88-1707 ` ' „� ..,�:� a' .$a � ,, � y b
City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. ` 7�/
Office of The Director of Finance
� ��..
File No. 1$�� r ; � ,...-. ...-
. % _.± �
Voting Assessment No. ���
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for �r��,� �� ���� �����;���` ;����►�
�3Z� �. I$3�� �.���:�sr�zt �'6T�
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Fi�,�r �a�. l��t�► �t�s;��a� �#3�37�
the operating costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting System f
the following :
3 18390 North side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 713. 02 f
: east of Kenneth Street ;
South side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 587 . 13 f
, east of Kenneth Street ;
West side of Cleveland Avenue from 95 . 65 feet north of Schef.
Avenue to 265 feet south of Ford Parkway and
East side of Cleveland Avenue from 240 feet north of Eleanor Ave
to 222 feet south of Ford Parkway known as the Ford—Cleveland Ab
Standard Lighting Area for the months of January thru December , 19
Preliminary Order No. 88-488 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-689 Approved May 10 , 1988
1 18336 Both sides Selby Avenue from Arundel Street to Virginia Street ;
East side Arundel Street from Selby Avenue to 172. 5 feet south and
Both sides Western Avenue from 120 feet south of Selby Avenue
Dayton Avenue known as the Selby — Western Area Above Standard Str
Lighting for the months of January thru December , 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-493 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. � 88-694 Approved May 10 , 1988
2 18321 Both sides of East Fifth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Stree
Both sides of East Sixth Street from Wa11 Street to Jackson Stree
Both sides of Sibley Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street ;
Both sides Wacouta Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street an
East side of Jackson Street from Fifth Stre.et to Sixth Street know
the Lowertown Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the months
January thru December 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-492 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-693 Approved May 10 , 1988
1 18392 Both sides of Grand Avenue from 260 feet west of Victoria to 100 f
east of Dale Street ;
Both sides of Victoria Street from 150 feet north of Grand to
feet south of Grand ;
West side of St . Albans Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Gr
and East side of Dale Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Gr
�-- ---- - - -L - ^---_ � .._ , _ .,, - � - --s _ . , _ _ _ .,. _ _ , _ . ,.. . . . . . . .
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City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. " �� �� o
, --, F�`��„ ` . �,�
File No. I839�E�
Voting Assessment No: ���
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for ���e �p� ���3� �������� �����
E`i�.� ?�a. 1�32I ��s���ent ��€}7t3
: �il� �o. 1839'� A�s�ss�e�tt �'(1Ll?3
�'iI� �cs. 1$�3� Ass��s��.r�� i�G'�375
Fi1� l�o. 1�4?3 A�s�a��rit �f�t374
a fl� �?o. 18�25 �se���e�Q�� �t3Q75
` Fi1e l�a. I��3b As�e�s�e�n.t x��77 ,
� Fi1� ��, 18�1�? �e�s�nt �?f?7�
the operating costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting System ft
the following :
3 18390 North side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 713. 02 fe
east of Kenneth Street ;
South side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 587 . 13 fe
, east of Kenneth Street ;
West side of Cleveland Avenue from 95 . 65 feet north of Scheff
Avenue to 265 feet south of Ford Parkway and
East side of Cleveland Avenue from 240 feet north of Eleanor Ave�
to 222 feet south of Ford Parkway known as the Ford—Cleveland Ab�
Standard Lighting Area for the months of January thru December , 191
Preliminary Order No. 88-488 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-689 Approved May 10 , 1988
1 18336 Both sides Selby Avenue from Arundel Street to Virginia Street ;
East side Arundel Street from Selby Avenue to 172. 5 feet south and
Both sides Western Avenue from 120 feet south of Selby Avenue
Dayton Avenue known as the Selby — Western Area Above Standard Str�
Lighting for the months of January thru December , 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-493 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. � � 88-694 Approved May 10 , 1988
2 18321 Both sides of East Fifth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Stree
Both sides of East Sixth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Stree
Both sides of Sibley Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street ;
Both sides Wacouta Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street an
East side of Jackson Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street know
the Lowertown Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the months
January thru December 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-492 Approved April 7 , 1988
� Final Order No . 88-693 Approved May 10 , 1988
1 18392 Both sides of Grand Avenue from 260 feet west of Victoria to 100 f
east ' of Dale Street ;
Both sides of Victoria Street from 150 feet north of Grand to
� feet south of Grand ;
West side of St . Albans Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Gr
and East side of Dale Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Gr
Preliminary Order No. 88-489 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-510 Approved May 10, 1988
;` 2 . . . _ . . _
I843G NOTt�1 S1QE'` r,XCtl8L1�E .r.'ill`tEi ':l'Ul'� ji:. ici.ci Cu� �;i:c''. i.^. �:r� � . Si.Zt',!
-` Snu*_h sidA .rxc.bang,e Srr. eP_t frpa� �da?�asha Street: north to Cedar �
South side Exchange Street from St . Peter Street to 150 feet e;
' St . Peter Street for the North Wabasha Area Above Standard Str�
' Lighting Area for the months of January thru December , 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-495 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-696 Approved May 10 , 1988
3 18423 Both sides of Grand Avenue from Snelling Avenue to about 15C
' ' west of Fairview ( 167 feet north side , 144 feet south side ) fo�
Grand Avenue West Area Above Standard Street Lighting Area for
months of January thru December , 1988.
, Preliminary Order No. 88-491 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-692 Approved May 10 , 1988
� . 1 18425 Both sides of Grand Avenue from about 260 feet west of Victoria ( 1
;_ , feet north side , 260 feet south side ) to about 210 feet west of �
Lexington Parkway (210 feet north side , 130 feet south side ) ;
Both sides of Lexington Parkway from the alley north of Grand Aven
to the alley south of Grand Avenue ;
Both sides of Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley north o
Grand Avenue ;
� West side of Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley south of
Grand Avenue ;
Both sides of Chatsworth Street from Grand Avenue to the alley nor
Grand Avenue and Both sides of Milton Street from Grand Avenue to
alley north of Grand Avenue for the Grand Avenue East Above Stan
Street Lighting System for the months of January thru December , 19
Preliminary Order No. 88-490 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-691 Approved May 10 , 1988
2 18434 West side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 100 feet south of Bak�
Street ; East side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 75 feet soutl
Baker Street and Both sides Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to
feet north of Annapolis Street for the Smith Avenue Above Stan�
Street Lighting System for the months of January thru December 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-494 Approved April 7 , 1988
Fina� Order No. 88-695 Approved May 10 , 1988
2 18510 Both sides Wabasha Street from Kellogg Boulevard to llth Street ;
Both sides Fifth Street from St. Peter Street to Wabasha Street and�
Both sides Sixth Street from St. Peter Street to Wabasha Street for
the Wabasha—Fifth—Sixth Area Above Standard Street Lighting System f
the months of November and December 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-738 Approved May 12 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-954 Approved June 14 , 1988
Both sides of Victoria Street Yrom 15u teec norLn v� �La►►u ��
' feet south of Grand ;
West side of St . Albans Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Gr
and East side of Dale Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Gr
known as the Grand—Dale—Victoria Above Standard Street Lighting A
for the months of January thru December , 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-489 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-510 Approved May 10 , 1988
2 18430 North side Exchange Street from St . Peter Street to Cedar Street ;
_ ,_ ._ -_. . _ _
,..r __ .._ _ , ...
_ ..__-. _ ..._ _._..
�.. ' Soutfi side Exchange Stre'et from Wabasha Street north to Cedar 'S'tre
South side Exchange Street from St. Peter Street to 150 feet east
St . Peter Street for the North Wabasha Area Above Standard Street
Lighting Area for the months of January thru December , 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-495 Approved April 7 , 1988 �
Final Order No. 88-696 Approved May 10 , 1988
3 18423 Both sides of Grand Avenue from Snelling Avenue to about 150 fe
west of Fairview ( 167 feet north side , 144 feet south side ) for tt
Grand Avenue West Area Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the
months of . January thru December , 1988.
. Preliminary Order No. 88-491 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-692 Approved May 10 , 1988 :_ _
„ ; �
1 18425 Both sides of Grand Avenue from about 260 feet west of Victoria ( 180
feet north side , 260 feet south side ) to about 210 feet west of
Lexington Parkway (210 feet north side , 130 feet south side) ;
Both sides of Lexington Parkway from the alley north of Grand Avenue
to the alley south of Grand Avenue;
Both sides of Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley north of
Grand Avenue ;
West side of Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley south of
Grand Avenue ;
Both sides of Chatsworth Street from Grand Avenue to the alley north
Grand Avenue and Both sides of Milton Street from Grand Avenue to the
alley north of Grand Avenue for the Grand Avenue East Above Standar
Street Lighting System for the months of January thru December , 1988.
Preliminary Order No. 88-490 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No . 88-691 Approved May 10 , 1988
2 18434 West side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 100 feet south of Baker
Street ; East side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 75 feet south o
Baker Street and Both sides Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to 5
feet north of Annapolis Street for the Smith Avenue Above Standar
Street Lighting System for the months of January thru December 1988.
Preliminary Order' No. 88-494 Approved April 7 , 1988
Final Order No. 88-695 Approved May 10 , 1988
2 18510 Both sides Wabasha Street �from Kellogg Boulevard to llth Street ;
Both sides Fifth Street from St. . Peter Street to Wabasha Street and
Both sides Sixth Street from St. Peter Street to Wabasha Street for
the Wabasha—Fifth—Sixth Area Above Standard Street Lighting System for
the months of November and December 1988.
„__ , : _: _,._.. n_ao,- u,, stst_7�tt Annroved Mav 12 . 1988
� -_ • ' ' � � :
. f_�" � . . � �►,� „o �.���. �f�E� S�1EET No. 0 02 3 77
P 1�3 s� rkffi 9 8
cc�nc* oEP,u��vr n�aEaroa µ,ra+�a+�rkiri ;
ASSIGN — �a�uw�oa�r�or�croa .-�crtr a�Poc
. No. p�� ewa�r or�creA `. yT_l�t��'!3� $'A�o s�I,E►�3
P b .ic Wo k ,. � � ori�n: —` cm��l�st � fn City'Z.`1���s=flffi.ce�-�'ia � r
. ._. ...
� t an noon on nday 9 -� I�s� �e on A.�en.a ' 9` 20
- To approve-the actual assessment costs for the 1988 operation of n���_ � (�)
above-standard lighting �ystems. The Counci� resolution for the 9` ar�as
is attached.
File No. 's 18321s i8336, 1$39"0, 18392, 18423, 18425, 1843U, 1843�+ aIId 18510 ;.; .
T1011i:(]Ip�ow(A)fs Fi�j�Eti{Ry J COl?1rCIL.R[SEAlICM qEPO11T: '
�Ha oowweawri c�va.e��or� oA�la uR�ovr �rw.vsr �+o�
�. � . . ZDwNfi�dl . 18D 82s BCHOO4 lOAi1D . � . . . . . � . . � '.
.., .A .6TAFF . .. . GMRT�1 COI�YiB�OM � � � COMPLETE AS IS� � —ADD1 MIFO..ADDEO* . fiEf'D TO��COtRA�T. . -_.�TIIQ�Ii
. DI$[RICT CQINCL . . . . . � +�E7(PLANATION: . . . . - . . � ..
. -.�-8UI'POR78 YMNl�1 C0111CC OBJ�CI'NlE4- . . . . �.. . . . � � . . . � . ' . � . . � � : � . . . � ; . . . . �.
Safer and be.tter ne'sghborhoods
:--Wsrda: 1�- 2. -:3 & 4
r�n�Mt*�e+�1R�.orro�npmx�mo.wa.e.wa«�.v�►wre�v�mr): -
A public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting system�. In
each case, a€ter hearing from the various neighborhood district council�, bus-
ineas: asscsciations, property owners and staff, the: Couneil app"ro"ved botl� the
cc>nstru.�tioa �.of ,theae systems and their operation by the: City on an as�ess;�en�-
� basis. It is required that a public hearing be heid each year for t�oth the :
eetim8ted operating c��ts �nd then the actual operatinq cost.s.
;�Il�tl�I�i 1�o�1/b�f��.naY+ne.odc,Ae.�M.>: ,. ' �
This has be�ome an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy ori€�i��tsFd- to
allo� th�e dire�t b�nefitting _parties to pay for the additional operatin{g ..�oat�
�nc� `�rov�i�d� f+�r- ut�iform maintenance of the systems. :
, �twn.k wn.�:.�a.so wno�,�: r i
If these resolutions are not approved, the City will not be f�yn ed tro,,� }n
these abave-standard systems, as no provisions werQ madeC��Jntrtle���iC�Y�i���ting
� budget to� opera�e these systems. : . sEP 1 5 �9�$.
. .
_ wws e�oMs
O e�ate theae s stems under the No assessme�t City, as a whole,
P Y " � � �,
gen�ral lighta.ng maintenance hearings would be xpense to c��a�+e�;thes�e
-budget. _ �ecessary. at�nis inst�7 of the
. irect benf i�ting pa��es
hat request�d them.
The €i.rst above-standard. lighti.ng system began with. the Lowertown s�$tem in
2983. These systems ha�e increased at a rate of about 2 systems pe�; year since .
, the�,. .r �
. None known.
. . . _: �.
•�N$TQtiY AF SPOIlSORpIG Fi�iMfOfKi�NI2A �PpI1�N�PALS: . � ` ' � �4
.. , �t�''-�
srAK�HOa.oeaa.cLlaU noema+.c+.-,o).� r vrb.�rESnF,z r�n r�►t�u�ts�mn�ae:,�,ta�
Property owners and/or tenants The majority have either favored or madenno
of the various areas. comment� in the past.
Business associations of the The business �ssociations have favored this
various areas. in the past.
D_istrict Councils involved fro The Histrict Councils have favored this in
the various areas. the past.
FMIANCIAL IMPACT �sr r�n tsr.�o.re► secaw r�w r�s .
o�r�►nNa suoGer:
�ueso�w►r� Fi;an.As�e�t-s................... S_�3,-�06.-U0 To be determin+ed -
Salaries/Fdnge Benefits.....................................................:..
SuPp��...............:...............:.............:.............:.............:....... _
Contraefs for Service . _ -
w�rr(LOSS1 ................................................................................ .
�xronra souRCe wn�wr asa�ne and nmw,nq
Tc�tal Cc�at �3 19�2,OQ_ �
................................................................................ .
�ccu�sirioN cosTS..............................::..................................:..: N.��. � .
GoNSrRUCnoN eosrs .
.................................................................................................... :
SOURCE OF FUNWWG(Name and Mqtrrt) -.
. _ AMOUNT GURHENTLY BUDGETED..............:.....:....:..:.„.....,......., _ N�A
., ,,-_ , _ .
Collected with -
Traffic & Li h ia Ca ital Pro 'ects 07
� BUDt'.,ET ACTNITY NUMBER d TITLE � .. ... � . ACTIVI MANA(3ER . . _._ . .
629Q8 - Stree li � h in Robert H. Roe. er
How r��vw����at:
. . ?ER30N . . . . . DEPT. � � � PHONE N0. . � REPORT TO CO/ArCli OF � DATE
�RSr ouarrea�r
nenoar r -�. ..
� , • ' ' .
F * . , �,:��w�, ��,
�, � , ,,0�
,,,,,,.,�.,.�� 1�.
To: Roxanna Flink
Supervisor of Assessments .
218 City Hall
From: Mike Klassen �"L
Public Works
800 City Hall Annex
Date: Sept 9, 1988
Re: Above Standard Street Lighting
Operating Costs for 1988.
The following are the operating costs to be assessed for 1988
operation of the following above standard lighting systems:
Project Year 1988 File No. Amount
Lowertown Jan-Dec 18321 9,975.75
Selby/Western Jan-Dec 18336 3,989.40
Ford/Cleveland Jan-Dec 18390 14, 046.15
Grand East Phase I Jan-Dec 18392 6,900. 05
Grand East Phase II Jan-Dec 18425 6,493 .48
Grand West Jan-Dec 18423 5,386.73
North Wabasha Jan-Dec 18430 1,810. 63
Smith Avenue I Jan-Dec 18434 1,494. 66
Wabasha/Fifth/Sixth Nov-Dec 18510 1,433 .33
It should be noted that the green sheet total includes 3% Finance fee.
If you should have any questions, feel free to call me at 292-6293 .
Thankyou for your assistance with this matter.
, - - � ,.,
, _
.• . . , °w►�e.lKteb onre
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. � . .��. .��� ; -_ ._ , gW ; CR�������fT ,�►.�02 3 7 8
Pub��c �rfio�ka 9/9/88
� �w�e�rr ow�crc�+ wrart�r��Hrt ;
��� r°,' �I�reNt�x wa�e+r s�v�s onec�on �carr«.dec
►���` � -� . _ � ;
1I�.,�"����1 �,. -�las , . ,. �'� i etto�� X Rosear�xie D'Agost�i�o
i�4 �,�Y �.. < r�t�iE�•�8 �t �G7.� - .O�' �.ae rto. I:a_t x'
.. � . ,
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opers, �';,_ in�� �$,�
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7 � �� I . .' . . _ .
�. hbort�c�+o�s. , � �>�
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.�-W.�r�sc 1, �,w�,��'� w .. , s , s �e�• -�xn
�,,; �►'+��°�',�`0� , of the abov:e-si#pdarc3 I�ight3ng Y
�� _; _ w� he� £��`..��� a��� aistr�.ct; .coun ils� -,�
s �_�►.. public hearing fx vaxiou� �ei.c� rov d .both �e
af ter hee'��'�.� � � c�; s�f�� �t�+e Cour��i1 aFP
� �ach caa,�, -. . ._ � �" owriers �_
. , $ `'� ��ociations, �p�c�� � : _� _ �he Ci�.y o
n an a€$sessa�ent
. �na tn�.�;� ����-a� �#� .
;b�s�n ��. , ear for oth t�+�
c+onst�u��� of . the�� �-"�� 5 Y � h�l.d each y
�. a publi� :�t�l��� �� erat�.ng cost�•
` basis. °��,`'i,� requi� � �al_ o.P-
y �e�c� �►�►d then ����`
: estima�+��4Perating i;; .
�t;.:=,.�a►�' "a�°�'�+►' _ . . . �; The asaea8ment polxc� origi�ta�st���
t,�. . - et rac�c�u�e. �.��� .
�. � , an $�nt�l.:budg P � for t�e �$�t�l�fl''R�s� - _
� .: �his has �� n artie$, �d �P Y �: -
bene�,�c�� 9 P stem�: -
�`�Ilow the ����t: StP 1 �J� $�
a.i`�� proY�x�`��o��ht maintenance �o�f ��he �Y
_ , ��, ,
�. _ , , ,� �...:� ::
_;. ��.� � �ar�: will not be furide to ena�ntain
�. oQ�, �he City neral
�;; . • : . ° -� � ,, p
Y.., , ro�►i,sions. were �a�de to the 9 . _ ,
�.,, If these r�solutions arstems.aas���' E�
� these a���►�-�t�naara �rate th��e syst�t�. :
1iqhting budget to Qpe _
,,� � . � ca�s: c. t` � as a whole�
� �' �._,� �. ��; ,�; # The Y r the added
� ' '��e� ���tder' the No asse�s��t would ���0 �p�rate
y � tt�$ �� � heari,r�g� -��}d �e exp� ��ems insC.ead
'��-� �"� �� maintenance _ th�se sy
� ,���a� liqhti�?9 nec�s��►.�'Y! O#; � ` direct be�e-
��--.:�ro�ge�.. . , fi�t'ng parties that
�-�;.. • .
reyu sted them•
� vi.th the Low�rto n system in
� .. �� s stem �� er ,y�ar
�Th� first ,abovestemsahavel nereasedYat . a .r��e ��' ��ut 2 sgs�e P
.,�;1983, Thes,e sY . - . �,
3�, �
��' � � , . -
. . . .:,.
- _� �, ; . -
- :'�one known- . �. _: � _
.�. "
,��rqiy oF s�p�p�� . .
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� � � �
, �� �,, i
;�` `' �.
�_� �t+o�+oM�+P--;� .� ��,���� � '� -_
Property owners and/or t�nants """°w�Ecs�.w�,,,�,�� , �
of the various areas. ; The major��y �BVe either favored or ma � �
cQmments in the past. de �o
Business associations of the
various areas. The District Councils have favored this
. in the past.
. ,
w�r`,r�w�san ai,� ��
..F.xnm....assessment _ 563.� a
�r�s' 00 tn h� ,ae..,..�_
�pmern........................................... .
.............................:. ;
�tor Service .......................:....
OtF�er ............................................................. :... : .. _ . _
�ROFIT(LOSSI ............................ .
FUNWN(3 SOURCE FOR ANY L08S(Neme arW..........................
dEBKiN CpgTS �
........................ ; r
ACaNSFT�OM COSTS .................:...................................... -
.......................:.. `
CONSTRUC71pW CpgTg ....................:.::...:..:...: N�A
................................................ !
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To: Kathy Ries .
21g Valuations & Assessments
From: Mike Klassen
800 City Hall Annex
Date: Sept. 9 , 1988
Above Standard Street Ligthing Estimated
Re: Costs for 1989
erating costs to be assessed for the
The following are the estimated oP S stems•
lgg9 operation of the above standard lighting Y •
File No. Estimated Cost Ward(s)
Project Year 1989 2
Jan-Dec 18321 $10,450.00
Lowertown $ 4,100.00 1
Jan-Dec 18336
Selby/Western 3
18390 $14,400.00
Ford/Cleveland Jan-Dec 2
18392 $ 7 , 100.00
Grand East I Jan-Dec 2
18425 $ 7 ,400.00
Grand East II Jan-Dec 3&4
18423 $ 6, 000.00
Grand West Jan-Dec 2
18430 $ 1,900.00
North Wabasha Jan-Dec 2
18434 $ 1, 500.00
Jan-Dec 2
Smith Ave. I $ g�g00.00
Wabasha/F i f th/
Jan-Dec 1851U
Sixth our use.
The required Green Sheet ison t eegreen sheetaincludes 3% Finance fee.
te that the total ree to
Please no ions, feel f
Thank you for y
our assistance. If you have any quest
call me at 6293 •
� •• � � �- , . � •
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�� 1��,��88 FINAL ORDER: Improve the followin s
(see next page for ltst�n g treets: Approved
8. 10/13/88 FINAL ORDER: Constructing sanitary, storm Approved
and water service connections, if requested 4-0
by the property owner, for the combined sewer
separation pro�ect known as the
9. 10/15/88 VACATION: Petition of SAINT PAUL COMPANIES Approved
to -vacate part of W. Sixth Street, W. Seventh 3-0
Place, Mayall alley and the air rights in
part of W. Sixth Street for a skyway for the
purpose of constructing � a new St. Paul
Companies building in downtown Saint Paul.
1�'. 10/25/88 RATIPICATIOI��SSES��.s.�.�,.,,� followirtg . Approve
�9} .y--A�beve S�andard Street Ligh`ting Pro�ects 3-0
fo�f'� year�- 1988:
A. Ford-Cleveland Area
B. Selby-Western Area
C. Lowertown Area
D. . Grand East I Area
E. North Wabasha Area
F. Grand Avenue West Area
G. Grand Avenue East II Area
H. Smith Avenue Area
I. " Wabasha-Sth-bth Area
(far�=tbe months of Novemb�r and December .
11. 10/15/88 FINAL ORDER: For the operating costs for the Approved
Above Standard Street Lighting Systems in the 3-0
following areas for the year 1989:
A. Lowertown Area
B. Grand Avenue West Area
C. Selby-Western Area
D. Ford-Cleveland Area
E. Grand East I Area
F. Grand East II Area
G. Wabasha Area
H. Smith Avenue Area
I. Wabasha-Sth-6th Area �