88-1716 ��� _� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. O d � � I� F I N A L O R D E R BY �_�..���;-f�..�� ~�'v ,,�„x,:-`�, ~ -� , � � �FIle No. 18+43� . Voting In the Matter of Ward Z !�r the operatioa af tQe above atandard strest lighttng syste■ for the 8l�ITfl AVENUE A�EA, the folloWia� �treets : 6Tsst aide S�ith d�enne froa Ste�eas Street to 100 feet sonth of B:ter Street; East side S�itb Av�aue froa Ste�en� Stseet to 75 feet south of Baker Strett; Both sides S�ith Arenne fro■ Anaapolia Street Lo SO feet aorth of Annagolis Street for the sontha of JaanarT thrn Dece�her- 1989. � under Preliminary Order ����`�� approved ` ��02� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. O�T L r �sss COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas D2s�na Nays Goa�its � Certified ssed by C uncil Sec ar �t� In Favor By Sch:ibsl � �,. Against 1i1L08 ���' L � ��BU Mayor Pi�.c��� . � . �988 � �,m, ��/�/� 4��Qi+� ;: SAINT PAiJL CITY COUNCIL � • PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � II��1'I�� � ��CEIVED ,��_.�u- A 1989 ESTIMATED EXCESS OPERATING COSTS ���� FOR ABOVE STANDARD STREET LIGHTING / q(� p OCjT � r( IJ�O �ITY �LERK I T•E OV S ANDARD STREET LIGHTING AREA: City Council District l� 2 Your area ie serviced with an Above Standard Street DisErict_ Planning Council � 3 Lighting Sys�em which was approved by the majority of the property owners in 1987. The cost of thia syatem over and above the normal operating cost, is distrib- File No. 18434 uted annuall amon the ro ert owners in the area. To appzor� the sstimated operating cests of. the decor�tive lighting system IN E7CCESS OF STANDARD OPERATING COSTS for the SMITH AVENUE AREA fo•r the months of January through December PURPOSE 1989. West side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 100 fee.t south �D of Baker Street; � East side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 75 feet south of LOCATION Baker Street; Both sides Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to 50 feet north of Annapolis Street. HEARING Tuesday, October 25, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit Hall - Court Ho If the Council approves this rate, the excess operating costs will be diatributed against the area properties as stated above. The eatimated costa for this pro�ect are as follows: FINANCING I*!F�ltI�!!TIUN ESTIMATEs� •EkGFS� ��JST OF OPERATING SPECIAL LIGHTING �1,545 ESTIMATED COST PER FOOT $1.90 Commercial 3 •38 Residential The City Council will hold another hearing at a future date to ratify the excess operating costs. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the exact amount that you will be re uired to a . Lighting: 292-6293 Finance Department: 298-5125 QUESTIONS Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. PLEASE NOTE The Yublic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council at its Oct. 12th meeting. Please bring any unreaolved concerns tnat you may nave to tl�ib meeting on 'aednaaday, October 12, 1988 in Room 707 at 9:00 A.M. .� Notice sent: 10/7/88 " !�' � ._.,..w..-.t � ���N � � _I. tiy the Valuations and � � ; � _.7 Assessment Division, � :," � : _r,. -; :, : ' i �,+:; Department of Finance , ��--,....� and Management Services, -,_ , . ; __, .. �; ,,, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 _ ~� ': ••' N _ ,N=. " � � ' -�...- --; :_ � t '`� `" � •+ �R � -� �------ � — r--rro..�--� —r-- ��l M1 p" } � / .�� � LIGEiTING AREA � � �" - { - � =_�� MAP � �r . . :,,* �� �.� M��1 ���- � - � - �g r��� ORIGtNATOP.. ', ' o�rE i�ru�rEO o�re Co�rEo �' ' PW GREEN SHEET No. 002378 Public Works � ' g/9/gg CONTACT PERSON DEPARTMENT OIFECTOR IYNVOq(OR ASSI3TMIT) M i c h a e 1 C. K 1 a s s e n NUM ER FOR _ Fl"A"c�°�ar�a�"e�r�°"��p" ?qry�RK TACT DEPT. CONTACT PHONE N0. ROUTING 9UDGEf D�NECTOR 1 Roseanne. D'Agostino Public Works 292-6293 ��ER' aTVnrroaNev Must 'be in Cit Clerks Office no lat r SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/RE�UEST: t an noon on Mon ay - Musf e ,on Agen 9 To approve the estimated assessment costs for the 1989 operation of�a� (9`) 2 above-standard lighting systems. The Council resolution for the 9� areas is attached. File No. 's 18321, 18336, 18390, 18392, 18423, 18425, 18430, 18434, and 18510. RECOMMENDATIONB:(Approve(A)or Reject(R)) COUNCIL RESEARCH REPORT: .. PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVII$ERVICE COMYISSION DATE IN DATE OUT ANALYST PMONE N0. ZANINO COMMISSION ISD 825 SCHOOI BpARD STAFF CNARTER COMMISSION COMPLETE AS IS ADDL INFO.ADOEDi RET'p TO CONTACT CANSTRUENT �— _ _ �_FOR ADOL iNFO.* _FEEDBACK ApDEp• DISTRICT COUNCIL �'EXPLAI�IATION: SUPPORTS WMICFI COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 Safer and better neighborhoods Wards: 1, 2, 3 & 4 INITIATINO PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPVORTUNRY(Who,What,When,Where.Why): A public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case, after hearing from the various neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council approved both the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required that a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then `the actual operating costs. �.wsnflcanoN ccogue�,errc�.nar.m�s.Rewna): This has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to �� allow the direct benefitting parties to pay for the addit�,onal operating costs and provide for uniform maintenance of the systems. CONSEOUENCES(Whet,When,and To VVlwm►: If these resolutions are not approved, the City will not be funded to maintain these above-standard systems, as no provisions were made to the general lighting budget to operate these systems. ALTERNATNES: PtiOS CONS The City, as a whole, Operate these systems under the No assessment would bear the added general lighting maintenance hearings would be expense to operate budget. necessary. these systems instead of the direct bene- fitting parties that requested them. NISTORY/PRECEDENTS: The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems have increased at a rate of about 2 systems per year since then. LEGAI ISSUES: None known. �. �. ��...� (,�' ��-- i �l� � E �#�trc���� ,r�,.�3�"� �-�'�� ` `'��'�"�� . . � - . h .... ..,�. - . � �� � �1;,�`I1�Atfl.�$-- '�1 $�t,�,0�e��'�t t�1€�.�cT+�llq� � �' . � Ip the Matt�r of�o�eration o#._ � `tfle�mith A�+e.Area:�e fo2lowing�re�� . .. -�, ,�� : W�t�ide S�ith Av�:fx+osa;�te�ve�S€:`�`o . # � F-��' ; -East�i�e 9m�ith Ave. from Stevens St.to 7g i�eet sq�, � � � �£ �th sid�.s Smith Ave.#rom Aanapolis St.'ta 56 fe#n� ° mon t h s o f January t hr�December 1989. �- ,:. �,��' , ; ,�,; The Couacil o�the Citq of Saint Patt�ha�' greme���p�`-�,� ' : ,upon the above improvement, �d h8ving 1����„�� � > resolves: ,�.�. � � Y �o _� F �.,f��ld� _ �d-�e .S���9(- L L" �;�, �it ���..�ii�� � ��atea�`��„ •� _ "��>`��'.: .<T -, ..� ,j '�'�,e M1 <ta. -- J','.:�Jd.�,.�. ' �t'r?�;a �.�1bli� ' '�e .� f#*M < _.�' �'.: ���' � t�`��x i_ °�"3. `L�notii�� �` . ��a�ng�'giveri�� .mau�rteF Prt�V'i� �t', at$tit�.tl�t#� � - thi��ature at the iaiproit�met�t ari�the tatai cai�t, , ! File No. 1� r..:, �`,a�. _}�.� �,- '�� - =i�t�id�lyct,�,�;CQUn�.Ss�tex�beT.�22, 18�88: £ � � .���. °��"�fie�sber 28,-t� .,� � -�'���..a s��, , '' , �_ (Octt�bear 8, 1�1 s �.,:.� �.a�£.f,�t.. � . ... _ .. , . _ . _ •_ . - ,� _rf-°:*.�- _ °c.