88-1841 _` ; ��� �' `_1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. O— O PRELIMINARY ORDER By File No. 18541 Voting In the Matter of Improve the following streets with bituminous roadways, Ward concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveways and outwalks, boulevards will be regraded and sodded. Also the construction of a street lighting 1 & 5 system: Lightner Place from Sycamore to Acker, Sylvan Street from Magnolia to Cook and Hatch to Acker, Sycamore Street from Jackson to Elk Street Elk Street from Sycamore to Acker and Sylvan Street from Cook to Hatch. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report,hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$ 389,000 , financedby Capital Improvement Bonds $279,000 and Assessments $110,000. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 17th day of Tan�tar�, 1989 ,at nine �o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date � 2 2 � Yeas Dimond Nays Long � Certified s ed by Council Secretary Goswitz �et�s In Favor By Scheibel Sonnen � Against Wilson HQV 2 5 '� Mayor pt�t.IS1�8 �E C 31988 �� D E C 1 0 1988 . 11/9/88 V&A ������`�j �������.J �� `���� ORIGINATOR '� DATE INITIATED DATE COMPLETED Nub� �� works GREEN SHEET No. 003147 -e� CONTACT PERSON � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn Thomas Kuhfeld ASSIGN V� - NUMBER FOR FINANCE 3 MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR �CITV CLERK CONTACT DEPT. CONTACT PHONE NO. ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR _1� R n G p a 1 • Publ ic Works 292-6276 ORDER: - cmnrroaNev Must be in the City Clerk s 0 fice SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/RE�UEST: IIO ater t an OOIl� Ori ay, ovem er � . Must be on the Agenda November 15, 1988 Hold a Public Hearing for the SYLVAN/ACKER CSSP PROJECT AREA. File No. 's 18541, 18542 and 18530-8 RECOMMENDATIONS:(Apprave(A)or Reject(R)) COUNCIL RESEARCH REPORT: PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION DATE IN DATE OUT ANALYST PHONE NO. ZONINO COMM�SSION ISD 625 SCHOOL BOARD A STAFF CHARTER COMMISSION COMPIETE AS IS ADD'L INFO.ADDED• RET'D TO CONTACT CONSTITUENT _ _fOR ADD'L INFO.• _FEEDBACK ADDED* DISTRICT CAUNCIL *EXPIANATION: SUPPORTS WHiCM CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE4 `.. � .,.. � ....,.. .... .. } . �.,6��. Better ne i ghborhoods. �;�,;j ~_ ,� .�_�,�; IMTIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The Sewer Separation Program has been approved through the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Process. JUSTIFlCATION(Cost/Benefits,Advantages,Results): This will reduce combined sewage overflow to the Mississippi River during rains. CONSEQUENCES(What,When,aM To Whom): This is part of the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. Not proceeding with this work may result in penalties. ALTERNATIVES: PROS CONS N/A HISTORY/PRECEDENTS: This i.s the fourth year of the Ten Year Sewer Separation Program. Many similar projects have already been approved. � LEOAL ISSUES: N/A PERFORMANCE HISTORY OF SPONSORING FIRM/ORGANIZATION/PRINCIPALS: • N/A STAKEHOLDERS(LiSt) POSITION(+,—,O) —i r WILL TESTIFY?(Y/N) RATIONALE(Summarize Main Arguments) Area residents. Q ? A public information meeting will be held prior to the public hearing. FINANCIAL IMPACT FlRST YEAR(Stan Date) SECOND YEAR NOTES: OPERATING BUDGET: I t i s 1 i kely that REVENUES GENERATED ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,_,,, tI'1 I S proj ect W I � I EXPENSES: b2 constructed 1 r1 Salaries/Fringe Benefits........................................................ �99O. Equipment.............................................................................. Supplles ................................................................................. Contracts for Service............................................................. i� i Other A5�`.�rw.nf'`��Z�j�OG PROFIT(LOSS) ....................:.:.............:..............:............................ FEd•C3�1.. I����OGr FUNDING SOURCE FOR ANY LOSS(Name and Amount) �{t(��L �Zj� SSSC �02�OOC CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: Gl� �6aJ�{ S ewe r � � Z 9 loa,000 �E3�A9tR4t�Rx........................�................................................... > > • � �. -tvr<x. � 3�35�� xa'fi24��4tf�tf��......Pav.!.n.�..........:...............................:. , � � Om x�coas�sucaao�cu�c...��.9h.�.�.n.9.....................:............ • • TOTAL . , , • `��vJc3SZ7��� .......................................................................................:............ SOURCE OF FUNDING(Name and Amount) .�, " 552 . $ ]42 0 O . ���� �3 35� O00 Fed. c. � ,o ,000 IMPACTONBUDGET: St2t2 G.$ 54,000 AMOUNT CURR2NTLY BUDGETED ,;,,,,;,,,,,,,,;,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,;,,,,,, S S S C � �� �1�OOO AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDGET ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„, ,,,,, . C I B �� �ZZ �OOO SOURCE OP AMOUNT OVER BUDGET,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED (LOST) ,.,...... IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITY: DEPT/OFFICE � � � .� . � � DIVISION FUNO TITLE Public Works Engineering Capital Projects BUDCaET ACTIVITV NUMBER 8 TITLE � ACTIVITY MANAGER Joseph F. Koenig HOW PERFORMANCE WILL BE MEASURED?: PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM INDICATORS 1ST YR. 2ND YR. EVALUATION RESPONSIBILITY: pEq� DEPL PHONE NO. REPORT TO COUNCIL OF DATE FIRST QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT BY . 11/9/88 V&A ������`�j ��'����.> ������� ORIGINATOR �� DATE INRIATED DATE COMPLETED G R E E N S H E ET � No.� 0 0 314 7 i'ubl i c Works -�-68 CONTACT PERSON ;d• DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR MAVOR(OH ASSISTANn Thomas Kuhfeld ASSIGN - NUMBER FOR _ FINANCE&MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIFECTOR �CfTV CLERK CANTACT DEPT. CONTACT PHONE NO. ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR _L R fl C�P A T Tl P T�� Publ ic Works 292-6276 ORDER: - arvarroawev Must be in the City Clerk s�0�f�ic�e� SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/REQUEST: IIO ater t an OOri� OII Sy� OV2IA er � . Must be on the Agenda November 15, 1988 Hold a Public Hearing for the SYLVAN/ACKER CSSP PROJECT AREA. File No. 's 18541, 18542 and 18530-8 RECOMMENDATIONS:(Approve(A)or Reject(R)) COUNCIL RESEARCH REPORT: PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION DATE IN DATE OUT ANALYST PHONE NO. ZONING COMMISSION ISD 625 SCHOOL BOARD A STAFF CHAflTER COMMISSION COMPLETE AS IS AOD'L INFO.ADDED* RETD TO CONTACT CONSTITUENT _ _FOR ADD'L INFO.* _FEEDBACK ADDED* DISTRICT COUNCIL *EXPLANATION: SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCIL OBJECTIVE4 ,. ' _... �.. . . .. . .... ,-. . .. ...i-... Better neighborhoods. �,; ,�� �.,.�_, �.�; _ ., �;,,�_ti INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The Sewer Separation Program has been approved through the Capitat Improvement Budget (CIB) Process. JUSTIFICATION(Cost/Benefits,Advantages,Results): This will reduce combined sewage overflow to the Mississippi River during rains. CONSEOUENCES(Whet,When,and To Whom): This is part of the City's National Poltution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. Not proceeding with this work may result in penalties. ALTERNATIVES: PROS CONS N/A FUSTORY/PRECEDENTS: This is the fourth year of the Ten Year Sewer Separation Program. Many similar projects have already been approved. LECiAL ISSUES: N/A 11/9/88 V&A ' j ��'/��U.> � f���`� ORIGINATOR � DATE INRIATED DATE COMPLETED G R E E N S H E ET � No.� 0 0 314 7 Nubl i c Works _g� CONTACT PERSON DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn :l - Thoma s Ku h f e l d NUMBER FOR � FINANCE 3 MANA6EMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR �CYTY CLERK CONTACT DEPT. CONTACT PMONE NO. ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR _7� ' � t • Publ i c Works 292-62]6 ORDER: — 1--' . CITYATTORNEY Must be in the City Clerk s 0 fice SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/REQUEST: IIO ater t an OOII� Ori Sy� OV2IIl er � . Must be on the Agenda November 15, 1988 Hold a Public Hearing for the SYLVAN/ACKER CSSP PROJECT AREA. File No. 's 18541, 18542 and 18530-8 RECOMMENDATIONS:(Approve(A)or Reject(R)) COUNCIL RESEARCH REPOHT: PIANNIN6 COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION DATE IN DATE OUT ANALYST PHONE NO. ZONING COMMISSION ISD 825 SCHOOL 80ARD A STAFF CHARTER COMMISSION COMPLETE AS IS ADD'L INFO.ADDED* RETD TO CONTACT CONSTITUENT _ _FOR ADD'L INFO.* _FEEDBACK ADDED* DISTRICT CAUNC�L *EXPLANATION: SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE4 '.. _ _... � . . � .. ,. ' P .. i..z.:� Better neighborhoods. ,.,�,i{ �y ��' � �. ., �i:,�:i MIRIATING PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The Sewer Separation Program has been approved through the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Process. JUSTIFICATION(Cost/BeneTRs,Advantages,Results): This will reduce combined sewage overflow to the Mississippi River during rains. CONSE�UENCES(What,When,and To Whom): This is part of the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. Not proceeding with this work may result in penalties. ALTERNATIVES: PROS CONS N/A HISTORYlPRECEDENTS: This is the fourth year of the Ten Year Sewer Separation Program. Many similar projects have already been approved. LEGAL ISSUES: N/A 'FORMANCE HISTORY OF SPONSORING FIRM/ORGANIZATION/PRINCIPALS: • N/A AKEHOLDERS(L'ISt) POSITION(+,-,O) -i. �WILL TESTIFY4(Y/N) RATIONALE(Summarize Main Arguments) . Area residents. Q ? A public information meeting will be held prior to the public hearing. FINANCIAL IMPACT FIRST YEAR(Start Date) SECOND YEAR NOTES: OPERATING BUDGET: �t I 5 1 i kely that i REVENUES GENERATED ............................................................... tIl 1 5 proj ect W I � � � EXPENSES: be constructed 111 SalarieslFringe Benefits,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �99�• Equipment.............................................................................. Supplies ................................................................................. Contracts for Service............................................................. i� Other AYatbbmsq'f`��Z�j C�O� PROFIT(LOSS) .....:..............:..............................:............................ FEd�C3�l.. I�a9��OGb FUNDING SOURCE FOR ANY LOSS(Name and Amount) �{L(��L �Zj�� _ 555G '�02�000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: Gl� �6a)�� C��f 47C AA �3t�A9ts�42�Rx.............Sewe.!'..............,......:................. �-89-'�� Z�9 �08�000 -tvrc�. � 3�35��oc �� ........: � �S�i�+i�i�leir�......Pav.!.n.�............................................ > > 3 1°.�, O� �- �aooxo�x�a�xo��c...�.i.9 h.t.i..r..9.....................:............ , . TOTAL - > > • �3�35��� ..................................................................................................:. SOURCE OF FUNDING(Name and Amount) O �� �c� w��„ " SSe . $ �42 �. . � ���� Fed. G. 1 ,0 ,000. > > ' �r�aacTON suoc�: State G.$ 54,000. AMOUNT CURR2NTLY BUDGETED ,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, S S S C 1 ,1 4,OOO. AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDGET ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ ..,,,, - C I B �� �ZL OOO. SOURCE OF AMOUNT OVER BUDGET,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED (LOST) ,,.,.,.„ NMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITY: OEPT/OFFICE � � � .� . � - DIVISION FUND TITLE Public Works Engineering Capital Projects BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER&TITLE ACTIVITV MANAGER Joseph F. Koenig HOW PERFORMANCE Wlll BE MEASURED?: PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM INDICATORS 1ST YR. 2ND YR. EVALUATION RESPONSIBILITY: PERSON DEPL PMONE NO. REPORT TO COUNCIL OF DATE FIRST QUARTERLY � PERFORMANCE REPORT BY , ��i9iss vs�a S$�/�3R� �8-/8�0.� 8'�-�8' � � � � o,,,�..�,�„� �� �b il c Wor:ks . ����� ��� i+�?. ���1 � �r_ oeP�r►�r�r artECron �avaR roR�s�er� Th�nas Kuhf e l,d �-� �- � � ` �.�e�e�rr�v�s o�r� �arr,�;t�C�� � . — �' � Pub1ic Works 2�2-6276 � � �st be in the. ��ty er � 4 � ; .no , a e t n aon, n aY� , vem er ` , . �Iust .be on the Agenda November. -15, 1988 Nold � Public Ftea�ring for the SYLVAN/ACKER CSSP PROJfiCT AREA. File No:'s 18541,' 18542 and 18530-8 � �rw�s:ck��•��1 a�t��► coiA+a�r+�,wc�� nuw�rx�a�oa Gv��oo�roH a�rE x� ��an a�rsr n�a�wc�: ao�NO oar�aspN �so exs ecraq�eawo A ar� c�+urr�n c�or� co�rs�a re �ooti naw.�ooee* �rv ro c.prn�r t�x+�nn�+r o�srnw�r oo�a� — — _r�a+��o. —�at *ocwww�r�on: sirvroRrs��aa*cw oa�cnvE� : - Councii Re�earch Center . " Be�t�r ne�igtiborhoods. {�OV 4. i� ��� ��a w�a�.�.o�ortn�rr 1w�w.wn.�:wnm.v�sne.wnr>: The Sewer Separation program has been approved through the C�pital Improvement Budget (CI Proce�s. . . ' '. . � . . .-....3 ...� � _,rusr�,ce�aoM�e.�o.,�,�t: ; . This will reduce combined sewage overflov�;to the Mississippi River during rains. '-: �I�lpls(9Min..Mlhen..r�d ro wnom): - This is part of the Ctty's National Pollution Discharge Eiiminatron System (NPDES) Permit I�t proceeding with this work may resuit in penaiti�s. - � �Twu►a�res: . �, � , � NjA �rsrcnrn�ec�xrs: TBis is t�e fourth year of the Ten Year Sewer Separstion Program. Many simitar pr4Jects . have a�ready been aPProved. - : ��s: . N/A _ _ . .