88-1826 WHITE — CITV GLERK COI1RC11 y PINK — F`INANCE �` CAC�ARY —OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ✓ ��V BLUE —.MAVOR s Ordind `.e ! O dinance N 0. �, 17�3`3 Presented By Z���� - J Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 411 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Entertainment THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That section 411 .02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 411 .02. License classification. Any person desiring to provide entertainment on the licensed premises must obtain an entertainment license of the applicable type as hereinafter provided: Class 1- Amplified or nonamplified music and/or singing by one performer, and group singing participated in by patrons of the establishment. Class 2- All activities allowed in Class 1 , plus amplified or nonamplified music and/or singing by three (3) or fewer performers. Class 3- All activities allowed in Classes 1 and 2, plus amplified or nonamplified music COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman ��;�o Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approv d y City Atto e / Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By � / Approved by Mayor: Date Approv(ed Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � ' , GF �-/�a-6 � '. ', �7633 and/or singing by performers without limitation as to number, and dancing by patrons to live, taped or electronically produced music, and which may also permit volleyball and broomball participated in by patrons or guests of the licensed establishment. C 1 ass 4- A 1 1 act i v i t i es a 1 1 owed i n C 1 asses 1 , 2 and 3, plus stage shows, skits, vaudeville, .� theater_ � Class 5- All activities allowed in Classes 1 . 2 . 3 and 4. ulus contests and/or dancin4 bv �erformers without limitation as to number. includina �atron partici�ation in anv of the aforementioned. Section 2 That Section 411 .03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 411 .03. Fee. The annual license fees shall be as follows: Class 1- �116. 75 Class 2- �291 .50 Class 3- $408.00 Class 4- �1165.00 Class 5- �1500.00 2 WMITE - CITV CIERK PINK -'FINANCE GITY OF' SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV -DEPARTMENT � /� BLUE �MAVOii File �O. /���/ �din nce Ordinance N�. � 7�v 3..3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Gosw;tz �� `3 Against BY Scheibel Son�n Wilson Adopted by Council: Date � 7 R�u� Form Appr v by City At r y Certified Pa e ouncil S et BY By Approve by May • Dat �R — 8 �� App ove by Mayor fo Submission to Council u�. v BY � �-��a6 ���� Community and Human Services Committee COrIMITTEE REPORT February 16, 1989 Page Two 6. ,--�it� Council Agenda 11/22/88, Item No. 4: First Reading - 88-1826 - An ordinance amending Chapter 411 of the Legislative Code pertaining to entertainment. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to January 18, 1988 for the drafting of two amendments.) (Laid over as per Jerry Segal's request.) Substitute resolution recommended for aggraval on 4-0 vote. 7. One of the goals of the City Council involves the Parks Systems. In order to initiate the discussions, we will start with the NAG (Needs Assessment Group Report; August, 1988) . Mr. Bob Pirar.m will update the Council on .the work of the Task Force (Ramsey County/Saint Paul Parks Task Force.) Laid over to March 1, 1989. 8. City Council Agenda 1/31/89, Item No. 20: Resolution - 89-154 - Approving appointments by the Mayor of Sam Ciresi, Patricia Brand, John Flory, and James Kowalski to serve on the Food and Nutritior. Commission. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vote. 9. Bernie Fritz to present contract with Humane Society. Resolution to be presented moving $15,000 out of contingent 1989 budget to go to Hu�ane Society to accommodate expanded adoption program. Laid over to February 23, 1989, at which time a continuation meeting will be held. 10. Library Followup. We have seen the consultants' report. What does the Library plan to do with such a report other than what has been identified in the adopted 1989 budget? Presentation by Gerald Steenberg. Laid over to February 23, 1989, at which time a continuation meeting will be held. cc: Ed Starr A1 Olson {. �. . �.- �� Members: ;� � Janice Rettman, chair - t�j����=,:;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bill Wilson Uli f 6 Ii� . OI'rIC� OF THE CI'rY COIINCIL Bob Long Date: February 16, 1989 7ANICE RE"tTMAN Councilperson Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, February 15, 1989, at 1:30 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes of February 1, 1989 meeting. Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Agenda 1/12/89, Item No. 9: Resolution - 89-51 - Approving the appointments of Kevin Kajer, Sam Verdeja and Barbara Wencl, and the reappointments of Frank Horak, Robert Van Hoef, Dr. Earl Miller, Sr. , Gladys Morton, Gary Park, and Kathleeen Zieman by the Mayor to serve as members of the Saint Paul Planning Commission. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to February 15, 1989, per Mayor Latimer's request.) Previous motions from meeting of February 1, 1989 effected. Reco?nmended for approval on 3-0 vote. 3. City Council Agenda 1/3/89, Item No. 4: First Reading - 89-1 - An ordinance amending Chapter 104 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Private Clubs and adding a nondiscriminatian provision. (Referred to Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to February 15, 1989 due to time cor.straints.) Recommended for approval on 4-1 vote. Prior to third reading, Jim Murphy, with Jerry Segal and Joe Carchedi, to send ordinance to all affected private clubs. 4. Health Merger Update. Presentation by Jim 0'Leary. (Laid over to February 15, 1989. Checklist of ALL City Health Division services to be initiated and presented. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE is recommended for attendance at this discussion. Further steps may be discussed.) Presentation made by Jim 0'Leary. Update review. 5. Procedures and process for City Council and Departments regarding public health enforcement and food enforcement discussions. Laid over to February 23, 1989, at which time a continuation meeting will be held. CIT'Y HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 8��46 011qNA ' ' o�n a►n ocw�.eTeo ����� f /' _ .,� � .. ����� �a�£�1�1 ����'T No.�a� � � o��m�rt o�ec� ►r�ron roA�rrrwn . D i�N�FOR _ � �E.wv�t��, �.e�v a�c . No. �� — �� o�`l�'��d o�uE�: — cmr�rro�,r . ^ f �u Q,� ; !/!� Ul/���-�J2. !" �O�-F':�"JC.. Q�' f'�l.J CiCCC..L� s� �`�,. r'i � � � ,��,�jSh.� C� ������� s-���,L��-o�-�-O� �6t..cs�L� � � L'•Q.a.a'°� ��+�o►�cp>> cour,cu.R�sE�nck+�roer: � � PLA/i�1N0 COM�M . CNIL SEAVICE� � DATE 9d� � DA7E OIiT " ANALYBT - � � PPi01E NO. . � � �ONMO OOMM�BqN � . 1�625 BCMOOL BONiO � . . . �. . . - . . . . . . . . �. . .g��.: :�.. , ,�-/ � � �� C�LETE AS 1.4 . . ADD'L M1FP..�VLlCED� .. � �..RE7'D T(J OONp�T -�� COti8TtT11d1► �. � �' - - -f'OH ADDL NIFO. �FEEOQACIC ADO�* � . DIQ�IYCT WUiCIL y�w�w� EXPLAN11710N: . . . .. . . . .8UP!'ORi$YYMIOM OOl11Gll�OBJECTNE7 . . . � � . � . . . . � �.� _ . � : ' '- . . .. . . . .. . . . . . � � Gour�c�l E�esearch Center : I�OV 10 1988 .n,n,�,o�+an.ew,�.ov�den�.r,►M�w.v�.rw,e�,,w�ere,wn+rr. : �0�� . ` .��%S��e.�.�' '�'1� L�'�'� �`° oCo �a.c./ �G/"�` ��1�7Ck�; , dia.�.�e � �4 r�-+¢. L� ��c¢�c'�., � ,�-�v �� � �` . , �,� , o,;�:�. . :-�c�a ���a a r�-- a�y�y y�n /°j°�'' �� � � � �.�,,,���.�,.�..:,,�...�.>: . � n. � n ' �pGl.at.e.�X d- �.0�'� �4� /�u°�_ , , �� �� d?-�t.�,?� " � .�Z�� � ,�.a.�zb/��k�� �1r�me�.wn.�+,�a To wnom>: .. , _ , . . _, . . ; . , _: � l�C ~ ���?�v�-t.A— / ���i�CXw� /° d- � ALTlIIll�ktlYl6: . i+�i08 COl18 ����,� �`,c° �,-�-�-0 �'a�•�-' `� ;���: " 1 . , . . . . . .. ♦ � �s�� L� �.��.�ny � /< : ,.��.�: .: . � ��� _ _ . 1 ... ist _ %`�t��-�� 2nd � _ 3�� . 3rd __-�. — � -� � Adopted � �° �•- �' g - . _ - Yeas Nays - DIMOND GOSWI L�4 d ��°��D - _ TZ LONG _ RE'I'TMAN . - SONN�N . � WILSON : MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL . . � . . .��� c�ti�-� ��-��.��.� c.� T� , � , , . � � � � WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII O V / G�/ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV -OEPARTMENT J� / /1 �� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. v D �� �- \ � Or in�nce Ordinance N ,� �f `��� Presented By _. \ ` f/ �ferred To � � �� � • Committee: Date ��°?O2`�U Out of Committee By� Date � ordinance amending Chapter 411 o the Saint Paul Legislative Code per aining to entertainment THE COUNCIL OF THE CI�;Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � � Section l . That Section 411 .02 0� the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended as fo�,lows : _�� "5ec. 411 .02. License c$assification. Any person desiring to pr�c�vide entertainment on the licensed premises must btain an entertainment license of the applicable t�y e as hereinafter pro- vided: � �� Class 1 - Amplified or nonampli�ied music and/or singing by one perfor r, and group singing participated i by patrons of the establishment. Class 2 - All activities allowed in lass l , plus amplified or nonamplified sic and/or singing by three (3) or fe r performers. Class 3 - All activities allowed in Cla es 1 and 2 , plus amplified or nonamplified usic and/or singing by performers without 1 itation as to number, and dancing by patron to live, taped or electronically produced usic, and which may also permit volleyba 1 and COUNCIL MEMBERS �� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Dimond k �� In Favor ' Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved y ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY i By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ay r for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1jIC11 j CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY O� SAINT PAUL File NO. �,���[�/� BLVE -MAVOR • Or indnce Ordinance NO. Presented By��- „ � � � 1��� Referred o Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date broomball participated in by patrons or guests of the licensed establishment. Class - All activities allowed in Classes 1 , 2 and 3 , plus stage shows, skits, vaudeville, and theater_ ee�.�es�s-ar�d�e�-da�e}�g-b� e�€e�x�e�s-w��l�e��-��a���a�}e�-as-�e-r�t��abe�; � ������g-pa��e�-pa���e}pa��e�-}�-a��r-e�-��ie a� �er�e���e�ed.- Class 5 _ Al1 tivities allowed in Classes l , 2, 3 and 4, plus contests and/or dancing by perform rs without limitation as to number, includin patron participation in any of the afore ntioned. " ection 2. That Section 411 .03 of th Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended as follows : "Sec. 411 .03 . Fee. The annual license fees shall e as follows: Class 1 - $100.00 Class 2 - $250.00 Class 3 - $350.00 Class 4 - $750.00 Class 5 - $1 , 500 " 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Yeas Nays Requested by Departm�nt of: Dimond ��: �� [n Favor coswitz Rettman Sc6eibei A gai ns t BY i Sonnen Wilson Form App ov d by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council , By By � � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlflCll Ay / CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY O� SAINT PAUL File NO. �v ��// BLUE -MAYOR • 0 inance Ordinance N 0. Presented By ` � �� Referred To Committee: Date � Out o�.,��ommittee By Date �,\ .� � � Section 3. This ox�dinance shall be in force and take effect thirty (30) days from and. after its passage , approval and publication. ,, � ``. 3 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appr d by City A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv Mayor for Submission to Council , By ey i • � i �� . s � i � '.�� � • ii � � i � ��%, y / ' ,� _ _ , _ � - .- ... . -. � - - �_ _ � � ', , .- -�-.lf'_�---i 3;«'i:-..T�•,�t� �T- ---..:♦ - -�� � �/� � � % i / / i � � O �/ � � � � � i i / i �� � / � �' i % i , / � % � / / / - - - •. - e' � / a .�_ r - -- - �� � i �� i 0 , , � .. % , . _ . . , . , � ' • - � - - -, - �' - � � ` / O '/ � i '• �i � '�� � � ��� � ' � � i ' � 1 / / , � � i � / �i �' � � , � �j/ �� / i � � � . �L����� i 1 �/ �� /�_ �� � - � � y � �� �/� � � � / � � / !�i ` � / � � � � � � /i � / ./ � - � / ' � � � � � � / � �/ � i i , .. , / i � / i / � 1 �. � � i� / � � i � / / / � . / r � , � , � ' ` � ' � '� / � � �i i �! / . i � � , � � i � � • � � ' / .-� i � / �� � / !/ i ����� � �� � i � ��� � /� � � ���� i i � � � � i / . � . � . � . � ���/��6 ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL i�ii'ii�n OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL KIKI SONNEN Councilmember MOLLY O'ROURKE Legislative Aide Nov. 3, 1988 SUMMARY OF ADULT iJSE ORDI�'VCES: Concents: * To license adult entertainment establishments inserts local control and regulation of those businesses. To license also recognizes the city cannot outlaw the business. * Adult establishments have to be treated pretty much the same as similar businesses: If they break the law, sanctions can be taken, if they don't break the law, they are protected. * With the proposal to require licenses for adult businesses, similar non-adult businesses are also proposed for licensing. i.e. The city cannot require adult bookstores to get a license and not have the same requirement for regular bookstores. Format of the Nine Ordinances: Using the Bookstore Licensing Ordinance as an example, here is the format for these proposed ordinances: License required - only one adult use per building Definitions - Adult bookstore, obscene and performance are defined by referencing the same definitions as in the adult use zoning code. Class III license - reauires council action Fee - $200 Application form - reauires information on premises, owners, operators. Hearings - 30 day notice to property owners and occupants within 300' of the premises' property line. Public hearing held before the Council Restrictions of operations - the license can have conditions placed on it. Adverse action - Grounds for suspension, denial or revocation of a license are enwnerated. They include: CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5378 s..�46 . � . � - . ��_/��.� � p. 2 * not compling with laws and ordinances * convictions * not complying with health, safety or building regulations * is a detriment to health, safety � welfare of citizens * redesigning premises without prior city approval * fraud or deception on the application * alchol or controlled substances on premises * wilfull disregard for health, building and/or fire code regulations * refusing access to city enforcemtn officers * employees violate these provisions Building permits need Health Department approval Health can make additional r�ules and regulations Unlawful acts specified - operating without a license, or obscene sexual performances on the premises are illegal. (The ordinances on massage parlors, health clubs, steamrooms have additional health and sanitation requirements.) PROPOSED FEES: Bookstore $200 Cabaret $48 - $160 depending on square footage Rap Parlor $250 Entertainment - Five Classes: Class 1 - one musical performer, singer $100 Class 2 - up to three musical performer, singer $250 Class 3 - over 3 performers, singers, with patron dancing and activities $350 Class 4 - over 3 performers, singers, patron dancing and stage shows, vaudville $750 Class 5 - over 3 performers, singers, patron dancing, stage shows, performer dancing $1,500 Health Clubs $200 Massage Parlors $200 Steamrooms $200 D7ovie Theaters $150 - $350 depending on seating capacity Massage Therapist�To be determined. � _� . �, . , V , � 1" , , : � � .- _. ._ { _r�,� � , (� � r � `�( / ._.�C��� ���L �ia ' .rw-��e ' " � � Q � � c,ip�C�j �� ,__-�—.._ : , . / ------ -- —_— ------_ ---- ---� _ • ��'���� To _E�! �!'� ��� __ . � .. ' ;- l / - .� � � SUBJECT ' r" ,� /� 4 [ . : _ � ; �L�� G,.?��-1:�i�� �-/i/'f� �J� �. � .�-/�G U. 7 � !,�.d , '.: ( � ( C.- . y /l__ �f t.+Y..��C/v,t"f� l . .., r .... . . �.. . . . . . J �F � .. MESSAGE �- �'�:�(.���.�cG�c� ,..c�.l�!���:�� �« ;��� ��G-�-� ����t.,��% �„�, ; � _'��'%f�.� ?'' . �4. i ,� -�- . - �r�t%:ic.��:t,(.�-� � ' ���%4:.c��� �.� �--�=�:.��-� �:' L � �: <c�; �� ,-�,'«_� 4 �' �t��, ��%G{�����GG���E' ; , � , � , , / , . . ` /� , � � � � � �� ��Qn� j, /`� „ , ; , ! ;; � ,� —<<� �.�_.,�' � >� �::-z� f-� � f �'i.l-+�..L '�-'�.{,r�1�-+�.-�V.X C...Y� .. 7 Ot.X.J�,� . ,.. �.l,jL ..... � [;-..( , /:i . ' �t�... '. . � .... ' .... J� ' ... . - (.�G.[� C t � � 1 . � , .� . . " .. ,� ,/� / r --p ��F1..4 _� ,Jv�✓ �f���' { J ir-� 'Jr�. ���<.1`-`G•t?L.J � �-'�.. .� ' �f �"':f'--L�'r _ 4� _ - �, , � . � . L ' , ; . ; � , _ .: k � . , _ . . ` ,- � _ � . ; ., , . , � _ � ,'� r.. � � � , r r.- f / (, . �' �� �..:Z.L.,rLYt'S.:.L.�`_' ..� .....�4 . .,� t,,,.:.�..:` �`... '�'...i � / .:..�.✓. ... _. 1'� t ' ... `� ..,. ._.,� .i�, i�l'"�/ . i.�... � �"� � ..� /,j v� r �'�J ; f'. � �..�r( / �/ ,n. �1 , � / I tl.c�/Fya u!,�(.C! !. �'-�, L�,.l,. y''f vli,s�-.G r L�/ //� �ilL�. / �(.; ta.£ ,' ; �i�E-C�' "-� , � 'iii". 4 i �r / _ � . ✓' i t , l .�,-i � i / r • . ,._ .__ -. y ; ,.: , ' _�, . . ......� ;�< - � ,.� !1 � � 3 (...� '�'���'� ` ° ' �,(,�'G:'�' G�L I t t � �, `�;C� ✓� l._< �,,f ' '" «� t.�-- SIGNED ��� °_` _ " . ��f tZC,-i�i�L,�(,.t,�.� , DATE , REPLY _ � '�t -�- _ _ __ _ _ .. _ ._ : . _ _ . . ; _. „_.__ _ _ . _. SIGNED __ . �" TOPS�FORM 3801 .u.HO M u.6a . � . . � � � SENDER ... RETAIN THIS COPY _ . . . . . �- � � �8�/��6 �"" CITY OF SAINT PAUL , yU,,. `� ,�> �,TT 0. 3 ti0� s�r 9; ������I���� '; OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY �},� ,mLiqnj eG< EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY •°• , 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 '"'"ac'..im-.om�': GEORGE LATIMER � 612-298-5121 MAYOR � � � 0 October 14, 1988 �9y � ����~� �` �f',� �.� �� �- OCT 1'� 1988• 11 � COUNCILMENRSER f Council Member Kiki 5onnen y�,�, KIKI SONNEN � 7th Floor jj ! City Hall G�� N Dear Council Member Sonnen: During the last few months I have been working with you in the preparation of a number of ordinances licensing businesses and establishing different classes of licenses for each of the businesses . Molly O'Rourke had given me the latest revisions and I have had the following ordinances prepared on ordinance form for your consideration. These ordinances are : Bookstores Cabaret Conversation parlors Health/Sport Clubs Entertainment Massage parlors Steam Room and Bath House Theaters and movie theaters I had previously submitted to you the draft ordinance amendment for Massage Therapist, being sections 414. 03(a) and 414. 04. The above ordinances cover many topics and include provisions which are not found in other ordinances . I strongly recommend that at the time of the City Council hearings on these ordinances , that there be presentation made to the Council settina forth the reasons for the necessity of requiring these types of licenses and the need for the type�!'_o� regulations��eing provided in each of the cases . Regarding the amount of license fee , I also recommend that the Finance Depar ment, and in par icular the License Division, submit some testimony as to the reasonable- ness of the proposed charges . Please advise me if you have any questions or would like to make some other changes to these ordinances . Y rs very ru , s J E J . s ' stant ' ty Attorney J1S :cg . _ � � - . � 88 ���� , �Ur,�.,,,� `�`"T'' CITY OF SAfNT PAUL . ��° �?? • °� ��; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY '� i�urnw `�i� m1!qu �; `" EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY I °"""m�`���`.` 647 City Hail, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER � 612-298-5121 MAYOR \����-�- � October 14, 1988 �qy� O � ������� _. �� �- O CT 17198�� �1 � . COUNCILMENFBER � ---- Council Member Kiki Sonnen y�� KIKI SONNEN � 7th Floor ' � City Hall ��� ! N Dear Council Member Sonnen: During the last few months I have been working with you in . the preparation of a number of ordinances licensing businesses and establishing different classes of licenses for each of the businesses . Molly O' Rourke had given me the latest revisions and I have had the following ordinances prepared on ordinance form for your consideration. These ordinances are: Bookstores Cabaret Conversation parlors Health/Sport Clubs Entertainment Massage parlors Steam Room and Bath House Theaters and movie theaters I had previously submitted to you the draft ordinance amendment for Massage Therapist, being sections 414.03(a) and 414.04. The above ordinances cover many topics and include provisions which are not found in other ordinances. I strongly recommend that at the time of the City Council hearings on these ordinances , that there be presentation made to the Council settinq forth the reasons for the necessity of requiring these types of licenses and the need for the type o� regu�a�3on�'`T�eirig provided ^in' each of the cases . Regarding the amount of license fee, I also recommend that the Finance Depar ment, and in par i ular the License Division, submit some testimony as to the reasonable- ness of the proposed charges . Please advise me if you have any questions or would like to make some other changes to these ordinances. Y rs very ru J E J . s ' stant ' ty Attorney J,IS :cg