88-1835 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COI�ISCII J(��.��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS Council Resolution � & ASSESSMENTS - ROOM 218 ,�,��� ,;,' Presented By '�2� � � Referred To Public Works Committee: Date �'•ember 30, : y��? Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , That in accordance with Section 77. 07 dealing with Sewer Service Availability Charges , the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Sewer Service Availability Charges for the year 1989 to be held on December 15 , 1988 at 9:00 a.m. , in the Council Chambers , and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing; the publication of which is to be had at least seven days before the hearing. cf. sac/1 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond F• Lo�g [n Favor Goswitz � � B Dir ctor sche;ne� A gai n s t Y , � Sonnen �� � ri-�� Wilson � 2 � '� Form Approved y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s d Counci( c t By- gy, t�pprove y A�lavor: Date ��y 5 � Appr d b ayor Eor Submis ' n Council � � -- �s� c��c 31gea : _ . �„�.«�,� �„�� � �S-/�`c3 s� Financ� � Managemeat $ervices 11/1/88 _ �71��� ��� t�.0 0 2�0� "CT , `oev�r o�cron w«von toR o�mr� Ro8ann8 Flink �� � ru�ux�..w�ee�ear a�s o��,on �crn a� "`� . "o. Aourx�o ; �uoc�r a�cmr� � Roseanne D'Aga�stiao Valc�ations � Asee i��meats '292-7028 �� ` . — CITV ATT(1WIEV: � Set hearing date to consider incYeasing Sewer Service Availability C '� $550.00 to �575.00 beginning January 1, 1989. ���J L�,�D Refer to .Green .Sheet 002788 to Ra.tify SAC Charge _ : �s�ol+k(�a+(�«�1•�tR)) cx�lp+c��r+�onr: _ �� ��� ��� ��� ,� ��T�r aTio��E �� ���.� � sr� - aw�cow� oa��ns�s _�rffo.noo� _��+o a��o".� . _�i�• asrn�cr ooywca •E�,,,,�: RE ���� -� �E� �.. .. .N�A - NOy � �98� _ p��EN7 F�E p�R f�,�,oR �� ���NT�An;rE : �nn�wion�.ewe.ar�oim,wrr nK,o,vN+a.wn�,,wr,.�e, _ , ., Letter from Metropolifan Waste Con�rol Commission informing government agencies �f new SAG charge from �550.00 to $575.00 for 1989. : The fuli SAC is paid hy tbe builder or property .owner. Therefare, passing the incxeased charge to them would not be a change ::= _ in :the Citg`s pfllicq.- : (Letter from MWCC attached) .�foireCaue.n.+ra�nw�aea..�s): . _. ,: - : , ' . . ' ;: , The increase in 3AC Unit Charges-for the new year is not a new proced�re ax�ci should be expected bq the builder or property owner. However, if the City of Saint Paul paid the . incrtase, it would cast the .City $22,900,00 in ;1989 if the same number of SAC Charges . are made as ia .1988. _ _ : ��wa.n:.a so.v�rny: . _ . - , Increase of �25.00 to property owner or builder from rate in previous year: . Council P,esearch Cen#er. _ : . ���OV 4 3 i988 _ , �„�„�: : � � , � � City absorbs the increase - additional cost to the City o€ $22,g00.00 rrsrcRrr►�ao�rrs: . : Rdutine Administrative Action ��mu iew�s: .-. N/A , . . , , �8�l ��3 5 . . - �- � � - v�. � - � �� � • 1 �; - ��.v„� '�Ny��,� �L�-��� �j- . . Met�bpolitan Waste Control Commission � Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 October 13 , 1988 612222_g423 ....r::... .;.�;� F�i��.+�1 Y L.L � �� l��c lY � �`� C� D� ' ' ii;��:� C':,r+.55£'.i:i:;��::� D��i��or. � � \a��: � Da�i. F'u�otsc:i�i+:�i����r`�'��S RECEIVED R . ALL CITY MANAGERS OCT 21 198� � RE: 19 8 9 S AC RA�rES C)i Y C�trcn �� _ � ��'�"'—_ �. Dear Ci ty Manager: G��A^-d $ This is to inform you that the Metropolitan Waste �ontrol � Commission has found iL necessary to increase the Sewer Service � Availability Charge (�ACI rate by $25 to $575 , effPctive January 1�1�, 1 , 1989 (Resolution vumber 88-181) . The SAC rate for the com- � munities that do not have interceptor sewers ( those shared by two or more coinmunities) was increased by $40 to $390, also effective by January 1 , 1989 . � a.`�` ' SAC is coll�cted from users who are connecting to the sewer system for the first time and from those •�hose use of the system � has increased. The SAC funds collected pay for the debt incurred to expand and improve sewer facilities. These facilities provide the se•aer collection and treatment service stipulated for your community in the t�iztropolitan Council ' s comprzheasive s���er plan. Please note: All SAC fees collPCted by your community in 1989 are to be remitted to the Commission at the 1989 rate -regar3less of when the permitting process began. The rate to be charged is the :ate in effect at the time of oaym�nt. If you have any questions, please contact our Controller' s Division. Your coopezation in the past has been greatly appreciated. Sincerely, James J. Hiniker, Jr. Acting Chief Administrator JJH:SLS:kmw L-10I388A cc: 8uilding Inspections�Department S . Selby - ' y�a�s � � � � - � � � �