88-1909 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COLLI1C11 ���/./� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �f �- ( Co ncil Resolution ��y�� ��-��� Presented By C�'�2t9� , �___-� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #68703) for an On Sale Wine License (menu item only) and a 3.2 Malt Beverage License by Lotus Victoria Crossing Inc. (Phat T. Phung-President) DBA Lotus Victoria Crossing Restaurant at 867 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g in Favor Gosw�cz Rettman ��Q1�� � _ Against BY �a wason DEC � t R7W Form Approved by C� At rney Adopted by Council: Date ` Certified Pas e' by ou il Secr ar By � �O�/�.� g, C�c� l /#ppr 'Vlavor: Date �—��.��— Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By �^�L°'? BY p��4� D�6 1 v 1a� . � . � ���iq°9 UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ��� / �1 0� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by � Lic Enf Aud Jo� r� a �eh s / Applicant �„n��� ��/,` t�(y� j,,� ��y.Fi Home Address ds�{ .St�tc' Qrr�. �tl�f �, Rusiness Name � � V� --{-h ' � Home Phone ��°�a n � ��qs Y 3 a A �L ►2.c� vc��S�� s -► C 6 Business Address ��g"l ����,,� �� Type of License(s) �y� ��, ��,,_� �` r Business Phone p�a,�Cj�J`�(p l� ,a ��.��.�o.�Qno� Public Hearing Date ��. I ov License I.D. 41 � g / ��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Ch mbers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �JC1 � 3�f( Co llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4� ��- to Applicant 1� �� #�q2� �/ Federal Fi_rearms �� ��pt Public Hearing (� i") �b DATE IIv'SPECTIUN REVI�:W VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved I C u.n n o-t 2 pP�vv� �v o �w per` B l dg I & D � �Ct,r l��r�y ��%`� /�/i�' � o Health Divn. �Q ' , 1 I � Q �� � Fire Dept. j f Q ���i � /L I Police Dept. � �� I I� � I �� License Divn. �� a� � � k City Attorney (� �� J`� `'� �� � Date Received: Site Plan � l ��i I �� ` h �� To Council Research �J Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � t �� � �(� � , . .. � - � -- � -'' City�of 5aint Paul ; :' � -, �} q � ' ' � ;�^Department of Fnance and Management Services � ����/7 Q! ( ._ • � � Llceose and Permlt Division � j _ . . � � . -.'. Z03 City Hall ' • „ � � � • S�Paul.Min�esota 55102-29&5056 � , . � `- . ��`, APPL1CATlON FOR LICENSE � { �. CASH CHECK CLASS NO. � New Fienew • ' . __ :. a c� _ ��� ����f ����o� �. ` � ... ., y .^` y ' • . �. • ' • Date \ '1 • 19 YC� � . . .__ • . f •:^: Code No. Tttle of Licensa " . .. . . �1 � 19�To � 19� From, 'r �;. � `�Z � ), , :. ... nc � l � . - � �.; , - ' �� 1.��1 : ^, V i �tt,r�r. �� rr.<<; �_��. . � ."� � 1 `^) �,. � -p� � f l[�X„� r� c �{ APPIICanUCompanY NaM 100 ( . ,. �L_ .. i . . - - . .. . L�In� � �.TC3 Y I � �Y ��•�( . ; ' 100 Bualness Name ! f r �7j � , . . ,00 �S(.r'1 l�-. � � � . .. .. �r�.r. Businsss Address Phon�Na � . 1�0 �_��,.. • • ' i . . 100 Mait to Addreas Phons No. l � - too . . � . . • - ManayeNOwner•Nams . �. . . . 100 � - - . .��.., 100. � AtanaperJGwn�r-Nom�Addross • Phon�Na - � 4098 Applicatfon Fee � . . . . � _ � . • :' . ;fiecefved the Sum of � • . � . 1 � . . . . E':» � . . . I . -• . , . - . _ s' S� ��O • ManaqedOwnsr•CltY.Slste 3 DO C� - ' ` �, y=* . ' . . ' .f'...._,.(1�.... . '7A. � ..4Z'1W :�.-� � �./�t .:+ y ��f.: . �"w��12:.. . � - ���J '.i. r}�J.:ry M: . . c . . ' _ * �:_ ?• _ �. r ,- _ '_ . .--. , - . .,.,, ' ,. -, + �!r (��\ �C t1�� .. W( •, � ' • - UC@nSQ(n3peCtOf `� � • . By�:J.�� Y � ' � ' Siqnat of Applicant P_ v � _ ` BOnd' � � ' � ... . . } . : • f � ; .. _ �::'. . _ .. . ���y �� ._ .. _ — . _ , . . Poliey Na . . ExpNatlon Oate . • --- ,. i � .Insura�ce�r,�„ - r 1.,,� ; i �- 1 . . C �� �1 k —14 �i.� ��� i � ��i I . , ComPany Nam� , • Policy Na Explation Oat� � .�Minnesota State Identfficatlon No ��t 1 ���l� � Social Security No � ' i - � ��Vehicte tnformation: . . . � .. � � ' =.: ' • . . . � � - SatalNUmb�r . lat�Nwnbp ., � . - i Other � -- � _ • THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENS�TO OPEAATE Your appUcation for Ucense wi8 either be granted o�reiecied subiect to the provisions of tha zonie9 . ` ordlnancs and eomplstion of the inspxtfons by th�Hsalth. Fire.Zoning and/or Licsnse Inspsctors. . .. _ : • . . .. { ' $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS . , ; . - I - - � � . , , � q�.����i' -- � � � . � ���-,�a 9 Application No. Date Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALF INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICcNSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATING L,IQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the lic�nse will be issued. THIS APPLICATIQN IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Appl i cation for (name of 1 i cense) � nt��s Vi rtnri a ('rn�si nn, r►,�_ �J �.� �, 3.� rn�. 2. Located at (address) 867 �rand Av�ni�P� st_ pa�,� 3. Name under which business will be operated Lotus Victoria Crossing Restaurant 4. True PJame Ph Phone ?2P,_A15f irst Middie Maiden Last 5. Oate of Birth t1ar 13 1965 Place of Birth Saic�on. Viet ��am Month, Oay, Year 6. Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes � Native Naturalized Yes 4101 ��J. 109th St. 7. Home Address 31 oomi nc��on. ;�1�� �5437 Home Tel ephone r�;tr_i i�Q 8. Including your present business/empioyment, what business/empioyment have you foTlowed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address UTA Restaurant Office (June 1933 to Aug 1987) P• 0. Box 1903a ArlinQton. TX 7G019 Unemployed from Aug 'a7 to Apr '8a Lotus Victoria Crossing Restaurant (Apr 'E8 to present) 367 Grand Avenue, St. Paul 9. Married? ;�� If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. � - - ___��.��,__..�,__�___�__t_�.__.� _ ��-�qo� ::,�� „ a r- f . � . r 20. If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation �qar �� 19 ^7 �� and attach copy of Articles of IacorForation aad miautes of first meetiag. 21. List all officer�"of the corporation, givfag their names, offi.ce held, home address and hqme aad busiaess telephone numbers. H: 888-1124 Phat T_ Phuna.fPres. . SeGrPfarv,and Treasurer) Home: 4101 W 109th St W• 228-�156 Bloomington, MN 55437 Le T. Tran (Vice-President) Home: 5611 t�yland Greens Dr. li: 335-9213 • ooming on, � W; 825-2263 22. If business is partnership, list partner(s), address and telephone aumbers. Name N/A Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this busineas or premises? �dn 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? Yes . �If aot, who will operate it? Name Home Address Phone 25. Are qou going to have a maaager or assistaat ia this business? r•1,� If answer is "yes", give name, home address, aad home telephone number. N� Home Address Phone ANY FALISFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEIZ OR ?lATERIAL S�BMITTID WILL REStJLT I*1 D�iIaI. OF THIS APPLICaTION. � I hsreby state under oath that I have aas�ered all of the above questions, and that the information contafned therein is true aad correct to the best of m}► knovledge and belief. I hereby state further uader oath that I aave r�cefved no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, ia conaection with the tranafer of this licease, from any persoa by waq of loaa, gift, contribution or otherwisa, other tlun already disclosed in the application v�ic:� 2 have herewith submitted. State of :Sinaesota) �� . Couaty of Ramsey ) (Sigaature of app icant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day o f 19�_ ;Io •Public, Rams Coua , Minnesota �"� JOHN M. HARGENS �,.!! NOTARY PUBUC-MINNESOTA ? :ty Con�ission expizes HENNEPIN COUNTY � , My Commiaafon Exptros Mar.29�1990� �._ _- -.�__._�--- ___.________.;�.___ -- �G�,�, q 9 - ,- - ___ / D � �� r Application No. Oate Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATIN6 LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) Lotus Victoria Crossing, Inc. 2. Located at (�address) 367 Grand Avenue, St. Paul 3. Name under which business will be operated Lotus Victoria Crossing Restaurant 4. True Name Phone 82�-22�3 �rst Midd e Maiden Last 5. Date of Birth � _,Sept 13, 1939 Place of Birth Saiaon_ Vietnam Month, Oay, Year 6. Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes � Native Naturalized Yes 561•T Hyl�nd_Greens Ur. 1. Home Address Bloomington. Mid 5543.7. Name 7elephone ,�35_q�T� 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address The Lotus Restaurant (1983 to qresent) 3037 Hennepin Avenue, Mpls. MP� 55408 � r�, 9. Marr�ied? Yes If answer is "yes", list the name and address of spouse. Hieu Tran� 5611 Hyland Greens Dr. , Bloomington, MN 55437 _.._.+._ _ _._ ..----- ---- ------..._ _ _ _ . . _ __._ _ . . �' /�� � 10. ' 4ave'you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance, other than traffic? Yes No No � Oate of arrest 19 Where Charge Canvictian Sentence Oate af arrest i9 Where � Charqe Canvictian Sentence 11. Retail Seer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal 7ax Stamp „�� wi11 be used. IZ. Closest 3.2 Place Church School I3. Closest intoxicating iiquor place. On Sale Off Sale i�. List the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of goad maral character, not related to the applicant or financiaiiy interested in the premises or business, �Nha �ay be referred to as to the appTicant's character. � y� � Address John Harqens 854 Sudberry Lane, Eagan, MN 55123 Vi rgi ni a �Jg 2800 17th Terrace, ��ew Bri ghton, MN Michael En Van Vo 381 S. Snelling, St. Paul , MP� I5. AdCress of premises for whict� appTication is made 867 Grand Avenue Zone Classification B-2 �hone 228-9156 I6. Between what cross streets? Victnria & Grand Which side ef Street NlJ corner 17. Are premises now occupfed? vA� What Business? Appli:cant's restaurant How Long? Since Mav, 1987 !3. List licenses whlctt you currentIy hoTd, or fornerTy he1d, or may have an in�:rest �n. _RQ�ta�rant License I9. 4ave any of �t�e iic�nses listed by you in Vo. 18 ever been rovaked? Yes Vo �_ If answer is "yes", l�s� the dates and reasons - � ���-�°9 ' 2Q. �f. business is incorporated, give date of incorporation E�1drCh 20 19 $� � and attach copy of ?,rticles ot Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. 21. List all officers�of the corporation, giving their names, offi.ce held, home address and home aad business telephone numbers. H: 888-1124 Phat T. Phuna, (Pres. , Secretarv and Treasurer) Home: 4101 W_ lnqth St_ ��� ��R_�6 B1 oomi ngton, �1fd 55437 Le T. Tran (Vice-President) I�ome: 5611 Hyland Greens Dr. N: 835-9213 . . B1 eer�i ngten�t1��1 55�137 ��'' R��-226'� 22. If business is partnershi�, list partaer(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name '��A Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest ia this busiaess or premises? ��0 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? NO . �If nct, who will operate it? Name ph3t T, Phung Home Address SPP fJn_ �1 Phone 22f�_9156 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? No_ If answer is "ye�", give name, home address, and home telephone number. Name Home Address Phone ?u�1Y FALISFICATION OF e�u�iSWERS GIVEi�i OR MATERIc�I. SLBMITTID WILL RESULT I*I D.�i1I?�I. OF THIS APPLICaTZON. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true aad correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that Z have received no money or other consideration, dfrectly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer of this Iicense, from aay person bq waq of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. State of :ii.nnesota) —' `��^' '✓ ,�' � /' � (G/v Countq of Ramsey ) (Signature applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day ,l ul y 19___g�_ � ;Io ry Public, Ramsey ouaty, :tinnesota .:"`"`:4 Jt�HN M. HARG�NS i�� NOTARY PUBLIC-M�NNESOTA = �Iy ommission e:cpire ��,A � HENNCPIN COUNTY . `V!�' My Commiaslon Expl�Mar.29.1990 � OI�I�OR . � .. . .. , . . . DAl!MMTED . DR7!t�M!lT�/.. . . � . �� // .� ��- . r J. rch d i � ����:� ��"�'�� No. ��2 7 7 . CONTACT � . . . � � DEPAA7i�lEM DIilEC10R � . . - MAYOR(OR-A�BrMl1') � . 'Christine Rozek A8S1°'" �•���+ ��«.� oErr cor�r ra NUMBER,FOR AounNO r �� `�Council Resea: . Finance & t. 298-5Q56 oRO�: 1 ��,TO� — , . , Appl ication for an Or� Sale Wine License (Menu Item On1y) and a 3.2 i!�a'�t Beverage Licens�. � � Notjfication Date: 10-20-88 Hearing R :_ 12-1-88 ��I�DP�u+t a�c�) �.RESE,iRCM . - PLANNMO COAIM18810N Cnnl SERWCE COAp�M3310N DA7E qV . . �DATE OUT � ANALY9T : . . . � UO. � . . DOI�MJQ OOA/�MSSION . . ISD Ylb BCMOOI BOMD . . . .. . �. .. . . . � . � . . - . BTAFF.. . . .. 'CY7ARTER COAAMISSION . . WMPLEfE A8 IB� � ADD1 MFO.M�D� - . ��RETD TG OOfI�A�f . ..WF�T11tJ6iT.� . . � � � . � -� _ ' __FOR AflCL�PO. _iEE0B11qC +�. . . � DISTRI�T COIdJCIL . . . . . . .. � . . � *EXPLANATION: � � � - . � � , BIIPPOR'.f8�WFNCM OOIMG<OBIECTIVE9 . � � " , . � . . .. . � . � . . .. . � NQlA1M18 P�Ol4EM.#1��.O�POR1WAfY(1Mho.YN1st.WIllfl,Wllffl.Why): Lotas Victoria Crossing Ine. (Phat.T. Ph�ng-President) RBA Lotws Victaria �ross�ng Restaura.nt at 867 Grand Avenue requests Counci'! approval of. its a��plication for an On Sale_Wine Lzcense (menu item anly) and a 3.2 .Malt � ` . Beverage License_. _ ... _ , : . :.�,�a+�.�a�.�ns►: - , . : . . A11 fees and applications have been submitted. A11 required departrr�nts - Zo�ing, Health, fire, Police and Lice�se - have given their approval: 45 day - _ no�ices have been sent. : , ,. co�o�c�s t±�.wx.�.mw rc vw,o�; , .. _ _ : If Councfl approval is not giver�, Lotus Victoria Crossing wiTl continue as a restaurant without wine and beer. u��rn�: :: v� c�. : _ _ Council R search Center : �c� 2$ �ssa : �„�: _ . ��: r { . . � - ����0 2 � SL�.INT PAUL CI'I� COUN�IL PUBI�I� �.�RII�T� �TO fiZC�. L Z�EN�� AP��Z�A�ZaN RECEIVED 0 CT 1� 1988 CITY CLERK � FIZE NO. Dear Property Owner: 68703 Application for an On Sale Wine License and an On Sale (3.2) Malt License PURP 0 SE ;. , tiC��L�ti!'YL Lotus Victoria Crossing, Inc. (Phat T. Phung, President) �O���Ly Lotus Vi.ctoria Crossing Restaurant, 86l Grand Avenue December 1, 1988 9:00 a.�. �QR ��►' Citp Cauncil Cf�ambers, 3rd floor City Hall. — Court House By Licease aad Permit Divisioa, Departaaent of Fiaaace aad �0��� S�*� Maaagement Services, Roo� 203 City ga.L1 — Court House, Saiat Paul, Miaaesvta 298-5056 � This date may be changed without the consent a.n.d/or knawledge of the License aad Permit Division. I� is suggested that you call the City Clerk.' s Offica at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.