88-1777 wMITE - C�TV CLERK
CANARV - DEPAR7MENT � File NO• ��- /�� 7
BLUE - MAVOR g � .0 I, U T I 0 N
Return copy to Valuations Ordinance N 0.
Room 218 (EC) (ANTHONYPK) /
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby authorize and direct the proper City officials to execute
on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and the Department of Public
Works, a five year extension of a real property lease agreement,
Public Works 3, from September 1, 1988 to August 31, 1993,
between the City of Saint Paul (Department of Public Works
jurisdiction) and Group Health Plan, Inc. , of approximately 19,000
square feet legally described as:
South 1/2 of vacated street adjoining and Lots 23 and
24 , Block 8, St. Anthony Park North.
Said leased property, located south of the Group Health Building
on the southeast corner of Eustia, Avenue and Como Avenue, is to
be used for an automobile parking area. Consideration for use of
the property is $8395 .00 for the total term of the agreement,
payable in installments of $1,679.00 annually.
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COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department of:
Yeas �o�t/�- Nays rt.-�""'...
_�- Finance & Ma.na eme Services
.au�.Ga.su,1�rz [n Favor —
Rettman 1
Scheibel �_ A ainst By Director �+�
Sonnen g ,['� '
...Iedesec `17i�to� Y� �
Wilson oQ
N�V � Q �o" Form Appr ve City Att ney
Adopted by Council: Date
c o Z�
Certified sed by Council Secr ary BY ( �
By "�
Approv y Mayor: Da � Appr by Mayor for Sub i s n tQ Council
'� NOV 19 1�8
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8evised 4/17/86 V�3u�:�o^�3� s`-.::�:-���,�ar�� �:�r�+o;� �
De�t. F�r:e�a e� i�i�r.a�ema�z�ervic°s
Authority (C.F. or a.0.) t.
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DATE ,c;~ s�,
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" of Saint aul
Public Works � REAI PROPERTY
;. �
2829 University Avenue Southeast
Minnea olis MN 55414
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(1) Leased Premises. The LESSOR, in consideratioa the payment
oE the Basic Rent and Additional Rent hereina�te ied to be paid
by the LESSEE, and the covenaats and erein contained, does
hereby lease, demise and let unto LE the folloMinq descri.bed �
premises, which aze hereinatter referred as the 'Leased Premises":
(here insert the Leqal cription)
South 1/2 of vacated street adjoining and Lots 23 �Block 8
Park North
Z at L� 1. r� ��h q •r �� `�"� i ta r�.�E.� P 0.Y�(�C�v1 q CZ r t G�, p�,M.� ' t G I � f t-°����
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�x���,d..N� `�i� p w�, p;,ri� -z.�.�,,4t;•,,� a.►1 d �-l� a�c�s
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Whose Street Address is 2500 Como Avenue West
Saint Paul MN 55108
See Exhibit "A"' Plaa or Map of leased e w`hich is incorporated
. herein by this retereace. �I����h
Type of Property (9acaat Land/ �� Sq�re Footaqe
� �-
Varant 1 anc����y�rnximaral T 1 q�(1(1f1 clnara faot
(2) Term of Lease Thi's lease shall. be in effect for a ter�
commencinq and endiaq on the dates indicated belcw, unless terminated
earlier by the LESSOR as provided herein.
Term (Months/Years) Commencing Date Endinq Date �
F�_�Para Sentember 1, 1988 A��,�Gt '�1 _ 199'�
. (3) IIse of Premises. The premises shall be used and occnpied by
LESSEE for the following purpose: �
Automobile parkin� area
and f�r no other purpose without the prior written consent of LESSOR.
(4) Basic Rent. &ent shall be paid by the LESSEE in advance, on
the first day of each and every papment period thereaf ter as indicated
in the Payment Schedule below: �
Total Basic Rent Payment Schedule
Durinq Lease Term (Monthly/Annually - Commencinq Date - $ per Period)
ss,�q5_nn An,,,,a11� Sentember 1. 1988 S1.679.00
LESSEE shall make all payments of Basic Reat and Additional Bent
to LESSOR at the followinq address:
Devartmen� of PLbl;c Worka_ Accotinting Divicinn_ (,0� Cit� Ha11 Annpx� Ca;nr Pa,+l
MN 55102 c/o Virginia Sanchez
The applicable account number for City Finance Accountinq Code is:
(5) Additional. Bent. The LBSS�E shall pay a11. Additioaal Bent.
Additional Rent means all amounts, cther than Basic Reat provided for
in paraqraph 4 above, which LESSBE is or aay becoae obliqated to paY
nnder this paraqraph or other provisions of this Lease. Additioaal.
Rent includes, but is not limited to, the fol.loainq fees, costs and
expenses : (a) all ntilities , including water , electric , 9as .
tslephone, sewaqe and qarbaqe collection and dispcsal.; (b) costs for
the repairs, improvements or altetations required to be made by the
LESSE� in paraqraph 12 of this Lease; (c) all taxes on realty or
personalty, qeneral or special; . and (d) all public rates, daes ,
charqes and assessments, general or special, of any kind upon the
Leased Premises. Ia the event that LESSEE does not make such payaents
(or any payments reguirsd to be paid as Additional Rent) , LBSS08 maY
. � �'r i77�
make the payments at its option, and the payaeats so paid become
Additioaal Rent, and are dne and payable bp the LESSEE with the
paymsat og Basic Rent aext required after writtea notice ot same to
the LESSEE by LESSOR. �•
(6) Taxes. LESSEE shall be responsible tor aad pay alI tazes and
assessments aqainst the Leased Pre�aises, except that LBSSEE may at its
ow n expense coatest and challenqe the imposition or aaount of any such
tax or assessment in accordancs with law; provided, however, that in
the eveat this Lease is terminated by either party, LESSOR may at its
option require the LESSEE to pay such contested taxes peadiag appeal,
to place in escrow a sum sufficieat to pay said taxes, or take other
action which will remove said contested taxes as aa encumbrance to
title (or as an exception to the transferabi2ity of aarketable title
to the Leased Premises) .
(7) Riqht of Entr . At all times dur ing the term of this lease,
the LESSOR shall have the right, by itself, its agents and employees,
to enter into and upon the Leased Premises during reasonable business
hours� for the purpose of examining and. inspecting the same.
(8) LESSEE'S Insurance. LESSEE shall maintain during the term of
this lease and upon the leased premises certain insurance coveraqe
which is described as follows: �
less than the statutary limits and SMPLOYERS
LIABILITY INSIIRANCE With limits of not leas than:
(b) CO M PREHENSIVE GENE�AL LIABILITY insurance including
blanket contractual liability coverage and personal
liability coveraqe with a combined sinqle limit of
not less than: '
$600,000 Combined Single Limit B.I. - P.D, pEA OCCIISRBNCE •
Such insnrance shall (1) aame the City of Saint Paul,
its elected and appointed ofgicers, eaplopees and
aqents as additional iasureds; (2) be priaary with
• respect to LESSOR'S insurance or self-insurance
proqram; (3) coatain a standard cross liability
endorsement, (4) aot exclnde explosioa, collapse and
underqround property damaqe; and (5) be xritten oa an
"Occurrence" Fora policy basis.
(c) PROPERTY INSIIRANC3 includinq fire, extended coveraqe
and all-risk insurance coverinq the demised oremises
and all property located therein belonqinq to LESSOR
in an amount eqnal to 90$ of the gull replacement and
reconstruction cost of the property. The amount of
the deductible, if any, shall aot exceed N/A � og
tnll replacement. The anount as indicated below is .
the amount of coveraqe aqreed, to by the pazties at
the inceptioa og this Lease. Such policy shall be oa
a replacement cost basis, with permissioa to replace
at any site. The amouat ot insurance shall be
iacreased to ari amount equal to 90$ of the tull
repl.acement and reconstruction cost og the premises
oa every aanual anniversary date of this Lease.
�henever requested by LESSOR. LESSEE shall procure an
appraisal of the Leased Premises frcm an appraiser
approved by LESSOR, aad the new appraisal amount
shall then become the new basis for insurable value.
The policy will be issued in the name of
LESSOR with loss payable to LESSOR and LESSEE as
their respective interests may appear.
� With respect to property losses not covered by
�,' insurance , it shall be the responsibility of the
LESSEE to pay all costs to repair or replace the
damaqed property with like kind and within a
reasonable time. The LESSEE shall be responsible for
pay ment of the insurance oolicy deductible amount (as
stated in the Property Insurance pelicy for the
leased pre�ises) to the LESSOR in the event of any
• loss covered or which would be covered by the policy.
(d) The policies required in this section sha7.1 name
• LESSOR, and any persons, firms, oz corporations
designated by LESSOR as an insured, and skall coatain
a clause that the insurer cannot cancel or chanqe the
insurance Without tirst qivinq the LESSOR 30 days'
prior Written notice. �
The insurance shall be placed with responsible
insurance compaaies authorized and licensed to do •
business in the State of Minnesota and approved by
LESSOR and copies of the policies shall be delivered
to LESSOR on the date og LESSOR'S execution of this
aqreement. The policies shall al�o indicate that
coveraqe shall not be invalid due to any act or
omission on the part og the LESSOA. If such policies
are not delivered to the LESSOR as �rovided, the
LESSOR may at its option terminate the Lease or place
the insurance itself and bill the LESSEE for the cost
of coveraqe as Additional Rent.
It is specitically nndetstood and agreed that all af
the proceeds of such insurance policies shall beZonq
to and be payabZe to the LESSOR, and that the LESSOR,
after application of such proceeds to the I.oss, �¢ay .
apply any remaininq proceeds to a separate noninsured
loss of the LESSEE arisinq out of the use or
. condition of the Leased Premises.
Ig for any reason any of the insurance hereunder is
void, the LESSE� is responsible to the LESSOB for the
' total amount of the uninsured loss.
(9) Cancellation or Termination. This lease shall be subject to
cancellation and termination by LESSOR at any time durinq the term
hereof by qininq the LESSEE notice in writinq at least ninety (90)
days , (thirty (30) days for leases with a term of one (I) year or
less) in advance of the date When such termination shall become
effective. In the event of such termination any unearned rental paid
by the LESSEE shall be returned to LESSEE without interest.
(10) Notice. All notices herein provided to be given, or
which may be given by either oarty to the otner , shall be deemed to
have been fully given when served personally on LESSOR or LESSEE, or
when made in writing and deposited in the Onited States Mail ,
cer ��fied and postage prepaid, and addressed to the LESSEE at the
address stated on page 1 and to the LESSOR, at the Division of
Valuations, Real Estate Section, 218 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota
55102. The address to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed
by written notice qiven by either party to the other. Nothing herein
shall preclude the qivinq of such address chanqe notice by personal
service. '
(11) Assignment and Subletting. LESSEE shall not assiqn or
sublet this lease without the written consent of the LESSOR, which
consent. must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement to
sublease the Leased Premises.
(12) �taintenance and Repairs LESSEE shall, at its own cost and
expense, be responsible for all repairs, maintenance and upkeep of the
Leased Premises, includinq but not limited to emergency repairs of any
kind; routine maintenaace and repair to keep the Leased Premises in
qood repair , safe and in compliance with applicable fire, health, �
buildinq and other life safety codes; y
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The foreqoiag obligations shall bind the LESSEE regardless �
of the cause of the damaqe or condition necessitating the repair or
maintenance� e�c�ept d..M�•s Resw l+k►+9 ��.�w. (.�sso t'� o�- L�sso�'s ay•+�ts
er�'(��g o,� Yks �r��►►iC'�S , �n w1�wl� c.�sc Lesto.�• Jh�tL pron,pt� IZePait •r roa¢�I�a�t�
(13) Payments in Case of Default. L�SSEE shall pay LESSOR a1.1 pnx:
costs and expeases, includinq reasonable attorney's fees in any action
brouqht by LESSOR to recover any rent due and unpaid hereunder, or for
the breach or default of any of the covenants or aqreements contained
in this lease, or to recover possession of said property, �hether such
action proqresses to judgment or not.
(14) Surrender of Premises. The LESSES, at the expiration of
. said ter�, or any sooaer termination of this lease, shall quit
peacefully and surrender possession af said property and its
appurtenances tv LESSOx in as good order and condition as the �property
was delivered to the LESSEE.
(15) Indemnitv. The LESSEE aqrees to indemnity, defend, sane and
hold harmless the City of Saint Paul and any agents, officers and
emp2oyees thereof from all claims , demands, actioas or causes of
action of whatsoever nature or character, arising out of or by reason
of the Lease of the herein described premises by the LESSOR to the
LESSEE, or the use or condition of the premises or as a result of the
operations or business ac�ivities takinq place on the premises� It is
fully understood and aqreed that LESSEE is aware of the conditions of
the leased premises and leases the same "as is". * EXa�- ♦ Qs '��-ev�d..d ,(�
I » �a r�-o)ra�o'R ►Z , ��
(16) Hold Over. Should the LESSEE hold over after the expiration ��,
of the term of this Lease with the consent of the LESSOR, express or
implied, said tenancy shall be deemed to be a tenancy only from month
to mpnth, subject otherwise to all of the terms and conditions of this
lease so far as applicable.
(17) Pollution and Contaminants. LESSEE agrees to comply with
aIl ordinances , laws , rules and requlations enacted by any
governmental body or aqency relatinq to the control, abatement or
emission of air and water contaminants and/or the disposal of refuse,
solid wastes or liquid wastes.
LESSEE shall bear all cost and expense arisinq from compliance with
said ordinances, laws, rules, or requlations and shall indemnify,
defend, � save and hold harmless LESSOR from all liability, including
without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties arising in
connection with the failure by LESSEE to comply with such ordinances,
I.aws, rules or regulations. LESSOR has the riqht to perform cleanup
and charge the LESSEE for suc5 costs should the LESSEE fail to comply.
(18) Controllinq Lease. In the event there is any prior existinq
lease or rental agreement between LESSBE and LESSOR (or its
predecessor in interest) coverinq the subject property, it is aqreed
and understood that this Lease shall cancel and terminate any prior
leases or rental agreements as of the effective date of this lease.
(19) Destruction. In the event of damaqe to or destruction of
the Leased Premises or in the event the preaises becomes untenable �er-
due to such damaqe durinq the term of this Lease,
9 LESSOR may at its option terminate the lease upon £ifteen (15) days
written notice to LESSBE; or Within fifteen (15) days aqree to restore
the premises within a specified time period fol.lowinq the casualty,
�e� ' ; or ' �'promptly restore ,
� the Leased Premises to substantially the condition existinq �k��
im mediately prior to such damaqe or destruction, and for that purpose,
ig such damaqe or destruction Was caused by perils insured aqainst the
� iw►a.v1 � 1 e c'� '�'o
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, � � �-i�77
LBSSOR shall make available to LESSEE pro rata, as aork progresses ,
the net proceeds ot such insurance. If such proceeds are insufficient
to pay the entire cost thereof, LESSEE agrees to pay as Additional
Rent, a lump sum payment (or in a form aqreed npoa by the zLESSOR)
equal to the remainder of sach cost. The Basic Rents to be paid
dur3ng the period�shall be abated in proportion to the
percentaqe of Ioss and i�apairment of the use of the Leased Premises as
dstermined by the LESSOR, times the number of days of loss or
impairmeat. '1t-d,4rr�+.c� c,a I�cc,l� `l�f�,c. ��-se�( P.��,�,,,�tas u r�- � +e�.e�•�te .��`
(20) Events of Default. Any of the followinq eveats occurring
durinq the term of this lease shall constitute an enent of default by
(a) the filinq of a petition to have LESSEE adjudicated
bankrupt or a petition for reorganization or arrangement
under any laws of the IInited States relating to bankruptcy
filed by LESSEE;
(b) in the event a petition to have LESSEE adjudicated bankrupt
'� is filed against LESSEE, the failu�e to dismiss such
petition within ninety (90) days from the date of such
(c) the assets of LESSEE or of the business conducted by LESSEE
oa the Leased Premises be assumed by any trustee or other
perscn pursuant to any judicial proceedings;
(d) LESSEE makes any assiqnment for the benefit of creditors;
� (e) the failure by LESSEE to timely pay Basic Rent or
Additional Rent as required by this Lease;
(f) the failure by LaSSEE to observe and perform any covenant,
condition or agreement on its part to be observed or �
performed as required by this Lease; cr
(q) the failure by LESSEE or its surety to discharqe, satisfy
or release any lien or lien statement filed or recorded
aqainst the Leased Premises �ithin 60 days after the date
of such filinq or recording, whichever date is earlier .
IC is aa express coveaant and aqreement of LESSOR aad LESSEE that
LESSOR may, at its election, terminate this Lease in the event of the
occurrence of any of the events descrf.bed in this paragraph or in
paraqraph 23 relatinq to liens by givinq not less than ten (10) days'
written notice to LESSBE; and when so terminated, LESSOB may reenter
the Leaaed Premises. This Lease and its Leased Premises shall not be
treated as an asset of LESSEE'S estate. It is further expressly
understood and agreed that LESSOR shall be entitled _upon such reentry,
notwithstandinq any other provision og this Lease, to exercise such
riqhts and remedies as are provided in Default Remedies Section of
this Lease.
(Z1) Compliance with Laws. The property described herein may be
. used for only the purposes stated herein. It is the sole and
exclusive responsibility of the LESSEE in the use of the property to
co mply with any and all laws, rules, requlations or ordinances =imposed
by any jurisdiction affectinq the use to rhich the property is
proposed to be put. Inability or failure on the part of the LESSEE to
comply with any of said laws , rules, regulations or ordinances will
not reliene the LESSEE of the obligation to pay the rental prvvided
(22) Non-Discrimination. The LESSEE for himself, his personal
representatives, successors in interest,and assigns, as a nart of the
consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant
runninq with the land, that (1) no person, on the qround of race, sex,
color , creed, religion, aqe, disability, marital status, status with
respect to public assistance, or national origin or ancestry shall be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of , or be
otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities,
(2) that in connection with the construction of any improvements on
said ;lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrimination
shall� be practiced in the selection of employees and contractors, by
contractors in the ' selection and retention of first-tier
subcontractors, and by first-tier subcontractors in the selection and
retention of second-tier subcontractors, (3) that such discrimination
shall not be practiced aqainst the public in their access in and use
of the f acilities and services provided for as public accommodations
(such as eating, sleeping , rest, and recreation) constructed or
operated on the Leased Premises, and (4) that the LESSEE shall use the
premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to
the St. Paul Leqislative Code Chapter 183.
(23) Liens. The LESSEE shall not permit mechanic's liens or other
liens to be filed or established or to remain aqainst the Leased
Premises for labor, materials or services furnished in connection with
any additions , modifications , improvemeats , regairs, renewals or
repl.acements made to the Leased Premises , or for any othez reason,
provided that if the LESSEE shall first notify the LESSOR of its
intention to do so aad shall deposit in escrow with the LESSOR a sum of
money or a bond or irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the
LESSOR equal to the amount of the claim of lien, LESSEE may in qood
faith contest any such claims or mechanic's or other liens filed or
established and in such enent may permit the items contested to remain
undischarqed and un�atistied durinq the period of such contest. If, in
the opinion of the LESSOR, the nonpayment of any such items subjects
the Leased Premises to any loss or forfeiture, the LESSOR may require
the LESSEE to use the escrow account to promptly pay all such unpaid
items and if LESSEE fails to pay from the escroW account, the LESSOR
may pay and charqe the LESSEE as Additional xent.
(24) �minent Domain. In the event the entire Leased Premises
are taken by eminent domain, or such portioa thereof is so taken that
in LESSEE'S reasonable judqement it is uneconoaic thereafter to
restore the Leased Premises and proceed under the terms and pronisions
� of this Lease, LESSBE may terminate this Lease by qiviaq to LESSOR
thirty (30) days' written notice o!: termination, effective as of the
date oa which the conde mninq authority acquires legal title or
physical possession of the Leased Premises. LESSEE hereby Waives and
=eleases any claim to or share in the Award of Compensatioa for the
taking, aotwithstanding a�ry other provision of Zaw, this Lease or
another aqreement. LSSSEE may to the extent otherwise permitted in the
eminent domain proceedinq, remone its owa trade fixtures at its own
(25) Default Remedie�. In the event an Event of Default occurs
under paragraph 20 of this Lease, LESSOR may exercise any one or more
of the followinq remedies:
(a) reenter and take possession of the Premises without
termination of this Lease, and use its best efforts to
lease the Premises to, or enter into an agreement with,
another person for the account of LESSEE;
�, (b) terminate this lease, exclude LESSEE from possession of the
' Premises, and use its best efforts to lease the Premises
to, cr enter into an -agreement with another in accordance
with applicable law;
(c) exclude LESSEE from possession of the Premises, r�ith or
without termiaatinq this lease and operate the Premises
(d) terminate the Lease, exclude LESSEE from possession of the
• Premises, sell all or any part of the Premises at the best
• � price obtainable (provided such sale is per�itted hy
applicable law) , such sale to be on such terms and
conditions as the LESSOR, in its sole discretioa, shall
detera�ine and apply the proceeds of such sale less any
expenses thereof for the account of the LESSEE.
(e) exercise any remedies available to it under the Minnesota
Qniform Commerical Code;
(f) take whatever action at law or in equity may appear
necessary or appropriate to collect the Basic Rent and
Additioaal Rent then due and thereaf ter to become due, cr
to engorce performance and observance of any obliqation,
agreement or covenant of the LESSEE under this Lease.
(q) in exercisinq any of its remedies set forth in this
Section, the LESSOR may, whether cr not the Lease is then
in effect, hold the LESSEE liable for the difference
between the payments and other costs for which the LESSEE
is responsible under this Lease.
(h) no remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to LBSSOB is
intended to be exclusive of any other anailable reaedy or
remedies , but each and every such remedy shall be
cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy
qiven uader this lease o= now or thereatter esistinq at law
or in equity by statute. Ao del.ay or oaission to exercise
any right or power accruinq upon any default shall impair
any such riqht ar power or shall be constrned to be a
waiver thereof , but any such riqht aad power may be
exercised from time to time and as ogten as nay be deemed
expedient. In order to entitle the LESSOa to e:ercise any
remedy reserved to it on this Provision, it shall aot be
necessary to qive any notice, other than such notice as may
be herein expressly required.
( 26) Amended. Anything herein contained to the contrary
notwithstanding, this lease may be terminated, and the provisions of
this Lease may be, in writinq, amended by mutual consent of the
parties herein.
�(27) The Lessor reserves� the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of
maint�ining, repairing, and servicing an underground sewer pumping station located
upon said lots together with appurtenant connections to said pumping station.
`r � ..
, IN WITNE3S WHEREOP, the parties hereto have set their hands and
; seals the day aad year ia this Lease first abcve aritten.
rT� � � �P���viu��
Revised 4/17/86
) SS. �.
The toreqoiAq instruaent was acknowledqsd betore me this
day of , 19 , by
Georqe Latimer, Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, a annicipal
corporation cf the State of Minnesota, on behalf of said City of
Saint Paul.
Notary Public
The foregoing instrument was acknowledqed before me
this day of , 19 , by
Albert Olson, City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, a municipal
corpo�ration of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of said City of
Saint Paul. "
Notary Public �
�The foregoinq instrument was acknowledqed before me this
day of . 19 ,
by _MM___ , Director of Finance and
Management Services of the City of Saint Paul, a aunicipal
corporation of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of said City of
Saint Paul.
Notazy Public
) ss.
The foreqoinq instrume t as ackno wledqed before me this
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squ�re €eet of`vacant land used as a parl�in.g 1 :t. Reference: 1. �ample cnpy of '
' Lesse Agre�emen�, and 2. Resolution for sign�ture� . _
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Public Works wiZl receive revenue fr�rm rentals and 13 �,�til� have �nfmpaired 'access to i�s3
. . w�dergra�d faciiity. . -
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