88-1698 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � �'� � � BLUE - MAVOR C a�n il Resolution ���,����� Presented By , ��'-�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Independent School District No. 625 whereby the City will provide law enforcement services subject to the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in ihe Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��/� �� �� [n Favor Goswitz � / Rettman �� 1� � Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson ���' �: ;:; ���$ Form prove by Cit tor Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pa.s Council Se tar BY By Approved � avor. Date ��� � 8 � _ Appro y Mayor Eor Sub ' s n t C�uncil B � BY Pt�IIS�ED ���'v � � 1988 , 8'�"- � bq � � � N.° �11654 � � Pol i ce nEPA�TMErrr . - - - -- - - �ci Mitchell co�tec� 1� 292-3588 Pxo� � 10/4/88 D�TB , ASSIGN �U![BER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See revarse side.) � Departmeat Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant)������ , � Finaace aad Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director � Gity Cnuncil City Attorneq � F TU 4 (Clip all locations for signature.) WE�XT WILL BE AGHIEVED SY TAKING .ACTION ON THE AT�AGHED �lATERIALSY (Purpose/Kdtionale) � The Saint Paul Police Department will provide law enforcement services to �i�dependent School District 625 in accordance with the attached Agreement. � � �'�'/��D ��� ��, ,�8 � � . ��Y A �r� GOST/BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPA�ED: ���� TFt� Saint Pau1 Police Department wil�l be reimbursed in the amount of $46,495.00. REC�I�ED � 0 C T 11'1988 �NANCING. 80URCE AND BUDGET ACTIVTTY NUMBE�t CHARGE� OR GREDITED: MAYOR'S'OFF�CE (ldayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: $46,495.00 Activity Number: Credi� 34115 Funding 3ource: ISU 625 � �i�TACHI�IBN'FS: (List and number all attachments.� ������f �es�arch �enter. UL i 13 'i�88 1 . Four `copies of Agreement 2. One Council Resolution � ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? ____Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CI�Y ATTORiQEY REVIE�T , X Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? �Yes �No � _Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient� '�Yes _No� Yes No Insurance attachedP - � � ' ' v � c7 AGRcEP�1ENT THIS AGREEP1ENT,� made this � G— day of Sep�ember, 1988, by and between INDEPEP3DENT SCHOOL DTSTRICT P�O. 625, hereinafter ;^eferred to as "�istrict", and CITY OF SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT, hereinafter referred to as "City", 6JITNcSSETH: WH�REAS, the Board of Independent District No. 625 has by virtue of Board Fi 1 e No. "/S yo �j , approved s'��� �q yy , au�hori zed an agreement with the City of Saint Paul Police Department for the purpose of provi di ng servi ces to the Di stri ct; nor•r, �therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between the parties, as follows: I. District agrees to pay City for services of two sworn police officers for duties to be performed on behalf of �he District during the�eriod �_� , Septenber 6, 1988 through June 9, 1989, in the amount of Forty-Six Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Five and No/100 Dollars ($4b,495) for two officers for the 1988-89 school year. � II. Persons connected with the program will remain employees of the Ci'ty, and, therefore, covered by the City's worker�' compensa�ion prograr�; will be ..�- paid by the City and en�itled to City fringe benefits. III. % The poiice officers furnished by the City to the DiS,trict will perform � services and duties as direc�ed by the District according �o schedules and guidelines to be determined by District. Said police officers will report to res�ective principals of the District and shall accomplish the du��es as assigned by said school principals. IV. , District and City shall mutually agree upon the personnel to be selected by the City and assigned �o the District and, fron time to tome, shall revievr the selection of personnel �o achieve �he best interests of bo�h the Dis�rict and the City. V. Guidelines conc�rning duties to be performed by the officers shall be determined by the District and Ci�y and discussed with the personnel involved. VI. Either par�y to this Agreernent may cancel said Agreement upon serving a written 30-day notice upon the other party. In the event that this Agreement is cancelled pursuant to this provision the costs payable by District to the City shall be prorated up to said date of cancellation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties here�o have signed this Agreement this day of , 1g88. Approved as to Form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL By ssistan ity t orney ayor Approved as to Form and By � irector, epartment o execution this ? day Finance & Management Services of ��. , 1988. ����� SY au c os ey o ice ie — Assistant City Attorney Approved as to Form: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 BY G�x,Cl/ �G���/�/ en airperson � : � % /I By >:� rea r� � r � i� . By �� ���� er Approved as to Form and execution this ��i'day of ..� , 1988. e . a a a Counsel