88-1911 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COLLI1C11 CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � Q// BLUE -MAVOR File NO. • 4rdindnce Ordinance NO. ,���a ; � ; Presented By Re o Committee: Date lO� ��' �� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 5.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining to the Division of Accounting. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1 That section 5.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended so as to add the following new subclause numbered twelve (12) thereto: (12) Preparation of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to include statements comparing budgeted appropriations and estimated revenues to actual expenditures and revenue using the following reporting levels: a) The City's General Fund will be reported at the division level. b) All other governmental fund types with annual budgets will be reported at the fund level. _ c) In accordance with Governmental Accounting Standard Board standards there will be no actual reporting of expenditures and receipts to budget plan for proprietary fund types and any governmental funds with a multi-year budget. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. n n r �� � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Finance and Mana ement S rv e �� [n Favor � Goswitz �� v Scheibel A gai nst gY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 2 � fi965 Form Ap ved by City At rney Certified Pass n Se r BY By Approved Mayor: Da ��� � � ��8� Ap rove b Mayor for Submission to u�l gy � B i�.lS�B ::_:a° -:� t 989 � Ton �a - - w,�e se►u►teo w►,e corr�a*�,. �+ ��� ` Finance & Ma.na emeat Services 11/16/8$ ��� �c �'��Q, ,� �1i0N � , o�r�r ox�cron - 4 w� �on i�sr� l'�` 1 ame s Sn de r d^"�- �� F�a�r semc�or�c�a `5 ar t . ooKr�cr No. p��� � euoc�r aneCron : Finance/A ting 29$-4118 °RDER° cm�,�v — Establish .reparting levels- for City of Saint��q,i,�qm rehensiv� Annual Fi�ancial Repo �c� ���� No� �� 198g , nw�s:w�wa.uu a�1•��R►► � r��rRaio co�eaoN c�v�sE�oo�is�on o�T��+ r►+o�No. mwNa� reo ez.s sa+o�eonrao sr� a�wrea�aN �.�ns�s _a�ti u�o.�o• ; `� �. asrnicr coa+cx /Au' r, 1 *DCPLANATI�1: '[O� � �,�,�..�. oFF,� 1 � 19 I - . �fPqR M F�� �8 1 -""�A E��'pF��RECT ' . ��F�r�q�F l �� . � _ _ r.aa�a r�os�ar,�wut.ar�rru�srr twno,v�e,wn.�.w�,�:wny►: _ The City presently has not officially established a reporting Ievel for it Comprehensi�ve A�nual Financ.ial Report. This proposed ordinance establishe the repor ng level. . . , ,+usiric�now tco.ver.nw�.,�,n.e�: , : ,:, , � � - FtECE ,_ There is no cost. N�V `�,�, �9�8 , , BUDGET U�FICE �twnu.w�sn,ena ro vmw,�►: - . ,i u�utnre,s: _ . �as cowe . , � �rrr�c�+rrs: �eaq.�s: � � • . . _ . _ -__----------------- ----�--Q`-- - f;,l:. . _ � �..` ! � ; ��; � CITY OF SAINT PAUL o2d � 1 soa�fisat,� ; . ��� `"i; i'n OFFICE OF '1`RE CITY COUNCIL � Committee Report Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee January 9, 1989 1 . A�proval ofi minutes o` December 12 and December 19 Approved meetinqs. 2. Resolution 88-1917 - amendinc� the 19t�7 CIB budget by Approved substitute adding $2,700.Ot�G to the Financing and Spending Pians resolution for to provide funds fior levee and floodwa� i improvements playground. � on the Mississippi River and the Adventure Playground Floodwall portion construction on Harriet Island. (Referred from Councii December 8? laid over to 1/23 3. Resaiution 89-14 - authorizing t�e issuance of CIB Bonds Approved substitute Series 1989A ($11 ,750,OU0) ; 5tr-eet Improvement Speciai resolution Asses�ment Bonds Series 1`�896 ($1 ,b20,000) ; Como Conser- vatory Bands 5eries 1G8yC ($S,OOO,QUit? ; Warner/Shepard Road Bonds Series 1989D t�5.500,000) ; and Refunding Bonds Series 1989E (�2,c75,000) . (Refierred from Councii Janu- ary 5} 4. Resolution St�-1918 - adopting the St. Paui Capital Alio- I,aid over to 1/23 , cation Policy for the years 1990 through 1994 and trans- mitting it to neighborhood contacts, Long Ranqe CIB Cnmmittee and its task force, the Planning Commission and City staff. {Referre� from Council December 8, laid over Gecember 12 and 19) 5. Ordit.�aM6�„�-1911���:�arag�:�e��ion 5.03 of tF�e Admin- d ist�at'fve Code � pertaining ta the Di�.�sion of Accounting " ar,�, ���b 1 i sh�ng report i ng i eve i s for tl�e Compa-ehens i ve i4'�!!��^F i nanc i a i Reoort. (Referretl from Counc f t Dce�er 8,i;- :: < 6. Letter or the State Auditor's Oft=ice submitting their Discussed report on the St. Paul Police Relief Association for the year ended December 31 , 1987. {Referred from Council November 17) 7. Discussion of Fire Relief Association pension consoli- Discussed dation vote. C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ' s�.{6 Lst i�-o '�� � Zr�a l-- � 7-�r' � 3rd /- ��'-� ! Adopted / '_ � � ""� % . Yeas Nays DIMOND ��r���9�� //- - GOSWITZ LONG ._ RETTMAN : SOI�IDIII�1 WILSON k�IR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL �