88-1923 WN17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /�l .� n CANARV - DEPARTMENT Y�-^�/�J �J BLUE - MAVOR O Cl L ��'' - _ File N � Counc ' Resolution � °�-� Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date tivl-:F'REAS, T'r�e CuLmcil o_� �';���e C.i�y of St. Paul did pa-s Ordinance No. 173:�.1, r:a1 Jarluar� 7, 19F36, wherein a fwzd to ar?minister and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale licnzor establishrnents was es'�i,ablished; and Wf�I�1S, The Youth 1`�thletic and Sports F�md board established by said ordiriance has reviewed and recormiended for appravul. the following a�:plications for grants frorn the above mentioned fi�d: Lhuvzing Boosters East Side Soccer Club Inc. LangFord Booster Club wilder Youth Club Resolved, That the CoLmcil of �...he City of St. Paul hereby apprr,ves the attached applications for f�ding and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials -� execute agreements as necessary to aisburse the approved fLmds. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: . • Yeas Nays Dimond � �j0 M17 l/N� �V L(�,/� �ong [n Favor �as� Rettman �;� d _ Against Sonnen Wilson np� �EC+ � �7W Form A rove y Cit A orney Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Pa s uncil Se ta� By By t�pprov�y Nlavor: Date _ ` ��i � 2 iFiD� App v d by Mayor for Su 'ss n uncil By — . �ii��'� = �: 1 Q 19$�3 �'�,� � , _� G��-�� .. �� 012�3 ,� CaYmalitY Services DEPARTMLNT . - - - ° Haward Bell CONTACT NAME 292-7�430 PHONE 11-17-88 ' DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reveD��s�f��..� �Depar�tment Director « � 3 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Director c� City Clerk _ Budget Direc�or NOV N� 1988 4 Ci Ccx�cil 2 City Attorneq ��T� �'�---����� TOTAL NU!lBER OF SIGNATURE PAG�: 1 (Clip all locations fox signature.) �AT WILL BI3 ACHIBVED B�f TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIAIS? (Purpose/Rationale) ; Apg�roval of four applicatic�s for fw�ding from tl�e Youtlz Ath].et�.c ar�d Spor'ts ��mcl. RECE ; NOV 2 8 COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � ° �� - This fi�d was se�t up to supply matching fimd.s to eligible camLmity organizatio�s. 'Il�i.s organizatifln has veen screened l�y the Youth Atl�letic ar�i Sports FL�d Board and�the City Co�.a�cil. A c:opy of the Co�cil Resolutian is attached. �'INANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: RECEtii�� Fundiag Source: �:�;v;��;; �te�e�rch Center �Q� �� ���$ � ��9U1! 3 0 ���� MAYC3R'S OFFIC� ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attactunents.) 1 capy eaGh of a�lications from Wilder Yauth Club, East Side Soccer Club, D�Li.ng Hoosters, Langford Hooster Club. ADMINISTRATIVB PROCEDURES . _Yes _,No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or ti.metable attached? DEPARTKENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes �No Council resolution required? Resolution required? �es _ _Yes No Insurance required? Insurance sufficientY �Yes _ ��y Yes No Insurance attached? � �j'`=f�-/��.3 -.� , YOIITH �1THLETIC � BPORTB lIIND . �R�1NT/LOAN �PPLIClITION Date: �3-31-88 Check One: Loan Grant X Organization Name• EAST SIDE SOCCER �LiJE� INC. Description of Orqanization (include brief history) :XThe East Side Soccer Club was recently formed.We are affiliated with the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association. Nan�r�fi`. Status 501(C) (3) Yes X No __ Does the organization currently operate,charitable gamblinq in the State of Minnesota? Yes � No X PZ'o j eCt Description (iT'lClude puz'pose) To provide competitive Soccer ' opportunities for Youth from ages 10 to 18 Years.0ur Service area is the East Side of the City of St.Paul. This yeaxs specific Project is to organize and conduct the first season of play. Project Coordinator Name Neil Carter. President Address 1349 Fairmount Ave. St.Paul, Minn. 5S1o5 Phone 291-0805 699-1829 ay eveninq Amount of Pro j ect $ 6�6�8.00 �ount Requested $ i�000.00 List and describe how qrant or loan funds will be used. Estimate cost of �ach ;.tem. Attach additional sheete i! necessary. Item � 5�.�� Financial assistance for S needy Players @32.50 $ 162.50 � 2 Stes of nets 140.00 Corner Flags 40.50 Soccer Balls 300.00 Su�port Toward field rental of �49 .00 _ _ � 357.00 �1,000.00 ' Total cos g� �re est � If this application is a r�quest for a loan, how do you plan to zepay it? Please be specific. (l�ttach additfonal sheets if necessary) . � If this application is a request for a c�rant, how do you plan to match - it? Please be epecific. (Attach additional sheste if necessary) . �.2FZ � 'rT'�C�te� �-u.� �QT Q.0 ,Q ���4i� o� /�".OAUESt'_ pl�a:• attacb tD• toliorinq iniorsatioa to your appliaatioa: 1. Veriffcation of nonprofit status and copy of orqanizational by- laws 2. List o! Otficers or Directors 3. Letter verilyinq orqanization�s approval ot the proposal 4. Previous year•s budqet and linancial statement 5. Current balance �heet and income statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budqet (expenaes and income) for the activity � 7. Evidence that insurancc� if need�d can be obtained by the orqanization 8. Area served and number of partfcipants. Please send completed application to: Youth Athletfc Ar►d SportB Fund . St. Paui Divi6ion ot Parks and Recreation � '� 300 City Hall Annex - 25 W. 4th Street � ` � -� St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 .fundapp - ,� _08 _�� ��-���3 , � /�i �r'DC� �GCC P� ���/.�, 1<vC . �j c��/TC.c /17�iv, �/!!�c.,�i'S E'!� �'C.E�P ��'V� �/��� �/�/�C.C".�i, G.✓ '��2 /,����e /�/���pr� ���c p 2 C �-u-� G��,A-G' ��vc�osP ��'Z� ' — �c��y ��� ���/yj /02 3 -/�`t�'Pc �c �-02 �P�o�g ti, o����?�o,� �,� o� J �.v�i. �r c.,y�,r-c �- G�, r's r 6 { v�--�ce� �'� /���'���'��s�y �Q,�z f ���,,, _' �,�'r-r�rz �'P�,�� Q/�, a%�. /�,�/�/JG,,'� -- Gz�� .��/L � �F�����{r�� y -- �u`���c�cr.�' ST�i('� P�vT' — f��a .��2 -�r�� Z �YC�! ��ict°�,�c -- G��u� ��� - �� �� - � - _" .�-�/�?�cc c-e r�-���c ce �'��� ��� �v �'�,� /�2�� ��, � � ���/� S��'Qv = ��� ��� � _ � � ��a�� {� ��� Iti�� 0��2����' �-r��i� �tc� f��J Socc�1 ��i�s �� �s � Prc — �� �'r�'�'�:��,��✓ -�� ��� ��2���� �/f�/'�e �j �=,���i5��✓ � /?QP��Q C���. h���r ��.� �� T � -o�� 7�0 ���� f1��e 7�6 -�7�� EASTSIDE SOCCER CLUB Youth Athletic and Sports Fund Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul� Mn. 5�102 Gentlemen and Ladies: This letter transmits the request of Eastside Soccer Club for a grant in the amount of $1�000.00 from the youth Athletic and Sports Fund. Eastside Soccer club, Inc. was recently formed to provide competitive soccer opportunities for youth from 10 - 18 years of agE. Our area of service is that portion of the City of St. Paul generally East of I 35E� Downtown St. Paul� and the hlississippi River. We ex�►�et to register ninety players for the 1988 season. ; We axe affiliated with the Minnesota. Youth Soccer Association and we will play games against clubs from throughout the northeastern portion of the Metropolita,n area. We are seeking your support in this first season of play =to assure that no player will be denied because of financia.l need, assist with field rental fees and permit the acquisition of basic equipment. Please contact me at 291-0805 or 699-1829 for additional information. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, � . Neill T. Carter � President - ��_�9�.3 EASTSIDE SOCCER CLUB March 30, 1988 Youth Athletic and Sports Fund Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street , St. Paul, Mn. 55102 Gentlemen and Ladies: This is to certify that the Eastside Soccer Club at its boaxd of directors meeting of :�arch 28� 1988� approved and adopted the 1988 operating budget� and approved a proposal to make application to the City of St. Paul Athletic and Sports Fund for a �rant of $1�000.00 to assist with the purchase of sports equipment, subsidize registration fees for needy players� and assist xith playing field rental expense. Yo truly, �t,o c.l.�.+i . � Douglas Fischer Secretary �� 1�'��`,`�'�'�������� �`�. ���� ��,�gi� ��-��,�.���` �;;��� �'���.�� a������ q�. . /� . , � . . �►� '�,�'' ��[I��, �. �.•�',�����y� �r�.y��q� �' ��/�y��y�►�� �' W� �A��V1����t.�A"+.G��.�A�.B,���A� + ' �a"'"A�d�• ��•M��i�l'.�����r.+a1T±1�'A��"i....�a��.WT'/�'4 s� T �,urrL, ( 14569 ,,''w� . �� c , �� �" , .���;,.. . � �(E'.k.?Q'AR � ' �'� � ���`�sr � �;b�,�1 ( voto;�e N qT�, 1� ���� , r t .`: �7:'i!��°o�'�°`r, _� �'�• ".. F Rl4�Fk c:�.�� ;� � � �,���;:� ( FY,PSFk `.�� � � � - �`" y��'� ��� �' � TOT1. c��.f1C� � ��+.- =_ -._ �,-.�� ; ��H�a., _ �. `� � CNGE; C��.t�ft �•.� - ,..• .i. ' � '�d � ``��`L+1858'� •• � �.�'7 5�£+ Oq:�!� A '�` — _ ,;,— y ��. . �' �N� � ��� This u to acknow[edqe that tke items descri6ed befow have 6een auepted 6y the Serretary o f Sta.te o f ���" �.�� Minnesota on the date rwted. Tkose documenu wiU 6e micro fifined and tke oriqina(wif[6e returned to the ��� ,'� submitter witkin tert days. The micro f i[m wi(f 6e avai[ab[e for pubfic inspecrion at the o f fice o f the Setretary ;���;;, �'�` o f Sta.te. ��� �^ ��� , ,� � Y�. �� Ikscn nun o�Itrni �% Lkiu A.ccp�.d Rl No.hOT 1�iLID U\TIL Rl NlIA1RER Iti qf'!'IXCL) �`�� . w c� � � r �rF ��. ;��, -Ns,.t � ,� �-��r-�a sss� �� �� . ,� `'JS;�'�tl ('.wiFtuil'Nnnu I�,�� ��;�� Z�.�,�.i� �'c c�t �JG��Gr� . �,�/�,�• i'�� �{ �� � ,��.,��;i Stnte of Minnesota t,�•�� nAM��< Office of tFie Secretarv of Smte � ��4� �ry'�L,� • Corporation IHvision (�,: �/�t�.�/� ���,;�j� "JM„5 �; 180 State Offux Buit�ny . �� �rA�� � E�itfn�cc u Fi(i K'i1U184-01 '� � � S�Paut,MIV 55155 (612)296-2803 J "9 � `� �;���q e Y� V^ *O'V`C C�/+J � V`7 1 ��� � 4�1�°' 'rl �'�I� 1 !'� ,j��j �4, C V`� �+y9'V�D. `��S'V"v � '9�V� twA� ��': c� �� •�a'C��: . j .��� ��.• � .'�'�" � 1 �'�'W�p�i • a'����'i. � �'���{►�� 1 � �`I�I 11�r� ��•"�'� ��,�,E��t�'S� � S��°'i^ �►!�" �►1fi '!'�`,��� � f�� �!► � .(�'' .t 1M!�., �.�r'`� ��.�=��'����t��'����r���� ������ a� `�'�'������ '���``�,� ��:�'�; �� � �'�� �°�''�� � � � . � �� � Form MBA IRev. 10-851 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE For Deparrment Use �� RV-01676-02 APpLICATiON FOR TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Acct. � • No. See instructions before filling out Please complete all items Please print or type ��f "`�3 1.This ❑Sales Tax Permit ❑Em loyer's Withholdin �Corporatio application P 9 ❑Information ��comeTax is tor: Date ot iirst taxable Date of M•9/M•10 Return lease first taxable ❑Bank/Cor or sale: wages: P• �Other Estimated Tax (explain in iemt 2.Reason for �]Starting a �Purchasing a �Change of Other S!C Code applying: new business going business Legal organization �(explain in item 161 3. Name of Owner,Parcner or Corporation 4. Name and Address to which forms are to be mailed (if different from N 3) Name Eastside Soccer Club, tnc. Doug Fischer • Business Name Business Name Address at Business Location Address � 240 Kennard Street City or township of: State 2ip Code County City State 2ip Code St. Paul MN Ramse St. Paul MN 55106 5. List all ownen,partners,or principat officers below.Persons listeci below may be held responsible for taxes due.Sales Tax and Withholding registrants must complete this section. Name Title Social Security I�umber Home Address Dou Fischer 240 Kennard St. St. Paul MN 55106 6.T�Y,pe of Legal organization Date oi Incorporation LJSaIe Proprietor �Minnesota Corporation ❑Ba�k ❑Fiduciary ❑Co•operative �Partnership ❑Non•Minnesota Cor oration Other (explain) P ❑fnsurance ❑Exempt Organization �. 3�29�$$ m item 16 . nncipal usiness Activity check only one I"J Apricultural Production �Construction ❑Transportation ❑Wholesale Trade �Finance/Insurance �public Administration Forestry/Fishin� �Utilities/ Real Estate ❑Mining ❑Manufacturing Communications ❑Retail Trade ❑$ervices �I Other (explain in item 16 8. List principal products or services 9.Will your business be open �]Yes If no,list months all 12 months of each yea►? �No business will be open: 10.Will you be making taxable sales Yes If es,do you want to file a Yes from more than one permanent location? �j No Sa es Tax Consolidated Return? (see instructions) ❑No 11.What is the last month ' 12.What is your Federal Employer'� °f''°"`e"°""t'"9''�a'? December ldentificacion Number? — 13. If busi�ess was previously operated by another owner,please fill in below Previous owner name Previous business name Previous Minnesota Tax ID Number if Known l 14. Do you now or have you ever had a If yes,what is If yes, ❑Sales ❑��formation ❑Corporation Tax Return Minnesota Tax the number? What is/was the Return M-9/M•10 $hould this number Identification Number ❑Yes Number used for? ❑Yes �Na ❑Withholding ❑Corporation be cancelled? Estimated Tax ❑No 1 . Is your business a branch, �yeS Name and address ot parent company Min�esota Tax ID No.of parent company subsidiary or division of a �No ��Yes company? 16. Use this space to explain any items above. sales tax exemption, non-profit corporation IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS APPLICATION CALL:TWIN CITIES 16121 296-2863 ELSEWHERE IN MINNESOTA (TOLL FREE) 1•800-652-9747 ASK FOR BUSINESS RECORDS UNIT I declare under the penalties ot perjury and criminal liability for will(ully making a false atatement that this application is to the best o� my knowledge nnd belief t►ue,correct,and complete. Signature o�owner,partner,or principal otficer ,,Title Oate Phone No. /, // � ��� ��C%•�i//�� � :�:, , ;�' , � "" - .�' -- � - � 7� �-' �.(- �.��� �-'/� 'C �S Msil this sppT�tio�to: Minnesota Oepsrtment of Revenue P.O.Boa 64446 St.Paul.MN 55164 o U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:1987-175-053 ___.________�______For.clear copy on bo.th part;,please.type orprint with ball point_pen and press tirmly.__ ___ Form $$-4 Application for Employer ldentification Number (Rev.November 1985) (For use by employers and others.Please read OnnB No.15a5•0003 the separate instructions before completing this form.) Department of the Treasury F�cpires 8•31�88 Internal Revenue Service For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice,see separate instructions. 1 Name(True name.See mstruct�ons.) 2 Soc�al secunty no.,if sole propnetor 3 End�ng month ot account�ng year 4 Tratle name of business it different from item 1 5 Genenl p�riner's n�me,d p�rtetrship;pnncipal oifutr s n�me,if corporat�on,or `qMOr's name,i1 irust Eastsid So c r lu 6 Address of pr�n��pal place t us��ess(Number and s reet) 7 Ma�l�ng address,it d�fferent Z � N N 4R Sr' . 240 Kennard St. 8 C�ty,state,and ZI�g de 9 C�ty,state,and ZIP code • ►�'" �,� . S�'f� � - St. Paul, MN 55106 30 Type of organ�zat�on � nd�v�dual � Trust � Partnership � Plan admin�strator 11 County ot pnnnpai busmess locat�on Other ❑ Governmentai Non roi�to� amzat�on ❑ Cor rat�on ❑ s ec�t Ramse 12 Reason lor aDDiy�ng 13 Acqws�tion or starting Cate(MO.,tlay,year). Sta�tea new Purchased Other See mstructions. 3 29 $8 busmess ❑ o�n bus�ness ❑ (s uf ) 14 Nature o1 pnnupal act�v�ty(See mstruct�ons.) 15 f�rst date wages or annu�t�es were pa�tl or wdl be pa�d(MO.,day,year). charit , outh lea ue 16 Peak number of empioyees Nonagncultural Agncultural Mousehold 17 Does the apphcant operate more than exDected m the next 12 months one pla[e of busmess? (tl no�e.enter��0") Q ► ❑ Ye: ❑ No 18 Most of tne products or serwces are wid to whom? 19 N nature ot Dusmess�s manutactur�ng,state Busmess General Other pnnaDal proCuct anC raw matenal use0. ❑ estaDi�shments(wholesale) ❑ pubhc(retail) ❑ (speufy) � N/A 20 Has the apphcant ever apphetl for an identdiWt�on number for this o�any other Dusmess? p r�: � No 11"Yes."enter name snd trade name.Also enter aDD�ox date.city.and state wnere tne aDO��cat�on w I�IeO antl prev�ous num0er d kr�ovrrn ► U�Oe�De�an�es of per�wy I Or .e tn I��veltJmml638�/� on, t e DeSt mykn iMeC a�a ea,es.���s u�e,correc�,sno corr,o�e�e.� Te�e hOne number mctuoe area coCe) S�gnature and T�tle ► � ( � ����`s��'�'��Date ► � D ( .��, 3"��'�� Plesse lesve Geo. InO. Class Sue Reas.for appl. plank ► . Part 1 . ���'i9a3 ' - EASTSIDE SOCCER CLUB, INC. BYLAWS ARTICLE I. - Offices The registered office of this corporation shall be at such place in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota as the officers may from time to time determine. ARTICLE II. - Objectives The objective of this corporation shall be to teach, promote and stimulate youth soccer. ARTICLE III. - Membership Section 1. Voting members shall be a parent or guardian of each player, coaches and officers. Section 2. Non-Voting members shall be past voting members. ARTICLES IV. - Membership Meetings Section 1. Meetings of the membership shall be held at least annually in the City of St. Paul at a place to be determined by the corporate officers. Section 2. Written notice of inembership meetings shall be given to all members at their last known address. Said notice shall state the purpose of said meeting and shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to said meeting. Section 3. 1"he presence at any membership meeting of five (5°k) percent of the voting members of rhis corporation shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. _ Section 4. Each voting member present at any membership meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote at said meeting. ARTICLE V. - Directors Section 1. The membership shall, at a meeting to be held annually during the month of November, elect a Board of Directors which shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and/or such other officers and/or directors as might be required from time to time. 4 � Section 2. The Board of Directors shall meet at least bi-monthly. Each director present et said meetings shall have one (1) vote. Except that in case of a tie vote, the club director may cast an additional deciding vote. The presence of at least four (4) directors shall constitute a quorum. Section 3. The directors of this corporation shall hold their offices for one (1) year or until their successors are chosen and qualified in their stead. Any director may be removed by an affirmative vote of the majority of tbe directors with or without cause. Section 4. 'The Board may appo�n� such other agents that they deem necessary. Such agents to exercise such powess and p�Tform such duties as shall be determined from time to time by the Board. Section 5. No director of this corporation s�all receive any compensation for his/her performance of ducies as a director of this corporation. s Section 6. If any directorship becomes vacant, a majority of the remaining directors may appoint a successor to hold said directorship for the unexpired term of • said directorship. • ARTICLE VI. - Powers of Directors 1"he directors of this corporation shall have all the powers conferred upon them by the statutes of the State of Minnesota and shall have the power to do all lawful . acts necessary and expedient to the conduct of the business and to accomplish the purpose of this corporation. ARTICLE VII. - General Provisions Section 1. All members shall be permitted to inspect the books of this corporation at reasonable times. Section 2. All checks, notes, and other legal documents shall be signed by the President, Secretary and Treasurer, except that the Board may appoint by written resolution one or more of its members to act in the absence of each. Section 3. The fiscal year of this corporation shall begin on the first day of January each year. Section 4. The directors shall present a clear and complete statement of the business and financial condition of this corporation at each annual meeting. Section 5. These bylaws may be amended or altered by a vote of the majority of the membership present at any membership meeting provided that written notice of such proposed amendment shall have been given to the membership at least cen (10) days prior to such meeting. Section 6. Annual dues for membership in this corporation shall be such amount as set from time to time by the Board of Directors. ����9a3 , EASTSIDE SOCCER CLUB uOAR.n 0�' DII`��:C�O^S Jim Baker (h) 7?1-4216 Directnr 2150 Wilson Ave. St. Paul, P�n. 55119 Neill Carter (h) 699-1829 Presic�enr • 1349 Fairmount (o) 291-0805 3t. Paul, Mn. 55105 Doug Fischer (h) 776-8941 �ecretary 240 Kennard St. (o) 224-7854 St. Paul, Mn. 551.06 ' - Ed Krueger (h) 426-4891 D�rector 2655 E . County Rd. F (0) 733-0298 White Bear Lake, Mn. 55110 t•fike MacCrae (h) 738-94�15 Direct�r 2128 E. 3rd St. St. Paul, I�. 55119 Dale Meyers (h) 776-0353 Director Tracey I�ieyers Director 921 Sherwood � St. Paul, Mn. 55106 , John Szulim (h) 776-7266 Di.rector 1671 Manton St. St. Paul, Mn, 55106 Chris Walker � (h) �29-216Q Vice-Presic'er_t 4007 Birch Knoll Dr. (o) 735-3676 �Jhite Bear La�:e, Mn. 55110 ::ubert Wegele (h) 776-1746 TYeas,�.rer :185 Upper Afton Rd. (o) 7a0-6787 St. Paul, Mn, 55106 ! � � • I. .I.■■.I.■■..■■..■■�■� ��� : ������������� : , ��� ����������������������������� ��er �i������r���� � ����������������i����� � ��� ■��G����►����►���■►������ : v � i����i�������������w������� � I���C� • ,��'�a��. , � ?1��■ ��, � � �� �����������f i�r����Nv �� ►. . , �'!!��l� , - , � I���■ �����I���I����II� I � ■���I■ t, i�'�it:�,'�'���I���■� , . , �� ����I����I�������il����l������ I����I��������I����I��������(i�� � I� li���l��������I��e�� ■ ■�������I�����n��� � ■�� ' - i � � ����I���t.� � �� � ■����������i��������I������ � ■S� - , , OIG � ����I� - . ■ ■���I��������l���l���l���� ■����"�� - � �I� , ■ ■ �ON�f��l����l�v�� ��I� , A�����I� - „ , ; ���� � � - ■ � ■���I� ���I����I�� ■�vl���i������l�v�l��� � I��������I�����������I� ■���f�������i����l���l■ � ,����I���■I����I���� ■I�H�v �����I����i���ll���I���� ,_�������I����l�v�i�v�l� . ����� . East Side Soccer Club, Inc. Balance Sheet Balance as of 3-31-88 Cash - Checking Account E2,338.20 Accounts Receivables 3,153.00 Receivable from City 1,000.00 Pre-Paid - Fixed Assets , - Accum. Depreciation - Net Fixed Assets - � Other Assets - TOTAL ASSETS s6,491.20 m=x=sa=oeo= Liabilities & Fund Balance Current Liabilities 6,491.20 Fund Balance - Total Liabilities & Fund Balance 56,491.20 aamaacascxa c6:soc clubl . . �� r ' �� _ �� ' � � l�'LiU � � September 1, 1987 T0: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN RE: LIABILITY IKSURANCE • Please be advised that effective September 1, 1987, the State listed below has purchased a participants, spectators and public liability policy in the amount of $1,000,000. The attached copy of a certificate of insurance lists the Company name, policy number, and the effective and termination dates, along with the coverages. Each affiliated league or club and their member teams, whose name appears below, is covered by this policy. Any questions you may have regarding the eligibility of a team may be obtained from their State office or by writing to Bene-Marc at the address listed below. STATE MINNESOTA YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION LEAGUE, CLUB, TEAM Eastside Soccer Club EFFEGTIVE DATE September 1, 1987 i��' MARKETI ' AGENT ' � BENE-MARC � 1125 WEST PETERSMITH FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76104 817/332-8743 METRO 429-6060 � I e �-� 'ISSUE DATE(�!►.!.DD/YY) �,L�r�J� j�.��J�►����J��� ��s �1�.� � _�..�a_� �=�'-i9a3 _ �PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORIAATION ONLY AND CONFERS FOF S2rV1CC' Contact' NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.TH13 CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, -- ' EXTENO OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY TME POLICIES BELOW. Wally Kemp - Bene-Marc Insurance � CO«iPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE 1125 West Petersmith Fort Worth, Texas 76104 COMPANY (817) 332-8743 LETTEA A COMPANY B INSURED LETTER Minnesota Youth Soccer Assoc. ETTER Y C 320 Maple Ln Ct COMPANV p , Roseville, MN 55113 �ER COMPANY E LETTER • .. ._♦� .l..��: h ' .Y'.'> .�!' .;r •.r• M r'l-. �' THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEDTO THE INSURED NAIAED ABOVE FOR THE POIICY PEqtOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY RE�UIREAIENT,TEP.lA OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTMER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WMICH THIS CERTIFICATE 61AY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFOROED BY THE POLICIES GESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,El(CLUSIONS,AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. �� TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCY NUMBER ����� aT���� ��8���IMITM IN TH�G EGATE C RRENCE GENERAL UABILITY ��� A X COMPREHENSNE FORM GLS139279 C��1�87 9�1�8$ WURY $ a X PREMISES/OPERATIONS oROPEAtv UNDERGROUND M►.u►GE $ $ EXPlOS10N 8 COLLAPSE NAIARD X PRODUCTSICOMPLETED OPERATIONS X coHra�u� c MB Ec a 1,OOO $1,OOO X INDEPENDEM CONTRACTORS X BROAO fOFiM PROPERTY OAMAGE X PERSONAL iNJURY PERSONAL iWURY $1�OOO � AUTOIfODILE UABtUTY � MIY AUTO I�P[ASdA $ ALL OWNEO AlJTOS(PRN.PASS.) � ALL 0'WNED AUTOS 1 PRN PATMSS�.� �ER�E1rt1 S ►uaE�AUtos - �nTr NON-0YVNEO Al1TOS _ • D�OE $ • cuu►GE we�ufv ' e�a pc co�eir+eo $ ExcESS uae�uTr �sa�u waM �e ED S $ OTHER THIW UMBRELUI FORM STAMORY WORKERS'COMPENSATION $ (EACH ACCIDENn AND � ElAPIOYERS'LIABILITY . $ (D�SEASE•POl1CY UMIn $ �OISEl�SE-EACH EMPLOYEEI OTliER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS �nnesota YSA includes affiliated teams and leagues as per schedule� on file with the Company. � .7 � • � '��Y-;�. -;�- �.�:.i• �+. • �.�. L�� .<C•';^ :��, a= i�Q.'- �:a'. .�,. '� Minnesota Youth Soccer Assoc. SNOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBEO POUCIES BE CANCEILEG BEFORE TNE EX- PIRATION DATE TMEREOF. TNE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO 320 Maple Lfl Ct MAIL ' 1Q DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO TME CERTIFICATE MOLDER NAMEO TO THE Rosevi lle MN 55113 LEFf.BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL iMPOSE NO OBUGATION OR UA8lLtTY � OF ANY KINO UPON TME COMPANY S GENTS REPRE NTATIVES. AUTNORIZED REPRESENTATIVE • • t q� a. -�:y N .r �.s:fa_ a :• ,: • •• � • • • ► � � � / i = � � i ' ` � _ I I , I ( I I I I I I i i i r ( �� � � � i ■I �I � �I � •� • , i I • • I I • � � � I� + � � 1 r / • s • N I . • ; ' � ' • •, I ' . - � I % . �� - .. ,�l' � � �� � � : ��r �, ����� ��� . �� . � ��I��I� �, I��■I_� _, , . ■ • I� I ' , I � . I � � ��I���� N I�� �im����i��� � I �I��� .�..��.�, �� � ������� . �,� r �_ � • � I�IIi�l��l�i I��a�l�m ■ I���I���I�e����l�� ■ �i _ - - I���������il���l�� �� - -- , � ., E�����I�� . I ��I�� = �I . � .I . �. •. •��I��I� I �I��� � : . •L�l. • , � ���I��I��■I� I�� • � • '��R���I���I� � � � - ��� -� I���I�� - . . I . .� • � I� ��.�� I • I � r �I - - r - - I�!-.. ■I�Ifl�l�l� ' , I� . IBe . � �I • � ' �� .I��.I� � _ I�� � • I � � -■I ♦ ' -�['[�lL�Y�,iii ' �►_]�■I� ; I� i � I� E �■ � � � i{i97J�■I�� �� � /' �, .� / I� ���I�1��1 : I� � I�N . �I �i� . �� . I� _ � I� .. • �� � • c �r - , I. I� I�IR"�' I� . � BI� � �1�1 1��1��1� I� 1� � � . � � , • ��I��I� � I� . �I I �I ��I��I� I� � I��1�1�111�1��1�� ■ � I�111�1� ■I . ll �► I � .., ■ �I I � ���I� I �I � � ■_- - -- ■ • . - � I� i����� " r ■ I �� - � � ■I � I ��I�� 1�1 • � � � / � � , / / i _ I I � _I I i I I _���. I I � I � � . � Il=1. �) �I I �I I ( ■F I ■ _I • � • I[� I � I . I . ; ■ I I I`/ I I I I • _ � • - � I ��I I i � ��I I I��� I I��I��I��I �I �I � �I - . I . - �,.. ■I� . . I -. I �. I ■ I �I I ■I� I� I��i I ■I��I� I�� � I��I��1■I��(��I�I��i�� BI . : I � - ��i��l� . , _I� � . : ���� I I���I Ill�f���in�a��i■■�v�� ■ �I I���I /l1�1���1��1�1 I� ■ � � a � ° '_ .I��.I��■I I��. ���� ■I��.I��I .I�. � _ s _ ,' � :!� ����; ( . �� � �� �� ���) �� ��� � � � �� . � ' : ������� ..' �� : �� • : ���� �� ���������� � �� ��� �) �������� _ ������� i I���I�1��!� I� • . � -. : �I (��■I�fll�f.a � �I I��I�IIN■I��■I�1�1���1 �II I�1 I�111�1���1 �I �O _ - ����� It�'.�_. . �I[�.�' . . l�'��[�i ■ � � l���I�1�1�1���i��f��l�� �Q � .���■��.T. �c..��b � _ d��I.. 1 .. c1����� ` �� ��1,1�� 111��� �� � (��� �� • .! ���1����� ��������� ' �� ������������ �������� �� (��������������� � �� �� �������� ��) ��� � � � ��������� ��� ���� � � �I f��I�W�I��I ��i �I� ■ �I I���I�111�1��1 01�1 �■I��1� � I �I ��I��I�1��1�� � I �I ��I I I � I I O I I I � ��I I i�_��I��I����IOII� f�►�„ 1 �z 3 Application for Recognition of Exemption OMB No.1545-0056 , Ezpires 3•31•89 (Rev.March 1986) Under Sectlon 501(c)(3j of the lnternal RevBnue Code To be filed in the key district , DepartmeM of the Treasury for the area in which the trrtemal Revenue Senice For Paperwork Reductlon Act Notice,see page 1 of the Instructions. organization has its principa� office or place of b�siness. This application,when properly completed,constitutes the notice required under section 508(a)of the Internal Revenue Code so that an applicant may be treated as described in section 501(c)(3)of the Code,and the notice required under section 508(b)for an organization claiming not to be a private foundation within the meaning of section 509(a). (Read the instructions tor each part carefully before makln�sny entrles.) If required information, a conformed copy of the organizing and operational documents, or financial data are not furnished,the application will not be considered on its merits and the organization will be notified accordingly.Do not file this application if the applicant has no organizing instrument(see Part II). Identificatlon 1 Full name of organitation 2 Employer identification number 7 (Ii none,see instructions) �ST �'i��'.. �C'C C E n �t-�l. �� , Z�u �. y-� - � 1 1�� 3a Addr s(number a�street) Check here if applying under section: ��C L�T `��� , 2 � � 501(e 501(f) 501(k) 3b City or wn,state,and ZIP code 4 Name and telephone number of person to be contacted �� � >f '1. l �!v�!Q SCi 1. S S�� % �G�t ' tisCli��[ (�l'?1 77�– ��/ 5 Month the annual accounting period ends 6 Date incorporated or formed 7 Activity codes ��'C t?�vt �C'� 3 -2-� – 3L1 3 tl 3-�. 8 Has the organization filed Federal income tax returns or exempt organization information returns? . . . . .❑ Yes � No If"Yes,"state the form number(s),years filed,and Internal Revenue office where filed: Type of Entity and 0 ganizational Document(see instructions) Check the applicable entity box below and attach a conformed copy of the organization's organizing document and bylaws as indicated for each entity. � Corporation—Articles of incorporation and bylaws. ❑ Trust—Trust indenture. ❑ Other—Constitution or articles of association and b laws. Activltles and Operational Information 1 What are or will be the organization's sources of financial suppo�t? List in order of size. . - jZEr,i s;J?,�� i Grv ��c� s ��5�- �c;2 �L �y�'2 � P1 , �. ��`v T� 0:�, �/? c�%vt �'t �� o.,;�-r����c �n�4N� a� � ��Ul,�j -- ��1N �\l 0=� � � ' � �'�ti C i lrt�i2 S . . 2 Describe the organization's fund-raising program, both actual and planned, and explain to what extent it has been put into effect. (Include details of fund-raising activities such as selective mailings, formation of fund-raising committees, use of professional fund roisers,etc.)Attach representative copies of solicitations for fi�ancial support. ON l.y �u.,�v p s �!2�c {�c.t�� ��l(�zc�c�� '�n�=K (Z.��. i s��Ji�' �L.Are2 `Fe e s � ���<<>> �U�2 �� �.G�� C.��.ti'� �� �4� � ('� ,v:v� �r C�r y o{ �i. � �.�- �;e� fl te�.,i� r����;c�;��,� �o�� ��� � e� (��,�F �'�•��, ,— l s Co�v 5��e,2Q� An;9 !�-K,i , � - , _ H�%.� t 2 c'� � {�,tl s �i._�c � 1 dedsm under the penaR�es of peryury that I sm suthor¢ed to s�n this apphwtan on behalf ot the above organization and I have ezamined this application,including the accompanyinQ statements,and to the best of my knowledge k is true,correct,and compkte. � ` .................. �L�k'74'� � .. ......... 1 l � / `� -«t��, �-- - .... n.�f�s_4....�............... ��.:��-��-- (Tit1e w authority of sgner) (Date) Form 1023(Rev.3•86) p��2 � �, � Activlties and Operatlonal Information(Continued) 3 Give a detalled narrative description of the organization's past, present,and proposed future actiyities,and the purposes for which it � was formed.The narrative should identify the specific benefits,services,or products the organization has provided or will provide.If the organization is not fully operational,explain what stage of development its activities have reached,what further steps remain for it to become fully operational,and when such further steps will take place.(Do not stste the purposes and sctivlties of the or�anlzatlon In `enenl terms or r�peat the Ianguage of the or�anlzational documents.) If the organization is a school, hospital, or medical research organization,include enough information in your description to clearly show that the organization meets the definition of that particular activity that is contained in the instructions for Part VI-A. T'�E� ��c.�:�o s e �� 4�:�. ��-� (.3 i S i� �n o ivc o re S�.�c c�2 i�v �;� ��� i'kerzo A:2e�} �� S�, ?�.ti � �i, �� A�� S oE yo�zH � t��,� ��s � �� Q��3� �t.� �:9-��- S i t7� S�c C C iZ �c_-�.t 13 f�•V � 0 �•2 ���-�-� Q�2�''� �� �� C��7 !-lH�''� (-'�e��v Q.� � t-1� ,re �k� � � .S�,�CC 2 2 ��2� �t N �'z��� �n� /t t,�.�%y y�.�}��� A� � � � , , . ( �Q �.,l,T i} ���4� -}-�M�. �. {�t� �Z.�i S i D 2. 4`� �T � ��'vt,l, �G 1/�G ��� � Q ��% � �Q f�!� '��l�/ i i y �L' (�1.,/�r S t?CC c'��L l '�' I-�tx. ���i� �1�2 -� CL�� �f 0�.�2 Y���LTN a,�,tc�c �c�� ��c� � � c�� �'�+,-��/��:v, a Y 4 The membershi of the or anization's overnin bod is: s Names,addresses,and titles of office�s,directors,trustees,etc. b Annual compensation �Q ��!/'-C'�"S�i<v�/ �Q C� C�i T/�C bi e y� � �'�i G �D!Z ,�.�/ ' — . � y !�i/lrci v.2 �.�:�� D �� A�,'1e c i�2s — � �c. ti�oc.c�.vrE�r �����3 , . � ►��. lOIITH 11TSLETIC �� BpORTB � ORl1I1T/L071N �PPLICATION Date: A_2�_�g Check One: Loan Grant XX Organization Name: DunninQ Boosters Description of Organization (include brief history) : The Dunnint� Boos- +-� r'� .+1� �t�,-t�� ; ,, 1QRfl innrr�cr tn haln thP �nnth nf thP : T_c�n��}�n_Naml i nc rnmmttni t� an(j tA R17�nnTY r}1P TPC7'PR l nfl a D tIl : ning Park Nonprofit Status 501(C) (3) Yes XX No Does the organization currently operate, charitable gambling in the State of Minnesota? Yes No XX Project Description (include purpose) The startinQ_ of this cub base- ha11 am w� 11 g; ve the 3rd and 4th graders the ovportunitv to plav in an organized baseball leaQue which has not been offered .by Jimmy Lee or Dunning for some time . They will get the opportunity to play and honefully learn the fundamentals of the game of baseball . Project Coordinator Name Wavmond Dean AddresB 1222 Marshall Ave. Phone 644-3207 644-3247 aY even nq Amount of Project $_2417 . 70 Amount Requested $ 979. 50 I,iet and describe how qrant or loan funds will be used. Eetimate cost of each item. Attach additfonal sheete if neceaeary. Item � Cost 15 chirtc � =1'•1Tlfi� anr� stirrii=� 'i5 5(1kD __ 532 . 5Q 15 ranc �n(a1 49 . 50 ('.at�hPrG ,� �yi,��nr 1 set 111 . 50 --�-�s.t t i n�h Q lmits 1 fi. ��� i �R _ n n _ 1 bat rack 10. 00 4 dozen baseballs 37 . 00 @ doz . 148 . 00' � Total cost � re�uest � 979 . 50 t If this application is a request tor a loan, how do you plan to repay �� it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . If this application is a request for a qrant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . Li bertv State Bank has aQreed to b �y �1 068. 20 wo h n P�;ui �,mPn�_ for our DunninQ Summer Program. , Pl�as• attacb tD• loilorinq fnfor�ation to your appliaation: 1. Verification of nonprofit status and copy of orqanizational by- laws 2. Lfst of Officers or DirectorB 3. Letter verifying orqanization�s approval of the proposal 4. Previous year'a budget and linancial statement 5. Current balance aheet and income statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budqet (expenses and income) for the activity � 7. Evidence that insurance if needed can be obtained by the orqanization , 8. Area served and number of participante. Please send completed applfcation to: Youth Athletic And Sporte Fund St. Paul Division o! Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 .fundapp � Addnss�nr nply to: federal Buliding.and U. S. Court House, 3l6 North Robert Street, St. Paul, Mlm�esota �51U1 - � ��X��;���r��U����U►�s �4 {�G�� 4PC��,Bd��� . . ����� ������-���Pf���� ����PC�6�OP Internal Revenue Ssrv�e�de�y D�tr In nPly nl��fo:e�2 5w�r'� Ju�y 18, 1974 ����t71r841 �Si88 � The I.sxingtob-Hamline Co�munitY '' Council, Iac. 1%z45 �I'Y'ou Avenue St. Paul, Minneeot,a 55104 Accounting Period �:ndingi Dacember 31 � Purpose: Charitable - r:ducational Gentlemen: ' Based on information supplied, and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption. we have determined you are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We have further determined you are not a private foundation within the mean- ing of section 9 ) of the Code, because you are an organization described in aection _ • You are not liable for social security (FICA) taxes unless you file a waiver of exemption certificate as provided in the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. You are not liable for the taxes imposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) . Since you are not a private foundation, you are not sub�ect to the excise taxes utider Chapter 42 of the Code. However, you are not automatically exempt from other Federal excise taxes. Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes under sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code. If your purposes, character, or method of operation is changed, you must let us know so we can conside�r the effect of the change on your exempt status. Also, you must inform us of all changes in your name or address. - If your gross receipts each year are normally more than $5.000, you are re- quired to file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period. The law imposes a penalty of $10 a day, up to a maximum of $5,000, for failure to file a return on time. You are not required to file Federal income tax returns unless you are sub- �ect to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If you are subject to this tax, you must file an income tax return on Form 990-T. In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activi- ties are unrelated trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code. You need an employer identification number even if you have no employees. If an employer identification number was not entered on your application, a number will be assigned to you and you will be advised of it. Please use that number on all returns you file and in all correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service. Please keep this determination letter in your permanent records. Sincerely yours, �-�� - l.�.�� C. D. Sxis See attached Gaveat. District Director Form L-178 (Rev.7-71) � -- . ; i . . ; � _�_ . a The Lexin�;ton—Humline Conm�unil,y Counc:il, lric. bince yoit did not filA tlic i�'or•u� lU�:s, within 1> month:� from the _ end of the ruonth in aliicl� yo�i werf� ��r�nnizc�d, oi• liufox•� l:�rch 22, � ly'13, whiehev�;r cor„es la�tex•, �•h:Lc: 1.�:1.t�x• l:: ei'fc�c:tivc� July 3, 1�>7/,, tho dnto your r'orm 1U�3 ►�r�u r� coiv��l :Iri our c,f'fa.co. � You are, therefore, requi����cl 1.� f il�� r`c�d�i•.�1 incame t!.►x z'otuz•i�, , ` Form 112U, for thc� period pz�i.or to �h�.� eff.'c:�ctive dutc, of t•l�i:: lettQr. � . I . i , � � - � � � � i I � . � l i � i � c ► f � � � : ��-��-� BYL�AWS - � OF THE LEXINGTON-HAMI.INE COMMUNITI' COUNCIL, II�C. ARTICLE I - - - PURPOSE The purposes of this corporation shall be charitable and educational. so as to unite, in common cause, residents of, and organizations serving, the area described hereafter, in a continuing effort to promote harmonious environmental conditions and favorable community relationships therein and to undertake such charitable and Aducatior_al actions and services as may by its membership be determined to be desirable to serve these purposes. Within these purposes it is intended that this corporation shall attempt to educate the community as toti�e nece.ssity for m�intaining commur.ity pride in matters of common interest for the survival of a desirable livabl� n?ighborhood, By way of examples of carrying out these pur�oses the corporAtion shall initiate and participate in such actions, as may be detFrmined to bP desirable, to enable residents to maintain good housing, live ir. a h?althful environment, � provide recreation facilities and protect the r..-,ight+orhood from crime. The area above referred to, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, is that lying within the lir_es described as follows: Summft A•�enue on the south; Lexington Parkway on the �ast; University Avenue on the north; and on the west, beginning on University Avenue, an irregular line running south on Hamlir.e Avenue to Marchall Avenue, wes*_ or. Marshall Avenue. to the Chicago, Mi1_waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway ComFany right of way, thfn southeast along said right of way to Summit Avenue. ARTICLE II POWERS . In furt};erar_ce of the expre�sed gurposes of this corporation it shall have t7.1 the power.s cozfprred by t}:e s*�.tutes of tt.e St�te of Minnesota now �xisLi^� vr. t±�reaft.er en3cted. ARTICLE III MEMBERS Any residPnt, sixt�en (15j years of agP or o�der, of the arr�a defined in Article I of these Bylaws who re.gist�rs with the corpor�te Secretary and pays th� prescribed du�s shall be a member of the corporation. ARTICLE IV DIRECTORS The Board of Dir�ctors s?-.alZ be composPd of the four corporate officPrs , the ChairmQn of a11 star.ding committees, � '� � members of the corpors�tior elected as directors, ar.d the immediPte p�.st Preside�t of the corporation. ,�� The Board of Directors sh�ll manage the busir�ess of the corporation. The � + President and Secretary of the corporation shall be the Chairman and Secretary respectively of the Board of Directors. Except for the Nominating Committee, provided for in Article XII of these Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall have the powe.r to create such standing or special committees as it deems necessary and to appoint the Chairmen of �aid committees. It shall have the power to dis�olve committees. The Board of Directors shall review all committee functions previous to the annual meeting of the corporation and make recommendations for the following year. The Board may not take any action which will bind or commit its successor Bozrds without first having the approval of the m�mbership of the corporation. No individual may speak for. the corporation unlPSS authorized by the Board of Directors or the membership of the corporatior.. ARTICLE V OFFICERS The officers of the corporation shall be a President, Vice President, Secret�ry and Treasurer. They shall be elected by the members as prescribed in these Bylaws. ARTICLE VI . DUTIES OF OFFICERS The President shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation and of the Board of Director.s, Subject to the Board of Directors he shall have all Ruthority usually incide.nt to th�e office of President. He shall preside at all m�etirgs of the corporation and of the Board of Directors. ThF Vic� Fy�sider_t shall, i^; case of absen�e. or disability of the President, ptirform tre duties of the Pre�idezt. He shall a.lso have such powers and duties as may be gra:�ted and appoint�d to him by the Board of Directors. The SPcretary shall kEep ar_d report mir_utes of all meetir_gs of the r.mrpor�tion arsd the Bc�ard cf Directors and shall bp responsiblP fcr aIl co�rF- s�o:!d�nce, H�= shall register nll membership applicaXions and zecei�e and trazsmit to the Treasurer all dues and other funds received by him. In the absence of the President and Vice President he shall perform all duties of the President, The Treasurer shall re.cei•:e all monies paid to the corporation and shxll dFposit the same to the credit of the corporation in such bank as tre Board of Directors shall designat�a H� shall pay all obligations of ft�e corporatio� �fter such have been agp�oved by the Presid ent azd tl:e Secretary. He shall submit statements of accoun�s at annual meetings of the corporation a:�d the Board of Dizectors. He sh311 exhibit the books and accounts to any memb�r of the Board of Directors on req�±est. In general he shall perform all duties �i��'-��'�3 _ � usually incident to the office of Treasurer and in the absence of the President, Vice President and Secretary shall perform the duties of the President. ARTICLE VII COMMITTEES Except for the Nominating Committee, provided for in Article XII, the Board of Directors shall have the power to create such standing or special committees as it deems necessary. It shall appoint the chairmen of said com- mittees. The chairmen of all committees shall be registered members of the corporation. The membership of each committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members of the corporAtion but membership on committees !?Ped not be limited to corporation members. ARTICLE VIII MEETINGS Regular Meetings : Regular meetings shall be held at 1East bi-monthly through- out the year, on the 2nd Thursday of the months designated for meetings and at a time and place announced by the President. Notice of time, place and agenda for regular meetings shall be mailed to the m�mbers at least one week, but no more thaa two weeks, in advance of the meeting. Questions not iacluded on the agenda s�all not be voted on at a regular meeting if there is objection from a majority of inembers present. Annual Meeting: The annual meeting shall be a regular meeting held during the month of February at which time elections shall be held. Sp�ci�.l Meeting�s,: Special me�tings may be called by the President or by tl-ir�e (3) members of the Board of Directors, but notice of time, place and agenda of the meeting sh211 be mailEd at least o*�e week, but no more than t�o (2) wPeks, in advance, of the meeting giving fu11 information about the purpose of the meetir_g ar.d the questior_s to be decided. Special meetings m�y be cal3.ed by petition of ten (10) members if this request is made ir_ writing to the Secretary of the corporation at least two wEeks in advar_ce of the meeting date. ARTICLE IX QUORUM � A quorum at any meeting of tt-e members of the corporation shall consist of twenty-five (25) registered members or 20% of the registered members, whichever is less. A quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be a majority of that Board. � - ARTICLE X VOTING The right to vote shall be restricted to members of the corporation who had been registered as members by the Secretary at a previous meeting. Voting by proxy and comulative voting, for both meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Directors, shall not be permitted. The presiding officer, for both meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Directors , shall have the right to vote only in case of a tie vote. ARTICLE XI DUES Dues for membership in this corporation shall be $1.00 per member for each year or part thereof and sh�.11 be payable at the April general meeti�g. ARTICLE XII ELECTIONS Elections of officers and elective members of the Board of Directors shall be conducted at the annual meeting of the corporation. Only registFred members of the corporation shall be entitled to vote in such el�ctions. Onlq registered members of the corporation shall be entitled to be elected as officers of the: corporation or members of the Board of Directors. A Nom�r3ting CammittF.e of fit�� members shall be r:lect.ed by the membership st a m�.eti^_g !�eld at least threE (3) mcnths before the annual meeting. If a quorum is not pY'P.3P.�1C ar this mee*_i^g, th� committee shall be appoirtEd b� thF Bc�r� of Dire.ctors. It shall be th.e duty of this committe.e to select candidatEs for officers and members of the Board of Directors and, wi*_h their appro�•al, tc place t.heir names in r_omin_a.tion at th� meerir.g preceding the annual me�eting. The cc�mmittee sha11 sElECt one candidate fer each office open for election at that annual meeting. Notice of the namPS of tt?e Neminating Committee's nominees shall be giver_ to all member, in writi*!g, at least one week in advance of the annual meeti�g. Nomin�.tior.s for all officers and elective members of the Board of Directo�s ma.y be made by any registered member of the corporation at the annual meeting grcvided the r.ominee has consented. Each nomir.ee must indicate his consent to his r.omination; conse^t may be i?�dicated in writing to the nominatirg committee or corporate Secreta:y priox to the annual meeting. , �-�-1� In that case where there is only one nominee for any office, the Secretary may be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for such nominee. All elections shall be by written ballot. A majority vote of inembers present and voting at the annual meeting shall constitute election. ARTICLE XIII TERM OF OFFICE The term of office for all officers shall be one (1) year. The term of office for the three elective members of the Board of Directors shall be three years except that, for the first election, the term shall be as follows : one member shall be elected for one year one member �►all be elected for two years one member shall be elected for three years All officers and elective directors shall assume the duties of their offices at the close of the annual meeting at which they have been elected and shall serve until their successors have been elected. No person shall serve as President or Vice President for more than two consecutive terms in the same office. ARTICLE XIV AUDIT An annual sudit shall be made of the corporation books in January. An audit committee consisting of three (3) members of the corporation shall be appointed by the Board of Directors to conduct this sudit. No members of the Board of Directors shall serve on the audit committee. ARTICLE XV AMENDMENTS The Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the corporation when such amendment is approved by two- thirds of those members present and voting, provided notice of the time and place of the meeting at which such amendment is to be voted upon is mailed to each member at least one week, but no more than two weeks, in advance of said meeting and, provided said notice sets forth the proposed amendment fully in writing. , ARTICLE XVI RESIGNATIONS AND REMOVAL Any officer or board member may resign by filing a written notice with the Secretary. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President for any reason, the Vice President automatically becomes President for the balance of the term of office. In the event of a vacancy in any office or directorship, except the President, the vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors for a term expiring at the next annual meeting. Any three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from Board meetings on the part of officers or directors shall constitute grouads for sutomatic removal from that office, • An officer or a member of the Board of Directors shall be subject to removal for cause at any time by a two-thirds vote of those members present at a regular or special meeting providing notice of the intention to seek adoption of a removal motion has been mailed to each member at least one week, but no more than two weeks, in advance of that meeting at which the motion is to be introduced. ARTICLE XVII PROPERTY No purchase., conveyance or encumbrance of real property, or any interest in real property, shall be made or assumed without the approval of both a majority of the B�oard of Directors and the members of the corporation voting at meetings considering such matters. Monies owned by the corporation shall be �3�posited to the credit of the corporation in such bank as the Board of Directors shall designate. The Board of Directors shall determine what persons shs.11 be authorized to sign checks drawn on this account, or accounts, provided it shall be required that all checks shsll bear the signatures of two (2) such authorized persons. ARTICLE XVIII PARLIAMENTARY PRGCEDURE Parliamentary procedure shall be goverr_ed by Robert's Rules of Order unless modified by these Bylaws as such Bylaws exist or may be amended. ARTICLE XIX ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Any resid ents of the geographic area bounded by Lexington on the east to St. Clair on the south, to Snelling on the west to Interstate 94 on the north, to Hamline on the northeast to Summit on the north may become an associate � �0 0 —``.Zs-3 , , � member of the corporation with full rights of inembership, except they may not hold office and they may not vote at regular meetings. Dues for an Associate membership shall consistof the signing of a statement expressing a desire to participate in and support the goa�s of the corporation. ARTICLE XX RESTRICTIONS ON POLITICAL ACTIVITIES No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section - 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.) ARTICLE XXI DISSOLUTION Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Int�rnal Revenue Law)", as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the District Court of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such pusposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. r LEXINGTON - HAMLINE COMMUNITY COUNCIL ' ` 1385 Selby Avenue • St. Paul, MN 55104 • Phone: 645-3207 September 27 , 1988 Youth Athletic and Sports Fund St . Paul Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St . Paul , MN 55102 Dear Board Members , As president of the Dunning Boosters , I 'm writing to you as requested in your application to show that the Dunning Boos- ters have given their approval for this proposal . Youth and youth activities are the reasons for the Boosters ' existence . By forming this cub baseball team it will allow younger youth to participate in our Summer Youth Recreation Programs . If you should have any questions or need more information , feel free to call me at 298-5754 . Sincerely , ��� K Darrell Kennedy President Dunning Boosters � i MemDer Oryanli�tlon Jof M�Cooperstlnq FunA prNe. ��`���� , LEXINGTON - HAMLINE COMMUNITY COUNCIL 1385 Selby Avenue • St. Paul, MN 55104 • Phone: 645•3207 BOOSTERS OFFICERS President : Darrell Kennedy Vice President : Waymond Dean Treasurer : Rick Rangel Secretary : Sue Norris AREAS SERVED Summit-University Lexington-Hamline Snelling-Hamline 15 youth participate � i MemEer Orpantrnbn Ja en.coov.�.�niy w�w o.�w. LEXINGTON - HAMLINE COMMUNITY COUNCIL � � 1385 Selby Avenue • St. Paul, MN 55104 • Phone: 645-3207 DUNNING BOOSTERS 1987 BUDGET RECEIPT FOR YEAR $ 205 . 33 in bank as of 12-31-86 220. 00 donation 351 . 50 fundraising � 645 . 00 team fees � 13 . 06 interest for year 3000 . 00 special fundraising with Neighborhood Connection $ 4434 . 89 Total DISBURSEMENTS $ 230. 00 recreation equipment 186 . 14 maintenance equipment 280 . 00 baseball entry fees 200 . 90 field trips and activities 193 . 00 softball tournament expenses (tournament was cancelled and $148 . 00 will be recovered from License and Insurance. 3000. 00 special fund for youths ' trip to Japan $ 4090 . 04 Total disbursements $ 344. 85 carried over to 1-1-88 � i Memee,o,Q,nu,ue� � ; of Me Cooperatlnq WM pWe. U ���L�� • • LEXINCTON - HAMLINE COMMUNITY COUNCIL 1385 Selby Avenue • St. Paul, MN 55104 • Phone: 645-3207 BUDGET FOR DUNNING BASEBALL PROGRAM EQUIPMENT NEEDED 15 baseball uniforms $ 532 . 50 4 dozen baseballs 148 . 00 15 baseball caps 49 . 50 1 set catchers equipment 111 . 50 8 batting helmits 128 . 00 1 bar rack ' 10.00 Total $ 979 . 50 EQUIPMENT SECURED 12 dozen A1010 baseballs $ 612 . 00 4 dozen baseball caps 158 . 40 1 catchers glove 98 . 00 1 lst baseman glove 98 .00 l � bat rack 10. 00 6 replacement jerseys 91 . 80 Donation by Liberty State Bank $ 1068. 20 Entry fees $ 370 . 00 Total $ 1438 . 20 � Equipment needed $ 979 . 50 Equipment secured 1438 . 20 Total budget $ 2417 . 70 ' � � wme«o.y„�u,�w� .; or en.coov.�,rc�ny wrw aive. V 7�u279 4643 = WBF:�� LIBERTY STATEMENT OATE _ g�NK STATE gANK 03/31/88 PA�E 1 • — MEMBER F.D.I.C. �� �s�#�#��� ARE y IR A r�1CCLIttNTS�ST:�1.1.'�AX�SMART�"� *�e��� 4z r x, ��' x ��,��° _ :���,�f �; , ,��-�...�, UND�R j V �"�IEii��X'� �AX�� A�'��►1��I�tG�'��,�, ��y . , ,; . .. �. �. x , a3' � � �n. �„� � � ,� ,REMAIN�A .f �t! �. A li' i_.� AN�;, �� p. r, �.r. r„�...r���^� ��,`�'�'afOU 'NI�. '„S_ ,� �``�._ � . �� *�� �� 176 SNEIUNCa AVE.NO. '`" '�' ° - - ' BOX 64075 .�'° ����� ��. - �`�� �� '�. ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55184-0075 • TELEPHONE(612)646-8881 ' „° BOOKKEEPING 646•7721 NOTICE: UU N N I N� '�OU S T C R C L U B SEE REVERSE SIDE 138 5 SC L E3Y A V Es�UE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ST PAUI NN SSiO4 STATEMENT .,. .. ...... .... ..... ... .......DAILY �AVI�GS . ... .... . ............. ... ..... SAV I Nr�� FEDE�AL �AX i D YOUR PREV I�US SlILANCE -ON --12f3�-- - — 344.85 ACCOUt'JT ��U�1i3�R YOUR NEN BA�ANCE 27T.60 79-027-9 23-7346733 1988 I'VTER�ST EARNED 3.75 -------- DFPOSITS E 4tITHORAWALS -------- DAT� AMOUNT BAIANCE 1�ITHD�tA«tAL �1/25 — 71.00 273.�35 INTEREST PAIO G3/31 + 3.T5 277.60 � , , ' • � . _ _ _ _ _ , . , � � -- _. _ . - -- - — -- -- -- ---- - �---- . , _. . .. - - - - _... A i.� 1. !� 7. CJ l.l l.l W lJ lJ W W l�) tJ N fJ N N 1-) t 1 I) I! fJ 1) • • .• �-• _ . .• u) (p J O1 �I p ll. �! - . P (1 I1 -. fl 1:� (�) �l f11 tn P (.) ^7 " n � � � t'1 �;i 4 l� !�) -' U �-, :.1 I (T L'1 (+ lJ IJ � U ___ .. 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L IBE Rt1f• . .: . , l.. •j .r�� � ��:.,SAVIrIGS� ��,ROCR M,: ►s � i..-•.;:: � � 178 SNELUNG AVE. NO. ,�� � � �'� ' ' � ' '=i��{� 'v, �'..]� �.*��''.� .. .; �.• , , i i Box 64075 ., . �,�� � � " 5�A"�<<, r• ''�.�P�.��� iad:�.�;��;' � ST. PAUI.MINNESOTA 661e�-0p76 �Y��� � •�ALLj�� RL S. � TELEPHONE 16121848-8881 ,�, � . BOOKKEEPING 818-7721 � NOTICE: �UlJ�JI�J' ����T`h CLU�3 SEE REVERSE SIDE 1 �9 S S 1=L 6 Y A Y E�!')[ FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ST P4UL '1N 551J4 � STATEMENT � � ��� ��SAVit�;����F�DERAL�tAX�io����rp�RSp��ytCUS �3nLaNCE ON o6/3U 25;,.� � •���� •�� �•�•�•����•• �.� s�• •. i ACC�tINT NUMR�R YOUR N�N BA�ANCE c � �9-017-9 23- T34b733 199T S"lTERESO TCR�JED AMOUr�T 4 �•` � - DEPUSITS 6 WITHORAhiA(.S - I'r•t � OE�JS i T --"�-- �7�01 � HA�ANCE (�EPUS i T 60.00 31 9.44 , i�ITH!�RAwA� �T��� � 57•00 369•�4 aEPU$ IT . �7�0� - 3J.00 33�.�4 � WITH�RA'�►AL �'/13 � 115.�0 454.44 HITHp�tA:�AI 07/24 - 30•00 424.44 �E�'t1SIT U7/3� - 20�OC� 435•44 OE Pt); [T �3/03 • . NITHORA��A� ����� � 80•00 515•44 WITNp�An'AL ���10 - 19.OQ 49t.44 INTE�riT PaID �q�Z`� - 45.34 , 452.10 09/3J + 5.93 459.03 � , � , �� , YOIITH 71THLLTIC � BPORTB lDND . Q�T��L071N I�PPLZCl►TION Date: /j1/d►�[,�. 3/. /4�1 Check One: Loan Grant i� orqanization Name: L4 /� r �r Description of Organization (include brief history) : � Set Ceutn• Lt�� D.�•.�r�� 11'f9 Z'r.c�w���eA�� �q�Z. Nonprofit Status 501(C) (3) Yes xo � C��O � � Does the organization currently operate charitable qambling in the State of Minnesota? Yes No �_ Project Description (include purpose) /�'1�'��.� � �Itw�s �e�- t.,�ce�.�cs rs �► �ec�t� �e t�wr�rrt� ��s� L� l/ � S��L�!/ o•�er��r..ic r . - Proj ect Coordinator Name ,�+st�7F S !�'T��"SO�l Address /�/� ��k t'��t,t�/ s'd'/O Q Phone2s/•O`9 y �r��S�QQ day even ng Amount of Project $ /��d l�imount Requested $ �D List and describe how qrant or loan fundB will be ueed. Estimate cost of each item. Attach additfonal sheete if necessary. Iter� � Cost �t�+f�t '�IS_ f�i�t _ Gt/r t saa� ' � � � �.u� � � o ����Q�� playground ar�as. We estimate we will haue 1�0-15G registratians in our summer ball programs. Thankyou in ad�ance for yaur far your fawarable car�sideration of tr�i�. application . Sincerely , ,� �'� ' � , , , � � �`� :f��✓ ,. .�. � i%.�, Stuart S. Peterson Special Funding C:ammitt�e Chair Langford Park Baoster Club 1.�11 Keston St . St . Paul , Mn . 55108 Phane: 221-0684 (w) 644-�100 (h) . � � ����9� If this application fs a request for a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . If this application fs a request for a qrant, how do you plan to match � it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . _ pewt�e� dct� I�����e.. ���'. - Pi�aa• attach tb• lolioriaq inlorsation to your appiiaation: 1. Verification of nonprofft status and copy of orqanizational by- laws 2. Liet of Officers or Directore 3. Letter verifyinq orqanization•s approval of the proposal 4. Previous year's budqet and tinancial statement 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, ff applicable 6. Proposed budget (expensss and income) !or ths activity � 7. Evid�rc� that insuranc� if aaRded can be obtained by the orqanization 8. Pirea served and number o! participants. . Please send completed application to: Youth Athletfc And Sporte Fund St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreatfon 300 City Hall l,nnex 25 W. 4th 8treet St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 .fundapp -- _ -: � / -q. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF LANGFORD BOOSTER CLUB ' We, the undersigned, for the purpose of forming a cor- poration under and pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 317 as amended, do hereby associate ourselves as a corporate body and adopt the following Articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE I . The name of the corporation is Langford Booster Club. ARTICLE II . The nature of the business, the objects to be carried on and the purposes for which this corporation is formed are to organize, promote, and sponsor recreational, athletic, social and civic activities for the benefit, enjoyment, and advancement of �� its members and to engage in any lawful activity within the pur- pose for which corporations may be organized, including, but not being limited to, the following activities: . (1) To initiate, promote, and maintain recreational, athletic, social and civic activities, programs, facilities and equipment beneficial to the moral and physical interests of the area of the City of St. Paul known as St. Anthony Park and all persons who participate in, support, or are otherwise interested in the activities and programs conducted at Langford Park. ( 2) To further communication and cooperation between the community of St. Anthony Park, the City of � St. Paul, area public and private schools, and the St. Anthony Park Association with regard to recreational and athletic activities. . ��i9� Mar cr� 31 , 15�� Youth Athletic and Sports Fund ��t . Faul Di+�ision of Parks ar�d Recreaxian 300 City Hall Annex �5 4�1. Four th Street St . Paul , Minnesota 55102 Enclaaed i�• aur completed apF�licatian and exhiGita for fur�din9 an Gehalf af the Lanqford Park Booster Glub. Our application is for �500 as par t i al f ur�di ng f ar our summer baseball , sof tb.all ar�d T-bal l/ kickball programs. In the next few weeks we will need to order and purchase Equipment , uniforms and Fay lea�ue fees. It is aur understanding that our organization and spring/summer pro9ramming arE eligible for qrant funding under the "Youth Athletics and Sparts Fund" . BAGKGROUNQ ON BOOSTER CLUB Thre Langford Park E�aaster Clut, was arqanized in the summer af 197g and formally incorporated in 1982 as a nonprofit community ser�ice carparatian under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 317 as amtrSentfed. Gapi�s of the organization's Articles ar�d By Laws are enclosed. Our application fc�r exemption from �tate �ale� Tax is presently beir�g processed by the State of Minnesata. The Glub`s objectiWes are to promote athletic and recreation pragrams, proUide equipment and facilities, and to encourage sportsmanship , safety and participation far the youth in the north and sauth St . Anthony Park community . We estimate we register o�er 2500 yauth in our • athletic pragrams, in�tructianal classel, and special e�ents and parties (exclusiue of our annual Fourth of July Celebration) on an annual basis. I h�elieUe there a number of indi�iduals within the Parks and Recreation Qiuisian who are familiar with our organization and who would pro�ide faUarable references on the mann�r in which the Club handles its affairs. f�00STEa C:LUB FUNDING Our principal saurces of funding include parent pdid reqstratian fees, cammunity donations and Club sponsared "concession stand" type fundraisers. The aWerwhElming majority af our budget is used to suppart athletic and recreation programs for youth 16 and under . We neither participate in charitable 9amblin9, nar receiue any contributions from arganizations that da . Financial and budget information is enclosed. Gur annual carryoUer fund fram year to year is appraximately 1/4th af our annual .bud9et . Of particular concern ta the Booster Club's budget are recent cut-backs in two primary sources af funding. First , the St . Anthony Park Assaciation has histarically contributed its �1800 "Athletic and Recreation" bud9et ta supplement the Booster Club's own budget . Because of its own financial priorities, the Assciatian has reduced this t�udqet item by two thirds to �600 effecti�e last fall . Sec�ndly , Wery recer�tly the Minr�esata State Fair chanqed its off s�a=.or, concession stand requirements and will require the Booster Club ta share 20i of Qrass proceed=. fram aur annual "Antique Toy Shaw" faod concession stand. Uur net praceeds af just under �1 ,000 fram tr�E 1��? ShOW would ha�e been reduced to �640 if they had imposed their " tax" an �ur orq�nizatiapn last yEar . TF�u�, the statu� of our prapased 1588 in�olWement is questionable. We are in great need of financial support fram new sources, and hapefully you car� giWe fa�orable con�ideration to this request . E:�CHIE�ITS In additian xo tF-�e cample�ted applicatian form we ha�e enclased or submit the following: 1 . �i� ticle�, 6y Law�, and A�plication far exemption from state =.a1Es tax . 2. Names and acidressses af curren t of f i ce�rs and di rectars of tr�E Lan9ford Park Booster Club. 3. Thi � lEtter certifies tr�at the Board of Directars of the Langfard Park Booster Club adopted a resolution appro�ing this applicat;on far fun�iing from the Yauth Athletic and 8ports Fund at its regular meeting on March 16, 198$. 4. 15�6-87 and 19�?-8£s budgets, 5985-86 and 1986-8? annual finaneial statement of the Langford Park Boaster Club. Our Fiscal year now runs from Octaber 1 to September 30 . S. 1987-88 budget and current monthly interim financial statement for the periad ended March 2�, 1988. 6. Exaenses Leaque Fees (5 - 6 teams) g ��p Caps and Shirts 1 ,200 Gatcl-�ers Equipment , Balls, Bats �qa 1 , �OG Reauired Receipts (Parent Fees and Grant) � 1 .800 Nearball , T-Ball , Kickball participants- 60 Softball participants- �4-3p Basebal participants- 48-55 132-145 Our request is for 1/2 of the budgeted amount , or �900 , � lea�ing the balance xo be raised throuqh parent paid fees. 7. N.A. 8. The area ser�ed by th� Langfard Rark �oaster Club includes the community af north and south St . Anthony Park . Dependin9 on programming affered, we haWe alsa ser��d ( in coordination with other rec centers) the Desnoyer , Northwest Como and Newell . � � � ����9� ( 3) To provide leadership and guidance in the appre- ciation and use of the playgrounds in St. Anthony Park and the facilities thereon. ( 4) To assess its members, on an equitable basis, and as needed, the cost of its operations . ( 5) To carry on any other business in connection with the foregoing and to engage in any of said activities on its own account and to enjoy all the rights, privileges, and powers necessary, incidental, or convenient to the attainment of its purposes above stated. ARTICLE III . This corporation does not afford pecuniary gain, inci- dentally or otherwise, to its members . Members shall not be per- sonally liable for corporate obligations . ARTICLE IV. The duration of this corporation shall be perpetual . ARTICLE V. All persons residing in that area of St. Paul known and commonly referred to as St. Anthony Park as well as those persons who engage in the athletic and recreational programs promulgated in St. Anthony Park or by the City of St. Paul shall be eligible for membership. ARTICLE VI . This corporation shall have no capital stock. ARTICLE VII . The corporation's registered office shall be located at 2322 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55108. -2- ARTICLE VIII . The names and residence of each of the incorporators are: Ginner Ruddy 2322 Buford Avenue . St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Thomas Ruddy 2322 Buford Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Judy Flinn 2268 Rnapp Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 ARTICLE IX. The first Directors of the corporation shall be three in number and their names and addresses are as follows: Ginner Ruddy 2322 Buford Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Thomas Ruddy 2322 Buford Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Judy Flinn 2268 Knapp Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 The management of the corporation shall be vested in the Board of Directors who shall also be members of the corporation. All Directors shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified, provided that any vacancy may be filled by the remaining members of the Board of Directors . There shall be not less than three nor more than seven Directors, the exact num�er to be provided in the By-Laws. The Board of Directors is hereby authorized and empowered to make and alter the By-Laws for the government of the corporation, subject to the power of the mem- bers to change or repeal such By-Laws; provided, however, that � the Board of Directors shall not make or alter any By-Laws fixing their number, qualification, classification, or term of office. -3- . � � � � ���i9� • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this 24th day of March, 1982. ' Ginner Ruddy Thomas Ruddy Judy Flinn -4- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Ginner Ruddy, Thomas Ruddy, and' Judy Flinn this 24th day of March, 1982. Notary Public -5- . . ��-�9� . ��- � ACTION IN WRITING IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF . LANGFORD PARR BOOSTER CLOB WHEREAS, the undersigned are all of the Directors of Langford Park Booster Club, a Minnesota non-profit corporation; �� and WHEREAS, the undersigned desire to take certain actions on behalf of the corporation by means of this Action in Writing and in lieu of any special meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation called for the specific purpose of amending the By-Laws of the corporation; and • WHEREAS, the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article V, Section 2, wish to amend the By-Laws of the corporation as hereinafter set forth by virtue of a two-thirds (2/3 ) vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at a meeting held on February 26 , 1986 . IT WAS PROPOSED AND RESOLVED that the By-Laws of Langford Booster Club be amended as follows: That Article I, Section 3 be amended to read as follows: Section 3 . Annual Membership Meeting. There shall be an annual meeting in the third week of October of each year for the election of inembers of the Board of Directors and officers and for receiving the annual reports of officers, directors, committees and the transaction of such other business as mav properly come before the membership. The time, date, and place of such meeting shall be set by the Board of Directors and notice of the meetings signed by the Secretary shall be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, at the last recorded address of each member at least five (5) days and not more than thirty (30 ) days before the time set for said meeting. � All such notices of ineetings shall set forth the place, date, time and purpose of the meeting. That Article II, Section 3, of the By-Laws be amended to read as follows: Section 3. Meetings of the Board. Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Langford , Park Recreation Center, Langford & Rnapp Streets, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108; except that the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors to be held in October shall be at the exclu- sive option of the President. There shall be no notice given or required of each such monthly meeting of the Board of Directors. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or by any six members of the Board of Directors and the time, date, and place of any such special meeting shall be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, at the last recorded address of each Board of Directors member at least three days before any such meeting. All such notices of special meetings shall set forth the place, date, time and purpose of the meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon a two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting on February 26 , 1986, the , -2- . . (��-!9� By-Laws of the Langford Park Booster Club shall be amended in the form and content � as set forth above. _� -3- -�'rs Ke��'S��P — . . �P�,�/ /°f� /:C . AMENDED BY-LAWS OF LANGFORD BOOSTER CLUB � ARTICLE I. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Qualification for Membership and Classes. Any person in the Langford Community (hereinafter defined) may become a member by submitting a completed Membership Application and paying the dues as may be from time to time prescribed. The Langford Community is defined as the area of the City of St. Paul known as St. Anthony Park and all persons who participate in, support, or are otherwise interested in the acti- vities and programs conducted at Langford Park. The corporation shall have no limitation on the number of inembers which, at any one time, may be admitted to membership in the corporation. There shall be delineated two classes of inembership; firstly, a family membership and, secondly, an individual membership. Section 2. Annual Dues. The Board of Directors may determine from time to time the amount of annual dues, if any, payable to the corporation by its. members. Except as may be otherwise determined by the Board of Directors or set forth herein, dues shall be payable in advance for a 12-month period or for such other period or on such other terms as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine. � . . ���/9�3 . Section 3 . Annual Membership Meeting. There shall be an annual meeting in the third week of October of each year for the election of inembers of the Board of Directors and officers and for receiving the annual reports of � officers, directors, committees and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the membership. The time, date, and place of such meeting shall be set by the Board of Directors and notice of the meetings signed by the Secretary shall be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, at the last recorded address of each member at least five (5) days and not more than thirty (30) days before the time set for said meeting. All such notices of ineetings shall set forth the place, date, time and purpose of the meeting. SeGtion 4. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by any three (3) members of the Board of Directors, the President, or any fifteen (15) mem- bers upon application to the President. Upon said written request, the President shall call a special meeting to consider a specific subject and notice for any special meeting is to be given in the same manner as for the annual meeting. Section 5. Conduct of Annual and Special Meetings. . The order of business at any membership meeting shall be at the discretion of the President. When a meeting of the mem- bership is adjourned to another time and place, notice of adjournment need not be given other than by announcement at that � meeting. -2- Section 6. Quorum and Voting Rights. The members of the corporation present at any annual or spe- cial meeting shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of con- ducting business and voting at such meeting. A majority vote of � the quorum present at any such meeting shall suffice to conduct any such business and carry any such vote including but not being limited to an amendment of the By-Laws, amendment of the Articles of Incorporation, etc. The most current membership roster shall determine whether a person may cast a vote or votes. If inembers shall withdraw during the course of a meeting so that less than • the original quorum remains, the members still present may con- tinue to transact business until adjournment. There shall be no cumulative voting nor shall there be any vote by proxy. Furthermore, voting of inembers may be maintained by those members holding a family membership or individual mem- bership. Each class of inembership shall be entitled to one vote. Section 7. Availability of Corporate Records to Membershi . A written copy of the Minutes of any membership meeting, Board of Directors meeting, or committee meeting will be made available to any member requesting said Minutes within a reason- able period of time after the corporation' s receipt of said request. The members shall furthermore have the right to inspect the financial books and records of the corporation. Section 8. Suspension, Expulsion, and Termination. A member may be suspended for a period or expelled for cause such as for violation of any of the By-Laws or rules of the cor- poration or for conduct prejudicial to ,the best interests of the -3- . . . �'�-��°� corporation. Suspension or expulsion shall be by two-thirds (2/3 ) vote of the membership of the Board of Directors, provided that a statement of charges shall be mailed by registered or cer- tified mail to the member under charge at his last recorded .\ address at least ten (10 ) days before final action is taken l thereon. This statement shall be accompanied by notice of the time and place where the Board of Directors is to take action. The member shall be given an opportunity to present a defense at the time and place mentioned in such notice. When any member shall be in default in the payment of dues for a period of sixty (60 ) days from the time for which dues become payable, that membership shall thereupon be terminated without further action. ARTICLE II. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Number. The property, affairs, activities, and concerns of the cor- poration shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of ten (10 ) directors, which directors shall be natural persons of full age and who shall be members of the corporation. The Board of Directors shall consist of, among others, the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the corporation, and six (6) additional persons elected in the manner prescribed in this Article. Additionally, and in the event that the Athletic and Recreation Chairperson of the St. Anthony Park Association is not a member of the Board of Directors as provided for above, -4- such person shall be an ex officio member of the Board of Directors and •shall have all rights, powers, and duties (including voting rights) of the other ten (10) Directors. The first Board of Directors of the corporation is as follows: �1 President Malcolm D. MacGregor 1 � Treasurer Stuart S. Peterson Vice President Tom Ruddy Secretary Ann-Liv Bacon Athletic and Recreation Bill Paist Chairperson Jesse Zepeda Ann Rersey Rent Eklund Penny Chally Nick Mayers Don Williams Section 2. Election of Directors and Term. There shall be elected to the Board of Directors of the cor- poration at each annual meeting five (5) persons as members of the Board of Directors, which members of the Board of Directors shall each serve a two (2) year term. No elected Director shall serve more than two (2) consecutive full two (2) year terms. The terms of Directors Ann-Liv Bacon, Don Williams, Penny Chally, Tom Ruddy and Nick Mayer shall expire in September, 1983 and the terms of Directors Malcolm D. MacGregor, Stuart S. Peterson, Jesse Zepeda, Ann Rersey and Rent Eklund shall expire in 1984. -5- � � � � �-�,,9� Section 3 . Meetings of the Board. Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Langford Park Recreation Center, Langford & Rnapp Streets, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108; except that the regular monthly meeting of the 1�} Board of Directors to be held in October shall be at the exclu- sive option of the President. There shall be no notice given or required of each such monthly meeting of the Board of Directors. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or by any six members of the Board of Directors and the time, date, and place of any such special meeting shall be mailed by first class mail , postage prepaid, at the last recorded address of each Board of Directors member at least three days before any such meeting. All such notices of special meetings shall set forth the place, date, time and purpose of the meeting. Section 4. Order of Business. Business shall be conducted at all Board meetings in the following manner: A. Call to Order - Roll Call . B. Read and review Minutes of previous Board meeting. C. Report of Treasurer. D. Committee Reports. E. Old Business. F. New Business. G. Adjournment. Section 5. Quorum. Six (6) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and a majority of those present at any Board meeting shall carry a decision. At any -6- meeting at which a quorum is present and sufficient Directors withdraw to leave less than a quorum, the remaining Board members may continue to conduct business. No member of the Board of Directors may vote by proxy. � �� Section 6. Authority and Executive Committee. The Board of Directors shall have authority to manage the business of the corporation and to do all lawful things to achieve the purposes of the corporation. The Board may, but is not required, to select an Executive Committee consisting of the President and two Directors, which Executive Committee shall manage the business of the �orporation in the interval between Board of Directors meetings. Any such Executive Committee shall at all times be subject to the control and direction of the Board of Directors. Section 7. Vacancies, Absence, and Removal of Directors. Whenever any vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, it shall be filled without undue delay by a majority vote by ballot of the remaining members of the Board at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors. The persons so elected shall hold office for the balance of the term of the Director that said person is replacing. Should any member of the Board of Directors absent himself unreasonably from three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board without sending a communication to the President or Secretary stating his reason for so doing, and if his excuse should not be -7- � ���'�Q.�3 accepted by the members of the Board, his seat on the Board may be declared vacant, and the Board of Directors may forthwith proceed to fill the vacancy by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board. � Additionally, any one or more of the Directors may be removed either with or without cause at any time, by a vote of six (6 ) members of the Board of Directors at any special meeting called for that purpose. Section 8. Action in Writing. Any action the Board of Directors may take at a meeting may also be taken by an action in writing signed by all of the mem- bers of the Board of Directors. Section 9. Authorization of Expenditures. The authorization of expenditures will be approved by the Board of Directors ' approval of the annual budget. Those items which either have not been planned budget items or which exceed the budgeted amount will require the Board of Directors ' approval if the amount of such expenditure shall exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00 ) . Section 10. Compensation. The Board of Directors shall receive no salary or compen= sation for their duties but they may be reimbursed for their expenses. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS Section l. Offices and Term. The officers of this corporation shall be a President, Vice -8- President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Malcolm D. MacGregor was elected President and Stuart S. Peterson was elected Treasurer at the annual meeting in September, 1982. Hereinafter, the President and Treasurer shall each be elected for a two year term �> commencing in even numbered years. Ann-Liv Bacon shall act as Secretary until September, 1983 and Tom Ruddy shall act as Vice President until September, 1983. Hereinafter the Vice President and Secretary shall each be elected for two year terms commencing in the odd numbered years. Section 2. Qualifications and Restrictions. • Persons eligible to be elected as officers of the corporation must be members in good standing. No person shall be eligible to serve two consecutive terms in the same office. Section 3. Election of Officers. The election of officers shall take place at the September annual meeting of the corporate membership. A majority of a quorum present at the annual membership meeting shall be necessary to constitute a valid election. Section 4. Duties of Officers. The duties and powers of the officers of the corporation shall be as follows: A. President. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee, if any, and shall be a member ex offi- cio, with right to vote, of all committees, except the nominating -9- � ��'�4�.3 committee. At the annual ineeting of the corporation and at such other times as he or she deems proper, he or she shall com- municate to the corporation or to the Board of Directors such matters and make such suggestions as may in his or her opinion � tend to promote the prosperity and welfare and increase the use- fulness of the corporation and shall perform such other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the President. Generally, he or she should also exercise supervision over the interests and welfare of the corporation by providing leadership and direction thereto and he or she should determine policies � consistent with these By-Laws to establish goals to be reached during the term of his or her office. The President is also authorized to sign bank checks of the corporation. There shall be a requirement of a bond for the President relative to his abi- lity to sign bank checks, that amount being determined by the Board of Directors. B. Vice President. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President in all ways and manner possible and in the case of the death or absence of the President, or of his or her inability from any cause to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of his or her office. The Vice President shall further- more carry out special assignments as determined by the President and he or she should monitor yearly budget performance. -10- C. Secretary It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the corporation, and to take the Minutes thereat; to inform the membership of the annual meeting; to have custody of all "� books and papers not specifically entrusted to the Treasurer. � D. Treasurer It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to submit a financial statement of the corporation's financial standing at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall prepare or have prepared and submitted a true and correct financial statement at the annual membership meeting. The Treasurer shall furthermore keep an account of all monies received and expended for the use of the corporation. He or she shall collect fees and annual dues and he shall deposit all funds from whatsoever source received in a bank or banks or trust company approved by the Board of Directors and shall make a report as the annual meeting or when called upon by the President. The funds and books in his or her hands shall at � all times be under the supervision of the Board of Directors and subject to its inspection and control. At the expiration of his or her term of office, he or she shall deliver over to his or her successor all books, monies, and other property, or in the absence of a Treasurer-elect, to the President. In a case of the absence or disability of the Treasurer, the President may appoint a Treasurer pro tem. There shall be a requirement of a bond for the Treasurer relative to his ability to sign bank checks, that amount being determined by the Board of Directors. -11- . � ����9� Section 5. Vacancies. All vacancies in any office shall be filled by the Board of Directors without undue delay at a regular meeting, or at a meeting specially called for that purpose. � Section 6. Compensation. ; The officers shall receive no salary or compensation for their duties but they may be reimbursed for their expenses. ARTICLE IV. COMMITTEES Section 1. Executive Committee. The Board of Directors, at their option, may elect an Executive Committee of the corporation for purposes of acting on behalf of the corporation in any matter when the Board of Directors is not in session. The Executive Committee of the cor- poration shall consist of the President and two other members of the Board of Directors. Two i2) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and meetings may be called by any member of the Executive Committee. Section 2. Nominating Committee. _ During the month of July in each year, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) members, not more than two (2) of which shall be members of the Board of Directors, whose duty it shall be to nominate candidates for Directors to be elected at the next annual election. They shall -1�2- notify the Secretary, at least ten i10 ) days before the date of the annual meeting, of the names of such candidates, and the Secretary, except as herein otherwise provided shall mail a copy thereof to the last recorded address of each member simulta- � neously with the notice of the meeting. This provision shall not preclude nominations for Directors officers being made from the floor at the annual meeting of inembership, which nominations can be made by one or more members with one or more seconds at said annual meeting. Section 3. Audit Committee. There shall be appointed by the President prior to the end of any fiscal year a Committee of three persons to audit the books and records of the Treasurer for the fiscal year just then ended. This audit is not intended to be certified or to be accomplished by accountants, but it ' s purpose is to have the Audit Committee members review bank statements, cancelled checks, and other docu- mentation prepared and signed by the Treasurer in order to con- firm the fiscal conduct of business by the corporation for the year just ended. Section 4. Other Committees. The President may appoint such other committees as he deems practicable for the conduct of such business as may be necessary for the corporation. The members of such committees shall hold office until the appointment of their successors or until they are removed by the Board of Directors. . Section 5. Committee Quorum. A majority of any committee of the corporation shall consti- tute a� quorum for the transaction of business. -13- . � - ���,�a3 ' ARTICLE V. • AMENDMENTS Section 1. By Membership. These By-Laws may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole � or in part by a majority vote of the quorum at any duly organized meeting of the corporation. Procedure to amend by members shall be: A. The Board of Directors may propose the amendment to the By-Laws by resolution setting forth the proposed amendment and directing that it be submitted for adoption at a meeting of the members; or B. Any fifteen t15) members may set forth a proposed amend- ment by petition by them subscribed, which petition shall be filed with the Secretary of the corporation. Notice of the meeting of the members, stating the purpose including the pro- posed amendment, shall be given to each member entitled to vote on the proposed amendment, and to each officer and director regardless of his voting rights. If notice required has been given, the proposed amendment may be adopted at any meeting of the members. Section 2. By the Board of Directors. � The Directors of this corporation may, by a two-thirds (2/3 ) vote of the members present at a meeting duly called for that purpose, amend the By-Laws of the corporation, but may not make or alter any By-Law fixing the number of the Board of Director�, their qualifications, classifications, or term of office. Notice of the meeting and the proposed amendment shall be qiven. -14- ARTICLE VI. � � DISTRIBUTION ON LIQUIDATION In the event of the liquidation or dissolution of the cor- poration, whether voluntary or involuntary, no member shall be � entitled to any distribution or division of its remaining property or its proceeds, and the balance of all money and other property received by the corporation from any source, after the payment of all just debts and obligations of the corporation, shall be used or distributed to other organizations having pur- poses similar to that of the corporation. ' ARTICLE VII. REIMBURSEMENT AND INDEMNIFICATION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Each Director and officer of the corporation may be. entitled to reimbursement for his reasonable expenses incurred in connec- tion with his attendance to the affairs of the corporation. Each director and officer shall �urther be entitled to be indemnified by the corporation against all legal and other expenses reason- ably incurred by him in connection with any claim asserted against him by reason of his having served as a director or officer of the corporation before, on or after the date of the adoption of the Articles of Incorporation, or by reason of any action alleged to have been taken or admitted by him as such director or officer. No such reimbursement or indemnity shall relate to any expense incurred in connection with any claim arising out of negligence or willful misconduct for which such director or officer shall be determined to be liable to the cor- poration, either by a court of competent jurisdiction or by the -15- . . ���'rfi�'� corporation acting on advice of counsel. The rights of any per- son under the provisions of this Article shall not exclude or prejudice any other right which he may lawfully have. ARTICLE VIII. � FISCAL YEAR � The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on the lst day of September and end on the 31st day of August in each year. ARTICLE IX. SEAL This corporation shall not have a corporate seal. � Adopted this day of April , 1986. -16- Form ST•16 - (Rev.S/81) � � � R V01013-02 �� �M�l� Minnesota Depa►tm�nt of Revenue APPLiCATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPT STATUS Please resd Me yeneral inlormation and insbuctionr on dN 6rck o/Mis/orm beloro prapsring the applicario��. 1. Name of organization Telephone L/��� �i4� �o�ST L�c,�3 � ' N f� 2. Mailing address C►�� ��' �� -7--�S, N County 1 IK T f�AtiL /�J� / ��h'1SE 3. Check type of organization. See instruction 3 on the back for additional information to be enclosed with this application. A. ❑ Church ❑ PTA, PTSA ❑ Hospital — Federal, state,county, city or�onprofit � Scout troop or 4-H club 6. ❑ Nonprofit private school,college,or university �outh organization IYMCA,YWCA,youth athletic club,etc.) ❑ Nonprofit day care center,nursery school,or preschool C. ❑ Senior ci2izens group D. ❑ Other (charities and all other applicants not includecl in 3A, B, or C). Also list below the usuat public activities of your organization. 4. List names ui principal oNicers: Oflice h�rlif: S�cvi4RT /�?c��v7�vS� _ �� • --- -— � � BE�� �• ����---�--- � .ToF� ��R1�E2 �S. ��t iE �v��ES S�c v 5. Are donations to your organization deductible for Minn�sota and Federal incame tax purposes? �Yes L� No 5. Doos your organization make retail sales of taxable items? (See instruction 6 on the back for details.) �� Yes �No !f rOU already have a sales tax permit,write your seventligit sales tax number here: 7. Dues yaur o�y�nization have any employees? L ' Yes �o If more than ten, check here ❑. D�. vu�� �rcv�cie qualified health insurance for your employees? �) Yes ❑ No , i rerfily fhal the;�buvr.:fafrnrrrrls.vr rnrn.r:t to thr. Ix�st n/nry Firnw/edge, th:N :►r.r.ump:►nyin,q dnc�n►rtv►h arr fru�r cnpir�c n/oiigiir,�/ ` d�w:uin�s►►s:uu/Ih.�� /.ar� :�ii►l�niii���l 10 x���n lhis a/�/�/ir.�li�a�. ; Signature 1 iUe Datr. /� z, d Mail tlus application and M�nnes���.i Ucpartment ui Revenue —Sales�nd Use Tax Divi�ion xupporUng documents to: Centennial Oftice Building -•St.Paul,Minnesota 55145 7o get help o►forms� Twin Cities,call 29Cr6181 Elsewhere in Minnesota,call toll-free t$00-652•9747 (ask for Sales'�ax) z . ���-��'�-� LANGFORD PARK BOOSTER CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1987-88 PRESIDENT: STEW�RT MCINTOSH, 1364 Keston St . 645-1858 VIGE PRESIGENT: LARRY HCILME3EkG, �287 Hillside A�E. 64?-G�7� TREASURER: JOEL GERBER, 2286 Doswell A�e. 645-4092 SEC:kETARY: GHr�RLES AVQLES, 1446 Hythe St . 647-91�c2 QIRECTORS: JAYNE GAGNELIUS, 1048 Man�el St . 646-2264 JANINE HOGKIN, 2127 C�udley St . �4�-S�3G ANNE KERSEY, 2292 Daswell A�e. 646-8574 JOHN MAC;NUSQN, 2219 Knapp St . � 645-2475 , LEOh! NEVE, 1289 Raymond A�e. 647-1440 QON RAZSKAZOFF, 2304 Doswell A�e. 644-943�E BETTY ROHR, 2327 Commanwealth A�e. 647-1104 y- �- LANGFORD PARK BOOSTER CLUB 1986-87 BUDGET St�RY PROJECTED 1986-87 1985-86 PARTICIPANTS BUDGET ACTUAL REGEIPTS REGISTRATIONS: FOOTBALL 6� � 1 ,�50 � 569 FALL SOCCER 110 990 1 ,677 G. GC�I�NTRY/TRAGK �� 1�; HOCKEY (REGIS. & CONT. ) 52 4,320 4,455 BASKETBALL 70 �Og 44p VOLLEYBALL 26 202 75 FLOQR HOCKEY 4Q �00 1?4 SPRING SOCCER (HGRA) 124 1 ,560 192 SLIMMER E�ALL TEAMS: NEAR, T, KICK —BALL 55 27� 300 SOFTBALL 26 468 113 EsASEBALL 61 �1 .0�1 _ 591 TOTAL REGISTRATIONS 625 10 ,879 8,644 OTHER RECEIPTS: MEMBERSHIPS (200 @ �5.aa� 1 ,000 684 WIIVTER SPORTS DAY 1 ,200 1 ,138 ST.A.P.A ATFi./REG. BUDGET 1 ,80Q 1 ,800 L.B.C. NEW FACILITIES FUND 5,000 — GENERAL GONTRIBUTIONS �00 — TOY SHOW RECEIPTS 2,700 2,681 INTEREST INCOME— GHECKING ��p �qy OTHER _ �1� TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS 12,250 6,764 GRAND TOTAL RECEIPTS � 23.129 � 15.407 - - �����9a� LANGFORD PARK BOOSTER CLUB 1986-87 BUDGET SL�'IARY- CONT I NUED 1986-87 1985-$6 BUDGET ACTUAL EXPENDITURES FOCITBALL � �,145 � 1 ,1'�4 FALL SOCGER 885 930 G. C:dUNTRYITRAGK 25 12 HOGKEY 6,515 5,748 BASKETBALL �pd ��� VOLLEYBALL 230 50 fLOGk HGCKEY 4� �1 SPRING SOCCER 1 ,56Q 200 ��UMMER f�ALL TEAM�: NEAK, T, KIC14- E�ALL 22p } SOFTBALL 410 } 2,138 BASEBALL 1 ,pg� } WINTER SPORTS QAY E7CPENSES 700 ?5g TQY SHOW GATERING EXPENSES 1 ,700 1 ,642 ACTIVITIES: HALLQWEEN PARTY 1pp } GHRISTMAS PARTY 50 } JUNIGk ROYALT'Y 150 } 4Q1 EASTER EGG HUNT 7� } VALLEY FAIR TRIF 100 } OTHER 100 } BaNaINGlAGMINISTRATION 100 - POSTAGE/PRINTING �00 122 TRQPHIES/AWARGS 200 75 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 5,000 81 GRAND QPEiVING GELEBkATIQN 500 - OTHER 437 2.817 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES � 23.129 � 16.674 y � �ANGFORD PARK BOOSTER CLUB 1987-88 BUDGET SIN�NMRY PROJECTED 1987-88 19@6-87 PARTICIPANTS BUDOET ACTUAL RECEIPTS REGISTRATI�VS: FOGT6r�LL 59 � 1 ,400 � 8�SG FFaLL SOCCER 110 1 ,000 910 G. C:CiUNTkY/TRAC:K 15 140 — HOCKEY (REGIS. & CONTRIB. ) 69 4,875 3,405 . BASKETBALL 88 ?iG 490 VOLLEYBALL 24 150 120 FLOOR HGGKEY 56 �g0 �1g SPRING SOCCER (HGRA) 1�0 — — SUMMEk �ALL TEAMS 1�5 1 ,59G 1 ,3�9 TOTAL REGI STRATI�IS 672 OTHER RECEIPTS: MEMBERSHIPS c�aa @ �5.40) s ,aaa 5�1 WINTER SPORTS DAY 1 ,800 1 ,543 �T.A.P.A ATH./REG. BUDC;ET 1 ,10G 1 ,800 GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 300 411 TOY SHOW REGEIPTS �,7pp gl��g 4TH JULY CAP IMPROVEMENTS FUND 2,200 820 PEEWEE HGCKEY TOURNAMENT 275 - CLOTHING SALES (LBC CAPS & SHIRTS) 2,040 - INTEREST INCdME- CHECKING 500 6�7 SAVINGS CERTIF. CASHED IN - 6,558 OTHEk - q�g ORAND TOTAL RECEIPTS � 23.080 � 22.016 (Continued) � �����3 LANGFORD PARK BOOSTER CLUB 1987-88 BUDGET SUMMARY- CONTINUED 1987-88 1986-87 BUDGET ACTUAL EXPENDITURES FQC�TE�ALL � 1 ,��5 2,743 FALL SQCGER 1 ,000 1 ,613 G. GOUNTkY/TRAGK 29S -0- HOCKEY 6,625 5,291 BASKETBALL 8�2 90� VOLLEYBHLL 155 113 FLOCR HC�GKEY 42 62 SUMMER BALL TEAMS 1 ,799 1 ,253 WINTER SF'GRTS GAY E�:PENSES 1 ,GOG 1 ,247 TOY SHOW CATERING EXPEIVSES 1 ,700 836 AGTIVITIES: HALLOWEEN RARTY 100 } CHRISTMAS PARTY 50 } JUNIOR ROYALT'Y 150 } 655 EASTER EGG HUNT 75 } VALLE'Y FAIR TRIP 1a0 } OTHER 100 } �ONUING/AUMINISTRATIOIVfPOSTAGE 300 363 TROPHIEStAWARDS 304 234 kEG GENTER EG�UIPMENT �,70Q 1 ,907 PEEWEE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT 175 -Q- CLOTHING SALES 1 ,?54 -G- OTHER/CONTINGENCY 904 210 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES � 22.080 � 17.391 � � Langford Park Booster CI u b 1 9�� -19 �� . Balance Sheets Pg. 1 0 R E C E I P T S for the period t 3��- ��g� c;� , Beginning Ba ance .�''��/. Estmnt Current Year to Over(Under) Add Receipts Budget Month Date Budget Hockey Registration ? F� S�— _ d0 — TO O � S Hockey Contributions 1 � � D — .S S' 90S ) Basketbali ?3 a — O Z U Volieyball � O — Z�— ! Z O � 3 d Floor �-iockey ��D — 2 S= �S' l S� Spring Soccer D � T-Ball, Kick-B, Near-B 3C0 — . Softbail �� _ Baseball �b — Footbail 1 � D� Fall Scccer /000 — � � /D � Cross Courtry � — Memberships � / 000 — .� S � gs General Contributions _ 3 0 0 — t�(� � G a � Winier Sports Event o0 — / � 3 � SAP Assn. Athietic&Rec. O D — _ Ol�— 6 0 D �UU Toy Show 700 — July 4th funds (Park Imprvmt) Z�no — .���'� S� / Hockey Tummt 2�5 — ��I �7 �D Z Clothing Sa1es � D`f v — 63� // tt' i� �L� interest on Checking SC� — � l ��— Z ' 3� 3 Misc �O ' �z Total Receipts 0 �-- /. O� � � 6 Balance(Receipts added)$ 6? . ---- - ���-�y��� Langford Park Booster Cl u b . 1 9�' -1 9 �� 8alance Sheets Pg. 2 of 2 DtSBURSEMENTS fior the period to � ��' . Estmnt Current Year to Over(Under) Less Disbursemenis Budget Month fi�{ Date Budget t�ockey C 625— �s � bo6 Z S63 �Basketbali �Z 2 - � OC� 2 2 Z Voileybail / SS - S o - �O / 0 � -F(oor Hockey 4 2 - �2 �pring Soccer o - �Summer Ball (aA teams) " -Footbali / 9 3S�- -Fall Soccer l D OD - �Cross Country � - 3 ?� -Trophies & Awards �G� - _�,r �S� �1�, -Admin. & Mailing 3�d "' �-' b S' �31� -=Non Athletic Activities ��S - �3 / _ -Winter Sports Event l 0 OD - 2S= � z U �� U Buiiding Improvement D -- -Toy Show r'00 - -Capital Expenditures (ali) 2�O O - 6�= �b.� C �4-3 S� � �tiockey Turnmt i S' - oi r � � . S q� --�lothing Saies _ l So - �S6 — �g�zS— `� S M ; sc �,.20 = . � - � i , �� �� ay � 6 Tota1 Disbursements ?�2_ D� 13 30-- �' $ 3 3 D. `— � Ending Booster Club Checking Balance $ S.2 g D . � Other Booster Club Funds $ . , Total Booster Club Funds � S�g � '� ���Q� ' OIITH ATHLETIC AND SPORTS UND � . GRAN�LOAN A,PPLICATION �� Date: Augus t 24, 1988 Check One: Loan Grant X Organization Name: Wilder Youth Club, Inc. Description of Organization (include brief history) : The organization was organized in the 1950's to provide financial and programming support and community input for �.'ilder Recreation Center. IRS 501 (C) (3) Nonprofit Status Yes No Applied xx Does the organization currently operate charitable gambling in the State of Minnesota? Yes No X Project Description (include purpose) � Fnnriing �f a� „���aaea baakPrba��, vroQram for� boys and girls, ages S—I2 in the Wilder area Project Coordinator Name Mary Forliti Address 876 Payne ave. , St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone 774-4887 aY evening Amount of Proj ect $ 2,000.00 Amount Requested $ 1,000.00 List and describe how �rant or loan funds will be used. Estimate cost of each item. Attach additional sheets if necessary. �tem st Basketball Uniforms $550.00 RackPthall Ra kc 5450.0� _ Total cost Q� request �1,000.00 If this application is a request for a loan, how do �ou plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . '' If'this application is a request for a grant, how do you plan to match it. Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . Wi h existin Youth Club Funds and limited artici ant fees. Please attach tbe tollowiaq iatormation to your application: 1. IRS verif 'ication of nonprofit status or copy of application for nonprofit status and copy of organizational by-laws 2 . List of Officers or Directors ` 3 . Letter verifying organization's approval of the proposal 4 . Previous year's budget and financial statement 5. Current balance sh�et and income statement, if applicable 6. Proposed budget (expenses and income) for the activity 7. Evidence that insurance if needed can be obtained by the organization 8. Area served and number of participants. Please send completed application to: Youth Athletic And Sports Fund St. Paul Division of Parks and Rec�reation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 -- .fundapp ��'1 c�°z'3 1� � QG'(.��L ��%�'� "' Incorporated 958 Jessie Street — St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 — Phone: (6121776-3557 Youth Ath�etic and Sports Fund Board August 20, 1988 Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, MIV 55102 Re: Matching Grant Request for $1,000.00. Dear Sir, This letter is to inform you of a grant request to your organization, for the $1,000.00 matching grant to sponsor Youth Athletic Programs at Wilder Recreation Center, at 865 Jessie St. .: � We have endeavored to supply the necessary information out lined in your g�idelines. Sincere thanks fo� youz ca—operation in processing this grant request. If you need more information, please contact us as soon a's possible. � . Sincerely Yours, � - ___ ��� �� `_,/ - � �.��/ _ �_� , Mary Forliti, President. Wilder Youth Club �, 1988 Proposed �s�, Budget �os x&nga tL Revenues• Participation Fees $ 360 I Wilder Youth Club $ 640 , YASF Grant $1,000 Total Revenues $2,000 i Expenditures: ' ' Basketball Racks $ 450 Basketball Uniforms $ 550 Basketballs $ 350 League Entry Fees $ 250 Awards Banquet $ 200 ' Scholarships . 3 200 $2,000.00 ��'_�R�3 Wilder Youth Club Fiscal Year Financial Statement Ocober l, 1986 to September 30, 1987 Revenues• Membership fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Participation Fees. . . . . . : . . . . . . . 443 Bingo Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 095 Concession Income. . . . . . . $4 , 931 Adult basketball League�Fees. . . $1, 425 � �w Total Revenues $�� 968 Ex�enses• Youth Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 555 Concessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � � $3, 542 Vandal Lighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � $ 197 Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 167 Eguipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 277 . Misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 50 Total Expenses � 6 788 Net Income or (Loss) $1, 180 .�ti Wilder Youth Club Current Fiscal Year Financial Statement Ocober 1, 1987 to July 31, 1988 Revenues• Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 530 Membership� fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Participation Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Bingo Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Concession Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 324 Misc Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,� 28 . y Total Revenues $4 , 325 Expenses• � Youth Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,447 Concessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 910 Vandal Lighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 121 Bingo ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � $ 82 Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 000 Uniforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 712 Misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 50 � Total Expenses S5 " 322 Net Income or (Loss) • �$gg�� ����� ._ Area Served and Number of Participants Wilder is the Community Recreation Center for Area J of Recreation Center Programming. For many activities and programs it services the residents of Wilder, Duluth & Case, Phalen, ArlingtOn, Lockwood and Weida , Park neighborhoods. For other programs its services the neighborhood directly surrounding the recreation center. Wilder annually serves approximately��� participants. s . ♦ 9 � - C��'��--� 1 �23 Applicatton for Recognftion of Exemption OMBNo.1545•0056 Form Expires 3•31•89 (Rev.March 1986) Under Sectton 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code To be filed in the key district �� Department oi the Treasury for the area in which the Internal Revenue Service For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice,see pa�e 1 of the inatruct(ons. organization has its principal oNice or piace of business. This application, when properly completed,constit�tes the notice required under section 508(a)of the Internal Revenue Code so that an applicant may be treated as described in section 501(cx3)of the Code,and the notice required under section 508(b)for an organization claiming not to be a private foundation within the meaning of section 509(a). (Rsad the Instructions for each part carefully before making any entrles.) If required information, a conformed copy of the organizing and operational documents, or financial data are not furnished,the application will not be considered on its merits and the organization will be notified accordingly.Do not file this application if the applicant has no organizing instrument(see Part II). Identification 1 Full name of organization 2 Employer identification number (If none,see Instructions) Applied for 3a Address(number and street) Check here if applying under section: X 501(e) 501(f) ❑ 501(k) 3b City or town,state,and ZIP code 4 Name and telephone number oi person to be c�ntacted St. Paul, MN 55101 - 5 Month the annuai accaunting period ends 6 Date incorporated or formed 7 Activity codes October 31 1976 8 Has the arganization filed Federal income tax returns or exempt organization information returns? . . . . . .❑ Yes � No If"Yes,"state the form number(s;, ;���s filed,and Internal Revenue office where filed. Type of Entity and Organizatlonsl Document(see inatructions) Check the applicable entity box below and attach a conformed copy of the organization's organizing document and bylaws as indicated for each entity. ❑ Corporation—Articles of incorporation and bylaws. ❑ Trust—Trust indenture. 0 Other—Constitution or a�ticles of association and bylaws. Activlties and Operational Intormation i What are or will be the organization's sources of financial support? List in order of size. Food concession sales Bingo permit Athletic leagues and tournaments Local donations Particip�tion entry fees - 2 Describe the organization's fund•raising program, both actual and planned, and explain to what extent it has been put into effect. (Include details of fund•raising activities such as selective mailin�s, formation of fund-raising committees, use of professional fund raisers,etc.)Attach representative copies of solicitations for financial support. Food is currently sold from vending machines at REcreation Center. Bingo is run by City permit for special fundraising events. Each child and/or adult pays a fee to participate on athletic teams or in activities. Special team tournaments are set up and host by the club as fundraisers. Local businesses in the area contribute to help support local, activities. I declare under the penalties ot pery'ury that 1 am suthorized to siQn this spplicstion on behaM of the aDove orgsnization and I have euamined this application,including the •c:companying statements,and to the best ot my knowkdge it is tnx,correct,and complete. ........................................... ...... ' ...................... ... ............. ..... (Signature) (Tdk or authority of signer)� (Date) ......_ Fortn 1023(Rev.3•86) Page 2 � � Activities and Operational Information(Continued) 3 Give a detalled narrative description of the organization's past,present,and proposed future activities,and the purposes for which it r' was formed.The narrative should identify the specific benefits,services,or products the organization has provided or will provide.Ii the organization is not futly operational,explain what stage of development its activities have reached,what further steps remain for it to become fully operational,and when such further steps will take place.(Do not state the purposes and activlties of the organization In generol terms or repeat the language of the organizational documents.) If the organization is a school, hospital, or medical research organization,include enough information in your description to clearly show that the organization meets the definition of that particular activity that is contained in the instructions for Part VI•A. The Club was formed to: - assist•.Cit,y. .sta£f. ttt prom�ting .recreational opportunities - �give direction concerning the recreational needs of the community - provide financial support for recreational needs ..-. -to provide a framework for surveying parents and other adults about the recreational activities at Recreational Center. Recreational Center is located in a financially depressed area. It was and is the intent of the Youth Club to provide opportunities by the community for all local residents to participate in recreational activities by lessening the financial burden for entry fees. . , The club works in a partnership with the paid staff to help- build a parental support mechanism that will provide recreational opportunities for youth and adults. Future plans include: - development of a child care program based on community need. - development partnership with local agencies to create programs that will build self-esteem in neighborhood youth. 4 The membership of the or anization's overnin body is: a Names,addresses,and titles of officers,directors,trustees,etc. b Annual compensation - President None - Vice President None . - Secretary Nons - - - Treasurer None - - Financial Secretary . None ������ Form 1023(Rev.3-86) Page 3 ' �' Activities and Operational Information(Continued) � 4 c Do any of the above persons serve as members of the governing body by reason of being public officials or being appointed by public officials?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No If"Yes,"name those persons and explain the basis of their selection or appointment. d Are any members of the organization's governing bociy "disqualified persons"with respect to the organization (other than by reason of being a member of the governing body) or do any of the members have either a � business or family relationship with"disqualified persons?"(See the Specific Instructions for line 4d.) . . . . ❑ Yes � No If"Yes,"explain. e Have any members of the organization's governing body assigned income or assets to the organization,or is it anticipated that any current or future member of the gov2rning body will assign income or assets to the organizafion?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No If"Yes,"attach a complete explanation stating which applies and including copies of any assignments plus a list of items assigned. 5 Does the organization control or is it controlled by any other organization? . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes 0 No Is the organization the outgrowth of another organization, or does it have a special relationship to another organization by reason of interlxking directorates or other factors? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No If either of these questions is answered"Yes,"explain. 6 Is the organization financially accountable to any other organization? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No If"Yes,"explain and identify the other organization.Include details concerning accountability or attach copies of reports if any have been submitted. 7 s What assets does the organization have that are used in the performance of its exempt function?(Do not include property producing investment income.)If any assets are not fully operational,explain their status,what additional steps remain to be completed,and when such final steps will be taken. None — All assets purchased by the organization are the property of the City of Saint Paul. b To what extent have you used,or do you plan to use,contributions as an endowment fund,i.e.,hold contributions to produce income for the support of your exempt activities? None 8 Will any of the organization's facilities be managed by another organization or individual under a contractual agreement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes 0 No If"Yes,"attach a copy of each contract and explain the relationship between the applicant and each of the other parties. Fortn 1023(Rev.3•86) P��4 �' � Activities and Operational Information(Continued) �: 9 a Have the�ecipients been required or will they be required to pay for the organization's benefits,services,or products? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Yes ❑ No If"Yes,"explain and show how the charges are determined. Participants are asked to pay a small registration fee. No participant is ever denied services because of inability to pay. b Does or will the organization limit its benefits,services,or products to specific classes of individuals? . . . . ❑ Yes � No If"Yes,"explain how the recipients or beneficiaries are or will be selected. � 10 Is the organization a membership organization? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Yes ❑ No If"Yes,"complete the following: a Describe the organization's membership requirements and attach a schedule of inembership fees and dues. A $1.00 annual membership fee is requested. No person is denied membership because of inability to pay. b Describe your present and proposed efforts to attract members,and attach a copy of any descriptive literature or promotional material used for this purpose. Press releases in local community newsgap'�r, flyers, �osters, mailings, phone calls and word of mouth. c Are benefits,services,or products limited to members? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes X❑ No If"No,"explain. ' Activities sponsored by the organization are open to the public. 11 Does or will the organization engage in activities tending to influence legislation or intervene in any way in political campaigns? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No If "Yes," explain. (Note: You may wish to file Porm 5768, E/ection/Revocation of E/ection by an Eligib/e Section 501(c)(3) Organizafion fo Make fxpenditures to/nf/uence Legislation.) 12 Does the organization have a pension plan for employees?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No 13 a Are you filing Form 1023 within 15 months from the end of the month in which you were created or formed as required by section 508(a)and the related regulations?(See General Instructions.). . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No b If you answer "No,"to 13a and you claim that you fit an exception to the notice requirements under section 508(a),attach an explanation of your basis for the claimed exception. c If you answer "No," to 13a and`section 508(a) does apply to you, you may be eligikle for relief under regulations section 1.9100 from the application of section 508(a).Do you wish to request relief? . . . . . ❑ Yes � No d if you answer"Yes,"to 13c,attach a detailed statement that satisfies the requirements of Rev.Proc.79-63. e If you answer"No,"to both 13a and 13c and section 508(a)does apply to you,your qualification as a section 501(c)(3)organization can be recognized only from the date this application is filed with your key District Director.Therefore,do you want us to consider your application as a request for recognition of exemption as a section 501(cx3)organization from the date the application is received and not retroactively to the date you were formed(see instructions)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X� Yes ❑ No � Statement aa to Private Foundat(on Status(see t�structtons) - 1 Is the organization a private foundation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No 2 If you answer"Yes,"to question 1 and the organization claims to be a private operating foundation,check here ► ❑ and complete Part VII. 3 If you answer 'No,"to question 1, indicate the type of ruling you are requesting regarding the organization's status under section 509 by checking the box(es)below that apply: a Definitive ruling under section 509(aXl),(2),(3),or(4) ► �.Complete Part VI. b Advance ruling under ► ❑ sections 509(aXl)and 170(bxl)(Axvi)or ► ❑ section 509(aX2)—see instructions. (Note:If you wanf an advance ruling,you musf comp/ete and attach two Forms 872•C to the application.) ��l��� , Form 1023(Rev.3•86) Page 1 ` ' Non-Pr(vate Foundation Status(Definitive rultng oniy)(Continued) B.—Analysls of Financial Support(Continued) +. 13 If the organization's non-private foundation status is based on: a Sections 509(a)(1)and 170(b)(1xA)(iv)or(vi).—Attach a list showing the name and amount contributed by each person(other than a governmental unit or"publicly supported"organitation)whose total gifts for the entire period were more than the amount shown on line 11. b Section 509(a)(2).—For each of the years included on lines 1,2,and 3,attach a list showing the name of and amount received from each person who is a"disqualified person." For each of the years on line 3, attach a Iist showing the name of and amount received from each payor (other than a "disqualified person")whose payments to the organization were more than$5,000.For this purpose, "payor"includes,but is not limited to,any organization described in sections 170(b)(1)(A)(i)through(vi)and any governmental agency or bureau C.—Supplemental Informatlon Concerning Organizations Claiming Non•Private Foundatlon Status Under Section 509(a)(3) Has the supported organization received a 1 Organizations supported by dpplicant organizatcort: ruling or determination letter that it is not a private toundation by reason of section Name and address of supported organization 509(a)(1)or(2)? ..�it.Y..4f.�tt..��t.L7,..A���:Sa:o?"?:R.f_.P�X:k�..�i�d..R���'�d:�7�.Q1'i. ❑ Yes No Aovernemer _ RPr.rPat-i nn C'Pnt-P� _ _ �Pn�,� ................................................................................. , � ❑ Yes ❑ No ................................ ...................•-----...............--------- ❑ Yes ❑ No -•---•--••............................................................••---.._... ❑ Yes ❑ No ..-•--•................................•-------...................---•.------....- ❑ Yes ❑ No 2 To what extent are the members of your governing board elected or appointed by the supported organization(s)? None � 3 What is the extent of common supervision or cor►trol that you and the supported organization(s)share? The organization and the City of St. Paul work within a written framework agreed upon by both parties. 4 To what extent do(es)the supported organization(s)have a significant voice in your investment policies,the making and timing of grants,and in otherwise directing the use of your income or assets? None 5 Dces the mentioning of the supported organization(s)in your governing instrument make you a trust that the supported organization(s)can enforce under State law and compe!to make an accounting? . . . . . . . ❑ Yes � No If"Yes,"explain. 6 What portion of your income do you pay to each supported organization and how significant is the support to each? All income is used to benefit the supported organization, however only a small portion is actually paid to the supported organization. 7 To what extent do you conduct activities that would otherwise be carried out by the supported organization(s)? Explain why.these activities would otherwise be carried on bythe supported organization(s). Members of our organization provide volunteer assistance as coaches, fundraisers, and activity supervisors. We also provide input in programming that the recreation center does. These activities - are part of the normal mission of the recreation center . 8 Is the applicant orgamzation controlled directly or mdirectly by one or more"disqualified persons" (other than one who is a disqualified person solely because he or she is a manager)or by an organization which is not described in section 509(axl)or(2)? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ❑ Yes � No If'Yes,"explain. � � � ' � ' , Form 3023(Rev.3•86) Page 8 ' Basis for Status as a Prlvate Operating Foundation If the organization claims to be an operating foundation described in section 4942(jx3)and— ;, (a)bases its claim to private operating foundation status on normal and regular operations over a period of years:or (b)is newly created,set up as a private operating foundation,and has at least one year's experience; provide the informatlon under the income test snd under one of the three supplementsl ttsts(assets,endowment,or support). If the organization does not have at least one year's experience, complete line 21. If the organization's private operating foundation status depends on its normal and regular operations as described in(a)above, attach a schedule simitar to the one below showing the data in tabular form for the three years next preceding the most recent tax year.(See regulations section 53.4942(b}1 for additional information before completing the"Income Test"section of Part VII.)Organizations claiming section 4942(jx5)status must satisfy the income test and the endowment test. Income Tast Most recent tax year la Adjusted net income,as defined in regulations section 53.4942(a}2(d). . . . . . . . . . , la b Minimum investment return,as defined in regufations section 53.4942(a)-2(c) . . . . . . . lb 2 Qualifying distributions: � a Amounts(including administrative expenses)paid directly for the active conduct of the activities for which organized and operated under section 501(c)(3xattach schedule) . . . . , . . , , , 2a b Amounts paid to acquire assets to be used(or held for use)directly in carrying out purposes described in sections 170(cXl)or 170(cx2)(B)(attach schedule) . . . . . . 2b c Amounts set aside for specific projects that are for purposeswdescribed in section 170(cXl) or 170(cX2)(B)(attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2� d Total qualifying distributions(add lines 2a,b,and c) . . . . . . . . . . 2d 3 Percentages: � � � � � � � a Percentage of qualifying distributions to adjusted net income(divide line 2d by line la) . . . . 3s � b Percentage of qualifying distributions to minimum investment return(divide line 2d by line lb) . 3b % (Percenta e must be at least 8596 for 3a or 3b) ' ' Asuts Test � 4 Value of organization's assets used in activities that directly carry out the exempt purposes. Do not include assets held merely for investment or production of income(attach schedule) . . . 4 . 5 Value of any stock of a corporation that is controlled by applicant organization and carries out its exempt purposes(attach statement describing corporation). . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Value of all qualifying assets(add lines 4 and 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Value of applicant organization's total assets . . . . . . . 7 8 Percenta e of uali in assets to total assets divide Iine 6 b line 7— rcenta e must exceed 6596 . 8 � Endowment Test 9 Value of assets not used(or held for use)directly in carrying out exempt purposes: a Monthly average of investment securities at fair market value . . . . . . . 9a b Monthly average of cash balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9b c Fair market value of all other investment property(attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . 9c d Total(add lines 9a,b,and c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9d 10 Subtract acquisition indebtedness related to line 9 items(attach schedule). . . . . . . . . 10 11 Balance(subtract Iine 10 from line 9d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 Multiply line 11 by 31h96(35 of the percentage for the minimum investment return computation under section 4942 e .Line 2d above must ual or exceed the result of this com utation. . 12 Suppon Test 13 Applicant organization's support as defined in section 509(d) . . . . . . . . . . . , 13 14 Subtract amount of gross investment income as defined in section 509(e) . . . . . . . . . 14 15 Support for purposes of section 4942(jX3xBxiii)(subtract line 14 from line 13) . . . . . 15 16 Support received from the general public,five or mo�e exempt organizations,or a combination of these sources(attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 16 17 for persons (other than exempt organizations)contributing more than 196 of line 15,enter the totat amounts that are more than 196 of line 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 18 Subtract line 17 from line 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . 19 Percentage of total suppo�t(divide line 18 by line 15—must be at least 85%) . . 19 � - 20 Dces line 16 include su rt from an exem t o anization that is more than 25%of the amount of line 15? . Yes No 21 Newly created organizations with less than one year's experience:Attach a statement explaining how the orgamzation is pianrnng to satisfy the requirements of section 4942(jX3)for the income test and one of the supplemental tests during its first year's operation. Include a description of plans and arrangements,press clippings,public announcements,solicitations for funds,etc.