88-1709 r —� �����1 COUNCIL FILE NO. �,� �r � � CiTY OF Sr� PAUL � . r , s+ r•... o .-. o � .., ' Y.=..F=�� I �_ 3' i ' $y ''�T'/��f��%"�`,r'�._i_; . �� � File No. Ia3Z1 � : VOting In the Matter of Ward � Z � ��� i , For the operation of th: abo�e standard str�et ifghtiag •yste� for the LOWBRTOW�I �lEA. the foiloring streetss Both sfdos East Fifth Street tro� T�all 3trest ta Jacksaa Stree�t ; IIoth �idea East Sizth 3treet fro� Wall Street to Jsckson Stres!t; Eat� sides 3ible� Street fro� lourth Street to S�venth Str�et ; �oth sides Haconta Street froo Fanrth Str�et to Se�enth 3treet' and East side Jackaoa Street frow Fifth Strcet to Sizth Stre+�t for the ■onths of Jaauary thrn Deceuber 1989. ��-/s� �-��--� under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice I thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard ali persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �C'T 2 5 �a$ Yeas Dl�ooi Nays . �j Certif'ied P ed y Council Secretary � _ ,_ s ��� In Favor B '� _ - ��_ . `'7 �Againat ��''� W . ti, _ ry� � Mayor . i'���x'� �!� '� `� j a �+ 4 .R ��f !+ s`.,q�p"a i .J i � �r . � l..J. -� �•$. �5 . . �1�7PLy ?,i�,J�� H �- �:LL- ° 5 198� 4 k' '`� � � � �'t„ ,. � � .��"� r � . �, �����i7 • , .+ '• " SAINT PAUL CITY CoUNCiL c � �� -�7o j , PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � � 111 � � � � � ���� 1989 ESTIMATED EXCBSS OPERATINC COST$ ��CEIVED FOR ABOVE S?ANDARD STREET LIGHTING 0 CT 0 7 1988 �ITY CLE�� U I THE ABOVE S AND REET LIGHTING AREA: City Council bietrict �1 2 Your area ie eerviced with an Above $tandard Street Die�ri�t� Planning Councii / li Lighting Syatem which was approved by the majoritq of the property ownera in 1983. The coet of thia syatem over and above the normal operating coat, ie dietrib- File No. 18321 uted annuall amon the ro ert ownera in the area. � To approve tNe estinated oFetating coste of. the decorntive lighting syete� IN EXCESS OF S7ANDARD OPEMTING COSTS for the LOWERTOWN AREA for the montha of January through December 1989. pURPOSE Both sidee Eaet Fifth Street from Wall Street to Jackaon St. AND Both sides East Sixth Street ftom Wall Street to Jackson St. Both sides Sibley Street from 4th Street to 7th Street. LOCATION Both sides Wacouta Street from 4th Street to 7th Street and East side Jackaon Street from Sth Street to 6th Street. HEARING Tuesday, October 25, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. City Council Chambere, 3rd Floor Cit Hall - Cour H If the Council aQproves thia rate, the excess operating coate will be diatributed againet the area properties ae atated above. The estimated coete for thie project are ae followa: FINANCING INFOEtMA'LION ESTIi�(ATED ERCESS COST OF OFCRATING SPECIAL LIGNTING $I�.7bs.50 ESTIMATED COST PER FOOT ;1.57 The City Council will hold another hearing at a future date to ratify tha excass opirating costs. You Mill receiva a notice at that time advieing you of the exact amount that you will be re uired to a . QUESTIONS Lighting: 292-6293 Finance Departments 298-5125 Also, City staff will be .available to anewer any last minute questions on thie proJect in Room 218 Citq Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day ae the hearing. PLEASE NOTE The Public Works Committee of the City Council �+ill diecuse .thie item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council at its Oct. 12th meeting. Please brinR eny unreaolved concerns that you may have to thie m�elii�g o�i W�dneaday, October 12, 196�.in Room 7�i ge g:�� A.��. Notice eent t 10/7/88 ' .••.'.ti ,� �. .6y the Valuatione and � Assessment Division. •.'��� :•� Department of Finance ���� :.�� . '� and Management Services, �,�v�'' ��� •���,�`� , . . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 =ti4� �.` ;���"� ��; •�: . N • ' . . , �.��' : ���� ���;:; , � . . . � ::�: ��:�`� . ,:���•:��'.��: . R{� � ,�yp�' . . ;� `t,0 . ��. � ..:: .� �'+; . LIGHTING AREA ':".-...►. �,4 � , MAP ORI(i1NAT�t�. +� i w, ' DA7E INRIATlD DA7E COUpLFrED Publi� Works -- • 9�9i8$ Pw GREEN SHEET No. 002378 CCNTACT PERSON OEPARTMENT pIRECTOF ��(���� Michael C. Klassen ��N �a�rsEav�so,REC,oa — NUMBER FOR _ _ 2 �'�� ACT DEPT. TACT PHONE NO. ROUTING BUOGET pIqECTpq ORDER: . 1 Roseanne. D'Agostino PUb11C WOrkS 292-6293 �crrv�rrorw�r Must be in Cit Clerks Office no la't r SUBJECT/DESCpIP7tON OF PROJECT/REQUEST: t n noon on on ay - Must e,on Agen 9 To approve the estimated assessment costs for the 1989 operation of - '��t (g�) 2 above-standard lighting systems. The Council resolution for the 9• areas is attached. File No. 's 18321, 18336, 18390, 18392, 18423, 18425, 18430, 18434, and 18510. RECOMMENDATIOFI3:(Approve(A)a Reject(R)) COUNCiL RESEARCM REPORT: PLANNIN(i CqAMISSpN CNII 3ERVICE COMMI331p/ DATE IN DATE OUT ANALV5T p1pHE ryp. mNINCi COMMI3310N ISD 82S SCNOOI 80ARD 7� $TAfF CIiARTER COMMISSION COMPIETE AS I$ ADDL INFO.AppEO* RETD Tp CON7ACT CONSTTTUENf �!�— — _ _FOR AODL INFO.* _FEEDBACK ADDED• DISTRICT COUNCIL *EXPUNATION: SUPPORTS WMICH CAUNCIL OB,IECTIVET Safer and better neighborhoods Wards: 1, 2, 3 & 4 INRIATING PR08LEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNRY(Who,What,When,Wl�ere.Whyl: A public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case, after hearing from the various neighborhood district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council approved both the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required that a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then `the actual operating costs. 'JUSTIFlCATION(Cost/8ensfils.Advantagea.Resulls): This has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting parties to pay for the additi.onal operating costs and provide for uniform maintenance of the systems. CONSEGUENCHS(Whe�When,and To Wtam): I If these resolutions are not approved, the City will not be funded to maintain ! these above-standard systems, as no provisions were made to the general lighting budget to operate these systems. ALTERNATIVES: PROS CONS The City, as a whole, Operate these systems under the No assessment would bear the added general lighting maintenance hearings would be expense to operate budqet. necessary. these systems instead of the direct bene- fitting parties that requested them. MISTORY/PRECEDENTS: The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems have increased at a rate of about 2 systems per year a� *+�o then I.EGAL►SSUEB: None known. pERFORMANCE HISTORY OF SPONSORINQ FlRM/ORGANIZAflON�PRINC�PA�s: , + • • ,�, � ; _ M . . • ,4 - STAKEHOLDERS(Lisq POSrnON(+.-.o� � r w��snFrz�viN� anna+A��s„m�.�ay�,��� ., 'Property owners and/or tenants The majority have either favored or made no of the various areas. comments in the past. Business associations of the The District Councils have favored this various areas. in the past. FINANCIAL IMPACT FlRST YEAR(Start Date) SECOND YEAR NOTES: OPERATING BUDGET: REVENUES GENERATED „F..Y'AIt1....dSS�28SiIl�I1� '�63. 294.�� i'n hP (�Atprmi PIA[3 EXPENSES: Salaries/Fringe Benefits........................................................ Equipment.............................................................................. �PPlies ........:........................................................................ Contracts for Service............................................................. Other PROFIT(LOSSI ................................................................................ FUNDING SOURCE POR ANY LOSS(Name and Amount) Tntal CoGt CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: . DESIGNCOSTS................................................................................ '• ,.. AC�UISRION COSTS......................:.........................:..................... uy A -- CONSTRUCTION COSTS ................................................................ TOTAL .................................................................................................... N A SOURCE OF FUNDING(Name and Amounry IMPACT ON BUDGET: N�A AMOUNT CURRENTLY BUDGETED.............................................. AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDGET ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SOURCE OF AMOUNT OVER BUDGET........................................ Collected with PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED (LOST) ........, r o e r t t a x e s IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITY: DEPT/OFFICE DIVISION FUNO TITLE BUpGET ACTIVITV NUMBEH&TITLE � ACTI TY MANAGER 62908 - Street Li htin Robert H. Roett er HOW PERFORMANCE WILL BE MEASURED?: PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM INDICATORS 1ST YR. 2ND YR. EVALUATION RESPONSIBIUTY: PERSON DEPT. PHONE NO. REPORT 7O COI/NC4 OF DATE flRST OUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT BY (t,���� / ��`� FAEL�A�3t��ER . . ``_. ���. .».: ,._. -- Cil Fi-le IYo.'88-15A4--H Ro r � �t ' k' _� ; Coun Y �e J.Cbswitz-= .` '". In`the Matter ai the operation af tkie above standare�strei±t li�ht�t�g sy,s',��,;�,� the Lowertown Area,the fol�owitagstreets;in Vo�;ing.l��d;�; �; � t� "�-� - Both sid"es E. Fifth St. from Wall St._t,cr Jarkson St.�, ... ' Both sides E. Sixth 3t.from Wall St.to Jackson St.; _ 4;J' Both sides Sibley St.from Fourth St. to Seventh St.; '�-z�' Both sides Wacouta St. from Fourth St:`to Seventh St. and East side Jackson St. from Fifth St.to Stxth St.�or the months af.January•tY�ru December 1989. The Council of the City of Saint Faul�avin�received the repoTt of�he Ma��r '� upon the '�tbove impri�vement, and'havfng consi#i9re� safd .repott; �tt�f�by resoives: - :,. , . i:�:� i. That the said repart and the same is hereby approvgd �vi�& `' �- alternatives,and that.the estinr��d�s��,��/},��','y���q���;���,�� , assessments. 2. That a public hearing be ha@ o� said 3tttproverrient on t�e 25th c�' � October 1988 at 9:00 o'cicek a.m., in the Counc��'Ch2�mber�o r+� -, g a and ourt ouse ui u�g in the:City af Saint PauL 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons:and in tbe manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and'place of hearing, the nature of the irl�provement and the tata3 casL therec�f as esti�*ia[t�:`- File No: 18321 .�:' Adapted by the Counr'tl September 22, 1988. `g . Ap�roved September 28, 1998. ' J� . (October 8, 1988). . �' . �. ' � • ������ - �' SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL �' '� �� -/70 � �i�s'�,I�i � PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � —� " ��t'�CEIVfD 1989 ESTIMATED EXCESS OFERATING COSTS ���� FOR ABOVE STANDARD STREET LIGHTING 0 CT 0 7 1988 �ITY CLERK O U t T E BOVE A D STREET LIGHTING AREA: City Council Dietrict �1 2 Your area ie serviced with an Above $tandard Street Dietri�t� Plannih� Council / 17 Lighting Syetem which was approved by the majoritq of the property owners in 1983. The cost of this system over and above the normal operating coat, ie dietrib- File No. 18321 uted annuall amon the ro ert ownera in the area. � To approve the aetinated oper�tin� co�te of. the decorntive lighting eyetem IN EXCESB OF S'�ANDARD OPEMTING COSTS for the LOWERTOWN AREA for the monthe of January through December 1989. PURPOSE Both sidea Eaet Fifth Street from Wall Street to Jackson St. AND Both sidea East Sixth Street ftom Wall Street to Jackeon St. Both sides Sibley Street from 4th Street to 7th Street. LOCATION Both sidea Wacouta Street from 4th Street to 7th Street and East side Jackson Street from Sth Street to 6th Street. HEARING Tuesday, October 25, 1988 gt 9:00 A.M. City Council Chambera� 3rd Floor Cit Hall - Court H If the Council approvea thie rate, the exceae operating costs will be diatributed againet the area propertiee ae atated above. The estimated coets for thie pro�ect are ae follows: FINANCING INFOEtMA'lION ESTIi�fATED EXCESS COST OF OFCRf1TING SPECIAL LIGHTING $ia,763.50 ESTIMATED COST PER FOOT �1.57 The City Council aill hold another hearing at a futute date to ratify the excass opirating costs. You aill receive a notice at that time advieing you of the exact amount that you will be re uired to a . QUESTIONS Lighting: 292-6293 Finance Depattments 298-5125 Also, City staff will be.available to anewer any laet minute questions on thie project in Room 218 Citq Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day ae the hearing. PLEASE NOTE The Public Works Committee of the City Council Will diecusa .thie item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council at ita Oct. 12th meeting. Please brina , any unreaolved concerns that you may have to thia mrelii�g ou W�dnesdey• October 12, I 1 E6.in Room 76i ee 9:^vi �►.c�. Notice sent s 10/7/88 ' •�1,► ,' � �'��. 5y the Valuatione and ' Assesement Division. •'-''�. ;.\ Department of Finance b��'�%''. :.`:•'�',,y`'. and Management Services, ,�v.. '�• , ,` Saint Paul, Ninnesota 55102 �'' •.;��� ��`;�•;;;'� ' N . c��h�!c'.. .'.'� . .��� ' ' .,%c±c`��� . '; .. . � �'y:�%).; � ' . � .{�.� :'i.• '��: , .:,1� . ��* .... .� t� LIGHTING AREA �".-...►. ��,4 . , MAP