88-1896 WHITE - C�TV GLERK COUIICII ��-/ �na�/ � P�NK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor's Office, through,the Human Rights Commission, is in the process of selecting a new City Human Rights Department Director, and WHEREAS, Due to the,ex}$t�n� Di�ector's ar�nouncement of her departure in mid-year, no money was .budgeted in yt3 or the selection process, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, p��su�nt to Sect�.on,10.07.1 of tl�e City Cha�te , does Gertify �hat tng��$a�udget;lande or appropriation revenues in excess o t�iose estimated in the WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1988 budget: Cu�C rent Am nded FINQ�TCING PLAN __Budget __Changes___ __Bu�get OU1 Gg a1 Fund _ y��� Us o� Fund Balance, Unreserved 1 6g3 465 1 6g4 465 All Ot�i�erBFgnancing 118;761;4Q6 1,00g 118;761;40b ------------ ------------ ------------ SP�N��ING PLAN T20,444,871 1,000 120,445,871 General.Fund Executiv Adm�nistration s nne� O�fice � g C uitp� �t a�d Selection 0�4� Pub�icatio�s and Advertising 3 , $$ 1,00g 43 , $$ A11 Other,Spending 120 O1�'�73 0 120 O1�'�73 A Other Spending , , , , ------------ ------------ ------------ 120,444,871 1,000 I20,445,871 NET CHANGE 1,000 RESOLVED, Th�t,the bud et for sel Ging the Human Rights Di ector wi�l be a 1988 nd 1989 proc as re uiring t$e �ersonnel O��ice to recommend a 1989 �udget ad�ustment to t�ie Mayor to camp�ete t�e selection process. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1988 budget. Approval Recommen���•=�=j-- ��_ Budget r tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.ong [n Favor ��.;� Amend .wkl Rettman v B sche�be� __ A ga i n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DEC � ^ � Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed Co cil Secre y By By� _-� s - A►pproved 18av r: Date oEC 2 � 1�700 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _�_ B _ L�^�- By �� D�C � 11968 ,U �,c�,J .�t.�/r. �v _ �;��. �d�%� � � ,,�-� _ . � 2t3. Resolution 88-1896 - amending the 198$ budget by Ap�� 8$ addfing $30,800 to the Financing and Spending Pians a�� for Executive Administratfon Personnei Office. rred from Councii December 1 ) 29. Resolution 88-1898 - amending the i988 budget by Approved adding $2, 139 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Personnel Office Special Projects. (Referred from Council December 1 ) y 30. Resolution 88-1899 - amending the 1588 budget by Approved adding $6,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans in Finance and Management Services Risk Management. (Referred from Council December 1 ) 31 . Resolution 88-1918 - adopting the St. Paul Capital Laid over Allocation Policy for the years 1990 through 1994 to 1-9 and transmitting it to neighborhood contacts, Long Range CIB Committee and its task force, the Planning Commission and City staff. (Laid over December 12) PERSONNEL 32. Resolution 88-1858 - approving by the Mayor the Approved appointments of persons listed to serve on the St. Paul CIB Committee. {Laid over December 12) 33. Resolution 88-1948 - establishing the rate of pay Laid over for Municipal Equi�ment Coordinator in Grade 07, to 1-9 Section ID3 of the Professional Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council December 13) 34. Resolution pertaining to Fire Chief selection process. Approved � � " � WHITE� — CITY CLERK • . ' . � .. � � .. PIfJK — FINANCE `/ , � CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF ��SA I NT PAUL COUl1C1I �{,. � /�//°--� BLUE — MAVOR File NO• fT r� � � Council Resolution ,:; ; +b ; Presented By - eferred To �t � �T Committe�e: Date •j'� � �`� � r_� Out of Committee By Date � _ ��ts►���i�t�����st�is�tos�taa�i�ts �i�tuE�Eat, �s ia� �s pro�e�rs o� aWeLiel3�M� �� � to t�sir����'�i�ir�set���ssol�er ds�srta�r�t i'�r' a��d-�r' °� � ?������os���i� to 3�rct��4.;7.�s� i����t�ia�� ; � ���r �i�is �lw� �fa�eac sa��r ti�a fo?►l�r� ab�ss to #�r 19�t �: � �� ....� .r..... � ..,..,_.� _-� t Mtla�res, �csr�sttad p g� ��p �11 �1l�,�71 �' @ 12l,��3S; .�.�,......_ � 119,�3�S,i�T1 3�,�10 tll.�iS„ � i� a�ratio�► �` �ri s�a 1 l�r�rias j �r �. , s �d �iHettiait�g ► '� "` • Ild,� � 12�,, s �.._....,.,�.�. I29,8�1S,OTl 3�D�,S40 lt�,�i3, 3 nT Cai/Ci �*� ; i� tl+� #�,ar �r�1 #� aj� 19�l1 &; ����#�t� ������� �.�+�►����e�as � �iad �trr�a � s�+��t a � �.�►„ Z`ir►t ;t� Citr Cmn�eil sp��ronr�s tb�st ei�a tc� � Ilit �et. F +1�► 2 � ��.�.�.... IIirutos � y..,,,` COUNCIL MEMBERS �tequested by Depa e , f: • , . Yeas Nays ��,.- Dimond --"''� � , -��� --- I.on� [n Favor r` Goswitz . �� Against BY ' .� Sonnen '' Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councit: Date Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY • ± By Approved by Mavor. Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission tQ�o�uaei��" `� B ...�-;� gy _,.,....,..,., _..�� Y !,. . . 07� ' � � ��� QDr. Margaret Charmoli ,. � 7 October 1988 , Page Four have assumed responsibility for most of our involvement in similar projects. The other key project members are Dr. Rhonda Gutenberg and Dr. Herdie B.aisden. ' TIME TABLE AND BUDGET The maximum total labor cost of "the described work is $19,800. The budget is detail�d below: Task Tine Table Bud et Committee Meetings, Contacts, and Correspondence Continuous $ 2,000 Job Analysis 10/12-10/31 1 ,500 Recruitment 10/12-11/18 1 ,800 Resume Screening 11/18-11/25 1 ,500 Further Screening 11/25-12/2 2,000 � ""� Assessment Center Development, Preparation, and Administration 12/2-1/6/89 7,500 Finalist Selection 1/20/89 1 ,500 Reference Checking 1/20-1/27 SOU Project Management and Administration Continuous 1 ,500 TOTAL $19,800 These costs include all materials and local travel expenses. Tangible expenses such as advertisements, postage, and long-distance telephone calls will be billed at cost. All aspects of the proposal are negotiable and open to modification to best meet the needs of the Commission and Department. �/l G'{,(��%/ ���� ���/' � � �1��/.1.�,�r��+�t g' �!��_- //; 0 C(� . 3p��DD � � •� ����� J ` � ` �° Q12015 , . Exec. Admin-Personnel Of�ic�Bp��� . - Ke l y anzer ' CONTACT NAME 2 9 8—_ PHONE � 11— DATE � . ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROtJTINC� ORDER: (See reverse side.) 1 Department D,irector ,/ �''�4��Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and �anagement Services D���� v �V5 City Clerk �„ Budget Director _ � city �tto�sy NOV 1 �. 1988 _ TOTAL NOMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: k�-�$�i��3���a�� for signature.) --�i I 1 T I IV WHA ii � G 0 T ? (PurposefRationale) Current City Human Rig ts Director resigne . o-� money was budgeted �n 1988 to select replacement. Personnel Office would like to sign contract with PDI and begin search and replacement process in 1988 as directed by the Human Rights Commission. Buc�get am�endment creates spending authority to search, recruit and select new Director. S B U G AND RS IMPAC T D: Spending and financing plans in General Fun are increased by $30,800 . Financing plan is use of fund balance, unreserved, undesignated. Spending authority is created in the .Fersonnel Office' s Recruitment and Sel.ection Activity. No��change in FTEs. FINANCING SOUItCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHAR�ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: $30 ,800 Activity Number: 00158 Funding Source: ggg0 Use of Fund Balance, Unreserved, Undesignated � � �� ,.; ATTA�HMENTS: (List and_number all attachments.) � ��' a 1. Resolution � �C��v � 2. Budget outline frorn Charmoli memo Council Research Center NOV 1 41988 ADMINISTRATIVE' PROCEDURES �� �es _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? es _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPAR�IENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW !' Yes o Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes � Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes No Insurance attached?