99-325Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 CYTy Hall Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 7 council N51e # 99-3� Green Sheet #�oZi��S�p OLUTION PAUL NESOTA Committee: Date ►3 Whereas, the City of Saint Paul, Depar�ent of Public Works is in need of several permanent lighting easements in order to complete the Bidwell /Congress Lighflng and Paving Project which was approved by Councii File Number 97-1460 on December 3, 1997 and, Whereas the property owners Kathryn M. Engdahl, Elizabeth Dickinson, and Christopher Childs have dedicated lighting easements at their properties shown on maps on file at Ciry Ha1P s Room 140, the Rea1 Estate Division and described in the attached documents: (See E�ibit "A") and (See E�ibit "B"), so 10 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accept the easements ll for the properties described in the attached documents: (See Exhibit "A") and (See Exhibit "B") and 12 sha11 be incorporated herein by reference; and 13 14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officials of the City of Saint Paul undertake steps 15 necessary to record this easement. 16 17 18 19 Requested by Depamnent of: Technolotv & Manaeement Services By: Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: %K/'t �"'�Y�a-� BY � �� � Approved by �r: Date By: Adopted by Council: Date �, �R�°L � Adoptio}�Certified by Council Secretary m m � N O �..t� Q _.1 J J Q _ J L11 U � Q d � O � W W u_ � � � � �� Q � U O -� ._ i -.� ¢ � Z _ F-� � !- LL LL] a O � � � � � N � O W Q J .J Q _ "�' � C`7 J Ll� U � Q a � O 4-- y, W � � <. LL �° CTS � � ,Si Q � U k O W ..0 , a Q Z 2 E-- � � � 117 � O � a � �1q.3�5 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION atact Peisoa and Phone L7�bei�: Peter DPhite 266-8850 astbe oa Co�d Ageada by: ost be ID Comcil Research Office A STAFF 3 CODNCIL CLERK �TION REQL3ESTED: :partment of public works has requested that the City of St Paul accept a lighting easement needed in order mainain lighting for the Bidwell /Congress Lighting and Paving Project which was approved by Council File Numb -1460 on December 3,1997. IRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Aas the personlCirm eves worked mder a conhactfor this departinent? YES NO PL1N�7NG COMMISSION Has this person/Srm everbeen a CiTy employee? C1VIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE Pubtic Health 63666 YES NO Does this perso�Srm possess a skill not norn�a➢y possessed by any YES NO current City employee? — VanntBid� Eaplain a➢ YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. Date: 3/12/99 � Green Sheet Number: 2 w�asea � � ,TiNG PROBLEM, ISSf7E, OPPORTUNITY(Who, Whaf, When, WLere, Why?): lighting easements were dedicated by the property owners in order for the City to maintain the street ,NTAGES IF APPROVED: easements are needed in c )VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None )VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: street lighting will not be Z AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �ING SOURCE: VC7AL INFORMATION: (FYPLAIN) to maintain the street li�htin�. �����;��D � �0�'� ; ���av,:$� f°�"�'Pf �Q� �_ � ?�'�� COSTfREVENUEBUDGETFD(CIRCLEONE) YES NO ACTIVII'Y N[JMBER: ������T�?� ,+ ��� ?.'i ..,�:+� w \'� `.� F• �,+ .. � °19 - � �.5 DEDICATION OF EASEMENT FOR LIGATING EASEMENT PURPOSES R �CEIV� D FFB �2 q �ESr ArEO �v 99 �g Elizabeth A. Dickinson and Christopher Childs. Fee Owners of the ropeftv herein described. Grantors, for good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby acknowled�ed does hereby C�rant, Bazgain, Sell an�? Convey te the City of Sx:nt Pa��l, a municipal corQoration of the State of Minnesota, its successors, and assigns, as Grantee, a permanent easement for public street lighting purposes on, over, under and across the following uact of land being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows: The North 4 feet of the South 16 feet of the East 2 feet of Lot 16 of Block 3 and the North 4 feet of the South 22 feet of the East 2 feet of Lot 17 of Block 3, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 36 ST. PAUL, MINN. To have and to hold the same forever. The Grantors does covenant that it is well seized in fee of the land and premises aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same free of all encumbrances. That Grantors also covenants that the above granted easement is in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee. The Grantors will warrant and defend against all persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof, subject to encumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned. It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equity for the benefit of the public. It is further intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain if effect without limitation as to time. This easement shall be subject to the following conditions: �y.�as IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantors, , a under the laws of , has caused this deed to be executed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers, and attested to this 29+l. day of _ _]�nc>u� . 1999 Grantors STATE OF MINNESOTA CK�IfI►M�lC�7�(.��7 s t i � .%., I _ ! ' '� � \'► The foregoing was acknowledged before me this� day of , 1999 by ��I�l,� 15�1� ��i�/1.�5 and �I �/JI�I � r)i(�L/f!1`SDYJ the Fee Owners of the proDertv herein described. �S OEBORAH J. SPANGLEA � z ��� ,;nT�qY PUBLiC � 17i MyNNESOTA ��• ��� Y Notary Public This Instrument was drafted by: Technology & Mgmt Services Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 (384 Hall Ave_easement) �t9• DEDICATTON OB EASEMENT FOR OUTSIDE LIGHTING PURPOSES RF MqR 1 13� FsTq r lgg9 KathrXn M. Enedahl . Fee Owner of the propertv herein described. Grantor, for one dollar and other good and valuable considerauon, to them in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey to the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, its successors, and assigns, as Grantee, a permanent easement for public street lighting purposes on, over, under and across the following uact of land being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows: The South 4 feet of the North 7 feet of the West 4 feet of Lot 23, PRESCOTT'S ADDTTION TO ST. PAUL. To have and to hold the same forever. The Czrantor does covenant that it is well seized in fee of the land and premises aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same free of all encumbrances. That Grantor also covenants that the above granted easement is in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee. The Grantor will warrant and defend against a11 persons lawfully cluming the whole or any part thereof, subject to encumbrances, if any, hereanbefore mendoned. It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant mnning with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equity for the benefit of the public. It is further intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain if effect without limitauon as to time. This easement shall be subject to the following conditions: al q • �3 as , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor, a under the laws of , has caused this deed to be of Grantor By Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY The foregoing was acknowledged before me this lo day of �la-v�. > 1999 by the Fee Owner of the property herein described This Instrument was drafted by: by its duly authorized officers, and attested to this��ay � �%wy., JANET M FRID::tr� r(t e� � t10°ARVPU'oJL 47;?::SOiA •,c�" ti N�N,�... dvC;OJN"iY ��'� �:� ;:rco,�-..._�:,:�:�:. �_.,z,z000 Technology & Mgmt Services Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 (Hall Lane Lighung) t llepartment of Technology and �lanagement Serviccs Real Estate Division 140CityHall Phone: (6.i1)266-88�1. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (6.i1) 266-8&.i� ClTY OF SAWT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 24, 1998 Douglas B. Cadwell Deborah L. Cadwell �84 riall Ave. St. Paul, MN 55107 Subject: Dear Mr & Ms Cadwell: a ��3�5 R ��EtVEQ " p � 4 t��� REAL ESTp�E DIVISIC±� Lighting Easement In order for the City Saint Paul to obtain a lighting easement it wilt be necessary to acquire the right-to- enter. I have enclosed an envelope for you to return the right-to-enter letter. Please attempt to retum the letter as quickly as possible. Please mail by August 31, 1998. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Glenn Picha Valuation And Aide 1 dX.t-,� ���i'� (Hall Ave(Hall Lane) SAINi PAUL � AAAA Department of Teahnology & Management Services TEMPORARY RIGAT-TO-ENTER a[q - � �5 WFIEREAS, Douglas B, and Deborah L.Cadwell, fee owners, at 384 Hall Ave., St. Pau1 MN (parcel : 0 6 - 28-22-44-0020) w"HEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Saint Paul proceed to acquire the right-to-enter onto the said property as soon as possible for the construction of said stree[ lighting on the property of Douglas B, and Deborah L.Cadwell are the fee owners at 384 Hall Ave., St. Paul MN (parcel : 06- 28-22-44-0020); and WHEREAS, Douglas B. and Deborah L.Cadwell , are the fee owners of property which will be affected by said easement; NOW THEREFORE, hereby give to the City of Saint Paul the right to go upon the premises and construct said street lighting immediately and to continue the work the same until fully completed. �;- Dated this Signed, Signed, � ���� day of , 1998. � , /� S a °v-� S �LG � � N��'-c, ueborah L.Cadwell (Bidwell/Congress (P-8103)) . a . �l J ._ :� r !—' � � (a�� 56 : ::.: {16) 3&2 ° . (17) 8� �� :3 Q �_' t2�) 384 e � a 23) . (22) ( � � 398 25 � ,. L� �--�� � I I i I f{I ` tj a ��� (201 0 (21 � 0 , / �2 � 0 - � r�, �r , �- �:., � ; ,,. � �'a,¢er,�.�t� .. ' �) ;=:� i��i Q 0 .� ,� - �rx� L� r. ; � �3 �a<er.e��`" 11 � �_ :. :; : °".t , � " :.: .� ° .. � 35)! . 5 "° _ . (1). 'f0 :_ {2� / q4<5�S (30) 357 (31) 0 fs �..;> {33) 0 (3 3S �q, _ 3 �.5 RECE��£D SEP 1 1 �998 REAL ESTATF DlVIS�ON Department of Teehnology & Management Services TEMPORARY RIGAT-TO-ENTER 47HEREAS, Kathryn M. Engdahl is the fee owner at 19 Hall Lane St. Paul MN (parcel : 05-28-22-33-0054) WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Saint Paul proceed to acquire the right-to-enter onto the said property as soon as possible for the construction of said street lighting on the property at 19 Hall Lane, St. Paul MN (parcel : OS-28-22-33-0054); and NOW THEREFORE, hereby gives to the City of Saint Paul the right to go upon the premises and construct said street lighting immediately and to continue the work the same until fully completed. Dated this � day of , 1998. Signed, ��'" 1 K thryn D. Engd� (Bidwell/Congress (P-8103)) Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 CYTy Hall Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 7 council N51e # 99-3� Green Sheet #�oZi��S�p OLUTION PAUL NESOTA Committee: Date ►3 Whereas, the City of Saint Paul, Depar�ent of Public Works is in need of several permanent lighting easements in order to complete the Bidwell /Congress Lighflng and Paving Project which was approved by Councii File Number 97-1460 on December 3, 1997 and, Whereas the property owners Kathryn M. Engdahl, Elizabeth Dickinson, and Christopher Childs have dedicated lighting easements at their properties shown on maps on file at Ciry Ha1P s Room 140, the Rea1 Estate Division and described in the attached documents: (See E�ibit "A") and (See E�ibit "B"), so 10 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accept the easements ll for the properties described in the attached documents: (See Exhibit "A") and (See Exhibit "B") and 12 sha11 be incorporated herein by reference; and 13 14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officials of the City of Saint Paul undertake steps 15 necessary to record this easement. 16 17 18 19 Requested by Depamnent of: Technolotv & Manaeement Services By: Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: %K/'t �"'�Y�a-� BY � �� � Approved by �r: Date By: Adopted by Council: Date �, �R�°L � Adoptio}�Certified by Council Secretary m m � N O �..t� Q _.1 J J Q _ J L11 U � Q d � O � W W u_ � � � � �� Q � U O -� ._ i -.� ¢ � Z _ F-� � !- LL LL] a O � � � � � N � O W Q J .J Q _ "�' � C`7 J Ll� U � Q a � O 4-- y, W � � <. LL �° CTS � � ,Si Q � U k O W ..0 , a Q Z 2 E-- � � � 117 � O � a � �1q.3�5 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION atact Peisoa and Phone L7�bei�: Peter DPhite 266-8850 astbe oa Co�d Ageada by: ost be ID Comcil Research Office A STAFF 3 CODNCIL CLERK �TION REQL3ESTED: :partment of public works has requested that the City of St Paul accept a lighting easement needed in order mainain lighting for the Bidwell /Congress Lighting and Paving Project which was approved by Council File Numb -1460 on December 3,1997. IRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Aas the personlCirm eves worked mder a conhactfor this departinent? YES NO PL1N�7NG COMMISSION Has this person/Srm everbeen a CiTy employee? C1VIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE Pubtic Health 63666 YES NO Does this perso�Srm possess a skill not norn�a➢y possessed by any YES NO current City employee? — VanntBid� Eaplain a➢ YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. Date: 3/12/99 � Green Sheet Number: 2 w�asea � � ,TiNG PROBLEM, ISSf7E, OPPORTUNITY(Who, Whaf, When, WLere, Why?): lighting easements were dedicated by the property owners in order for the City to maintain the street ,NTAGES IF APPROVED: easements are needed in c )VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None )VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: street lighting will not be Z AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �ING SOURCE: VC7AL INFORMATION: (FYPLAIN) to maintain the street li�htin�. �����;��D � �0�'� ; ���av,:$� f°�"�'Pf �Q� �_ � ?�'�� COSTfREVENUEBUDGETFD(CIRCLEONE) YES NO ACTIVII'Y N[JMBER: ������T�?� ,+ ��� ?.'i ..,�:+� w \'� `.� F• �,+ .. � °19 - � �.5 DEDICATION OF EASEMENT FOR LIGATING EASEMENT PURPOSES R �CEIV� D FFB �2 q �ESr ArEO �v 99 �g Elizabeth A. Dickinson and Christopher Childs. Fee Owners of the ropeftv herein described. Grantors, for good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby acknowled�ed does hereby C�rant, Bazgain, Sell an�? Convey te the City of Sx:nt Pa��l, a municipal corQoration of the State of Minnesota, its successors, and assigns, as Grantee, a permanent easement for public street lighting purposes on, over, under and across the following uact of land being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows: The North 4 feet of the South 16 feet of the East 2 feet of Lot 16 of Block 3 and the North 4 feet of the South 22 feet of the East 2 feet of Lot 17 of Block 3, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 36 ST. PAUL, MINN. To have and to hold the same forever. The Grantors does covenant that it is well seized in fee of the land and premises aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same free of all encumbrances. That Grantors also covenants that the above granted easement is in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee. The Grantors will warrant and defend against all persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof, subject to encumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned. It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equity for the benefit of the public. It is further intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain if effect without limitation as to time. This easement shall be subject to the following conditions: �y.�as IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantors, , a under the laws of , has caused this deed to be executed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers, and attested to this 29+l. day of _ _]�nc>u� . 1999 Grantors STATE OF MINNESOTA CK�IfI►M�lC�7�(.��7 s t i � .%., I _ ! ' '� � \'► The foregoing was acknowledged before me this� day of , 1999 by ��I�l,� 15�1� ��i�/1.�5 and �I �/JI�I � r)i(�L/f!1`SDYJ the Fee Owners of the proDertv herein described. �S OEBORAH J. SPANGLEA � z ��� ,;nT�qY PUBLiC � 17i MyNNESOTA ��• ��� Y Notary Public This Instrument was drafted by: Technology & Mgmt Services Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 (384 Hall Ave_easement) �t9• DEDICATTON OB EASEMENT FOR OUTSIDE LIGHTING PURPOSES RF MqR 1 13� FsTq r lgg9 KathrXn M. Enedahl . Fee Owner of the propertv herein described. Grantor, for one dollar and other good and valuable considerauon, to them in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey to the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, its successors, and assigns, as Grantee, a permanent easement for public street lighting purposes on, over, under and across the following uact of land being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows: The South 4 feet of the North 7 feet of the West 4 feet of Lot 23, PRESCOTT'S ADDTTION TO ST. PAUL. To have and to hold the same forever. The Czrantor does covenant that it is well seized in fee of the land and premises aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same free of all encumbrances. That Grantor also covenants that the above granted easement is in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee. The Grantor will warrant and defend against a11 persons lawfully cluming the whole or any part thereof, subject to encumbrances, if any, hereanbefore mendoned. It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant mnning with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equity for the benefit of the public. It is further intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain if effect without limitauon as to time. This easement shall be subject to the following conditions: al q • �3 as , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor, a under the laws of , has caused this deed to be of Grantor By Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY The foregoing was acknowledged before me this lo day of �la-v�. > 1999 by the Fee Owner of the property herein described This Instrument was drafted by: by its duly authorized officers, and attested to this��ay � �%wy., JANET M FRID::tr� r(t e� � t10°ARVPU'oJL 47;?::SOiA •,c�" ti N�N,�... dvC;OJN"iY ��'� �:� ;:rco,�-..._�:,:�:�:. �_.,z,z000 Technology & Mgmt Services Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 (Hall Lane Lighung) t llepartment of Technology and �lanagement Serviccs Real Estate Division 140CityHall Phone: (6.i1)266-88�1. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (6.i1) 266-8&.i� ClTY OF SAWT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 24, 1998 Douglas B. Cadwell Deborah L. Cadwell �84 riall Ave. St. Paul, MN 55107 Subject: Dear Mr & Ms Cadwell: a ��3�5 R ��EtVEQ " p � 4 t��� REAL ESTp�E DIVISIC±� Lighting Easement In order for the City Saint Paul to obtain a lighting easement it wilt be necessary to acquire the right-to- enter. I have enclosed an envelope for you to return the right-to-enter letter. Please attempt to retum the letter as quickly as possible. Please mail by August 31, 1998. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Glenn Picha Valuation And Aide 1 dX.t-,� ���i'� (Hall Ave(Hall Lane) SAINi PAUL � AAAA Department of Teahnology & Management Services TEMPORARY RIGAT-TO-ENTER a[q - � �5 WFIEREAS, Douglas B, and Deborah L.Cadwell, fee owners, at 384 Hall Ave., St. Pau1 MN (parcel : 0 6 - 28-22-44-0020) w"HEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Saint Paul proceed to acquire the right-to-enter onto the said property as soon as possible for the construction of said stree[ lighting on the property of Douglas B, and Deborah L.Cadwell are the fee owners at 384 Hall Ave., St. Paul MN (parcel : 06- 28-22-44-0020); and WHEREAS, Douglas B. and Deborah L.Cadwell , are the fee owners of property which will be affected by said easement; NOW THEREFORE, hereby give to the City of Saint Paul the right to go upon the premises and construct said street lighting immediately and to continue the work the same until fully completed. �;- Dated this Signed, Signed, � ���� day of , 1998. � , /� S a °v-� S �LG � � N��'-c, ueborah L.Cadwell (Bidwell/Congress (P-8103)) . a . �l J ._ :� r !—' � � (a�� 56 : ::.: {16) 3&2 ° . (17) 8� �� :3 Q �_' t2�) 384 e � a 23) . (22) ( � � 398 25 � ,. L� �--�� � I I i I f{I ` tj a ��� (201 0 (21 � 0 , / �2 � 0 - � r�, �r , �- �:., � ; ,,. � �'a,¢er,�.�t� .. ' �) ;=:� i��i Q 0 .� ,� - �rx� L� r. ; � �3 �a<er.e��`" 11 � �_ :. :; : °".t , � " :.: .� ° .. � 35)! . 5 "° _ . (1). 'f0 :_ {2� / q4<5�S (30) 357 (31) 0 fs �..;> {33) 0 (3 3S �q, _ 3 �.5 RECE��£D SEP 1 1 �998 REAL ESTATF DlVIS�ON Department of Teehnology & Management Services TEMPORARY RIGAT-TO-ENTER 47HEREAS, Kathryn M. Engdahl is the fee owner at 19 Hall Lane St. Paul MN (parcel : 05-28-22-33-0054) WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Saint Paul proceed to acquire the right-to-enter onto the said property as soon as possible for the construction of said street lighting on the property at 19 Hall Lane, St. Paul MN (parcel : OS-28-22-33-0054); and NOW THEREFORE, hereby gives to the City of Saint Paul the right to go upon the premises and construct said street lighting immediately and to continue the work the same until fully completed. Dated this � day of , 1998. Signed, ��'" 1 K thryn D. Engd� (Bidwell/Congress (P-8103)) Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 CYTy Hall Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 7 council N51e # 99-3� Green Sheet #�oZi��S�p OLUTION PAUL NESOTA Committee: Date ►3 Whereas, the City of Saint Paul, Depar�ent of Public Works is in need of several permanent lighting easements in order to complete the Bidwell /Congress Lighflng and Paving Project which was approved by Councii File Number 97-1460 on December 3, 1997 and, Whereas the property owners Kathryn M. Engdahl, Elizabeth Dickinson, and Christopher Childs have dedicated lighting easements at their properties shown on maps on file at Ciry Ha1P s Room 140, the Rea1 Estate Division and described in the attached documents: (See E�ibit "A") and (See E�ibit "B"), so 10 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accept the easements ll for the properties described in the attached documents: (See Exhibit "A") and (See Exhibit "B") and 12 sha11 be incorporated herein by reference; and 13 14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officials of the City of Saint Paul undertake steps 15 necessary to record this easement. 16 17 18 19 Requested by Depamnent of: Technolotv & Manaeement Services By: Director Form Approved by City Attorney By: %K/'t �"'�Y�a-� BY � �� � Approved by �r: Date By: Adopted by Council: Date �, �R�°L � Adoptio}�Certified by Council Secretary m m � N O �..t� Q _.1 J J Q _ J L11 U � Q d � O � W W u_ � � � � �� Q � U O -� ._ i -.� ¢ � Z _ F-� � !- LL LL] a O � � � � � N � O W Q J .J Q _ "�' � C`7 J Ll� U � Q a � O 4-- y, W � � <. LL �° CTS � � ,Si Q � U k O W ..0 , a Q Z 2 E-- � � � 117 � O � a � �1q.3�5 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION atact Peisoa and Phone L7�bei�: Peter DPhite 266-8850 astbe oa Co�d Ageada by: ost be ID Comcil Research Office A STAFF 3 CODNCIL CLERK �TION REQL3ESTED: :partment of public works has requested that the City of St Paul accept a lighting easement needed in order mainain lighting for the Bidwell /Congress Lighting and Paving Project which was approved by Council File Numb -1460 on December 3,1997. IRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Aas the personlCirm eves worked mder a conhactfor this departinent? YES NO PL1N�7NG COMMISSION Has this person/Srm everbeen a CiTy employee? C1VIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE Pubtic Health 63666 YES NO Does this perso�Srm possess a skill not norn�a➢y possessed by any YES NO current City employee? — VanntBid� Eaplain a➢ YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. Date: 3/12/99 � Green Sheet Number: 2 w�asea � � ,TiNG PROBLEM, ISSf7E, OPPORTUNITY(Who, Whaf, When, WLere, Why?): lighting easements were dedicated by the property owners in order for the City to maintain the street ,NTAGES IF APPROVED: easements are needed in c )VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None )VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: street lighting will not be Z AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �ING SOURCE: VC7AL INFORMATION: (FYPLAIN) to maintain the street li�htin�. �����;��D � �0�'� ; ���av,:$� f°�"�'Pf �Q� �_ � ?�'�� COSTfREVENUEBUDGETFD(CIRCLEONE) YES NO ACTIVII'Y N[JMBER: ������T�?� ,+ ��� ?.'i ..,�:+� w \'� `.� F• �,+ .. � °19 - � �.5 DEDICATION OF EASEMENT FOR LIGATING EASEMENT PURPOSES R �CEIV� D FFB �2 q �ESr ArEO �v 99 �g Elizabeth A. Dickinson and Christopher Childs. Fee Owners of the ropeftv herein described. Grantors, for good and valuable consideration, to them in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby acknowled�ed does hereby C�rant, Bazgain, Sell an�? Convey te the City of Sx:nt Pa��l, a municipal corQoration of the State of Minnesota, its successors, and assigns, as Grantee, a permanent easement for public street lighting purposes on, over, under and across the following uact of land being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows: The North 4 feet of the South 16 feet of the East 2 feet of Lot 16 of Block 3 and the North 4 feet of the South 22 feet of the East 2 feet of Lot 17 of Block 3, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 36 ST. PAUL, MINN. To have and to hold the same forever. The Grantors does covenant that it is well seized in fee of the land and premises aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same free of all encumbrances. That Grantors also covenants that the above granted easement is in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee. The Grantors will warrant and defend against all persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof, subject to encumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned. It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equity for the benefit of the public. It is further intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain if effect without limitation as to time. This easement shall be subject to the following conditions: �y.�as IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantors, , a under the laws of , has caused this deed to be executed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers, and attested to this 29+l. day of _ _]�nc>u� . 1999 Grantors STATE OF MINNESOTA CK�IfI►M�lC�7�(.��7 s t i � .%., I _ ! ' '� � \'► The foregoing was acknowledged before me this� day of , 1999 by ��I�l,� 15�1� ��i�/1.�5 and �I �/JI�I � r)i(�L/f!1`SDYJ the Fee Owners of the proDertv herein described. �S OEBORAH J. SPANGLEA � z ��� ,;nT�qY PUBLiC � 17i MyNNESOTA ��• ��� Y Notary Public This Instrument was drafted by: Technology & Mgmt Services Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 (384 Hall Ave_easement) �t9• DEDICATTON OB EASEMENT FOR OUTSIDE LIGHTING PURPOSES RF MqR 1 13� FsTq r lgg9 KathrXn M. Enedahl . Fee Owner of the propertv herein described. Grantor, for one dollar and other good and valuable considerauon, to them in hand paid and the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey to the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, its successors, and assigns, as Grantee, a permanent easement for public street lighting purposes on, over, under and across the following uact of land being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows: The South 4 feet of the North 7 feet of the West 4 feet of Lot 23, PRESCOTT'S ADDTTION TO ST. PAUL. To have and to hold the same forever. The Czrantor does covenant that it is well seized in fee of the land and premises aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same free of all encumbrances. That Grantor also covenants that the above granted easement is in the quiet and peaceable possession of the Grantee. The Grantor will warrant and defend against a11 persons lawfully cluming the whole or any part thereof, subject to encumbrances, if any, hereanbefore mendoned. It is intended and agreed that this agreement shall be a covenant mnning with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent of the law and equity for the benefit of the public. It is further intended and agreed that this agreement and covenant shall remain if effect without limitauon as to time. This easement shall be subject to the following conditions: al q • �3 as , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor, a under the laws of , has caused this deed to be of Grantor By Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY The foregoing was acknowledged before me this lo day of �la-v�. > 1999 by the Fee Owner of the property herein described This Instrument was drafted by: by its duly authorized officers, and attested to this��ay � �%wy., JANET M FRID::tr� r(t e� � t10°ARVPU'oJL 47;?::SOiA •,c�" ti N�N,�... dvC;OJN"iY ��'� �:� ;:rco,�-..._�:,:�:�:. �_.,z,z000 Technology & Mgmt Services Real Estate Division Room 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 (Hall Lane Lighung) t llepartment of Technology and �lanagement Serviccs Real Estate Division 140CityHall Phone: (6.i1)266-88�1. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (6.i1) 266-8&.i� ClTY OF SAWT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 24, 1998 Douglas B. Cadwell Deborah L. Cadwell �84 riall Ave. St. Paul, MN 55107 Subject: Dear Mr & Ms Cadwell: a ��3�5 R ��EtVEQ " p � 4 t��� REAL ESTp�E DIVISIC±� Lighting Easement In order for the City Saint Paul to obtain a lighting easement it wilt be necessary to acquire the right-to- enter. I have enclosed an envelope for you to return the right-to-enter letter. Please attempt to retum the letter as quickly as possible. Please mail by August 31, 1998. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Glenn Picha at 266-8862. Sincerely, Glenn Picha Valuation And Aide 1 dX.t-,� ���i'� (Hall Ave(Hall Lane) SAINi PAUL � AAAA Department of Teahnology & Management Services TEMPORARY RIGAT-TO-ENTER a[q - � �5 WFIEREAS, Douglas B, and Deborah L.Cadwell, fee owners, at 384 Hall Ave., St. Pau1 MN (parcel : 0 6 - 28-22-44-0020) w"HEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Saint Paul proceed to acquire the right-to-enter onto the said property as soon as possible for the construction of said stree[ lighting on the property of Douglas B, and Deborah L.Cadwell are the fee owners at 384 Hall Ave., St. Paul MN (parcel : 06- 28-22-44-0020); and WHEREAS, Douglas B. and Deborah L.Cadwell , are the fee owners of property which will be affected by said easement; NOW THEREFORE, hereby give to the City of Saint Paul the right to go upon the premises and construct said street lighting immediately and to continue the work the same until fully completed. �;- Dated this Signed, Signed, � ���� day of , 1998. � , /� S a °v-� S �LG � � N��'-c, ueborah L.Cadwell (Bidwell/Congress (P-8103)) . a . �l J ._ :� r !—' � � (a�� 56 : ::.: {16) 3&2 ° . (17) 8� �� :3 Q �_' t2�) 384 e � a 23) . (22) ( � � 398 25 � ,. L� �--�� � I I i I f{I ` tj a ��� (201 0 (21 � 0 , / �2 � 0 - � r�, �r , �- �:., � ; ,,. � �'a,¢er,�.�t� .. ' �) ;=:� i��i Q 0 .� ,� - �rx� L� r. ; � �3 �a<er.e��`" 11 � �_ :. :; : °".t , � " :.: .� ° .. � 35)! . 5 "° _ . (1). 'f0 :_ {2� / q4<5�S (30) 357 (31) 0 fs �..;> {33) 0 (3 3S �q, _ 3 �.5 RECE��£D SEP 1 1 �998 REAL ESTATF DlVIS�ON Department of Teehnology & Management Services TEMPORARY RIGAT-TO-ENTER 47HEREAS, Kathryn M. Engdahl is the fee owner at 19 Hall Lane St. Paul MN (parcel : 05-28-22-33-0054) WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City of Saint Paul proceed to acquire the right-to-enter onto the said property as soon as possible for the construction of said street lighting on the property at 19 Hall Lane, St. Paul MN (parcel : OS-28-22-33-0054); and NOW THEREFORE, hereby gives to the City of Saint Paul the right to go upon the premises and construct said street lighting immediately and to continue the work the same until fully completed. Dated this � day of , 1998. Signed, ��'" 1 K thryn D. Engd� (Bidwell/Congress (P-8103))