88-1772 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council 4 // CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. V �_• � 7� - BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution .-� Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (IQ #78746) for a Gamb1ing Manager's Cicense by Thomas Wukawitz DBA Harding Area Hockey Association at Pub East, 1180 E. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor coswitz Rettman � �he1�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson ��1`f " � 17v8 Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Va s y Cou cil re BY � � � sy Approv Ylavor: Date i�;°�� ° �: �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g By I�t:�r�..za _ ?9$$ , ��/7 -�' : �.n,�,� � o�a�, ;., " � � : #��� :���' �►. ��2 � l�r. J. Carchedi _ oen�r�ecroq rr;von roA�er�` �Cfiristi Rozek ,�FOA —�.���.�«�� . "�"� . Ao�a �� � Counci l Resea . ` _ 98-505fi ' 1 ..a„��� — , - . ` _., � A�pl:i cation for a Gambl i ng Manager Li ce�ase. N i c ti n Date: 9-19-88 Hea ri r� - Date• _11/3�88 'tiow:(�aav�+fA)a'�!�i �ou�cw� • ,_:. vt�wrrNi;oow�ee� avw s�av�ca�w�issroN o�rE w o��our �rsr Pr�o►+�No. m�wro cc�o�+ �so�as acNOO�eo�ao � �� ca�re�s�s �ooL a�n.�* —'�+�O°ti e�w o� �e�ac - _ : asrwcT aou+cw *��n�: •au�aAars Mniia�oouncr:ue,KC�r�ve� , ," �lIIA�i(6FM110lL�,1�,ONOI�tiNf1Y IVNa.wptl.Mlfiei+.Whxe,tiMhY): °- _ � : = Thomas Wuk�witz, on behalf of Ha.rding Area iiockey Association, req�sts ``. , , Council approval of fiis applicatio� �or a Gatmb:'�i.ng Ma�ager's License : - at P�b E�st, 2i8fl E. 7th 5treet. : ;�►„eK.�.-�«+�o...r�..�.� , ,;. „. .. .,_. , � �� ` Council Res�arch Center - All fees and applications I�ve been submitted. ` . : OC I ± ��988 �;�,.e,wi,sn�a�a so-wno�): ; _ : . . . - . . - If Cauncil approval is glven, Thomas� Wukawiti� wi11 tie the Gambling ' Manager for Harding Area Hockey putltad sales at P�x Eas�. , ,� : .,,�: �os � . coxa - . . , �iro�►�pec�rrs: tEa�resu�s: _ . - t r: _ _ , __. . . . _ � . = = 8���� DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � 4 a 0/ �1 / 6f:S INTERDF.PARTI�iFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant '-1'ho rnas �� xQ(��'�. Home Address �QQ� 1Up�Q�,,� __ _�_ Rusiness Name �Q,M' n �,►��(,�� Home Phone Business Address I� g� � '�.�� Type of Lic.ense(s) t��IQI'YI �� , Qi?��/�/�-+ — � Business Phone Public Hearing Date �� � � License I.D. 41 �� 7�� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, /� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthause State Tax I.D. �1 /�Q��� llate Nutice Sent; (y I� � Dealer 4� �� to Applicant ,+� I I 8'g L S�� Pederal I'i_rearms �� �V q Public Hearing DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VEKFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � N��4 ; Health Divn. � � � � � i Fire Dept. � j � I� � Police Dept. I SQK� f� ���� `� 15 0� License Divn. � -1 v�-' � � Q�C._. City Attorney � � � � O Date Received: Site Plan � � g $ /Q /) � To Council P.esearch < < Lease or Letter n I- te f rom Landlord `�� i� � � �£� ,. -.-. �.y�-•�-P . � . .s �,..�..-�,�-,.. . . .-""--. ... . . . ��, i . . Ar;. .�f l '�. City of Saint Paut • �-�' � �`�� t' _� ,r Department of.Finance and Management Services � � . . ' License and Permit Dtvision . � ; ��"-/'�`7� �' S �t';�. �R: : _ 203 City Halt ., _ � � � ,_ ���:" � _' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-29&5056 � �- ,.�- "��� j� �.. �``APPLiCAT10[�l FOR; LICENSE t, �` � + %� ` �'CASH �CHECK � CLASS O ` t �s New Renew Y ' ' � - �,��.� � ��"``^e,�y� �r' �'� '! !�L =::.*"n j ,�"` .�s��.. n :� �{/!t.r-L {��� .,.� ���7��.m ar°1'puuf��.rs%t ��,�,4a`Y 1 �i....�7 . � } . `Y � f * �J"-T`���, � x Y•.k� ,�'} ."'l �k �.+!�.f�'ti �� .. y� � i ���. ' £ .. ��� ��YY �..(� � � 't' ! ' ' d ,y!,.: �s.l'•.. i ='K � Jc� �.* `�}. ,�. . �!�J'�E y" ♦ �y f?q���. ��.. . "� �;�,y'�A 3.�����, .�. f'�x+� x �`.� ��:.a.�? "V ,.'TA,' -6Yrx��� "���i S'r•fi't�i ;,j�k''3 T•{'T��'r.NY"=;�"„�.��.,�� Mf�--t.:;,°' r St':�t� "'� ��.?. �'�}'fi"� 'T.�,. a t,� �te �� �'Code No. Title of Llcense - � �- pFrom ` "" `� �19_ ��M� ` ' � t �y /r� •�o �� . r 19� _. r ;..�5:,.;.� � r.'� ' .... ' .�w 1 S' . 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'" ': `'' jx :;-TH131S A RECEIPT FOR APPUCATION . ��:� ��v `°• •��THIS IS NOT A UCENSE TO OPEAATE Your application for I(cense wtll either be�ranted or rejected subject to the.prowsions of the zoniny� r.,' onllnance and completion ot the inspectiona by the Health, Fire.Zoninq and/or Licsnse tnspsctors ,, �: Y .� �;�,. t �' � �' �� y�•, �,y+c, l,j�,�����„��,,��r'`-T.riA W� s �.�'� i., ,'h �,t�+ rcF� ���:.y K �.:.. i t}�Y,'��- �..�� � . r' _ �„ �',��,�,�,�,�#,��g'���;Y��i���t �: � �Y� ,y'�� �Yp �`�� F t s: t„ �/,��;��., �JO,�J"�'�t�:.t'` � �,�.e �1 : a X�. ��,�y n�.�'r„ f � �b`�� `k . il,:S �� s�'"� ...�. t� �y' f ��.. aS �� < � . t' �+ $.:�� s '�`.� �� 3.Yc�"r,��f��t�. 'g� ds.:i�u�, S'$�li'� y�,� '`i3 _ r �� ° ` . � .. � . ' .. ��� �� � � . : . $ ! .f ,d •� ,;, , ' .. �' • • '� ' .... . . . . . . . :C t ��: �:-: ` ` � $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL.RETURNED CHECKS � , ..: , ; a�t � a��'� � . �; � ��� � .� . � ��1 � `,4 :.� `� � �, :;;: ,.�� :� - ( :} �i t: � . S' ✓ ) x , . � f - . - �,', f H T 'I4 i ; � �.�: . . ., . . . _.. � , �r P`: - _: :> , � : - , .�{� • - - �� �� ,. : . ' . . . _ . :... � ( �;� . . • : , _ `.: ,.. : _ . , : �:_ :. _ � - � � q-/a-��-� _ , �, � ' Cicv oc Sa�nc Paul , . , Deparcmenc oE Finance and Managemenc Services ��� ��� � � ' • Division of License and Permit Regiscracion INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION rOR PE:tMIT TO CONDUCT CHARIT�BLE G?�MBLiVG GAME I� SAINT PAUL and complete name of organizacion which is applying for license n . �+ � ` (� � J G(°� h l.�.l . '" �, �' 2. Address where games will be held L� � h � / Yumber Screec City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this applicatioa who will conduct, operate and cianage Gambling Games � },�E.�,�,�� Y�) U�1'�W �I� Dace of Birth 9 - �- 3/ (a) Length of time manager has been member oi appl'_canc organi2ation / q�1�� 4. Address of Manager � •l�1 V�/ • �� �- � � ;(umber �creec t Cicq Zfp ,�%N� 5. Day, dates, and hours this applicacion is =or 7�-// ���_W,�1 �.�5= 1� r"2i. 7^l�-SA7' 6. Is the applicant or organization organized under t?�e Iavs o= che Scate ai �IId? ,���"'°�_ 7. Date of incorporati�n 1��� � 8. Date whea registered with the State of :iinnesoca 1� r� 9. How long has crganization baen ia esiscence? .J i•�[ �� !-Z� 10. How long has organization been in exisceace ia St. Paul? �r f�i�� � ^ 11. Whac is the purpose of the otganization? r � cc.� � I2. Officers of applicant organizacion Name v�e Address Address Title DOB Ticle DOB .1ame N�e Address ?►ddzess Title DOB Titla DOB 13. Give names of officers, or any ot:�er ?ersans ano ?a+3 �or ser�=ces co :ze o:3ar.:�ac'o;.. Vame v�e Address �ddress Ticle �=='-e (Attach separace sne�� =^•� ac�::-or.s� -a�=s. � _ �g� 1 �7��. 14. Attached hereto is a list of names and addresses of all members of the organizarion 15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? Name -�� ,���Z Address f,��-S���t�-�►�� h ITiV �.� 16. Persons who will be conducting, assistin� in conducting, or operating the games: Name �� N ��7��� Date of Birth /�E-/�-�� Address Name af Spouse Date of Birth Dates when such person will conduct, assist, or operate Name Date of Birth Address Name of Spouse Date of Birth Dates when such person will con�uct, ass�st, or operate 17. Have you read and do you thoroughiy understand the provisions of all lavs, ordinances, and regulations governing the operat:on oL Charitable Gambling games? Y�,S 18. Attached hereto on the form �urnished by the City o.: Sc. Paul is a Financial Repart which it�miaes aLl receipcs, esoenses, and disbursemeacs of che applicant organization as well as ali organizat'ons who have :ece±��ed funds ior the oreceding calendar year which has been s:gned, prepa*ed, and verified by �L�, �.,� „��.r�'-. '�� �tamer- _ lf�,��' � � � ��� � rif..,, t`� � :�ddress wha is the �/ J�- of the applicant Organization. Yame JL Off=ce 19. Operator of premises where �ames .ril� Se held: Name �r-� � wl--��—:� i�l�D 111.��� B�ts ine s s Add r e s s � �,� �h�f.i( 1 1�� ���� A.0 i= Home Address a �� ��r,,v" N � ^ � -��-�- �' � �3 �� �o � 20. Amount of rent paid by appl;csnc Or3ani�acion zor reat oi the hall; specify amount n paid per 4-hour se�ston ���p�,c �, � �,,,,� � l,�.. _� . . � ,� ��" � ��� ' 21. The proceeds oi the �acnes will be disbursed afcer deducting prize Iayouc costs and operacing expenses for the tolloving purposes and uses: � � �--� 22. Has the prec�ises where the games are co be held been certified for occupancy by che City oE Sainc Paul? V � _ � � 23. Has your orgar.izatfon riled cederal fo rs� 990-T? �� If answer is yes, please accacn a copy vich this appiicacion. IP ansver is no, xpla n why: Any changes desired bv tze a�elicanc associacjon maq be made only wich the consent of the City Cc+uncil. ,.. � , Organ:zacion :i Date —�3c`.�--� Bp:`�' �ian in chargs of e � �� �� v � _ � � z� :n � �- n .. — :'� :n � m � �e � e - � s� � ? �- R rT f0 R S � 0 R R ►r J f9 f0 'T !7 .i id Pr r� f0 > > R 31 t0 ^ Z t � 7 O � '..�p e+ t0 7 f7 '< �t eT t9 3 `G 7 — 3 C r� '� r+ -- r► ^ � � 3 ^.. :► T r9 r �' C � �-+ .� 3 D C � �t �9 r+ � A r �n A 9 d S S. Jf *� S `d � � 3 �.. �... O 3 7 � � � �+ � 3. a �+ � ti 3 � n co m � n 7 �7 � ro r+ t 3 " . T � I � :i I r� O �A �0 S f0 + 3 R "t A �A R � a z I� •► � r„ `� R � r. � �0 3 � _ � � ; - � �a � �9 � O � 61 t9 r9 = I `� v..i�..i �Q � T � p,,, � � Q � � I 01 r �e — -� m � f► fp A r S � �9 � R f0 C� A I �+ � n I � S � s �e 7 � 7 K � 71 (� ►� !9.� ,7 • � 1 I r 7 �9 I R fp �p � c9 T b �D �v � %s� ���= 3 > > ot .w � �o S r* � S S (� �� � A ' I� `.. 2�o W� y c0 < � � � � ar + A �� , a t � � � m � r�T' � — re cs v + ;�a I �e o oo �- —+ � r• p � a I I � � •V��VVVwHV r .