88-1966 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��^ r ��"� BLUE - MAVOR � � C .ncil Resolution -- � . :�� , Presented By ��� � Referre To Committee: Date �a- /'3 -�� Out of Committee By _ Date - a � . , . . City of Saint Paul , does oertify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget ; and WHEREAS, Couneil File 277510 , Adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies ; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1988 budget : Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budaet Chanaes Budaet 124 Purehasing ' s Value Added Services 9910 Unreserved Retained Earnings - 9 ,500 9 ,500 All Other Financing 627 ,737 - 627 ,737 All Other Fund Finaneing 150 ,414 - 150 ,414 ------- ------- ------- Total Fund Financing Plan 778 , 151 9 ,500 787 ,651 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- SPENDING PLAN 124 Purchasing' s Value Added Services 11250 Joint Purehasing Services 0111 Full Time Permanent 395 ,773 10 ,500 406 ,273 0245 Publioations & Advertising 1 , 800 3 ,000 �4 , 800 0439 Fringe Benefits 99 ,611 ( 4 ,OOd) 95 ,611 All Other Spending 130 ,553 - " 13� ,553 ------- -------- ------- 627 ,737 9 ,500 637 ,237 1125� Targeted Business Program 0111 Full Time Permanent 75 ,�43 6 ,000 81 ,4�43 0857 Data Proeessing Software 8 ,710 (6 , 000) 2 ,710 All Other Spending 66 , 261 - 66 ,261 ------- ------- ------- 150 , 414 - 150 ,�+14 ------- ------- ------- Total Fund Spending Plan 778 , 151 9 ,500 787 ,651 ------- ------- ------- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Couneil adopts the above additions to the 1988 Budget . A oved as to F di Approval Reeommended : � 1 � �D�i����B�rv i o e s Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Lo� � in Favor , coswitz /� s��he�# � _ Against BY �� Sonnen Wilson DEC 2 ? � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass oun il ecre y BY By A►pproved � vor: Da _ 2 � Approv Mayor for Submission o Council By - � By `' '�/ P�.�'��S�tEB U E C � i 1g8$ ' � GG�� �8/9G� . O�ai, � ... . � . . . � �DA7E MffN1W . � DME�t71lLEtA .. , - Linda�c�p . ii�3a�ss C���N ��� No:0�Q�4' � cor��c* o�o�o� t� �voa ror+�,r,r; . Linda CSffip ��#� 1_ �a�oererr ae�w�sn�cron g c�r cx.�wc . `� . eouns�c� � eu�ro� 5 Chair Fin., t & r� Finance/Purchasfag 298-5501 - ��: ' c�„rro�, , .7 C.�t Couu►cil. ,:; , ; _ ie : �cauntant Budget amendmeat to ij�crease spending suthority. - . _ . •Wpq+(�H nr'1fel�ct�) . COIN1cIL REiEARd1 F�P011i: . �..PLANi10�MOf1 CML BERVICB CORNAI8810N �DATE IN � DA7E OUT � � IfRY1LY3T � PHqE:N0. .. �. - . .. . . DOIMNO 001�&DDI . . . MO 826 BCNOOL BOARD - . � � . . . . � � - . - . �STAPF . . � .CIIAATER OO�t+N8810N OOMPLETE AS IS . �-AObi INFO.AUDED* -���.A�7, _ - AOFS�D•�� �.. D�IR�T�L � •E%PLAWITION: • - .. . . . . .. . - � �� BUPP'ORTS YYINCF16011NC4Ol�IEC'ftVE7 . � . . . . . . . �. : . � . . . . . �. . . . . �- � . ; : . : " RE�EiVED : . : r�rn�a�o.�.�.o�o�rn�m►tw�w.wn�.wn.�,.wn.�..whr�: . _ _ . DE 1 BUD�ET t3FFFiCE , �ustwr.x�ceoi«snw�r:i►a�.rao...a..w�.>: , : . a) To incr.sase budgeted salaries due to negotiated salar-y tncreases not prov#;�t� for in the current budget. � b) To increase bud�eted �ublications= and advertisi�tg costs due to expendit�res not � , oYigina];Zy .budgeted for. To reappropriate other expenditures to support salary expen�itur . c) Due to increase on expected City share of cost of operation of the Joint F�rchasing servic . O�-i�IYhM.tM+�n.airl To.Nlhom�: _ •� - �o��n�Ei Res�arch Center U c C 0.51�$8 �.�►,�:; . _ � � _ �.�,►�: . ��.a,�: . . �- r��� ���., . �^,�.�,.��-��� �� 33 _�.�� i� - �9 18. Resoiution 88-1�57 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $30,200 to the Financing and Spending Pians for Police Parking and Transit Fund-5urface Parking Enforcement Unit. (Referred from Council December 13} 19. Resolution 88-1960 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $59,200 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police- Vehicle Impound Lot. (Referred frora-�ouncil December 13? - 20. Resolution 88-1961 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $1,370 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Officers Clothing Fund. (Referred from Council December 13) 21 . Resolution 88-1962 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $20,433 to the Financing and Spendinq Plans for Police Special Projects. (Referred from Council December 13? 22. Resolution 88-1958 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $20,000 to the Financing and Spending Ptans for PED Operations-1996 Summer Olympics. (Referred from Council December 13) 23. Resolution 88-1959 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $21 ,800 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Purchas- ing Division Office Supply Storeroom. (Reterred from Council December 13) 24. Resoluticm ��-1966 - amending the 1988 budge�C by adding Ap�ro�v $9,550 to th� Finane3ng and Spending Plans for Purchasing D i v i,g i ot'�. �?�nt Purct�s fing Ser v i ces. 4�erred from Couric i y D�cer�ber 13) 25. Resolution 88-1967 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $5,450 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Finance and Management Services Purchasing Services (City's share) . (Referred from Council December 13) 26. Resolution 88-1968 - authorizing proper City officials Denied to execute an agreement granting $750 to the St. Paul 2-1 American Indian Center for the purpose of staging the Holiday Cornmunity Dinner to be held December 21 . (Referred from Council December 13) 27. Resolution 88-1895 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Withdrawn $25,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fire and Police Vehicle Maintenance. (Referred from Councit December 1 ) (continued)