88-1972 WHI7E - CITV CIERK � � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �//;�/(� /� :� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. •� v ����+�� BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution � g Presented By Referred To � Ll� w � K � Committee: Date 12����C11 a Out of Committee By � Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paui amended the Legislative Code by creating and establishing a Water Surch�c,� fcx all properties in the City of Saint Paul for the p�pose of providing funds to pay for the relocation of Water Utility facilities requ�ed by the City's prog�am of separabon of its sewer system by adopting Ordinance No. 17513, Council File No. 87-1605, on November 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, the Counal of the City of Saint Paut by Resolution Council File No. 87-1762 adopted a� December 10, 1987 directed the Water Utility not to implement the five cent per 100 cubic feet surcharge for the 1988 Water bills because the increased revenue was not a part of the 1988 budget and the City Council's �s�re to consider revenue bond financing; and WHEREAS, this Council sold Sewer Revenue Bonds in June 1988 to finance the City's share of the sewrer separation program and provide sanitary sewer rate relief and rate stabi{ity; and WHEREAS, this Counal has app�aved the 1989 Budget wherein the Department of Public Works has included the revenues from a five cent per 100 cubic feet s�uchazge on the Water Utility bills for all properties in the City of Saint Paul to fund the relocation of Water Utility faaltties requ�ed by the City's Combined Street and Sewer Program; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cauncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby c�-ects the General Manager of the Water Utility to implement the Water Surcharge for afl properties in the City of Saint Paul effective on ali billings issued on or after January 1, 1989 with said revenues estimated at $700,000 annually to be uitilized for financing the Water Utility relocation work in connection with the Combined Street and Sewer Progam. �� � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays v�mona ub 1' Wo k s 11—2 —8 �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettmaa�" B sche;n�� _ Against Y Sonnea �'V'�sou��' DEC 2 �� Form Appr ed by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass b ouncil Se ar By Bp t���.L1 A►pproved b � vor: a _ �JEtr � 7 �� Appr ve b May r for Submis ion to Council B � BY _ Y � PU�.ISl�ED C�C 311968 _. � �8����� � QI'NON'IATOR� ., _.-� � . . . • OATE NBT64T� , DATE COYrLllm� . ' � - 11-25-88 REE1� St�E� No:0 0 3�7 fi : : 4 w�.oR�aw n�arnrars� M1M9ER FOR _ n� a►�w�o�evr owecTa+ �crtv c�wc . �cr No. _� ROt�TING eu�e�"— bl' •W rk - 292-6750 oa�A: ��,�� - — A res_alution to i.mplement the, Water Surcharge wTii�h was authqrized by Ordinance No. 17513 CF. i3o. 87-16Q5. ' �na+s:cMr�l�)«�t�) �a�u+cc�+n�rr: a�uxwxa�xr�oa cm�s�►+v�cowassia+ a+re� o�rE our u+wvar v�+a�{+o. mwn+o oo�a+ ��za sc�ao�eoiwo s►� awrren co�on co��ss is ��rv.�* aESV ro carrr�r oo►�rrn�r — —Foa�oa�rsn. _�e�cK�b* D�ACT COt1NCIL *ExPI.ANAr10N: . . . � . - . BUPPCR7S YIHIGI COUNCIL OBJECTNE? . � . � � . . � � � . � . .. � RECEIVED _ NOV ; ;� i988 _ !NIAYf3d�'S �FFICE ' .nx,.�a w�os��r.resuE,o.POnluMmr Mmo:was�:wn.�,,,wnere.wnr): , . , , The Water Surcfiarge wi],1 �und t�.e cost o� reloeat�ng Water Utility facilities caused by construction of. the Cc�mbined Se�aer �eQarat�on �rog�am (CSSP} ,, .. �+�+o�tco.ue�.a.,�ar.�.o..;�+�: . ,. . . .. , Z'he original C�SP f�nanc�ng ant�ci�ated a3.1 utilitie� funding thei.r cost of u�ility re],ocation. This Hr�ngs the [�ater Uta.l�tx in conformance with . all other uti.l�ties. 001'IM01�''�Nd.1IMer�.MW Ttl MYl�aei�): _ Insufficient financa.ng wix7. result a,f not appxovede �he 1989 Bud�et includes the �inancing �rc�m th�s SurcF�arge.. �c�eu►mes: � - vd ;� ^�5�,�1�`:il ��'CIt�C f �`LV Oti �J63 F�E�Ei'vt�. �o�r�: _ BUDGET'O�FFit�'� ��: _ _. None _ . . � . �-i��'z � � � Members: CITY OF ►�AINT PAUL- Roger J. Goswitz, chair '��������" OFFICI� pF Janice Rettman � ���� ���!� � TR� CITY COIIN(7IL , - Tom Dimond � DBte: December 14, 1988 RECEIVED � Committee Report �ls 1988 DE To: Saint Paul City Council CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of December 14, 1988 took the following action: ' 1• Approval of minutes of November 30, 1988. Hearing Date 2. 1/5/89 VACATION: Petition of First Trust National Approved Association for the vacation of building 3-0 encroachments in TOPPING and ARUNDEL STREETS, ' bounded by Atwater, Western, Burgess and Mackubin. Purpose is to clear title. 3. 12/20/88 FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk reconstruction on the Approved south side of W. MINNEHAHA AVENUE from Kent 3-0 Street to Mackubin Street. 4. 12/20/88 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following streets Approved with a bituminous paving, concrete curb and 3-0 gutters, r_oncrete driveways and outwalks and a street lighting system: Parts of NEBRASKA, MARION, IDAHO, IOWA, HOYT, MONTANA, PARK, SYLVAN AND ALBEMBARLE. To be known as the � ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA STREET PAVING AND ' LIGHTING PROJECT. � i 5. 12/20/88 FINAL ORDER: Construction of the Approved ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 3-0 (bounded by Larpenteur, Wheelock Parkway, Cottage and Jackson) . 6. 12/20/88 FINAL ORDER: Constructing sanitary, storm and Approved water service eonnections, if requested by the 3-0 � property owner, for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRASKA : AREA STORM SEWER AND STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. � � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOUR • SAINT PAUL„ MINNES01'A 55102 b�,ae . �-�-���2 �- � 7• RESOLUTION 88-1861 - Authorizing proper City Approved officials to pay MWCC $22,727.84 for the 3-0 purchase of property located in the ETNA/THIRD STREET area in con�unction with the Belt Line Sewer System Pond Acquisition project. 8• RESOLUTION: Redistribution of Neighborhood Approved . Clean-up Allocation for 1988. 3-0 9• PETITION: of Lawrence Pepin and others for the No Council installation of a 4-way stop sign at the Action intersection of WHEELOCK PARKWAY and Necessary At WESTMINSTER AVENUE. This Time 10. R,TsSOLUTION 88-1972 - Directing the Genera �� 1�gg��� Manager of Water Utility to implement the water 2-0 surcharge for all properties in the City Rettman effective on billings issued on or before Voting NO January 1, 1989 with revenues to be utilized for financing the Water Utility relocation work in connection with the Combined Street and Sew�r Program. 11. Process for dealing with Continental No Council Cablevision request to renegotiate with the Action City on their franchise requirements and fees. Necessary At this Time