88-1726 WHITE - CI`TY CLERK COl1flC1I / PINIC - FINANCE ^ CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• �^� 1 �W BLI�E . - KAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Current Amended Budget Changes Bud�et SPENDING PLAN GL-126-36023-0219 $33,817 $ -0- $33,817 Professional Consulting Services GL-126-36023-0249 900 -0- 900 Printing Design Review Guidelines GL-126-36023-0298 6,000 -0- 6,000 Plaque Program Services GL-126-36023-0299 2,866 -0- 2,866 Other Miscellaneous Services GL-126-36023-0359 4,987 32,000 36,987 Other Materials & Supplies/Plaque Program Total Spending Plan $48,570 $32,000 $80,570 NET CHANGE +$32,000 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1988 budget. Financing is Available Approval Recommended � Directo of Fin nce �^�� �,� Budget re tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Dep'a�rtm nt of: Dimond ��s In Favor Goswitz dte!l�wn a Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson � 2 2 '� Form A oved by i A or y Adopted by Council: Date ���r Certified Pa s d ncil Se t BY i By. i A►pprove iNavor: Date � � iG� _ APP by Mayor for ��bmissi to Council By � � ;�;���; 319 � �,`,,,.;� - � :i. �•►' _ . � - --- ��--� I ��,b MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY � CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVER�Nf GRANT AGRE�iENT AID ACTIYITY F.Y. OBJ. CODE FEDE�iL NUMBER DOLLAR AMOUNT 4637 2101 1989 5710 27-88-3Dt11A.005 �12,000 HPF Funds �12,920 applicant mateh This Agreement is made by and between the Minnesota Historical Society (hereinafter ealled the Society) and the City at Saint Paul (hereinat'ter called the City) pursuant to authority granted by. the National Historic Preservation Act of 196b, as amended. . T�iFIERE9S, pursuant to the Act, the Society has been alloeated funds by the United States Department of the Interior for u�e by Certified Local Governments for quali�ying historic preservation activities; and WHEREAS, the City has applied for and been gra�ted Certified Local Government Status an� has made application for Certified I�ocal Government funds to be utilized in carrying out the pro�ect described in Attachment A of this contract, NpW, THEE£EORE, in consideration of and in reiianee upon the mutual covenauts and agre�ents contained herein, the parties �ereto do eovenant and agree, each for themselves and their respeetive successors and assigns, to earry out the project under the follawing provisions. I. PP.�.7ECT DESCRIPTION 9. The time period, pro�eet scope, praaress reports, final product, project budget, and reimbursement schedule are described in the Pro3ect Description, Attachment l, vhich is attached hereto and made a part hereof. P. The City agrees that the pro3eet r�il be carried out as described in the Project Deseription, unles: modified pursuant to the provisions of Seetion V of this coatraet. C. The Society will reimburse the Ci:: for the budget costs identified as Historic Preservatic� Furid (HPF) federal dollars in the Pro3ect Deseription, folloWing submittal of materials as described in Seetion III of this �atract. - ��i ��,� Attachment A PRATECT DESCRIP?ION Recioient: City of St. Paul �ederal Grant 2r'umber: 27-88-30111A.005 Time period: September 1, 1988 to July 31, 1989 Work Summary: The project will consist- of a public education program related to the National Register Lowertown Historic District in St. Paul. It will implement the plans developed wit� assistance from Federal Grant �27-87-20019.009. The products �►i11 be as f ollows: 1. approximately 34 marker plaques installed on National Register properties in the district (purchased and installed by property owners) ; and 2. four inf or�ational plaques installed in public spaces in the district and designed to describe the historic contexts of the district. Project personnel will be under the supervision of HPC personnel who meet the Secretary of the Interior ' s Professional Qualifica- tions Standards. Consultations and Progress Reports: 1. The City will submit narrative progress reports to the Society on or before the first of November 1988, and the first of Pebruary, April, and June, 1989. 2. The Society may request other written progress reports and on-site reviews of project progress. Final Products: The Final Product to be submitted with the ReqLest for Reimburse- ment (see Part ZII of the Grant Agreement) will include: 1. a list the addresses of all properties with marker plaques purchased and installed by property �wners on National Register properties in the district wricn includes the ac- tual woraing on each plaque; 2. a physicai description of the four inf or�,ational plaques in- stalled in public spaces in the district and a copy of the actual teat on each plaque; and 3. black and white photographs of each of four informational plaques installed in public spaces in tne district. Final Report• The Final Report will include a brief description of the ad- ministration of the project. Five coYies of this report will be submitted to the Society with t�e Final Product and the Request for Reimbursement (see Part III of the Grant Agreement) . �� � Attachment A, page two City of St. Paul Proiect Budqet: Grant Recipie::� Total Funds Match Administration project director (20hrs @ $21/hr) $ 42C $ 420 HPC Education Committee (40hrs @ $12. 60/hr) S 500 $ 500 Production /Installation of Plaques plaques on buildings (34 @ $353 each) $12,000 512,000 information plaques, 2 'x3 ' , bronze with concrete or steel bases (4 @ $3 ,000) $12,000 $12,000 Total $12 ,000 512 ,92C $24,920 Reimbursement Schedule: The City will be reimbursed for the actual amc���s expended � under the federal (HPF) portion of the budget �r.� upon sub- mission of a Reauest for Reimbursement with �ppropriate documentation followed by apgroval by the Society. This request must be submitted by August 15, 1989. �ork must be completed by Julv 31, 1989. The City will s�:�mit to the Society , in letter form, a detailed report o� all force- account and donat�d grant matching funds for the �eriod Sep- tember 1, 1988 t�irough September 30, 1988. This re�ort will be submitted by Octeber 15, 1988. . _ � � : � ��-�-���b � � ��� �� � �N°. �� ��,3���51�; � Plann.� & EGCtA9t�,ti..� .Aev��.QPmer�t � . - - - - - nEPA�T1�iENT parrta��i.:t ,�► �A�,.�,��.,:�ez�'���nsan;f�'�'t3NTACT NAME ,: , , ` 228-3393/3397 YHONE SeFtember 13, 198$ DATE . ASSIGN NUIiBER FOR SOjjTING ORDER: (See rever���J�I�� 1 Department Director /��� � S EP c�r �}�4- Mayor (or Assistant� � 7 Finance and Management Services Director N� 198", .y erk $udget Director C I T� AT�� \� City Attorney TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 <Clip all locations for signature.) t�T ? (Purpose/Ratipnale) The I988, budget wil� b amended to include the receipt of a grant from the.Minn�BOta Historical, Society �nd proceeds from the sale of marker' plaq�es to the owners af National Register properties in the Lowertown Historic District. Four (4) information ptisques will be gurchased and instslled in public spaces in the diatrict which ap���d to describe the hi,etoric contexts of the district; and approximately 4U m�a'�.'tter �`1"�q 1�. ?�,, purchased and .installed by the district property owners. S�F 2 u 1988 OFFICE OF THE DIREGTOR COST,�BENLFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICI�XTED: ; DEPART'MENT OF FlNA1VCE 1. Rece�pt of $12,000 frcm► Minnesota Historieal Society Gr�A[�f0•MqNq(`,,EME 2. Receipt of $20,000 from sale proceeds of marker pl;aques to property �lCES 3. Antictpated spending of $20,000 far product3on/installation of 40 marker plaqtses @ $500 each. 4. Anticipated spending of $12,000 for production✓installation,of four- (4) information plaques @ $3,000 each. �INANCING SQiJBCE �iD BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CH•�1RGED OS CREDITED: RE��jvED ' (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) - Total Amount of Transuction: $32,000 Activity Number: ��b23'�f 1�8� Funding So�rce: Fund 126 PED Opexations Fund �► � `����fL�E17�s OFFICE V�UnC�� Il�'�,f`'."`� :�� ., y �,TTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) ��7 � 3 �g88 1. Cpuncil Resolution az�tending budget. _ _._---- 2. Attachment A of tfie Minn�sota Historical Society Grant contract for $12;000. A�11�4INISTRATIVL PR�CEDURES ` • �Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget l�mendment requi;'rsd? �Yes� _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVT�W : X Yes No Council resolutior� requiredT Resol�utfon required� _Yes _No Yes x No Insurance retquired? Insarance $u£fician�? _Yes _No ,_Yes �No Insurance attached? . � , - --- '���_� /f � , , . .. _ ._____._ _. GITY OF SAINT PAUL . �s��°iio!° OFFICF. OF 'rAE CITY COUNCIL � Committee Report Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee November 14, 1988 1 . Approval of minutes of November 7 meeting. Approved 2. Discussion of City Treasurer's Report regarding Continued discussion Pension Issues. at 11/18 Cmte. meeting __ ----- _. 3. Resolut.�an 68-1726 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved adding $32,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Historic Preservation Commission. (Referred from Council October 27, laid over November 7) 4. Resolution 88-1581 - amending the 1988 budget and Approved adding $11 ,879 to the Financing and Spending Ptans for Special Projects Police Responsive Services. (Referred from Council September 29) 5. Resolution 88-1728 - amending the 1988 budget and Approved. as amended adding $42,500 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Public Heaith Division. (Referred from Council October 27) 6. Resolution 8$-1743 - Recommending the City Negotiator Laid over indefinitely negotiate a cap of 95 percent of the Mayor's salary for (substitute resolutior ' any City position and freeze salaries which supersede will be on 11/28 the 95 percent cap. (Referred from Council November 1 } Gnte. agenda.) 7. Resolution 88-1676 - changing the rate of pay for Approved Public Health Nurse III in the Salary Ptan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council October 20) . 8. Resolution 88-1723 - approving the 1988-1989 agreement Approved between the City and Classified Confide�tial Employees Association. (Referred from Council October 27) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 a�a.ae �