88-1938 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council /� CANARY - DEPARTMENT J(�� 9�iUc ?MAVOR File �O. �+ ^�� City Attny/JTH • • �� - Council Resolution �� , I'� Presented By Referred To � � y Committee: Date �� �'�� Out of Committee By Date � PRELIr4INARY RESOLUTION 1989 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUES RESOLVED, That for the purposes of funding the Capital Improvement Budget for 1989 , of funding certain street improvements in connection with the Sewer Separation Program, of funding the remodeling and refurbishing of Como Park Conservatory and of funding the reconstruction of Shepard and l,larner Roads , the City of Saint Paul in accordance with anpropriate statutory and charter provision does hereby give preliminary approval for the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in 1989 as follows : a) Capital Improvement Bonds in the estimated aggregate principal amount of Eleven Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand ($11 ,750 ,000) Dollars ; b) Street Improvement Special Assessment Bonds in the estimated aggregate principal amount of One Million Six Hundred Ttiaenty Thousand ($1 , 620 , 000) Dollars ; c) Como Conservatory Improvement Bonds in the estimated aggregate principal amount of Five Million ($5 , 000,000) Dollars ; and d) Great River Road Improvement Bonds (Shepard and Warner Road Projects) in the estimated aggregate principal amount of Five Million Five Hundred Thousand ($5 ,500, 000) Dollars . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor • Goswitz Rettman ��;be� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK COUflCII PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ���19� CANARV DEPARTMENT 0"LUE �MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Director, Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized and directed to initiate all necessary actions toward the sale of the aforementioned bonds and to report to the City Council his recommendations for the offering and sale thereof no later than January 5 , 1989 , at which time the Council will consider a resolution fixing the amount and maturity of the 1989 general obligation bonds and providing for their sale. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Finance and Mana�eme�t Serv�ces �� [n Favor a Goswitz �ww.-..� Rettman Scheibel � _ A gai n s t BY �" >--�' Sonnen Wilson D�C 2 � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe �C ncil Secr ry BY r Bl' r ���' � j � Approv Mayor for Sub i t il Approve Mav • � gy B Pi�St� D E C � 8 _ ��-�93d' . •*•• CITY OF SAINT PAUL �„ : . • •� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY e ;� � .. ��� ��c ,, EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY nn,, .... °"��' 647 Ciry Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR November 28 , 1988 To : Shirley Davis From: Jim Ha � Re: 1989 Ge eral Obligation Bond Issues ; Preliminary Resolution Transmitted herewith is the draft resolution giving preliminary approval for the 1989 �eneral obligation bond issues . Enc. cc : Tony Stemberger Briggs & Morgan oNloMa�t�Oa r : _ o�re ra�u,[o okre aorn.E� .: `�" ' ��� : cary Narstr � ii/ZS/ss ' G�E�N ���ET No. �O � '`� � _ oEn�►R�m�cron �w�rc�+coA�srN+n Shi`rley Davis �FoR � �a�wwa�«r se+v�ces ow�cren �atr aavc � Pinaace�Aigmt�:_Ser�.. 292-7038 _ � �o°E`u�'°" � .__. � � � � �CIiY ATTORNEY�. � . . . � ' Gives_ the A.epartmeat�of Finaace & irt�nagemerit �rvices aut or _.: ization to initiate all neces�sary action legdi�g to the issuat�ce of the fol�.ow�u$ 8e�e�a1 o��igation debt in February 1989: $I1,,750,OUO Capital Tmproveinent $Qn�,s, Series 1989; ` - $I,620,OOQ: St�eet Iaiprovement Specigl Assessmentt -Bottds;�--Sa�ies:�98�j.`.Q����17�OUO CO�SQ-COAB "`` � u�:tary Improvement Bonds, Series 1989; $5,500,p00 Great River Raad Improvetne.A,t Bond� (She rd & Warner Road Fro�ects) , Series 1989. _ �i�POra+U►)a�el.0(R)? c��s�crt Ne0n1; _ Pu�xi coM�+ c�w�sE�cowaseio�+ o��x� o,t�e air _ a+µvaT a�a��a. mHw�o� �so e�5 scE+oa ewno ss� cw�arEa� coMai.��svs �coti uu�o.ao�• �ro ro ooHr�r cotierrtueNr . _ _Fon,an'i.irir0. =r�oaACU * aisra�cr oot�wc� _ *ex�rror,: • sii�►oets vNrcH oourcw oeactrv�+ . � 1NF1'IA71qli f110�1�MM1E.C�MOII?1lNIfY Mma whM.whr�,vNwie.WMk ' ' •' The bonds will be issued for tlie purpose of fuadittg the Cagitial Impxovement Budget of 1989 where the,projects for these tsond funds are listed. Q,� 0 �.IS_ RESOI,UTiON. 15 `SCHEDULED TO�BL-#iFa�?. �Y TH� Et3i.L�CQi�NC�L ON �E.CEI�BER.26; T 98$. �_ > , .: 1ttM+roaMla.n�s.�aa.M�w..Aea,par. , _, , There is no cos� l�enefit at this -ti�e as this is a p�eli,mi�,ary reso.]:ution. The resolution _ recommeading the sale will be presented to Council on J'anuary 5, I989. .fl. .,-: w�,�. . , . 1V�w�T; r ,:�1aad"'���. ``� � ' s� are dictated b Git. Eha�ter ar�d Sta�e Statutes. This �.. .y. < Y Y pxel3�inaxp reeelutioa" s�ts�C`��e''p�ssed ta fulfill these requiremeants and meeti a11 deadlines leading to the award di� o€ February 14, 1989. �;, . �tya�a►nv�: _ �os - _ �s � „�:�: �u�� 1=tesearch Center _ ��OV 2 � 1�8� ��: The City. annually fssues general obligation bonds to fund City. pro,�ects that have previousl �bee� approved bp the Mayor and �ity�Coun�il, � �.�a�u�wea: These have been addressed by City Attoxney and Bond CounseL . _.... _ ._..__ _ -------__—� __._ r � . . ��_�y��- . ,� ti GITY OF SAINT PAUL �� 71i1p5l7411 OFFICF. OF 'i`FIF. CITY COIINCIL - Committee Report � Finance. Manaaement. &"1'�ersonnel CommitteeT December 12, 1988 1. Approval of minutes of November 28 meeting. Approved 2. Discussion of Fire Chief selection process. 3. Resolution 88-1822 - amending the 1988 budget by Laid over one week transferring $32,090 from General Government Accounts to Executive Administration Personnel for Fire Chief selection process. (Referred from Council November 17) 4. �esolution 88-1897 - amending the 1988 budget by trans- Approved ferring $7,67.s to the Financing and Spending Plans for (Referred from Council December 1 ) 5. Resolution 88-1910 - amending the 1988 budget by adding Approved $29,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans. for River- front Promotion. (Referred from Council December 1 ) 6.�-�--fte�1`t�ti c�n 88�*�L938�•- g i v i ng pre 1 i m i nary approva 1 to Approved the sale of 1989 Generai Obligation Bond Issues. (Referred frorn,�iunci l December 8) 7. Administrative Order D-996b - addition of $2,040.98 No action required to the contract for Ar�lington Hills Library. {Referred from Council November 29) 8. Resolution 88-1743 - Recommending the City Negotiator Approved substi- negotiate a cap or 95 percent of the Mayor's salary tute resolution for any City position and freeze salaries which ;super- sede the 95 percent cap. {Laid over November 14) ; and Discussion of substitute resolution requesting market s�rvey of salaries. (Laid over November 28) �continued) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR 5AINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 s a��e