88-1849 WHITE - C1TV CLERK �� ���� PINK - FINANCE COIIIICIl BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File � NO• Council Re lution - '�� �,..,� ; Presented By /� �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #25997) for a Gambling Manager's License by Donna B. Sperr DBA Harding Area Hockey at 2245 Hudson Road (Sundance Lanes) , be and the same is hereby approved/�ie�sd. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond r.ong [n Favor Gosw;tz �' O �be1�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �V � � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s Coun .il S r ta By � � ���/�'� gy, A►ppr y 1Aavor: Date � �_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ��� �:�.�� :; 19�fi � ���� �� �g-i$� � t _ �^. -�. Carcttedi ���hl �"i��T No.Q�2�5 �* �� ����� • Christi'ne Rozek - �FOR — �8���, 3�� . aov�c� ��+ 2 Cou�cil Res �irch . .C• ...y_� � � �ORDER: - � "GTV A7TORNEY .. � . . . . f Q . . . . . � . . ' . . . . . . . .-� 4"�...�..��� `P' � � Application: for a Gambling Manager's License. '�� ' ` Noti f i cati bn Date: 11-8--88 �leari ng �zite: � _` ��;; ,. . � aic�.�,nt,w�t�vne�.c�)«�t�) can+c��a�arr: .,. war�a� aw�aenv�co�nsao�r o��iN o��aur a+KVST �no. mwn+c�ca�rsad+ �so ezs acMOO�ao�eo sr� crwRreA cowMSaa+ c��s�s �ooL ww.�ooeo* ' _��o".�r _�tR'E"TAOO� ` :� DI81frCT 001� . � *E%PLANATION: . . . � � . _ � . . � . BUPPOR'IS YNNGI COl1NCL 041EC71VE? � . . � � . . . � . . . � ' . . . . . . . ' � . . � . � � � �c�unc;l t��search Center idOV 10 i988 _ .�.n�►,s��+�c+��a.ron,,,wn►,w�.w�,,M,�,,v�.w�>: . Aonna B. , Sperr D6A Harding Area Hackey Associ�tion reques.ts Couneil� app�avat � - of .�er `application ,�or a Gambling Mana�er's Licen�e.at Sund��ce Lanes .:. at 22�b Hudson Road. MS. .Sperr will ms��aage pul1tab and tipboard sales at _ the bar for Harding Area Hockey. .; .e,t�a�,c�►�o�r:�.�ewnw�..;r�s): _ ,_ „ . ; : ,. ; : Ail fees and applications have been submitted. ... �`1W�d.�.�iie To wrioail: ,: , . . . . .. .. ,:. ;. , : .. If Co�ncil approval is gi�ven, Donna Sperr will manage the pulltab booth for Warding Are,a Hockey Association at Sundance Lanes. ��run� . - . , aAOS . o�s - ` - _ Msronrmn�c�rs: .. �sen�:�s: .. ' ` �/��—V \ n � DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT E�.I)MINISTRATION DATE �7 �� / /v � � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW (:HECKLZST Appn roc ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �o n nd �y S �G✓!� Home Address � ']�° [,[�r a�-�OI'1�� Rusiness Name ��j� �n� �Y�(,Q, OC,1�l� Home Phone 77 I' 9�9, 1 Business Address aays �!.(d$OPf l�A Type of License(s) Gam bkn�_ t Business Phone a�n�u _rs L) C.�n� Public Hearing Date �) aa g� License I.D. �F p��7 ! � at 9:OQ a.m. in th-e Council Chauibers, � 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � A' llate Notice Sent; .� ��� Dealer �� N 'f} to Applicant --T�— rederal Firearms 4� �U �/�- Public He�.iring DATE INSPECTIUN REVZEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg Z & D � N�q , Health Divn. ' ' N��4 � , Fire Dept. � t �I� � Police Dept. i 5.�h'� (Q� .������ � a � Q �G � License Divn. ' �a�l � a/G City Attorney � �� � ' 6 K.. Date Received: site P1an N �' ( � To Council P.esearch Lease or Letter te f rom Landlord N I�► I' • } City of Saint Paul �99 7 j =u , _� Department of Finance and Management Services ' „ � • ' License and Permit Division j . 203 City Hall � � � � ' ' St. Paul.Minnesota 55102•298-5a56 � � � �� APPUCATION FOR UCENSE 'CASH CHECK C�ASSNO. � New Fienew �� � .. , � � .� ' . . - � \ L_ ,: . o�te � a� 19 �g � h �.;.. Code No. Title of license � : . From �! 19 To � � ' 19�. I .�_� � n Q �a��,S v � � � ,00 � �e n nCc � S t�C'i21Z. AppllCanUCompany Nam� � �� 1 � � �B �I,�, i N ��p�. 1'�oc�f 1 100 Bualness Name ! ( �� �. o� �-I S ���r��C�i� �� •� Business Addrosa PhoM No. � 100 � �� ��t c,c I� ,'� n 5sl l �j � 100 Mail to Address Phons No. � • �� � �U11.1� IJ J ��G�l7 _ E ManaflerlOwner•Name —���—�(!G F 100 � � 7 5 �!�1'e�� A-F�o� �l� 100 AtanaperlGwner•Homs Addresa Phon�No. ` ;% . 4098 App l icat lon Fee 2. 50 �Iv"� � • Recelved the Sum of � 100 �(• �G� I / � h S��d�Q � ' - � �Dv Mana�eHOwn�r•City,State 8 D�Cod� . 100 . Total 100 ... 1 " _ � .� , � � UCense InspeCtor By: 1��� Sig aturo of Applicar+t i 4 � Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiration��t� ' insu�ance• � : CompanY Name Policy No. ExPiration Dab M(nnesota State Identification No Social Security No. f . . : Vehicle Information: � ; SNlal NumbN at� umb�r r i Other � . THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION � THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your applkation for I�ense will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zontng f ordinance and completion of the inspections by the Health.Fire,Zoniny and/or Licsnse Inspsctora. f � i � $15.00 CHARG� FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS ( i f i � � ; . lo- �� G� � - - -- - - . . � Cicy oc Sainc Paul � � , Deparcment oE Finance and Managemenc Services ` �� � :• •, Division of License and Permit Registration ��� I INFORMATION REQUIRED wITH APPLICATION FOR PE:tMIT TO CONDUCT CHAR.ITABLE GaMBLivG G�1ME I� SaINT PAUL 1. Full and complete name of organizacion which is applying for license ��.��;,,: '� �'���. 1���1,�,/ A�S.� `�-�, �1�� �•��l 2. Address where games will be held �� � �� /�L1 .�r,n/ �� �i r �I'l�v� � �'��/%q Yumber Streec � City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operate and cianage Gambling Games ��•.,�N,� � .� 1�i�IZ i� Dace of Birth /j�) �-�;3 7 (a) Length of time manager has been member af applicanc organizacion f �j �� . 4. Address of Manager �(. > �� (J��t}� /��^1 r�v IZ l�. ��1n����L •_�:i/[� �. Number S�reec Cic� Zip -c .�5:`;J 5. Day, dates, and hours chis applicacion is for �_� j T��f�,=,�����7 iJ��',� f/���?• -S'a I � 6. Is the applicant or organizacion organiaed under t:�e Iaws o� t:�e Stace oi �T? ��_ 7. Date of incorporati�n 1 �j� � ' 8. nace whea registered with che Stace of :iianesota l�/. :_Cj 9. How long has organization beea ia exi�tence? .a t�V}=.t�'►�. S _ ___ _ 10. How long has organizacion beea ia existence in St. Paul? �l�ca'►�S I1. Whac is the purpose of the orgaaization? �l a c: 1 l� �r c�ki=� _ IZ. Officers of applicant organizacion �.-�-n�Ym�-4�-�� �-loc.� �cS �ri c< �;�euc�us 4�°j� Name Yame Address Address" � . a Title DOB Ti�t1s.-� �OH vame vame . Address �ddress Title DOB iizla DOB !3. Give names of officers, or any ot::er ?ersons aao �aid �or ser�:ces co _:�e o:3ar.:=ac=cr.. �ame Vama� Address :lddress Title r==?e (�tcach separace sna�^ '^.- ac�=::or.s_ -==es. ' � ' � �� � . . �� � � ' Z1. The proceeds o= che games will be disbursed afcer deduccing prize layouc costs and operacing expenses for the following purposes and uses: � � � 1 22. Has che pre�ises vhere the games ar� co be held been cercified for occupancy by the City oE Sainc Paul? 23. Has your orgar.ization riled tederal Eorat 990—T? �� Ir answer is yes, please accacn a copy vic:� this applicacion. I: answar is no, xplain why: Any changes desired �� :ae a�ol'_caac �ssociac=on maq be �ade only wich che conse^.t of tne City Cruncii. . `� . � e� f=� SO C- J . �\ • Ozgan�zacio � ; Dats �,.�L3 --� � B`•'• � 'Saaags: cha�gE oi game v � r. � � z t � :n n — n .. — n :r, C1 3 � 9 '�C � I � C � � Ss 9 :9 ^ r. 1T r'► (0 fT � v � .� R "f F+. 07 f9 f9 't !� '� id R I+ f0 � 3 R 9 �0 � -t t � ? C -� :0 r► (0 n 3 'e � _ eo � ^ �e G r, R � O 7 : 3 C p ,.n 3 � �— 3 a C ���MMMNN� `e �o � + rr A r � A 9 d S 1 �A r�. � °C � � � 9 7 � ►+' ti � ? .�~. � � � � 3 3 r► c9 m ^� � r► � = n � � ,o r+ t 3 • T � ,� � r O rA �o S �9 � I ^ r I R rf f9 fA 3 � a a C I : 3 `e o > R P► '1 31 7p� F. 3 n 7r r0 � 3 :7 d ,1 ' �^y m� � ro = � � � ....... .� � , -1 ��s � � � � � . a ,� _ � a a = � � r �t � i ? � ���y � s S T �9 � .+ I IO C7 7 ' TI 00 <m� �O � �— � R ( �' I `� _ � � ,p �,� «� . . � � ,� � � � I� � iJ 3 A � n �. �p I �-' s � �0 � r► 3� � .r+. .w �. !� � �0 � 7 � �,� � "� i� y I ■WVNNVWW■ I '30 £ R �-! S S � a � O A 71 � � c0 < a :o I ._ � �e' � A � I ^f , � � � � � m z � � I� � A �7 17 re O A ►� � � � � � � � � � � 70 I t 7 � ' . , ` / � � � - �� I TO BE COMPLETID BY ORGANIZATZON PRESIDENT AND GAMBLING MANAGER I understaad and will uphold Saint Paul Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21 and 409.22 relatiag to pulltabs and tipboards ia bars. Further, I understand that my jarbar must meet city standards; that lOZ of the net profit from pulltab sales must be returned to the Citq-Wide Youth Athletic Fund on a monthly basis; that monthly financial state- ments must be filed with the city; and that a11. proceeds from pulltab sales must be used for youth athletics. ignature - Maaager �, l� Sigaature - Organization President � Organization Name � --� Gambliag Lacation �'�oZ 7--��� Date Please retain the attached ordinance for your records.