88-1887 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT ` BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � �� - 6 ^ C sncil Resolution �f ��-�� ���.�� Presented By Referre � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #28490) for a New Motor Vehicle Dealer License, a Second Hand Motor Vehicle Dealer License and a Dealership Repair Garage License by Capitol Jeep Eagle Inc. (Randall Lee-President) DBA Capitol Jeep Eagle at 945 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved/ ��. � .. . . , � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ^-�*e� In Favor G45w►cZ Rettman �;y� � _ Against BY .-s� wilson NOV 2 9 � Form App oved by City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date ' - Certified as•e b Council Sec ry By '' / � By l�ppro y Mavor: Date �V 3 � p�A Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY ' �I.,tS�B �E'� 1 � 1998 - . ,,��'/�� biVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE °�� � l GT e�3 �O INTP,RDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn rocessed/Received y Lic Enf Aud Applicant �y�,Q,�� �GQ,. _ Home Address oC w�+S 1 �G� �y�-±��/'� Rusiness Name � '�"Q � ,_— � w '� Home Phone ��p'"��'!g� � �a�s Q�q ^..1 Business Address ��S uY�I�J C-t-tJ�„ Type of License(s) Ue1,(� /�'(� �� , Business Phone `�t �3 '"a��,� �fj,�t t� �tp� 2Kd,�,�,Qr /�'�1�� Public Hearing Date �� ,� License I.D. �i e�,g � �10 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cha� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t a �� � g y 3 llate Notice Sent; ��I9I�� L�°�°'� Dealer 4f �T r ��0 �.�'� to Applicant � //�.�� J.�� rederal F�_rearms �6 Pub.lic He�.�ring � �-u DATE TNSPECrIUN REVtEW VERFIED (GOMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D i � Il'� � B Health Divn. , �,�� � � � Fire Dept. �8 ����,(/� � 1/ ��o K__ i I � I Police Dept. �O �� �I �� / L � License Divn. ! lo�a�{�� o� City Attorney � �� i� , b,� Date Received: Site Plan '1 I �,� � � To Council P.esearch Lease or Letter ^, Date from Landlord �t. � ��'���� . City of Saint Paul � Department of Finance and Management Services ���/�G� License and Permit Division S 203 City Hall . St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-5056 ' APPLICATION FOR LICENSE CAaSH CH� CLASS NO. � Re� l ( Date °'�` 19 Code No. Title of License C From �C � t�To � �p 19 � �� ± �I ' c r- ��D, l � n .. ,00 (�C� r��� �v_ ��t 1�..Lrn� � j=�a O �Q r .v C A T ��� • 7 5 ApplieanUCo Dany Name �I�p �h � n, �' � � ��eh � �� J�� � 5 q � - i,�„ � �����,�, .�u� 100 Buslness Name �oo j 1 � f'l�-l�t 1, ;C�1 �7 Business Address Phons No. 100 100 Maii to Address Pnone No. ,00 l�'������ J. �o�l ManaperlOwner•Name 100 / � 'l -t '. a• l.��l���G �JGC.� L Li_yI 'C/ ���d �� 100 AlanagerlGwner•Home Address� Phone No. r 4098 Application Fee 2. 50 Received the Sum of 100 �Q��f� �Q�� �, n ��� � � 5� ManagedOwner•Ciry,State d Zip Code 100 Total 100 License Inspector v (� �By; ` �IZ Signature of Applicant Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Date Insurance:__ �ii V►9'12,25 �n5 C1 ro�(� �v U ���Go 13 Se.p � �� 1 y�' ,Q-r,t� ly / CI�'g Company Name �1 Policy No. Expiration ate Minnesota State Identification No. °?3���7 � Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plate Number OthQr. THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinanCe and completion of the inspectiona by the Health, Fire, Zoning and/or License Inspecto�s. $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS ���v � Q�' � q�- �� ,,�,�-�- ,� �;���-�C% �-�3�g , .. � � ��-i�� CITY OF ST. PAUL , � DEPAR'17�11T OF FII(ANCE AFD MAHA�i'P SffitYICES LICEIP�E AND PIIiI�Q'P DI9Z5IO�A CLASS III Tlieae statemer�t forrna are i�svad in d4glicate. Pleaae aasMer all questia�s !ti�].7y aad completely. This application ia tharoug�}r checked. Any lalaiticstion vill be csuse for deaial. Date �st �, 19 83 1. Applicatiou ror �1�� New & Used Nbtor Vehicle, Dealer and Garage �yi��� �p�t� 2. Itame o! applicsnt Randall J. Lee, Capitol Jeep Eagle, Inc. 3• If applicant is/hsa been a mdrried female, list maiden neme N/A b. Date of birth May 10, 1948 Age 4� Place o! birtti Minneapol is, Mimesota 5. Are you a citizen of the United Stat�es o_ Fsti�e _ l�aturalized _ 6- Are yau a registered vo�Y YES �n North palcs, Minnesota 55127 7. Home a,ddresa 2 West Bay Lane North Oaks, NN. 55127 � �y� 612-482-1824 a. Pr�sent business a�ddresa 3425 N. Hwy. 61 St. Paul, MV. �1�si ���12_q�;_�31 9. Ineluding your present bnsiness 1 /emp oyment, �st bnsiness/�sployseat �a�s yai follo�ned tor the past five years. Business/Fynplaymeut pd�=� Hhite Bear Lincoln Mercury, Inc. 3425 N. Hwy. 61 St. Paul, NN. �110 Capitol Jeep Eagle, Inc. 945 University AVe. St. Paul, NN. 55104 . 10. Married Y_ If ans�+er is "yes", liet name aad addresa at �pause Barbara L. I..ee 2 West &1y Lane North Oaks, NN. 55104 11. ?�iave you ever been arreated for an oflense thst has r�ulted in a coa�ict.ion!� If ansuer is "yes", list dstes ot arresta, �rh�ere, c6argea, eomri,ctipot and — aentenees. Date o! arrast 19_ �here CAAF.GE CONVICI'ION g� Date o: arnst 19 Where C'HARG� CONV IGTIOii S�� . � C��/�c�% 12. List the names and addresses (ir married, name o! spouse also) of all persons, �corporations, partnerships, associationa or orgarii.zations Mt�ich in� aqy Way have: a. A mortgage intereat in the licensed prdnise, � b. A security interest in the licensed premises, licenae, or l�rniahings o! the licensed premise, � c. A pramisso�y note for tunds loaaed !or t2�e operatioc of the licensed pre�ise or the parchasa ot'the license, �ite Bear Lincoln Mercury, Inc. 3425 N. Hwy. 61 St. Pau1,NN. � Rand Prnperties, Inc. 1451 Wolters Blvd. Vadnais Heights, NN. 5110 d. Financially coatributed to the purchase ot' the preaise or the license it- sel! NONE e. ArLy other interest either direct or indirect, either fihancisl or other�+ise � in the licensed premise or the licenae itaelf, NONE Attach a copy hereto o! aay arui all documents referred to in this aftidavit. 1?. Give names aad addresses of two persons, resideat: of St. Psul, Minnesata, rho can give iniormation concerning you. NAI� AD�S Mark Jacobson 15 Benhill f�ad ST. Paul, NN. 55105 Jeanne paugherty 3451 Bellaire Ave.- Wiite Bear Lake, NN.55110 14. Addresa ot premises tor �+hich License or Permit is me�de 945 UniversitY Avenue Address Zone cisasification 15. Betweea ti+hat croas streets Milton and q�atsworth Which aide o! street tl�h 16. Raae urider Which this busineas rrill be conducted Capitol Jeep EaQle, Inc. 17. Busiaess Lelephoae n�ber 612-546-6123 1Q. Attach to thia application, a detailed description of the des� ign, locstion, and square Pootage of the premises to be licensed Site Pldn Attadied. 19. are oremises nrn+ occupied Y� What bnsiness Auto Dealership H� long�• . ��-���� 20. Liat license x!lich you currently hold, or fosmer�}► tield, or m�q have an intere in _ City and State License for I�ite Bear Lincoln Nl�rcury, Inc. D4920 State License for Capitol Jeep Eagle, Inc. 21. Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been nwoked. Yes Na XX . If anaver is "yea", list dstes aad reasoas; - --- 22. Do ou have an interest or Y artyr type in ar�y ot.ber bnsiness or buainesa premises.YES I' answer is "yes", list business, busineas address aad telephoae aumber._� I�ite Bear Lincoln Mercury, Inc. 3425 N. H�y. 61 St. Paul, NN. 55110 612-483-2631 23. If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation _ August�9 19 88 and attach capy oP Articles of Incorporation and ffinutea of firat meeting. 2�C. List all officers of the corporation giving their nsmes, office held, haoe address, and home and business telephone numbera: Rar�dall J. Lee, President, 2 West Bay Larie, North Oaks, NN. 55127,482-1824, 483-2631 25. If businesa is partnership, list parttier(s) address and te3.ephvae nt�bers: � Addreas Ta1.Fo. - 26. Ia there a�yone else �+ho will have sn i�ereet ia this buaineas o� pr�i�s4 If answer is "yea", give name, hame addreas, telep�ane n�bers aad in �ebst manner is tbeir interest: NO ._ ,_ 2T. Are you goinR to operat.e this busineas peraonaZ7y YE$ it aot, Mho rtil operat,e it: Rame Hame addresa TeZ.Ao. � ��i�� 7 • Are you going to have a Manal,er or assistant in this business? If sas�re_T is "yes", give name and ha�ae address and home telrphone number: Name C�rald Dean �ogers Home address �1 (�ippewa Circle �1.Ro 1n-� 29• Ha.s arxyone you have nasaed in questions 22 through 26 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, comric- tions and sentence IVO 30• I Randdll J. Lee understand this premise me�y be in- spected by the police, Pire, health and other city oPficials at a�r and ali times when the business is in operation. State of Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) Randall J. Lee being first duly aworn, deposes and says upo�n oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his sigaature and l�wa the cc�teats thereoP, aud that the same is true oP his oWa o�rledge excep s to those matters therein stated upon inPormation and belief and to th ae rs he be- lieves them to be true. Subacribed and s�rora to beto�e me this 26 day of �st lq 88 Sigaature Applicant •,;,,,:i : JEr1idPJ� � DAiJGHERTY �:c�+ _ No Public, Ramsey C ty, innesota ���r:"'..� NOr,a;�v r;.�euC-:4,�n�ESOTA ..� Zarrs�,� couNrr My co�ission �xpires 10-11-88 b1y Commission Expires 10 1? 9d � . " (�-�i�6� S AZNT PALTI� C I'I'� �0 UN�II� L'tT��Z� H�ARIN� i�TO'�I�� �z����� ��r�zcA�zaN RECEIVE� NOV 0 9 1988 CITX CL�RK � FII�. NO. Dear Property Owner: L28490 Application for a New Motor Vehicle Dealer License, Dealership Repair Garage License, and a Second Hald Dealer Motor Vehicle PZTRPO SE License. �P�=G*�*�'► Capitol Jeep Eagle, Inc. (Randall Lee, President) doing business as Capitol Jeep Eagle r,0{��.�T�� 945 West University Ave. �A R_�(r November , 1988 9:OQ a.�. Citp Cauncil Chambers, 3rd floor Cit}s Sa11. — Court House By Licease aad Permit Division, Department of Finaace aad �Q��� S�*� Maaagement Services, B,00� 203 City Sall — Court House, Saiaz Paul, Miaassota 298-5a56 Tliis date ma.y be c�aaged without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested t�at you call ti�e City Cleric' s Of rice at 298-423I if you wish confir�aation. tE111 ,, , ,, . a►�re ermn� o+nE l/! v�' " Mr. J. Carchedi � " �i R��1"�►#�E�' No. 0�2 `fi �c* ��� _ ����;c�, _ ifiristtn� Rozek "ss�°" — �����: ��«� ` � �� — ��, - � Council Resear` , . Fi narice & t. �-' 2 8'S056. � °� ' -T- «r�,�+,.. ' -- . Application for a new Nbtor Vehicle Dealer Lic_e_nse, A seco�d �nd Nbtor:�Vehicle Dealer License and a Dealership Repair Garage tice�tse. 3 Notifi�atian Date: 11-9-88 ' Hearin Date: _ , � � : ,_ ,. .'IN�(�,�1'R�JeCf(R)) COIIIK�1.RESEIWCN REPOqT: . � . . .. PIMM�Ni o0MM18810N � - qVU.SERV�CE OOM�NSBpN� � a�TE p� � �- �bATEOtfr ...� ANAI.vST .. . . .�... � RpNE ND.,�. . .. .. DOI�Rq OOM�BION - �D�8CFi00L BOAt� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . STAFF � . . - . �di11RTER COA�N . � . C�IPLEIE AS 18�� �_ADOL MFO.ADD�* � _�I DL N�i�'Q�.�_ ����� *. . �MTRICI00(1NCIl . . . *E7�LANATION: �_ , . � . � _ � � . � :�BUrPOR18=NMICF100lMCN.OB,IECTIVEP . � . � � �. � . . - - - � ' . � . .� - . . . - . � . . � . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . � . , .�a{ . � �. � Councii Re�earch Center. � � . : l�uV 16 i988 �.�r�s�o.�o.ciw.�eu..�no�n�rarr e�nw.wn�e.wi,�.vu�,..,�: . -. _ . ; : Capitol Jeep Eagle Inc. (Randall Lee-President) DBA Ca�it.�1 Jeep Eagle at 945 tln�versity Avenue, reguests Council approval of its applica�tit�n for � `the above licenses: - �: . . All fees and applications have been submitted. All require�l depar-fi�ents- Zonin . Fire, Police, and Licensing have gi�en their approva] . 10.Day notices hav�e - - � �een sent. .:�p�h+:�d,a ro w�,o�,r. : .. `. If Gouncil approval is given, Gapitol Jeep Eagle Inc. v�i]1 aperate �apitol Jeep _ , Eagle at 945 University Avenue. , - . - , N:r�w►t�r�s: wro� cc�s= ,._ irs�onriva�c�oc�rts: - Note: This location was previously vperated as 'Twin C�ty Ruto Services Inc. D Tw9n City Jeep Eagle. ��;