88-1821 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll G/�(� CANARV - DEOARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO• v `� _/��/ BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution r; � .� �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, T e City Attorney has contracted with the Municipal Code Corporation for printing of the City's Legislative and Administrative Codes and quarterly supplements, and WHExEAS, The City Attorney's 1988 printing budget of $15,000 is insufficient to cover the $32,291 outstanding bill from Municipal Code Corporation due to 1987 bills paid in 1988 and due to the increased number of ordinances and amendments during 1988, and WHEREAS, The City Attorney's Office has $5887 available to it under the 1/3 Savings Incentive Program, and WHEREAS, The Mayor� pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1988 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------ ------------ ------------ 001 General Fund 9890 Use of Fund Balancet Unreserved Designated (1/3 Saving s) 172,414 5,887 178,301 9890 Use of Fund Balance, Unreserved Undesignated 260,563 24,404 284,967 All Other Financing 118,588,992 0 118,588,992 ------------ ------------ ------------ - 119,021,969 30,291 119,052,260 SPENDING PLAN _ _ . _ OU1 General Fund City Attorney's Office 00200 Citp Attorney-General Operations 00200-0241 Printing Outside 15,000 30,291 45,291 00200 All-Other Spending 1 ,574,529 -0 1,574,529 Al1 Other Spending lU,432,440 0 117,432,440 ------------ ------------ ------------ 119,021,969 30,291 119,052,260 _ __ NET CHANGE 30,291 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1988 budget. Approval Recommended - --- - -�-h_�-� Budget D r ctor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by epartment of: Yeas Dimond Nays City Att ey�s Of � e ��g [n Favor Goswitz -Re�rn j7 s�6e;n�t __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson N�V �{ i ���(7 Form Approved City Attor y Adopted by CounciL Date Certified Pa. • d o c.il tar , BY r � g�, � � r ; K: Appro e y Mavor: D � ����� � ° Y Approve Mayor for Submissi n o ou B �r p'�!�S� �J� � � 198�_ . � �g,1�.,�.i o N._. 012 0 2 City Attorn,sy . DEPARTMENT � Jo�nne ttner win �ONTACT NAME — PHONE � 10 4 DATE ASSIGN NiT1��ER FOR ROOTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) �V O � Department Director 4 Maqor (or Asr�sta�T r,•�4 19 _ Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk #..��� �Budget Directorc'18 _ � � City Attorney _ ,��/ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.,� . WHAT WILL �E AGHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) ' $32,291 is due Municipal Code Corp for printing the City' s Legislative & Adm' . Code. Citp P,ttorney had budgeted $15,000 but has obligated all but $2000 of t to: 1987 Legis. Code printing costs billed. in 1988, higher than estimated n r of ordinances and,resolutions during 1988 which have to be printed and $872 eded to cover printing of forms for criminal division. �� Resolution increases spending aut'hority so bill can be paid. OCT 2 51988 COST/BENEFIT� BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: General Fur�d financing beirag increased $30,291: - $5881 from-...Dep���i���3 Savings Incentive Program balance, $24,404 fram Use of Unreserved Undesignat Fund BalanCe. Spending authority of General Fund City Attorney Activity being increased $30,291 to enable �payment of outstanding bill to Municipal Code Corp. � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITSD: (lYtaqor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: $30 ,291 Activity Number: 00200 Funding Source: 9890 Fund Balance, Unreserved Designated - $5,887 9890 Fund Balance, Unreserved Undesignated - $24,4Q4 = ATTACHI�IIENTS: (List and number all attachments.) ' 1. Resolution I Re�earch Center 2. Meinorandum from Rettner to Blee s, 10�� �EGEtVED 0�-i� 2 '�' ��88� OCT 1 '� 19�? �A I�i N STRATTVE PROCEDURES e dment re uired? es No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Am n q �es _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? D�PARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes o Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes o _Yes Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes o Yes No Insurance attached? � � � � . ��'� ��i :O- CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM October 11 , 1988 ��i.;EiVE� 0 CT �- � 1988 BUUi��e ����E M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: Gregory Blees Budget Director FROM: Joanne Rettner �" City Attorney' s Office RE : Budget Transfer for City Attorney Outside Printing Account As you know, the City has contracted with Municipal Code Corpora- tion of Tallahassee , Florida for the printing of the City' s Legislative and Administrative Codes and quarterly supplements. We had budgeted $15 , 000 in our outside printing account for 1988 to cover the cost of these supplements , however, this will be insufficient to pay for our 1988 costs for several reasons : 1 . Due to some printing problems, the Legislative Code had to be reprinted. This delayed shipment and ultimate billing until 1988 of charges which we anticipated would be paid in 1987. It was necessary to have Municipal Code Corporation adjust their bill to reflect payments they had received directly from subscribers so these payments could be deducted from our bill . 2. Due to increased City Council activity in 1988 , the number of ordinances and amendments which had to be printed has exceeded our estimates and increased our costs. I presently have bills from Municipal Code Corporation totaling $32 , 290. 73 . We have $2 , 872. 13 remaining in Activity 00200-0241 . Of that amount, approximately $800 will be needed to cover printing costs for forms for our criminal division which will be needed before the end of the year which would leave only $2 , 000 to cover Municipal Code Corporation' s bills. We also have $5 , 887 in our one third savings incentive program which we would like to use for this purpose , which would mean we have to find funding from another source in the amount of $24,403. 13. . _ , ��, � � i Greg Blees Page Two October 11 , 1988 Would you please assign one of your staff to determine where this amount can be transferred from and ask them to prepare the necessary Council resolution for Ed Starr' s signature. I will be on vacation until 1Vovember 12 , but in my absence you can direct any questions you may have to Edwin Lee who is the staff inember in this office in charge of codification of ordinances. He has been working with Municipal Code Corporation on this project. I would also ask that when the necessary resolution is prepared, your staff notify Mary Kay Casey in our office who will be paying bills in my absence. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.