: .� ;``,,-' �-� c�:�r �'. i ! Whocver having control of real property permiu it to be used to maintain a public nuisancc or Icu the same Irnow�ng it will bc so used is guilty of a misdemeanor. --' � . .... .. . : _.. ... ... . _. History: 1963 c 7S3 ari 1 s 609.745; �971 c 73 s 75; 1986 c 444 "':' " � ` .. _ :;. :t... 609.746 II�TERFERENCE WI'I'Fi PRIVACY. ' .... . . � ... : .� .`_�:��. � ' � Any person who entcrs upon anothcr's property and surreptitiously�gazes;stares, � . . - . � or peeps in the window of a house or place of dwclling of another with intcntto intrvde � . : upon or interfere with the privacy of a member of the household thereof is guilty of a - - ' . __ . . misdemeanor. .. . . . . .. . .. ._ ._ ._ . . . . .-• . • , ,. . •.�; .�;. :.- : . . - Histor�: J979 c 2S8 s 19 . . . � . • . . ._ . .- . . . .. .�;�_•__;,' -, _ _ ... .. . .., .. _ . . . - � � . . . � . . _. . __ : /'• •.V .. ..��. .0 .i:�'li� :d.:' . 4 . .� Cs/�ZBj.�Ci. . �' i::2:.C,�^.i� . — . . . . . . , .. . .. � . ... . _. . _ . . .t'.. . . . . �. • :i! ............... . . .. � . 609.75 GAMBLING; DEFWTI'IONS. . • � . -. . � ... .. , . . .. � � . , Subdivision 1. Lottery. (a)A lottcry is a plan which provida for thc distribution of moncy, property or other reward or benefit to.persons selected by chance frum � ��. -among panicipants somc or all of whom have given a consideration for the chance of � being selected. .• ..f -.. .; • . . � . . .. :.��. �.. .� . - • '� (b) An in-package chance promotion is not a lottcry if all of the following are.met: ; � (1) participation is available, free and without purchase of the packagc, from ihe retailer or b�•mail or toil-frec tclephonc requ�st to thc sponsor for entry or for a game . P��; ` i (2) the labcl of the promotional package and any related advcrtising clearly statcs � .� ! , any method ot participation and the scheduled tcrmination date of the promotion; N ; (3) thc sponsor on request provida a retailer with a supply of entry forms or game ' � � pieces adequate to permit free panic�pation in thc promotion by the retai]cr's custom- � '• �: trs; . _. • ,G ' (4) the�ponsor does not misrepresent a participai,l's chances of winning any prize; � } , � (S) the sponsor randomly distributa all game pieces and maintains records of � C ; �random distribution for at lczst one ycar after the termination date of the promotion; . :w „�;� , (6) all prizcs are randomly awarded if gamc pieces are not used in the promotion; ; �` • and . : i ;I •(7) thc sponsor providcs on request of a statc agency a record of the names and �� i . addresscs o!all winncn of prizes valued at S]00 or more,if the request is made within '� � ` � orie year aftcr the termination date of the promotion. � . : �� � •; . (c) Exccpt as provided by section 349.40, acts in this state in funhennce oC a � ` �� � � ' lottery conducted outside of this state arc included notwithstanding its validity where y �� conductcd. � � - i# � ' a ar in whereb thc arties mutuall a ree to a ain or '�{ Subd. 2. Be� A bct is b ga y p Y g g ' �° . 'i loss b y onc to the other of s p cci5cd mone y,pro pert y or benefit dependcnt upon chai�ce � ��� � ;�� ' '` i� although thc chance is accompanied by somc e)ement of skill. ; �, �{ Subd. 3. What are not bets. Thc following are not bets: � � � � - ' ,r ! (1) A contract to insure, indemnify, guaramee or otherwise compensate anothcr � a; � �� . for a harm or ioss sustained, even though the Joss depends upon chance. � ; �� � �. �.: (Z) A contract for the purchase or salc at a future date of securities or other • !, �� : •,: :;i commodities. • --• . . . . � i y . �, (3) Offcrs of purses,prizcs or premiums to the actual contestants in any bona fide ' lu � ;i contest for thc dctermination of skill, specd, strength, endurancc, or quality or to the '� !h �j . bona fidc o�•ners of animals or othcr property entcred in such a contest. ' ; :� � �� � (4) Th e g a m e o f b i n g o w h e n c o n d u c t e d �i n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h s e c t i o n s 3 4 9.1 1 t o� ; !g � 349.23. � � `" ' ; ;y (5) A privatc social bct not part of or incidental to organized, commercialized,or .; :� ;: - �, systcmatic gambling. � � �: ;� � �� : :� '+ . F �� , �i � '� ... � i ��� . - . i ; ; .. - ; � �� _ ._ _ ( �; 609.75 CRIMINAL CODE OF 1963 9540 i �. . = � j :; ;' (6) Thc�operation of cquipment or the conduct of a nf�le under sections 349.11 - "� •�i '; �� to 349.22,by an organization licensed by the charitable gambling control board or an ._; . .� : �;! � � organization exempt from licensing under section 349.214. . (7) Pari-mutue! betting on horse racing whcn the betting is conducted under , � chapter.240. � � " . Subd. 4. -Gambling device. A gambling device is a contri4ance which fo� a - � - � � . consideration af�ords the player an opportunity to obtain.something of value, other - - than free plays, automatically from the machine or otherwise, the award of which is determincd principally by chance. � ' . � ' - r � Subd. 5. Gambling place. A gambling place is a location or structure,stationary � or movable, or any pan thereof, wherein, as one of its uses, betting is permitted or � • promoted, a lottery is conducted or assisted or a gambling device is operated. Subd. 6.. Bucket shop. A bucket shop is a place wherein the operator�is engaged ' � in making bets in the form of purchases or sales on public exchanges of securilies, - _ , commodities or other personal property for.future delivery to be settled at pr;ces . dependent on thc chance of those prevaiting at the public exchanges without a bona 6de purchase or sa;e being in fact made on a board of trade or exchange. g�' � Subd. 7. Sports bookmaking. Sports bookmaking is the activity of irttentionally :�� ��� receiving, recording or forwarding within any 30-day period more than five bets, or . -{►'•�j offers to bet, that total more than $2,500 on any one or more sporting events. ���ti ��.: .. . .�E�; � History: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.75; 197J c 947 s 1; 1976 c 2 s 752; I976 c.239 s l26; �' �,j 1976 c 26I s 14; J978 t 507 s 4;5; 1981 c 126 s j; 1983 c II4 s 34-36: 148j c 216 art 2 €!x � s 17 subd 3: 1984 c 502 art 12 s 22; 1985 c 126 s 2; 1986 c 467 s 29 ' �F� � `� :�' 609J55 AC'I'S OF OR RELATING TO GAMBLING. ' � �^� �f Whcever does any of the following is guilty of a misdemeanor. �I�t � (t) Makes a bet; or � �� � � (2) SelJs or transfen a chance to participate in a lottery; or � � (3) Disseminates information about a lottery with intent to encourage participa- � tion therein; or . � � ' � (4) Permits a structure or location owned or occupied by the actor or under the 1�. . � actor's control to be used as a gambiing place.� ��� . History: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.7`SS; 1971 c 23 s 76; 1986 c•444 . l 609.76� OTHER ACTS RELATING TO GAMBLING. � � � Subdivision l:� Gross misdemeanors. Whoever dces any of the following may be • sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than�3,000, or both: � � . . . . � . •_ ' . � '" (1) Maintains or operates a gambting place or operates a bucket shop; . . �. . . (2) Intcntionally participata in the income of a gambling place or bucket shop; C . (3) Conducu a.lottery, or,with intent to conduct a lottery, possesses facilities for doing so; , • . • .. - (4} Seu up for use for the pu:pose of gambling, or collects the proceeds of, any gambling device or bucket shop; . . . (5) With intent that it shall be so used, manufactures, sells or ofi'crs for sale, in � wbole or any part thereof, any gambling device including those defined in section 349.30, subdivision 2, and any facility for conduct'ing a lottery, except as provided by � section 349.40; or . • , . . ' (6) Receives, records, or forwacds bets or offers to bet or, with intent to receive, , record, or forward bets or offers to bet, possesses facilities to do so. � ' . Subd. 2. Felony gambling.. Whoever engages in sports bookmaking is guilry of a felony. ' ' � .�. History: 1963 C.7S3 art 1 s 609.76;:981 c.126 s 4; 1983 c 214 s 37; 1984 c 628 art �3s11 � � . i � '" . � : . .. �:' - �. . _ , f'�'� �'�� �✓�(„ r� . . . . . �.. . ��� . �,z.�_ 1"� gS41 CRIMINAL CODE OF 1%3 609.762 .+0 ;.�' ,_. , :� .�-_ 1� ' 609.761 OPERATIONS PERMITI'ED. � '�� � Notwithstanding sections 609.755 and 609.76, an organization may conduct law- `� ful gambling as defined in section 349.I 2,if authorized under chapter 349,and a person ��=` may manufacture,sell,or offer for sale a gambling device to an organization authorized • .er ��• :�_: under chapter 349 to conduct lav+ful gambling,and pari-mutuel betting on horse racing , a Y.';- may be conductcd under chapter 240. �er ;''°.� -=� � History: 1978 c 507 s 6; 1983 c 214 s 38; 1984 c S02 art 12 s 23; 1986 c 467 s 30 ::�= . . 1$ .Y"= - .. • . - •" 609.762 FORFEITURE OF GAMBLING DEVICES PRIZES AND.PROCEEDS. ' .b° ' , � iry ���. �` Subdivision 1. Forfeiture. The following are subject to forfeiture: "����' � (a) Devices used or intended for use, including those defined in section 349,30, or s�_-:. . �'-, subdivision 2,as a gambiing devict,except as authorized in sections 349.11 to 349.23 . ;ed �ti ' and 349.40; . : u� �' '- (b) All moneys,materials,and other property used or intended for use as payment �5 to participate in gambling or a prize or receipt for gambling; ide � . �-; .. � (c) Boola,records,and research producu and materials,including formulas,microfilr�, • ' z. tapes, and data used or intended for use in gambling; and � �y �;��'E--_ � (d) Property used or intended to be used to illegally influence the outcome of a . or � -,-• � • . - horse race. �/ . �� Subd. 2. Seizure. Property subject to forfciture under subdivision 1 may be � z:-. . Z6: ��;,; �. seized by any law enforcemerit agency upon process issued by any couR having � 2 ;r�:; jurisdiction over the property. Seizure without proccss may be madc if: . . ' � . (a� the seizure is incident to an arrest or a search under a uarch warrant; � •sr- - �`i_� :'•�' (b) thc propeny subject to seizure has been the subject of a prior judgment in favor . �'=� of the state in a criminal injunction or forfeiture proceeding; or � �-� (c) the law enforcement agency has probabie cause to believe that the propeny was '�" - � used or is intended te be used in a gambling violation and che delay occasioned by the '�-�.-_=. necessity to obtain process would result in the removal, loss, or destruction of the . . � Pa- ::.=-' pro�ny. . . ��" Subd. 3. 1�`ot subject to replevin. Property taken or detained under subdivision iht '�= ' '�'� 2 is not subject to a replevin action, but is considered to be in the custody of the law _ . � �'' enforcement agency subject only to the orders and decrees of the court having jurisdic- , �_' tion over the forfeiture proceedings. : - . . �:- . Subd. 4. Procedures. Property must be forfeited after a conviction for a gambling �: violation according to the following procedure: '- ' ' ' r� � (a) a separate complaint must be filed against the property describing it, charging � not ' - - its use in the specified violation,and specifying the time and place of its unlawftil use; . .-~ ' - . � . (b) if the perso❑ charged with a gambling offcnse is acquitted, the courl shall -�� dismiss the complaiat and order the property returned to the persons legally entitled °p� . to it; and ' . � � • � . . ' . ' � . �for -�;�:.:;;,�.: (c) if after conviction the court finds the property, or any part of it, was used in � • r ' � : yiolation as specified in the complaint, it shall order thaf the property be sold or az►Y ` retained by the law enforcement agency for ofi'icial use. Proc�eds from the sale of- . �" forfeited property may be retained for official use and shared equaliy between the law• . :, in -:. enforccment agency investigating the offense involvcd in the forFeiture and the pro- cion -' socuting agency that prosccuted the offense involved in the forfeiture and handled the �by :=� forfeiture proceedings. • . � . .. ' • . . . �`*._ •-. �:. . .. . . .. . .�. 'Subd. 5. � Excepdon. PropeRy may not be seized or forfeitod under this s�ction :ivc, _=� if the owner shows to the satisfaction of the court that the owner had no notice or . �±r.:��: lcnowledge or reason to�believe that the property was used or intended to be used in ,y of �;-� violation of this section. �� �• • � � �- � � • - � "� ��'� History: 1983 c 214 s 39; 1986 c.444 � � " � � g art - �Y �::�:...- . ,• � .. � . . . ., ;. . ' . . . . . ... . �: . . . . _ ---- ,....,_.. . .. . �. „_ . _. _ - _.. ... . � --. c' ; . s• ., ',. � � � � • ���l�..-. � ��� � , �' ��� S n 1 � MA.Y 2 319�8 A�r��� NF�q��� �i�T� ���V�li��� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) , I� . , . .. . Albert B. Olson . ...,..City Clerk of the . . . . . . . . ............. .. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify tbat I have compared the attached copy af Council File ;io..87�81. as adopted by the City Council.......Apri1 28,. .� ... . . . ._.19.88_. � and approved by the Mayor. . ..........April 29....... . .. ...19.$$. . . with the original thereof on file in mp office. � I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whoZe thereof. WITNESS ny hand and the seal of the City of Sain*_ �aul, Minnesota this , , , , ?3rd_ . . �.� day of .... ...�X. ... .. .A.D. 19 88. . . . . ..1.(�:�,���:. ��..G�:��J...... ... ... City Clerk. � , ..1� il: �— CITY CIERK . . . . . �.�lNi: ' FIMANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council .Q� �(^-� 4J.NAqY��O�oARTMEN.T 1 �� A'cUc ���MAYOR FIl@ ,NO. Q « PB3/City Attny. � • . 4rdin�nce � o��Ran�e N o. Amdt. ��4 i� ! � �� , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . � . .Out of Com�tnittee By � Date ` An Ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code pertaining - to Intoxicating Liquor; nrovi.ding - presumptive nenalties for liquor licensed establis�.aents. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the following new provisions thereto: Sec. 4A9-��- 409. 26 . Intoxicating liquor; adxe�se kee��ags; eene�e��e8s��a�e�e��ess; presumptive penalties . a) P_�ur�o�se. The purpose of this section is to � establis�i a standard by which the City Council determines the length of license suspensions; and revocations , ��ses-s.adfe�-�l�e-g�ae��g-e�-esnd�� e��s t��ea-�ke—�tl9�AC'.99-��ee�ses; and shall apply to all on-sale and off-sale licensed premises . These � enalties are resumed t�o be a ro riate o—ever case, owever t e Counci ma eviate t ere rom in an individual case where the Council in s and etermines that t ere exist substantial and com- el in reasons ma in it more a ro riate to 0 so. . en eviatin rom t ese stan ar s t e Council sha rovide written reasons w ich s eci wh t e penalty se ected was more appropriate. COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Yeas Nays , � Requested by Department of: Dimond � • ��g In Favor —'' " Gosw;tz Rettmaa �/ s�hutx� Against BY , Sonnen 1�V'dson Form Appr ved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , � ��°�� By � Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ,f . �, " ' • � • . ����� _ � ��� -2- . b) Pres tive enalties �for violat�'ions . Adverse � penalties or convictions or vio ations s a 1 be pres�mmed as follows : � TYPE OF VIOLATION 1ST VIOLATION 2ND VIOLATION 3RD VIOLATION 1: Commission of Revocation NA NA a felony related � to the license� . . � activity. . 2. Sale of Revocation NA NA alcoholic beverages while - license is under _ suspension. 3. Sa1e of S Consecutive � Revocation NA alcoholic Days Sus- beverages to pension under-age person. . 4. Sale of 5 Consecutive 15 Consecutive Revocation alcoholic beverage Days Sus- Days Sus- to intoxicated pension pension ' person. � 5. After hours 3 Consecutive 9 Consecutive Revocation sale or display Days Sus- Days Sus- of alcoholic pension pension beverages . � 6 . Refusal to 5 Consecutive 15 Consecutive Revocation allow City � Days Sus- Days Sus- inspectors or pension pension police admission � . — to inspect premises . _ 7 . Illegal 3 Consecutive 9 Consecutive Revocation gambling on Days Sus- Days Sus- � �� premises . pension. pension � 8. Permit person 3 Consecutive 9 Consecutive Revocation � to leave premises Days Sus- Days Sus- with alcoholic pension pension � beverage. � � ��-� . _ : .. .. . - ��- ._ , . _ . �� f 1 � r, ' ��f..i r -3- TYPE OF VIOLATION 1ST VIOLATION 2ND VIOLATION 3RD VIOLATION 9. Failure to 15 Consecutive 45 Consecutive Revocation make application Days Sus- Days Sus- for license pension pension renewal prior to license expiration date. . 10. Violations of 5 Consecutive 15 Consecutive Revocation City ordinances Days Sus- Days Sus- - pertaining to pension pension fire or building . or health codes. � c) Computation of time. For the purpose of determining the number of occurrences of violations , the council shall consider a violation as a second occurrence if it occurred within 18 calendar months of the first violation; and shall consider a violation as a third occurrence if it occurred within 30 calendar months of the second violation. d} E�-ga��e--eea���e�s---��-a-��ee�se-aia��er-l�as-beex� s e�.edt��e�.-�e�-as-ad�e�se-l�ea�}ng;-eet�ne��-�e�be�s-ska��-ne� d}s et�ss-�ke-��eease-aia��e�-���k-eae�i-e�ke�-e�-�a��k-arzy-e� �ke-�a���es-����e�eed-�n-�ke-�a��e�-t�a�ess-st�.eh-d�se�.ss�en eeet��s-ea-�l�.e-gt�b��e-�eee��-dti��r�g-�ke-g�b�}e-kea��ags-e� ��e-a�a��e�-e�-dx�}ag-�ke=eet�e}�=s�-��aa�-de��be�a��e�.s-e� � �ke-�a��e�- e} d) Other penalties . Nothing in this section shall restrict or limit the authority of the �council to suspend up to 60 days , revoke the license, �e� impose a civil� fine , not to exceed $2 ,000, to �iai �ose �coridit�ioiis �or take �an: � other adverse �action �iri �accor ance wit � aw, e�-x�e a��ens-e� xexeeFag �anee-�a���-a$-aflg �eeb�e-s�a�t��e;-�.�e-s�-e�d��esee -- �e�a��r�g-�e-a.�eeke��e-be�re�eges; provided that the license _ holder has� been afforded an o ortiinit � for a hearing in the manner provided for in Section . of this Code. � .. -�� �-�,-,� y..� • �-� . "n r liC n v. — ' \ r . , ' � ..� � : Ordindnce o���n��N o. ���-� ^ ►resentea By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . ' -4- � . � . _ . . . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCII, MEMBERS ` . � v� Nays Requested by Department of: � Diarood . • . �Rg In Favor� ,..- - • co�� . Rettman �bH�� 0 Against BY Sonnea -- • . `�,'°�- APR 2 81988 � Form App oved by ity Attorney . �dopted by Council: Date ` � :ertified P Council S t BY � �f-lo-�'� By - �ppcov y Mayor te � ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cour�cil � . . . � — ' BY ' o����cKEn t�AY 719a8. � ..` . . .. � i �. _, �'�;z� """1 ._LICENSES 4 310.01 SUBTITLE A. IN GENERAI. Legislative Code Chapter 310. Uniform License Procedures Class I Licenses Chapter Automobile Repair Garage and Sec. 310.01. Definitions. Bfldy Shop 315 AnimaI Foods Manufacturing and For the purposes of this chapter, any�chapter of Distributing 316 the Legislative Code pertaining to licenses as here- Amusement Rides 317 , ina.fter mentioned, and subsequently enacted ordi- Mechanical Amusement Devices 318 nances establishing or relating to the requirernents Bil] Posters 319 for Class I, Class II and Class iII licenses under Bituminous Contractors 320 authority of the City of Saint Paul, the terms gaarding and Roorr�inghouses; defined in this section shall have the meanings Dormitories 321 • ascribed to them: Bowling A]]eys; Pool Halls 322 • Christmas�ee Sales 323 � � Adverse action means the rertocation or suspen• Cigarettes 324 � sion of a license, the imposition of conditions upon � Close-Out Sales 325 � a license,the denial of an application for the grant, Building Contractors 326 issuance, rene��al or transfer of a license, and Dry Cleaning and Dry Dyeing . � any othe* disciplinary or unfavorable action taken plants; Laundries 327 v��ith res�ect to a ]icense, licensee or applicant for Electrical and Appliance Repair 328 . a license. Fire Alarm—Telephone Devices; � Bond means a bond meei.ing the requirements �PParatus Installers 329 of Section 310.0 i and indemn-if}•ing the City of Florists 330 Saint Paul abainst all claims,judgments or suits Food License 331' causec� b•�, resulting from or in connection ��ith Fuel Dealers—Liquid Fuel 332 an�• licensed business, activity, premises, �hing, Fuel Dealers—Solid Fuel 333 _ facility, occurrence or otherwise under these Fumigating—Pest Contro] ' 334 chapters. Gasoline Filling Stations 335 Private Fuel Pumps , 330 r -—Hardware Stores 33 i � . � Building uffirial means the supervisor o. code enforcement in the department of community House Sewer Contractors 338 , Ice�Cream Processing and Distrib- • services. . � • • uting 339 Chapters and ihese chapters shall mean this Mercantile Broker 340 � Uniform License Ordinance, any chapter of the Milk 341 , Legislative Code pertaining to licenses as here- Oi3—Bulk Storage 342• inafter :nentioned, and subsequently enacted ordi• Opti�ians 343 nances est,ablishing or relating to the requirements Pa�;n Shops 344 Cor Class 1, Class II and Class III ]icenses under Peddlers 345 • authorit}• of the City of Saint Paul. 5oliciting 346 Pet �hops 347 Class I licenses means those licenses which can Rad:o and Television Repairs 348 be approved and issued or denied by the iaspec- Renial of Clothing 349 tor, subject to the procedures required by these Rental of Hospital Equipment 350 chapters. The following licenses are so classified; Rental of Kitchenware 351 and the numbers shown opposite them correspond Renta] of Trailers ��2 to the chapters in the Legislative Code pertaining Roller Rinks 353 to each license: Sanitary• Disposal . 354 . • 2027 4 310.01 � I,BGLSLA�IVE CODE � � ' a__ _ • ��, � Secondhand Dealers 355 � Da.nce HaILs 405 Sidewalk Contractors 356 Game Rooms 406 Solid Waste 357 Hotel 407 Sign and Billboard Construction 358 Junk Salvage and Scrap ¢pg• Sound 'I4-ucks and Broadcasting Intoxicatiag Liquor 409 Vehicles � 359 Nonintozicating Liquor 410 Public Sa�imming Pools 360 Entertainment , 411 Tow'I�-ucks—Service Vehicles 361�� Massage Parlors and Saunas 412 �"�T��ng� � 362 Conversion Parlors 413 Vending Machines 363 Masseur-Masseuse 414 Veterinary Hospita] 364 Motion Ficture Theatres 415 Window Cleaning 365 . Motion Picture Drive-In Theatres 416 Block Parties 366 � Pazking Lots 417 Tattoo Parlors 367 - Taxicabs 418 � � �'�'recking of Buildings 368 Gambling License 419 Building 1�ades Business Licenses 369 � Building Trades Certificates of� Director means the director of the department � Competency 370 of finance and management services, unless oth- Finishing Shop 371 erwise defined in the specific chapter, section or T1re Recanping Plants 372 subdivision referred to. � 'I�-ansient Merchants 373 Diuision means the division of license and per- Class II licenses means those Iicenses which mit administration in the depart�ient of finance m�st be approved or denied by the director, sub- and management services. / � ject to the procedures required by-these chapters. . l 'I'he fol)o�-ing licenses are so classified, and the Fee mea_ns and includes both the license fee . . � . numbers shown opposite them correspond to the and application fee unless otherwi�e provided. chapters in the Legisiative Code pertaining to License .means and includes a11 licensea and each license: � permits provided for or covered by these chapters. • Legisla.tiue ' Code Person means and includes an�� person, firm, Class II Licenses Chapter corporation, partnership, company, organization, � � Auctioneers—Short Term License 390 agency, club or any group or association thereof. Soliciting Funds—Tag Days 391 It shall also�include any executor, administrator, Class III licenses means those licenses which �'�' receiver or other representative appointed by la�. can be approved or denied only by the council, subjecti to the procedures required by these chap- Zoning adminutrator means the supervisor of , . ters. The folJow�ing licenses are so class�ed, and � code enforcement in the department of commu• the numbers ;bown opposite them correspond to nity services, or the o�ticial charged with respon- the chapters in the Leg-islative Code pertaining to sibility for enforcement of the zoning code. . � each license: (Code 1956, § 510.01; Ord.No. 17303, § 3, 10-29-85) Legislatiue . Code �c. 3I0.02. Application. Class III Licenses Chapter (a) Form. All applicants for licenses or permits Auctiurieers 400 issued pursuant to these chapters shall make both Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer—-- 401 original and renewal applications to the inspector Bingo 402 on such forms as are provided by the division. Bingo Halls 403 Such applications shall not be received by the � Private Clubs 404 inspector until completely filled out, accompanied � �2028 ' LICENSES �310.02 by all fees, insurance policies, bonds, deposits, in the business; age; address; description or blue- sureties, and indemn�cations or certificates re- print of the premises,if any,and the owner thereof, qnired by these chapters, together with the certi- and locations and addresses of other business lo- fication required in paragraph (b)below. cations in Minnesota. (b) Tazes. No person shall be granted a license, (d) No reapplication rvithin one year after de- a renewal of a license or transfer of a license nial or revocatiorL No person may apply for an5� required by the Saint Paul Legislative Coda un- license within one year of the�denial or revoca- less, prior to and in add.ition to any other require- tion of the same or similar license by the city ments,rules or ordinances heretofore or hereafter council, if such denial or revocation was based required,the R.amsey County Department of Prop- solely or partially upon �nisconduct or unfitness erty Taxation certifies that said applicant has of the applicant, evidence of violations of law in- paid any and all taxes, real or personal, b.efore vo]ving licensed premises, evidence that the ap- said taxes become delinquent, on any property, plicant had been involved in the operation of a , real or personal, situated within the City of Saint nuisance, or fraud or deception in the license ap- � Paul and used in connection with the business plication. Denial of a license, as used in this para- operated under said license. j graph, shall include a refusal of permission to •f transfer a license to the applicant. A license is 1�1ot�•ithstanding the previous paragraph, the "similaz," w-ithin the meaning of this paragraph, council, the director or the inspector may issue, if the basis upon v��hich the revocation or denial of rene�v or transfer a license if it is found that: the original license was made would have been a relevant basis on which to deny or revoke a li- (1) The applicant has made an agreement sat- cense of the type subsequently applied for. • . isfactory to the Ramsey County attorney to pay delinquent ta�;es in periodic installments; (e) Recppli.cation after denia.l; "interest" of a� plicant in reuoked Iicense. An application b�� a (2) The applicant has prop.erly commenced a person having an interest in,or whose sharehold•. proceeding to contest the amount of tax ers or o�icers have an interest in, any premises due or the valuation of his property, and or enterorise whose license has been revoked or has made all partial payments required by � which a license has been denied shall be treat,ed ,- ]aw in connection K�ith such proceeding; or as an application by the person whose license was .. (3) The business propert:y with respec`�to which denied or revoked. The term "interest," as used tar.es are delinquent is not owned by the -� this paragraph, includes any pecuniary• inter- � applicant, but by a lessor, and it would be est in the ownership, operation, management or . • , inequitable to require the lessee to pay such Profits of an establishment, but does not include: . bona fide ]oans; bona fide rental agreements;bona taxes. fide open accounts or other obligations held with If a license is issued, renEwed or transferred be• or without security arising out of the ordinary cause of the existence of an agreement as des..�-ribed and regulaz course of business of selling or leas-_ in subsection (1? above, the license may be re- ing merchandise, fixtures or supplies to such es- voked if the licensee defaults upon such agreement. tablishment; an interest in a corporation owning or operating a hotel but having at least one hun- (c) Additional injormati.on. The inspector shal] �ed fifty (150) or more rental units ho]ding a prescribe the information required to be submit- �icense in conjunction therewith; or ten (10) per- ted by each applicant in his application, in addi- cent or less interest in any other corporation hold- tion to that required by specific sections in these ing a license. chapters, as may be necessary to carry out and enforce any provision hereunder. He shall require (fl Prohibition on reapplication; exception. The in everv case the applicant to submit his name; prohibition on reapplication herein provided shall � business or corporate name; names of partners, not apply in cases where it is otherwise expressly officers,directors,shareholders or tru..stees involved provided by statute or ordinance. 2029 � ' � �.-.�[ � _ � /1� t'% - / � � t 310.02 . • ' I.EGLSLATIVE CODE � �. .. � (g) Waiting period after filing of petition Any department of fire and safety services and to tl�e petition required to be filed with the application building official for investigation and recom- for any license shall not be considered as or�ic- mendation. ially filed and irrevocab)e until seven (7)working (Code 1956, § 5I0.03; Ord. No. 17361, §.1, 6-5-86) days after a petition is received in the inspector's o�ce. During the seven-day waiting period, any Sec. 310.04. Levels of approval;recommenda- signator of any petition may w-ithdraw his name tions. � therefrom by written request, and such request shall be appended to the subject petition and made �a� Class I licenses. Where an application for a part thereof. After the seven-day waiting peri- the grant,issuance,renewal or transfer of a Class od, signatur�s may not be withdrawn unless it is j license meets all the requirements of law, and shown they were obtained by fraud or duress. �ere exists no ground for denial, revocation or Signatures �•ithdrawn or obtained by fraud or�• 5����on of, or the imposition of conditions upon, duress shall not be counted in determining the such license,the inspector shall grant,issue,renew ' . sufTiciency of the petition. This subdivision shall or transfer said license in accordance with the apply in any case �•here the applicant for a li- aPPlication. cense or license transfer must present a state• (b) _Class II licenses. Where an application for � ment in writing sigr.ed by a specif:ed number or the grant,issuance, renewal or transfer of a Class percentage of persons that they have given their II license meets all the requirements of law, and corLCent to the grant of the Iicense or license tr-ansfer. there exists no ground for d2nial, revocation or � (Code 1956, § 510.02) suspension of, or the imposition of conditions upon, . such license,the director shall require the inspec- . Sec. 310.03. Lnvestigation and review of new tor to grant, issue, renew or transfer said license applications, etc. in accordance wit:� the application. ' The inspector shall determine the sufficiency �� (c) Class 1 and Cla,ss 11 Iicenses, if denied by .• . and accuracy of each new application and obtain inspector or direc!or. In the event the inspector, . such crimir.al historv information as may be used in the case of Class I licenses, or the director, in under r4innesota Statutes, Chapter 364, and is the case of Class II licenses, deLermines that the = otherw-ise available b}• law. The inspector shall application for grant, issuance, renewal or trans- . � make reasonable ana appropriate investigation fer of the license does not meet a?l the reouire- of the.premises or personal property, vehicles or ments,q�'law or t}:at there exist grounds for deni- facilities, as may be involved in or related to the al, revocation, suspension or other adverse action �licensed activity, and shall request, where appro- against the license or the licensee, the inspector . priate, the assistance of other city d.ivisions or or director shall r�commend denial of the applica- ' departments in making additional investigations tion and follow the procedures for notice and heaz- for the purpose of determining whether the appli- ing as set forth in Section 310.05. cant is�or w-ill be in compliance with all applica- �d� Class III licenses. Upon rece:pt of a fully� b]e ordinances and statutes.The approval of such completed applicati�n and required fees for a Class other divisions or departments is not required for � license, and after the investigation required, issuance of a license unless otherwise required by the inspector shall notify the council. A public � specific sections in these chapters. All new appli- hearing shall be held by the c�uncil on the grant, cations shall be reviewed by the zoning adminis- issuance or transfer of all Class III licenses. The trator or his designee for compliance with all re- council may hold a hearing on the r�newaI of any quirements of the Saint Paul Zoning Code, and Class III license. In any case where the inspector no new license shall be granted without full com- recommends denial of the gra.nt, issuance,renewal pliance with said requirements. All ne�� applica- or transfer of a Class III license, or where the ' tions involving a premises, lo,:ation, building or council believes that evidence might be received structure shall be referred to the director of the at the public hearing which might result in ac- ( tion adverse to the application, the inspector or '\ 2030 ' LICENSES 4 310.05 council shall follow the procedures for notice and (b) Notice In each such case where adverse ac- hearing as set forth in Section 310.05. Where the tion is or will be considered by the council, the application for the grant, issuance, renewal or council shall in a�-iting notify the applicant or transfer of a Class III license meeL all the re- licensee that adverse action rsay be taken against quirements of law,and where there ex-ists no ground the license or application, and that he is entitled for adverse action, tbe council shall by resolution to a bearing before the council. The notice shall direct that the inspector issue said license in ac- be served or mailed a reasonable time before the cordance with law. . hearing date, and shall state the place, date and (e) Appea� Class 1 or Class II licenses. An ap- time of the heazing. The notice shall state the peal to the city council ma5 be taben by any issues iavolved or grounds upon v�•hich the ad- person aggrieved by the grant, issuance, renewai verse action may be sought or based. The council or transfer of a Class I or Class II license; pro��id- may request that such written notice be prepared ed,however,that the appeal shall have been filed �d served or mailed bv the inspector or by the with the city clerb within thirty (30) days after city attorney. ' the action by the license inspector or di.rector. (c) Hearing. The hearing shall be he]d by the The only grounds for appeal shall be that there council, which shall afford the applicant or the , has been an error of law in t�'e grant, issuance, -licensee an opportunity to present evidence and renew*al or transfer of the license. The appeal azgument as well as meet adverse testimony or shal] be in writing and shall set forth in particu- evidence by reasonable cross-examination and re- laz the alleged errors of law. The council shall �uttal e�idence. The cauncil may in its discretion � conduct a?�earing on the appeal within thirty(30) permit other interested persons the opportunity da}•s of the date of filing and shall notif3� the to present tes�imony or e�-idence or otherwzse par- • licensee aad the appellant at least ten (10) days ticipate in such hearing. prior to the hearing date. The procedures set forth in Section 310.0�, insofas as is practicable, shall �d) Licensee or applicant may be represented appl�• to tliis hearing. Follow-ing the heazing, the The licensee or applicant may represent himself. . council m�� zf"irm or remand the maiter to the or choose to be represented by another. . • inspector or director, or may reverse or place con- (e) Record,• evidence The council shail receive _ ditions upon the license based on the council's and keep a record of such proceedings, including � determinat,ion that the decision v��as based on an testimony and exhibits, and shall receive and give ' . error of law.The filing of an appeal shall not stay weight to•evidence, including hearsay evidence, the issuance of the license. '�which possesses probative value eoma�only accepted � (Code 1955, § 510.04; Ord. No. 17455, § 1, 5-21-87) by reasonable and prudent persons in the conduct . of their affairs. • � ' Sec. 310.05. Hearing procedures. (fl Council o.ction; resoluti.on to contain findings. (a) Adverse action; notice and hearing require� Where the council takes adverse action with re- ments. In an}• case where the council may or in- spect to a lieense, licensee or applicant for, a li- tends to c.onsider any adverse action, including cense, the resolution by which such action is taken the revocstion or suspension of a license, the im- shall contain its findings and determination, in- position of conditions upon a license, or the denial cluding the imposition of conditions, if any. . of an app:ication for the grant, issuance, renewal �� A���1 procedures where required Where or transfer of a license, the applicant or licensee the provisions of any statute or ordinance require shall be given notice and an opportunity to be additional notice or hearing procedures, such pro- heard as pro��ded herein. The•council may con- �sions shall be complied with and shall super- sider such adverse actions when recommended by �e inconsistent provisions of these chapters.This the inspector, by the director, by the director of shall include, without limitation by reason of this any executive department established pursuant SP��-ic reference, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter to Chapter 9 of the Charter, by the city attorney 364, a.nd Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.415. or on its own initiative. • Supp.No.1 . 2031 � • �.ICENSES 4 310.07 - �-_ - ' required to engage in a licensed activity, business or profession. (Code 1956, � 510.06) Sec. 310.07. Termination of licenses; surety bonds;insurance contracts. (a) A utomafic terminati.on, reinsta.tem.ent; re- sponsibility of lioensee All licen.ses or permits which must,by the�provisions of these chapters or other ordinances or laws, be accompanied by the filing and maintena.nce of insurance policies, deposits, guarantees, bonds or certifications shall automati- � cally terminate on cancellation or �c-ithdrav��al of • said policies, deposits, bonds or cert�cations. No licensee may continue to operate or perform the . licensed activity 3fter such te�mination. The li- , censee is liable and responsible for the filing and : maintenance of such policies, deposits, guarantees, bonds or cert�catians as are required in these _ � chapters, and shall not be entitled to assert the acts or omissions of agents, brokers, employees, , attorneys or any other persons as a defense or � justification for failure to comply w-ith such filing and maintenance requirements. In the event the ' licensee reinstates and files such policies, depos• _, _ , its,bonds or cer�ifications within thirty(30)days, , Supp.No.1 2032.1 4 310.05 LEGLSLATIVE CODE � �.. .. . . �. (h) Discretiorc to hear notwithstand.in.g withdra,wal cordance w-ith the procedures outlined in Section or surrender of application or Zicense The council 310.05. may, at its discretion, conduct a hearing regazd- ing revocation or denial of a Iicense notw-ithstand- ro� Bosis for action Such adverse action may ing that the applicant or licensee has attempted be based on one or more of the following reasons, �r purported to withdraw or surrender said lice��e �'�'hich are in addition to any other reason specifi- or application, if the attempted v��ithdrawal or cally provided by law or in these chapters: surrender took place after the applicant or lacen- (1) T'he license or permit was procured by mis- see had been notified of the hearing and potential representation of material facts, by fraud, adverse action. by deceit or by bad faith. (i) Continuances. Where a hearing for the pur- (2) The applicant or one acting in his behalf pose of considering revocation or suspension of a. made oral or written misstatements or mis- license or other disciplinary action involving a ' representations of material facts in or ac- license has been scheduled before the council, a companying the application. ' continuation of the hearing may be granted at the request of the licensee, license applicant, an �3) The license was issued in violation of any , interested person or an attorney representing the of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning foregoing, only as pro�*ided herein: Code. (1) W�ere the request is made at least twenty- �4) The license or permit was issued in -riola- � four(24)hours prior to the scheduled hear- tion of law, v��ithout authority, or under a ing, the president of the council or the coun- material misiake of fact. . cil ma}• continue the hearing upon a show- (5) The licensee or applicant has failed to com- ing of good cause by the party making the ply with any condition set forth in the li- ;' request. -. ' cerise, or set forth in the resolution grant- � (2) «`here the request is made less than twenty- ing or renewing the license. . . . °. . four(24)hours before,but not or.the day of (6) The licensee or applicant has vialated any ' • the scheduled hearing, the council may con- of.the provisions of these chapi.ers, or of tinue th� hearing upon a showing of good any statute, ordinance or regulation rea- � � cause b�� the party making the request. sonably related to the licensed activity, re- ' • (3) «'here the requ.es± is made on the day said g�'dless of whether crimina] charges have . � �hearing is scheduled, the council may grant �or have not been brought in connection a continuance on the condition that the therewith. : • part� requesting the continuance pay to (7) 'I`he acti��ties of the licensee in t�:e licensed the City of Saint Paul the city's actual costs activity create or have created a cerious � for the court reporter and witnesses who danger to the public.health, safety or wel- appeared for the hearing, or one hundred fare, or the licensee performs or has per- , dollars (5100.00), whichever is the lesser. formed his work or acti��ity in an unsafe (Code 1956, $ 510.05) manner. (8) Failure to keep sidewalks or pedestrian wa3�s Sec. 310.06. Rerocation; suspension; adverse reasonably free of snow and ice as required under Chapter 114 of the Saint Paul Legis- nctions. lative Code. (a) Council moy take adverse action. The coun- (9) The licensee or applicant has sho�+*n by past � cil is suthorized to take adverse action against � misconduct, unfair acts or dealings, or by any license or permit, licensee or applicant for a the frequent abuse of aJcohol or other drugs, license, as pro.-ided in and by these chapters. Such that suc:h licensee or applicant is not a per- actions shall be initiated and carried ou't in�ac- son of the good moral character or fitness ( Supp.No.1 ' ' ' ` \. . � 2032 • " ._LICENSES . 4 310.09 the license is automatically rein.stated on the same (d) Expiration da.te to be concurrent with term terms and conditions, and for the same period as of license or permit The expiration date of all originally issued. After thirty (30) days, the ap- such policies, bonds, guarantees or certifications plicant must reapply for a renewal of his license shall be concurrent with the expiration date of as though it were an original application. the license or permit. (b) Bonds and insurance requirements: (Code 1956, § 510.07) (1) Surety Companies: All surety bonds rur_- �c. 310.08. Terms of Iicenses;uniform dates. ning to the City of Saint Paul shall be writ- (a) All licenses or permits shall be valid for a ten by surety companies authorized to do period of one year from the date of issuance by business in the State of Minnesota. All in- �e inspector, except as otherwise provided herein surance policies required by these cha.pters ar in these chapters br in cases of revocation, shall be written by insurance companies suspension or ;ermination under Section 310.06. . authorized to do business in the State of (b) Licensees may continue to operate their busi- � Minnesota. ness after the expiration date of their license; provided, that the licensee has filed with the in- � (2) Approved as to Form: A'ld bonds filed with spector on or before the expiration date the ap- � the City of Saint Paul in connection with propriate license app]ication, license fees, insur- the issuance of licenses for whatever pur- ance and bonds. The inspector shall process the � pose, and all policies of insurance required renewal application in the manner provided�i'or � to be fi]ed w•ith or by the Csty of Saint Paul in this Code. in connection �ith the issuance of licenses for any purpose whatsoever, shall first be (c) VJhenever any licensee is the holder of the approvEd as to form by the city attorne}. two (2) or more ]icenses of the City of Saint Paul � which expire on different dates, the inspector is (3) Uniform Endorsement: £ach insurance pol- authorized, at the request of the licensee, to de-.. . icy required to be filed pursuant to these termine a uniform date for the eapiration of al] or chapters shall contain the endorsement set any number of such licenses,notwithstanding the � ' forth in Chapter 7 of the Saint Paul Legis- term and ex-piration dates of such licenses as origi- : ]ative Code. nally issued, and notv��ithstanding any provision ' as to term of license of any ordinance of the city . . (4) Conditions: All bonds required by these chap- heretofore�'or hereafter enacted. The provisions . , ters shall be conditioned that the licensee �hereof shall govern the issuance of any new li• � � � shall observe all ordinances and ]aws in cense to one already holding a license. relation to the licensed activity, business, (d) In order to conform to the foregoing provi- � ' � premises or facilities and that he shall con- sions, new licenses may be issued for a term of duct all such activities or business in con- less than one year, and the license fee therefor • formit�� therewith. Such bonds shall also shall be prorated for the period of issuance. indemnify the City of Saint Paul against (Code 1956, § 510.08; Ord. No. 17360, § 1, 6-5-56) all claims, judgments or suits caused by, resulting from or in conr,ection with tne �c. 310.Q9. Fees. ' licensed business, premises, activiry, thing, �2� Application charge � facility, occurrence or otherwise licensed under these chapters. (1) Amount: In addition to the license or per- mit fees set forth in each chapter of this (c) Termination ojbon.d.s and iresurance required Code, each applicant shall pay, at the time by�city. Termination of bonds and insurance re- of filing, a two dollar fifty cent ($2.50) pra quired to be filed with the city pursuant to these cessing charge for each and every applica- chapters shail be in accordance wzth the require- tion for a license or permit to be issued by ments oi Chapter 5 of the Saint Paul Legislative the inspector,director or council of the City Code. of Saint Paul. • 2033 § 3]0.09 � I.EGLSLA�iYE CODE (2) Refunds: Said two dollaz fifty cent ($2.50) met when the license has lapsed by reason of processing charge shall not, under any cir- expiration. cumstances, be refunded. (Code 1956, § 510.09; Ord. No. 16884, 2-11-82) (b) Fee schedule. The council may by ordinance �c. 310.10. Refunds of fees. determine and establish one fee schedule for any � or all licenses and permits issued pursuant to (a) Refund where application withdrawn or de• these chapters, and a separate fee schedule for nied; service charge Unless otherwise specifically applications for such licenses and permits, which provided by .the particular licensing provisions may include fees to cover costs incurred by reason involved, where an application for any license is of the late filing. Such fees, in either schedule, withdrawn or denied, the inspector shall refund shall be reasonably related to the costs of admin- to the applicant the license.fee submitted less a istration incurred in connection with each such�. service charge to recover in part the costs incurred application, license or permit. Cosis of adminis- in processing the application in the amount of tration shall mean and include,but without limi- twenty-five (25)percent of the annual license fee. tation by this specification, both direct and indi- ro� Limitaxion on refuru� other cases. In all other rect.costs and expenses, such as salaries, wages, cases as provided in paragraph (c), the inspector . benefits and all personnel costs including train- may refund not to exceed one hundred dollars ing, seminars and schooling, expenses of investi- gations and inspections, handling of inquiries and ��100.00) of fees received in connection with any . requests for assistance, telephone and communi- license, permit or application therefor; provided, � � cations, stationer}•, postage, paper, reproduction, that he certify in writing that the amount of the o�ce capital equipment and all office supplies. refund represents a sum over and above the rea- �Such fee schedules as adopted by ordinance and sonable cos� of administration incu.rred up to posted in the office of the inspec�,or shall super- that time.in connection w•ith said license, permit I or application. The director may refund not to � sede inconsistent fee pro�isions in these chapters exceed two hundred fi�y dollars(S254.00)of such �� or in other ordinances or laws. fees upon a like certification by the inspector. ' � (c) Fee for one year; may be prorated Unless The council ma�� by resolution authorize all re- _ other�ti�e specificallv pro��ided,the license fee stated funds upon a like certification by tlie inspector. � is for a period of one year. Such fee may be pro- (c) Bases for refunds. Refunds under paragraph rated �•here a license is issued for a period of less (}�) ma3=be made to the licensee or his estate: , than a.�ear. . � (1) VJhere the place of business of the licensee : (d) Late ;ee Un]ess otherwise spec�cally pro- or his principal equipment is destroyed or � vided bv the particular licensing provisions in- so damaged by fire or any other cause that volred, an applicant for the renewal of a license the licensee ceases for the remainder of the v�•ho makes application for such renewal after the licensed period to engage in the license� expiration date of such ]icense shal] be charged a activity or business; )ate fee for each such license.The late fee shall be �2� Where the business or licensed activity ceases � in addition to any other fee or payment required, by reason of the death or illness of the • and shall be ten (10)percent of the annual license ]icensee or the sole employee or manager; fee for such ]icense for each thirty-day period or or portion thereof which has elapsed after the expi- ration date of such license. T'he late fee shall not (3) Where it has become unIa��fu? for the li- exceed fift�� (50)percent af the annual license fee. censee to continue in the business or licensed � If any pro�•ision of these chapters imposes more activity other than by revocation, suspen- stringent or additional requirements for the issu- sion, denial or any criminal activity on the ance of an original license than would be the case part of the licensee. for mere renew•al, those requirements must be (Code 1956, as amended, § 510.10) � `�- 2034 � . � � . �;�� _� ��.� �.__ '_IJCENSES' .�310.11 Sec. 310.11. T�ransfers; general. tfl Transfer; definition "�-ansfer," as used in (s) Li.cense a priuslege, not property. All licen- these chapters, shall include a transfer from per- ses or permits issued by the City of Saint Paul son to person, or from place to place, or a transfer pursuant to these chapters or other ordinances or of stock in a corporate licensee, or of shares or laws confer a privilege.on the liceasee to enga.ge interests in a partnership or other legal entity. in the activity or occupation so licensed, and do 'n"ansfer, as used in these chapters, shall not not constitute property or property rights or cre- include the instance�vhere a license is held by an ate any such rights in a.ny licensee. No such li- individual or partnership and the transfer is by cense or permit may be seized, levied upon, at- said individual or partnership to a corporation in tached,executed upon,assessed or in any manner which the majori'ry of the stock is held by said taken for the purpose of satisfaction of any debt individual or by the members of said partnership. or obligation whatever. '. (g) Assign.ment and bon.d to accompany appIi- . (b) Licenses transferabl� conditioru. All Iicen- ��bOl'- In the case of a transfer from person to � ses issued by the City of Saint Paul shall be trans- Person, the application for transfer shall be ac- ferab]e unless the spec�c chapter of the Saint companied by a written assignment of all rights � Paul Leg-islative Code pertainifi�g to each specific of the original )icensee in and to the license and . license shall specifically prohibit the transfer of shall be accompanied by a surety bond in amount such license. No transfer of any C]ass III license and in form required of an original licensee. issued by the City of Saint Paul shall be effective (h) Public corporations. Notwithstanding other until the council of the City of Saint Pau] has provisions of this chapter, publicly owned corpo- approved the transfer following a public hearing, rations v��hose stock is traded in the open mar�et � and a resolution approving said transfer is passed, may comply with the transfer requirements per- approved and published. Both the transferor and taining to stock ownership and stock transfer by transferee shal] make application for transfer of a furnishing the inspector on request with the names license on such forms as may be prescribed by the and addresses of all stockholders of record upon di.•ision, and in accordance with Section 310.02. each renewal of the license. • � (c) Trans/'er tvx In all cases of transfer of a (i) Affidavif of transferor. No license transfer , . license from a present licensee to any other per- shall be effective unless the�transferor submits son, there shall be a tax on said transfer in the an affidavit�of such transferor,taken under oath, amount of t��enty-five (25) percent of the annual stating the•following: . . license fee charged for said license, said tax to be ^(1). That in the case of Class III licenses, the paid by the transferee. . .transferor-�ant has posted notice to all • employees in a conspicuous place on the • ' (d) Trans/'er tu� deposit retained or returned licensed premises notifying all employees VJhenever an apalication is made for transfer of a of the time, place and date of hearing of the license, the amount as set out in paragraph (c) transfer of the license to be held befare the shall be deposited ��ith said application. If the Saint Paul City Council; ' transfer of license is approved,the amount depos- ited shall be retained by the city. If the transfer is (2) That said notice specified in subparagraph � � denied,the amount depo�ited shall be returned to (1) above was posted continuously for four- � the party depositing the same,in accordance with teen (14)days; the requirements and conditions ia Section 310.10. (3) That transferor has paid all wages due and (e) Transfer tux; exception. Paragraphs (c) and owing the persons employed by the trans- (d)shall not apply in any case when,by the terms feror or that an agreement has been reached of these chapters, payment of the full annual li-_ between transferor and all employees as to censee fee or a prorated yearly annual ]icense fee the pa��ment of wages due and owing; is provided for on the part of the transferee before (4) That transferor has made payment to all any transfer of license is made effective by the employees in lieu of vacation time earned action of approving the transfer. by said employees or in lieu thereof an • • 2035 4 310.11 LEGISI.AT;VE CODE ' agreement has been reached between trans- or other law shall at all times while open to the feror and all employees as to payment in public or while being used or occupied for a.ny lieu of vacation time earned; purpose be open also to inspection and examina- (5) That transferor has satisfactori]y a.nd com- tion by any police, fire, or health officer or any pletely complied with his contractua] obli- bui]ding inspect,or of the city,as well as the ins-pector, gations pertaining to employer contributions �Code 1956, § 510.12) . to employee benefit programs which include, �c. 310.13. Renewal. but are not ]imited to, pension programs, hospital,medical and life insurance programs, Every license renewal under these chapters may profit-sharing programs and holiday pay be denied for any licensee who is delinquent in benefits. any payment or contribution to a health and wel- (j) Deceased luensee Not�Zthstanding any other•. fare trust or pension trust, or similar program, established for the benefit of his employees. provision of these chapters, in any case where a (Code 1956, § 510.13) • , liquor license is held by a person not incorporated and where the license would, by reason of the �c. 310.14. Savings clause. death of said licensee, lapse to the�city in the �a) If any provision in these chapters is held absence of this paragraph, the authorized repre- unconstitutional or invalid by a court of compe- sentative of the estate of the deceased licensee �nt jL.risdiction, the invalidity shall extend only may consent to and seek to transfer said license � the provision involved and the remainder of � . to the sun i�•ing spouse of the licensee. The trans- these chapters shall remain in force and effect to fer shall be subject to alI applicable requirements be construed as a whole. . of the�e chapters and existing lav��. (k) No approval under certain conditions. The �� T�e repeal of any ordinance by this ordi- ( council shall not approve any trahsfer where ei- nance (which enacts the Uniform License Ordi- � nance} shall not affect or impair any act done, . ther party has not complied with the'terms of any any rights vested or accrued, or any suit, proceed- contract or agreement regarding employee bene- ing or prosecution had or commenced in any mat- fit or fringe benefit programs; including, but not ter, prior to the date this ordinance became effec- -- limit,ed to, pension, hospitalization, medical and tive. Every such act done or right vested or accrued life insurance, profit-sharing or holiday pay pro- shall remain in full force and effect to all intents grams; provided, that any perscn or organization and purposes as if the repealed ordinances had objecting to a transfer because of failure to pay themselves remained in force and effect. Every employee benefit or fringe benefit programs shall such suit,-proceeding or prosecution may be con- , file a written notice of objection w�ith the ]icense tinued after repeal as though the repealed ordi- inspector seven (7) days prior to the scheduled nances were fully in e�ect. A suit, proceeding or public hearing on the transfer, and said notice prosecution whicn is based upon an act done, a shall contain a comp)ete itemization of the objec- right vested or accrued, or a violation committed� � Lor's claim. prior to repeal of the repealed ordinances, but (I) Transfer. oj more ihan. one license if one is which is commenced or instituted subsequent to Class III. If an application is made to transfer repeal of the repealed ordinances, shall be brought more than one license at the same time, the in- pursuant to and under the provisions of such re• spector may, if one of the Iicenses is a Class III pealed ordinances as though they continued to be license,handle a11 sa.id licenses as Class III licenses. in full force and effect. (Code 1956, § 510.11; Ord. No. 16822, 9-3-81) (Code 1956, § 510.14) Sec. 310.I2. Inspection of premises. Sec. 310.15. Penalty. The premises, facilities, place, device or any- Any person who violates any provision of these thing named in any ]icense issued pursuant to chapters, or other ordinances or laws relating �,o j anS� provision of the Saint Paul Legislative Code licensing, or w�ho aids, advises, hires, counsels or � .2036 � � . �• LICENSFS 4 318.01 ' �__ •— . conspires with or otherwise procures another to Sec. 316.02. Fee. ' violate any provision of these chapters or other ' ordinances or laws relating to licensing is guilty The fee required is forty-five dollars ($45.00). of a misdemeanor and may be sentenced in ac- (Code 1956, § 384.02) cordance with Section 1.05 of the Saint Paul Leg- islative Code. The term "person," in addition to Chapter 31i.Amusement Rides the definition in Section 310.01, shall for the pur- • pose of this section include the individual part- �c. 317.OI. License required. ners or membe:s of any partnership oi corpora- tion, and as to corporations,the officers, agents or No person shall engage in the business of pro- members thereof, who shall be responsible for the viding amusement rides,for chatge,to the public violation. in Saint Paul without a license. (Code 1956, § 510.15) '. (Code 1956, § 411.01)_ ' . Sec. 310.16. License fees, an.nual i.ncreases. Sec. 317.02. Fee. Effective on January 1 of e�ch calendar year, The fee required is one hundred dollars($1Q0.00) . all license fees, except building trades business for each location at which such person will oper- license fees and fees for building trades cert�- ate and maintain the business of providing such cates of competency, shall increase by the per- rides. . centage increase in the budge± for the division of (Code 1956, § 411.02) � licen�e and permit administration of the depart- ment of finance and management services. Prior �Sp�r 318. Mechanical Amusement Devices to November 1 of each yeaz, the director of fi- nance and management se,rvices shall file with �c. 318.01. License required; definitions. the city clerk a notice of the percentage incr�ase, - _ . if an�•, in license fees. No person shall own and allow to be operated (Ord. ?`To. 16885, 2-11$2; Ord. No. 17059, 10-20-83; for business purposes any coin-operated mechani- � Ord. I`o. 17303, § 4, 10-29-85) cal amusement device witho�t a license. A coin- : . , operated mechanical amusement device is hereby Chapters 311-314. R.eserved defined as:any machine which,upon the insertion � ..ef a coin, token or slug, operates oi m�y be oper- � SUBTITLE B. CLASS I LICENSES ated by the public for use as a game, entertain- ment. or amusement, which amusement device , contains no automatic payoff device for the re- � Chapter 315. R.eserved• turn of money, coins, checks, tokens or merchan- dise, or which provides no such pay-off by any � � Chapter 316. A.nimal Foods other means or manner.The term "coin-operated Manuiacturing and Distributing mechanical amusement device" shall include so- called pinball machines; music machines; coin- , Sec. 316.01. License required. � operated television units;motion picture machines; , . amusement rides, excepting those provided for No person shall engage in the business of the under Chapter 317,pertaining to amusement rides manufacture or distribution of animal foods in af the tvpe used at carnivals; table shuf'fleboard Saint Paul without a license. games or similar games of amusement for which (Code 1956, § 354.01) a fee is charged to players for the playing thereof;. ' and all other machines which,by the insertion of •Edicor's not.e—The licenses under r.his chap�.er, derived a coin or token, operate for the entertainment or from 4$ 345.01-345.03 of the city's 1956 Code,Were redesig- nated as Class IIt licenses by Ord.No.17207,adopted Jan.31, ��ment of the player,except weighing machines. 1965,and rECOdified as Ch.423. (Code 1956, §§ 412.01,412.02) 2U3? _•.��..�.. . _ �.ouacu . 't �.ANARY'��OEPARTNENT GITY OF SAINT� PALTL � �+ � /y� �'��- � _/r O�LE -MAYOR . . i'liC NO. � •[, v ' ' � ' • � � Ordindnce � ���n��NO. � .s-s . . � � Pr�sented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date An Ordinance amending Section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to - license procedures. THE COUNCI� OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Section 310.05 (c) of the Saint Paui Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as foliows: � (c) Where the cause for the adverse hearing is based �upon a violation of law and there is no dispute as to the facts under- � lving the violation, the hearing shall be heid by the eadfte-e�; H�ifief� s�a�� efferd council 's committee desiqnated to hear license matters. Otherwise the hearinq shall be conducted before a hearinct examiner appointed bv. the councii for that purpose. The applicant or the ticensee shall be provided an opportunity to present evidence and argument as well as meet adverse testimony or evidence by reasonable cross-examination and rebuttal evidence. The 28tiP1Cfi� committee or hearing examiner may in its dis- cretion permit other interested persons the apportunity to present testimony or evidence or otherwise par-ticipate in such hearing. ' . COiT�TCII. MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswicz Rettman . . Scheibel Against BY Sonnen . ' Wilson Form Ap oved by Cit tomey Adopted by Council: Date — - ��rtified Passed by Council Secretary BY "' � � BY . Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � _ . . ..._. _ ..... . .� �.�- ' .-��, � . .. -:.. . . . : -. � �, .. .. . .. .. . . . .. ..� �.'�., _,.. _ - / Jy,� . . . . . .. � � - ., r ��` • , ; , � . ��, 5? �;; . ; � � ��59 � ��'��/��C.3" � Section 2. That Section 310.05 of the Seint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the following new Subsections thereto ta be �umbered as 310.05 (c-1) and 310.05 (c-2): - (c-1) Procedure; hearinct examiner. The hearing exami�er shali hear � all evidence as mav be aresented on behalf of the citv and the appli- cant or licensee, and shall aresent to the eertmt��ee Council ' written findinc�s of fact and conciusions of law toqether with a recortmendation for adverse action. The eor��tee Council shail consider the evidence contained in the record, the hearing examiner's recommended findincts of fact and con- clusions, and shall not consider any factual testimonv not previouslY submitted to and considered bv the hearing examiner. The eon+n+T��ee Council at a public hearina shall provide the applicant or licensee an opportunitv to present oral ar written arquments alleqina error on the part of the examiner in the aaplication of the law or interpretation of the facts, and to present testimonv related to the recommended adverse action. Upon conctusion of the hearinq. and after considerin4 the record, the examiner's findinas and recortmendations toqether with . such additional arguments and testimonv presented at the hearina, �i�e eonYnfit�ee sha�� sebn+tt t�a ftRdtllg'!� eene�a�tert� en�} reeon+menda- �fiens �e �he fa�� eadnefi�.- . � d�en reee�pt of �he een�fi��eet� repe�t; �he Eeanet� shs�� p�aee �he r�a��er dpen +�s regd�e� meettng egenda e� whteh �tme the eoantt� � sha�� eansfider �he reear�d of �he proeeedfing� �tne�adtng �he ffindtngs; eane�asfian� end reeoRrrende�tons sdbmtt�ed b� �he exan+-i�nef ene! �he een+mt��ee.- Wrtt�en nottee ef �he r�ee�tng she�� be prevtdee! �e �he app�teant ef �teen�ee: �he eodnet� �ha�� fin aeeerdanee xfith �a►r the Cou�cil shall determine what, if anv, adverse actian shall be taken, which action shall be bv resolution. The Council mav accept, re_iect, or modify the recommendations of the hearinct examiner or committee. � (c-Z) Ex-parte contacts. If a license matter has been scheduled . for an adverse hearin4, council members shall not discuss the � license matter with each other or with anv of the aarties or interested persons involved in the matter unless such discussion occurs on the public record durina the public hearinqs of the matter or durina the Council 's final deliberations of the matter. ...�.,... ...�.,.,�r.._.._.... ,�__ :. ,� ..�- �- _ .; .,_ .. : , . . .. .. ;.. . . .r .... . , . r, .. ..< . . . . _ . . . ... _ .. . Council G � ylNK F��:;H;,N�E GITY OF SAINT PAUL �4 S-� C�NARr�OEVARTMENT F�IC NO• , OLUE L MAYOR • „ ` • . O�H�Z/`���G Ordinance N O. `���/ Presented By Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. � This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and pubiication. � COUNCILMFN • Requested by Department of: Yeas ��L Nays �. �:�:�,►�.Yt_._ � In Favor � Rettma ' • Scheibsl A ainst BY Sonnen g '',-==�Pktd�tD w�ew ; MAY 1 7 �3� Form Appr d by City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P s e ounci e . BY ��� BY . � '' ��t1Y Z,� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv Mayor: Date . . By By ��,►�acn M C1Y 2 R 19A8 WMITE• '- CITV CLERK � � . � ' PINK - FINANCE GITY~ OF` SAINT PAUL C�uncil � CANARV -OEPARTMENT �� /� ', '� OIUE -+MAYOR , / File NO. , f c;�� Att*�ylp�� . J�,j � Ordindnce Ordinance N�. � � _�, ,�:., � .,� j �� �! �--� Presented By . ` � . ' . `.. - � �,� Referred To � ` � � r Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ar. ordinance tio a�.�nd section 3I�.�Fi � of the Saint Paul Le;isla�fve Cade by "" 3dding clari.fpi.nh lan�tia�e cencernin� the imvosi�ion oi conditior.s . T�±� CO�T�3CIL C�r �fiB CI�'Y 0�+' i�lli�i'L' PAUZ ',30E� �R.TJI�IP�: _i ;�_ `; ; • �,r . . - �';:: Sactiou 1 . Section 310.OS of the Saint ?auI Legislat�ve Co�e is �zer�bp a�:ended by addir_g the follawing r.ew subsection (c) : "(c) T�Ti:�n a reasona'flIe �asis i3 zound to innose reascmab?u condit?ons andlor restrictior�s u�o:� a Iicense i�sued or t�eld ur�d�r these cnant�rs, a:3� on4 or more suclz reaso�a�ale co�ciitions and/os restrictions ma� be i.,� os�d L*�vn su�h Iicens� for the �ur�ose of aroiaotiag pu�►?ic h�alth, safet,y 3�.d Saelf3re, ofi advancing t��� �u'ulic peace and the e1i��nation of co�ditians or actions o7hich constitut� a IIti�S2I1C@ or a �etrir�er_t to the peac�`uI e�jo?ment of urba� Iife, or �romt�ti.ng securi�,r �d safetp ir. nearby neighbor�:oods. Suc�� r�ascma�Ie cor�ditiozzs and/or r�strict�o*.z3 �a� include or pertain to, bv.t are not li�itec? to , COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor Gosw�tz Rettman B Scheibel A gai ns t y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By • Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . - • . . " , . . ' • . U��. «�� V � /���'� . . � _2._ (1) a limitatian on the hours of. operation of the licensed business or establishinent, . or on particular types of activities con- ducted in or on said business or establish- ment; . (2) a limitation or restriction as to the location within the �licensed business or establishment ��hose particular type of . activities may be conducted; (3) a limitation as to the means of ingress or egress from the l�icensed �--�_- - - --- - - - - establishment or its parking� lot or - immediately adjacent area; (4) a requirement to provide off-street parking in excess �of other requirements � of lata; (5) a limitation on the manner and means of advertising the operation or merchan- . dise of the licensed establishment; (6) any other reasonable �condition or restriction limiting the operation of - --- --- ---�--the licensed business or establishment to insure that the �said business or establishmetYt- wi11 harmonize �w'ith the � � --- - - - - -- -- -�--�===-character of the area in which it is � _ .. _ _ _ located, or to prevent_ the. deveTopment . - _ ._ -,:_�- - - - - -- �--� �� - � � -- -- --or continuation of� a inuisance. The inspector may .impose such �conditions on Class I licenses with the consent of the licenseholder, or may recommend the imposition of such conditions as an adverse action against the �license �or licenses; the �director has the same power with respect to Class II licenses . The council may impose such � - � - conditions on C1assIIl licenses with the consent of the licenseholder, or upon any class of license as an adverse action against the license or licenses � �f„/�r WMITE� ,— CITV CIERK ' PINK � FINANCE �:' 1 COl1IIC11 � � � �BIUER` +MAVOqTMENT GITY O1� SAINT PAUL File NO. y " � � f{, /.J ' ' . �rdindnce Ordinance N0. ,�7�s":� ft� �� � I , i /�a S Presented By j`' - --�:�._ t ,•' ' .. . .� ..L. . . _ • .. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- follc�ng notice and hearing as �aay be rea,uired. Such corditions ±-�ay �e i.,*rvosed on a Iic�zse or licer.ses upon issuan�e, reaeE�al or� transfer t�ereof, o� uncm ar�.d as p3xt of anq adv2rse aetion against 2 I�cense er Zicenses, includ�.ng sus�ensio�. Sectioa 2 :Ieitnar ��is or�inance aar any exist�:�g or future ordin�nce zdonted b� the Cit� o� S�i4t �aul to re,�u3.ate andf�r licerase an;� occupatiors , �usinesses or activities s�ail be construed to Ii�it or ?'estrlC� ��t3 inherQat �:olice �ower to regulate an� Iicense, nor to i:.r�it or re�trict a�v po�,rer co�serred on it �y the t?nite� States or :��?m�.ssota Can�titutioas or statutes (or Ye�ulations pro��sl:�at�d tnerez.mder) �a so re�;ul��.te �ndJor licQnse. Sectioz 3 '�tzis ozd�nanc� shall ta'_�c� �ffect 3r_d b� in force thir�y (3t}} �ays .°tol7.�r.n its �assaL�, a�uroral a�d �•3blicati.on. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ..,-� Dimond Loog � In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson ���'j � � ��$8 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By B "�'; - - �.. Y �� �. � . ,..y�;�`..�.. 1�';'el:1 Approved by Mayor: Date �"`'��' '-5 'y'°� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By /��.(, l``�� � `°/;L_,: r `�ymm�o� U ' ,=� ��*• �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3;,•` ,e:, ;; .' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� i�iuruw ;±; °l.s �nn �um ^_ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY '"'"�u„«�°,��'"'�� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul.Minnesota 5510: 612-298-512" GEORGE LATIMER ��`��IVED MAYOR �'��' �� 1988 � ��AT�i� September 7 ; 1988 Mr. Alan D. Margoles Margoles & Margoles Attorneys at Law 790 Cleveland Avenue South , Suite 223 St. Paul, MN. 55116 RE: License of Lou' s r�arket; OAH Docket Nos . CITY-88-036-HK and 5-2101-2525-6 � Dear Mr. Margoles : Enclosed is a copy of my letter to Administrative Law Judge Kaibel . He has advised by phone message that October 14 is suitable. Please, therefore, be advised that the hearing will take place on October 14, 1988 , at 9 : 00 a.m. , in Room 1503 , City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul . Very truly yours , PHILIP B. BYRNE Assistant City Attorney Enc. cc: -�o�arc� �,�: ,;it�tib�; Jr. A�dministrative Law Judge � _� � _ , � , . . ., � �� � ��.. �:�°�'�" CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,�,o;�,U �`0 ;:; �; �: OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY `�: �iiiLii'ii =- <. m „:_ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY '"�u;,,�;'°,',fi��` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER ,� T,��, t,5 _„ 612-298-512� MAYOR ��`':'"` �d�'"� REC���` . r�oV i � i98s sEP � September 6 , 1988 �;�(^� �;L,�;$�;�, .'�D�1�1S�i�►���1� I�A�IIV�,S R�.������ Mr. Hotiaard L. Kaibel, Jr. �rw: � � Administrative Law Judge �r,�-� � �g$$ Office of Administrative Hearings qp����,*, y ��.�.��,� Fifth Floor, Flo�.r Exchange Building ����� .� 310 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis , MN. 55415 RE : License of Lou' s Market ; OAH Docket Nos . CITY-88-036-HK and 5-2101-2525-6 Dear Mr. Kaibel : It now appears that the proposed sale of the licensed business is not going for�aard, and it will be necessary to hold a hearing per the original Notice of Hearing. Mr. Margoles and I have agreed that a further continuance would be necessary to permit adequate preparation for the hearing, and request a continuance to October 14, 1988 . That date is clear for both our schedules , and I have a hearing room reserved: Room 1503 , Saint Paul City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street , Saint Paul (on Fourth bet���een ���abasha and St. Peter Stre�ts) . I would request that you k�ep this case , but if the date prevents that, please ask that another Administrative Law Judge be assigned. Thank you for youur assistance. rzay I assume you taill formall;� confirm this date for tY�e hearing? Very truly yours , . _ � , PHILIP . RYRNE Assistant City Attorney cc : Lt. Donald S . Winger, Vice LTnit Mr . Josenh F. Carchedi, License InsTQctor � ' J_�� �� � T, �r��-- / �/� �; .�i i. STAT E O F M I N N ESOTA ��Li;�i��L� OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FIFTH FLOOR,FLOUR EXCHANGE BUILDING N O� � J IQSS 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOIIS,MINNESOTA 55415 CITY CLERK � (812)341•7600 August 19, 1988 Alan D. Margoles Attorney at Law Suite 223 790 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 Philip B. Byrne Assistant City Attorney City of Saint Paul 647 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: License of Lou's Market; OAH Docket Nos. CITY-88-036-HR and 5-2101-2525-6. Gentlemen: This will confirm for the record that Mr. Margoles' motion for a continuance of the Auqust 19, 1988 scheduled hearing in the above-entitled matter has been granted. The motion �ras not opposed by Mr. Byrne, based on assurances that the only thinq holding up settlement was details of a sale of the business, involving accomodation of the interests of an adjacent property owner. The hearing has been rescheduled for September 15, 1988 at the 9th Floor Conference Room of the Commerce Building at 4th and Wabasha Streets - at 9:00 A.M. Sincerely, � . �/�.ze� � • K�.�G�, � • HOWARD L. RAIBEL, JR. Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7608 HLR vh cc: ouis Lepsche AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -�. _ �.;•�x ���..,... � ; J;.`' x p ���' CITY OF SAINT PAUL S�4��TT �� .Y~0 i�l p; �t, OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY �� uun nw �; `��° "°�° �< EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ;m '"��1„«'°'m��''� 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER RE�E��/E[� MAYOR AU� � � t9�8 Au�ust i5, L98s ADMINIS�RATIVE HEARINGS Mr. Howard L. Kaibel, Jr . Administrative Law Judge Office of Administrative Hearings Fifth Floor , Flour Exchange Building 310 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis , MN. 55415 RE : Lou' s Market; OAH Docket Nos . CITY-88-036-HK, 5-2101-2525-6 Dear Mr. Kaibel : I today agreed with Mr. Margoles to continue the above hearing from August 19 , 1988 to September 15 , 1988. I have reserved for the hearing the Ninth Floor Conference Room, Commerce Building, Fourth and t�aabasha Streets , Saint Paul , from � : 00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I understand you will be sending out a formal order continuing the hearing based on our stipulation. Thank you for your courtesy. Very truly yours , l-� . PHILIP . BYRNE Assistant City Attorney cc : Alan D. Margoles , Fsq. REGEIVEG MARGOLES & MARGOLES '��� � � �98� A'1"I'ORNF.YS AT LAW I�OM���TIVE SUITE 223 �� ALAN U. MARGOLF.S 790 CLEVELAND AVENUE SOUTH ON COUNSF.L SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55116 CHERYL SPEETF.R MARGOI,ES RICHARD S.GILLMAN TFI.FPHONE:(612)690-1729 JOAN SCHNIEDER RICHARD SPEETER July 27, 1988 The Honorable Howard L. Kaibel, Jr. Fifth Floor, Flour Exchange Bldg. 310 Fourth Avenue So. Minneapolis, Nll�T 55415 Re: Lou's Market; OAH Docket Nos. City - 88-036-I�C and 5-2101-2525-6. Dear Judge Kaibel: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of July 19, 1988 I wish to confirm my representation of Mr. Louis Lepsche in all matters surrounding the licensing of Lou's Market by the City of St. Paul. It is my understanding that the hearing is currently set for August 19� 1988. I wish to formally notify the court and, by carbon copy, Assistant City Attorney Philip Byrne that August 19, 1988 is a difficult or impossible date for me to attend. Hopefully, there will be no necessity for this hearing and all matters will be cancelled and made moot by virtue of the sale of Lou's Market by Mr. Lepsche. Only the purchase of a piece of property next to Mr. Lepsche is stalling the sale at this time. I wanted to notify the court and Mr. Byrne with the problem I have with August 19th in order to prevent the unnecessary subpoenaing of witnesses for that date and to give the earliest notice possible. By separate letter, a copy of which is herein enclosed, I have asked City Attorney Mr. Byrne if he has any objection to a continuance. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Yours very truly, � an D. Margoles ADM:bs �� enc. �'`� cc: Philip Byrne Louis Lepsche ���-�'��°,.; ��CEI�fE'p MARGOLES & MARGOLES �UL 2 9 198$ A'I"I'ORNF.Yti AT LAW SUITE 223 � AI.AN U. MARGOLES 790 CLEVELAND AVENUE SOUTH �L SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55116 CHERYI,SPEE7'ER MAR(:OI,F,ti RICHARU S.GILI,MAN TF.I.F.PHONF,:(612)690-1729 JOAN SCHNIEUF.R RICHARD SPEETER July 27� 1988 Mr. Philip Byrne Assistant Gity Attorney 647 City all St. Pau � NIlV 55102 Re: State v. Louis Lepsche Dear Mr. Byrne: Enclosed please find a copy of my July 27� 1988 letter to Administrative Law Judge Howard Kaibel, Jr. I briefly spoke to Judge Kaibel on July 19� 1988 right after I received a copy of Judge Kaibel's July 13� 1988 letter to my client which was thereafter forwarded to my office. My conversation with Judge Kaibel was similar to his conversation with you in that we discussed the mistaken indication of the hearing date on July 19th instead of August 19th. As indicated in the attached letter to Judge Kaibel, August 19, 1988 is a difficult date for this office and I would greatly appreciate it if you could indicate by return correspondence to me and to the court whether you have any objection to a continuance from that date. Again, it is my hope that the sale will process as anticipated and that the hearing will be ultimately cancelled as unnecessary. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Yours very truly, Alan D. Margoles ADM:bs enc. cc: The Honorable Howard L. Kaibel� Jr. > •, • ��� ��-l�l ��� _��. �� ;....� ��CEfVE� STATE OF MINNESOTA NOV 1 � 198g OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FIFTH FIOOR,FLOUR EXCHANCaE BUILDING �:�TY CL�ftK 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOUS,MINNESOTA 55415 �61�341-7H00 July 13, 1988 Mr. Louis J. Lepsche Lou's Market 1199 White Bear Avenue North St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 Philip Byrne Assistant City Attorney City of Saint Paul City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Lou's Market; OAH Docket Nos. CITY-88-036-HR and 5-2101-2525-6. Gentlemen: As you probably know, this case was reassiqned to me to hear on July 19, 1988, if it has not been settled by then. I'm sure v�e all aqree that it is much better for people to settle their disputes to their mutual dissatisfaction, perhaps throuqh some kind of compromise; than to have a (perhaps also mutually unsatisfactory) decision recommended by an Administrative Law Judge, subject to review by the City Council, subject to revieM by the Court of Appeals, subject to review by the State Supreme Court. I•m sure you both understand the potential delay, appeal costs and further potential dissatisfaction involved. I urqe you to qet in touch with each other as soon as possible to esplore settlement options, or at least to narrow the fact issues by identifying where your aitnesses have an honest disagreement as to the facts, stipulating to the rest. If either of you feels that a prehearing conference call (Minn. Rule 1400.6500) would assist in that process, I will order and arrange one. AN EGIUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER , �• - Mr. Lepsche and Mr. Byrne July 13, 1988 Pa9e 2 There is also a rule permitting a formal "settlement conference" (Minn. Rule 1400.6550) which could also be conducted by phone at either party's request. That would allow you to explore all of the factual and legal issues with another Administrative Law Judge who would try to help you resolve or simplify the dispute. At least s/he could enter an order narrowing the issues which would be binding on � if you couldn't reach an agreement and we had to go to hearing. Except for such an order, I could not otherwise conmunicate in any way with the other Administrative Law Judge about the facts or issues involved. There is also a similar new "alternative dispute resolution" process� which I recommend and have used successfully in the past called "mediation" (Minn. Rule 1400.5950) . It is completely voluntary with both of you. Either could simply withdraw at any time. The mediator would have no authority to make decisions or impose a settlement. I (or someone else appointed by the Chief Administrative Law Judge) would be the mediator who would attempt to help you jointly resolve the dispute, possibly also by phone. If the mediator fails, the case would still be fully heard on the merits, without any pre�udice, by another uninvolved Administrative Law Judge. Please do place a call to one-another as soon as you receive this letter to discuss informal simplification or settlement and/or the formal less adversarial options outlined above. Enclosed are some materials on alternative dispute resolution regularly distributed by this Office. Sincerely. -��� �. ,��=�-�� � . HOWARO L. KAIBEL, JR. �d� Administrative Law Judge Telephone: 612/341-7608 HLK:vh Enclosures Phone: 731-6842 ������� � �������� ������� 2169 STILLWATER AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55119 ���� Novc�riber 30, 1988 RECEIVED �E�o�.�9aa Mr. Albert Olson, City Clerk LERM� 386 City Hall G►TY C St. Paul, NN 55102 IN RE: Lou J. Lepsche, d/b/a Lou's Market Dear Mr. Olson: The Board of Directors of the District 2 Corrmmity Council supports leniency towards Lou J. Lepsche, doing business as Lou's Market. Findings of Fact, nu�ribers 1, 2, 4, 17, 18, 19, Z0, 21, 22, and 24 all indicate that Mr. Lepsche has been a good neighbor with a loyal clientele and a man who has remained in the city to do his business when mar�y others in a similar business situation have left. There is much feeling thraaghaat our camx.mity that Mr. Lepsche runs a good, neighbor- hood-oriented business and we support leniency ta�ards him. Si�y' � �� ��"� l.'�-���� Paul Gillil � , Chair ° District 2 Camrunity Council PG:pak r� � . �,��.;,,,�.�-"� � r ���p� �toi�e ou paR._ . �� � '?� , ��.: -_ - _ �,�4��r'� STATE O F M I N N ESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FIFTH FLOOR,FLOUR EXCHANGE BUILDING 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55415 (612)341•7600 November 29, 1988 St. Paul City Council Attn: Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: In the Matter of the Licenses of Lou's Market; OAH Docket Nos. CITY-88-036-HK, 5-2101-2525-6. � Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed are the duplicate tapes of the hearing in the above-referenced matter, which should be included with the record. The Findings and record were returned to you on November 14, 1988. I apologize for the delay in reproducing the hearing tapes and getting them to you. Sincerely, ��� " ' ���!_ �,�')-UI �l` i �� ���1�� t�=!��� . _,, �.�. SANDRA A. HAVEN Office Services Supervisor Telephone: 612/341-7642 sh Enc. RECEIVED NOV� � 1988 C1TY CL��K AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER