88-1960 WNITE - CITV CLERK COUISCII g PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��J� /� � CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR - Council Resolution ,;� � .. � . �� �P Presented By Refe , Committee: Date ��- �`3��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Citp Charter, does certifq that there are available for appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1988 Budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET 435-VEHICLE IMPOUND:POLICE LOT 24050-VEHICLE IMPOUND POLICE LOT 4077-TOWING 224,000.00 18,144.00 242,144.00 4094-STORAGE 183,558.00 14,869.00 198,427.00 4095-ADMINISTRATION 44,800.00 3,628.00 48,428.00 4203-IMPOUNDED CAR SALES 264,000.00 21,344.00 285,344.00 4210-IMPOUNDED CARS SALVAGE 15,000.00 1,215.00 16,215.00 731,358.00 59,200.00 790,558.00 SPENDING PLAN: 435-VEHICLE IMPOUND:POLICE LOT 24050-VEHICLE IMPOUND POLICE LOT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0111-FULL-TIME PERMANENT 236,678.00 43,000.00 279,678.00 0299-OTfiER MISC. SERVICES 315,430.00 10,000.00 325,430.00 0389-OTHER MISC. SUPPLIES 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0882-IMPROVEMENTS OF LAND 0.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 552,108.00 59,200.00 611,308.00 NET CHANGE 59,200.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts these changes to the 1988 Budget. ��� ��� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond POLICE 12-01-88 �ng �fl FBVOt Gos�vitz / �, / l' -�=-= By GtJ � (.�.�.�` s�be;ne� � _ Against 2�' ���_ Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �EC 2 2 �88 Form Approv by City ttorn Certified Pas d C ncil Se r ta By— sy Approv y Mavor: D t � ��r � g �iW Ap rove ayor bm' sion to Council By clzo F�iSHE� �7'�}�`°; <' �9�9 � � ' C,� �s�'' l 9l� � .: < , '• � . .�I° 013092 ` Pb13.Ce DEPARTMENT . - - - - - - i CONTACT NAME PHONE . DATE ASSIGN NUlIBER F�, ROtJTING ORDER: (Sae reverse side.) � Department. Director � Mayor (or Assistant) � Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk „��$udget Director 5 (�,�,'r��„�M�niit�and p�r�s. � � C�ty Attorney 7 ��p (���� TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES: 1 (Clip ali locations for signature.) ��T WILL BE ACHIEVED B�t TAKING ACT7tON 4N THE AT'Fi�CHED MATERIALS? (Purpose�atiot►ale) � ; This transfer of funds will provicie adequa,te ooverage for the shortag�e in sa].a�ies, due to merit increas�es n�ot being ineluc�ed in the sa.l.a�y projections, also far tawing oosts throu� tY�e end of the year, t2�e installation of a C7G'i'V system, dQSig�n servi�s in oonneet' with the Folice Impound Lot. COSTjBENEFIT'. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS,ANTIGIPATED: (see attached Cbtuicil Resolution) FINANCINQ SOURCE AND BIIDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARaED OR C EDITED: - (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of TransBction: $59�200,pp Activity Number:24�� Funding Source• speciai �,ina Coun�il Res�arch Center. � U L(� O 51�88 ATTACHKENTS: (List and number all attachments.) ' 1. Oouncil Res�lution. ADI�iINTSTRATIVE PROCEDURES X Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures. or Budget Amendmsnt required? X Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DE�ARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVI�i�I X Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution r�quired? �Yes _No _Yes gNo Insurance required2 Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes gNo Insurance attached? . ��- �9�� a9 �� � ��� ����� �� ��-���� 18. Resolution 88-1957 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $30,200 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Parking and Transit Fund-5urface Parking Enforcement Unit. (Referred from Council December 13) 19. Resolt�t�9on 88-1960 - amending the 1988- t�dget by'adding A �59,28@ �o th� Financing ��d�'8pendi.c�g Plans for Police- Vehic}e Impo�nd Lo�: (Referred �r�or�cil December 13) - 20. Resolution 88-1961 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $1,370 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Officers Clothing Fund. (Referred from Council December 13} 21. Resolution 88-1962 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $20,433 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Special Projects. (Referred from Council December 13? 22. Resolution 88-1958 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $�0,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for PED Operations-1996 Summer Olympics. (Referred from Council December 13) 23. Resolution 88-1959 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $21 ,800 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Purchas- ing Division Office Supply Storeroom. (Referred from Council Decemb�r 13) 24. Resolution 88-1966 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $9,500 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Purchasing Division Joint Purchasing Services. {Referred from Council December 13) 25. Resolution 88-1967 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $5,450 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Finance and Management Services Purchasing Services (City's share) . (Referred from Council December 13) 26. Resolution 88-1968 - authorizing proper City officials Denied to execute an agreement granting $750 to the St. Paul 2-1 American Indian Center for the purpose of staging the Holiday Community Dinner to be held December 21 . {Referred from Council December 13) 27. Resolution 88-1895 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Withdrawn $25,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fire and Police Vehicle Maintenance. (Referred from Council December 1 ) (continued)