88-1924 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUflCll PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � �J�.� CANARV - OEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' . �. Co ncil Resolution � II f r � � �� Presented By Referred To � � Committee: Date f�'�°�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following-named person to serve a three-year term on the Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes. REPRESENTING REAL ESTATE Ron Glassman - three-year term to expire November 12, 1991 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettroan �be1�� � _ Against BY .se�. wa�� JAN 1 � ��89 Form Appr ed City t Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Passe y i Sec y BY By Approve 'Navor. te�, _ JAN 2 3 198� Appro d y Mayor for S 'ss on to Council By _�__�"'�-'" �" p!lB�.iStt�E� ��1�a `� � 1989 .� ... � �� � BI°_ 01362 � V Mayor's Office DEPARTMENT - ra ee a e s CONTACT NAME ' 298-4323 PH�NE � 11 28 $8 DATE ASSIGN�I �fB.ER FOR ROIIT�IG ORDER: (See reverse side.) _ Department Direotor 1 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and l�anag�ment Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director "3 City Council P.resfdent ? City Attorney ` TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip ell locations for signature.) iiHAT AILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALSY (Purpoae/Rationale) � Ron Glassma.n will be reappointed to a three-year term on the Board of Appeals and Revie�a for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes. COSTJBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONI3EL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: N/A �INANCING SOLTRCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: � (Mayor's sfgnature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: N/A Activity Nuinber: Funding Source: ATTACHI�tENTS: (List and number all attachments.) �QUncii Research Center. � f�OV 3 019�8 1 Council Resolution ADNINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ' X Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required?� _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? AEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes _�TQ Council resolution required� Resolution required? �,,,Yes _No _Yes _�No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance attached? � ; , � Members: � �(�'`9�T Bili Wilson, chair CITY OF sAINT PAUL Tom Dimond � Kiki Sonnen OFFICE OF TAE CITY COUNCIL Date: January 11, 1989 n W1LLlAM L. WILSONj`'� � � � Committee Report M�RK VOEF2DING Counci�man �! , Lefiialative Aide � To: S�int Paul City Council From : Housing and Economic Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair �..�.�...�-.-�....� 1. R��,�t;�o�s�ug the �seappo3.nt�t hy tix�r��Ma�o�s +t�i!a��aii�t, to se'�v�,;,� a.Q}te ,Boa�d of Apgeal� attd Review for the Housing, Building a�ti�- ��t�.on �+�es (C.F. 88-1924) ��;�.rv�E�Lt3 A�A��r.. (2 - 1 v o t e) 2. Resolution approving the reappointments of Roger Brooks, Sylvia Frank and Craig Rafferty and the appointment of Andrea Hinding by the 'Mayor of persons listed to serve on the Heritage Pzeservation Commission (C.F. 88-1925) Committee recommended approval of reappoinCr�ent of Sylvia Frank on December 28 and laid over approval of other reappointments/appointments to January 11 COMMITTEE DIVIDED THE RESOLUTION. a) APPOINTMENTS OF ROGER BROOKS, SYLVIA FRANK, ANDREA HINDING: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. b) APPOINTMENT OF CRAIG RAFFERTY: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO WEEK LAYOVER. 3. Request by M. E. Evenson for an appearance before Council concerning a Board of Appeals and Review decision on 703 Wells COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TO DENY REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF VACANT BUILDING FEES UNDER SECTION 18.2 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE, AND TO REFER OUT TO COUNCIL FOR THEIR CONSIDERATION. • CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 s�oae