88-1850 WFiITE '- C�TV CLERK �� PINK � - FINANCE COUI�CII x�f CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. V �/�� O BI.UE - MAVOR � C.ouncil Resolution -� Presented By '�c����� �� ` r Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #45644) for the transfer of a Gas Station (to 3 pumps) License, 1 Additional Gas Pump, a Food Vending Machine License and a General Repair Garage License currently held by Ronald H. Lundquist DBA OK Service Station at 223-29 E. 8th Street, be and the same is hereby approved for transfer to Lancer Service Inc. DBA Lancer Service at the same address. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �g �ng `� [n Favor Gnsw;tz � By �i _ Against Sonnen Wilson � 2 2 �� Form Appr ved by Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date - Certified P�s Council , et By ' "'^ �r�9 '� By � Appro d by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY �,,�,3�a�F� • —'� :; ��!'S� �_ , �„��,,,� �„��, . . �8'-/fl , �'i�� ��� �. (}0� 4 Mr. J. {:arc�i oc-r�r aa�c� wva+wA�sr�wn � C ris 'n� Rozek �" FoR — �a��� �.��,� � � �. �� �m� 2 �our�ci 1 Researci� • _ F' mt 298-5 56 onoEA' 1 ��**� _ Application for the transfer of a Gas S�ation (to 3 pumps) LicEnse, 1 Additionai Gas Pump, a faod V�nding Nlachine License and a General Repair Garage License. N tifica�i n Da : u-8-88 Hearin Date• - - .{Appow tA)a R�t(R)) COUIK�L REiEARGH,RElCRf: _ : � . .. PLANNMq OOA�MMBBIOM G1nL BERVICE COM�BpN .�`` oATE�w �� � DATE oUT � � ANALYSr . . pHIXiE��p. � . � : -,�-� '. - . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . �OWIPK�OOM61b8qN . ISD C26�8CliDOL BpARD � . . . . � � . � . . .. .. $fAif. _' . . - .q711RTEA�COMJ18810N . -COAAPLETE AS 1,4 � -ADDL IIIFO.ADDED'� _ROR A DL��N�'O� - _�� . -DKIf�CT OQINCL . . � •EXPUNATIONi . . . . - . . .. .SUPPSiRI'8 NFtlCM 001J11CIL OBJECTIVER - : � � . .. . � . . . � . .-.. .. � . . �c�urc►t Rese�rch Center tJ O V 10 i988 ..�►,.a���.�,�.�►��.,�.�.,�..��: Lancer Service. Inc, (James J. Thomas - Pres. } DBA Lancer Service at - . 223=29 E. 8th Stree� reques.ts the �ransfer of the abflve licenses currently held by ,Ronald H. Lundquast, DBA OK Service Station a� the same acldress. _ -wanqcnno�+rooK�e.r�..�w�ww.�.:r��: . , . . : � All fees and app1ications have been submitted. A11 required departments - Zonin.g, .Health, Fir�, Police and .Licensi�g have giv�n their approval. . ,�t1�4 wMa.md.To wt,om): . : , ,. ',.. ' If Cauncil: approval is given, Lancer Service Inc. will .opera�,e the service station at 223-�29 E. 8th St. � - K�u►n�s: . . nnos- : coNS . ��rrs: Ees�u.�: , ' /�G� cl� 0 b � ,DIVISION OF LICENSE ANn PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �"'1 Y / a 1 � II�TERDF.PARTMFNTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by � Lic Enf Aud Applicant ����Q,� S�,Y()��, ��_►�c., Home Address ��,� 13p� �p� ('� Y1r,w�;c�,ma,,6L w�s�.S4o►� Rusiness Name �[�h('p� ���� Home Phone �15 -ac�(p- �c/S(S� Business Address ��-a� �G. g�" J�t�• Type of License(�,v�y� . "S �• �j� Business Phone ���� �Q 1��1,��n�i �,,,�,� u„Qc,�. Public Hearing Date � � �-� �'J License I.D. �� �S(QC�.� at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Cham ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l �{p'��Cj Xo� llate Notice Sent; /����� Dealer �1 ��(� to Applicant �, rederal F3_rearms �� 1� �"( Public He�iring DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved Bldg I & D O ���o � I � � � � � P Health Divn. � � ' '�� ' 6 � , / � p Fire Dept. D � . '/ i �I/� � O ~ I � Police Dept. I � �I � o� ,� ��o� . License Divn. i /m�ti � � � City Attorney � �� � � � � � Date Received: Site Plan �'a��' (� To Council Research � � "l Lease or Letter D te from Landlord �� �� ��n. Uc,�� . � �. _ . ; _: " . - City of Saint Paut - _ : °�,� :�:.,-..:- . �' - � ' � : - � Department of Finance and Management Services ( � � _ � _ • _ License and Permit Division :� . - .y5�p`7 � ;� �,<.,' 203 Ctty Halt - . E" ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-29&5056 - . �� �� -��- � . � , APPLiCAT10N FOR UCENSE .�d # tQ(o03 �� ' , .��"CASH -.:CH CK CLASS NO. ,.� w Renew � � � � . Y x ~ •.... * ,�:. ~ - -,i �` ^y-�:'r � � . � r � . . . • �:���- �.__ . . , , - oate� 9- = 9�'� ,t,� _ � -� . . , Y* � ,� -- _ � � - �� : Code No. • Titl ;of License ` . ' = �` -�Q ��� � �. � �-' /� #: � �From 1 To t9.�s f /� y � - � �(' ,- -;;i g.�-y� ' � : �`�`� � _:o�l / G� D��o,,_ : . � '� � . .rii- A IICif1UCOrtlpifly N .- - • _ . ,_ :�-ai� .o°°� �, � � : . F: ',':. � � / � ,�1 -9ualn�as Name - • �j /�.� ;,:.. . - . - : ,00 � -: v� v� 3 -- v� c'I �� D� ,�� ( � . ' : - : BusFn�ss Addross �� Phon�Na � 100 t - . . - i E�; 100 / M il to Address Phone No. ,. � , , 100 : /I / - - �._ � . • . � " t Man eNOwner•Nara� . . . � .�: - _ - : . . _ '� t � / .�e�a � e, -�. :: , .._ -r fanaqa!�-H reaa PhontNa 100 , �' . 4098 Applicatfon Fee . - - - . ;�}4�'.�-j _, . - i. -Rec Ved th um of .= • : '� • �P-^ � , . 2 � •r .C�cl.C,.1` }as,.E..: - �' .t�- �� �� "' �� ManaqerlOwnsr-,�ity Stste 3 Ztp Cod� " l/ ��+'. � �. ,�., �.- . .'.!+l,r Y".;._100 .. Total _ 100 �-�``�-r�`- c . . . _.. '-� �' " .. `'3�-7��� ye�y' ' `: i r.-r. . S,t�� �-- . �A- r;e" e�l t t r . ).�� e �y:: -� � a J - - ��. • -',�'e .�£.�'� '�'t , �ir-, � ,wJ %'!'' .. .. . � �;.e.,, '�'�`� .".+�`.. -x..'�.�C@t1S@�fl �BCtOf ` - •�':c::" Br ..�:r - :?Y_ Si tu�Q Of AppliCiBl . -- �.� .. ,:: ..:- .. i ; -. � -Y�, j_ .. ° '�Bond `.� f�3 r�• T ' �A• i..;� f ' '�"s` F. '^ �< � •.r � � 'S�"°'" - ' ����-ComPanY Name �L.: -^*.Yrw._� .-�:: Policy No. - .. ., _ � Expiratlon Oah . , .. ••: �~ ' - y.T . . _; _ ... . . .. , .. �.1�.• .. �: . . - .. . , . .n -• . __.... . - ��insurance - .. •: � _ � � . .-- ; r T;' :y +�"'.• , . :,_ COrtlpi N e ___ � , .,,�. �;PoUcy Na < _ _ ExWratfon 0�� - . r , J Minnesota State fdentfficat(on No ��7.�����y i Social Security No J � ' - a`` ; :,: .-: � . ,; � : S `. . . ' �.� .s/. , . , ". . _ ..... . _ _� . . �Vehicle Information ��' `� � �; ;, . .. , :�_. �. . • .s�fa+ NumOsr _ t�NumOa � � . , , . . --. . . , . - . , . .. , ._ - r . _ ._. . ��ther • r .;; . :_ . _.. � _" THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION. -- � z r`�;�: . THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your applicatfon for license will either be granted or rejected subjact to the provisiona of the mn(nq ti }.G ordinance snd complstion of tha inapectiona by the Health, Fire.Zoniny and/or Ucenae Insp�ctora. : �, ' _ .•.0 fi__ :. . - - :; -..:, -. �. � :, :T.� . _ � . , . " � t: s. _ � 1. , . . . '� ' . .. .. � . . . . .... . „ '.. �.�. � . : . ' . ' .",� ,! .... • .A-�' •. . " � i..,' �. � ' ' _ . .. ��� . . . .. .I�... ; . .. . . - . . . : '.,'..�.� �..�-. �. .• ":. . . �. .. � � ' . . . ' . ( . . . ' J. . , ' . - -� 4� . . 1-. '� . . •. . . ��` . . . . ' . . ._ . - - � $15.00 CtWRGE FOR A RETURNED CHECKS _ �_ � � _ 1 .. � �� . � �p "::;�Q/ 1 ' r � r_: . � - � . t ,. � i:._�c�q a7�' �3 � � � . '�. I �� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL C� �� � . • ' DEPARZT�A'P OF FIl�ARCE AIiD M�IRAG8�4T SffitiRCES � LICEASE ARD PER�Q'P DI9I5IAi These statemem forms are issued in duglicste. Please aaswer all qnestioas llil�y aad cospletely. This applicatioa ia thorough�y cbecked. At�r taloificatioa vill be csuse for deaial. Date 9- Z 19 S T i. Application ror C'-.G� 5-��-�;Q,-. ; 1 Y�-���C't ��ti�„�. n�►� 1�r�(LS�ens�) (�t) 2. Pame of applicsnt _ � /cz,,,�u� �f , T ��,,� 3. If applicsnt is/has been a msrried femsle, list msiden name b. Date of birth S- Q-�� Age 3 2. Place of birth 5. Are yau a citizen of the United States i� l�atiye � Faturalized _ 6• Are you a registered voter _'��_ {�n ��- �� �, � ?. Home a�dreaa �r E( /,�a.�• /!J7 L /l/,Q- l�s. Aaoe telepho�ne 7i�--ZS�G•s4��� � �_ R. Present business adaress �!3 �J�.� ,K $�/ . Bniiness telaphone 2_�cr 7 9. Including your present businesa/employme�, vbat bnsiness�e�la�ymeat hsve yon folla+ed tor the past five years. Busir�esa/bnploymeat Address .�_.,.,-,� �.,��.�'�vL �i'�3 Ja.��.�m.�� s'� . 10. Marrfed � If a:�s�:�� is "yea", iir� name and adc�req ot �pouse _ �-T � /�- /d�l' -C /�Gw ���f.�.s,c��.,� G'.Q 21. ?iave you ever been arrested for an otfease that has reaulted in a coaviction! /�O I! ans�+er is "yes", list datea of arrests, rhere, chargaa, co�victioas s�d sentences. Date ot arreat 19 Where CBAF.CE CONKICrION g� -- Dnte �: arrest 19 Where CHARG� CONV IGTIOi7 g�� , • � � �� �j� 12. . List the names and addresses (if married, name ot spouse also) of alZ per�tans, corporations, partnerships, associations or orgaaizations Mttich in a�r way have: a. A mortgage interest in the l.icensed premise, ,��,wt �v�uc.i� b. A security interest in the licensed premises, license, oT lbrnishings of the 13ceased premise, �� _ ��,k., c. A pramissory note !or funds loaned tor the aperstion of the licenaed premise or the purchase of 'the license, --- d. Financially contributed to the purchase oF the premise or the licease it- se1P -- e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either financisl or othez�rise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, Attach a copy hereto of ariy s�d all documenta relerred to in this atfidavit. 1?. Give names and addresses oP two persotu� reaideata ot St. Psul, Mianeso�a, Nho can give information concerning you. AAI� AD�3 ��� � ��� r L�� ���Q_ z�ao �.z�-� - . Z4. Address of prdnises !or whSch License or Permit is me,de Address 2 Z 7 ,,E g� �• Zone claasificatian 15. BetWeen What cross streets Sc�u ��a.c_.� Which side of atree�L /� 16. Na�e under whieh this busineas nill be eondueted �.�cc,� s'ccr.kr� �,_ _ 17. �siness telephone manber Z zy-dZl�7 lQ. Attach to thia application, a detailed description of tbe design, location, sad square Pootage of the premises to be Iicensed 19. �re oremises nrn+ occupied �What business p. K_ S";�,�,� o H�v� long 5yb�,,�.u., ' . �/ � �� 20. List license w!zich you cux�rently hold, or former�y held, or may have an iatere . • � in Co �(0 7� ,�. ll .��c��`vt `d'� ��� �iu.�� . _ L����2 C�,���-� �'�3 J�.�.��,.�. 21. Hav�f the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No . If anaver is "yea", list dates aad reaaoaa: - -- 22. Do you have nn interest of ar�r type in any ot.her businesa oz� business pre�aises. �'�O I' answer is "yes", list business, bnsiness address and telephone aumber._ 23. If business is incorporated, give date ot incorQoration __ J�19 �'.3 and attach copy oP Articles of Iacorporation and mimites of first meeting. 24. List all ofPicers of the corporation givfng their names, office held, home address, and home and business telephone numbera: -�a�-o .� ��u�.� ,�� � �x /l�5�-f - �iu� � 7'�� /1�..�- ������_ �,.,Q 5�4/� �.�� � � S� � U.. � ��_ _ _ . ..... , .v.•.., . :..r 25. If business islpartnership, list partner(s) address and telephene n�bers: — �: . ., . . -� . �� �`'`''"- ' '�' Address Tel.Ao. . . .. __ Y...,+::�+w,w�•,h� .:f.. ..�.�... . . .,. .�.� 26. Ia there a�rone else rrho will have an iutereat in thia business or premises4 If answer is "yes", give name, home addreaa, telephoa�e n�bers and in xhst manner is tbeir itrterest: /�p 27. Are yvu goin�t to cyperate this bnsinesa peraonal�y� i! aot, �rho ri,21 operste it: R� Home address Tel.Bo. , � �o . , . c�� 1 Are you going to have a Nisna�er or assistaat in this business? It sas�rer is ' ° � "yes��, give naa�e and ro:ae address and ho�e telephone nnmber: !Zs� Naeae Home sddress Te1.No. 29. Iias arryone you have named in questions 22 through 2� ever b�en arrested? Zf answer is "yes��, list name oi person, dates of arrest, when, cherges, comric- tions aad sentence -�'� ?0. Z� �qr��5 �I . / -,upr��fr; understaad this cremise mey be in- spected by the police, fire, health and other city otYicials at a�► aud a1.1 times when the business is in aperation. State of �Iinneaota) )S� County of Ramsey ) - being first de�y sworn, deposes and s�ys �pon oath that he has read the Poregoiag statement bearing his sigaature and laia+s the contents thereof, and that the same is true oP his own lmoti►ledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belier and as to those matters he be- lieves tham to be true. Subscribed and svorn to beloze me ignature of Applicant this �day of S� 19� . �t .�,.1--,- _ � _ YYG„_��..� �%� �isriFU 4 vur� ' Notary Public, ��nese C�untyr, Minnesota ��T�������OTA '�(y co�mission expirea • �. �i My Comm�on Expirosl�n.�,19� �rv��n�wvw�nh ■