88-1939 WNITE - CITV CLERK P.NK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ���� •� Council Resolution �� � Presented By � � Referred To � ` v�-u�• Committee: Date �°��'�� Out of Committee By Date , t e enera Fun u get i entified salary costs for office and department activities based on 1987 salary compensation rates and it included a Specified Contingent Reserve for adJ'usting budgets a�ter salary costs were bargained and agreed to for 1988, and WHEREAS, Due to the salary reserve estimates for some bargaining units being less than actual settlements and due to Fire backpay for 1987 being paid in 1988 the total reserve is $2.7 million short of 1988 salary obligations, and WHEREAS, The Mayor� pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1988 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes __Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------ ------------ ------ U01 Ge�eral Fund 9890 Use of Fund Balance, Unreserved 273,665 1,679,788 1,953,453 Undesignated- 1399 Gross Earnings Franchise Fee-NSP 13,767,250 1,000,000 14,767,250 04100-�7399 Transfer From Special Fund - - (�436 Special Projects-Police Fund for Riverfest services) 0 69,000 69,000 04303-4099 Fees-NOC (Police background 0 25,000 25,000 check on Fire candidates) All Other Financing 104,994,156 0 104,994,156 ------------ ------------ ------------ 119,035,071 2,773,788 121,808,859 SPENDING PLAN _ OUl General Fund General Government Accounts Executive Administration '`- 09061 Contingent Reserve Specified 09061-0537 0p erating Transfer Out 3,747,596 2,773,788 6,521,384 09061 Other Spending -0 0 0 Al1 Other Spending 115,287,475 0 115,287,475 ------------ ------------ ------------ _ . 119,035,071 2,773,788 121,808,859 _. _ _ NET CHANGE 2�773�788 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1988 budget. Approval Recommended --- '- COUNCIL MEMBERS g,,,�Q Yeas Nays �4�t�d�i ment of: Dimond �ng _ � [n Favor Executive Administration �°�w'tZ 700:amend8.wkl Rettman �bQ1�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson � Adopted by Council: Date DEC' � 219 Form Approv by City Attor y Certified Yass by C uncil Se a BY ��/��� '�� By A►pproved b avor D _ �li 2 7 ppp Appr v d Mayor or Submis ' t Council By �� � �� ��c � � �ssa . � � � �� f �' • � .N° 0120 1 � �'�f E�ceeutive Admin for A11 I�p�� ��T� ees on ine CONTACT NAME ��� PHONE • 11 $ DATE . .ASSIGiQ AlUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) 1 Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) Fi�ance and Management Services Director � City Clerk 2 Budget Director _ � � City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBF.LL QF SIGNATURE PAGES: 2 (Clip all locations for signature.) G C 0 0 ? (�posa/Rationale) 1988 Gener�.1 �'und budg�t identi�ies salary costs for o fices/dept based on 1 8? salary compensation rates. It includes a Specified Contingent Reserve for ad�ustirtg budgets after salary costs are bargained and agreed to. This reso ution transfers spending authority to and from offices/depts, based on actual 1988 ' salary needs. COSTjBBNEFIT. BUDGETARY. �ND PERSONNEL IMPACTS �ki�TICIPATED: ` Due to salary reserve estimates for some bargaining units being less than ac ual settlements and due to Fire backpay for 198? bein� paid in 1988, the total r serve ' .�.vailable for salary needs is $2. 7 million short of 1988 salarp obligations. . The total salary needs b'reaks down as follows: �"������� - Pro�ected reserve 3,747,596 Dept. budget changes 14 , 849 ,� 198? Fire Baekpay 1,949,280 �-�inde-rest r�.tes 682,659 � FINANCII�G SDURCE AND BUDG�T 'ACTIVITY NtJMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: 6, 52 , 84 (Mayor•s signature not required if under $10,000.) � Total Amour�t of Transgc�ion: 6, 521, 384 Activity Nwnber: Most City acti` �ities , Fundin� Source: 09061 Contingent Reserv� Specified 9890 Use of Fund Balance 7399 Transfer from Special Fund , 4099 Fees-NOC ATTACH1�iENTS: (List and number all attachments.) 1. Res.olution: Increasing spending authvrity of Reserve 2. Resolutiori: Transferring salary needs sp�nding authority to depts/offices f:3. Contingent Reserve Specified Status Report 4. 1988 Salary Needs Analysis ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached7 �$PARTMENT REVILW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes o _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient� _Yes o _Yes _No Insurance attached? r . � ',.� ^ � ' ���� I .1� CITY OF SAINT PAUL v , . titl9il!!R � � i°1i �i"�I • OFFICF. OF T R E CITY COUNCIL _ � Committee Report Finance. Manaaement, & Personnel Committee December 19, 1988 1 . Discussion of handling of year-end budget amendments. 2. Resolution 88-1913 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $15,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for City Attorney General Government Accounts. (Referred from Council December 8) 3. Resolution 88-1914 - ar�ending the 1988 budget by adding Approved 2-1 $100,000 to the Financing and 5pending Plans for Fire Responsive 5ervices. (Referred from Council December 8) 4. Res�lution 88-1915 - amending the I988 budget by adding Approved 2-1 $392,632 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fire Fighting Equipment. (Referred from Council December 8) 5. Resolution 88-1939 - amending the 1988 budget by adding �roved $2,773,788 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Con- tingent Reserve Specified. (Referr�d from Council December 8) b. Resolution 88-1940 - amending the 1988 budget by trans- Approved ferring $6,521,384 from Contingent Reserve to various departments for 1988 salary obligations. tReferred from Council December 8) 7. Resolution 88-1919 - authorizing proper City officiais Approved to execute a License Agreement between the City's Police Department and St. Paul Burlington Limited Partnership for office space located in the First 7rust Center for the purpose of a loop-skyway beat office. (Referred from Council December 8) (continued) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6�.4a