88-1917 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council N { CANARV - DEPARTMENT ♦// BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �j• � � � ouncil Resolution ��� ��� � �__g, rresented 6y ��� Referred To � Committee: Date �� `�J �U Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there is available for apj�ropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the capital improvement budget for 1986 and 1987. WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1987 capital improvement � budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FIfVANCING PLAN PIR FUND 807 Activity 62913 3o9�oa� ��20� $�,a 9820 Undesignated $4,504,820 (����99�886) $�6-� Fund Qalance SPEiVLiING PLAfV C87 CAPITAL PROJECTS L�UGER `�" � > > > Harriet Island Adven�urr� Playground -0- +$ 300,000 $ 300,000 Che St.Paut I.ong-RBnge Capital Imorovema�;si �udget Commitfiee received this reuu>,st on (daie) l 1—/l5'� aad reca:nmerds �TPP/�'l� 1/�}l_ _ Page 1 of 2 , 3igned: ✓ � �'� �1��'�� '� COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng � In Favor coswitz Rettman B s�he;bel _ Against Y sonnen Wilson Form Appr d by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY ^ � g�. — A►pproved by Ylavor: Date _ _ Approv by Mayor for Sub ' si to ncil gy B WNI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlRClI /�(/,�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L File NO. /• • / BLUE - MAVOR R � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, with the advice of the Capital Improvement Committee, and the City Council Cornmittee on Finance, Management and Personnel , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve these changes to the 1987 budget; y � ' 'F�'� m•�+rt�()oI�/qn ��" I ah�/Of ANU, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when any project expenses are reimbursed fro� another funding source, said reimbursements shall be returned •to the fund for reallocation by the City Council . APPROVAL RECOMMEND�U: / . 6��' ,���� ��'>J'�I' Eugen Schiller, Director ; � Gregory N. Blees Finance & Management Servic s Budget Director Page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: � � Yeas Nays / Dimond Communitv Services. Public orks and ��g in Favor p� con �c Dev lopment Goswitz � ��1 n,�,��D Schebel y _ Against �V'�U � Sonnen � Wilson Adopted by Council: Date .JAN 1 7 1989 Form Appr v d by City Attorn Certified Yas e uncil Se e ary By ��~ By ,A �lpproved � av : _ �N j 8 �� Approv y Mayor for Subm' 'o to cil , BY -- — B �pt�lSgkp �r��,i'� 2 � 1989 �_ .,. _ ��'`� ���� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL . siiii�i;F° � • - Ob�FICE OF 'rHE CITY COIINCIL � Committee Report Finance. Manaqement. & Personnel Committee January 9, 1989 1 . Ap�roval or minutes of December 12 and December 19 Approved meet i ngs. --- -�_,u.�. _�-,_�� _�_.�_ �,.k .,.... .m.��... ,,� :�,.�. a, �-y _� _ u_- + =.- � �,,�'-�_;. � . , '"�� 2 , '��9�� � , "�`�lM�d�rrt9 � .�' C�8���'t`"by APProved , ._..._ . . 4..x.� . , ng �E�'��T�i,a40 tro th��'�frrancirt�.ar� .�pe++�S:Gi�,,Plans r�n for to �-�v�.�3e, f�ads��.�r:..}�vee arici flos�dwall fia��"�ec��s playground. c � on �he M i s�ca,�.s i pp i� R i ver �rict the Adyenture P 1 aygraund Floodwall portion .:.�n.�. ...:,, y.y�.: .., .. :�. . c��trtrctio�y4.pn Harrtet '�sfiand. ,�Re�erred �'roa� 'Counci i �,�,,,,,,�:�.i . laid over to 1/23 3. Resolution 89-14 - authorizing the issuance of CI8 Bonds Approved substitute Series 1989A {$11 ,750,OU0) ; Street Improvement 5peciai resolution A;ssessment Bonds Series 19898 {�1 ,b20,000) ; Como �onser- vatory Sonds Series 1989C ($S,OOO,OUi�) ; Warner-/5hepard �toad Bonds 5eries 1989D (�5.500,OOU) ; and Refunding Bonds Series 1989E ($2,275,000) . (Referred from Councii Janu- ary 5} 4. Resolution 88-1928 - adopting the St. Paul Capitai Atlo- Laid over to 1/23 . cation Policy for the years 1990 through 1994 and t�ans- mitting it ta neighborhood contacts, Long Range CIB Committee and its task force, the Planning Commission and City staff. (ftefprred from Council D�cember 8, laid over C►ecember 12 and ly) 5. Ordinance 88-1911 - amending Section S.t7:s of the Admin- Approved istrative Code pertaining to the Divisian of Accountinc� and establishin� reporting ievels for- the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. (Referred from touncil December 8? 6. Letter or the State Auditor's Office submitting their Discussed report on the St. Paul Police Relief Association for the year ended December 31 , 1987. (Referred from Council Novembe� 17) 7. Discussion of Fire Relief Association pension consoli- Discussed dotion vote. CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ' a�.�a �S. Res��i ui,i on 8L3-194�-A - p�tao 1 i sh i ng ti�e rate of pay Laid over to 1/23 for E.D.P. Aide in Grade 24, Section ID2 of the Technica� Standard RangES in tne Saiary Plan a�c Rates of C��mpensation Resolution. (Referr-ed f��am Councii December 13) 9. Resaiution 88-1945 - cnanging the rate o� paY for Laid over to 1/23 Environmental Health Direct�r in Section IG4 of tne Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges in thz Salary Pian ana Rd4es of Compensation RESOlution. (ReFerred fram Council Decembea I3) I0. Resolution t�8-1�47 - char�ging the rate c�f aay fo� Laid over to 1/23 House Custodian I in Section IIB in the Salar-y Pian and Rates c�f Compensation Resolutior�. {�Pferred from Council Gecember Isi 11 . Resotution $8-1�►4� - estabfishing the rate of pay Laid over to 1/23 for Mur�icipal Equipment Coardina�ar in Gracie �7, Section ID3 af the Professio�al N�n-Suaervisory Skanda�d Rar�ges i n tt�e Sa 1 ary P 1 an and Rates or Compensation Resoiution. (Referred from Co��ncii Gecember 13, iaid over� DecPmber 19) 1�, Resaiution 88-2032 - app�oving ttie reappoint�n�nts Approved by thz Mayor of persens as listed to serve on the St. Faul Affirmative Action Advisary Comrt;iLtee. tReferred from i,ouncil Gecember 223 13. Resolutian $9-4 - amer�ding Section 28.�3 of the Civil Laid over Service Rules pertaining to compensazion. (R2ferred from Council January 3) 14. Request of Bill and 5ue Ros2nbl�m ta appear befo�-e � the conun i ttee. . . . �'� - �9i� � ������ SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION - CF 88-1917 WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.01.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there is available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the capital improvement budget for 1986 and 1987. WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1988 capital improvement, budget: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET FINANCING PLAN PIR FUND 807 Activity 62913 9820 Undesignated $4,504,820 ($300,000) $4,204,820 Fund Balance SPENDING PLAN C87 CAPITAL PROJECTS LEDGER Harriet Island Adventure Playground -0- +$300,000 $ 300,000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, with the advice of the Capital Improvement Committee, and the City Council Committee on Finance, Management and Personnel , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve these changes to the 1987 budget; AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when any project expenses are reimbursed from the Metropolitan Council and/or another funding source, said reimbursements shall be returned to the fund for reallocation by the City Council . �� - � , � � � � ��-i9�� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMITTEE LOCAL SHARE: RIVERFRONT LEVEE/FLOODWALL IMPROVEMENT INTRODUCTION This document has been prepared to supply the Capital Improvement Budget Committee with information necessary to make an informed decision regarding funding of the city's local share for design and construction of the levee/floodwall improvement along the south bank of the Mississippi River. This work is being accomplished in partnership with the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The amount requested for this significant public improvement is $2.4 million. The source of funds is the $14,402,000 designated for riverfront use by �ity Council action in July of this year. This represents the city's 25% share of the total cost as provided by the Corps of Engineers. It should be noted that this provides the city with a very financially attractive 3:1 leverage ratio of federal to tocal dollars. The particulars are discussed on the following pages of this report. BACKGROUND The Mississippi River has flooded the City of Saint Paul along the south shore across from the downtown area repeatedly since the first major flood was recorded in 1867. Following a record flood in 1952 the Corps of Engineers was authorized to design and construct a flood barrier extending from the western end of Harriet Island on the south bank of the Mississippi River to a point west of the Saint Paul Downtown Airport (See attachment A: Map of Flood Control Project Area). The levee/floodwall protects Riverview, a major 315-acre industrial/commercial development site as well as many other developed and emerging �areas on the south bank. It is currently estimated that the protected area contains $164 million of existing investment. This area is now the focus of a concentrated development effort on the part of the City of Saint Paul with extensive commercial as well as new housing development and recreation uses proposed for the area to be protected by the proposed heightened flood barrier. When proposed investment of $167 miltion is added to the existing amount, the new flood protection works will protect a total of $332 million of public and private investment. Following the two floods which occurred in 1965 and 1969, the Corps of Engineers initiated a feasibility study to determine what measures could be taken to further improve flood protection in the area. This study was completed in 1981. Among other findings, the Corps recommended that the levee/floodwall be increased by an average of four feet in height. Recognizing the critical nature of obtaining adequate flood protection at an early date as a part of the Riverfront Initiative, the Mayor led a group of city officials to Washington, D.C. last summer to meet with the c'�ty's congressional delegation and hlgh ranking officials of the Corps of Engineers. l�hat meeting resutted in a heighter�d awareness on the part of everyone preseM that speed was of the essence in moving thls project forward. . - : � . � .. � � ��-i9f� As a resuit of that meeting and earlier ones with local Corps representatives in Saint Paul, a full year was eliminated from the design and construction timetable. RIVERFRONT INITIATIVE In 1984 the Mayor initiated the Riverfront Initiative. This program called for extensive redevelopment of both the north and south banks of the Mississippi River in downtown Saint Paul. A 20 member Riverfront Commission was appointed by the Mayor with the concurrence of the City Council to guide the planning and development of the river corridor in downtown. An 18 month planning process yielded a specific development program for the riverfront. With this study underway, the Corps of Engineers and the City decided to move ahead on the flood control project so both the levee/floodwall reconstruction and the city's redevelopment plans might coincide with and enhance each other. In 1986 the Corps received preliminary design and engineering funds for fiscal year 1987. That same year, the Riverfront Commission, Planning Commission, Mayor and City Council pre-approved the "Saint Paul Riverfront Redevelopment Plan" which had been completed that year. In November 1987, the city established a $23 million tax increment financing district in the riverfront to help spur private development. The first project, a $25 million office building on the former American Hoist property, that will be the future home of the Minnesota Department of Revenue, is now under construction and scheduled for occupancy this year. A total of approximately $167 million in new commercial and housing development is proposed or already under construction in the area behind the flood barrier. This is in addition to more than $164 million in existing industrial and commercial development in the Riverview Industrial Park and Riverview Industrial Park West. The Saint Paul Flood Control Project, now underway with the Corps of Engineers and the City of Saint Paul, is seen as the keystone to redevelopment of the south bank of the Mississippi, particularly for the parcels where housing, new office, commercial and industrial space are proposed. the City has committed millions of dollars (See attachment B: Public and Private Investment in the Saint Paul Riverfront) and several years of planning to its Riverfront Initiative. The flood protection reconstruction is a critical need for the city, since financing of the tax increment district is keyed to new development that will be dependent on the completion of the higher flood barrier. Proposed housing development on the site becomes feasible with increased flood protection. PROJECT FINANCING The 1981 Corps of Engineers feasibility report concluded tMat improvements to the flood barrier would cost $7 million. Recently this cost was updated to $9.1 million. Federal law requires that this cost be shared with the local sponsoring govemment, the City of Saint Paul, at a ratio of 75 percent federal to 25 percent local sponsor dollars. This means the city share of the cost of basic flood protection would be approximately $2.3 million in 1988 dollars. Increasing this at 496 per year for a four year period to allow for inflation and increasing construction costs yields a need for $2.7 million for design and construction as the city's 25°� local share. - 2 - • � /.I�/ ��//` � V� The city will cover its share of the cost through a combination of services (preparation of the plans and specifications and construction), provision of land for easements and rights-of-way for the project. The city proposes to begin assuming its portion of its project cost share as early as 1989 with the signing of the 215 Agreement with the Corps of Engineers. This agreement when approved by the Corps and city spells out the specifics of the contractual arrangement and allows the city to proceed with work on the levee/floodwall prior to the starting of construction by the Corps scheduled for 1991. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 88-611 on May 5, 1988 directing the sum of $14,402,000 of sewer revenue bond proceeds be placed in a separate account in the Capital Improvement Fund and be frozen pending further City Council direction. The City Council on July 26, 1988 adopted Resolution No. 88-1205 that the account balance be retained in the Capital Improvement Fund dedicated to riverfront capitol improvements and that capital improvement projects including those that displace any current ;.ise of the river or require investment of over $100,000 or physically alter the course of the river or the banks of the river will be reviewed by the C.I.B. Committee and approved by City Council on their merits on a project by project basis. Resolution No. 88-1206 dated July 26, 1988 did allocate $1 million to the 1987 Capital Improvement Budget as follows: Levee specific design work $.30 million (entire levee) Site development plan - Harriet Island $.30 million Site preparation design - Harriet Island $.05 million Temporary site improvements $.05 million Promenade - Harriet Island $.05 million Marina Lower Harbor $.25 million $1,000,000 It will be noted that the first item above is $300,000 for levee specific design work. Noted previously was a total local share need of $2.7 million for the city's portion of levee/floodwall design and construction. Therefore, the remaining local share is $2.4 million ($2.7 million minus .30 million). This request to the Capital Improvement Budget Committee is for $2.4 million dollars for the purpose stated. This allocation now will permit the city to proceed in its partnership with the Corps of Engineers. It will also accelerate the date by which this important work is completed, thereby permitting marketing and development of the land parcels scheduled for private investment. This in turn will permit the city to meet the timing required to meet its financial obligations relating to the $23 mitlion tax increment bonds issued in November 1987. - 3 - e . � i �1,,,(�' .� L � � ` ' � �� �I � � � � �/ _� vl a b 1��7 r- a . �i �� � � � aa aZ �� U � � Y �' � � O � . o�C� o� l � � —�--- � Q' (A NN �� � u w� � a�� .-- � {� W � � �! � .. s � a � Z � p� N i � Z � J� O y y � � � J � •- Z -�. _ � � ' " / � 8� o�" � � � � �' Q a , � $ VN� � p. J � W � � g , � v N � w � - �- �'•� : E"` � � • � (n Q w = U; � , � \ � a Z f- � /r' i� . � O � � 0 . 1 , ��'/ �°,N - w J � W Z � �o/ zo o � � G �A �I„ ,I .. , Sn � � y � ~U J It �� � � y/ 1 '~ � L �— � � - l\ — �� i - ' � a l�ef• .•.s � � / � tg S .. �� � <� � ja ; '° p � �� i � � i II 3 � ` r ...: t i ; � �� 33a � , � � I Q v� I F' ..s 4 �� �� � � = , � :>: � 1 z � � , ,., ; � ! o \ � � J o � .,.._ i �� � � � ` � "^ � ° K �'�� 7 / t . a � �� ,� � j' • ,� � `�' �. � Jf1� ��i . � �� �/ . � ` j� •��/� �� � � `' ,�, • � • _'�����• 1 . �� Q�; I � ' � � • �� l I � ` + � _ '{ 1 • � � �� �� I' � 4I i `1 „ ' � � • i' � "� /L ol , ' , ` ' � �;� _ � � _ _ - „ -- i �• �. � � �e s��fE" �/ ` ` � I�.r-�° Z 8. � `. i �� � ���►!~� / � � • U� ( s•. � � ^ . __ � ' yJ�., . ���' �p C � • � ' � �� � � C I = � �f. � //� i ' a 'S�I -i z'� ia i � � w a J :� I � � I , io /� ' :s I � � ' ' � , _�--�r,l�—-�z ' 1 I i � �, � ,W -- ' � �`` 1 �� j W W ; ►� J � \ Iu W ; � Q N I� � � C J W W � � � < o � " o � � � �� W � . ¢ � . � p N _ ���'i t �_ � i� �M � N W •. ' 4 � � �W � �,y� � � � � m -f�• �,' ,,��` � / � J� � s= � LL � ' � � .�•�i �S � \,� � � �� y � ~ � Y r 'r` • ~ •� � a ; 3 ►- �: �t. �j •� �� � W W M V � � . ST+ y) r ♦W O �� y�j C 0 .r.. Q C < . �'�i� \\ � J i L� � 8� W y� � Qi ¢ � . � - ..,, �;�g� $ �� � `� � � � � s,� . ,� ` � � s C � ' . �� {> > >% ti �� � �� � Y r � � �- �' , • °` � �� � 1► �� ' � �Mg ► � �' < , 1 ` � � � � n �n � � ' •" � � � �'����� Attachment B: Public and Private investment in the Saint Paul Riverfront PUBLIC Millions Shepard Road $30.0 Warner Road 16.0 Harriet Island Park 14.0 Lilydale Park 14.0 Bridges (Wabasha, Robert, High) 37.0 Upper Landing (Kapian's, Harvest States) 9.2 Lower Landing 2.0 Sewer Separation 2.2 Amhoist Area 5.6 Parking Ramp 2.7 Depot Concourse 2.8 Navy Island Park 3.0 Kellogg Mall 1.3 Total 13 .g PRIVATE . Revenue Department Building 25.0 Expansion of Revenue Department Site 30.0 Housing - South Bank 50.0 Housing - North Bank 30.0 Port Authority/Riverview Industrial Park 15.3 Gther Investment 6.Q Total 15 .3 NEW INVESTMENT GN RIVERFRONT South Bank $167.8 North Bank 128.3 Total g ,1 INVESTMENT PROTECTED BY FLOODWALL New Investment $168.1 Existing Investment 164.0 Total --�� - 5 - , � < <'` - � ���9�� � s�;no�,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ���'` �i:r DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� iii�il��i �' ,�� �� DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION '%� � 300 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street on �..• '�ng.m� St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-292-7400 MAYOR HARRIET ISLAND ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND A unique playground of City wide attraction is proposed for Harriet Island Park. The play�round will be unique due to its scale, themes and a strong emphasis on a wide interest and age range as well as handicapped accessibility. The adventure playground will provide entertainment and education for children visiting the park, and will be conveniently located between the pavilion area and the excursion docks. While waiting for an excursion trip or during a visit to the pavilion, the play feature will begin to introduce an awareness of the river. The design will provide for physical and mental challenges with a specific theme and emphasis demonstrating one or more aspects relating to river history, hydraulics, commercial navigation, etc. One of the playground themes has been developed to the concept stage. This was accomplished through a donation of Professional Services by Ellerbe Architects in conjuction with an interested group of citizens, the Downtown Riverfront Commission and the Division of Parks and Recreation. The theme of this part of the desi gn reco�nizes Harriet Bishop, the first school teacher in Saint Paul and the Park s namesake. The theme creates a playground that will contain a commemorative to Harriet Bishop, multi- cultural , riverfront and pioneer life themes, and will be both challeng ing and educational . This and other themes will be further developed as the design progresses. Of particular note are two aspects to the funding of this project: 1. Some of the funds are expected to be donated, up to an amount of $50,000.00. 2. Harriet Island is a Regional Park and as such the cost of the playground should be reimbursed to the City by the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission of the Metropolitan Council , at a future date. eos . . . 1,��. � � ��� 'r .�° 0122 4 '��,�;P�#t�C� � ReCreation DEPARTI�IENT . - - - - - rdm CONTACT NAME "` PHONE ` +� �t" , DATE . . A3SIGN Nt3i�ffii FOR ROUTING ORHER: (See�reve ��� � ~ ment Director NQV � Maqor (or Assistant) Finance and ldanagement Services D or I g 1988 � City ��erk Budget Director �� A�'��y City Attorney ���� , TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations foz signature.) f�iAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TARIN� ACTION ON TtiE ATTACHED MATER �? (purpose/Rationale� � :.��;. Approval of amendment to 1987 Capital Improvement Budget to provide funds,for Levee/floodwall improvements on Mississippi River and Adventure P1ay�yEp construction at Harriet Island. NOV 2 21988 RECEIVED � ' COST,[BEAIEFI�. $iTDGET�' - .. -�`_-�'�n�'� �►NT?�IPATED: —�li4AY0R'S OFFICE � � � i988 # 25% Loeal. share fo� R�s���'��� � U.S. Corps providei THE DIRE�pR , Construction of un, �T OF F�IV,�NCE ��� � � 19$$ t � � � ;MENT S�V10E$� � " �'� , 6UDGE� c�����:E �:� ; � � � ; �'INAidCING SOURC� � � EDITED; d (Hayor's signature no ' Total Amount of Tra '��'��� ����/ t� .vity Number: to be assign�d up.o ' approval of res�lt�t o�, Funding Sauarce: p A 9 ; ATTACHI�!ffiIY'TS: (List i , Courci►' Research Center ; �' 1 . Gi ty Counc i 1 R o f-ut i on----- — ----__ � , rrov 2 3 Ts$� r � �szxzs�u�� raocEDUxES , ` X Yes _,�o xules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment requiredP X Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORHEY REVIEW x Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes No _Yes �;No Insurance required? Insurance-suffic3ent? _Yes _l�o Yes No Insurance attached?