BLUE - MAVOR {'lle NO. �
Council Res tion ���
� �,
Presented By ` —
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That application (ID #11092) for a State Class B Gambling
License by The Midway Skating Club at 685 E. 3rd Street
(Paul 's Lounge) , be and the same is hereby approved/�i-ed.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Dimond f l
•s- °� In Favor
Goswitz —�
Rettroan �
� Against BY
wason �p,p
NOV 2 9 ItloO Form Appr ed by City A orne
Adopted by Council: Date '
Certified Ya. •e y ouncil Se r By /O � �
By ,/
Approv y Mavor: Date �Ov � O �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. p�.g�t� D E C 101988
. .. ���-���
Lic Enf Aud
Applicant M �(�(,J(,�,(,� S/l4`�'���� Home Address 4,j�D �P_��'`15Ur�_
Rusines5 Name G`�' ��� S t, ��,CY)�Q� Home Phone
Pusiness Address lf�� � � . 3r� �' Type of License(s) C tQ� �j �'
Business Phone C Cj //1 `( CCi'� �v
Public Hearing Date �( p� 0 License I.D. 4{ 1 1 Q CJ �
at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council Cham ers, N�A
3rd f.loor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. ��
llate I�TOtice Sent; Dealer 4� N/�
to Applicant II 1 �1
Pederal I'3_rearms # � rT
Public He�.iring
A roved Not A roved
Bldg I & D +
N ,q .
Health Divn.
, � �
� �
Fire Dept. �
� �'� �
' Se n-� t o� -�
Yolice Dept. I �
f 0(1 Z� 0 lC...
License Divn. �
►�Cy � ; o
City Attorney +V�-� �� � ���
Date Received:
Site Plan � 3 �,(�
To Council P.esearch bb
Lease or Letter � �� v J Date
from Landlord O�
- . �:... ... . _... .p. ,�. _. .:_ _. �- .
• ' City of Saint Paul /�O��
Department of Finance and Management Services
.' License and Permit Division L������
' ' 203 City Halt
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-29&5056
ao 00
oate q1� 19�-�
Code No. Title of LiCense Q � ��
. From � � 19�To_�.,�1
�93 a s �,�r��bl�� ��.vv
�_ �� -�� �K.l ��tA��h� C lu �
I n n� e AppUeanUCompany Name
100 � , ' - J /
5 ��`�� C��U,h
100 Bualness Nams
�oo Cr � `� C� �✓ � u��
Business Addresa Phon�Na
,� S f• �G c��� � � ��'�v(o
100 Mail to Address Phons No.
100 �0 ,��� S�i'Ih�S
�-�-5'-�� ¢,'� ��-hs�l�
100 AlanagerlGwner•Home Addresa Phone No.
4098 Application Fee � 2, 50 J � 1
Recelved the Sum of 100 �-� �k �l 7'1'c 1� `.� � �� r� 'rj`j�/Z
���• 'J�V ManayerlOwner-City,State d Zip Code
100 Total 100
LiCense InSpeCtOr �� By: ��� ' Signat re oi Applicant
� Bond•
• Company Name , Policy No. Expiration Date
Company Name Policy No. Expiratlon Oate ,
Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No.
Vehicle Information:
Serlal Number ats Numbsr
THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zontny
ordinance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspectors.
��� � � �
, ,o _�����
� . . ����3
� .. ��V��4G
� ;•,�o,���??�,� Charitable Gambling Control Board FOR 80ARD USE ONLY
��� Room N-475 Griggs-Midway Building
1821 University Avenue �1°N°�°` -�
_ _ St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-3383 AMT
�" (6121642-0555
; A. Type or print in ink.
B. Take completed application to local governing body,obtain signature and date on all copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1
copy and sends original to the above address with a check.
C. Incomplete applications will be returned.
Type of Application:
�Class A — Fee S 100.00(Bingo,Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboards,Pull-tabs)
�1Class B — Fee S 50.00(Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboards,Pull-tabs) Maked�sckspsy�to:
❑ClassC — FeeS 50.00IBingoonly) MinnssotaCha�itabisGamblingContralBoard
❑Class D — Fee S 25.00(Raffles only)
❑Yes`K1No 1. Is this application for a renewal? If yes,give complete license number � - � - 0
�Yes�No 2. If this is not an application for a renewal,has or anization been licensed by the Board before? ff yes,give base
license number(middle five digits► C��6 i `
� }�JYes�No 3. Have Internal Controls been submitted previously?If no,please attach copy.
, 4.L Applicant(Offici�l,le al name of„or anization) 5. Business Address f Organizatioa
� r � , c f;_��;,- !/s b T c �G /v-/��:� fr c�-�
. 6. ity,Statey�Zip 7. �o�nty 8. Busi�es�S Phone Numbec
' ��E�+/!I/`Q : /,;�1!�/ �:..:;%/�" �C( 1 r'.�� 1,1��.�' i�-J�- �77/
9. Type of organization: ❑Fraternal �Veterans ❑Religious 'LlOther nonprofit"
•If organization is an"other nonprofit"organization,answer questions 10 through 13.If not,go to question 14."Other nonprofit"organizations
-_ must document its tax-exempt status.
�Yes❑No 10. Is organization incor orated as a nonprofit organization?If yes,give number assigned to Articles or page and
book number: �� Attach copy of certificate.
��lYes�No 11. Are articles filed with the Secretary of Statel
��JYes�No 12. Are articles filed with the County?
, Yes�No 13. Is organization exempt from Minnesota or Federal income tax?If yes,please attach letter from IRS or Department of
Revenue declaring exemption or copy of 990 or 990T.
❑Yes�No 14. Has license ever been denied,suspended or revoked?If yes,check all that a ly:
❑Denied ❑Suspended ❑Revoked Givedate:
15. Numbe�of active members 16. Number of years in existence Note: If less than four years,attach
,, , , �� evidence of three years
1-r��,�[ existence.
17. Name of Chief Executive Officer 18. Name of treasurer or person who accounts for other revenues
/� � of the organizetion.
L �" '�V �= ' r!JGP� �`���� ��Y
Title Title
�'��' ` ` ��' r,L "� Y' �C_,�.5-�) 'l�'/`
Business Phone Number Business Phone Number
1 `r� � � � � J_ %-�i," � :���` � �`? ',� - �%�::<�
19. Name of establishment where gambling will be 20. Street address(not P.O.Box Numberl
conducted �
� r.,r. .. � r"
.. .'/' /l;' L ..� :s� n � ! r .►i�
21. City,Stste,Zip , 22. County(where gambling premises is located)
...�I "�L =J � i�tlV ._;v ' �'� � 'T li/ '��\
CG-0001-0218/86) WhrteCopy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body
� � ������
(iambling License Application Page 2
' Type of Appiication: ❑Class A L�Class B ❑Class C ❑Class D �,�,
L�lYes�No 23. Is gambling premises located within city limits?
,L'�Yes❑No 24. Are all gambling activities conducted at the premises listed in #19 of this application? If not,complete a separate
application for each premises(except raffles)as a separate license is required for each premises.
❑Yes No 25. Does organization own the gambling premises?If no,attach copy of the lease with terms of at least one year.
❑Yes l�No 26. Does the organization lease the entire premises?If�o,attach a sketch of 27. Amount of Monthl Rent
the premises indicating what portion is being reased.A lease and sketch g /�� /,� �
is not required for Class D applications. � �'}�e r�
❑Yes C�1No 28. Do you plan on conducting bingo with this license?tf yes,give days and times of bingo occasions:
' Days Timea
Yes�No 29. Has the S 10,000 fidelity bond required by Minnesota Statutes 349.20 been obtained7 Attach copy of bond.
30. Insurance Company Name - 31. Bond Numbce�r
-�,�z !�-� :) �r7 �� i_C.';'"I D�ry , J l J ;�I
32. Lesso Name.�I � 33. Address � �4. C,it�Sta�e,Zi / �/
�i�1.f� _`;�t<E �., �_: `-?r c c� <�..,[ /�•'C U !, /��J .=.��' CO
35. Gambling Manager Name 36. Address.f;�� 3 ity,Sta e� ip
1. ;F'/' __ '�`�:=:� !� pS -r� `'.1/.� �:" � � f� � /�'I ��.,!/
���l 7� :: i i;�;a 1, ,�r r< <,�i i/� .�. �!1 _1 �
38. Gambling Manager Business Phone 39. Date gambling manager became � /
' ( -'i�('7 � ^�i�_ `';:%-��� member of organization: '"i J�J� 7`r �
By my signature below,local law enforcement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,
at any time, gambling is being conducted,to observe the gambling and to enforce the law fo�any unauthorized game or
' practice.
By my signature below,the Board is he�eby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account
,.� whenever�ecessary to fulfill requi�ements of current gambling rules and law.
I hereby declare that: �
1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the Board;
; 2. All information submitted is true,accurate and complete;
3. All othe�required information has been fully disclosed
4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization;
5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted;
6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules of the Board and agree,
if licensed,to abide b those laws and rules, includin amendments thereto.
40/,,1.pffi¢ial,Legal Name�,o'f Organizatio/n � � 41. Signafure(must be signed by Chief Executive Officer)
/i ;`�:,,,((1 ..i r\ �t ! (hr� ( �J � '!.�,� X rl, - - "�.C��- .�.r_ L:,.%r���.J '
Title of Signer ,�_ Date j �
r'tPs���h ! �. :��;I�,�
I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with
� notice that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the board, will
� become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted below),unless a resolution of the local goveming body is passed
! which specifically disatlows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control
� Board within 30 da s of the below noted date.
42. Name of City or County ILocal Governing Body) If site is located within a township,item 43 must be completed,in
i addition to the county signature.
i �
� Signature of person receiving application 43. Name of Township
X • -
"�' Title Date received(30 day period Signature of person receiving app�ication
� _- begins from this datel�
. X
44. Name of Person delivering application to Local Goveming Body Title
CG-0001-02 (8/861 White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pi�k-local Goveming Body
�� . • Ci�y oc Saint Paul /J_ �,p_ /���
, Department oE Finance and Management Services �i�-d�j
� �.' ' � Division of License and Permit Regiscration
. , .
1. Full and complece name of orAanizacion which is applying for licease
Midwav Skatin� Club Inc
2. Address where games wZll be held 685 East 3rd Street� St Paul,� NIDT 551�6
Yumber Screec � City Zip
3. Name of manager signing this application Who will conduct, operace and manage
Gambling Games Robert Stennes Date of Birth 6/28/43
(a) Length of time manager has been member oi applicanc organizacion 10 vears
4. Address of Manager 4540 Keithsori, Arden Hills, NIN 55112
Number Screec Cicy Zip
5. Day, dates, and hours chis applicacicn is =or 1,1 AM - 1 M Mnnciav -���n�a�r
6. Is the applicant or organization orgaaized under the laws o: t:�e State o� �1? Ye�
7. Date of incorporati�n �/15/49
8. Date whea registered With the Stace of �iinaesoca 2/24/49
9. How long has ozganization been ia esisteace? Since 1945
10. Hev long has organizacion bean in exisceace in St. Paul? Si�ce 1945
I1. Glhat is the purpose of the organization? To Qive financial aid, coachins and to
pronote speedskating for local, national and international cor�etition.
I2. Officers of applicant organizacion
Name Bruce 3auer V�Q David Haster
Address .5789 Lake Ave. . White Bear Lake, 1rIlV Address � 8 Jerry St. WBL.� NIDT 55110
Ticle Presiden Cor • DOB 8/12/42 Ticle �, p, DOB /
vame Steven Ahl�ren ��e
Address 1563 Fulham St. , Lauderdale. MN :�ddress
Title Secretarv D�B �/2'�/48 Ticle DOB
13. Give names of of�icers, or any oc::er ?ersans aao ?aid :or ser�=ces co _Ze o:3ar.::ac'_cr,.
`ame Dale F. Bovd Vame
Address 1307 Willow Circle, Roseville, Nll�T :�ddress
TiLle Bin�o Pulitab T-reasurer - e
(ACtach separace sne�^ '^.- ac�::=or._: -��as. '
� �_
. .
__ . —__._ ------- --- ..�.M.T:r�,<.�.�.._..�.,
. • /G r�� ��.....�.....�....
_ �� �!�—� � _
� � 14. Actached hereco is a lisc of names and addresses oi all members of the or aniz �...•.♦ ,.•
g ation��
15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept?
Name nalP F. Bovd Address 1307 Willow Circle, Roseville
— w f1iS • n
lJll JJ11
16. Persons vho vill be conduccing, assisting in conducting, or oper�cing che �ames:
Name �gQ�rt Stennes Date of Birth 6/28/43
Address 4540 K ithaon; Ard n Hillc MN 5511
Name of Spouse �r�vc Dace of Birth
- �r f i3%�
Dates when such person will conducc, assist, or operace �/�/gg _
:Name _patricia StPward Date of Birth
Address 2100 T ffPrcon Ave St paul MN 551�
Nane as Spouse N/q Date of Birth
Dates c:ien suca oerson wi?1 concLCt, ass'_st, or ope=ate 11/1/88 -
I7. Have ,�ou reac� a^d 30 ;ron choraugnlj uncerstand the orovfsions of alI laws, ordinances,
and regulatior.s �ove�'_:�g tae ope:ac:on ot Cha��table Gamb�±^g g�aII2S� Yes
13. �.ttacF:ed here=o oa c!�e fo:� �ur�ished bv che C;c;� o� St. Paul is a rinancia2 Report
whic:� i���izes a1'_ :ece:acs, e:c�eases. a;:d d'_sburse�eats o� che aeplicant organizacion
� as we�� as a�Z orgar._za�'_ons :rno iave rece�•�ed ?uZds :or t:�e DY°_C2Lt:ag calendar year
whica ;�as 3eea s'_3-:ed, c-a?ared, ar.d ra;;_:e� ��� Dale F. Bo d
� `ame
1307 Willow Circle Roseville I�IlV 55113
�ecress '
Who is che gineo?Pulltab T,-easurer o� c:�e anolicaac Organization.
Vame o� Oi=:ce '
19. Operato: or pre�=ses �ne-e ;ames ::�i: be `�e'd:
Name Paul Damico
B�siness �ddress 685 East 3rd Street St. Paul NIlV 55106
Home Address _1435 a�t �rrl c+�r��*� St Paul. I�II�T 55106
20. �nounc of renc �aia Sv a�p::;�nc Or3u.^.i�ac'_on �or *e.^.c o: che na11; sneci�;� amounc
paid per 4-hour se-..on _ $lpp,pp/�,,�eek
---- ��-��-3
.; ;
' :���`': .-"-�he proceeds c,�c the ganes will be disbursed afcer deducting prize layouc costs and
. ._ -;,;
" operating expenses for the following purposes and uses:
Indoor ice rink rental � a i � and warm-up suits, train�ng��,��, meP* entr�
fees, travel expenses for coaches and skaters to out-of-town meets, European travel
ex�enses for skaters in world meets, trainins ex�nses for SkatPrS in West Allis WI
and Lake Placid, NY; awards for skaters, fees for Lake Cano skating track, schol- �
arships for aualified skaters, and financial aid for novice proQram
ZZ. Has the premises 4here che games ara co be held been certified for occupanc� by the
City or Sainc Paul? Yes
23. Eias your orgar.;zat=on :iled cedera= :ora� 990-T? �� I: ansver is yes, please atcaca
a copy vic;� c�,is appI.icac�on. I: ansc:ar is za, explain vhy:
_ BinQO and pull-tab income is not taxable t�er public law 95-502 and 513(f) of the
. Internal Revenue Code.
Any changss desired b•: t::e a?�L=ca::c :lssociac{on ma� be �ade onl;r with t:;e conser.c o� the
Cicy CounciZ.
_Midway Skating� Club, Inc.
Date 9�2AfRf� By: ,� �i'�-t�i�
Maaager �n charge or game
:. v r � � �' � ;!1 � �. ,- — cJ1
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TO BE COI�LETID BY "'"� "�� `S ;":,;;(j; �$
I understand and will uphold Saiat Paul Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21
and 409.22 relating to pulltabs aad tipboards in bars.
Further, I understand that my jarbar must meet city standards; that 10�
of the net profit from pulltab sal.es mn:st be returned to the City-Wide
Youth Athletic Fund on a monthly basis; that monthly financial state-
ments must be filed with the city; and that all proceeds from pulltab
sales must be used for youth athletics.
Signature - Manager
� �ti �i
gnature - Organization President
� � � rr C�u� G
Organiza ion Name
��S �s t 3 "�rS'-f ,�u�
Gambling Location
/���f ��
Please retain the attac�ed ordiaance for your records.
�+ �„��„� �,�� ��`�f�3
� . J. Carchedi � ����� ��� N0. ���S �
� o��ar�Kr a�croA �wn toR a�ar�
R k �ssioN — ����o� 3«,�«�
_ acr�No. NUMBEF FOR -
�� �*�� Z Council Research
. � - 5 �' om�rroANey —
Application for a State Class B Gambling License.
Notification Date: 11-1-88 1����„�
,x�ee:t�cN a�Sa�►� cou�u.a���oer:
. . : � ��PW�MNNCi 00►MM8810N CML BERVICE COM�AISB�QN DATE.W , �OXlE OUT � �ANN.VST . . PMOME N6. �. . � .
. ZOMM�O COMMMSSION � �I$D B'ffi�Oq.BOARD � . . � . . . .
. .. . . . - . . . _ . . � _FOFl ADDL NIFO. .. . _��BAGK AODED� . �
� dBTFlICT COUNCL . � . . .. . � .
. *IXPIANATION: . . � . - . .
� � ffiIPPORTB YNMCN tDOUNCII 06ABCTIVE7 . � � . � . .. � . � � � . . � . .. . - . .
C�t�ncil Res�arch Centet; �
_ , r��0 V 0 7 i988
�►„�.�.�.�.�n,�;►�.�.,�,�,.�.�,: �
Robert Stennes, on behalf of the M-idway Skating Club, requests Council approval
of, his application for a State C1ass B Gambling License at Paul 's Lounge,
685 E. 3rd Street. Proceeds from the pulltab booth wi11 be used, to give f3nancial
. �aid, c�aching and to promote sp.�edskating far l.ocal , :national and international ..
�o»��.�.o�.�.►: , , . , . , . . .
A11 fees and applicatians have been submitted. Proof of non-profit startus
has be�n supplied.
OOIrEGt�NCR fYVIbR IIYtNln;and'Ta Vlqtom):: • _ "
If Council approval is given, Midway Skating Club wi11 sponsor a pu1ltab
. booth at. Paul 's Lounge. . .
at�ru►�nves: vnos ca�a
Midway Skating Club already has a bingo operation `at 1060 University Ave. We have
received no .complaints on that bingo operation, Paul 's Lounge wouTd be: the club's '
first bar ulltab location.. � ' :
�-� PRECEDENTS: Shop Pond Gang and St. Pau Turners t ave previous y n ap�rove
for bingo hall and bar pulltab locatians in St. Paul .