88-1694 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���'''yyy P�NK - FINANCE COUQCII ��^, I � CANARVyDEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL \j BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By Date FINALLY RESOLVED, that Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter A-2 , Rule 5 be and the same hereby is amended by adding a new committee function to read as follows : " (6) Legislation. The council committee on legislation shall assume the responsibility for the review and recom- mendation to the council of any proposed amendments to be submitted to the state legislature. " COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long in Favor coswitz -�°�°...�.-.°�, � Scheibel A gai n s t By Sonnen Wilson �y Z 2 R70p Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s �b Council S ta By��� �• `,���, �._�Z— �jj� By� �A►pprove y Nlavor: Date � � Appro y Mayor for Submi ion Council a B va�t.i� �E C 31988 z. . . . . . .. . ... ; . �.,,,� _ . . �,.�,,,,� �„�� �+�,,� gg��b`�`� Council Pres�.dent ,Ti.m Scheibel 8-12-88 ���� �7i��� N0. ��2�7� cCr�rAt'r P6�N o���Nr o�ecTOn 2 �ra+(on�ssrer�rrr� : � — r�a wunae�r s�ces ou+ECion 4 crn c�ac ' . '� �� . — ; � i �TO� 3 Rossi�ae D'A�iostin� ` ._2��3- -9 :.; - °RO�' �"«n�T,oAr�r — ; To establiah a Legislat�.on Committee to be included in"the City Conncil ca�ittee structure and comprised of three �te�bers of the City Council appointed by the City Council President. 11lOb11wlpDl► •(Approw N►?a F�1�q) �!!1� _ PLAtlMKi COGMIIYAON. .. .: ': �CNR 9EIIVICE�COINAISBId� DATE IN DA7E OIl� . � ANAI.Y9T� .. . .. � ' . . . . . � �. . . . . . _ � .. . aowrx3 c�wassaN reo aaa scHOOi eo�o r sr� p��r�sa�+ oaa�As�s nool ww.�o* _���. — �noEO`* — — °�°�` ,�,,.� ClTY A�'��►f�l>I�� ���� RECEIVED : OCT 0� i988 MAYOR'S ��Fi�E � , r+rta►T.a�+R�.cr�vo�r[w.t,r M�as wnac.w�rn.wn�,wnr>: : . : ,, . : City Council needs a, process and responsible body for �ormu°la�ion, reyiew and recommendation , regardir�g matte�s :tr� be ,t�l�er� before the State Legislat.�re. _ , . .�s�rr�s�oM ic,o.ueen.�re.�ra..�: - . . . Formal considera�ion and Counc�l consensus on .legislative ma�fi�!rs will positian the ` City clearly in approaching the Legislature. �twn.c wr��a�wi,o�: . : , -.. .. .-: . : .: ;. � -Mure ordcrly- fo�at�tar���af ]�egislative priarities in coopera�iorr :wi�M city admfnistratian. More effective city participation in Legislative deeisiar�-t�Ring. ,�,e�.u►,MS: . rnos cc�s � �;;csf f�e���y ch �en�er . , � � ��i 1� 1��8; . Msronrin�e�rrs: � A Legislation Committee was formerly included in City Cauncil corr�nittee structure. The period during whi�h we have not had this corr�nittee has prade clear tfie need: ` , , ��: ��-i�yy Members: Riki Sonnen, chair �1//11114 CiITY OF ►�AINT PAUL Roger Goswitz ��� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL Bob Long Staff: Joe Hannasch, Research KIKI SONN EN Agenda Date: Friday, November 4, 1988 Donna Sanders, Secretary Counci7member � Jane McPeak, Attorney MOLLY O'ROURKE Legisladve Aide . Rules and Policy Committee Report RECEIVED � NOV 101988 1. Approval of minutes of the October 7, 1988 Meeting COMMITTEE APPROVED �(�� ��,�R� ----T------ __ ---------�� --- -_-��_ �� 2. RESOLUTION 88-1694 - establishing a Legislation Committee and amending �`� Chapter A-2, Rule 1 of the Administrative Code by adding a new f` committee "��".a� ame�ding Chapter A-2, Rule 5 by adding a new co�ittee function. (�eferred to the Rules & Policy Co�ittee ��� �_ 10/25/88) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL --------- - 3. RESOLUTION ��88-945 - Requiring all ordinances and appropriate resolutions to include a statement of purpose and findings of fact in their final form. (Referred to R & P 6/14/88 (Wilson) ; Heard in R & P Committee 7/8/88, 8/5/88, and 9/2/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS 4. DISCUSSION OF INTEGRATING THE BOARD OF HEALTH INTO CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS. (Result of 10/6/88 City Council Meeting) . NO ACTION REQUIRED. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED MS. MCPEAK PREPARF A RESOLUTION TO GO DIRECTLY TO COUNCIL 5. DISCUSSION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER E-29 - Pertaining to guidelines and procedures for Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. (Referred to R & P Committee :8/25/88; Heard in R & P Committee 9/2/88 and 10/7/88) COMMITTEE. RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH LAYOVER CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 Ba�48 r. � �� . �� �� • ;O, �' CITY Of SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM August 22, 1988 q� .��G2 4 M E M O R A N D U M C �S� O TO: James Scheibel ✓AMFS�C/� City Council President SCy eF <' FROM: Jane A. McPeak Deputy City Attorney .� RE : Resolution Creating a Legislation Committee Enclosed please find the resolution and green sheet referred to me for approval and a substitute resolution which I have signed and drafted for your signature. Although Rule 1 of Chapter A-2 of the St. Paul Administrative Code states that the Council President may establish, with the consent of the Council , additional committees as the need may arise, the Council may act only by resolution or ordinance . In this case it would be a resolution amending Chapter A-2 of the Administrative Code. Rule 6 of that Chapter requires a Councilmember proposing amend- ments to Chapter A-2 to serve upon each member of the Council (and I would add, the City Clerk) at least seven days prior to submission of such a resolution a notice of intent to amend. This notice must contain the text of the amendment(s) . JAM: jr Enc.