88-1869 V WFIITE - CITY CLERK PINK :- FLNAhiCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CAIVARV - DEPARTMENT 1 /4) I BLUE - MAVOR . FIIC �0. �v _ • � � Counci esolution �� �,� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WEIEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and re.moval of a two story wood frame, fire dan►aged duplex, which is located on property hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property" co�ionly l�own as 755 Clark Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota and legally described as: Lots 10 and 11, Block 11, Stinson`s Addition to the City of Saint Paul in the State of Minnesota. Abstract Property. WE�RE'E;AS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on June 17, 1988 the following persons are owners, interested garties or responsible parties of the Subject Property. The owners are Danny F. Witt, 8416 S. Hillside Terrace, Cottage Grove, MN 55016, fee owner; Susan B. Witt, 8416 S. Hillside Terrace, Cottage Grove, !�Il�1 55016, fee owner; Si�nit State Bank of Phalen Park, 1425 Maryland Avenue, St. Paul, NIl�T 55106, lessors' interest; James Casarez, no address provided by Title Search, vendee; Karen A. Casarez, no address provided by Title Search, vendee; George Hernnan Skramstad, judc�gnent holder, 10914 185th N., Willernie, NIlV 55090; The Vernon Company, no address provided by Title Search, judc�nent holder; Brenda L. Andrew, no address provided by Title Search; State of Minnesota, mineral rights holder, Mineral Leasing Section, Dept. of Natural Resources, 500 Lafayette Rd, P.O. Box 45, St. Paul, MN 55155; Susan B. Nikolaisen, 8416 S. Hillside Terrace, Cottage Grove, NIlV 55016, fee owner; and WEm2EAS, the Division of Public Health has issued orders identified as an "Abandoned Building Notice" dated August 25, 1988 which is attached and incorporated as part of this Resolution by this reference. This order was served on all owners, interested parties and responsible parties of the Subject Property l�own to the enforcement officer. The notice and order informed these parties that the two story wood frame, fire damaged duplex located on the subject property is an abandoned building and a nuisance pursuant to Sections 45.01, Subd. l, and 45.02, Subd. 11 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. The August 25, 1988 order also had attached to it a list of deficiencies regarding the building on the Subject Property, said list is attached and incorporated as part of this resolution; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Sche�� _ Against BY � Sonnen Wilson Form Approv by 'ty Attorn Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B3' (" ` � � gy, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approve by Mayor for Submi ion � Council By By � ; 8��/� � � 4Vf�REAS, the August 25, 1988 order informed all owners, interested parties and responsible parties that they must either repair the structure on the Subject Property by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the building, either action to take place by September 14, 1988. WHEREAS, no action has been taken regarding compliance with the August 25, 1988 notice and order, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that a public hearing be scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 29, 1988 for the City Council to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condition or in the alternative consider the demolition and removal of this structure; and WEIEREAS, the above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties have been personally served notice of the t�me and purpose of the November 29, 1988 hearing before the Council; HIHERF.AS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on November 29, 1988 and all testimony and evidence was considered by the Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon all of the testimony and evidence presented at the November 29, 1988 hearing the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the structure at 755 Clark Street: l. That in May, 1987 the duplex located on the Subject Property was determined to be vacant and open to access. The duplex has remained vacant since May, 1987. 2. That since May, 1987 the City of Saint Paul has on nLUnerous occasions issued orders to the owners to make this structure secure and not accessible. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the part of the owners, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make the building secure and not open to access. 3. That the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to register and pay the vacant building fee for this structure as required by City ordinance. 4. That there are now and have been since May, 1987 multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations in existance at the Subject Property. 5. That the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this structure are as previously stated in this resolution. These individuals have been properly served notice of the November 29, 1988 hearing concerning this structure. � . �� ��� � : . ' ; 8�'��� � 6. That the owners, interested parties or responsible parties have been ordered to repair this structure and have failed to do so. 7. That on August 25, 1988 an Abandoned �zilding Notice was sent to the owners, interested parties and responsible parties ordering these persons within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Notice to either demolish the building or make rep�irs and correct the list of deficiencies. 8. That the order of August 25, 1988 has been disregarded by the owners, interested parties and responsible parties. 9. That the two story wood frame, fire damaged duplex located on the Subject Property is an ab�andoned building under Section 45.01, Subd. 1, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a building or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year" and during that period of tirne has been either "unsecured" or "boarded" or has had "multiple exterior Housing Code or Buildin Code violations" or has been "placarded as�nfit for H�n Habitation��pursuant to Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.�� 10. That the tw�o story wood frame, fire damaged duplex located on the Subject Property is a nuisance as defined under Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 11, in that it is an abandoned building located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting influence on the caqmrunity. 11. That the costs of abatement of these nuisances are estimated to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves demolition of a building other than a structure accessory to a residential building. 12. That the Division of Public Health of the City of St. Paul condemned this structure as "Unfit for HLUnan Habitation under Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code" in April of 1987. The building is still subject to this condemnation order. ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1. The above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this building and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all ap�licable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by dernolishing the building and filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of this building must be com�leted within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution. WHITE - C�TY�I.ERK PINK - F�NANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /� CAI3ARV - DEPARTMENT /�J( BLUE - MAVOR File NO• / /" � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. �� ��� �� �������� ����€�� �� �r�� ���� w��l��r� �� �h��� (30) day time period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to d�nolish this building and fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. ' 3. In the event the structure is to be demolished by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the structure by the owners, interested parties and responsible parti_es by the end of the thirty (30) day time period. If the personal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is provided by law. 4. IT IS FUR7.� ORDERED that a certified copy of this resolution and the incorporated order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last )rnown address of the owners, interested parties and responsible parties pursuant to Section 45.11, Subdivision (53 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � �ng .� In Favor Goswitz — Re�� � Against BY ' _�b�Cp �Ison ��V 2 g � Form Appr ved ity Attorn Adopted by Council: Date �� Certified Yass d� �C ncil Secr BY— ` By Appro by Mavor. Date OV 3 O � Approv,�d by Mayor for Submission t ouncil B � Y �� o�c � 0 3saa _ . �S�/��9 A �-.-� � � .�0 0129 , Environmental Health-Vacant DEPARTMENT • . Stenen R. Roy �31dgs. COAITACT NAME � , 292-7771 PHONE � October 28,� ].988 DATE ASSIGP 1�tUZIBBR FOR F�tJTYNG ARD$R; (See reverse side.) � Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Fina�ce and Management Services Director 5, City Clerk Budget Director 4 Citv Counc�l : �-- City Attorney _ TOTAL N[J1�i8ER OF SIGNATiJRE PAGES: _� (Clip all locations for signature.) �1#i�►T WILL BE ACHIEVED B�t TARING ACTION ON THE TAGHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Ratiotiale) , The City will begin the process of having this abandoned residential building declared ; a nuisance and ordered repaired or razed. �� � � ��U Qg ��, COST,�BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND FERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPA'�ED: �AYOI�'S OFFICE If the owner fails to repair or raze the building, the City will raze tihe structure and assess the costs against the taxes. Estimated costs $5,000.00 - $7,000.00. , Already budgeted. , FINANCI�IG SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NTIMBER C1iARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's �ignature not required if under $10,000.) r Total Amount of Trans�ction: none Activity Number: Funding Source:03227 Council Research Centet; ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachmen�'s.) �d U V O g �988 List of deficiency for the building located at 755 Clark Street. ADMINISTRATIV� PROCEDURES x Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes x No If yes, are they or timetable atteched? , . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEiI � x Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? x Yes, _No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? ,�Yes X No _Yes g_Np Insurance attached? � � �g-� �b � �°����� ClTY OF SAINT PAUL �,• ., =e •-. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES `= ����{ "� '�'' �;: '` DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '.'���`''�—N� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor ABANDONED BUILDING NUTICE August 25, 1988 "�.;r-ti� � �- �o; f Danny F. and Susan B. Witt (Nikolaisen) James and Kar ' 8416 S. Hillside Tr. Casarez � �U,,, fi 5��+�+c( Cottage Grove, NIIV 55016 755 Cla Street St. Paul, N�1 55101 S�unnit State Bank of Phalen Park " 1425 Maryland Avenue E. St. Paul, N�T 55106 Re: 755 Clark Street Lots 10 and 11, Block 11, Stinson's Addition to the City of Saint Paul in the State of Minnesota. Abstract Property. Dear Sir or Madam: The Division of Public Health has dete.rmined that the above-noted building is an abandoned building, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as: " any building or portion of a building which has stood with an incom�lete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any building or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) unsecured, or (b> boarded, or (c) having multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, or (d) placarded as "Unfit for Himian Habitation" pvrsuant to Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinance further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be ordered torn down by the City. NOTE: If you do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn dawn, then the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must tear the building down on or before SeptemUer 14, 1988. Any repair or demolition must be completed in accordance with all applicable laws. If the work is not com�leted or if you have not torn the building down by the above date, the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Council to receive authority to tear down the building and charge all costs incurred in wrecking the building against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule a public hearing to consider if the building should be torn down. If a public hearing becomes necessary, you will be notified of the time and date of the hearing and you will be allowed to present evidence to the City Council. A copy of this order will be kept on file in . . • • / I O� � �� Abandoned Building Notice -2- August 25, 1988 755 Clark Street the City Clerk's Office and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will remove your bui.lding from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean that the building co�lies with all applicable housing and building codes. The date for compliance with these orders shall not be extended unless you receive written approval from the Division of Public Health. tf you have any questions about this order, please contact the Vacant Building Section at 298-4153. Sincerely, ��%"lf.trc.-- /C- .�[..c. Steven R. Roy � Environmental Health Program Manager SRR/kjl Attachment cc: Warren Frost, PID . , • • � U�f/ � � J �I DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 755 CI,ARK STREET AUGUST 23, 1988 All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Pernnits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical systezn require t�grading of the service size to current National Electrical Code tN.E.C. ) requir�nents. So��e pl�ing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained from the Bi.iilding Inspection and Design Division, Roan 445, City Hall. IrTrERIOR 21�1ID FIi00�t A. East Bedroom 1) Holes in all walls and the ceiling exposing insulation. R�pair. 2) Ceiling light broken and has exposed wiring. Repair to meet N.E.C. 3) Windaw missing. Provide. B. South Bedroom 1) Fire and �noke damage to walls and ceiling. Repair. 2) Holes in all walls and the ceiling exposing insulation. Repair. 3) Electrical switch and outlet lack face plates. Repair to meet N.E.C. requirements. 4) Exposed electrical wiring. Repair to N.E.C. requirements. 5f Floor covering torn and fire damaged. Rep�air or replace. 6) Plaster mi.ssing, exposing w�ood lath. Repair. C. Living Room 1) Ceiling sm�ke damaged. Repair. 2) Holes in all walls exposing insulation and weod lath. Repair. 3) Door to porch is missing, no storm door. Provide. 4) Forch has no vertical supports or railing. Either provide vertical su�orts and a legal railing, or remove porch. . , • • / �lY � �� ' Deficiency List 755 Clark Street Page tw�o of f ive August 23, 1988 5) Uncapped gas line. Properly connect or seal. 6) Vent pipe for pltanbing broken. Replace. 7) Electrical switch and outlet missing face plate. Repair to meet N.E.C. requirements. 8> Exposed electrical wiring. Provide electrical syst�n that meets N.E.C. requirements. D. Bathroan 1) Toilet and handsink missing. Provide to meet code. 2) Uncapped water, gas, and sewer lines. Properly connect or seal. 3) Holes in walls exposing �aood lath. Repair. 4) Lighting fixtures broken. Repair to meet N.E.C. requir�nents. E. Hallway 1) Electrical switch missing face plate. Repair to meet N.E.C. reguirements. 2) Ceiling light fixture broken. Repair or replace in cc�liance with N.E.C. requirei[ients. F. Kitchen 1) Holes i.n walls exposing �aood lath and insulation. Repair. 2) Severe damage to floor covering. Replace or repair. 3) Electrical o�itlets and switches missing face plates. Repair to meet N.E.C. requirements. 4) Uncapl�ed gas lines. Pro�perly connect or seal. 5) Severely damaged gas heater. Replace or repair. 6) Hole in chimriey. Repair. 7) Attic door missing. Provide. FIRSr E'LIOOiFt A. Front Roan 1) Uamaged floor covering. Repair or replace. . . • • �� � lQ � �� r/ Deficiency List 755 Clark Street Page three of five August 23, 1988 2) Unfinished suspended ceiling. Repair or relnove. 3) Electrical outlet missing face plate. Repair to meet N.E.C. requirements. 4) Wall has large hole through it. Regair. B. Living Roan 1) Large hole in floor. Repair. 2) Bare electric wires hanging fran ceiling. Repair in catpliarice with N.E.C. requirements. 3) Electrical switches and outlets lack face plates. Repair to meet N.E.C. requir�nents. 4) Unfinished suspended ceiling. Repair. C. Bathroom 1) Toilet and handsink missing. Provide to meet code. 2) Uncap�ed sewer aryd gas lines. Properly connect or seal. 3) Severly damaged gas heater. Rep�air or replace. 4) Exposed electrical wiring. Provide electrical systan that meets N.E.C. requirements. 5) Lighting fixture missing. Provide in canQliance with N.E.C. requiresrients. 6) Ftiirnace vent cover missing. Pravide. 7) Electrical outlets arid switches missing face plates. Rep�air to meet N.E.C. requirements. 8) Hole in walls expc>sing w�ood lath. Repair. D. Dining Roan 1) Holes i.n walls exposing w�ood lath and insulation. Repair. 2) Electrical switches and outlets missing face plates. Repair to meet N.E.C. requirements. 3) Large holes in suspended ceiling. Relaair. . . • • i 0"" � � � � Deficiency List 755 Clark Street Page four of f ive August 23, 1988 E. Kitchen 1) Iarge holes in ceiling. Repair. 2) Part of dooLway cut out, ceiling sagging. Provide support. 3) Electrical switches and outlets missing face plates. Repair to meet N.E.C. requir�nents. 4) Vandalized electrical fixtures with bare wires. R�nove or rep�ir to meet N.E.C. requir�nents. 5) Missing furnace vent cover. Provide. 6) Floor is sagging. Repair. 7) Open gas pipe. Properly connect or seal. 8) Exposed electrical wiring. Provide electrical syst�n that meets N.E.C. requiresnents. 9) Hole in floor. Repair. 10> P1Lanbing fixtures missing. Provide to meet code. D. Basgnent 1) Electrical service panel rem�ved, exposed electric wire remains. Provide electrical system that meets N.E.C. requirements. 2) T�ao fire-d�rnaged floor joists. Repair or replace. 3) Broken ar�cl open water piping. Repair to meet code. 4) Open sewer waste pipe. Properly seal or cap. 5) Flirnace is disconnected arul vand,alized, non-operational. Regair or replace. 6) Water heater disconnected. Vent pipe is pulled loose and spill pipe on tercrperature/pressure relief valve is cri��ed and dces riot extend within 18" of the floor. EXT'IItI�2 1) Chinmey has no liner. Provide. . . � • �� � Q � I Deficie � U ncy List 755 Clark Street Page f ive of f ive August 23, 1988 2) No doors or windaws. Provide. 3) Siding damaged on north side. Repair or replace. 41 2nd floor, east-most poroh has no sup�orts or railing. Provide or replace. 5� Stai.iway to west-most 2nd floor door is missing some steps. Repair. 6) Stairway to west-most 2nd floor door lacks full length handrail. Provide legal handrail. 7) A rnunber of windaws at all levels are boarded over. Provide proper windaw ass�nblies and r�ave boards. 8) Siding on west side severely damaged. Repair. 9) West side retaining wall collapsing. Repair or remove. ACCESSORY STRUCPURES A. Garaqe 1) Roof is collapsing. Rep�air or replace. 2) Doors are boarded, non-functional. Repr�ir or replace. 3) Lacks siding. Provide. 4) Wooden wall baw�d. Re�pair or replace. A'IISCII.LADTF�OUS 1) Property lacks basic facilities - water, gas, electric. Provide. 2> ProPerty cond�ed as unfit for hwnan habitation. Deficiencv list on Order to Vacate Notice (attached) If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premi.ses to ccx�ply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Inforn�ation about these programs is available from the Depr�rtment of Planning and F,conomic Developnent, Rehabilitation Section at 612) 647-9273. Ask to speak to a loan officer. � � i I 1 ll � • � �--f-� ��- l� � �,.•°"'°-. CITY OF SAINT PAUL E+. ��������,wa° DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES .... DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George latimer (612)292•7747 Mayor April 9, 1987 James & Karen Casarez Susan B. Witt 755 Clark Street 8416 Hillside Trail St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Inver Grove Hghts. , Mn. 55075 Dear Property Owner: This letter is o inform you that s ce the improvements needed to bring your proper at 755 Clark Street, in�o compliance with the Saint Paul Housing Cod hav not been com 1 Le�, it will be necessary for us to placard the p ty as nfit for Human Habitation" on April 10, 1987, and order it vacated y o-later than April 27, 198'7. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are State and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. You may contact the Board of Appeals for appeals information at 298-4163. If you intend to appeal this notice, you must file the appeal within 10 days of the date of this notice. Yours truly, r , J n Betz, Supervisor of Housing Code JB/msg cc: Permit Counter - 445 City Hall Housing Information Office, 25 W 4th St. Marland Mork - Welfare Dept, 160 E Kellogg ' Steve Roy - Building Department, 535 City Hall . . r ��� ti �c� � °- CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . ,���om; �� ' " E DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ,,� ,,��, 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION AS IINFIT FOR HIIMAN HABITATION April 9, 1987 James & Raren Casarez Susan B. Witt 755 Clark Street 8416 Hillside Trail St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Inver Grove Hghts. , Mn. 55075 Dear Property Owner: The Division of Public Health, Section of Housinq Code Enforcement of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota has found that the dwelling and premises at 755 Clark Street is "Unfit for Human Habitation" due to the need of repairs and/or defects in the drainage, plumbing, lighting, or construction of said dwelling and premises, and/or for other causes affecting public health. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. You may contact the Board of Appeals at 298-4I63. If you intend to appeal this notice, you must file the appeal within 10 days of the date of this notice. All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repairs or new installation. Permits may be obtained from the Division of Building Code Enforcement, Room 445 City Hall. The following repairs and/or improvements are required before this dwelling may be reoccupied: 1. There is no smoke detector in Unit �1. Provide a properly mounted, working smoke detector in this unit. 2. The water heaters are not properly vented, and do not have proper discharge pipes on their temperature pressure relief valves. Properly vent the water heaters and provide proper discharge pipes for the T.P.R. valves. (Permit required) 3 . There is improper gas flex lines in the cellar. Remove these . gas flex lines and properly cap this gas line. 4 . The space heater in the cellar is not properly installed. Properly install and vent this space heater. (Permit required) 5 . There is an old furnace in the cellar that is not being used. Remove this furnace. 6 . There is improper Romex wiring in the cellar. Properly install Romex wiring in the cellar. (Permit required) . -2- 755 C1� Street �� � . � I � � � � 7. The electric service boxes are open and the wiring is hanging out. Properly install wiring and provide pr oper covers for these electric service boxes. 8. Unit #1 does not have sufficient source of heat. Provide a proper -- ` controlled source of heat for this unit, so it can be heated to 68 F, as is required by Code. 9. The sewer has backed up in the cellar. Make necessary repairs so sewer drains properly, or connect to the City sewer. Properly cap open sewer line by the space heater in the cellar. I0. The outside wooden stairs leading to Unit #2, on the north side of this building, are badly deteriorated. Properly repair the stairs. � 11. The south bedroom on the 2nd floor is fire damaged. Repair all fire damage in this room. 12. There is smoke and water damage throughout Unit �2 . Repair smoke and water damage & windows, where needed. 13. There is no electric or gas service to Unit �2. Properly repair electric system, and restore electric and gas sernice to this unit. 14. There is no smoke detector in Unit #2. Provide a properly mounted working smoke detector in this unit. The dwelling must be vacated by April 27, 1987. THIS DWELLING SHALL NOT AGAIN BE USED FOR HUMAN HABITATION UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL IS SECURED FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, SECTION OF HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT. In addition to the above enumerated deficiencies, the following improvements and/or repairs are required to bring this/these dwelling unit(s) into compliance with the Housing Code: 15. The livingroom ceiling is water damaged. Properly repair this ceiling. 'r t� V� � . �� , �. _ -- - /^���� ; . Jd�in� tz Frank A. Staffenson •• Supervisor of Housing Inspection Environmental Health Director JB/FAS/msg Encl.