88-1889 WHITE - C�TV�CLERK COURCIl (/Q-�� PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � n- CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO._f�L{� Cou cil Resolution 5i Pcesented By ,'"'�''���t Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #27361) for an On Sale Wine (menu item only) and 3.2 Malt Beverage License by Sbarro Inc. DBA Sbarro The Italian Eatery at 445 Minnesota Street, be and the same is here�y approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond .�-.i.aes In Favor ��� � xeccman � _ Against BY �� Wilson NOV 2 9 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Pas e Co ncil Se ta By r("� ' � gy, tappro ed �Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �S� ��,�� i � �9� � � ��i��� , UIVZt�ION OF LICENSE AND P�;RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ��I � / �6 /� � , INTE,RflF.PARTMF.I�'TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � ,�(YU „�,h� . _ Home Address ��j � ��, � ( �,.�r�nm ac,�, , � •1�`��� Rusiness Iv'ame S�„1(r'(� �� �,.�Gt„1iAw! Home Phone ,�'(� ��pc(� - �j�Op _ � �`� ` Business Address ���. � , Type of License(s) (�r► S�Q,A. ���� Business Phone �Gi1 .- (�$S 3 •d YY�f�. �P,,(�4XQ,G.G �C • Public Hearing Date I� 2� �S� License I.D. 41 � "� 3(,p � at 9:00 a.m. in the Counc'1 Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� ��1 q ij�a� llate Notice Sent; �l/�b�oU ���05,J Dealer 4� '��Fr to Applicant fQ Qq,y ��, /�/Q�� —� f� y►�„Z1;.� Federal Firearms 4� 1(���. Public Nearing � DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUI�ZENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D A + � a � O �i Health Divn. N ' � � �� ! bl� � Fire Dept. iG ( � I � � )� I � � � Yolice Dept. G I _� I ,�J � .T�.�,c.orcQ- . License Divn. Cj � � l i �/ � �` L a � Tl City Attorney �f � � �' O� Date Received: Site Plan ��,�{1Q� To Council Research Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �`�I � - - �'J � o' / '-� l:-'J City of Saint Paul ' ' Department of Finance and Management Services ��� /G�� License and Permit Division 0 � 203 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102•298•5056 � APPLiCATION FOR LICENSE Ca CH� CLASS NO. N@w Re� � Da 19� Code No. Title of License Fro 1_19�T � � 19� 1'1� ro- �t's-- S ��15 30 , , �� r,�c� r�.�. . �- r 3y m�� � � S 3 p`�(� ApplicanUCompany Name — 100 100 eusiness Name �100 � �.,,. �.s:�.n-�'G-- ' Business Address (_I�ne��� + 100 N � _ "l�.� �.�r�-��cQ�r� (� acx� 100 Mail to Address Phone No. ioo ,)—.�� �� R ��.� ManaperlOwner•Name � `j�� 100 �t Q�� JTZ�[,��'„� A � / , n . �p%�-!�S 100 htanagerlOwner•�F ome Address Phone No. 4098 Applicatfon Fee 2, 50 Recefved the Surn of 100 � I� ��� � � �,� ., S S(�� a � ManagerlOwner•City,Slata 3 Zip Cods 100 Total 1� LlCense(nspector `-' � By: ^ ,��� Signature of Apptieant sond• �a.ta � Q ,,,v�. �- �..Q la r►�u�n ir� �`�� 1 S�� � Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Insurance: � �^ nn 1/1 �1.� r� �� � �� T �l���A�,.� 1 ��� f 1S/ Company Name Policy No. Exp�ration Date , Minnesota State Identificatfon No. '�T1�9.3 ta GI Social Security No. Vehicte Information: Ssrial Number late Numbsr Oth@f: THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordlnanca and completion of the inspectio�s by the Health, Fire, Zoning and/or License Inspectora. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RE� R{IEO CHECKS � � . � � � � � . � ` ��� � ��-::���;� �-:������ �� � � ��� -���� MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBL]C SAFETY P4911s12-881 P'HONE(6•121296-6159 LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION ' 333 SiBLEY • ST.PAUL,MN 55101 � APPL1CATiON FOR COUNTY OR CITY ON SALE WINE LtCF.1VSE NOTTO EXC�ED 14%OF ALCOHOL BY VOLUME EVERY aUEST10N MUST BE ANSWERED. if a corporation,an officer shall execute tfiis application. If a partnership,a partner shall execute this application.If this is a first application attach a copy of the artides of incorporation and by-laws. Applicants Name(Business.Partnerohip,Corpwationl Trade Name or 08A Sv�i� �QP� �o,��q ��� Businass Addresa Business Phone Applicants Home one �3 1..4� �:r ` �. (S i b )X6�!,O� 1 ) c;�, co���� scet rp code G+�rr.m�•� Ny � ��.t7?'a � l ��- Is this application If a transfer,give name of fortner owner License period New � Renewal ❑Transfer �-- From To If a corporation,give name,title,address and date of birth of each officer.If a partnership,give name,address a�d date of binh of each partner. Partner/Officer Name and Title Address DOB s Pc�,� ., �4, P�. ,t1 i�7L5' 3-►��. Partner/Otficer Name and Titte Address DOB �s^ S�fL� �P_ e ; ��, 1�0.5� ?-1-�{ Partne►/Officer Name and Tid Address DOB vP i� � �t� A ,i7 �t-� Partner/Officer Name and Title Address 008 CORPORATIONS State of Date of Certificate Incorparation��� �O� Incorporation ��" t "�� Number � Is co�poration authorized to do business in Minnesota?�Yes ❑ No �r,�c �• a,pa3lo� If a subsidiary of another co�poration,give name and address of parent corporation � THE BUILDING Name of Q , Owners 15� �^�°�T°t"K'� Building Owner,lCE� M•✓��S�Q .��G . Address � � St. '� 5 C Has the building owner any connection Are the property taxes deliquent? ❑ Yes �(Plo direci or indirect,with the applicant? �Yes �(No Describe the premises to be licensed 35� � Sp�-�� �'�' t �c..�vr=� ��° C'1 ' � S �iJn,fb �e �rw �a" � �_ C4�� 1"�•n.�or��os — � THE RESTAURANT What is the During what hours will h•F �• S°�,�.Number of people ,. Seating capacity? �� food be avaiiable? (O"� �d�o �Sr�staurant will employ? ��� How many months per year , Wilt food service be the principa! will the restaurant be open?� business of the resiaurant?,�"4�es ❑ No . . ��-���9� ; If this restaurant is in conjunction with another business (resort, etc.),describe the business. � . �/� OTHER INFORMATION 1. Have the applicant or associates been granted an on-sale non-intoxicating malt beverage(3.2)and/or a"set-up"license in conjunciion with this wine license7 ❑ Yes � No TJe,.� l:;,e,��„r Q�,Q�;�1,o.� 2. Is the applicant or any of the associates in this application a member of the county board or the city councd whict�will issue this license? � Yes ,'�'No If yes, in what capacity? — . (If the applicant is the spouse of a member of the goveming body,or another family relationship exisis,the member shall not vote on this application.) 3. Ou�ing the past license year has a summons been issued under the liquor civil liability law (Dram Shop) IMS.340A 802). ❑ Yes �No If yes attach a copy of the summons. 4. Has the applicant or any of the associates in this application been convicted during the past five years of any violation of federal, state or local liquor laws in this state or any other state? ❑ Yes f�No If yes, give date and details. 5. Does any person other than the appiicants, have any right,title or interest in the furniture,fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? � Yes �$'No If yes give names and details. 6. Have the applicants any interests,direcily or i�directly, in any other liquo�establishment in Minnesota? G�l�es �No If yes, give name and address of the establishment. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ THE A QUESTIONS AN THAT THE ANSWERS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT OF ' �, / MY OWN KNOWLEDGE. � �J '���"� IOI��(l�'�_ . � ` Sgnaan of AppGcanc Date REPORT BY POIICE OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant,and the associates, named herein have not been convicied within the past five years for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota,Municipai or County. Ordinances relating to tntoxicating Liquor,except as follows Po►ice,Shenff Department Name Titte Signature . - . � �L � ,. . . . �c�/��1 . Application No. Oate Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IMTOXICATING lIQUOR LICc��SE SUNDAY ON SAI,E INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATI�VG LIQUOR LICENSE _ � . M � OFF SALE INTOXICATIN6 lIQUOR LICFNSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW 6Y THE PUBIIC 1. Application for (name of license) S�xirro � ���. , CUine./ 3.a Ma.ct 2. �ocated at (address) 7(3 La r1�-�:�� Q�_T.�.�k 1�1�I l 17a5 _ 3. Name under which business will be operated ��ru-��. ''�Q�ia.. �,�e� � . 4. True Plame Nn — — PhoneSl� g�`{-0�,6b irst -�Midd e —�Maiden� last r 5. Oate of Birth � 7 ` Place of Birth NT� �fa�y onth, Oay, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? � -S Native Naturalized � 7. Home Address a�� �5�..nrn���, �v�.,�u�nr�- � Hane Tel ephone 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed ., for the past five years? Business/Employ�ment Address �r�o.� —C� �c��/�:�e�.-Eor 7(�3 L..a���.� R1..�.,�._ .,�1� t�y 117a5 � 9. Married? 25 If answer is "yes", list the name and address of spouse. V`�b1`�o S�rr'o � a1`�i �5��brcer. !i.rc I���. l� N 1 ( � 1�3 . . ����9 ' 10. 4ave you ever be�n conv?cted of any felony, crime ar violatian of any city ordinance, other• than traffi c? Yes _ Vo �_ � Oate of arrest —` 19,_,_ Where Charge ! Conviction � — Sentence Oate af arrest — I9 Where � Charqe '"' Canviction — Sentence 11. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor FeCeral Tax Stamp �� �Ni11 be used. 12. Closest 3.2 Place Church School I3. Closest intaxicatinq iiquar place. On Sale Off Sale ia. List the names and residenc_s of three persans of Ramsey Caunty of qoad moral character, not related to the applicant or f�nancially interested in the premises or business, �Nho �ay Ce referred to as to the applicant's character. Name address S�Q f� ,11.n�. . t`_ Q___ 1�?1�J��(� C��ra�+� _ I5. ACdress o� premises for whicn application is made To�.�w+r�,�`,Ce��� � S5i� Zone C1 ass i f�catf on � �hone �(a -02`��—��� I6. Between what cross streets? which side cf Street 17. Are premises now occupied? /es What Business? J�1'rD �-���ro�,.� How Long? � S .3. List licenses whict� you clrrently ho1d, or for.�rty heid, or may have an inz�res� in. S�A �. , '� �S -� i9. Have any of the lic�nses tis�ed by lou in �o. 18 ever been revaked? Yes Vo �,_ I� answer is "yes", l;s� the dates and reasons � � , . ������' , ' 20. If business is incorporated, give date of incorporacion �0�/C.,.�b�� ( _19�7 NY� and attach copy of article� oi Iacorroration and minutes o= =irst meetiag. ?1. List all officers� of the corporacion, givfng their aames, office held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. __ 1"1Qi`�D �fc�i� +1 lCS�der.t' l' 1�0�t)G �d r 1 \,�� Ne�i� �Y (�7(r�S .P. - «� = 7 I�VS,�n sS Ndt`rSS GT A,� ��:Ct'.cl�'S- �acr�1 �•nc. �� �ir��.c�d. `I�d �n,Qr� �� 514� 36�t--�a-o 0 23. If business is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. *t�e -�'� Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who crill have an interest in this business or premises? 24. Are you goiag to operate this busines� personally? � If not, who will operate it? :1ame�Q;c.k S�,xl�y Home Addres O14 . Phone Gta `t39-�1�3 5�,t� k� ssoga� 25. Are qou goiag to have a manager or assistant in this business? If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone number. :1ame �_ Q�d� Home Address Phone A►�1Y FALISFICATION OF e1,�iSTM'ERS GIVE��J OR :�lATERLIL SLBMITTID WILL RESULT I*i DEiJL1I. OF TflIS aPPLICaTION. I hereby stace uader oath that I have ans�rered all of the above questions, aad that the information contaiaed therein is true aad correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I nereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or iadirectly, in connection arith the transfer of this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution. or ocherwise, other than already disclosed in the application wnic:� I have herevith submitted: State of (�1w�p..iC) � ' ) f Couacy of��.� ) (Sign ture oi applicant) Subscribe,�r and swa to bef re me s �Il1 day o f 19� �1��'ilIME�f IS� :Jotar� ublic uacy,��r.a 1�(� �.� :4y Commission e. _��r��AS ������ . . -� ���`�9 � � SBARRO, INC. DIRECTORS AND EXECOTNE OFFICERS � NAME � ADDRESS TITLE BUSINESS ADDRESS Mario Sbarro President and Director 763 Larkfield Road Horse Shoe Road Commack, NY 11725 Mill Neck, NY 11765 Anthony Sbarro Executive Vice President, 763 Larkfield Road 241 Asharoken Avenue Treasurer and Director Commack, NY 11725 Northport, NY 11768 Joseph Sbarro Executive Vice President, 763 Larkfield Road 8 Sands Light Road Secretary and Director Commack, NY 11725 Sands Point, NY 11050 Carmela Sbarro Vice President and Director 763 Larkfield Road 23-39 80th Street ' Commack, NY 11725 Brooklyn, NY 01214 Bernard Zimmerman Director 763 Larkfield Road 18 High Meadow Road Commack, NY 11725 Weston, CT 06883 Harold L. Kestenbaum Director 159 Keyland Court 52 Hedgerow Lane Bohemia, NY 11716 Jericho, NY 11753 Paul A. Vatter Director Harvard Business 244 Clifton Street School - Soldier' s Belmont, MA 02178 Field, Boston,MA 02163 Richard A. Mandell � Director Prudential Bache 245 E. 19th Street Securities New York, NY 10003 199 Water St.31st F1. New York, NY 10292 Leonard Skrosky Senior Vice President of 763 Larkfield Road 11 Candlewood Path Real Estate Commack, NY 11725 Dix Hills, NY 11746 Phillip Speicher Vice President - Finance 763 Larkfield Road 4307 Glenaire Drive Commack, NY 11725 Dallas, Texas 75229 Jerry Underhill Senior Vice President •of 763 Larkfield Road 5028 Barrowe Drive Operations Commack, NY 11725 Tampa, Florida 33624 , • � ' • ' l/" �/ V �/ Application No. � Oate Received By � CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALF IMTOXICATING LIQUOR LICEYSE SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATIyG LIQUOR LICENSE _ � . M • OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MAIT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which thP name of the license will be issued. . THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Appl i cation for (name of 1 i cense) 5bQ r�a ��L� (�I n�c, � 3.� rnait 2. Located at (address) �(o'� �-v,r k�ct� Q�• , �n,�c�c t�l� � ���5 __ 3. Name under wh i ch bus i ness wi 11 be operated �A r� �-���an �.� � 4. True Name � � " — f Phone S�t� ��{-O�a i t Middle�— Maiden Last 5. Date of 6irth � o Place of Birth Month, Oay, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? t S Native iVaturaiized � 7. Home Address$ �an�s L�a���•�.,�s � � 11�5bhome Tel ephone - 8. Including your present business/employn�ent, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employ�nent Address �rr� ,Zr,c•— C7�"i',?csr'/�;(�.c,-�'� 7�a3 �..at���'`< (,� �. ► 1�.,.�,-,«��_ �7�5 9. Married? cs If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. �b•r „ 51��� � 8 S I 5 �� ��� 10. Have you ever be�n convicted of any felony, crime or violation of 3ny city ord�nance, other. than traffi c? Yes No _�_ � Oate of arrest � 19_ t�here Charge �"' Canvictian � Sentence Oat� oT arrest � 19� Where � Charge -"-- Canviction --� Sentence 11. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp ✓ �Ni11 be used. I2. Closest 3.2 P1ace Churct� Schcol I3. Closest intoxicating liquar place. On Sale Off Sale ia. List the names and residenc_s of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not reTated to the applicant or financialiy interested in the premises or business , �Nho �nay te referred to as to t�e applicant's character. � Vame address 5 ,,... , , � �5 �,b� . I5. Address afi premises far whict► application is made� n .r��'"#`�.�.,r�_�. �. rJ�J �UO Zone C1 ass i fi cat�on �hone ��� c��1 —�dS� I6. Between what cross streets? Which side of Stre�t I7. Are premises naw occupieQ? yes What Business? �r� rtsT���...'� ►�ow Long? � .3. List lfcenses which you clrrently ha1d, or ror�nerTy he1d, ar may have an interes� in. �r!'o,� rt _ 1^�o �3 \_�►Af ��tMM$r4 "1'D i 1f71cs�r..t �-t' .�t (Z'�a���.�'�'S . i9. 4ave any of �he lic�nses 1is�ed by you in Vo. 18 eve+r been revoked? Yes Vo �,_ I� answer is "yes", lis� �he dates an� roasons '� � , . ����� ' 20. • If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation N�/'. ( 19 �� �1y� 'and attach copy of articles oi Incorroration and minutes of iirst meetiag. 31. List all officers� of the corporation, giving cheir names, office held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. _ h10 n�, r�h p,�: ,�..c�- 1� 1�o�.s��R,� t�l�u 1.1��� tJ`f t l-1 toS S . - S� . S�� . S�.�t U P.� � � - � ; r . a� 41T'cd' � 51�, r � Lq �-, St 6 ��{ro� 2?. If business is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. ;��e '�'� e�,ddress Phoae 23. Is there anyone else who vill have an interest ia this business or premises? 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? No _• If aot, who wi21 operate it? :1ame�j f� 5�,���V Home Address`�pID 3"F aa�c�� T�:� 1 1. PhoneGt� �t39- (ot�A S�-��t� htN 550� 25. are qou going to have a manager or assistant in this business? If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone number. Name S o f-��t� . Home Address Phone ?u�1Y F.AI.ISFIC�ITION OF c3►YSW'ERS GIV.F�ii OR :�lATERL�I. SLBMZTTID WILL RESiTLT I*T DEYIaL OF THIS �PPLICaTION. I hereby state under oath chat I have answered all of the above questiens, and chat the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my k:cowledge and belief. I nereby state further under oach that I have received no money or ocher consideration, directly, or iadirectly, ia conneccion wfth the transfer of chis license, from aay person by way or loan, gift, contribution or othervise, other t:ian already disclosed in 'cation waic:� I have herevith submitted. Stace of �W y�) ) � •. Couacq oP�\k ) (Signature oi applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19�,Z ���� ;Zotary Pe:blic, ounty, K :4y Commission e:spires (o •.�(�.� 1��11�� ' �11R1�3�E�1�� 114 WNI7MSIi �E�S���A:i� .� � . ����� • SBARRO, INC. DIRECTORS AND EXECQTIVE OFFICERS NAME � ADDRESS TITLE BQSINESS ADDRESS Mario Sbarro President and Director 763 Larkfield Road Horse Shoe Road Commack, NY 11725 Mill Neck, NY 11765 Anthony Sbarro Executive Vice President, 763 Larkfield Road 241 Asharoken Avenue Treasurer and Director Commack, NY 11725 Northport, NY 11768 Joseph Sbarro Executive Vice President, 763 Larkfield Road 8 Sands Light Road Secretary and Director Commack, NY 11725 Sands Point, NY 11050 Carmela Sbarro Vice President and Director 763 Larkfield Road 23-39 80th Street Commack, NY 11725 Brooklyn, NY 01214 Bernard Zimmerman Director 763 Larkfield Road 18 High Meadow Road Commack, NY 11725 Weston, CT 06883 Harold L. Kestenbaum Director 159 Keyland Court 52 Hedgerow Lane Bohemia, NY 11716 Jericho, NY 11753 Paul A. Vatter Director Harvard Business 244 Clifton Street School - Soldier' s Belmont, MA 02178 Field, Boston,MA 02163 Richard A. Mandell Director Prudential Bache 245 E. 19th Street Securities New York, NY 10003 199 water St.31st Fl. New York, NY 10292 Leonard Skrosky Senior Vice President of 763 Larkfield Road 11 Candlewood Path Real Estate Commack, NY 11725 Dix Hills, NY 11746 Phillip Speicher Vice President - Finance 763 Larkfield Road 4307 Glenaire Drive Commack, NY 11725 Dallas , Texas 75229 Jerry Underhill Senior Vice President of 763 Larkfield Road 5028 Barrowe Drive Operations Commack, NY 11725 Tampa, Florida 33624 � ., - . ���-i�-� Application No. Date Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICcNSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATI�VG lIQUOR LICENSE _ . � • OFF SAI.E INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT 6EVERAGE LICENSE ON SAIE WINE LICENSE Oirections: ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person wt�o has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of license) �b ✓�, � . f.t�lhe, � 3•a �c��t O f f 7� � !� 2. Located at (address) �(�,3 �...a�k�'.el� Q� ��,,.�„r,�Q��. �y �11�5 3. Name under which business will be operated Sbqr�o ���Ar.. E�..�rr'� 4. True Plame ar; _ — ` �q� o Phone -b 0� �First M d�d��— Maiden Last 5. Date of Bi rth 3 �1 `'f oZ Pl ace of Bi rth 1�q �es �'�'� Month, � Yearj o. Are you a citizen of the United States? � � Native Platuralized ✓ 7. Hane Address �� �o �..�.1 I�k 1�1�( �11�s Home Tel ephone " 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? _ Business/Employment Address �J�� �Ar ,!,1.nc. - ��`t'��r �1��'e��-or` �C��.�,k�� ��,��,�,�,-.a� 1.)� 1�7�5 9. Married?J�� If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. p1,n n�n �G-�;�Q ��rc� l 1 �o�-�� �. ���,� �'-�-k N�l ( l 7(� �� ,�� . 10. Have you ever been convicted of zny felany,_ crime or violation of any city ordinance, other than traffic? Yes No �C _ � Oate of arrest — 19= ��here — � Charqe —" CanvictTan --' Sentence Oate of arrest �'—' 19 where � Cnarge ' '"' _ Canviction �— Sentence 11. Retail 8eer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp _� �Ni11 be used. 12. Closest 3.2 P1ace Churcfl School I3. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale Off Sa1e i�. List the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the appiicant or f�nancialiy interes�ed in the premises er business , ��no �nay be referred to as to the applicant's character. Vame Address �-• . . . � . ►s �, C.� -�: ' — i; � , d�k. I5. Address ef premises for which application is made�cL,J�1 54,���t.,��CP�r �'��t'�P��►� SS��� Zone �lassif�cat�on �hvne 6t� 02 (— OUSS I6. Between what crpss streets? 'dhict� side of Street I7. Are pre�mises naw occupied? ��S What Business? S�,r�n ('esrQ�ra.,-�- How Long? q 1�S���o _3. List licenses whict� you cirrently hoid, or fornerty he1d, or may have an fnt:res� in. _ . S�rro .�,�'. G,,.l,�, �;4 .al �� P,.s�s �i nr.h,..� � .�s � �� i9. 4ave any vf �he lic:nses tis�ed by you in �o. 18 ever be�n rsvoked? Yes Vo �,_ I� answer zs "yes", 1�s� :he dates and r=asons -- . . , - '• ������ • s is incor orated ive date of incorporation I�JO en� C 19 f ��� Z0. If busines p + 8 � � ' and attach copy of articles of Incorporation and minutea of first meetiag. ?1. List all officer3 of the corporation, givfng their aames, offi.ce held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. _- 1�o�;a Sb4�r-a .Pr�s��.-� �r��.� Q.�- 1-�.�� 1.k� \.1`( I 1�4,5 �, .P- � g l:� 1�.� . Ss N� � d v.P ' c�9Jce ( 1 XJS�J�eS$ A�('tSas �+t! �1Clf$� S�r� �/�C. ��0� ��t� 1� �1��+�rnnG� �� �O ab t-b�E 22. If business is partnerahip, list partner(s) , address and telephoae numbers. ;��@ ""' Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who vill have an interest in this business or premises? N� � 24. Are you going to operate this busiaess personally? If not, who will operate it'. :Iame�j„t{� �.r�ht Home Address 010 a ¢(' �� T!a;� 1J. PhoneGta '139-�o��.g ��T S�.11w4, r 1�1W. SSo$3� 25. are you going to have a manager or assistaat ia this ousiness? If aaswer i3 "yes", give name, home address, aad home telephone number. ,�� �, A�� Hcme address Phone �u�iY F4LISFIC�ITION OF 2uYS�v'ERS GIVE�i OR :KATERIAL SLBMITTID WILL RESULT I*I DE:(IaL OF 'THIS :�PPLiCaTZON. I hsreby state under oath chat I have answered all of the above questions, and chat the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I nsreby state further uader oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, fa connection with the transfer of this license, from any person bv vap of 1oan, gift., contribution or otherwise, other t:�an already disclosed in the application vhic:� I have herewith aubmitzed. S tate o t 1��`Jodt1� ) �� Couatq oF Sv.�o�� ) • (Signacure oi applicanc) Subscribed nd swo to before me c �S ay oi 19 'l 0l��IbC1�"' �I�.tiA1E0F t�YOMt;:x :lotar,� Public, /\ ��� ;sy Commissioa e. ires V q�E�MBaME3q,I - . . . ����� . SBARRO, INC. ,. �r _ DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS � NAME � ADDRESS TITLE BOSINESS ADDRESS Mario Sbarro President and Director 763 Larkfield Road Horse Shoe Road Commack, NY 11725 Mill Neck, NY 11765 Anthony Sbarro Executive Vice President, 763 Larkfield Road 241 Asharoken Avenue Treasurer and Director Commack, NY 11725 Northport, NY 11768 Joseph Sbarro Executive Vice President, 763 Larkfield Road 8 Sands Light Road Secretary and Director Commack, NY 11725 Sands Point, NY 11050 Carmela Sbarro Vice President and Director 763 Larkfield Road 23-39 80th Street Commack, NY 11725 Brooklyn, NY 01214 Bernard Zimmerman Director 763 Larkfield Road 18 High Meadow Road Commack, NY 11725 Weston, CT 06883 Harold L. Kestenbaum Director 159 Keyland Court 52 Hedgerow Lane Bohemia, NY 11716 Jericho, NY 11753 Paul A. Vatter Director Harvard Business 244 Clifton Street School - Soldier' s Belmont, MA 02178 Field, Boston,MA 02163 Richard A. Mandell Director Prudential Bache 245 E. 19th Street Securities New York, NY 10003 199 Water St.31st F1. ' New York, NY 10292 Leonard Skrosky Senior Vice President of 763 Larkfield Road 11 Candlewood Path Real Estate Commack, NY 11725 Dix Hills, NY 11746 Phillip Speicher Vice President - Finance 763 Larkfield Road 4307 Glenaire Drive Commack, NY 11725 Dallas, Texas 75229 Jerry Underhill Senior Vice President of 763 Larkfield Road 5028 Barrowe Drive Operations Commack, NY 11725 Tampa, Florida 33624 - ��-��y �L�ZNfi PAtT� CZT� COUN�IL L'tT�I�I� H�ARIi`T� N4'�I�� L.1.v 1:�LV �L'� �� l��l�A1Zl1N RECEIVED � � NOV 101988 C►TY CLERK � FIL�.. NO. To Whom It May Concern: L-27361 Applicatian for an On. Sale Wine License (Menu Item Only) and a 3.2 Malt Beverage License (Menu Item Only) PUR.P 0 SE. �P���;�� Sbarro, In�. doing business as Sbarro The Italian Eatery ��C�'�=QN 445 Minnesota St. 13ovembe , 1988 9:00 a.m. ��.��i' City Couacil CIiambers, 3rd floor Citp Sa.11 — Court House By License aad Perm%[ Divfsion, Departmeat of Eiaance aad �Q�-��. SE�*� Maaagement SerQices, Roo� 203 City Ha1.l — Court 3ousa, Saiat Paul, Miaaesota 298-5056 This date ma.y be changed Withou� the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permi� Division. I� is suggested t:�at you call the City Cleric' s Offica at 298-4231 if you wish confir,aation. .. ORIONIA, �.. ` � - . . . .. DATE M/IIAT�-. . �DML CO�L,lflD: . � . . _ " `.�C� ' .- �: . : ��i��N -SHEE wo. p p 2 2 Q�, t�r.=J. Carchedi cClfr�rr . o�Nr a� �aron,o�+�r,�r„ Kris Schwe�nler-YanHorn "�1°" — �.��� ��� NUMBER POR - , `"`: � "°: R«� �q� 2 Cpuncil R�search . � . . ORDER: � ;CITYATTORNEY ' � . . . . . . � . Applica�ion for an On Sa1e Wine (menu item on1y) and Qn Sa1e 3.2 � M�tt Beverage License. . Notifi.cation Date: 11-10-s8 Hearing Rate: ��► .�a�w a�cp>> ��,�o�r: -� w�arx�c�r�o�+ ' aw:s�c�a�+ �n�n� a►�our u�u.vsr x�on�Ho. apwna oo�aw �so�a scHOa eonAo sr� c►w�n c�arrseaw �r�ns re ,woL m�ro.nooeo= n�v ro cor►r�r co�riru�r _ - _wa nar�Kro. ���sticK�oow* osrwcr oou+cw =exa�raN: s�eoars wMa+t�ur+cM.os,�nvE� - : ,, , Gaun�;l P,e�:�arch Center. _ ►��u V 16 i988 .�.n�e,.a�no��.�o�rsu+�►Y�,�n,�;w�.v�.v�: Sbarro Ine. 08A Sbarro The Italian Eatery request Counci1 approval of their appli�atior� for On Sa�e Wine and On Sa1e 3.2 Malt Beverage Li`eerrse at 445 Minnesota Street. � , , , :ru�►�w�+��a�r�.�a.>: A1l applications and fees have been submitted. A11 required depa�tments h�ye reviewed `and approved the app1ic�tion. . t�o�+.eou�se l�.f;wi+�►:.�,a rQ.vuno�>: . . .. - . ;. If Council approval is not received, Sbarro Inc. will nvt be a1lowed �o serve On Sale Wine and 3.� Mail� Bet�erage. ,►c�un„�a: : �os , c�s � , _ �rroiwinn�rrs: � � . ' . . . � . . . . . . . . . . � . � . � . . . . � ' .- ' � y . . . .. '_ ��� . . . . .