88-1947 WNITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 G PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L a �Q�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. - Council Resolution f/��' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution ad�usting the rates of pay for House Custodian I in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended by striking out of Section IIB where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employments", the following: House Custodian I Starting $4.10 per hour After 150 hours of employment 4.35 per hour After 520 hours of employment 4.50 per hour After 1040 hours of employment 4.65 per hour After 1260 hours of employment 4.80 per hour � After 1560 hours of employment 5.00 per hour After 2600 hours of employment 5.50 per hour After 3120 hours of employment and thereafter 6.00 per hour And substituting in lieu thereof the following: House Custodian I , Starting $4.50 per hour After 150 hours of employment 4.60 per hour After 520 hours of employment 4.75 per hour After 1040 hours of employment 4.85 per hour After 1260 hours of employment 5.00 per hour After 1560 hours of employment 5.25 per hour After 2600 hours of employment 5.75 per hour After 3120 hours of employment and thereafter 6.25 per hour FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution, upon its passage, approval, and publication, shall be retroactive to December 31, 1988. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays Dimond 0 F F F E �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman s7 / Sc6eibel A gai n s t BY -'�-� ..Saa� Wilson JAN 3 i I�89 Form prove by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas uncil S et By By, Approve Mavor: ate — '► _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY UY��V� r r..!.? 1 1 !�J V�J . � ��'-�9�70 . � .N� 013361 � P sonnel L bar Relations � D�p��� - COI�TACT NAME X 4� �PHONE � Nov er , DATE ASSIGN NIIlIBER FQR SOUTING ORDER: (See reverse sida.) 1 Department Director '`-�yor (or Assistant) Finance an,d ent Services Director � City Clerk � Budget Directo � _ 3 City Attomey TOTAL NOMBER OF SIGNATtTRE PAC�Sc (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BB ACHIEVED B� TAKINC� ACTION ON THE ATTACHED ZtATERIAIS? (Purpose/Rationale) This resolution will increase the hourly rates of pay for the title "House Custodian I. " This action was requested 6y the Saint Paul Civic Center to improve our ability to attract and retain employees. � COSx�BENEFIT. BUDGBTARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: There will be no impact to the Cityrs 6udget, Any cost will be absorbed by the Civic Center through direct cfiarge-backs to customers. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY 1JUrIBE� CHARGED OR CREDITED: Cot�rtc.il Res�arch Center (l�iayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) U c C 0 51�88 Tota1 Amount of Transgction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ��;�!``�'� . ATTACHMENTS: (List and nwnber all attachmet►ts.) 1. Resol uti:on N�V x s 19� 3. Letter�fromtMarl ene Anderson . , eV�fT{�j�jCE ADMINISTRATIVE P�tOCEDURES � _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Proced�res, or Budget Mtendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or ti�etable attachedT DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? Yes �No Yes X No Insurance attached? , . . .. � �g- ) 9�7 St. Paul Civ ic Center I.A.O'Shaughnessy Plaza•St.Paul,Minnesota55102�(612)224-7361 Marlene I. Anderson Managing Director November 2, 1988 Mr. Rafael A. Viscasillas Director of Personnel City of Saint Paul 265 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Rafe: � � It has been two years since we have reviewed the salary range for the position of House Custodian I. Our study indicates a changing pattern in our current custodial needs. We no longer require the massive crews for after concert clean-ups. Instead we need a smaller crew composed of competent, experienced, and dependable employees able to do clean-ups, sets, change-overs, etc. We are concerned that we retain the present employees working in this title and attract a more responsible type of applicant in the future. As an incentive, we are recommending the following hourly wages for House Custodian I, effective January 1, 1989. Starting (hourly rates) • $4.50 After 150 hours of employment 4.60 After 520 hours of employment 4.75 After 1040 hours of employment 4.85 After 1260 hours of employment 5.00 After 1560 hours of employment 5.25 After 2600 hours of employment 5.75 � After 3120 hours of employment 6.25 Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, /�� < ���. Ma.rlene Anderson Managing Director MA/r ' � �6�m 5 ��0 lry�l- Cammittee f�eport Finance, Management, 8 Personnel January 23, 1989 IU. fi?e���.idh $8-t�34'� - cfl�ngfr�g� ��r rate of�y�r f4r App'rov�`��t��ute ���� No�se �us'�c�a an I i n 'Sect`i t�h` ����i n.. the Sa 1 ary P i an and ��ates �ti�' Compensation'R��lution. {Referred 'frdn►��tY�'���ecember l�`,'����t' v r' J 91 �. v 11 . Resotution 88-1948 - estabiisning e rate o pay Approved for Municipal Equipment Coordinator in Grade 07, Section ID3 of the Professionai Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutior�. (Referred from Councii December 13, laid over January 9) ; Also, discussion of need for City policy re: nepotism. 12. Resolution 89-4 - amending Sectian 28.8 of the Civil Laid over two weeks Service Rules pertaining to compensation. (Referred from Councii January 3) 13. Discussion of Bureau of Mediatian Services Order to Police discussion con- reiease job evaivation system data. tinued next week. , � :' - -- -------------------------�--- , �. ---_.__� • 'l.�',,,�, GITY OF ►S+AINT PAUL ��333�lti:�i' �: . �'°'' `;' � � OFFICF. OF '1`FiF. CI7`Y COUNCIL - Committee Report Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee January 23, 1989 I , Approvat of minutes of January 9 rneeting. Approved 2. Resolution 88-1918 - adopting the St. Paul Capital Atio- Approved. substitute cation Policy for the years 1990 through 1994. (Referred from Council December 8, laid over Januarv 9} 3. Resolution 89-XXXX (�a be assigned) - providinq funds for Approved substitute levee and floodwall irnprovements. 4. Resolution 88-1964 - amending the 1988 Capitat Improvement Approved substitute Budget by transferring $373,000 from Finance and Management Services to Capital Project Building Improvements. (Referred from Council DeCember 13) 5. Resolution 88-1965 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved substitute $373,000 to the Financing and 5pending Pians for City Property Managzment Fund City Hall Annex. (Referred from Council December 13) 6. Discussion of Personal Service Contracts, applicable IRS Information only regulations, and need for modification of existing prac- tices. 7. Resolution 89-XXXX (tc+ be assigned) - amending the Approved 2-1 1989 budget by transferring $29,800 from Contingent Reserve to Executive Administration/Personnel Office/ Recruitment. 8. Resolution 88-1945-A - establishing the rate of pay Approved substitute for E.D.P. Aide in Grade 24, Section IO2 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and � Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council December 13, laid over January 9) 9. Resolution 88-1946 - changing the rate of pay for Approved E�vironmental Health Director in Section IO�i of the Professio�al Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council December 13, laid over January 9) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s�dl�ae Y 1 � � ' +�� __ _ _ _ WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File �O. ., �� i9y7 ncil Resolution `� 1 l Presented By Referre o ' �'�`''� Committee: Date �°� - �3 ^�� Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution ad�usting the rates of pay for House Custodian I in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVE that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended by str ing out of Section IIB where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employments", the following: Iiouse Custodia l Starting $4.10 per hour After 150 hours o employment 4.35 per hour After 520 hours of e loyment 4.50 per hour After 1040 hours of e loyment 4.65 per hour After 1260 hours of emp yment 4.80 per hour After 1560 hours of emplo ent 5.00 per hour After 2600 hours of employm nt 5.50 per hour After 3120 hours of employme and thereafter 6.00 per hour And substituting in lieu thereof the ollowing: House Custodian I Starting $4.50 per hour After 150 hours of employment 4.60 per hour After 520 hours of employment 4.75 per hour After 1040 hours of employment 4.85 per hour After 1260 hours of employment 5.00 per hour After 1560 hours of employment 5.25 per hour After 2600 hours of employment 5.75 per hour After 3120 hours of employment and thereafte 6.25 per hour FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution, upon i s passage, shall be effective December 31, 1988. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays es e y nt of: vimona OFF CE OF ERSONNEL A ABOR RELATIONS �� [n Favor G�osw�tz Rettman B � scne�nei A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv by City Attorn Cer4ified Passed by Council Secretary BY , gy, A►pproved by Ylavor: Date _ Approve y or for Submission o Council a By _ BY `. _ `