88-1781 • ' .c��✓��i�Il/ �"'��..�.1�-�'� . � /l � �� �`� - WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council �` ` ,/, CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� BLUE - MAYOR File NO• � � i esolution a i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Comm't e By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #69500) for a Gambling Manager's License by Father Brennon Maiers DBA Church of St. Bernard's Lanes , be and the same is hereby approved/ denied. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz � Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ved by Cit torney Adopted by Cou 'l: ate • s �o '(2 �� Certified Passed by ncil Secretary Y— gy, tlpproved by Yfavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY � ' �� /��� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADA1IIvISTRATION DATE $ ��' �l a �71�� INTERPF.PARTMEI�'TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �Q�,�r' �rtnr,an_�Q;ftrS Home Address ��� (.(,I E?Cran lt,cm Rusiness Iv'ame �'�"��trrua.,-ds La.n�s Home Phone Business Address '�1 � �1CI�A(ur1'1 Type of License(s) �"�/„ �j�rn QI'1Q t/' Business Phone Public Hearing Date � � O $� License I.D. 46 � � ��v at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� N'A' llate I�TOtice Sent; d Dealer �� N/� to Applicant !� g $O rederal Pi_rearms 4� 11l�f} Public He�.;ring DATE INSPECTIUN REVLEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved Bldg I & D � N Iq ; Health Divn. � u�� � � Fire Dept. � I N'Q f I ! f Police Dept. �j�a I�' o�. License Divn. � �����bv ��� City Attorney � �0���� + �� Date Received: Site Plan �1� ^ Q�' To Council P.esearch �� e+�� w � Lease or Letter ` ' Date from Landlord N �� �'- • , (O Z�UU t. ' City of Saint Paul - - Department of Finance and Management Services - • � License and Permit Division , 203 City Halt� � St. Paul, MUnesota 55102-298-5056 APPUCATION FOR LICENSE � :'`� CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Aenew 4��a o � .: � : o o . . - . _ Date � �Z. 19�� Code No. Title of Ucense From_ � ( 19"DTo vC� ' 19� • O� '� � m � h0 _2 /oZ'.�C7 JI � d b� n.� �� ��IdYC-�'t 0�' � • �Prho'✓c�S,lunc App11t�MICompany Name . 100 : �1� �✓�Qnr1 Cp n �Q�2�S 100 Buain�p Nam� �oo �(o � �� tj�r4n I U.»'� i 8usiness Address PAOn�Na � t� �. �uc,��� �✓1 .55 �j7 100 Mait to Address Phone No. � 100 ; �On��r� ./� � t�aeJs� i Manaq�AOwner•Name � ,°° �q� �v C ' ; �PrGh ��c�n � 100 AtanayeAGwn�r•HonaAddress Phon�No. � . . 4098 Application Fee 2 S0 . � t ;' Received the Sum of 100 �• T(�(,c�� ��1� ����7 i `' ", ` ` 1 p� 4�Ov Manaq�r/Owner•City.State d Zfp Cod� !,%' 100 TOtai 100 . . " . � . t '� , - - ` � / � �_ � . License Inspector �k--� gy; ���Z-- �— . — i Siqnaturo ot Applicant j �,. ...s�-� ' . . �� ._ -. ��. Bond• � . _ , � Company Name . ..Policy No. Expiratfon Dats , . �' _ Insurance: ' � Compairyr Nams Policy No. Expfation Date , Mtnnesota State identificatton No. �,�ToZ2�Ct_ Social Security No ,,. . ��' Vehicle Information: �" � � (' � S�rfsl Numbu ate NumDK Other � � THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLiCAT10N � THIS IS NOT A UCENSE TO OPERATE Your application for Iicense will either be granted a mjected subject to the provisions of the zoning � ordinanCe and eompietion of the inapections by the Health, Fire,Zoniny and/or Licenss Insp�ctors. ' . �15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS ` - ���2��� . �/«/�� � . . , " ' . - Cic;� or Saint Paul . • � Depa�uaenc oi Finance aad Hanagemenc Services •' Division of License and Permit Regisc:acion INFORMATION REOUIRE'� T�ITH 3P?LIC�TION :OR PE�MIT TO CONDUCT C:;AR.ITtLBLL G�,I�3LI?iG G�!E' I*t SaZNT PAUL 1. Full and completa name of organization •.rhich is applying far license c��.2e�+ o� sT /���eN���s 2. Address where games will be held �jo� G�f�/1�/(.�/1�� -s� �C1LLQ i/I�/� .SS/�� - Yumber Screec City Zic 3. Name cf maaager sigrciag this application vho sri1l conduc�. aperace a.nd manage Gambliag Games -�R Pj�Q�/v/lJ�}/lJ / � ��}��,cj Dace of Birti �{-�rf-3� (a) Length of time manager has beaa me�ber a= applicanc craaaizacioa � 4. Address of Manager ��� GU� ��;�JV/Gc�1/V U�t.l.x- rn� •J�5��/ Yumber Screec Citr Zfp 5. Day, daces, and hour: chis applicac�on is cor m0/V p�y ���(�f,(G� �/,.4(/�1'm-� 6. Is the applicant or organizacian organized under the Iaws a? c�e State oi �i? ��S 7. Date of iacorporaci�n �g l� 8. Dace whea registared with che Stacz o= :iiaaesoca �' '��' �� 7� 9. How long has organizacioa beea ia exiscanc�? 'I� (.�h-D _. 10. How Iong has organization bee3 ia. exiscenca ia St. �'au1". LI. Whac is the purpose of cha o:ganizatioa? f��L1C�IDUS f}lUl� �G�U�H�TlONt��• I2. Officers of appl.icant or3an�=at:on Name A�eN��is��P ioNN R�r��l-I� Va�e �fl.L.(��-�'�T �ST/eL���� Address o�(o S Ummi T f}VE. �aar�s3 0�(�L� S /�� ��Si Ei2�/�G�, Tit1.e �SIpF.N`I� DOB i:_?a ��}�(.fn�- 70B �/Z(1I.3GS . vame {��11� �R�f�INf�I\.� n7RlEiZS � ��� Vame �i?��1t/ , �i2A:!,(./l� Address �9� �,v. ��,Qf�!l�,l�/(��7Ufi �ddress ��Q� "r7��1/�✓�J�Q��� Title V('�_pR�, nos � - _ �_c_z .5Y _P..,.�9'A-t?� �os 7��-3� 13. Give names o= oc=icers, or any oc::er �ersans aao ?a:= �ar sar::css _.. _:e o:�az::�at'_on. Vame Vame Address ad�=°-g3 Ticle --==z — (,;��ac:^. S2�'L:�ca �:.a�- • ' =�=---_..__ �=�a_. , 14. A�cached heraco is a lisc of naa�es and addresses of all members o= che organizacion. 15. In whose custody vill organizac�on's records be kept? � ' Name (�J IJ�Q�{- O� �'r (�_P_A,��Q� Address _�i4✓!//cu� I6. •Persons who vill be conducting, assisting in conducttng, or operacing che games: N�e ���%�� � Date oi Bizt:� .��,�-�� Address l(1�.J�� �� / �✓ �� Name oi Spouse � , /�� Dace of 9.:.Zh _������'T / Dates vhen suc:� oerson vi.Zl conduct, assisc, or operate (,� /'1,Qa�,��� _ Name Date of Birth :�ddress Nane os Spouse Date oE Birth Dates :aen suca person *•riI? canctct, ass=s�, or ope:ate 17. �ave ;►ou raaa a�d 30 ?ou c'aoraugal� anderszand che orovisions of a11 1avs, ordinances, and regulatior.s �ove�.�g. cae operac_on cz Char_tab?e Ga�b�:ag ��rszs? __�� 18.` Atzac::ed hereco oa c:�e :o:= curished b�� c�te C�t� o:: St. ?ac:Z is a Fiaaacial Repart vhica :.ce�izas a?'_ :ecei_cs, e�eases, a,d 3is�urse�eacs o= cze aoolicanc organizacion • as we1= as a:? o:a�ar.:z.a�_ons �ao iav� :ec�_re� '•szas �or cae grecad��g caLendar year whicz :�as bee-c s:5 ed, ^:_�arsd, and vz:===ec Sy Q%�G�> � tiame �q7 1h���.�,.� �. - � �P�l m�/ ss��� " �ecrass � , crho is c4e Q , oL ��e apoLicanc OrganizaL'_on. • Yaae 3: Oi=:.:� � ' L9. Operaco: o= 2-z�=5es »rte-e ;;ames »::: �e ze:c: Name B�ssiness ndd�ess l q � • `� /G�i mN 5���7 Home address 15Lt,f'y�Q� Cr/J GC,l�� Z0. �►mounc oc -er.c �ai� �y a?p�=�anc Or3aa:�ac:ca :or :s.^.c o� c!:a za'_l; soec_�;� amounc �� �� ,,� � �� � patd pe- b-hour se-?:oa (.(.�(� . � - 2I'. rhe proceeds o: tae 3anes will be disbursed after deducting prize Iayouc coscs and ' operacing expenses for che Lolloving purposes and uses: �;=t �..��i`cAll.l'�D ��C p��1Ot/�'Y`� 22. Has che premises vhere c:�e g�nes are co be held been certified Eor accupanc}� by the Cicy oE Sainc Paul? Z3. tias your or3ar.�zacion �iled cederal :or� 9°0—T° II/O Ii answer fs yes, please accacn a copy vic:� c;:�s applicac:on. I: ansc:ar is ao , explain vhy: � �l- a�5�8� Any changes desirzc b•r �ae a�pL_c��c :ssaciat{on ma� be 3.ade onl;r crich c�e conser.c o: �he Ci�y Cc+unc_l. C'.�l :;� DF ,5�. ,L�,�'tir� Orga�:zac�on �� Date � Bv: �iaaa3e: in cnarae ai ame :. � _ � = �I 1�- :n _ — ^• .. — ^ cn � � � •< iSLs = — - : � � o �' fT T P� .T 1 ((( � :J P! � � � i+ f� (� � � 1 � � \� .0 ^� � � � � r � f0 " Z ' ' �!� ;f �' � ..i .. ( r� (D = r! 3 <� RN,NLA,JMIW■ G � � T � _ = v O + r !-+;� �i r� 7 � ^ = r � \�:.�_ y ;^ T = f9 r� �+1 r� :� .1. ,�j��.\\� _ n �C _. :s : _. _ K'ti � � � — R r� : —! ,�� -� ti 3 � rr �7 m m � � � � � _ � � - E � 3 ± f� ;: r � � C � � I 1 C � `l.a' ti^C� 'J! i7 � �\ `r � `.0 O �! � , `r,11��� � � � R � 3 _ = � 7 d � � ,y �n. ;.:r. t . ! 17 �A O �9 :-.i�!�.i � � � � � Z J f0 � '< � � .� ' s "� �� L � `G vvv "7 "R i: t;�` ;.> �T Q rr ^► � '.I ^'���' t.y� .,. � ^` � � I N I-� "t � �.� `r;''�. �� � 'w � �A '11 h� fD A �� � ','-�o:�:'t.:i " r0 �` n � • .-;t`� � I I 1� fD C': %r� � �?'� � � �� af �� �e -1 I � _ '� ^t _ 9 I (7 /+ 7 `n J , � � � 7 R I (9 �—� � .�r ' f7 � V' � �� � �4 I ' '�'� � 11iW-/bVt�^!V i ( 3 : � � � I C ^ V� _ i .a � � � � � ; � . ^ � I � � Z � � .9 < ra �,�I a 4 � 3 � �� � I = i�'' � � ' � � � � x ( � I " , ;� v c � :— � . - -� - � .• i t � � . . ��= �7�/ .�,,,� ���„� ��� G���r� sH��r �:o o z s 1 s Mr. J� Carchedi . coxr o��ar►�r o�ecroA �►raa�on�snv�rry Christine Rozek : � � �.�,���� ��«� � � . ���: — Rou„�a �� �Council Research F' t.- -.5t35G : on�a: 1 «rv�� — Applicattan for a� Gambling Manager's License. _ Notification Date: 10-3-88 ' Hearing Dat�:,�` �om�Ot+te lMa�we�)a�sc�tR)) cour�ca.�nEParr: vufr+aao c�o�o►� c�m.s�v�c��ssion o��n� o��our uuLLrsT »�or�po. ao►�no oo� �so en sciao�eaam sr,� puaren Cowserow ��s�s �oo�.rsa.r�oo�= r�ro To cptr�r _��oom - _�MDt r�ro. + . o�srmcr couMCa *�t.�urwra: eu�woeta wwcH oa�oniecm�r - . . ' �n11;',�'lE �£SP�1'C�'1 Ce11�2t' . � , : C��i 21 ��88 .�►�.,�.�.���.��►�.�.�.��.�►: : : Father Brennan Maiers, on behalf of the Church of St. Bernard's, requests ` ,Cour�ci Y aP.proval of hi s appl j cation for. a Gambl i n� Ma:nager's Li cens� at � ', , - St. Bernard`s Lanes, Ifi7 W: Geran�um. ` , _ ��'�� �wna�lcoa�e.�w,�rwv...�r. , . . , . . , . _ �� �� A1� fees :and applicatians have been submitted. . C� � . : oo�a�l+�n.t.�«r.Ad rd rr�:: . , ; , ,. . ; ., , . If Council approval is given, Father Bren�an t�iers will be the gambling . manager at .St. Bernard's Lanes for the,church pulltab sales: - �u�rn�s: . . ,; , �nos. : :e,oNS- ' �srcnr�s: , . t.caa.�: