88-1765 J.�-_ ��� � . • / vl J �_ �._._.. t� � �• J�±'1 J-,C � � � _.�-., WNITE - CITV CLERK ✓� i. '�i�. ��_ PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COI1flC11 /�[` BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ✓ f/ �L�� Co ncil Resolution �, / , ' � Presented By !�/ -4� .,ti'°`�f% eferred To - Committee: Date ���o � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor p�suant to Section 10.07.1 of the charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds in exce�s of those estimated in the 1988 budget; and whereas, the Mayor recommenc� that the following addition be made to the 1988 budget: Financing Plan Current Bu�t han Amended Budaet 001-00�4-9848 (1/3 Savings) $ 172,414 $ +196,888 $369,3�2 Unreserved, designated 118.849.555 -4- 118.849.555 All other financing $119,021,�9 $ 196,888 $119,218,857 Spending Plan� 001-02030-0259 -0- + 17,000 17,�0 001-0203�-0299 -o- + 129,888 129,888 001-0203U-0857 -0- + 50,0� 50,000 �1-42030 All other spending -p- � �. All other spen�n9 $119.021.�9 � $119.021.969 Totals $119,021,969 $1�,888 $119,218,857 To apprc�riate 1/3 savings of 1987 General Fund savings. Resolved, that the City Ca�ncil approves these changes to�e 1998 budget. ,� COUNCIL MEMBERS � �'� Yeas Na s �` �j,, Requested by Department of: Dimond y� ,h°�" i � � : '- �U�4/L �O�G1GS LO°g " ` ,�_ [n Favor ��� � , a : scheinbe� V � Against BY � Sonnen � Wilson � ��; `� I Form A ro ed by Cit Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By 6 �' �� gy. a A►pproved by IVlavor: Date _ A ro y Mayor for Sub is 'on o Coun ' By , . � S�= ���� Department of Public Works > 1987 General Fund Sevings Uses � This money is available to Public Works through a City budget policy that authorizes a rebate to departments that have unspent General Fund amounts at the end of a year. For 1987, Public Works returned $588,000. 1/3 of this amount is $196,888. Our uses focus on uerformance imnrovements: •Productivity improvement •Quality improvement •Job satisfaction improvement Our uses include only one-time exnenditures: •No staff increases or ongoing programs are proposed Amount Available — $196,888: APWA Public Works Standards Studv — $4,000 — (02030-259) Objective: To participate in a national study that will identify and propose needed standards for public facility management, operations and maintenance. Measurement: Production of a bound report at the end of the study. •We believe that Saint Paul should participate in this American Public Works Association project •This is a nationally managed cooperatively sponsored research program •It will investigate and propose cost-effective standards for PW facility management •Saint Paul will be one of several cities leading this study •The project will focus on improving the operation and management of Public Works facilities The Tor Dahl Productivitv Imnrovement Project—$12,000—(02030-259) Objective: To improve the pertormance and job satisfaction of Public Works managers. Measurement: Production of individual written work improvement plans. •This will fund the participation of PW managers in this Citywide management development project •Tor Dahl's approach focuses on both personal satisfaction and productivity •Past clients have reported long term productivity improvements Thu., Sept. 15, 1988 1 . . � ��� i ��� Clerical Development Seminar—$5000 — (02030-259) Objective: To provide a se/f-improvement workshop for Public Works clerical , ' staff that will improve productivity and job satisfaction. � Measurement: Individua/manager observations about changes in behavior. •Clerical employees are the backbone of PW support staff •We will provide a departmentwide, day-long seminar focusing on clerical productivity and job satisfaction •This will build on the Citywide clerical development program initiated by the City Personnel Office •This is our first attempt at formally recognizing the importance of building this human resource Clerical seminars and workshops are usually not included in our PW training budgets Quali in Public Works Enaineering and Construction Seminar— $12,000 — (02030-259) Objective: To participate in a nationa/tria/testing of an American Society of Civil Engineers manual intended to establish nationa/standards for civil engineering, construction and project management. Measurement: A wriften report on the results of our review of the manual following the seminar. •The American Society of Civil Engineers has produced a draft version of a proposed new manual of standards •The manual covers the quality of facilities produced by civil engineers - chiefly what is known as public "infrastructure" •This manual could change the way projects are managed nation-wide •It focuses on quality and consistent practices •We want to review our design, construction and project management procedures based on this manual •The manual is in the trial use stages beginning in the fall of 1988 1989 microcomputer hardware/software/uoarades —$50,000— (02030-857) Objectives: To obtain needed computer equipment but at the same time make further reductions in Public Works 1989 Genera/Fund budget activities. Measurements: Identified improved services and lowered capital expenditures in the General Fund. •We have budgeted significant amounts of money within the General Fund for needed computer stuff for 1989 •This is for electronic tools that will boost productivity •We can reduce our needs by this amount by using our 1987 rebate instead of 1989 General Fund money Thu., Sept. 15, 1988 2 . , , ��- 1 ��s" Public Works•Youth Trainina Proaram — $50,000 — (02030-299) Objective: To allow the continuativn of the Public Works Youth Training , ' Program during the fall of )988 and its expansion beyond income-limited � students. Measurement: The increased number of youth that will be trained. •We have initiated a new program within PW; it has been very successful •It piggybacks on our success with the Transitions program •We are attempting to provide work opportunities for youth and unemployed or underemployed citizens •This also provides a training ground for possible future PW and other City employees •This will allow us to provide a fall 1988 program not limited to only low-income students Lowry Medical Arts S aQ ce Imnrovements — $63,888— (02030-299) Objective: To fund a portion of the expenses for the re/ocation of a portion of downtown Public Works o�ces. Measurement: Move successfully completed. •We have been carefully planning a move for the Sewer Division for almost a year •Most other divisions need a small amount of increased space also •This will pay a portion of the necessary moving costs for: New partitions, walls, furniture, telephone changes, wiring Standards will match those used in City Hall Annex and Courthouse Thu., Sept. 15, 1988 3 r /- ��� ��(��. �„� � - . z �,��,,,,� �„�� . �f���'.�I��T' No. 0 0 313 4 ` ��„�,���, `�'+� $�19��,r � �` �.�w�n+r�c�c,�oA «nr c�c . - � ��°u�,"na i... �i:ty Courtci,l : Pu�7li� Works 4�99 o�s: �R„�,, : Use I987 Public Works General Fu�� il/3 aavings incen�ive) ' to fund one-time perforinance impro�ve.�me�n��tivities in �ubl:ic Works : OCT �.7 19�8 :, _ _t�wo�.���o►�c�n> x�wa�w� crvx.aEav�oo�aa o�rE n+ o��a,r �rsr ��a. aa�nci oo�esaN �.e�s sa�oa ea�nu srw� au►�n� cow�Ere�s�s ncw�.+r�s.nooEO* ►�re To oart�r c,o►�r _ _For+�co1.�o. �r�oe�ac�ooso* o�.T ca� � .ewiarwraH: ; ���� --�� RECErv� REC EIVED �a�� �.� 1988 OCT Q 519 SEP 191g$8 . 88 . �A�r���a��� : Buu�er ofF�cE �ITY �►T`��R�EY: .�m�„�a�,ww:e..+�,a.o�.,�.n cw�.�w,.�.v�.�,,m�..wn»: City budget policy provides a 1/3 rebate to departments of General Funds unused at y�ar er�d as an incentive to spend carefully within approved h�dgets. Prsblic � 3Aorks- r+�turn�ed $588,OQ0 for 1987. The attached r-esolution approv�es ��e- � �expend,iture of the $19G,888 rebate for several one-�time perform�tce` �.mprovement �t�tivities that are 'described on the attached sheets entitled "1987 General Fund Rebate Uses". .. . �r+��ae.�.�rr.�+rwa�.n..u�t: „ . _ --- '--- , ._ .. We selected projects th�t would imp; productiv�.ty, qualit�, job satisfactin or wo�k em �scribed on : the at�ac�3d ,she�ts. : �" .. -:_..�o�6�a�vMr�,wn.nr r,a ro w►wn+r , `��/�' See attached sheets entitled "1987 t �negative effects will be produced. I ; , � �#�,rnr�s: vr+ll „ Other activities would not offer �' as atrong an opportunity for ' ` '�: service improvement as this group e�ter = :does. —-- ---- - --- - �$- _. . � - E.rrairrr�s: This -action foilows approved Gity .budget policy. �..ou.�s: ��A , .